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Blackpill Racepill Part 6 - Why women are inherently racist, Koinophilia and Neoteny

Wanna talk about this a little, @Facade 's tellemt tinder experiment caused some controversy.

You guys don't understand how wicked and cruel female mind is. You just don't see it from a foid's perspective.

The reason this forum still can't wrap their heads around the racepill is because they think like a man. But female brain is wired differently through hundreds of thousands years of foid evolution.

You, as a man, look at the face and make an unbiased facial aesthetics evaluation, but women do that evaluation based on different set of standards.
Women are inherently much more racist in mate selection due to many reasons. But the main one is biological and evolutionary.
Many data already show women are much more racially selective than men and they are all consistent regardless of source:

Screenshot 2018 4 29 Microsoft Word   Feliciano PAA2008 doc   80046

Why and how females are evolved to be more racist and vile than men ?

A- Women are slave to power and dominance. White race in the world are the more powerful and dominant race. We are living in a white man's world. They are biologically wired to seek out powerful males for protection of their off spring. Pierre L. Van Berghe (professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Washington and author of many books on race, sexuality, and human evolution) writes and I quote:

"Again, coercion is not a human monopoly. Male animals use force or threats to displace or eliminate competition, to gain access to females in oestrus. to secure submission of subordinates and so on. Some intelligent mammals, such as baboons and lions, are even capable of forming small coalitions of two to four males in order to establish and maintain a collective dominance over individual rivals. Some animal societies can thus be said to have rudimentary "ruling classes."

"Women’s judgments of men’s desirability were affected by dominant and altruistic behaviors. This research was built on a previous research study conducted by Sadalla, Kenrick, and Vershure (1987) that showed women were more attracted to men who exhibited dominant behavior. Sadalla et al. (1987) hypothesized that women’s preference for men who exhibited dominant behaviors were indicative of evolutionary influences, because male dominant behaviors conveyed reproductive advantages and the ability to access resources."

White race signals power and status to women. They subconsciously think their offspring will face hardships if they mate with a man of inferior race.


Koinophilia is an evolutionary hypothesis proposing that during sexual selection, animals preferentially seek mates with a minimum of unusual or mutant features, including functionality, appearance and behavior.

Donald Symons, professor emeritus of anthropology at UCSB and author of The Evolution of Human Sexuality, writes;

  • Mate choice actually comprises many different problems, so we should expect the evolution of many different mechanisms to solve them. E.g., what's the ideal amount of acne or other visible skin diseases in a potential mate? Presumably zero. So a psychological mechanism that follows the "rule": "prefer unblemished skin, all else equal," would have been adaptive everywhere, and would develop in a relatively "innate" manner. What would have made adaptive sense is a mechanism that detects skin color in the individuals one sees growing up and specifies a rule "prefer a mate with the average skin color you've seen."
The effect of Koinophilia in females are much bigger as Pierre Van Den Bergh, professor emeritus of sociology at the University of Washington and author of many books on race, sexuality, and human evolution, says;

  • I believe the "natural" sexual preference is for partners who are broadly similar to oneself, in good physical condition, and in control of good resources, especially for women. Men tend to be more open to any mating opportunity, and to be less choosy.

Many of you have this misconception that neoteny is having subhuman recessed chin and weak jaw. But that isnt true.


wiki says;
Neoteny is the delaying or slowing of the physiological (or somatic) development of an organism, typically an animal. Neoteny is found in modern humans.

It is directly linked to human attractiveness.
A quote from the study Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness, and Facial Neoteny: Cross-cultural Evidence and Implication

".....A youthful or neotenous face is one that combines a high ratio of neurocranial to lower-facial features with a small nose and ears and full lips. The appendix gives a summary of a number of studies of neoteny and facial attractiveness"
"....In many animal species, male reproductive success is more dependent on mating success than is female reproductive success, so sexual selection commonly acts with greater intensity on males than on females
.....Among humans, considerable anatomical and behavioral evidence suggests that males have been subject to stronger sexual selection than females"

Long story short, neoteny is also associated with bigger frontal cortex in humans. Take a guess what are the most neotenous nations ?
Japan and northeast asia.
Outside Northeast Asia, the most neotenized people are of Northern European (Nordic, Celtic, Germanic) origin.

