Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Serious I think a lot of you will regret not doing something with their lives later on.

  • Thread starter Deleted member 4760
  • Start date
Deleted member 4760

Deleted member 4760

Mar 19, 2018
This will drown amongst the other Low IQ threads that get posted more and more here but here's a kicker; :feelsthink:

After you 20s, things DO NOT GET BETTER.

A lot of you will look back at your 20s and regret not trying to improve your life in other areas, simply because of the blackpill.

I reckon a huge part of the .co userbase is extremely young, with most of you still in their early 20s, with very few in their mid 20s.
Very few people here are aged 30+ (and for a reason).

You guys are at an age where hormones, lack of knowledge and negative social experience takes a toll on you and cripples you down, making you socially axious and whatnot. However, past a certain age, as you enter your 30s,you will realize that a lot of the big fuss and silly things you used to worry about when you were young and anxious, absolutely don't matter later on, especially when you're older and you pulled in some work.

No, not cope.

I have a long time Penpal from Morrocco, KHHV, short, bald and Incel-tier looks who wealthmaxxed selling estate in his country, moved out and went to Thailand when he reached 30 because he was tired and depressed and being rejected by girls in his country.
Result; whoremaxxed for a few years in Thailand, got himself a cute gf and a couple of plates he haggles with some restaurants dinner fomr time to time.:feelshaha:

When I asked him if he was not frustrated about being BetaBuxxed, he told me he had never been happier in his life; he gets to go out with low maintenance gf, travel, have sex with tight JB asian chicks and work on his hustle and estate buisness on the side.
Guy looks legit younger now. :feelsokman:

I've also read and watch videos of plenty of expatcels who moved out of their countries, or started a succesful side hustle and say that they enjoy life much more now that they have put foids behind them.

Stories like this have succesfully convinced me that Wealthmaxxing and hobbymaxxing is not only LFIEFUEL for your mental state but also is a good cope;
Money does not bring you love or validation from foid but it sure as hell gives you FREEDOM.

Some of you are simply too young too realize this, still frustrated that your oneitis foid from you college course prefers to fuck Cahd over you,
JFL, grab a whore, pay her and shove your dick down her throat, expulses your demon out then work on improving your life boyos, it is really for the better. :feelskek:

I am mostly talking to the actual trucels here who tried approaching, asked girls out, self improved and online dated without success, you've tried the normie road, it didnt work, fine, time to wealthmaxx and invest in freedom then, its better this than to end up at 30, broke, virgin, still wagecucking in warehouse and absolutely nothing to make your life worth living.

Its easy to joke about how ''Teehee i will rope before i reach 30 tehee'' but no man, life doesnt work like that.
You wont rope, youre probably too much of a coward for that, if you promote LDAR, you were never about to enjoy life to begin with, putting 100% of your life value on foid's validation will always make you a miserable man, Incel or not. :feelsYall:
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>later on

More like Im already full of regret

Im in my mid 20s and a vrigin, you think it doesnt kill me every day that I spent my teens and early 20s without as much as kissing a girl while there are teens in middle school whore already having penetrative sex?

Youre right that Im too big of a pussy to sui, I hope I get shot by a stray bullet or something tbh
fuck off IT glownigger this is a pure strawman that ignores the sheer genetic and natural exodus of the dysgenic male in society. You think everyone has the IQ? The agreeableness or conscientiousness to do what your cherrypicked friend could do? "Oh just be 99.99999 percentile of deformed autistic low iQ losers and be a millionaire its easy!"

Look into the myth of the self made man and accept that the most some people on here can do is work a low iQ low wage job and barley afford to live in a box in some shithole country. It's not through a lack of hard work. As you claim it is. That's some red pilled garbage. The US military for example only accepts people above an approx iQ of 85. Any lower than that and they are unteachable. Imagine, the fucking army who wants to accept anyone they can and everyone can't accept these minorities because they are not enough. No matter how much hard work or dedication. You are not enough to complete what they need done.
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I'm in my 30s. So this 20s nonsense doesn't apply to me.
This will drown amongst the other Low IQ threads that get posted more and more here but here's a kicker; :feelsthink:

After you 20s, things DO NOT GET BETTER.

A lot of you will look back at your 20s and regret not trying to improve your life in other areas, simply because of the blackpill.

I reckon a huge part of the .co userbase is extremely young, with most of you still in their early 20s, with very few in their mid 20s.
Very few people here are aged 30+ (and for a reason).

You guys are at an age where hormones, lack of knowledge and negative social experience takes a toll on you and cripples you down, making you socially axious and whatnot. However, past a certain age, as you enter your 30s,you will realize that a lot of the big fuss and silly things you used to worry about when you were young and anxious, absolutely don't matter later on, especially when you're older and you pulled in some work.

No, not cope.

