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Venting Holy shit I don't mean to race bait but I am only now coming to realise just how much ethnica worship white people and it's so pathetic to me



I who have never known foids
May 11, 2023
Having grown up in good ol Americuh in a very typical non diverse white suburb in the 2000s I had admittedly lived a very sheltered life -- ignorant about the outside world for a good while about my life:whitepill::bluepill::bluepill:

during my teen years I started getting exposed to the whole liberal - "wypipo bad" :feelsUnreal:agenda and could never quite place my finger on this weird social dynamics in our society where every other race is allowed to be racist and be proud of themselves and hate on white people openly but we weren't supposed to respond in any manner because "wypipo bad":feelsjuice:

But now in college I have finally come to a very diverse place with lots of international students and one of my roomates is an Australian htn that took a gap year and travelled all through Asia for a year thanks to his rich parents.:feelswhere::feelswhere:

His perspective and my own observations of the international kids from all over the world have finally made me realise just how much the whole world wants to be white lmao:feelsugh::feelsugh:

Lemme give u some examples :feelstrash:

* There is this man from India who is a htn by pajeet standards and let me tell u he is obsessed with white woman. So much so that this nigga who is tall and has genuinely six pack abs is currently dating a fat white woman who is a known slut and a single mother JUST BECAUSE SHE IS WHITE.:lul:

And guess what the pajeet group he hangs around with gas him up all the time because he managed to snag a "hottie".:f:

>> When my htn roomate travelled all over Asia - le based conservative Asian woman would literally throw themselves at him.He told me of this case where a woman in Philippines literally held his pale arms in her hands and said - "I wish I was fair and superior like u but unfortunately I have to deal with my dirty brown skin " in broken English :foidSoy:

>> Again he went from a bodycount of 4 to "somewhere in the triple digits" because women in Asia would literally beg to sleep with him when he would go on Tinder:feelstrash:

>> A very conservative Muslim from Saudi Arabia told me one day that he was very rich with deep pockets due to a rich father.I ask him - why are u here in USA grinding ur ass on this degree then?
His answer? Because he wants a white wife jfl.This nigger came here to wife up a white woman and if this doesn't work he would go to Russia next:feelsclown::feelsclown:

>> Three Korean women told my htn roomate that they got eyelid surgeries just so that they can look like white woman:feelstastyman: Also when my roommate asked in a diplomatic manner why so many noodles are whitu cocku onry it is because for a lot of Asian woman their status amongst their friend group increases their status if they manage to snag commitment from white men

>> Also I begin to notice how any nigger who became a semi famous athlete at my uni would at once dump his nigger gf to date a white roastie:giga:

I don't know what the purpose of this post is tbh.But it truly is maddening just how LITERALLY ALL OF THE WORLD absolutely worships whiteness and either wants to be white bad or wants to fuck white bad

Both men and women

Noodles /Chinks/Niggers/Sandniggers/pajeets doesn't matter .

there is nothing that unifies all of these groups more than their absolute obsession with whiteness.

they hate us cuz they ain't us?

I am sorry I don't mean to race bait or be a white supremacist .But this has been such a pathetic realisation to me

What do u all think about this?
Once you fully comprehend just how significantly inferior ethnics are to Whites, its not that hard to understand their White worship.
the thing is that you arent genetically superior rather your ancestors btfo out of most of the world that you lowkey emasculated most ethnic societies. americans have literally bombed the masculinity out of japan.

enjoy JBW while you can
the thing is that you arent genetically superior rather your ancestors btfo out of most of the world that you lowkey emasculated most ethnic societies. americans have literally bombed the masculinity out of japan.

enjoy JBW while you can
How can you btfo out of most of the world if not for being genetically superior
Once you fully comprehend just how significantly inferior ethnics are to Whites, its not that hard to understand their White worship.
How can you btfo out of most of the world if not for being genetically superior
trade and luck, you didnt invent guns nor any tool that you used to dominate the rest of the world.

you simply took advantage of less technologically advanced societies like native americans, their rich lands and willing african empires that sold you slaves gave europeans an income boost which you could use on replicating and improving on the works saves and preserved by arabs.

