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News MASSIVE voter fraud detected in Nevada, Arizona, Georgia, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania

He says that feminism is mostly correct, do you agree with him jew?

She's one of many examples. Better than the lying press that have been framing a narrative from the start and have declared Joe Biden the winner when there are ongoing legal battles in MI, WI, PA, GA, Az and more.

Also I see you still won't answer why Pennsylvania ignored orders from SCOTUS?
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Grasping at straws from randomly reporting things on facebook just shows how desperate you are.

Dr. Fauci who has been reporting on diseases for years through 5 president is no good, but random dumbfuck from nowhere michigan is who you are prepared to believe.

Trump supporters in my life are all the stupid kids in my school. Perennial D students who could barely get a few questions right on the sat.

Trump is a conman and you've bent your ass over the pipe and taken it good.

Its tough being a trump supporter tbh. I mean everywhere you'll be ostracized, hated, punched etc for your believes. And yet Trump never did a thing to make it worth all the pain. He seems to care more about helping Jews than his supporters who are getting doxed and punched. I'm amazed he still has loyal followers at this point.

Never mind about Incels lol
Trump is too busy golfing to give a fuck about you guys
After some contemplation the last couple days I've come to the realization that this is why he lost.
That, and nominating a foid to head his fundraising effort.
You're right, we should just let the world burn.
There is nothing for us anyways, we will always be hated
Make sure to fossilfuelmaxx brocel.
When we stop to examine one of your claims it falls apart. Yet you persist like it doesn't even matter that you've been decieved. You just ignore the fact that when examined critically your 120k votes coming from three cars falls apart and is based upon rumors from unsupport assertions from non-credible Trump supporters on facebook live.

So you put a bunch of more crap on the screen. This technique is called a gish gallop. It because each one of these takes time to research and take apart. So rather than concentrate on any one claim, like we did with the 120k, you expect me to take the next 12 hours of my day to individual dismantle each claim. If I fail to do so you've somehow provided evidence, in your mind, you've won.

If I did take the time with each claim, they would fall apart just like your three cars 120k claim. You don't care that you were wrong. You just ignore that and move to the next piece of garbage evidence you have. That shows you haven't examined any of these claims thourghly.

This is because you are emotionally invested in your guy winning and are looking for evidence, no matter how flimsy, to support it.

You have your worldview, the election was stolen by democrats and your willing to twist your world into pretzels trying to make all the pieces fit.

But just copying and pasting your unreliable evidence without even bother to check if it is true is the mo of the typical Trump supporter. You don't care that it isn't true, it just makes you feel good.
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73 days until Biden's inauguration.

It will be glorious. :feelshaha:
lawsuits wont do shit this is bush vs gore v2
this is bush vs gore v2
tbh there have been stories now comparing it to when Al Gore was declared the winner temporarily before the supreme court ruled in Bush's favor. There's going to be way more outrage now though if there is a similar ruling in Trump's favor tbh
tbh there have been stories now comparing it to when Al Gore was declared the winner temporarily before the supreme court ruled in Bush's favor. There's going to be way more outrage now though if there is a similar ruling in Trump's favor tbh
well the preme court has a republican majority but they are probably bluepilled tbh
well the preme court has a republican majority but they are probably bluepilled tbh
kek bluepilled or not doesn't really matter here tbh
Unless by bluepilled you mean the republicans are blue blood establishment GOP.
Unless by bluepilled you mean the republicans are blue blood establishment GOP.
Pretty much tbh. Also I don't think they will even count half the shit trump's administration is using as proof. They are literally copy pasting shit /pol/ said on twitter verbatim
Pretty much tbh. Also I don't think they will even count half the shit trump's administration is using as proof.
Imo whatever happens this election cycle is over and Trump is still in office until January 2021 no matter what. So no use really spending too much more time on it tbh

They are literally copy pasting shit /pol/ said on twitter verbatim
That's been standard among the Trump admin and supporters tbh
I really never thought in 2015 you'd see the day when rumors talked about on 4chan would make their way to the whitehouse for actual investigation but life took a crazy turn when Trump was elected ngl
I really never thought in 2015 you'd see the day when rumors talked about on 4chan would make their way to the whitehouse for actual investigation but life took a crazy turn when Trump was elected ngl
There are people in congress who unironically believe in the Qanon shit
There are people in congress who unironically believe in the Qanon shit
idk what to believe anymore tbh although I never "trusted the plan" like people that follow the Qanon shit.