I have a long time Penpal from Morrocco, KHHV, short, bald and Incel-tier looks who wealthmaxxed selling estate in his country, moved out and went to Thailand when he reached 30 because he was tired and depressed and being rejected by girls in his country.
Result; whoremaxxed for a few years in Thailand, got himself a cute gf and a couple of plates he haggles with some restaurants dinner fomr time to time.:feelshaha:

When I asked him if he was not frustrated about being BetaBuxxed, he told me he had never been happier in his life; he gets to go out with low maintenance gf, travel, have sex with tight JB asian chicks and work on his hustle and estate buisness on the side.
Guy looks legit younger now. :feelsokman:

I've also read and watch videos of plenty of expatcels who moved out of their countries, or started a succesful side hustle and say that they enjoy life much more now that they have put foids behind them.

Stories like this have succesfully convinced me that Wealthmaxxing and hobbymaxxing is not only LFIEFUEL for your mental state but also is a good cope;
Money does not bring you love or validation from foid but it sure as hell gives you FREEDOM.

Some of you are simply too young too realize this, still frustrated that your oneitis foid from you college course prefers to fuck Cahd over you,
JFL, grab a whore, pay her and shove your dick down her throat, expulses your demon out then work on improving your life boyos, it is really for the better. :feelskek:

I am mostly talking to the actual trucels here who tried approaching, asked girls out, self improved and online dated without success, you've tried the normie road, it didnt work, fine, time to wealthmaxx and invest in freedom then, its better this than to end up at 30, broke, virgin, still wagecucking in warehouse and absolutely nothing to make your life worth living.

Its easy to joke about how ''Teehee i will rope before i reach 30 tehee'' but no man, life doesnt work like that.
You wont rope, youre probably too much of a coward for that, if you promote LDAR, you were never about to enjoy life to begin with, putting 100% of your life value on foid's validation will always make you a miserable man, Incel or not. :feelsYall:
Very based post. CanI ask you sonething?

Im on disabiltybuxx which is valid for my entire life. But if I go work or study even for a day Ill lose my buxx forever. So if I get into a dark place again Ill have zero income.

Also my IQ is very low and Im technically retarded. Performal IQ is 82 (officially tested by a neuroscientist not a buzzfeed test). Verbal IQ only thing that was okay. According to Jordan Judenstein everything Ill undertake (study, work, social, hobbies, developing skills, literally anyrhing) will not only be unsuccessfull but directly counterproductive

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Ur71ZnNVk

Worst thing hes absolutely right. I grt lost in my own neighborhood and learned left from right at age 18. I couldnt even work in a supermarket cause it takes hours fir me to even do my own shopping. And I dont have any useful skills or talents or anything.

Aside from that depression, anhedonia, avolition, anxiety, stress, sperg, chronic fatigue and disorders.

What would you advice me? Is it truly over? I feel like theres nothing to gain and theres no point in playing the game for me and wont acconplish anything besides losing my buxx and starve.

26yo btw.

Dont feel obligated to reply btw. Its offtopic and may be rude for hijacking. You just seem like the right person to ask.
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Your idea is right, that we will regret wasting our youth, I already do since I'm in my mid to late 20s and I have literally rotted for more than 12 years.

BUT, you are so wrong about the result.

That guy from Morocco is a 0.001% outlier. Most people can't escape being a wageslave. Come on, do you really think getting rich is something everyone can do? It's much harder than actually ascending, getting rich takes an incredible amount of luck, and that's on top of a ton of hard work and intelligence.
Very based post. CanI ask you sonething?

Im on disabiltybuxx which is valid for my entire life. But if I go work or study even for a day Ill lose my buxx forever. So if I get into a dark place again Ill have zero income.

Also my IQ is very low and Im technically retarded. Performal IQ is 82 (officially tested by a neuroscientist not a buzzfeed test). Verbal IQ only thing that was okay. According to Jordan Judenstein everything Ill undertake (study, work, social, hobbies, developing skills, literally anyrhing) will not only be unsuccessfull but directly counterproductive

View: https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=5-Ur71ZnNVk

Worst thing hes absolutely right. I grt lost in my own neighborhood and learned left from right at age 18. I couldnt even work in a supermarket cause it takes hours fir me to even do my own shopping. And I dont have any useful skills or talents or anything.

Aside from that depression, anhedonia, avolition, anxiety, stress, sperg, chronic fatigue and disorders.

What would you advice me? Is it truly over? I feel like theres nothing to gain and theres no point in playing the game for me and wont acconplish anything besides losing my buxx and starve.

26yo btw.

Dont feel obligated to reply btw. Its offtopic and may be rude for hijacking. You just seem like the right person to ask.

Just read your post. Your case is one of the very few examples where you might say it might have been over from the start.

Some people here genuinely sabotage themselves, simply due to anger and frustration despite having all of the mental capacity to do fulfilling work on their lives.
The brain is like a muscle, if you never trained it younger, it will become a foggy mess, unable of performing any tasks efficiently.
I mean the rages never goes away but your life gets miles better as you cope through other things than simply browsing forums and playing vidya.

Seems like there`s alot of people who suffer from mild to severe autism here, which makes their Inceldom even more understandable.
In cases like yours, I truly cant propose any solution right now. I'd wish the forum could actually help each other on those things instead of punching one another all the time.

