Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.


-20 yr old from eastern Europe
-5'9 (considered very short by countries standards)
-avg looks
-dad died early in life so betafied by mom.
-studying business in uni for future cash.
- I don't take women seriously anymore. they fuck the closest shiny piece of Chad they can find (if anyone's interested in thots in uni stories, pm)
-as for hobbies: guitar and singing, skateboarding, writing.

23 yr old, EU, left toxic home at 18 (didnt help), < avg chemical engineer, bullied at uni (lol), no friends, lost purpose, little motivation left, evil at heart but stuck hating myself, virgin obviously, dont give a fuck about anyone or anything at this point, gave myself 100 days to fix my life 17 days ago, little progress so far...
Eastern European
Mid 20s
Borderline Manlet 5'7" / 170cm
Borderline Chad (Solid 7/10,OK face, hourglass figure)
Orphaned since 14
Complete mentalcel (Shy+Awkward)
Never had a gf, can barely talk to wimminz
In (Arts) college, but not for much longer (1 year left)
Poorcel (living off welfare)
NO career prospects
HARDCORE introvert, Few friends, Omega Male
Arts Enthusiast (mostly vidya)
Tech Enthusiast (built own PC, fairly knowledgeable in general)
Dog Enthusiast (Trained a few dogs myself)

The long version is WAY more complicated, but I'll leave that to those interested (PM me). In short, thanks to being raised by my grandma, then my (single) mother, then being fully orphaned, I ended up with horribly stunted social development (and pockets of full-on poverty). My voice also only broke at 18, making me something of a bullying target in HS. RN I'm living off my survivor's pensions, but once I finish Uni, I'm no longer eligible for them. The job market for artists is shit in my country, tried acting and writing but didn't get very far. Luckily, I have some inheritance left, but it's only enough to either live a few years or buy an old house and become a farmer. Technically I can be considered a volcel (A landwhale hit on me a few years ago)

RN I'm coping with my vidya (got 1000 of them, "only" finished 200) and my 2nd dog (A retarded boxer I plan on replacing soon)
Hi I'm a maycel, what? Don't like it? Well what you gonna do it about it??? Whant to measures dick, put on the table then you fucker I don't care lets see, Because my cock is big and you can bet i can fuck your ass you bitch
I am 18, 5’8 currycell with 4/10 face according to truerateme. What else is there to say. I follow mma/boxing a lot, and I also like headphones.
23, 175cm, 4.5/10
Ireland, still living with Mum, poor
Aspie, awkward as heck, introvert, high IQ but no life due to depression/social anxiety probably due to being outcasted and bullied my whole life but could also just be my nature, new to the incel community but lifelong incel.
Just here to rant, vent, socialize and get blackpilled
30, tallcel, reclusive. Fed up with the way women treat me, the way they look at me like I am a creature rather than a human. The most recent tipped me over the edge. Flirty, gorgeous and lead me on for weeks before saying she didn’t want me “like that” after I took her out and treated her like a princess. Fucking redheaded bitch.
29, fat, aspie, German, suicidal (3 failed attempts)
Being incel is shit as it is already but I'm a preggophile and only want to be with pregnant femoids so I will pretty much never be able to have even one sexual pleasing moment. And even if I do get the chance to be with one I probably will hate myself because her very state is reminding me that chads and normies get more in life than I do. I hate that I only want to be with preggos, tried to train myself into a "normal" sexuality but it won't work. kek as if an incel could make demands am i right ....
Here to cope and maybe find other incels with strange sexualities
This is one of those threads I wish I started reading before it was several pages long. :feelsbadman:
Hi, 3/10 heightcel, friendless, KHHV, non-diagnosed autistic(at the very least not socially aware) 23 yo from the third world. I'm so fucking done tripping over myself trying to please femoids with the faint hope that they'll give me more than an awkward, disgusted look. Currently NEET, but I've done some courses and could work... if only someone would take me... living in a poor country sucks. I hope I can befriend some of you or at least go deeper down the blackpill hole.
3/10 ogrecel, friendless kv, mentally ill. I don't care about much beyond anime, video games, music, and urbex. Lurker before, upset with betas, poster now.
i'm litteraly just a piece of shit, i'm 18 and useless, I'm low I.Q also and don't need to precise i'm really ugly
I'm an old cell looking to join the fray and contribute to the blackpill.
42 yr old blackpilled normie and incel till mid 20s which is why i chose my name Stillbitter. It was do to in part social ineptitude. Autism is in the family though I have not been diagnosed. I am also boarder line manlet at 5'8" . Have calcium deposits on top two front teeth and a somewhat big crooked nose.
Feel free to introduce yourself to the group. Share your story, your background, your interests, whatever you want others to know about you.


I’m ugly and I like sports, not very interesting
hello, me usernausea

me recently broke the cage, me hunted now
18 year old 5'11" skinny whitecel (bmi of 18.5) with a child's face and an average rating of 3/10 on truerateme and living in New York City.
- almost 40
- became incel during last years of high school
- public schooling is a joke
- I have 99 problems and a femoid is unfortunately one of them
- listen to old school metal
- The Mentors are the first incel band
- My disinterest for the human race knows no bounds
- ugly and hopeless.
Yea, I'm a Polish guy. Lookwise I'd say 4/10... but to a woman who sees to 20% as average I'd be a 2 probably... I have a scarry looking face though so they hate me even more.

