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Experiment Would you leave the forum if you got a loyal gf with a 30+ BMI?

Would you leave and consider yourself ascended?

  • Yes

    Votes: 22 46.8%
  • No

    Votes: 25 53.2%

  • Total voters
I wouldn't date an obese foid, it's not just that I'm not attracted to them, I'm outright disgusted by them.
That's outright disgusting man...
Technically speaking I would, sure.
I'm not even looking for "loyalty." I'm not saying I wouldn't fuck her, but I'm trying to be the the friendly neighborhood pipe layer. Not committed to any one woman.
just voted yes for the lulz joke topic
I would drown out the shame with whiskey and no lights on in the bedroom.
Seriously though, I'm sure as soon as she lost the fat, she would instantly leave me for a chad. This shit happens all the time.
even if i wasn't incel, it would be impossible for my dick to enter a fat foid

though i would leave the forum if i "ascended"
Only if it's between 30 and 35 BMI.
Probably, well if some time went by so I knew she wasn’t using me.

If I got a girlfriend who loved me unconditionally, I’d probably just quietly leave the forum. I love the community here but I’d have respect for incels and this is a safe space for incels, so if I were to no longer be an Incel, I’d respect that and leave quietly.
30 is the max ill go tbh. Its fair in my book.
If she has curves and i find her attractive, then sure. Also virgin only
Canadian landwhales wouldn't settle for anyone who isn't higher than 6ft 5 inches tall. Your question is impossible for me to answer.
I’d just keep quite about it and keep posting. A good chunk of our members do it
A lot of big women dislike small framed men. I'm not sure what 30 bmi equals, but I personally find Ashley Graham who weighs around 200 close to perfect. But even if she's sloppy never exercises it would be ascension. Maybe not a satisfying one. Unlikely but possible I wouldn't be in this state if I went for skinny. Big girls always turned me down saying they "would crush me". Depending on age and working out or not I'm anywhere from 120-140 at 5'7/
Sticking your dick in a chunk of lard isn't ascension.
Where are the pics!?


That doesn't look bad tbh I thought obese women were fatter.

By BMI standards she's overweight, even by BMI standards I'm apparently "overweight" when I look like a twig.
That's why BMI is a poor measure of whether someone is overweight/underweight - although at extreme cases (anorexia/severly obese) it can be applicable.
I wish I was attracted to obese girls. I'd have much more luck
By BMI standards she's overweight, even by BMI standards I'm apparently "overweight" when I look like a twig.
That's why BMI is a poor measure of whether someone is overweight/underweight - although at extreme cases (anorexia/severly obese) it can be applicable.
At 30 she's not even just overweight but obese, but I think she just has very fortunate fat distribution.
No landwhales. Tfu
Loyal women don’t exist, they are only loyal when society forces them to be loyal. So theoretically, yes I’d date a smaller landwhale and have sex with her if we lived in a society that enforced loyalty.

In reality, we live in a shithole society and even 500lb landwhales reject me. So no, I doubt I will ever ascend with a landwhale unless I become rich and betabux one.

Even then, there is a huge surplus of betabux men that she can choose from so it’s unlikely she would want me.
If she would slim down, she wouldn't be that loyal anylonger.
I mean I guess I would. But it'd have to be when I'm a major oldcel after my parents die. Imagine presenting a hamplanet to your parents as your gf, my mom might cry and my dad would never speak a word to me again.
Probably, well if some time went by so I knew she wasn’t using me.

If I got a girlfriend who loved me unconditionally, I’d probably just quietly leave the forum. I love the community here but I’d have respect for incels and this is a safe space for incels, so if I were to no longer be an Incel, I’d respect that and leave quietly.
Nope, have zero attraction for fat foids. If I can't easily curl her weight its not gonna happen.
  1. I'm not attracted to obese creatures.
  2. It will lower my status in the eyes of my subordinates and business partners.
I would never date that creature
Yes, and then mentally abuse her into losing weight
Hell yea, I would.

Landwhales have BMI of like 40+
yes. i know this wont happen but i wish she had a zero lay count too but that is a pipe dream.
I hate fat pigs
Fakecel if you would tbh.
'loyal gf' is an oxymoron
I would rather stay incel than fuck a landwhale.

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