In my case, Im wealthmaxxing trough Art, Stock Trading and Computer Works, all disciplines which requires a certain amount of IQ.
Hence why I can see a White Light through the tunnel and giving advice.

I feel like its sad that any form of advice here is seen as BluePill, especially those regarding welthmaxxing.
I really enjoy whitepill posts like these. Unfortunately, I know they are not very popular here because to a lot of people, acceptance of certain things (like never getting a gf while other people do, or being ugly, short, etc.) is insulting and unjust. But it doesn't really matter if it's unjust - we've already been born the way we are, and we only get one life. Since we only get one shot at life, might as well enjoy it as much as we can rather than waste it doing nothing. If we choose to LDAR, we might as well be dead.

I've tried to train my mind to not care what other people think or do or have access to. It doesn't matter if someone else is doing better or worse, what matters is how I'm doing. Someone else's situation isn't going to help me, and being upset over that is just wasted time.

However, past a certain age, as you enter your 30s,you will realize that a lot of the big fuss and silly things you used to worry about when you were young and anxious, absolutely don't matter later on, especially when you're older and you pulled in some work.
Now that I'm in my early-mid 20's, I feel this way about high school and college. It used to weigh really heavily on my mind and the grades, oneitises, and drama seemed overwhelming. But now that I'm not in school anymore, and all of those people have moved away, I just don't think about it anymore. It does feel silly to me now, even though back then my entire life revolved around it. My hope is that when I'm in my late 20's or early 30's, I'll feel the same way about things that I occasionally get FOMO over today.

Money does not bring you love or validation from foid but it sure as hell gives you FREEDOM.

Some of you are simply too young too realize this, still frustrated that your oneitis foid from you college course prefers to fuck Cahd over you,
JFL, grab a whore, pay her and shove your dick down her throat, expulses your demon out then work on improving your life boyos, it is really for the better. :feelskek:

I am mostly talking to the actual trucels here who tried approaching, asked girls out, self improved and online dated without success, you've tried the normie road, it didnt work, fine, time to wealthmaxx and invest in freedom then, its better this than to end up at 30, broke, virgin, still wagecucking in warehouse and absolutely nothing to make your life worth living.
I've been trying all of those things - asking girls out, online dating, etc - for over a year. I got no success. Honestly, I'm tired of online dating. I feel as though it's not worth the effort for no reward. It feels like a chore. That's why I got back into seeing escorts a few months back. Occasionally I'll think about how it feels like I'm wasting money, but then I remember that it's so much easier to just pay for sex and companionship than it is to actually entertain entitled bitches who put no effort into conversation and don't even want to go on a date. And yes, money is freedom. I'm working towards creating a balance between moneymaxing and escortmaxing - so far, it's been pretty enjoyable. Although I'd prefer to have a gf, it just isn't worth the effort - I don't think I'm capable of ascending.
There's no seamaxing for me.

Not rice = fakecel
>later on

More like Im already full of regret

Im in my mid 20s and a vrigin, you think it doesnt kill me every day that I spent my teens and early 20s without as much as kissing a girl while there are teens in middle school whore already having penetrative sex?

Youre right that Im too big of a pussy to sui, I hope I get shot by a stray bullet or something tbh
brutal as fuck. we should just shoot each other to death and let it be over with. life is shit
The 'friend' on OP's story is a fucking 1 in a million chance. Plenty more people here and/have gone from here trying to maxx every fucking maxxable thing and got no where. Some probably got assault charges if they approachmaxxed after looksmaxxng.

As others have said, becoming that successful from a foundation of dog shit is so unlikely it's laughable. All that shit takes a lot of luck for one. But then all the usual things that fuck people over that were sealed before they were born come into play. Even mild autism is so socially crippling it makes minimum wage-slaving a challenge. Try getting reprimanded for pissing people off you had no idea and no intention to piss off just for talking or walking a certain way.

The connections and class of your family are not your choice. How many fucking Brents out there were just given a job at daddy's company, free tuition at whatever school daddy will bribe him through, nice cars, nice everything, etc. for doing absolfuckinglutely NOTHING of merit other than be born? Oh and because of all this advantage, foids are always willing to open up for him even if just to get other free shit too or status....

If you are born in a shit hole with goblin parents, poor, uneducated, etc. then it literally takes one of those charitymaxxing bullshit shows to have someone to come pluck you out of there and then destroy your life anyway by turning you into a brain dead reality TV star.

Is anyone actually pissing their life away on here? I think very few are. This place is no more time wasting than Jewtube or vidya that normies commonly waste hours a day on too. At least here you have a level of freedom of speech not really seen anywhere on the internet now.
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This will drown amongst the other Low IQ threads that get posted more and more here but here's a kicker; :feelsthink:

After you 20s, things DO NOT GET BETTER.

A lot of you will look back at your 20s and regret not trying to improve your life in other areas, simply because of the blackpill.

I reckon a huge part of the .co userbase is extremely young, with most of you still in their early 20s, with very few in their mid 20s.
Very few people here are aged 30+ (and for a reason).

