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[Tinder Experiment] Ugly gymcel gets hot Tinder matches! [Spicy thread] [GTFIH]

I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.

The profile: 


That's right, I used the infamous horsefacecel for this experiment. I swiped right on every girl for 10 days (I was going to do two weeks until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early.) So let's look at the facts" we've got a guy with a 2.5/10 face, he has ONE picture, presumably average height, and no real content in the bio. If you TRULY believe that physique doesn't matter, you will expect him to get zero matches besides an odd landwhale or goblin shark here and there, right? Well my friends, feast your eyes upon this.

The results:






There is ABSOLUTELY NO WAY he would get this level of results if he had an average physique. I would go as far as saying this experiment is indisputable proof that physique matters. Not as much as face of course, because someone with an 8/10 face and a 2.5/10 body would get infinitely better results. Still, this definitely shows that gymcelling and roidcelling DO WORK.

Now let's all take tren and ascend (manlets need not apply.)

tl;dr hideous roidcel gets hot Tinder matches and Framecel ends the gymcelling debate once and for all.

@weed @copinggymcel @itsover @justforlulzandkeks @blackpill_incel
blackpill_incel said:
zero tinder matches for me already man. my face is way worse than that guy's.

i appreciate the mention and experiment though. you work hard for this community and i thank you for that

mind pming me a pic? I cant imagine a face worse than the guys in ops post tbh
I swear half of 'gymcels' on here are guys that have 30% body fat, but are convinced they can squat more than this guy in the experiment, so they claim it's worthless.
strange_to_be said:
I swear half of 'gymcels' on here are guys that have 30% body fat, but are convinced they can squat more than this guy in the experiment, so they claim it's worthless.

Legit. Nobody on here is even remotely close to horsecel's physique besides @blackpill_incel (and maybe @CopingGymcel?)

People lift natty for 3 months and then say gymcelling doesn't work because they still aren't getting cold approached by prime JBs. Just lol.
Framecel222 said:
strange_to_be said:
I swear half of 'gymcels' on here are guys that have 30% body fat, but are convinced they can squat more than this guy in the experiment, so they claim it's worthless.
Legit. Nobody on here is even remotely close to horsecel's physique besides @blackpill_incel (and maybe @CopingGymcel?)
People lift natty for 3 months and then say gymcelling doesn't work because they still aren't getting cold approached by prime JBs. Just lol.

getting legit shredded, steroids or not, it's extremely rare

maybe seen liek 5 people in my whole life who were legit under 10% and they were tall lanky ball players who played for hours a day with one being some bodybuilding midget who no one payed attention to or cared about

no one is gonna look like horse-cel. his physique shits all over zyzz
Framecel222 said:
6/10 IMO. There's no way she's average though.

Give me your face and I will end up fucking her looksmatch and her friend the same night.
Are people there claiming this guy is good-looking ?
mylifeistrash said:
Framecel222 said:
strange_to_be said:
I swear half of 'gymcels' on here are guys that have 30% body fat, but are convinced they can squat more than this guy in the experiment, so they claim it's worthless.
Legit. Nobody on here is even remotely close to horsecel's physique besides @blackpill_incel (and maybe @CopingGymcel?)
People lift natty for 3 months and then say gymcelling doesn't work because they still aren't getting cold approached by prime JBs. Just lol.
getting legit shredded, steroids or not, it's extremely rare
maybe seen liek 5 people in my whole life who were legit under 10% and they were tall lanky ball players who played for hours a day with one being some bodybuilding midget who no one payed attention to or cared about
no one is gonna look like horse-cel. his physique shits all over zyzz

No one here is remotely close to horsefacecel period. Also, strongly disagree on horsefacecel's physique shitting all over Zyzz though - Zyzz had insanely aesthetic trap & ab genetics.

Anyway, more horsefacecel:

http://sluthate.com/viewtopic.php?f=2&t=61614 has his post-lifting but pre-roid pic. 