The more neotenous a race, the more intelligent and higher cranial capacity and neuroplasticity.
Skull comparisons2


Brain size 4

Brain size 3

Women are biologically wired to seek out men of most powerful race. Women are gatekeepers to the reproduction and natural selection. Race is much less important issue for men than women Ethnic males are in disadvantage not only because their phenotype and features is considered ugly but also their race is associated with lower status and IQ.

References and Quotations:
The Evolution of Human Sexuality

Pierre L van Den Berghe, The ethnic phenomenon

Pierre L van Den Berghe, Does Race Matter ?

Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness, and Facial Neoteny: Cross-cultural Evidence and Implication


Edit: only thing I'd add OP is that too much neoteny in men is bad. It is why Asiancels get cucked by whitecels.
you are absolutely right. That's also what articles I've read about neoteny showed. Basically it goes like this;

for women: more neoteny is always good.

for men: neoteny is good in moderate levels. full lips, less hair loss, small nose, big eyes, compact face they are plusses. But too much neotenous features (retention of fat in certain parts of body, shorter height) can be bad.
This will not be a white man's world for much longer. Lothrop Soddard pretty much predicted the whole of modern race politics back in 1920. Stoddard argued the only way to save white supremacy was to end all immigration from non-white countries and implement eugenics programs in white countries to improve the quality of teh white race. The East Asians are better educated, smarter, more hard working and, during this century, will become wealthier and more technologically developed than whites.

Meanwhile the population of Africa is exploding. The changes in the climate will make Sub-Saharan Africa difficult to live in; there will be a slow exodus to Europe (a continent with a declining white birth rate for its higher IQ middle and upper classes). The only demographic of white people that tend to have a replaceable number kids are the low IQ working and underclasses. This can already be seen in my country (UK) where by far the worst performing demographic at school and poor, white working/underclass class boys.

No doubt there are many minority incels who are bitter towards whites and, in particular, white Chads; thus, many of you are happy to see my people decline, and, probably, be murdered once we have lost all power.

I suspect the Han Chinese (and possibly Northern Indians?) will take the throne as the world's most powerful ethic group, replacing those of Northern European origin.

This will not be a white man's world for much longer. Lothrop Soddard pretty much predicted the whole of modern race politics back in 1920. Stoddard argued the only way to save white supremacy was to end all immigration from non-white countries and implement eugenics programs in white countries to improve the quality of teh white race. The East Asians are better educated, smarter, more hard working and, during this century, will become wealthier and more technologically developed than whites.

Meanwhile the population of Africa is exploding. The changes in the climate will make Sub-Saharan Africa difficult to live in; there will be a slow exodus to Europe (a continent with a declining white birth rate for its higher IQ middle and upper classes). The only demographic of white people that tend to have a replaceable number kids are the low IQ working and underclasses. This can already be seen in my country (UK) where by far the worst performing demographic at school and poor, white working/underclass class boys.

No doubt there are many minority incels who are bitter towards whites and, in particular, white Chads; thus, many of you are happy to see my people decline, and, probably, be murdered once we have lost all power.

I suspect the Han Chinese (and possibly Northern Indians?) will take the throne as the world's most powerful ethic group, replacing those of Northern European origin.

Interesting stuff, the rise of East Asia is very legit but I doubt that means an end to western dominance. At worst it means global power will be more equally shared between the two. Africa is only a threat to itself and the Elites of this world won't just cuck their power away to others, especially Jews which are only really safe in a western setting. The KKK guy you are mentioning was linked to the Elites of his time if you dig deep into it.
Being born on earth naturally makes you a racist. Racism is completely justifiable.
Not wanting to date outside your race is not racism. Racism is irrational hatred of other races. It's when a jew wants to flood white countries with brown people and when a brown man wants to racemix just to "get back" at the white man who did nothing to him.

Even if you live in a non white country, people who are paler than you will mog you because for thousands of years being brown meant working under sun like a slave and being poor while being pale meant that you stay indoors and have a higer payin job that you do inside. This reality was coded into foid genes and their primal brains will hardly know better
Painful, but very real.

I have always known this, the empirical experience of being black in (specifically) the middle class shows me this every day.

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This thread ventures way more into the pseudoscience territory than previous threads in this series.