You guys are at an age where hormones, lack of knowledge and negative social experience takes a toll on you and cripples you down, making you socially axious and whatnot. However, past a certain age, as you enter your 30s,you will realize that a lot of the big fuss and silly things you used to worry about when you were young and anxious, absolutely don't matter later on, especially when you're older and you pulled in some work.

No, not cope.

I have a long time Penpal from Morrocco, KHHV, short, bald and Incel-tier looks who wealthmaxxed selling estate in his country, moved out and went to Thailand when he reached 30 because he was tired and depressed and being rejected by girls in his country.
Result; whoremaxxed for a few years in Thailand, got himself a cute gf and a couple of plates he haggles with some restaurants dinner fomr time to time.:feelshaha:

When I asked him if he was not frustrated about being BetaBuxxed, he told me he had never been happier in his life; he gets to go out with low maintenance gf, travel, have sex with tight JB asian chicks and work on his hustle and estate buisness on the side.
Guy looks legit younger now. :feelsokman:

I've also read and watch videos of plenty of expatcels who moved out of their countries, or started a succesful side hustle and say that they enjoy life much more now that they have put foids behind them.

Stories like this have succesfully convinced me that Wealthmaxxing and hobbymaxxing is not only LFIEFUEL for your mental state but also is a good cope;
Money does not bring you love or validation from foid but it sure as hell gives you FREEDOM.

Some of you are simply too young too realize this, still frustrated that your oneitis foid from you college course prefers to fuck Cahd over you,
JFL, grab a whore, pay her and shove your dick down her throat, expulses your demon out then work on improving your life boyos, it is really for the better. :feelskek:

I am mostly talking to the actual trucels here who tried approaching, asked girls out, self improved and online dated without success, you've tried the normie road, it didnt work, fine, time to wealthmaxx and invest in freedom then, its better this than to end up at 30, broke, virgin, still wagecucking in warehouse and absolutely nothing to make your life worth living.

Its easy to joke about how ''Teehee i will rope before i reach 30 tehee'' but no man, life doesnt work like that.
You wont rope, youre probably too much of a coward for that, if you promote LDAR, you were never about to enjoy life to begin with, putting 100% of your life value on foid's validation will always make you a miserable man, Incel or not. :feelsYall:
I was always for moneymaxxing and always will be
Just read your post. Your case is one of the very few examples where you might say it might have been over from the start.

Some people here genuinely sabotage themselves, simply due to anger and frustration despite having all of the mental capacity to do fulfilling work on their lives.
The brain is like a muscle, if you never trained it younger, it will become a foggy mess, unable of performing any tasks efficiently.
I mean the rages never goes away but your life gets miles better as you cope through other things than simply browsing forums and playing vidya.

Seems like there`s alot of people who suffer from mild to severe autism here, which makes their Inceldom even more understandable.
In cases like yours, I truly cant propose any solution right now. I'd wish the forum could actually help each other on those things instead of punching one another all the time.

In my case, Im wealthmaxxing trough Art, Stock Trading and Computer Works, all disciplines which requires a certain amount of IQ.
Hence why I can see a White Light through the tunnel and giving advice.

I feel like its sad that any form of advice here is seen as BluePill, especially those regarding welthmaxxing.

I agree with you. Don't squander youth. Fuck. I'm still looking for ways to self improve and the like.

This current dystopia won't last. The roaring 20s didn't last. Many suicided themselves when the high life ended at the end of that decade.

@BlkPillPres thoughts?
I really enjoy whitepill posts like these. Unfortunately, I know they are not very popular here because to a lot of people, acceptance of certain things (like never getting a gf while other people do, or being ugly, short, etc.) is insulting and unjust. But it doesn't really matter if it's unjust - we've already been born the way we are, and we only get one life. Since we only get one shot at life, might as well enjoy it as much as we can rather than waste it doing nothing. If we choose to LDAR, we might as well be dead.

I've tried to train my mind to not care what other people think or do or have access to. It doesn't matter if someone else is doing better or worse, what matters is how I'm doing. Someone else's situation isn't going to help me, and being upset over that is just wasted time.

Now that I'm in my early-mid 20's, I feel this way about high school and college. It used to weigh really heavily on my mind and the grades, oneitises, and drama seemed overwhelming. But now that I'm not in school anymore, and all of those people have moved away, I just don't think about it anymore. It does feel silly to me now, even though back then my entire life revolved around it. My hope is that when I'm in my late 20's or early 30's, I'll feel the same way about things that I occasionally get FOMO over today.

I've been trying all of those things - asking girls out, online dating, etc - for over a year. I got no success. Honestly, I'm tired of online dating. I feel as though it's not worth the effort for no reward. It feels like a chore. That's why I got back into seeing escorts a few months back. Occasionally I'll think about how it feels like I'm wasting money, but then I remember that it's so much easier to just pay for sex and companionship than it is to actually entertain entitled bitches who put no effort into conversation and don't even want to go on a date. And yes, money is freedom. I'm working towards creating a balance between moneymaxing and escortmaxing - so far, it's been pretty enjoyable. Although I'd prefer to have a gf, it just isn't worth the effort - I don't think I'm capable of ascending.