Although, interestingly, on his misc account (username "Bulktillyoked") he variably claims to be natty but has posts w/ sly references to clen/tren/dbol etc (probably to avoid BB.com's ban-hammer). He also says he's half-jew/jalf-mexican... which likely explains his facial phenotype. Additionally, Idk how he became PSL's whipping boy for the "why lift" movement, but -- skimming his misc posts -- he had his first gf @ 17 although he was a truecel up until at least age 21 (doubt he is anymore though)
holy shit his facial profile at :12, his jaw is extremely recessed

his physique is god level though. i highly disagree zyzz even came close, lol
mylifeistrash said:
holy shit his facial profile at :12, his jaw is extremely recessed

his physique is god level though. i highly disagree zyzz even came close, lol

Zyzz looked like a greek sculpture. He had perfect muscle genetics, especially at chest. That gymcel might have bigger muscles but Zyzz is a definition of aesthetics

Somebody's trying to push gymceling really hard on this site. It doesn't work.

First of all that guy must have sunk a few thousand hours into lifting and nutrition (4-5 years at least) and a few thousand dollars into gear.
Second, getting a Tinder match is far cry from being able to bang one of the girls that matched you.

The evidence is almost everybody quits the gym after a year or two. If it were so effective, no one would ever quit the gym and there would be no gymcels.

Fuck off with this propaganda. Muscles don't work for ugly or short guys, unless you think getting a dozen matches from guaranteed flakes after thousands of hours sunk into gymceling is a reasonable return on investment.
Martialartscel said:
Somebody's trying to push gymceling really hard on this site. It doesn't work.

First of all that guy must have sunk a few thousand hours into lifting and nutrition (4-5 years at least) and a few thousand dollars into gear.
Second, getting a Tinder match is far cry from being able to bang one of the girls that matched you.

The evidence is almost everybody quits the gym after a year or two. If it were so effective, no one would ever quit the gym and there would be no gymcels.

Fuck off with this propaganda. Muscles don't work for ugly or short guys, unless you think getting a dozen matches from guaranteed flakes after thousands of hours sunk into gymceling is a reasonable return on investment.

precisely, also bald
[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]"until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early."[/font]

[font=Helvetica, Arial, sans-serif]Lmao[/font]
Martialartscel said:
Somebody's trying to push gymceling really hard on this site. It doesn't work.
First of all that guy must have sunk a few thousand hours into lifting and nutrition (4-5 years at least) and a few thousand dollars into gear.
Second, getting a Tinder match is far cry from being able to bang one of the girls that matched you.
The evidence is almost everybody quits the gym after a year or two. If it were so effective, no one would ever quit the gym and there would be no gymcels.
Fuck off with this propaganda. Muscles don't work for ugly or short guys, unless you think getting a dozen matches from guaranteed flakes after thousands of hours sunk into gymceling is a reasonable return on investment.

Blah blah blah, keep coping. The reason most people quit is because they're lazy as fuck. I know over 10 people who started lifting and liked it, but then stopped a few months later just out of laziness.

Grain_of_sin said:
"until I saw my oneitis on Tinder, causing me to have a complete mental breakdown and forcing me to stop the experiment early."


It was legitimately traumatizing, I actually lost my mind for a bit lol.
Haha finally some proof to shut down the lazy fuck framcels who say "Gymcel is COPE - Face is everything". No it's not. Some femoids also want a muscular body to fuck them even if it means an ugly face.

Us early gymcels are going to be first to ascend. Better join us now before it's too late.
Framecel222 said:
Blah blah blah, keep coping. The reason most people quit is because they're lazy as fuck. I know over 10 people who started lifting and liked it, but then stopped a few months later just out of laziness.

Bullshit. No one but Chad is too lazy to get pussy. The guys you "know" started because they wanted more/better femoids and they stopped because it was doing fuck all for them. Just like pretty much everybody else who starts lifting.

Gymceling is cope. The only humans obsessed with muscles are homosexual men. Just lol @ your pathetic matches including one specifically making fun of the gymcel's face.

No one will get out of inceldom with muscles because no one is incel due to lack of muscles.

And you know what, you sound like a beginner. You have the stink of beginners enthusiasm on you. You'll grow out of it and realize the truth.


Eat shit.
Martialartscel said:
Bullshit. No one but Chad is too lazy to get pussy. The guys you "know" started because they wanted more/better femoids and they stopped because it was doing fuck all for them. Just like pretty much everybody else who starts lifting.

Gymceling is cope. The only humans obsessed with muscles are homosexual men. Just lol @ your pathetic matches including one specifically making fun of the gymcel's face.