What I do know is that if Trump was an aberration then hopefully after he is gone things return to serious talk about policy and finance and not this excessive focus on identity politics. But that isn't likely to happen even then.
In many ways Trump just made identity politics worse but in a different way than Obama did. It's been a long time since there wasn't a cult of personality figure elected president. It's basically a huge popularity contest now and no longer about policies but style in which arguments are presented and how good of a roast a candidate can deliver to the opposition.

But politics is still cope tbh and there's a lot of incels coping with politics that might otherwise be here. Infact extremist politics is one of the biggest escapist copes of a lot of incels I've noticed ngl
Although it often leads to eventual overlap with sexual identity politics the redpill and then the blackpill. Politics is no longer a safe cope.
Idk what's going to happen. These issues talked about here aren't going away and keep resurfacing in some form in politics and in society.
That's why when people talk about stopping reading blackpill content. What are they even saying? The blackpill is everywhere.
But politics is still cope tbh and there's a lot of incels coping with politics that might otherwise be here. Infact extremist politics is one of the biggest escapist copes of a lot of incels I've noticed ngl
A lot of them are stormfags or 4chan posters who are refugees. Since those groups don't like or agree with incels. They talk about their shit here.

In many ways Trump just made identity politics worse but in a different way than Obama did. It's been a long time since there wasn't a cult of personality figure elected president. It's basically a huge popularity contest now and no longer about policies but style in which arguments are presented and how good of a roast a candidate can deliver to the opposition.
Tbh ever since I could remember it was never about spewing robotic facts and winning. it was also about being Machiavellian or mocking/flexing/negging the opponent. Autists who act like machines are usually seen as weak and get bullied. Also I think its the people who want to turn everything into an identity pokemon battle, almost as if it was a second nature. Since it's so easy to win arguments by using an age fallacy or "i am black so ik more than you about crime statistics" type of defense. The "I am old so i know more" argument is timeless.

That's why when people talk about stopping reading blackpill content. What are they even saying? The blackpill is everywhere.
I think people don't get what these "pills" are supposed to mean tbh.
A lot of them are stormfags or 4chan posters who are refugees. Since those groups don't like or agree with incels. They talk about their shit here.
Yeah tbh but even the alt-right and white nationalists as they stand now have a lot of topics they talk about overlap with sexual identity politics more than even racial politics at times tbh
It's no surprise that a lot of younger guys in the alt-right these days are either socially awkward guys that lucked out in getting laid in the past through jbw or virgins that cope with being more introspective than other races of males and potential slayers in the making about to win some race war.

Tbh ever since I could remember it was never about spewing robotic facts and winning. it was also about being Machiavellian or mocking/flexing/negging the opponent. Autists who act like machines are usually seen as weak and get bullied. Also I think its the people who want to turn everything into an identity pokemon battle, almost as if it was a second nature. Since it's so easy to win arguments by using an age fallacy or "i am black so ik more than you about crime statistics" type of defense. The "I am old so i know more" argument is timeless.
Politics has become all about lookism and mogging and less and less about policy or reasoning like so many other social aspects of life.
Sociologists like to class it as anatomized invidiualism but imo it's a side effect of increased male on male competition and hostility because lack of fewer well paying jobs and opportunities to be in long lasting relationships with foids.
So much of politics is just like an indirect way of showing off to foids and pretending to act in charge and make a statement and not about the actual issues or solutions.