your whole thing relied on alot of groups,
west africans selling you cheap labour so you could create cash crops
arabs literally giving you the foundation of knowledge that you lost
hell coffee was so important to enlightment era because it faciliated conversation
coffee houses were called penny unversity and that practice was imported from the islamic world.
not to mention chinese farming technology that improved european lives.
gun powder was invented by the chinese

you didnt pull yourself up by your bootstrap, you just got lucky. you dont know the importance of trade
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trade and luck, you didnt invent guns nor any tool that you used to dominate the rest of the world.

you simply took advantage of less technologically advanced societies like native americans, their rich lands and willing african empires that sold you slaves gave europeans an income boost which you could use on replicating and improving on the works saves and preserved by arabs.

your whole thing relied on alot of groups,
west africans selling you cheap labour so you could create cash crops
arabs literally giving you the foundation of knowledge that you lost
hell coffee was so important to enlightment era because it faciliated conversation
coffee houses were called penny unversity and that practice was imported from the islamic world.
not to mention chinese farming technology that improved european lives.
gun powder was invented by the chinese

you didnt pull yourself up by your bootstrap, you just got lucky. you dont know the importance of trade
You are coping hard.
Don't see how you can equate some sandnigger wanting a white wife with noodlewhores mutilating themselves to look white and throwing themselves at any mayocel they see. JBW is almost exclusively a thing because of noodlewhores.
saying cope is a cope
No. What you wrote reads like some kind of reddit post by a 5 foot 3 guy listing why women should date him and not the tall guys. It's obvious you have low self esteem but deluding yourself won't really fix that.
Once you fully comprehend just how significantly inferior ethnics are to Whites, its not that hard to understand their White worship.

like i said, white cant be incel. theres always someone for u. its matter of if u willing to ascend. inceldom is ethnics problem
I cant take this anymore.

BTW im an ethnic and i read EVERY SINGLE WORD OP

I have been forced to accept everything you have written.

There are foids in my extended pajeet family who married the most ugliest white man EVER

There are pajeet fobs i talk to who on the regular mention how badly they want to sleep with white foids

Back in high school, there were asian foids who only dated white men and you could see most asian men were permavirgins - it so happens they are single even TODAY

I dont even know how to rationalise this

I just know its OVER for ethnic men in general
Cumskins have more success than ethnics. It's the unfortunate truth.
I cant take this anymore.

BTW im an ethnic and i read EVERY SINGLE WORD OP

I have been forced to accept everything you have written.

There are foids in my extended pajeet family who married the most ugliest white man EVER

There are pajeet fobs i talk to who on the regular mention how badly they want to sleep with white foids

Back in high school, there were asian foids who only dated white men and you could see most asian men were permavirgins - it so happens they are single even TODAY

I dont even know how to rationalise this

I just know its OVER for ethnic men in general
on the offside atleast u have great taste in food
Blah blah none of those people are real and stfu nigger most white people are ugly and retarded but some of their women are good that's it stop thinking you are so good when you are some pasty white nigger not even a hot white bitch
season 8 episode 10 GIF
No. What you wrote reads like some kind of reddit post by a 5 foot 3 guy listing why women should date him and not the tall guys. It's obvious you have low self esteem but deluding yourself won't really fix that.
so you're basically saying you're mad because i looked up more shit than you, dumb niggas be shaming everyone for shit they dont know.
bro tell me unironically what genes are responsible for making euros dominant? if there is a genetic component to their success please link it to me because i'll be honest retarded niggas like you have no clue what they are on about.
so you're basically saying you're mad because i looked up more shit than you, dumb niggas be shaming everyone for shit they dont know.
bro tell me unironically what genes are responsible for making euros dominant? if there is a genetic component to their success please link it to me because i'll be honest retarded niggas like you have no clue what they are on about.
so you're basically saying you're mad because i looked up more shit than you, dumb niggas be shaming everyone for shit they dont know.
bro tell me unironically what genes are responsible for making euros dominant? if there is a genetic component to their success please link it to me because i'll be honest retarded niggas like you have no clue what they are on about.

