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Venting In defense of suicide: why suicide sometimes can be the answer.



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
Normies always like to say suicide is never the answer and that it gets better.

Let's be honest: It doesn't always get matter. They seriously think that for every MF it actually gets better! Gwahahahaha! pathetic fools!

For some people, they struggled to persevere. They tried their best to improve their life. And things never got better. So they roped. Many times they were an older age, nothing got better. They could tell that it probably won't get better, so why take the risk of suffering for more years if there's a big chance of it? Many times I would hope it'd get better, but it wouldn't. For example, I posted days ago about a 50 year old virgin with social anxiety disorder who never could find anyone because he had social anxiety disorder (which is a death sentence if you're sub8). He had zero chance of finding someone because of it, so there was no point in trying. Even if he found someone, he'd still feel depressed because he never got to do it when he was younger like over 99% of the population. He tried but never succeeded. And being a virgin at 50 would be a huge red flag to women (and even men for that matter). He decided he gave up on life and he said he would've killed himself a long time ago if it wasn't for false hope.

Suicide is labeled as selfish. Actually, forcing a person to continue suffering just so you can stay happy is actually selfish. I cannot think of anything more evil and inhumane than to force a person who is suffering to continue when they won't get better. If this 50 year old man really is suffering and has zero chance of getting better, let him end his life. It's over for him. He fucked up his life. Let him end it. I don't care about "what about your family?". If you mourn your relative roping, then just rope and you'll meet them in heaven (or, if you're an atheist, have no afterlife and you won't have to deal with mourning). You and others probably didn't help him until he threatened to rope anyways.

People say "my body my choice" for abortion but not for suicide. Well guess what? My body my choice. If i wanna rope, i can rope if i want. I get that death is horrifying. I get that it feels inhumane to allow a person to die because you're allowing a death to occur, but if they're really suffering and it won't get better, let them go. let them leave this world. Besides, most people eventually move on even if they won't admit it. Everyone will lose a relative at some point. If you can't handle the mourning (which families of suicide victims get through) then just commit suicide yourself, too. It isn't such a big fuckin deal.

@Total Imbecile @Colvin76 @Alone75 @RopeMaXXer thoughts?
NOOOOOOOO!! If you have thoughts of self harm or suicide you are MENTALLY ILL and need to go to THERAPY
3736E363 0E31 4130 A47B E3B99DF9249B
when success is impossible suicide is the only answer
even if success is possible a person should still have authority over their lives
The worst is when I hear people on reddit whining "boo hoo I dont wanna suicide bc of my family/cat/dog"

The fact is theyre just too big of pussies to do it

I admit that I still have hope that I wil get a 20s gf, but if it doesnt happen Ill just suicide, but that hope is keeping me alive for now, I dont give a shit about my family, Id kill them for a gf

20s gf or death

Legit reasons to suicide or go ER:

-not having a gf



-too old for a 20s gf

-virgin past 30

-not white

-any form of anxiety
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The worst is when I hear people on reddit whining "boo hoo I dont wanna suicide bc of my family/cat/dog"

The fact is theyre just too big of pussies to do it

I admit that I still have hope that I wil get a 20s gf, but if it doesnt happen Ill just suicide, but that hope is keeping me alive for now

20s gf or death

Legit reasons to suicide or go ER:

-not having a gf



-too old for a 20s gf

-virgin past 30

-not white

-any form of anxiety
i fucking hate it when people say "think about your family". my parents are absolutely total fucking garbage. especially my bitch ass mother. i fucking hate that cunt.

if i ever ascend at 30 (which i won't because i will have roped i'm a virgin in my older 20s), i would get a 22 year old GF to marry so i can fuck her for 8 years of her still being youthful before she becomes old and ugly and wrinkly at 30. Everyone else got to fuck tons of young women so why can't I?
They say suicide is permanent solution of a temporary problem, but our problem is not temporary so it's the permanent solution of a permanent problem
So nothing bad in roping if you want to
They say suicide is permanent solution of a temporary problem, but our problem is not temporary so it's the permanent solution of a permanent problem
So nothing bad in roping if you want to
Infinite IQ. the problem isn't always temporary. Notice how only 30% of rape victims contemplate suicide while most people in this forum in polls said they feel like roping. This is proof inceldom is worse than being raped.
I would never rope because then I would just let my enemies win. I will fight until I die.
I would never rope because then I would just let my enemies win. I will fight until I die.
they'll always win. you have nothing to lose if you rope
Legit reasons to suicide or go ER:

-not having a gf



-too old for a 20s gf

-virgin past 30

-not white

-any form of anxiety
Don't forget truecel genetic.
In my opinion I feel that one should make the most of this opportunity. If someone no longer has anything to lose then their capabilities are endless. Basically best thing to do is load up a game of gta and perform a hERoic action if you know what I mean
In my opinion I feel that one should make the most of this opportunity. If someone no longer has anything to lose then their capabilities are endless. Basically best thing to do is load up a game of gta and perform a hERoic action if you know what I mean
When i think about it, the nazis were up to something when they wanted to make the entire race Aryan.

I think Hitler died a virgin. He probably knew that aryans would rule the dating world
suicide can even be evolutionary adaptive, when you realise you will never have kids and you dont want to be a burden to your relatives who have a coefficient of relationship > 0
When i think about it, the nazis were up to something when they wanted to make the entire race Aryan.

I think Hitler died a virgin. He probably knew that aryans would rule the dating world
He didn’t. He got a foid pregnant in france when he was fighting ww1
Nobody can regret a successful suicide, ever.
government should assist 25+ khhvs if they wish to commit suicide , having sexual relations in your youth with prime foids is one of life's greatest pleasures and if you go past that line without experiencing it you should have the right to end your life , being a khhv at 20 already feels terrible however you're still young so you can still get some joy out of it but at 25+ you should 100% have the option to rope if you end up in such a miserable situation as no amount of sex past that age will make up for lack of teen love
50 year old virgin? I would have killed myself long before
Yep abortion et suicide should have the same slogan. They must demonstrate together lol
For some people it definitely is the answer,and after all they didn’t ask to be born anyways
50 year old virgin? I would have killed myself long before
Yep abortion et suicide should have the same slogan. They must demonstrate together lol
50 is too late to finally decide to die. I’d kill myself if I make it to my older 20s as a virgin
Suicide is BASED, faggot shameless parents and other soy relatives must feel it even if I have to die for it.
Normies always like to say suicide is never the answer and that it gets better.

Let's be honest: It doesn't always get matter. They seriously think that for every MF it actually gets better! Gwahahahaha! pathetic fools!

For some people, they struggled to persevere. They tried their best to improve their life. And things never got better. So they roped. Many times they were an older age, nothing got better. They could tell that it probably won't get better, so why take the risk of suffering for more years if there's a big chance of it? Many times I would hope it'd get better, but it wouldn't. For example, I posted days ago about a 50 year old virgin with social anxiety disorder who never could find anyone because he had social anxiety disorder (which is a death sentence if you're sub8). He had zero chance of finding someone because of it, so there was no point in trying. Even if he found someone, he'd still feel depressed because he never got to do it when he was younger like over 99% of the population. He tried but never succeeded. And being a virgin at 50 would be a huge red flag to women (and even men for that matter). He decided he gave up on life and he said he would've killed himself a long time ago if it wasn't for false hope.

Suicide is labeled as selfish. Actually, forcing a person to continue suffering just so you can stay happy is actually selfish. I cannot think of anything more evil and inhumane than to force a person who is suffering to continue when they won't get better. If this 50 year old man really is suffering and has zero chance of getting better, let him end his life. It's over for him. He fucked up his life. Let him end it. I don't care about "what about your family?". If you mourn your relative roping, then just rope and you'll meet them in heaven (or, if you're an atheist, have no afterlife and you won't have to deal with mourning). You and others probably didn't help him until he threatened to rope anyways.

People say "my body my choice" for abortion but not for suicide. Well guess what? My body my choice. If i wanna rope, i can rope if i want. I get that death is horrifying. I get that it feels inhumane to allow a person to die because you're allowing a death to occur, but if they're really suffering and it won't get better, let them go. let them leave this world. Besides, most people eventually move on even if they won't admit it. Everyone will lose a relative at some point. If you can't handle the mourning (which families of suicide victims get through) then just commit suicide yourself, too. It isn't such a big fuckin deal.

@Total Imbecile @Colvin76 @Alone75 @RopeMaXXer thoughts?
"My Body my choice"
Imagine if a man said that

For fuck sakes tho, remove Women's rights
Roping is a legitimate exit strategy from inceldom and potential ropecels should never be shamed or discouraged.