Right on Brother.

For me. Healthmax, studymax whilst working to careermax & wealthmax & skillmax aka learn a language or 2 whilst learning IT or another skill of sorts.

Moneymaxing to have sex with Escorts BB at will is a goal of mine. Then comes surrogacy for children and by that age I'll be rich enough to easily take care of them.
I was always for moneymaxxing and always will be

Good. God speed.
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Don't ldar. You should work hard, earn money and try to be a good person. But you should do it for yourself, not for foids. They will never love you no matter what, but there's more to life than women.
The thing about regret, I think, is that it's a feeling. It passes.

Sometimes, I regret what I did or did not do in my youth. But one hour later, I don't give a shit, and I even find ways to convince myself that it was maybe for the best or something.

At the end of the day, though : memento mori.

People often take memento mori as a reminder that we must enjoy the present and make the best out of it. Problem is, that doesn't help people who failed to follow this principle in the past and now live with regrets. It also kind of puts unnecessay pressure on them, putting them under the constant stress of having to make the "correct" decisions in the present. What to do then when mistakes inevitably are made ?

I think it's more helpful as a reminder that because we all die eventually, our actions don't matter that much in the grand scheme of things. No matter how much you fucked up your life, that life will end eventually, so stop feeling bad about having screwed it. You don't owe success to anyone, not even to yourself.

Or as they say in the bible : "for dust you are and to dust you will return"
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@BlkPillPres thoughts?

I agree completely

I really enjoy whitepill posts like these

This is a black pill post, people need to stop conflating defeatism and the black pill, the black pill is a stated observation of reality, it is not a decree to give up on everything based on said observation, that's other people projecting their mindset onto what is observed as the "unavoidable end result"

I think its much more logical to "give up on society" than to give up on your own pleasure and satisfaction (which is what LDAR retards do)

I hate it when people call anything related to improving your life "white pill" as if the black pill isn't what wakes us all up from the blue pill and makes us aware of WHAT we should improve
You don't owe success to anyone, not even to yourself.

I don't see what the concept of being owed has to do with anything, do you eat because you think you owe yourself nutrition or is it because you don't like feeling hungry and you don't want to starve, don't complicate something so simple. Nobody needs a "reason" to seek out success as the reasoning is as inherent to existing as eating food (enjoyment and continuation of life), that's why animals eat, because its satisfying and it allows you to keep living so you can do more satisfying things, you don't need any other reasoning than that.

It just sounds like a ridiculous excuse to put success in the framework of one thinking about "owing" themselves it JFL

Are you breathing air right now because you owe it to yourself?, or is it because being alive feels good and not suffocating is a good feeling too lol, like come on
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So did other users.....where are they now. Makes you wonder.
So....just be rich?
sign me up!
(but no seriously idk wtf this thread was supposed to give other than shit obvious advice)
I guess I'm a believer in wealthmaxxing, too. It may not help escape inceldom, but it's better to be an incel with adequate funds than a broke incel.
The thing about regret, I think, is that it's a feeling. It passes.

Sometimes, I regret what I did or did not do in my youth. But one hour later, I don't give a shit, and I even find ways to convince myself that it was maybe for the best or something.

At the end of the day, though : memento mori.

People often take memento mori as a reminder that we must enjoy the present and make the best out of it. Problem is, that doesn't help people who failed to follow this principle in the past and now live with regrets. It also kind of puts unnecessay pressure on them, putting them under the constant stress of having to make the "correct" decisions in the present. What to do then when mistakes inevitably are made ?

I think it's more helpful as a reminder that because we all die eventually, our actions don't matter that much in the grand scheme of things. No matter how much you fucked up your life, that life will end eventually, so stop feeling bad about having screwed it. You don't owe success to anyone, not even to yourself.

Or as they say in the bible : "for dust you are and to dust you will return"
No regreti?

I will have some spaghetti

For dinner....

Thanks for helping me dicide
Nobody needs a "reason" to seek out success as the reasoning is as inherent to existing as eating food (enjoyment and continuation of life)

The problem with regret is not in human action and what drives it, it's with the mental state that arises when that action failed.

In other words, we all have a very understandable drive to at least try to enjoy and perpetuate our lives as you say, but one could aspire not to be disturbed when such attempt is met with failure(*).

That's what I meant with "you don't owe success to anyone, not even to yourself". As the saying goes, you have an obligation of diligence, not of results.

*: btw in that sense regret is similar to frustration. Regret is different from frustration in the sense that it assumes a clear mental representation of a sequence of actions that could have lead to a more successful outcome.
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Some people were born to lose.
The problem with regret is not in human action and what drives it, it's with the mental state that arises when that action failed.e

In other words, we all have a very understandable drive to at least try to enjoy and perpetuate our lives as you say, but one could aspire not to be disturbed when such attempt is met with failure(*).