- Slow life genes

- Increased genetic quality due to the Catholic Church banning marriage between cousins

- brutal natural selection due to harsher climate

- Intelligence, self control, discipline, etc.
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Yeah. I'm amazed at how much the world is inspired by white standards. Its honestly tiring and somewhat unreal. Whites are the marry sue race.
- Slow life genes

- Increased genetic quality due to the Catholic Church banning marriage between cousins

- brutal natural selection due to harsher climate

- Intelligence, self control, discipline, etc.
okay show me the distribution of these genes and link the snp
Not sure how easy it would be to find these given how taboo the whole topic is
snpedia is your friend, it does show distribution amongst different ethncities but its not perfect but its atleast trying
It seems like you're grappling with some complex and uncomfortable realizations about race dynamics and perceptions of whiteness. It's understandable to feel frustrated or confused when encountering these kinds of observations, especially if they challenge preconceived notions or societal narratives.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that discussions about race can be sensitive and nuanced, and they often intersect with issues of power, privilege, and historical context. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives.
It's also worth considering the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that contribute to these dynamics. Colonialism, imperialism, globalization, media representation, and beauty standards all play significant roles in shaping how different groups perceive themselves and others.
Furthermore, individual experiences and motivations can vary greatly. While some people may indeed harbor attitudes of admiration or preference towards whiteness, it's crucial to recognize that these attitudes are not universal among all individuals of any given race or ethnicity. Stereotyping or generalizing based on race can perpetuate harmful biases and misunderstandings.
Ultimately, promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue can help navigate these complex issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It's okay to have questions and uncertainties, but approaching these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn can lead to greater understanding and progress.
No. What you wrote reads like some kind of reddit post by a 5 foot 3 guy listing why women should date him and not the tall guys. It's obvious you have low self esteem but deluding yourself won't really fix that.
read up on gun germs and steel, look up the role of coffee in the enlightement era
read up on how slavery lead to industral revolution being possible

europeans arent genetically superior, if you want to look at genes. go to snpedia, index by intelligence or iq and you will see a chart that shows the distribution of IQ genes amongst various populations (a picture which is limited because we use race instead of ethncitiy)
your own idea of superiority is just a fantasy.
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It seems like you're grappling with some complex and uncomfortable realizations about race dynamics and perceptions of whiteness. It's understandable to feel frustrated or confused when encountering these kinds of observations, especially if they challenge preconceived notions or societal narratives.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that discussions about race can be sensitive and nuanced, and they often intersect with issues of power, privilege, and historical context. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives.
It's also worth considering the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that contribute to these dynamics. Colonialism, imperialism, globalization, media representation, and beauty standards all play significant roles in shaping how different groups perceive themselves and others.
Furthermore, individual experiences and motivations can vary greatly. While some people may indeed harbor attitudes of admiration or preference towards whiteness, it's crucial to recognize that these attitudes are not universal among all individuals of any given race or ethnicity. Stereotyping or generalizing based on race can perpetuate harmful biases and misunderstandings.
Ultimately, promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue can help navigate these complex issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It's okay to have questions and uncertainties, but approaching these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn can lead to greater understanding and progress.
Did you use ChatGPT for this. :feelssus:
It seems like you're grappling with some complex and uncomfortable realizations about race dynamics and perceptions of whiteness. It's understandable to feel frustrated or confused when encountering these kinds of observations, especially if they challenge preconceived notions or societal narratives.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that discussions about race can be sensitive and nuanced, and they often intersect with issues of power, privilege, and historical context. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives.
It's also worth considering the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that contribute to these dynamics. Colonialism, imperialism, globalization, media representation, and beauty standards all play significant roles in shaping how different groups perceive themselves and others.
Furthermore, individual experiences and motivations can vary greatly. While some people may indeed harbor attitudes of admiration or preference towards whiteness, it's crucial to recognize that these attitudes are not universal among all individuals of any given race or ethnicity. Stereotyping or generalizing based on race can perpetuate harmful biases and misunderstandings.
Ultimately, promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue can help navigate these complex issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It's okay to have questions and uncertainties, but approaching these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn can lead to greater understanding and progress.
chatGPT the fence sitter
Having grown up in good ol Americuh in a very typical non diverse white suburb in the 2000s I had admittedly lived a very sheltered life -- ignorant about the outside world for a good while about my life:whitepill::bluepill::bluepill:

during my teen years I started getting exposed to the whole liberal - "wypipo bad" :feelsUnreal:agenda and could never quite place my finger on this weird social dynamics in our society where every other race is allowed to be racist and be proud of themselves and hate on white people openly but we weren't supposed to respond in any manner because "wypipo bad":feelsjuice:

But now in college I have finally come to a very diverse place with lots of international students and one of my roomates is an Australian htn that took a gap year and travelled all through Asia for a year thanks to his rich parents.:feelswhere::feelswhere:

His perspective and my own observations of the international kids from all over the world have finally made me realise just how much the whole world wants to be white lmao:feelsugh::feelsugh:

Lemme give u some examples :feelstrash:

* There is this man from India who is a htn by pajeet standards and let me tell u he is obsessed with white woman. So much so that this nigga who is tall and has genuinely six pack abs is currently dating a fat white woman who is a known slut and a single mother JUST BECAUSE SHE IS WHITE.:lul:

And guess what the pajeet group he hangs around with gas him up all the time because he managed to snag a "hottie".:f:

>> When my htn roomate travelled all over Asia - le based conservative Asian woman would literally throw themselves at him.He told me of this case where a woman in Philippines literally held his pale arms in her hands and said - "I wish I was fair and superior like u but unfortunately I have to deal with my dirty brown skin " in broken English :foidSoy:

>> Again he went from a bodycount of 4 to "somewhere in the triple digits" because women in Asia would literally beg to sleep with him when he would go on Tinder:feelstrash:

>> A very conservative Muslim from Saudi Arabia told me one day that he was very rich with deep pockets due to a rich father.I ask him - why are u here in USA grinding ur ass on this degree then?
His answer? Because he wants a white wife jfl.This nigger came here to wife up a white woman and if this doesn't work he would go to Russia next:feelsclown::feelsclown:

>> Three Korean women told my htn roomate that they got eyelid surgeries just so that they can look like white woman:feelstastyman: Also when my roommate asked in a diplomatic manner why so many noodles are whitu cocku onry it is because for a lot of Asian woman their status amongst their friend group increases their status if they manage to snag commitment from white men

>> Also I begin to notice how any nigger who became a semi famous athlete at my uni would at once dump his nigger gf to date a white roastie:giga:

I don't know what the purpose of this post is tbh.But it truly is maddening just how LITERALLY ALL OF THE WORLD absolutely worships whiteness and either wants to be white bad or wants to fuck white bad

Both men and women

Noodles /Chinks/Niggers/Sandniggers/pajeets doesn't matter .

there is nothing that unifies all of these groups more than their absolute obsession with whiteness.

they hate us cuz they ain't us?

I am sorry I don't mean to race bait or be a white supremacist .But this has been such a pathetic realisation to me

What do u all think about this?
I thought most non-whites hated white people but I must be mistaken with natives
I thought most non-whites hated white people but I must be mistaken with natives
Yeah that was what I am trying to say.I thought there was a general sense of disdain amongst ethnica because slavery and we wuz kangz before u colonised us n shiet

But most American born ethnics and niggers are very smart and grow with a vener of political correctness so they wouldn't ever tell u the truth
But first gen immigrants who literally moved to your nation are very blunt as they are not well versed in political correctness and liberal speak