No one will get out of inceldom with muscles because no one is incel due to lack of muscles.

And you know what, you sound like a beginner. You have the stink of beginners enthusiasm on you. You'll grow out of it and realize the truth.


Eat shit.

Lol not everybody lifts for pussy. All of them were already getting laid, they just wanted to lift for the satisfaction of being big.

Even I, an incel, didn't originally start lifting for girls, I started lifting because I was tired of getting bullied by other dudes for being small.

Look, we get it, you're too lazy to lift. I understand. Not everyone has the discipline to leave their basement a few times a week.
Kafin said:
Some femoids also want a muscular body to fuck them even if it means an ugly face.

There are some femoids who are into skinny dudes as well as fat dudes as well as ugly dudes (the rarest). If you think years of lifting and steroids to get the occasional Tinder match (that you'll never ever hook up with in real life) is worth the effort then by all means keep trying.

There are those of us who've been where you are and know the truth. Stacies don't care about muscles, and those that do have no problem getting a guy that has a good looking face along with the muscles.
Framecel222 said:
Blah blah blah, keep coping. The reason most people quit is because they're lazy as fuck. I know over 10 people who started lifting and liked it, but then stopped a few months later just out of laziness.

It was legitimately traumatizing, I actually lost my mind for a bit lol.

Why the fuck do you have a oneitis anyway?
Framecel222 said:
Look, we get it, you're too lazy to lift. I understand. Not everyone has the discipline to leave their basement a few times a week.

I've been lifting for 8 years and I still do. Guys compliment me, girls don't give a shit. It's even a running joke among gym rats.


I've been where you are, you haven't been where I am.
Framecel222 said:
Lol not everybody lifts for pussy.

Everybody does everything for pussy. Except fags.

Framecel222 said:
All of them were already getting laid, they just wanted to lift for the satisfaction of being big.

So how is their situation in any way applicable to incels?
Martialartscel said:
There are some femoids who are into skinny dudes as well as fat dudes as well as ugly dudes (the rarest). If you think years of lifting and steroids to get the occasional Tinder match (that you'll never ever hook up with in real life) is worth the effort then by all means keep trying.

There are those of us who've been where you are and know the truth. Stacies don't care about muscles, and those that do have no problem getting a guy that has a good looking face along with the muscles.

No it's not the same. Muscles show virility and strength, and being able to take care of the female. Stacies in other countries like in Eastern Europe or Turkey or Middle East or whatever are honest about loving muscles, because being attracted to a strong muscular man is tied to the female primitive instinct. It's not like preferring a skinny frame, because females aren't biologically inclined to be sexually attracted to a skinny guy. That is just social and media conditioning mainly found in the developed world societies ruled by stick men figures in fashion, music, and film. It's exactly similar to the question of wanting a dominant man or an equal/submissive partner. Most Stacies in the developed world will say they want an equal partnership, but they would fuck the next dominant man that comes along.

"Stacies don't care about muscles, and those that do have no problem getting a guy that has a good looking face along with the muscles."

COPE. Femoids will lie about liking muscles like they lie about not wanting a dominant man. While some Stacies really don't care, other Stacies do care A LOT.  Having a muscular body increases your rating no matter how you want to twist it. 

Even for the Stacies that aren't that much into muscle, having a muscular body means that you're at least working on something and have a life unlike the pathetic puny framecel that signals years of rotting away in his parent's basement.

Martialartscel said:
I've been lifting for 8 years and I still do. Guys compliment me, girls don't give a shit. It's even a running joke among gym rats.


I've been where you are, you haven't been where I am.

Your body probably looks like shit or you're still too skinny. 8 years means nothing if you don't eat right. Just because you failed at what you do or didn't even want to be big doesn't mean that gymceling doesn't work.
Kafin said:
No it's not the same. Muscles show virility and strength, and being able to take care of the female. Stacies in other countries like in Eastern Europe or Turkey or Middle East or whatever are honest about loving muscles, because being attracted to a strong muscular man is tied to the female primitive instinct. It's not like preferring a skinny frame, because females aren't biologically inclined to be sexually attracted to a skinny guy. That is just social and media conditioning mainly found in the developed world societies ruled by stick men figures in fashion, music, and film. It's exactly similar to the question of wanting a dominant man or an equal/submissive partner. Most Stacies in the developed world will say they want an equal partnership, but they would fuck the next dominant man that comes along.