This just sounds like someone who is illogical, because doing and failing has the same "real life outcomes" as doing nothing, I would never feel worse due to failure than I would feel doing nothing, BECAUSE ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING IS FAILURE TOO

Anybody who doesn't get that is delusional and lying to themselves, you don't only fail WHEN YOU TRY, you also fail BY DOING NOTHING

If you try to become a millionaire and fail and end up a wage cuck, its literally the same outcome as you doing nothing and remaining a wagecuck

In fact I'd argue the opposite of what you are saying, its doing nothing that will (SHOULD) make you feel disturbed, because you will always be left with the question of "what if" bugging you till the day you die. If you fail, you know why you failed, it will make it easier to accept your current situation, if you do nothing you'll always wonder if it was 100% impossible for you to succeed, in the same way that you doubt yourself, you will doubt the outcome of your life as set in stone
This is a big fear of mine
This just sounds like someone who is illogical, because doing and failing has the same "real life outcomes" as doing nothing, I would never feel worse due to failure than I would feel doing nothing, BECAUSE ACCOMPLISHING NOTHING IS FAILURE TOO

Anybody who doesn't get that is delusional and lying to themselves, you don't only fail WHEN YOU TRY, you also fail BY DOING NOTHING

If you try to become a millionaire and fail and end up a wage cuck, its literally the same outcome as you doing nothing and remaining a wagecuck

In fact I'd argue the opposite of what you are saying, its doing nothing that will (SHOULD) make you feel disturbed, because you will always be left with the question of "what if" bugging you till the day you die. If you fail, you know why you failed, it will make it easier to accept your current situation, if you do nothing you'll always wonder if it was 100% impossible for you to succeed, in the same way that you doubt yourself, you will doubt the outcome of your life as set in stone

My point was not action vs inaction. It seems pretty clear to me that one can regret action just as much as one can regret inaction, but I guess I didn't pick my word accurately and you're such a stickler that I need to clarify. So if you prefer, replace "action" by "behavior".

Regret is that unpleasant feeling you get when you have a precise mental representation of a behavior you could have exhibited in the past and that would have resulted in a preferable outcome to the one you got from the behavior you actually exhibited. It also usually comes with the idea that this outcome was conditioned by the existence of an opportunity which will not occur anymore, such that even if the correct behavior is now conceptualized, it will not be possible to exhibit it in the future to reach the desired outcome, because the opportunity is gone. Otherwise the failure would just be part of the normal process of trial and error, and as such it would not be particularly unpleasant.

Then I'll stick to my initial point : one can exhibit whatever behavior is deemed necessary to reach personal goals, but one can also aim at not feeling disturbed when such behavior failed to reach these goals.

In other words, if one imagines human behavior, and animal behavior for that matter, as a "carrot and stick" process, one can see regret as a self-inflicted stick and I believe it should be possible to get rid of it with some mental effort.
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>you will regret not doing something with their lives later on
>After you 20s, things DO NOT GET BETTER

Hey kids, let's play spot the contradiction!
Then I'll stick to my initial point : one can exhibit whatever behavior is deemed necessary to reach personal goals, but one can also aim at not feeling disturbed when such behavior failed to reach these goals.
In other words, if one imagines human behavior, and animal behavior for that matter, as a "carrot and stick" process, one can see regret as a self-inflicted stick and I believe it should be possible to get rid of it with some mental effort.

It seems like you missed my point even whilst agreeing with it:
It seems pretty clear to me that one can regret action just as much as one can regret inaction

In both cases of failing and not doing (action and inaction) you will feel regret, so the only option that exists in which you could possibly feel satisfaction is the option of action, its the only option with any potential to not end in feelings of regret

That's my point

So if you are failing anyways, you might as fail in a manner with a greater statistical likelihood of one day leading to success

This is why LDAR makes no fucking sense, its completely illogical, doing nothing will always lead to nothing, there is no chance of change in that path, so to compare action and inaction as if they are equal is completely false, one is a sure dead end, the other is a long path with a possible exit
In both cases of failing and not doing (action and inaction) you will feel regret, so the only option that exists in which you could possibly feel satisfaction is the option of action, its the only option with any potential to not end in feelings of regret

Ever heard of the saying "when in doubt, do nothing" ? Anyway again : my point was not to discuss the merit of action vs inaction.

You seem to want to advocate for action as the best way to avoid regret. My point was that regret is a mental state, and that we have control over it, regardless of what caused it. You're talking about behaving in such a way to minimize the possibility of regret, I'm talking about making a mental effort to suppress it once it's there, and ideally to prevent it from occurring altogether.
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High IQ posts, I am going to add this thread to my favorite :feelsstudy:
Ever heard of the saying "when in doubt, do nothing"?

Yes and it just sounds stupid lol, if you were experiencing sharp pain in your body and unsure if it was something serious would you "do nothing" or go see a doctor

My point was that regret is a mental state, and that we have control over it, regardless of what caused it.

"Just will yourself into not caring about your life" :feelskek:

At that point why not just kill yourself, why half ass the process and keep living, might as well carry it all the way to its logical conclusion, will yourself into ending your life and be done with it, because at that point you've basically stopped living.