Men (overall) generally exclude black women at rates on par with those of women (overall) when it comes to Asian men, so saying women are more racist by tallying up the various different ethnic/racial groups excluded instead of specifying which groups are excluded and to what extent may not be the most honest way of looking at it.

But that's not why I'm making this post. This is:

Many of you have this misconception that neoteny is having subhuman recessed chin and weak jaw. But that isnt true.
View attachment 17470
View attachment 17475

wiki says;
Neoteny is the delaying or slowing of the physiological (or somatic) development of an organism, typically an animal. Neoteny is found in modern humans.

It is directly linked to human attractiveness.
A quote from the study Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness, and Facial Neoteny: Cross-cultural Evidence and Implication

".....A youthful or neotenous face is one that combines a high ratio of neurocranial to lower-facial features with a small nose and ears and full lips. The appendix gives a summary of a number of studies of neoteny and facial attractiveness"
"....In many animal species, male reproductive success is more dependent on mating success than is female reproductive success, so sexual selection commonly acts with greater intensity on males than on females
.....Among humans, considerable anatomical and behavioral evidence suggests that males have been subject to stronger sexual selection than females"

Long story short, neoteny is also associated with bigger frontal cortex in humans. Take a guess what are the most neotenous nations ?
Japan and northeast asia.
Outside Northeast Asia, the most neotenized people are of Northern European (Nordic, Celtic, Germanic) origin.

The more neotenous a race, the more intelligent and higher cranial capacity and neuroplasticity.
View attachment 17471

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Women are biologically wired to seek out men of most powerful race. Women are gatekeepers to the reproduction and natural selection. Race is much less important issue for men than women Ethnic males are in disadvantage not only because their phenotype and features is considered ugly but also their race is associated with lower status and IQ.

References and Quotations:
The Evolution of Human Sexuality

Pierre L van Den Berghe, The ethnic phenomenon

Pierre L van Den Berghe, Does Race Matter ?

Sexual Selection, Physical Attractiveness, and Facial Neoteny: Cross-cultural Evidence and Implication


I believe mate preferences do have biologic underpinnings, but the above is mistaken. How could neoteny or IQ account for women's racial preferences when, as you noted, Asians, on average, have both the most neotenous craniofacial features and the highest IQ? How does that make any sense, given that they are the most excluded by women?

It also seems inconsistent with the literature, which suggests neoteny is an important trait for female beauty. The trend is for facial masculinity for male beauty, which is inversely related to neotenous facial anthropometrics.

Moreover, another bit of incoherent theorizing may be found in trying to associate mean group IQ with the extent of mean neoteny physiognomy. In full disclosure, I've spent the bulk of my posting career across the intarwebz debunking Pioneer Fund race realist claims on the interpretations and implications of group differences in IQ.

For instance, in the Lynn pdf you linked, on page 50-52, in the subsection entitled, "Intelligence of Bushmen," Lynn goes on at length about how the San people of the Kalahari have a mean IQ of 54 and then speculates how this shows the cognitive threshold necessary to survive the Kalahari desert is one that an 8-year-old white kid could easily surpass. Instead of critiquing the absurdity of this line of thinking, which has been done before, I want to draw attention back to your neoteny claims -- because it turns out, that the IQ-of-54 San people are more neotenous than Caucasoids, on average:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny_in_humans#San_people :
Ashley Montagu said that the San have the following neotenous traits relative to Caucasoids: large brain, light skin pigment, less hairy, round-headed, bulging forehead, small cranial sinuses, flat roof of the nose, small face, small mastoid processes, wide eye separation, median eye fold, short stature and horizontal penis.


Where do they fall on the female preference algorithm? Closer to the most-neotenous-and-highest-IQ-yet-most-excluded "Mongoloids"? Closer to "Negroids"?

tl;dr: neoteny is a pretty shitty theory for explaining women's attraction preferences
This thread ventures way more into the pseudoscience territory than previous threads in this series.

Men (overall) generally exclude black women at rates on par with those of women (overall) when it comes to Asian men, so saying women are more racist by tallying up the various different ethnic/racial groups excluded instead of specifying which groups are excluded and to what extent may not be the most honest way of looking at it.