Oldcel, gymcel, awfulfacecell, wageslave, pervert, masterbationaddict, ex drugcel,

70% incel / 30% vocel : 100% FML

me name nausea

me brain disfunctions
I'm basically just an ugly dude with nothing of value in life. No friends IRL, no real social life. I spend my days watching movies and wasting away. I'm very awkward and very lonely... Females sees me as rubbish
20 yo
NEET atm
Chinese/American Ricel
Closet weeb
No Friends
No Social Skills
Stuttering cuck
Failed a year of community college
Depressed and have Social Anxiety
low iq trash
no motivation no purpose
I hate my life
20 yo
NEET atm
Chinese/American Ricel
Closet weeb
No Friends
No Social Skills
Stuttering cuck
Failed a year of community college
Depressed and have Social Anxiety
low iq trash
no motivation no purpose
I hate my life
german blackcel
what are those even
at the store i talk to foids if i need something / in other towns where no one knows me i can be overconfident af
sometimes sometimes not
i dropped myself out
embrace the darkness man, seek the truth, see those apes playing the rigged game
propably, i jsut can be high iq over text
lost motivation pretty much, you have no purpose anyways, be a gymfag , or have money
not there yet, could be worse
hello, nausea here

me recently unbanned

me wanna kointo free
27 y/o
SEVERE mentalcel (it has its benefits though I have to admit)
richcel? (no wagecucking/betabuxx though, NEVER EVER, I'd rather fap my entire life than be a betabuxx subhuman cuck piece of shit)
living alone most of my life, can't stand the presence of other people in my place to the point I snap and act like a rabid animal

my dream is to basically buy shittons of sex robots or some shit and die alone hating this world
Age: 50. Put up for adoption at birth. State raised and medicated until 15. Multiple commitments to psych hospitals. Multiple state level incarcerations. I’m bitter, cynical misogynistic and misanthropic. Though the rage has cooled a bit. Now I self-isolate. People are generally fucked imho, but bitches are the fucking worst. Truth is, I can’t even look at a foid anymore without feeling revulsion and contempt.
hello, usernausea reporting

me new Emperor of incels.gay.me

bow down, investiture soon
26 virgin
lives with parents
38, part-time and itinerant college instructor, gymcel (though former lankcel), bibliophile, lover of cinema, German and Roman history and fine cognac.
22 KV
Person-who-cares writes:

I have a problem with the rules on your website. You don’t allow the “blue pill” mentality which is only positivity, you should. You only allow negative mindsets on this website? It’s so unhealthy. You are not trying to help, you are giving reason for people to stay in their shells. What is wrong with you? And you don’t allow women either because women can’t be involuntary celibate, right? Get out of your shells and meet some people. I know plenty of women who want boyfriends or want to have sex but never have because they have the same mentality as people using your website. They should be allowed on your website because they are also involuntary celibate. It’s just discrimination, really. So ignorant.
May as well introduce myself

-17 yo
-5'11'' tall, 6.3-5'' wrists (failed meso, there's some Hope left) but 49'' shoulder circumference, 182lbs currently but increasing weight every week (bulking)
-Hobbies include videogames, gymcelling and playing in a rugby team
-Subhuman upper eyelid exposure (2-3mm)
-High T, which causes me a fuckton of acne and to intimidate women
-Very low-inhib, not so much NTness
-Fierce catholic, nationalist and misogynic, 3 needed for a prosperous, non-degenerate society
-History enthusiast
Last edited:
15 y/o Hapa (half white/asian) Born with CAH. And as a result i'm a literal 5'2(157 cm) midget. Who can't grow anymore so i'm a genetic dead end from birth. 1/10 troglodyte face i've been treated like crap by girls since elementary school, and got suspended once for making dirty jokes with a few male friends in 5th grade (almost got sent to juvenile prison). I'm also retarded so out of anyone on this website I think i'm the most pathetic "person" here.
Central Augmented Helmet ?
nah fam genetic disorder, with my adreanal glands can't produce cortisol which tbh likely would have killed me at this point without medicine. Also causes very short stature due to overproduction of testostrone or estrogen in youth.
Age: 50. Put up for adoption at birth. State raised and medicated until 15. Multiple commitments to psych hospitals. Multiple state level incarcerations. I’m bitter, cynical misogynistic and misanthropic. Though the rage has cooled a bit. Now I self-isolate. People are generally fucked imho, but bitches are the fucking worst. Truth is, I can’t even look at a foid anymore without feeling revulsion and contempt.

What's up celly! I got some ramen and a hot cheese squeeze. Next doors got a hot pickle and some rice. We chi chi-ing tonight or what?!!

me nausea for me got nausea

me in da bathroom now

5'6 manlet
average looking face
6 inch dick
kv (i held a girls hand in highschool)
my own grandmother laughed at me when i said my real height
Hi, I'm a muttcel (half black, half white), always been a midget and currently about 5'7", and I have eating problems and am extremely underweight. I try to work out as much as I can but it's no use when I have no sustenance. That being said I'm extremely insecure about my body and also my hair because I don't like looking like this. Also virgin and single all my life (I mean I've interracted with girls before in past school years but nothing serious.) That's about it.
Feel free to introduce yourself to the group. Share your story, your background, your interests, whatever you want others to know about you.

I know the pain. I am the pain.
27 V
Netflix Addict
Wage Slaving
Loves Animals
Hates People
Probably should have done this sooner but I'm a diagnosed mentalcel who lives with his parents and attends community college. (plans to transfer to a state school pretty soon tho so I should be living on my own in the foreseeable future) I play a lot of Quake and Tekken in my free time and started working out more recently. (nothing too serious, though I may gymcel if I have the time and resources in the future) My attractiveness is probably around average but my ADHD and depression (both diagnosed, like I said) make things hard. I can generally get girls to talk to me without being completely repulsed, but the mentalcel side shows pretty quickly and they lose any interest they might have had. (KV, if you care)
We all have the same experience of getting bullied and harassed our whole lives because of our ugly appearance, this is what all incels have in common.
Except the CHADLITES on this forum

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