You're talking about behaving in such a way to minimize the possibility of regret, I'm talking about making a mental effort to suppress it once it's there, and ideally to prevent it from occurring altogether.

I hope you realize that something like this is not just hard to do, its impossible for most people, and more likely than not it would soon lead to thoughts of suicide and then suicide itself

You are basically telling people - "Just give up on life, but you should arbitrarily keep yourself alive and breathing because muh reasons"
You are basically telling people - "Just give up on life, but you should arbitrarily keep yourself alive and breathing because muh reasons"

That's absolutely not what I'm saying.

External factors drive us with enough rewards and punishments, we don't have to add any that come from within. What I'm arguing is that regret is a self-inflicted punishment.

Yes and it just sounds stupid lol, if you were experiencing sharp pain in your body and unsure if it was something serious would you "do nothing" or go see a doctor
There is an appropriate behavior for all circumstances. For some, it's action. For others, it's inaction.

I hope you realize that something like this is not just hard to do, its impossible for most people, and more likely than not it would soon lead to thoughts of suicide and then suicide itself

Controlling our mental state and emotions is hard but certainly not impossible. It's one of the traits that distinguish us from children, animals and arguably females.

It's certainly something we must strive for if we want to keep our sanity.

"Just will yourself into not caring about your life"
How can you argue that suppressing regret means not caring about life ? That doesn't make sense.

On the contrary, being able to not care about past mistakes should free you into moving on more rapidly, thus making it easier to enjoy life better.

Not caring about your past doesn't mean not caring about your life.

That reminds me of the Carpe diem saying. Typically it is mentioned as an advice not to worry about the future, but I could argue it is also an advice not to dwell on the past.
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How can you argue that suppressing regret means not caring about life ? That doesn't make sense.

Don't pretend like you don't understand context, the regret were talking about comes from the regret of failure, nobody who cares about their life is going to stop feeling regretful about their life being a failure, the only TRUE way to stop regretting is to stop caring

Anything else would just be you coping and lying to yourself

If you wake up everyday in a failure of a life and choose to do nothing about it, then you don't care about your life at all, your are just clinging to life out of fear (fear of death), but really and truly its best that you kill yourself
Don't pretend like you don't understand context, the regret were talking about comes from the regret of failure, nobody who cares about their life is going to stop feeling regretful about their life being a failure, the only TRUE way to stop regretting is to stop caring

Anything else would just be you coping and lying to yourself

If you wake up everyday in a failure of a life and choose to do nothing about it, then you don't care about your life at all, your are just clinging to life out of fear (fear of death), but really and truly its best that you kill yourself

Oh I see what you mean. Well yeah, I agree that to not have regrets you have to not care so much about whether you live or die. That doesn't mean you don't care about your life, just that you're aware that you have very little control over how pleasant it will be or how long it will last.

In any case, even a failed life is arguably worth living. Maybe it is, at least. It's complicated. It's not like the choice to die makes obviously more sense than to live, anyway.

We are humans and we will die soon enough anyway, there's really no need to rush it, unless living is really unbearable.

I mean, I know my life is a failure, by most standards. It's not terrible though, so I still want to see where it's going. Also I want to see how long I can last.
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This will drown amongst the other Low IQ threads that get posted more and more here but here's a kicker; :feelsthink:

After you 20s, things DO NOT GET BETTER.

A lot of you will look back at your 20s and regret not trying to improve your life in other areas, simply because of the blackpill.

I reckon a huge part of the .co userbase is extremely young, with most of you still in their early 20s, with very few in their mid 20s.
Very few people here are aged 30+ (and for a reason).

You guys are at an age where hormones, lack of knowledge and negative social experience takes a toll on you and cripples you down, making you socially axious and whatnot. However, past a certain age, as you enter your 30s,you will realize that a lot of the big fuss and silly things you used to worry about when you were young and anxious, absolutely don't matter later on, especially when you're older and you pulled in some work.

No, not cope.

I have a long time Penpal from Morrocco, KHHV, short, bald and Incel-tier looks who wealthmaxxed selling estate in his country, moved out and went to Thailand when he reached 30 because he was tired and depressed and being rejected by girls in his country.
Result; whoremaxxed for a few years in Thailand, got himself a cute gf and a couple of plates he haggles with some restaurants dinner fomr time to time.:feelshaha:

When I asked him if he was not frustrated about being BetaBuxxed, he told me he had never been happier in his life; he gets to go out with low maintenance gf, travel, have sex with tight JB asian chicks and work on his hustle and estate buisness on the side.
Guy looks legit younger now. :feelsokman:

I've also read and watch videos of plenty of expatcels who moved out of their countries, or started a succesful side hustle and say that they enjoy life much more now that they have put foids behind them.

Stories like this have succesfully convinced me that Wealthmaxxing and hobbymaxxing is not only LFIEFUEL for your mental state but also is a good cope;
Money does not bring you love or validation from foid but it sure as hell gives you FREEDOM.