But that's not why I'm making this post. This is:

I believe mate preferences do have biologic underpinnings, but the above is mistaken. How could neoteny or IQ account for women's racial preferences when, as you noted, Asians, on average, have both the most neotenous craniofacial features and the highest IQ? How does that make any sense, given that they are the most excluded by women?

It also seems inconsistent with the literature, which suggests neoteny is an important trait for female beauty. The trend is for facial masculinity for male beauty, which is inversely related to neotenous facial anthropometrics.

Moreover, another bit of incoherent theorizing may be found in trying to associate mean group IQ with the extent of mean neoteny physiognomy. In full disclosure, I've spent the bulk of my posting career across the intarwebz debunking Pioneer Fund race realist claims on the interpretations and implications of group differences in IQ.

For instance, in the Lynn pdf you linked, on page 50-52, in the subsection entitled, "Intelligence of Bushmen," Lynn goes on at length about how the San people of the Kalahari have a mean IQ of 54 and then speculates how this shows the cognitive threshold necessary to survive the Kalahari desert is one that an 8-year-old white kid could easily surpass. Instead of critiquing the absurdity of this line of thinking, which has been done before, I want to draw attention back to your neoteny claims -- because it turns out, that the IQ-of-54 San people are more neotenous than Caucasoids, on average:

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Neoteny_in_humans#San_people :


Where do they fall on the female preference algorithm? Closer to the most-neotenous-and-highest-IQ-yet-most-excluded "Mongoloids"? Closer to "Negroids"?

tl;dr: neoteny is a pretty shitty theory for explaining women's attraction preferences

Men (overall) generally exclude black women at rates on par with those of women (overall) when it comes to Asian men, so saying women are more racist by tallying up the various different ethnic/racial groups excluded instead of specifying which groups are excluded and to what extent may not be the most honest way of looking at it.

Women are much more racially selective and will exclusively date white men.

Screenshot 2018 4 29 Microsoft Word   Feliciano PAA2008 doc   80046

Only 16% of white men men say they'd only date whites while 46% of white women say "only white men"

White men exclude black women at: 53% (93% of 68)
while white women exclude indians and middle easterns at: 70%

this trend goes for not only white men, but also men of other races.

Regardless of what stat you take, findings are consistent. Women are more racially selective than men.

About neoteny,
How could neoteny or IQ account for women's racial preferences when, as you noted, Asians, on average, have both the most neotenous craniofacial features and the highest IQ? How does that make any sense, given that they are the most excluded by women?
It also seems inconsistent with the literature, which suggests neoteny is an important trait for female beauty. The trend is for facial masculinity for male beauty, which is inversely related to neotenous facial anthropometrics.
More neoteny is almost always good for women, but it is more ambiguous for men. Some Seotenous features such as full lips and small nose are also considered attractive.

"The appendix gives a summary of a number of studies of neoteny and facial attractiveness. Virtually all of them find that neotenous facial proportions, as defined above, contribute to female attractiveness. Results for males are equivocal.

Below I present three studies addressing the topic of neoteny and female facial attractiveness. Data for males are included for purposes of comparison

Indices of neoteny and facial attractiveness. A neotenous face is one that retains youthful traits or presents markers of youth in an exaggerated form relative to others of the same age.

Thus a face with unusually large eyes, small nose, and full lips in relation to face height will have a low predicted age according to Equations I to 3 and a high index of neoteny according to Equations 4 to 6.

For all attractiveness subgroups and both sexes, making faces less neotenous via positive cardioidal strain makes them less attractive.

Thus there is a limit to how far increasing neoteny results in increasing attractiveness, and that limit is reached sooner for males than for females."

Neoteny being always bad for men is a PSL meme. It depends on how it is manifested.

Neoteny is positevely associated with percieved attractiveness(not as much for men) and intelligence.

San people are a small tribe in bumbfuck of africa.
They are more negroid like you said, hence the low IQ.

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>For real, I have only recently realized I am only attracted to caucasian phenotype. I realzied every single female I found attractive (regardless of skin color) has WHITE phenotype

men have preferences, women have standarts.

Women are much more racially selective and will exclusively date white men.

View attachment 18675
Only 16% of white men men say they'd only date whites while 46% of white women say "only white men"

White men exclude black women at: 53% (93% of 68)
while white women exclude indians and middle easterns at: 70%

this trend goes for not only white men, but also men of other races.
View attachment 18685

Regardless of what stat you take, findings are consistent. Women are more racially selective than men.