I think people don't get what these "pills" are supposed to mean tbh.
Imo whether they do or not they think that whatever the shifting socially acceptable consensus, even as it gets more and more anti nonchad male, is something incels should just accept and adjust to.
They are delusional to try to force it to work out that way.
It's one thing to say don't read the content. But if what is in the content is something you see around you and are exposed to everytime you go outside or interact with people then obviously you are going to keep going back to reading the content.
If people here didn't experience such negative experiences that drew them here in the first place then it would be easy to stop reading blackpill content. But stopping reading blackpill content doesn't change anything as long as the world remains in the state that drew you to the blackpill in the first place.
Yeah tbh but even the alt-right and white nationalists as they stand now have a lot of topics they talk about overlap with sexual identity politics more than even racial politics at times tbh
It's no surprise that a lot of younger guys in the alt-right these days are either socially awkward guys that lucked out in getting laid in the past through jbw or virgins that cope with being more introspective than other races of males and potential slayers in the making about to win some race war.
Always has, since the genesis of contraceptives, women being more exhibitionistic, "short dresses are bad! below the knees" etc righties have always went against foid "degeneracy". Now with women having more options for mates and the utter power of batemans principle they blame their lack of sex with the way society operates. And say delusional shit like "one day the republican government will abolish women's rights". But if we come up and tell them they are ugly and thats the true reason as to why they have these issues (In fact I am willing to bet all of my chips that if they were good looking, and got a nice foid with a miniskirt dancing for them and giving them attention. They wouldn't even care about women being whorish or degenerate. They care that women aren't being whores with them and not cheating on them. I mean honestly, if you were married and your wife does a bunch of hot sexual shit for just you would that not make you happy? Assuming she wont cheat on you because you are good looking, in comparison to a foid that does fuck all sexually and wants you to do everything without enthusiasm? They also put race into the mix. Yet studies have shown that white women don't get "blacked" in fact. White female porn stars want to be paid twice as much if the male actor is black. And even refuse to do the scenes sometimes. A lot of delusion and coping for sure.
So much of politics is just like an indirect way of showing off to foids and pretending to act in charge and make a statement and not about the actual issues or solutions.
Sounds mgtowish tbh. I've heard of these types of ideas before. That men do a lot if not most shit to impress women. The number one incentive behind isis terrorist attacks is because of the idea that if they die for their god, he will provide them with 42 or 72 virgin young Stacies in heaven. I shit you not. Also impressing girls is the number one incentive for bullies.
even as it gets more and more anti nonchad male, is something incels should just accept and adjust to.
They are delusional to try to force it to work out that way.
Yeah, they ignore genetics a lot. It's the biggest talking point on this forum and many others yet it's the most ignored and dismissed among IT and other groups. And if it is acknowledged. It's brushed off in an introduction to incels and never talked about again. I have seen borderline mysticism tier shit on IT yet we're the crazy ones for believing in science.
If people here didn't experience such negative experiences that drew them here in the first place then it would be easy to stop reading blackpill content. But stopping reading blackpill content doesn't change anything as long as the world remains in the state that drew you to the blackpill in the first place.
IncelTARDS (tears jfl) often overlook this. It's not our content that drives people into our forums. it's their own experiences and analysis that makes them want to talk about their issues. So they find a place to do so. The coming of age incel is confused as to why women don't like them because everyone keeps saying it's for x y z reason yet it doesn't make sense. They mainly realize the ugly truth for themselves. Most introductory posts start off with something along the lines of "I can't believe I doubted you guys" or "I never imagined i'd be here" etc
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Always has, since the genesis of contraceptives, women being more exhibitionistic, "short dresses are bad! below the knees" etc righties have always went against foid "degeneracy". Now with women having more options for mates and the utter power of batemans principle they blame their lack of sex with the way society operates. And say delusional shit like "one day the republican government will abolish women's rights". But if we come up and tell them they are ugly and thats the true reason as to why they have these issues (In fact I am willing to bet all of my chips that if they were good looking, and got a nice foid with a miniskirt dancing for them and giving them attention. They wouldn't even care about women being whorish or degenerate. They care that women aren't being whores with them and not cheating on them. I mean honestly, if you were married and your wife does a bunch of hot sexual shit for just you would that not make you happy? Assuming she wont cheat on you because you are good looking, in comparison to a foid that does fuck all sexually and wants you to do everything without enthusiasm? They also put race into the mix. Yet studies have shown that white women don't get "blacked" in fact. White female porn stars want to be paid twice as much if the male actor is black. And even refuse to do the scenes sometimes. A lot of delusion and coping for sure.
And with regard to bullying being driven by increased male on male hostility owing to increased competition for resources and lack of opportunities to impress women significantly long enough to get in long term relationships with them?
It's getting to the point that at some stage not even because of dating concerns but hostility and bullying concerns that there is a need to stop letting women rampantly abuse and use nonchad males and making them act more modest and afraid to mess with random males.
It's out of survival at this point not even because of hopes for getting a relationship. Women are getting too bold and treating too many men like shit while being worshiped by society.
With women now as a protected class the more sociopathic among those in society see men especially unattractive non-NT framelet males as "easy targets" for bullying.
Women being free to act how they want has in that way come at the expense of low status males that were already struggling and socially marginalized before. And let me remind those patriarchy concern trolls that even back then some of those same struggling and socially marginalized men never insisted on getting married or into relationships.
Yet because feminists have a sociopathic desire to hurt nonchad males they blame nonchad males for instating some kind of patriarchy that they never played a part in instating and as "payback" making the lives of those nonchad males more uncertain and filled with hardship to the benefit of women.