"Stacies don't care about muscles, and those that do have no problem getting a guy that has a good looking face along with the muscles."

COPE. Femoids will lie about liking muscles like they lie about not wanting a dominant man. While some Stacies really don't care, other Stacies do care A LOT.  Having a muscular body increases your rating no matter how you want to twist it. 

Even for the Stacies that aren't that much into muscle, having a muscular body means that you're at least working on something and have a life unlike the pathetic puny framecel that signals years of rotting away in his parent's basement.


Plus if she's into skinny guys then she can easily find another one, but there aren't too many guys with physiques like horsecel. Being that ripped is a huge commodity and gives you strong niche appeal. I've only ever seen one guy IRL who had a handsome face and a godly physique, whereas I've seen hundreds of handsome skinny guys.
Framecel222 said:
Cause I'm not blackpilled enough.

Imagine if you were on your real Tinder and she left swiped you  :'(

Send me pics of your oneitis, btw. She is probably some 9/10 standardcel chick.
CopingGymcel said:
Imagine if you were on your real Tinder and she left swiped you  :'(

Send me pics of your oneitis, btw. She is probably some 9/10 standardcel chick.

I would sui.

I could try to find some but I don't think I have any way of acquiring any.
Framecel222 said:
I would sui.

I could try to find some but I don't think I have any way of acquiring any.

She doesn't have a facebook or instagram? lol.
CopingGymcel said:
She doesn't have a facebook or instagram? lol.

She has the same name as a celebrity which makes this shit way harder to find, I'm trying though.

Okay found it, I'm gonna PM me.

Actually I can't send, you'll roast me tbh ngl.
Framecel222 said:
She has the same name as a celebrity which makes this shit way harder to find, I'm trying though.

Okay found it, I'm gonna PM me.

Actually I can't send, you'll roast me tbh ngl.

Send, fagget.
CopingGymcel said:
Send, fagget.

Dude I can't even look at these pictures for one more second. The urge to go ER is at an all-time high.

Framecel222 said:
Dude I can't even look at these pictures for one more second. The urge to go ER is at an all-time high.


Close your eyes, copy the links, paste them, send them.
Kafin said:
Stacies in other countries like in Eastern Europe or Turkey or Middle East or whatever are honest about loving muscles, because being attracted to a strong muscular man is tied to the female primitive instinct.

I live in Serbia. We're about the most primitive and patriarchal Europeans there are.

And I don't go by what women say but by what they do. I go by what kind of guys I see them hooking up with. I know hundreds of guys with awesome bodies and I know who they (or don't) hook up with.

Everything I've written so far relates to incels. If you're not used to be the ugliest guy in the room then maybe you're a just normie who's had some bad luck. Of course most guys who lift are going to get laid. Most guys who don't lift get laid. Most overweight guys get laid too.

As incels we're the bottom 10% or the bottom 5%. That's a lot of ugly to overcome.

Kafin said:
It's not like preferring a skinny frame, because females aren't biologically inclined to be sexually attracted to a skinny guy.

And where do you get the idea that females are biologically inclined to be attracted to muscles? If that were the case, we wouldn't need to exercise to grow muscles, they'd grow spontaneously like the tail on a peacock. Lifting just sends a signal that the muscles need to grow, otherwise our bodies will keep them to a bare minimum, which would never be the case if our survival and reproduction depended on them even slightly.

Kafin said:
Most Stacies in the developed world will say they want an equal partnership, but they would fuck the next dominant man that comes along.

It doesn't matter what they say, I never take that into account.

Kafin said:
Having a muscular body increases your rating no matter how you want to twist it.

There is no rating, it's not a test or a form where you tick boxes. Mate selection is series of hurdles. Your face disgusts her? Next. Too short? Next. Hooking up with you would lower her social status? Next.

So yeah, if the guy passes these three hurdles, then yeah, muscles might play a role but that guy was never incel to begin with and so isn't applicable to us.

Kafin said:
Even for the Stacies that aren't that much into muscle, having a muscular body means that you're at least working on something and have a life unlike the pathetic puny framecel that signals years of rotting away in his parent's basement.