They will look u dead in the eyes and say how they find whiteness and paleness more attractive and superior
It seems like you're grappling with some complex and uncomfortable realizations about race dynamics and perceptions of whiteness. It's understandable to feel frustrated or confused when encountering these kinds of observations, especially if they challenge preconceived notions or societal narratives.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that discussions about race can be sensitive and nuanced, and they often intersect with issues of power, privilege, and historical context. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives.
It's also worth considering the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that contribute to these dynamics. Colonialism, imperialism, globalization, media representation, and beauty standards all play significant roles in shaping how different groups perceive themselves and others.
Furthermore, individual experiences and motivations can vary greatly. While some people may indeed harbor attitudes of admiration or preference towards whiteness, it's crucial to recognize that these attitudes are not universal among all individuals of any given race or ethnicity. Stereotyping or generalizing based on race can perpetuate harmful biases and misunderstandings.
Ultimately, promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue can help navigate these complex issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It's okay to have questions and uncertainties, but approaching these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn can lead to greater understanding and progress.
nigg er Dont u chatgpt me
I guess I could count as one of those people? I am mixed and a Nazi. I just see it as the right thing to do :feelsjuice:
read up on gun germs and steel, look up the role of coffee in the enlightement era
read up on how slavery lead to industral revolution being possible

europeans arent genetically superior, if you want to look at genes. go to snpedia, index by intelligence or iq and you will see a chart that shows the distribution of IQ genes amongst various populations (a picture which is limited because we use race instead of ethncitiy)
your own idea of superiority is just a fantasy.
cool story, you subhuman XD
ethnics don't worship whites, they hate us
I appear white in public you racism piece of shit!

That's what you guys do.

Guy goes by the name of "John" in public.

But at home, mother calls him Moses.

Fucking brilliant.
I wonder if kikes are white or not?
Ashkenazi Jews are basically from kazaria a lot of them dissolved a lot of cozak blood in Russia as well so they're mostly rape babies that's why they look fucked up
It seems like you're grappling with some complex and uncomfortable realizations about race dynamics and perceptions of whiteness. It's understandable to feel frustrated or confused when encountering these kinds of observations, especially if they challenge preconceived notions or societal narratives.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that discussions about race can be sensitive and nuanced, and they often intersect with issues of power, privilege, and historical context. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives.
It's also worth considering the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that contribute to these dynamics. Colonialism, imperialism, globalization, media representation, and beauty standards all play significant roles in shaping how different groups perceive themselves and others.
Furthermore, individual experiences and motivations can vary greatly. While some people may indeed harbor attitudes of admiration or preference towards whiteness, it's crucial to recognize that these attitudes are not universal among all individuals of any given race or ethnicity. Stereotyping or generalizing based on race can perpetuate harmful biases and misunderstandings.
Ultimately, promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue can help navigate these complex issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It's okay to have questions and uncertainties, but approaching these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn can lead to greater understanding and progress.
Chat gpt cel
trade and luck, you didnt invent guns nor any tool that you used to dominate the rest of the world.

you simply took advantage of less technologically advanced societies like native americans, their rich lands and willing african empires that sold you slaves gave europeans an income boost which you could use on replicating and improving on the works saves and preserved by arabs.

your whole thing relied on alot of groups,
west africans selling you cheap labour so you could create cash crops
arabs literally giving you the foundation of knowledge that you lost
hell coffee was so important to enlightment era because it faciliated conversation
coffee houses were called penny unversity and that practice was imported from the islamic world.
not to mention chinese farming technology that improved european lives.
gun powder was invented by the chinese

you didnt pull yourself up by your bootstrap, you just got lucky. you dont know the importance of trade
cope its the yamnaya gene

View: https://youtu.be/kvOtVa2AoSY?si=flnz5dxoeu6MM7p7

View: https://youtu.be/IZEFl-LqtNU?si=D3mWmZWyj9Y9-EQ1
Ethnics are at a point where even ITards will call you an incel for not being racepilled.