Sounds mgtowish tbh. I've heard of these types of ideas before. That men do a lot if not most shit to impress women. The number one incentive behind isis terrorist attacks is because of the idea that if they die for their god, he will provide them with 42 or 72 virgin young Stacies in heaven. I shit you not. Also impressing girls is the number one incentive for bullies.
Yeah that's why foids rarely get bullied and it's always low status unattractive non-NT framelet guys that are some of the number one "easy targets" of bullying. But society tries to cover this up and gaslight that foids get bullied too because some angry anonymous man referred to a foid as a fat pig. It's a fucking joke.

Yeah, they ignore genetics a lot. It's the biggest talking point on this forum and many others yet it's the most ignored and dismissed among IT and other groups. And if it is acknowledged. It's brushed off in an introduction to incels and never talked about again. I have seen borderline mysticism tier shit on IT yet we're the crazy ones for believing in science.
Yeah the guy with the flair eat bread not pills and sickle and hammer has stated before that he thinks cost benefit analysis is pseudoscience. These are the kind of people we are dealing with.

IncelTARDS often overlook this. It's not our content that drives people into our forums. it's their own experiences and analysis that makes them want to talk about their issues. So they find a place to do so. The coming of age incel is confused as to why women don't like them because everyone keeps saying it's for x y z reason yet it doesn't make sense. They mainly realize the ugly truth for themselves. Most introductory posts start off with something along the lines of "I can't believe I doubted you guys" or "I never imagined i'd be here" etc
The deliberately overlook it to feel better about themselves for not only bullying blackpilled incels but lecturing them about how they shouldn't look at blackpill content while at the same time deeming themselves well balanced enough to consistently read that same blackpilled content and mock incels.
And with regard to bullying being driven by increased male on male hostility owing to increased competition for resources and lack of opportunities to impress women significantly long enough to get in long term relationships with them?
tldr the study pretty much said yes to this question.

It's getting to the point that at some stage not even because of dating concerns but hostility and bullying concerns that there is a need to stop letting women rampantly abuse and use nonchad males and making them act more modest and afraid to mess with random males.
It's out of survival at this point not even because of hopes for getting a relationship. Women are getting too bold and treating too many men like shit while being worshiped by society.
Well those dudes in redpill/tradcon fields aren't thinking from an ugly mans perspective, they could care less about women treating ugly men like shit. The average man is getting cucked by the day. In some campuses its fucking illegal to look at a nice looking girl or even talk to them! Honestly I don't blame the women 100% it's also the men who refuse to give up the oneitis shit. if i'm out here giving a foid thats way too attractive for me or even an average one thats being indecisive and indirect with me why would I keep dedicating my time to her? A lot of "niceguys/betas" tend to do this absurd shit thats why we have so many issues like female titty streamers being given borderline MILLIONS of dollars by men to see if one day the foid would be interested in talking to her. While most of them probably don't intentionally donate for that reason. Probably not even those "niceguys". Their subconscious is certainty doing it for them. And ye, their actions will lead to more ugly abuse down the line tbh.

Yet because feminists have a sociopathic desire to hurt nonchad males they blame nonchad males for instating some kind of patriarchy that they never played a part in instating and as "payback" making the lives of those nonchad males more uncertain and filled with hardship to the benefit of women.
I have a theory that I called the masochisms feedback loop. Women tend to go for "monstrous" men. Even feminists do this shit. They produce these high T, strong, able bodied, dark triad dudes who give no fucks about anyone. If the dude ends up being high iQ. he goes into smarter fields. Ends up controlling a portion of society. If we put this at a grand scale. women LITERALLY intentionally produce their own oppressors. The ugly beta males are blamed for the shit chad has done since the dawn of man and are expected to suffer/adapt to societal changes for it.
This cycle infinitely happens until ugly dark triad niggas or cluster B personalities destroy the pillars of society and it resets itself again. You can see this with the fall of rome. In ancient greece women had rights to vote and were more equal to men and shit and eventually when all of that work collapsed the Abrahamic religions negged women down to submissive dick sleeves. Now we're giving them rights again jfl