Some of you are simply too young too realize this, still frustrated that your oneitis foid from you college course prefers to fuck Cahd over you,
JFL, grab a whore, pay her and shove your dick down her throat, expulses your demon out then work on improving your life boyos, it is really for the better. :feelskek:

I am mostly talking to the actual trucels here who tried approaching, asked girls out, self improved and online dated without success, you've tried the normie road, it didnt work, fine, time to wealthmaxx and invest in freedom then, its better this than to end up at 30, broke, virgin, still wagecucking in warehouse and absolutely nothing to make your life worth living.

Its easy to joke about how ''Teehee i will rope before i reach 30 tehee'' but no man, life doesnt work like that.
You wont rope, youre probably too much of a coward for that, if you promote LDAR, you were never about to enjoy life to begin with, putting 100% of your life value on foid's validation will always make you a miserable man, Incel or not. :feelsYall:
Fuck off with your white pill bullshit.

"Boohoo I didn't fuck some random drunk slut in a bar. I didn't work my ass off to get some random Jew degree in a university. My life, my precious time :((( Oh no! My youth!"

Thinking like that can only come from a position of extreme entitlement and egoism. Every damn day thousands are brutally murdered. There are people without limbs, without eyes. There are billions of people. Entire countries get destroyed. Millionaires kill themselves, because they realize money doesn't give fulfillment. Your life is NOTHING. You matter NOTHING. Even IF you did all that normie shit you would STILL BE NOTHING. Yeah you had some hedonistic fun or even kids. As long as none of them become the new Tesla you won't have left any significant impact upon the world. Why do you take your own petty hedonism so seriously?

Why do you think only all that normie garbage can give you FULFILLMENT? I'm a fucking loser and won't procreate, SO FUCKING WHAT?
I never fucking wanted to travel anywhere. Fuck those corrupt 3rd world shitholes taking ridiculous amounts of money from pathetic wageslaves.
I never wanted a fucking car. Kids? Why????

All I want is live a minimalistic life and interact with others as little as possible. Fapping and drinking is fine by me. Who am I to demand more? I love the small things. Walks outside. Laughing with the few friends I still have. Playing games. I don't fucking need more.

Get off the Jew TV for 1 second and realize that literally everybody is fucking miserable and those normies who "used" their youth aren't any better off than you. We are all equal. Like it or not. Fulfillment and happiness only comes from within. Be healthy, do what you like and stop caring about "achievements" like a fucking house or education you will never pay fucking off. I won't fucking participate in this absurd society. I receive NEETbux because I live in a country where that is possible, so I won't ever have to work a single day in my life. Everything is fucking perfect.

But by all means, please "ascend". "Improve" your life. Find a job and found a family. If you truly believe that shit will fulfill you, guess what, it will. But only because you believed in it. You decide what fulfills you. For me fulfillment is not having to wake up at 6am to make a random asshole richer and getting a few crumbs to buy an overpriced car and fuck degenerate bar sluts. I couldn't ask for more and would do it immediately in a heartbeat.

I'm in my end 20s and feel WAY, WAY better than in my start 20s despite having achieved nothing. I learned so much new stuff. We learn every god damn day. Fuck work. Fuck taxes. Fuck marriage. Fuck foids. And fuck your gay faggot society. I don't want anything to do with it.
Just read your post. Your case is one of the very few examples where you might say it might have been over from the start.

Some people here genuinely sabotage themselves, simply due to anger and frustration despite having all of the mental capacity to do fulfilling work on their lives.
The brain is like a muscle, if you never trained it younger, it will become a foggy mess, unable of performing any tasks efficiently.
I mean the rages never goes away but your life gets miles better as you cope through other things than simply browsing forums and playing vidya.

Seems like there`s alot of people who suffer from mild to severe autism here, which makes their Inceldom even more understandable.
In cases like yours, I truly cant propose any solution right now. I'd wish the forum could actually help each other on those things instead of punching one another all the time.

In my case, Im wealthmaxxing trough Art, Stock Trading and Computer Works, all disciplines which requires a certain amount of IQ.
Hence why I can see a White Light through the tunnel and giving advice.

I feel like its sad that any form of advice here is seen as BluePill, especially those regarding welthmaxxing.
You're right about the brain needing a certain training in a early stage. I'm glad my mom bought me a lot of lego and memory games when I was a kid, otherwise I would be completely retarded srsly. I forget a lot of things like a grandpa who suffers from alzheimer, awful attention span and I remember back in school how difficult it was for me learning new stuff, everyone was like way more ahead of me. Spatial thinking was a strength that I had and still have sort of, that's why I liked to draw and do geometry but the schoolsystem here, unfortunately is not made to find out certain strengths of the students to promote them. There's a lot of talent wasted in this country.

You mentioned art. Do you make art and sell it? When yes, how and what kind of art do you make?
putting 100% of your life value on foid's validation will always make you a miserable man, Incel or not. :feelsYall:
based thread
Hurr you guys will ragret not being successful and chad. Hurr durr its ur fault u didnt get anywhere.

Yes, you are retarded, sorry for the expert diagnosis.
I’ll be dead later.

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