To do so is latent christian morality, the ancients in antiquity viewed suicide as a noble deed if committed in response to great shame and humiliation. There is nothing more shameful and humiliating emasculating and metaphorically castrating than being an old adult virgin. You are barely even a man.
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@The Nullifier
Suicide is the true saviour of all
Suicide is the ultimate form of freedom. It's impossible to choose your birth but possible to choose your death. Some might argue that "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". You don't know if the problem is temporary. Some people endured even decades with a specific problem. People don't kill themselves because they want to die. They do it because they can't take the pain. And sometimes there seems to be nothing that can ease the pain. Most people have never really endured such heights of misery that they ever seriously considered suicide. They don't understand suicidal people. I'm not even pro-suicide but neither I am con-suicide. Your life, your decision.
Suicide is the ultimate form of freedom. It's impossible to choose your birth but possible to choose your death. Some might argue that "Suicide is a permanent solution to a temporary problem". You don't know if the problem is temporary. Some people endured even decades with a specific problem. People don't kill themselves because they want to die. They do it because they can't take the pain. And sometimes there seems to be nothing that can ease the pain. Most people have never really endured such heights of misery that they ever seriously considered suicide. They don't understand suicidal people. I'm not even pro-suicide but neither I am con-suicide. Your life, your decision.

My stance is that we should have a painless suicide method available for everyone. If a lot of ugly men could just kill themelves without a lot of effort i think society would just gain from that. There would be no more incels, only agreeable cucks (which would still spread their bad genes, but still) and, since most of us are NEET and do not produce value, there'd be a net gain of resources (=less people that produce nothing).

I really do not know why this is not possible yet.
Yes true. That's why Eunthasia should be legalised and available for anyone. But they won't do it cause they need people who suffer to keep functioning the society.
Yes true. That's why Eunthasia should be legalised and available for anyone. But they won't do it cause they need people who suffer to keep functioning the society.
Many incels are neets too, why not let us :feelsrope:?
Yes true. That's why Eunthasia should be legalised and available for anyone. But they won't do it cause they need people who suffer to keep functioning the society.
My stance is that we should have a painless suicide method available for everyone. If a lot of ugly men could just kill themelves without a lot of effort i think society would just gain from that. There would be no more incels, only agreeable cucks (which would still spread their bad genes, but still) and, since most of us are NEET and do not produce value, there'd be a net gain of resources (=less people that produce nothing).

I really do not know why this is not possible yet.
Society doesn’t want people to commit suicide because they all believe in the just world fallacy
They cannot let ugly males kill themselves on a high scale, for two reasons I think.

  1. It would disturb the just world fallacy, like Edmund says. Regardless of the exact ideology of the prevalent political system, the elites and their lapdog mainstream media always say that the current social order is as good as ever, if you cannot succeed, it's mostly your fault, anyone who wants to change the system radically is a terrorist, dangerous, you know all the buzzwords. Mass suicides or mass euthanasia would significantly undermine the legitimacy of this propaganda, even if the people killing themselves are the most undesirable individuals of society. The media would have to admit that a large chunk of people are so unhappy that they literally remove themselves, something is clearly wrong.
  2. However undesirable we are, the elites still want us alive, the role they want us to play is that of the sexless (but not asexual), hardworking taxpayer who keeps his mouth shut, obeys all the rules, works until reaching retirement age and then die at the very instant he reaches it. Maintaining their luxurious lifestyle and paying off the priviliged classes that support the system (foids, lgbtq, favored minorities) requires a lot of money. Sub5 males put way more into the system than what they get out of it. They work, pay tax, but most of them will never have families due to hypergamy. They can be leeched on for decades without ever having to give them anything in return. If ugly incels kill themselves out of desperation when they hit 30, a lot of future work and money they would have provided go out the window.
There's not a single day I don't think about suicide, it's like a ghost that haunts me everyday, probably the only thing that keeps me living or going anymore is to stay alive long enough to watch this entire world burn and watch everybody that has tormented me my entire life suffer once they lose everything.

I like to think the future will be one of internet celebrity e-thots sucking dicks under a highway bridge overpass as they're there starving homeless, that thought alone gets me through everyday, it's my mental life fuel.

Single welfare mothers selling their own children just to stay alive, brings a grin on my face every time.
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