Yeah that's why foids rarely get bullied and it's always low status unattractive non-NT framelet guys that are some of the number one "easy targets" of bullying. But society tries to cover this up and gaslight that foids get bullied too because some angry anonymous man referred to a foid as a fat pig. It's a fucking joke.
They get bullied by other foids with better bodies/figures/looks/nicer tits and ass whatever. Basically they flex how much attention they can get from chad to one another. nothing compared to the physical quarrels men have about the lamest shit. Most "slutshamers" or body shamers are women. Like that "thigh gap" trend. it was started on tumblr by foids who wanted to talk shit to uglier women. it was almost exclusively female oriented. most men probably never even heard of it jfl.
Yeah the guy with the flair eat bread not pills and sickle and hammer has stated before that he thinks cost benefit analysis is pseudoscience. These are the kind of people we are dealing with.
tbh this is why I haven't gone to IT to talked to anyone from there in literal months/ almost a full year. I was curious about the "other side" and wanted to see what points they had against us. but I found nothing.

The deliberately overlook it to feel better about themselves for not only bullying blackpilled incels but lecturing them about how they shouldn't look at blackpill content while at the same time deeming themselves well balanced enough to consistently read that same blackpilled content and mock incels.
This is always the case. They claim our studies are "misinterpreted" or "not complete conclusions" but it's not like we've never had users who ascended or didn't turn out to be incels. They always take our shit the wrong way
tldr the study pretty much said yes to this question.
Yeah and it shows a real problem with socieyt not us.

Well those dudes in redpill/tradcon fields aren't thinking from an ugly mans perspective, they could care less about women treating ugly men like shit. The average man is getting cucked by the day. In some campuses its fucking illegal to look at a nice looking girl or even talk to them! Honestly I don't blame the women 100% it's also the men who refuse to give up the oneitis shit. if i'm out here giving a foid thats way too attractive for me or even an average one thats being indecisive and indirect with me why would I keep dedicating my time to her? A lot of "niceguys/betas" tend to do this absurd shit thats why we have so many issues like female titty streamers being given borderline MILLIONS of dollars by men to see if one day the foid would be interested in talking to her. While most of them probably don't intentionally donate for that reason. Probably not even those "niceguys". Their subconscious is certainty doing it for them. And ye, their actions will lead to more ugly abuse down the line tbh.
But I'm not even talking about oneitis. I'm talking about foids fake flirting and leading on unattractive males and making them easy social targets for ridicule and exploitation. Ever since women started feeling comfortable messing with nonchad males this has been happening with increasing frequency.

That's why at this point forcing women to more modest and to stop messing psychologically with nonchad males is needed not even out of necessity for enforced monogamy or long lasting relationships but to stop unattractive males like us from being prime societal targets for bullying by the more sociopathic in society.

I have a theory that I called the masochisms feedback loop. Women tend to go for "monstrous" men. Even feminists do this shit. They produce these high T, strong, able bodied, dark triad dudes who give no fucks about anyone. If the dude ends up being high iQ. he goes into smarter fields. Ends up controlling a portion of society. If we put this at a grand scale. women LITERALLY intentionally produce their own oppressors. The ugly beta males are blamed for the shit chad has done since the dawn of man and are expected to suffer/adapt to societal changes for it.
This cycle infinitely happens until ugly dark triad niggas or cluster B personalities destroy the pillars of society and it resets itself again. You can see this with the fall of rome. In ancient greece women had rights to vote and were more equal to men and shit and eventually when all of that work collapsed the Abrahamic religions negged women down to submissive dick sleeves. Now we're giving them rights again jfl
Imo you have to be completely ruthless emotionally when dealing with foids. Literally no kind of remark from someone they deem lower status than them phases them, they fake concern troll about struggling nonchad males and then after the decide to whimsically stop virtue signaling they stab you in a back.

If such a reset occurs where society is destroyed it would entail not only going after everyone in society that bullied and mocked those unattractive males but the foids that enabled it (in minecraft). Otherwise foids would be left off the look and still insist on gravitating to darktriadmaxxed normies and chads that insist on bullying and harassing socially awkward ugly males.