Having a good body is better than having a shit body, but for incels looking to escape inceldom it won't make any difference.

Kafin said:
Your body probably looks like shit or you're still too skinny. 8 years means nothing if you don't eat right. Just because you failed at what you do or didn't even want to be big doesn't mean that gymceling doesn't work.

As I said, guys are complimenting me all the time and asking for workout advice. Girls don't give a shit. I've never had a girl give me a compliment on my body; the best I got was snarky comments that I probably live in the gym.
And besides, I don't go by my experience (which is subjective and the sample size is 1) but by the hundreds of guys with awesome bodies I've known over the years. As I said, most of them get laid but most guys who don't lift get laid too.

If you're ugly, women are as likely to be attracted to your muscles as they're likely to be attracted to a dog's muscles.

The reason I'm triggered by this is I've been on this journey. My body was maybe top 1% of guys my age (not any more, hard to be on point when you've got no motivation) and it didn't make a difference. I'd walk through Belgrade for hours and not one out of hundreds of girls I'd pass by would ever give me eye contact. I'd see girls with skinny guys and inwardly rage "Why the fuck is she with him? My forearm is thicker than his thigh!"
I'd see girls with fat guys and think "Why the fuck is she with him? He's got more fat on his neck than I have on my entire body!"
But most of the guys I see with girls are tall and lean and their faces are good looking. And gyms are full of guys like that except they also have muscles. The competition is just too hard and there's no prize for 10th place.
Framecel222 said:
I'd rather die a virgin than fuck that girl. Legit subhuman ngl.

Post a pic of the least attractive girl you'd fuck (be honest).

Here's some suifuel or motivation (whatever you want to do with it):
Guy mogs me at 15, just LOL.
CopingGymcel said:
Post a pic of the least attractive girl you'd fuck (be honest).

Here's some suifuel or motivation (whatever you want to do with it):
Guy mogs me at 15, just LOL.

I would fuck a lot of girls if I was bored enough and they made it easy for me. Here's the minimum girl that I'd be comfortable being seen in public with:


Also Jeff Seid mogs me at 13 lmfao. I wonder at what age he surpassed me. Maybe 9 or 10?
Framecel222 said:
I would fuck a lot of girls if I was bored enough and they made it easy for me. Here's the minimum girl that I'd be comfortable being seen in public with

Framecel222 said:
I've made a lot of truly impressive and ingenious posts on here, but this might be my greatest post yet. ITT I will single-handedly end the "does gymcelling work?" debate.

As mentalcel as you are, you are still a soundminded poster here. This thread is particularly good.

LOL@everyone coping that horsecel isn't ugly just because he has matches. I can almost guarantee that 99% of users here mog him facially. As much as I hate IncelTears, some of their beliefs about this place is on the money. Guys here blame their looks, but when pressed, they confess to being mentalcels and social awkwardness being their biggest problem.

<cope> I don't mind so much that men here are mentalcels because they are 4+ in looks. If they had a normal brain, they would be my competition. For instance, there is no way I could complete with Twisted/Sparky. He mogs me in race, age and looks. But because he is too autistic to speak to women, this helps me. I hope every mentalcel here continues to think gymcelling is cope, to think that you need a girl to set a beartrap for you and kidnap you for it count as an IOI, to think that only women over 8/10 are worth it, etc. You said you're too autistic to message girls with a fake tinder because you would be disappointed if you didn't get a reply, even though the point you are trying to investigate is how much body matters. I'm glad you're too much of an aspie to talk to women.  No offence. We sub5s need all the help we can get. </cope>
knajjd said:
matches are pretty trivial to get, really. try getting one to accept hooking up with him and this experiment would be much more meaningful.

LMFAO at that wall of text. the only thing missing is you talking about your 5'2" ripped indian janitor friend who slays supermodels weekly because he knows how to hold frame well.

time to go back to TRP, pal.

I hate TRP and PUAs, but that doesn't mean that everything they say has to be false. This is one of the very rare cases where they are right.

Pretending like a muscular big body isn't part of the female primal sexual instinct is the biggest COPE. It's not all about face. 

It's exactly like how some men like CURVES. We have a primal instinct to be attracted to big butts and boobs, because they're signs of a female suited to bear children. A man can prefer a flat girl, but the two preferences are not comparable. One is instinctual, the other social.