View: https://www.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1bfjvhv/comment/kv1uxkz/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button

It seems like you're grappling with some complex and uncomfortable realizations about race dynamics and perceptions of whiteness. It's understandable to feel frustrated or confused when encountering these kinds of observations, especially if they challenge preconceived notions or societal narratives.
Firstly, it's important to acknowledge that discussions about race can be sensitive and nuanced, and they often intersect with issues of power, privilege, and historical context. It's essential to approach these topics with empathy, understanding, and a willingness to listen to diverse perspectives.
It's also worth considering the broader social, cultural, and historical factors that contribute to these dynamics. Colonialism, imperialism, globalization, media representation, and beauty standards all play significant roles in shaping how different groups perceive themselves and others.
Furthermore, individual experiences and motivations can vary greatly. While some people may indeed harbor attitudes of admiration or preference towards whiteness, it's crucial to recognize that these attitudes are not universal among all individuals of any given race or ethnicity. Stereotyping or generalizing based on race can perpetuate harmful biases and misunderstandings.
Ultimately, promoting understanding, empathy, and dialogue can help navigate these complex issues and work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. It's okay to have questions and uncertainties, but approaching these discussions with an open mind and a willingness to learn can lead to greater understanding and progress.
ChatGPTs me:feelskek:.

That shitting on the moon at the end:lul::lul::lul:.

Don't see how you can equate some sandnigger wanting a white wife with noodlewhores mutilating themselves to look white and throwing themselves at any mayocel they see. JBW is almost exclusively a thing because of noodlewhores.
True as well:yes:.
Having grown up in good ol Americuh in a very typical non diverse white suburb in the 2000s I had admittedly lived a very sheltered life -- ignorant about the outside world for a good while about my life:whitepill::bluepill::bluepill:

during my teen years I started getting exposed to the whole liberal - "wypipo bad" :feelsUnreal:agenda and could never quite place my finger on this weird social dynamics in our society where every other race is allowed to be racist and be proud of themselves and hate on white people openly but we weren't supposed to respond in any manner because "wypipo bad":feelsjuice:

But now in college I have finally come to a very diverse place with lots of international students and one of my roomates is an Australian htn that took a gap year and travelled all through Asia for a year thanks to his rich parents.:feelswhere::feelswhere:

His perspective and my own observations of the international kids from all over the world have finally made me realise just how much the whole world wants to be white lmao:feelsugh::feelsugh:

Lemme give u some examples :feelstrash:

* There is this man from India who is a htn by pajeet standards and let me tell u he is obsessed with white woman. So much so that this nigga who is tall and has genuinely six pack abs is currently dating a fat white woman who is a known slut and a single mother JUST BECAUSE SHE IS WHITE.:lul:

And guess what the pajeet group he hangs around with gas him up all the time because he managed to snag a "hottie".:f:

>> When my htn roomate travelled all over Asia - le based conservative Asian woman would literally throw themselves at him.He told me of this case where a woman in Philippines literally held his pale arms in her hands and said - "I wish I was fair and superior like u but unfortunately I have to deal with my dirty brown skin " in broken English :foidSoy:

>> Again he went from a bodycount of 4 to "somewhere in the triple digits" because women in Asia would literally beg to sleep with him when he would go on Tinder:feelstrash:

>> A very conservative Muslim from Saudi Arabia told me one day that he was very rich with deep pockets due to a rich father.I ask him - why are u here in USA grinding ur ass on this degree then?
His answer? Because he wants a white wife jfl.This nigger came here to wife up a white woman and if this doesn't work he would go to Russia next:feelsclown::feelsclown:

>> Three Korean women told my htn roomate that they got eyelid surgeries just so that they can look like white woman:feelstastyman: Also when my roommate asked in a diplomatic manner why so many noodles are whitu cocku onry it is because for a lot of Asian woman their status amongst their friend group increases their status if they manage to snag commitment from white men

>> Also I begin to notice how any nigger who became a semi famous athlete at my uni would at once dump his nigger gf to date a white roastie:giga:

I don't know what the purpose of this post is tbh.But it truly is maddening just how LITERALLY ALL OF THE WORLD absolutely worships whiteness and either wants to be white bad or wants to fuck white bad

Both men and women

Noodles /Chinks/Niggers/Sandniggers/pajeets doesn't matter .

there is nothing that unifies all of these groups more than their absolute obsession with whiteness.

they hate us cuz they ain't us?

I am sorry I don't mean to race bait or be a white supremacist .But this has been such a pathetic realisation to me

What do u all think about this?
I notice this too, there's a particular song, the song is "when I die Imma go to snowbunny heaven" lmao, it's on tiktok, pathetic as fuck I swear.

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