They get bullied by other foids with better bodies/figures/looks/nicer tits and ass whatever. Basically they flex how much attention they can get from chad to one another. nothing compared to the physical quarrels men have about the lamest shit. Most "slutshamers" or body shamers are women. Like that "thigh gap" trend. it was started on tumblr by foids who wanted to talk shit to uglier women. it was almost exclusively female oriented. most men probably never even heard of it jfl.
The bullying they get is nothing in comparison to the completely unwarranted mocking and disrespect socially awkward nonchad males get on a daily basis so I can't even agree that foids get "bullied". More like it's just cattiness that society overplays to take the focus off the fact that low status males suffer the most from bullying and suffer some of the most persistent forms of it.

tbh this is why I haven't gone to IT to talked to anyone from there in literal months/ almost a full year. I was curious about the "other side" and wanted to see what points they had against us. but I found nothing.
Yeah they are full of shit.

This is always the case. They claim our studies are "misinterpreted" or "not complete conclusions" but it's not like we've never had users who ascended or didn't turn out to be incels. They always take our shit the wrong way
And they misconstrue what anyone they screenshot says deliberately to frustrate them further and bait an angry action just like a troll and bully would do.
But I'm not even talking about oneitis. I'm talking about foids fake flirting and leading on unattractive males and making them easy social targets for ridicule and exploitation. Ever since women started feeling comfortable messing with nonchad males this has been happening with increasing frequency.

That's why at this point forcing women to more modest and to stop messing psychologically with nonchad males is needed not even out of necessity for enforced monogamy or long lasting relationships but to stop unattractive males like us from being prime societal targets for bullying by the more sociopathic in society.
Sure, I can agree to that. 1/3 of women go on faux dates just for a free meal. And some even push it further to get free rides to work, drinks etc. The whole chivalry thing is retarded. "Men must pay" bullshit is retarded. "men must impress" etc. The legal system is too vague with this shit which is why a slightly drunk foid can throw a whole ass rape charge that ends up sticking at a dude if she wants to.
If such a reset occurs where society is destroyed it would entail not only going after everyone in society that bullied and mocked those unattractive males but the foids that enabled it (in minecraft). Otherwise foids would be left off the look and still insist on gravitating to darktriadmaxxed normies and chads that insist on bullying and harassing socially awkward ugly males.
Usually when this shit happens the lower class treated the higher classes like shit etc. But even with the ugly dudes getting all the pure non degenerate pussy the dark triad/anti social traits will pass through. They are deleterious AND beneficial at the same time. Which is why it's been theorized that evolution DOES NOT produce a perfect population. not even eugenics due to shit like, sexy son hypothesis and mothers curse (basically no matter what you will produce an evil cunt male or female). You will always have an ugly unwanted dude even among ugly incels.

The bullying they get is nothing in comparison to the completely unwarranted mocking and disrespect socially awkward nonchad males get on a daily basis so I can't even agree that foids get "bullied". More like it's just cattiness that society overplays to take the focus off the fact that low status males suffer the most from bullying and suffer some of the most persistent forms of it.
Even if they do or dont get bullied. The significance and symbolism of male bullying is monumental and ever expanding in society. I mean i've never seen a study show that a girl with bigger tits has a higher chance of getting a promotion or is less likely to commit suicide, or be given a way lighter penalty in court. But I have heard of taller, more attractive men getting such benefits.

And they misconstrue what anyone they screenshot says deliberately to frustrate them further and bait an angry action just like a troll and bully would do.
Tbh that's also Poe's law playing in part. I mean sure the average poster on here doesn't satirically make polls about having sex with preteens like some people have done jfl. But any seasoned IT member knows by now that 99% of the time the most outlandish shit said on here is by some graycel that gets banned, or some dude trolling on .co. so its done on purpose
Sure, I can agree to that. 1/3 of women go on faux dates just for a free meal. And some even push it further to get free rides to work, drinks etc. The whole chivalry thing is retarded. "Men must pay" bullshit is retarded. "men must impress" etc. The legal system is too vague with this shit which is why a slightly drunk foid can throw a whole ass rape charge that ends up sticking at a dude if she wants to.
But again I'm so far behind socially that I'm not even talking about dating. I'm talking about not being constantly harassed by other guys trying to impress foids and foids that see unattractive guys as easy targets to toy with.
That has only become more common since women have felt emboldened to mess with random men and act however they want no matter if it makes others feel uncomfortable.
It isn't even a question of dating to me anymore as I posted before. It's about survival without being mentally taxed to the brink of insanity by normies trying to test me to impress foids.