I'd rather tap a butterface with curves than a pretty girl with a flat chest and butt. Some femoids are exactly the same.

And really shut your hole, this is an experiment with proof. Pick a gymcel of your choice, run the experiment, and see for yourselves. The COPE is just too real in some of these framcels.
FACEandLMS said:
As mentalcel as you are, you are still a soundminded poster here. This thread is particularly good.

LOL@everyone coping that horsecel isn't ugly just because he has matches. I can almost guarantee that 99% of users here mog him facially. As much as I hate IncelTears, some of their beliefs about this place is on the money. Guys here blame their looks, but when pressed, they confess to being mentalcels and social awkwardness being their biggest problem.

<cope> I don't mind so much that men here are mentalcels because they are 4+ in looks. If they had a normal brain, they would be my competition. For instance, there is no way I could complete with Twisted/Sparky. He mogs me in race, age and looks. But because he is too autistic to speak to women, this helps me. I hope every mentalcel here continues to think gymcelling is cope, to think that you need a girl to set a beartrap for you and kidnap you for it count as an IOI, to think that only women over 8/10 are worth it, etc. You said you're too autistic to message girls with a fake tinder because you would be disappointed if you didn't get a reply, even though the point you are trying to investigate is how much body matters. I'm glad you're too much of an aspie to talk to women.  No offence. We sub5s need all the help we can get. </cope>

TBH you're probably more likely to get laid than me and the rest of the mentalcels on here. I couldn't even seal the deal when I had a DTF girl in my bed, just lol.

If you aren't NT then you're not even in the game.
Framecel222 said:
I would fuck a lot of girls if I was bored enough and they made it easy for me. Here's the minimum girl that I'd be comfortable being seen in public with:


Also Jeff Seid mogs me at 13 lmfao. I wonder at what age he surpassed me. Maybe 9 or 10?

Standardcel as always. 

Here's a standardcel/volcel test (some random girls I found just now looking for Australian Chads for a thread, nohomo):





Tell me who you wouldn't fuck in each picture.
Framecel222 said:
TBH you're probably more likely to get laid than me and the rest of the mentalcels on here. I couldn't even seal the deal when I had a DTF girl in my bed, just lol.

If you aren't NT then you're not even in the game.

Effectively, I prove that looks are only 80-90% of the equation. The first 80-90 - in terms of impressions - rather than the last 80-90 - but 80-90 nonetheless.
CopingGymcel said:
Tell me who you wouldn't fuck in each picture.

I'm not sure if you were asking everyone or just the guy you're replying to, but I'd probably pass on the fat girl in the third pic. My grandmother has arms like that.

I jerk off 5-6 times a day though, so maybe I'd want to bang her too if I tried no-fap (not that she'd want me).
CopingGymcel said:
Tell me who you wouldn't fuck in each picture.

Lol I'd fuck all of them if it was as simple as that. But I would never put any effort into fucking most of them, besides maybe the bottom left one in the second picture.

Like if the gook in the 3rd picture started talking to me in class I would mostly ignore her. So even if theoretically she's fuckable, realistically I would never do it.
Martialartscel said:
And where do you get the idea that females are biologically inclined to be attracted to muscles? If that were the case, we wouldn't need to exercise to grow muscles, they'd grow spontaneously like the tail on a peacock. Lifting just sends a signal that the muscles need to grow, otherwise our bodies will keep them to a bare minimum, which would never be the case if our survival and reproduction depended on them even slightly.

That's because survivability matters the most. So in other words, the reason why our bodies aren't all muscular is because your body is built to survive and not just reproduce. In a scarcity of resources, building muscle became a privilege. 
It's virility and dominance that attracts females not muscles. Muscles are just a symbol of that, but being skinny is not. You can of course compensate with other features, but as an incel, muscles are definitely your best friend.

All of the points you mentioned are right, but they would only counter my argument if I were saying that muscles are the most important thing. I'm not. Of course a skinny guy can get more sex than a muscled one. Other factors like face come into mind. However, I'm saying that gymceling can only increase your chances of getting laid, because you'd have at least one positive aspect of you. It also does wonders for your own confidence. 

How big were you as a gymcel? The muscle fetish thing really depends on you being wideframed, and not just a defined guy with a 6 pack.

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