Usually when this shit happens the lower class treated the higher classes like shit etc. But even with the ugly dudes getting all the pure non degenerate pussy the dark triad/anti social traits will pass through. They are deleterious AND beneficial at the same time. Which is why it's been theorized that evolution DOES NOT produce a perfect population. not even eugenics due to shit like, sexy son hypothesis and mothers curse (basically no matter what you will produce an evil cunt male or female). You will always have an ugly unwanted dude even among ugly incels.
Evolution is a literal crapshoot imo. Completely random and and a wait and see process. No rhyme or reason. Just many tests of how species with different genetic variations and traits fare.

Even if they do or dont get bullied. The significance and symbolism of male bullying is monumental and ever expanding in society. I mean i've never seen a study show that a girl with bigger tits has a higher chance of getting a promotion or is less likely to commit suicide, or be given a way lighter penalty in court. But I have heard of taller, more attractive men getting such benefits.
Exactly. Foids being "bullied" is a mere inconvenience compared to the bullying low status unattractive males regularly get and society sweeps under the rug, misdiagnoses or tries to victim blame them for (ie it's because of how you act weirdly that you get bullied).
It isn't even a question of dating to me anymore as I posted before. It's about survival without being mentally taxed to the brink of insanity by normies trying to test me to impress foids.
Nah I get you. Guys use ugly men to impress foids. Literal wars have happened for the sake of impressing pussy jfl. Its a big problem

Evolution is a literal crapshoot imo. Completely random and and a wait and see process. No rhyme or reason. Just many tests of how species with different genetic variations and traits fare.
Yeah tbh, It's called a "blind watchmaker". It stops when something "barley works" so none of our shit is optimized its half assed.

Exactly. Foids being "bullied" is a mere inconvenience compared to the bullying low status unattractive males regularly get and society sweeps under the rug, misdiagnoses or tries to victim blame them for (ie it's because of how you act weirdly that you get bullied).
men being bullied at the level they are literally structures society jfl
Nah I get you. Guys use ugly men to impress foids. Literal wars have happened for the sake of impressing pussy jfl. Its a big problem
Yeah and what's more sometimes even if guys don't do it foids try to instigate it to make their lives feel easier than other males. They really enjoy themselves when they see nonchad males struggling and beset by doubt and ridicule while they live much easier lives not having to worry that much about anything.

Yeah tbh, It's called a "blind watchmaker". It stops when something "barley works" so none of our shit is optimized its half assed.
Interesting tbh
I've read studies that sexual reproduction works much like that to diversify as much as possible the genetic traits that are passed to successive generations.
Obviously if organisms didn't have to sexual reproduce and the instincts and drive to be with the opposite sex didn't exist inceldom wouldn't exist either. So obviously inceldom has been present since the dawn of sexual reproduction but human males are cursed enough to be aware enough to contemplate the existential crises that accompany inceldom.

men being bullied at the level they are literally structures society jfl
Yup. The "pecking order" and socially designated hierarchy from which there is no absolute escape. And associated with how people insist on talking shit about you behind your back even though you left trying to assimilate into society a long time ago and agreed to defeat and whatever lesson others were trying to teach you. It's so petty.
When we stop to examine one of your claims it falls apart. Yet you persist like it doesn't even matter that you've been decieved. You just ignore the fact that when examined critically your 120k votes coming from three cars falls apart and is based upon rumors from unsupport assertions from non-credible Trump supporters on facebook live.

So you put a bunch of more crap on the screen. This technique is called a gish gallop. It because each one of these takes time to research and take apart. So rather than concentrate on any one claim, like we did with the 120k, you expect me to take the next 12 hours of my day to individual dismantle each claim. If I fail to do so you've somehow provided evidence, in your mind, you've won.

If I did take the time with each claim, they would fall apart just like your three cars 120k claim. You don't care that you were wrong. You just ignore that and move to the next piece of garbage evidence you have. That shows you haven't examined any of these claims thourghly.

This is because you are emotionally invested in your guy winning and are looking for evidence, no matter how flimsy, to support it.

You have your worldview, the election was stolen by democrats and your willing to twist your world into pretzels trying to make all the pieces fit.

But just copying and pasting your unreliable evidence without even bother to check if it is true is the mo of the typical Trump supporter. You don't care that it isn't true, it just makes you feel good.
This is the same bullshit inceltears does, they say our studies are all flawed but never bother to say how they are. When the other sites presents proof, the burden of it passes on to you, so either you debunk each source he posted or shut up already

I don't care which jewish billionaire will be israel's puppet for the next 4 years, but stop being retarded
Also, Jews literally love trump.

69% of American Jews voted Biden, 30% Trump.

“Another poll sponsored by the left-wing lobby J Street showed a better result for the Democrats with Biden beating Trump 77% to 21%, but it appears that, unsurprisingly, their sample overcounted progressive voters and undercounted Orthodox Jews. By contrast, the AP and the RJC polls dovetail not only with a Fox News Voter Analysis that showed Biden besting Trump by a 69-30 margin, but also with a previous poll of American Jews taken before the election by the Jewish Electoral Institute that also showed Biden getting 67% and Trump 30%.”

69% of American Jews voted Biden, 30% Trump.

“Another poll sponsored by the left-wing lobby J Street showed a better result for the Democrats with Biden beating Trump 77% to 21%, but it appears that, unsurprisingly, their sample overcounted progressive voters and undercounted Orthodox Jews. By contrast, the AP and the RJC polls dovetail not only with a Fox News Voter Analysis that showed Biden besting Trump by a 69-30 margin, but also with a previous poll of American Jews taken before the election by the Jewish Electoral Institute that also showed Biden getting 67% and Trump 30%.”

Ethnic jews, Israelis overwhelmingly support trump
This is the same bullshit inceltears does, they say our studies are all flawed but never bother to say how they are. When the other sites presents proof, the burden of it passes on to you, so either you debunk each source he posted or shut up already

I don't care which jewish billionaire will be israel's puppet for the next 4 years, but stop being retarded

Uh I did debunk his source?

It came from someone hearing from someone else and reporting it on facebook live. People literally standing outside the counting places and making shit up our of their deluded fantasies.

That isn't evidence. It's complete bullshit.

The same thing with "dead" people voting. People share the same name and sometimes it gets attitbuted to the older one. Others have their birthdate typoed. A few mistakes isn't evidence for massive voter fraud.

He also used evidence of camera equipment being wheeled in as evidence...

When examined all his evidence falls apart. That is three pieces of evidence that shows you don't care if it is true or not, you just reach for anything that supports your assertion.
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They found tens of thousands of votes from dead people you could check yourself. Also votes under the names of married women under their maiden name they didn't cast, #MaidenGate.

Also lol @ you thinking the lying press particularly CNN which has rock bottom credibility having more credibility than MIT mathematicians breaking down how the software algorithm was flipping votes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk

Also Benford's law, which was used to nail Enron, is being censored and "fact checked" lol
View attachment 369995

I'm researching this
But the technique you are using is the equivalent to "throw a bunch of shit against the wall and see what sticks".

You don't care that stuff you've touted as proof eventually gets disproven.

You just move onto the next conspiracy theory that suits your worldview.
71 days to Biden's inauguration. It'll be glorious
Why would he be expected to concede when not one state has certified their results, several states are going to vote audit and recount, and there will be more court cases? These people are clowns.
Yeah the media rushed to declare Biden the winner but counts are still being done in Pennsylvania and Arizona and officially counts in states like Georgia and North Carolina haven't been fully done according to the real clear politics map right now.

The heated rhetoric and formalities of campaigning after an election being breached is what's kind of funny imo.
Also Biden did what they've been trying for 4 years to charge Flynn for (and even though the prosecution team gave up their case the activist judge wouldn't dismiss it)

This is going to be an interesting few months tbh
When did I ever say I was
They found tens of thousands of votes from dead people you could check yourself. Also votes under the names of married women under their maiden name they didn't cast, #MaidenGate.

Also lol @ you thinking the lying press particularly CNN which has rock bottom credibility having more credibility than MIT mathematicians breaking down how the software algorithm was flipping votes

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ztu5Y5obWPk

Also Benford's law, which was used to nail Enron, is being censored and "fact checked" lol
View attachment 369995

View: https://youtu.be/etx0k1nLn78

I didn't even have to find this video, it was in my youtube feed today.

See what happens when you follow actual mathematicians and give a shit about actual science?
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I was too old for Bill Nye. My Bill Nye was Mr Wizard Don Herbert.
I had a bet, all my moneys $700 for Trump win.
Fakenews brainwashed NPCs to vote that Hoe Biden and I can't get new PS5 anymore

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