I'm familiar with the Feliciano stated preference stats. I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the statement per se, but suggesting that it's a rather crude way of framing it. Hell, even saying "more racially selective [in dating]" is more nuanced than saying "more racist"

Saying "more racist" implies 1) deliberate or intentional hostility of 2) a uniform magnitude across racial outgroups IMO. But when it comes to dating patterns, (1) is probably infrequent, and (2) may also untrue, even if stated prefs seem to indicate uniformity (Lin and Lundquist's example on stated vs revealed prefs for Middle Easterns to follow). Hence insisting on nuance. My thoughts on the matter are best summed up by something Lin and Lundquist mentioned in their discussion section about who can afford to be racially selective:


We are hesitant, however, to conclude that men are less race conscious than women, given that men and women confront a differing terrain of demand and supply in the dating market. On the basis of the fact that women receive many more messages than men and that there are more men than women populating dating websites, men may simply be less able to be as selective as women can. Furthermore, since women’s own social status has been historically more dependent on that of their partners because of the norms of patriarchal tradition (Spickard 1991; Root 2001), it may still be more socially acceptable for men to date out-groups than for women.

Also, as stated, caution is warranted when interpreting Feliciano's stated preference stats. I know you read this Lin and Lundquist study so I presume you saw when they pointed out that:

Preference is an elusive concept. One could certainly make the argument that stated preference is closer to one’s true preference because it is less contingent on the perceived opportunity and cost structure. On the other hand, if one’s preferences are informed by stereotypes, how one reacts to that person’s profile and online dating persona may reflect a “truer” preference because it is based on more accurate information. The contrast between perception and reality is most salient in the case of Middle Eastern Americans. While previous studies on dating profiles (e.g., Robnett and Feliciano 2011) indicate that white daters tend to exclude Middle Eastern American daters in their stated racial preferences, our preliminary analysis shows that white daters do not avoid interacting with Middle Eastern American daters at all.

I suspect an exaggerated broad rule, if a hyperbolic generalization had to be distilled, is Just Be White PASSING (or look white enough).

Another reason for the nuance and precision is it turns out when looking at all racial groups stratified by gender, it is black women who actually have it the absolute worse (also from Lin and Lundquist):

Furthermore, because gendered racial formation theory juxtaposes the racialized experience of minority women with that of their minority male counterparts, it has the potential to obscure the magnitude of distinctions. For example, an implicit suggestion of gendered racial formation theory is that Asian men’s marginalization is equivalent to that of black women. Our results, however, make a strong case that the discrimination against black women is the single largest marginalization of note.

You state,

About neoteny,

More neoteny is almost always good for women, but it is more ambiguous for men. Some Seotenous features such as full lips and small nose are also considered attractive.

"Some [n]eotenous features such as full lips and small nose are also considered attractive" ON WOMEN. Do you have a source to suggest that these are consistently preferred features in MEN?

I see you next quote-mined this paper by Jones et al. 1995, but the paper overall casts considerable doubt on the importance of neoteny in men, as they highlight in their conclusions:

The results presented in this paper suggest that neotenous features are indeed criteria of female attractiveness even when age is controlled for. Specifically,
1. Women whose facial proportions make them look younger than their actual age (as measured by regression equations predicting age as a function of facial proportions)are perceived as more attractive by male raters from five populations (but see n. 4).
2. A sample of U.S. female models has significantly more neotenous facial proportions than a sample of U.S.female undergraduates and a strikingly low predicted age, about 7 years, according to regression equations predicting age as a function of facial proportions.
3. Cardioidal strain, a mathematical transformation shown by earlier research to provide a good model for changes in facial proportions during the course of maturationa nd to affect the perceived ages of faces, also has an effect on female facial attractiveness according to U.S. raters. The effect is nonlinear, suggesting that neoteny is a component of attractiveness only up to a certain point.
4. Results for male attractiveness in the above studies are weak and/or inconsistent.

Why would you consider a "weak and/or inconsistent" factor as a main explanatory factor for female mate preferences?

You state,
San people are a small tribe in bumbfuck of africa.
They are more negroid like you said, hence the low IQ.

View attachment 18684

One of the most genetically distinct populations known, with almost 100,000 people, = "Small tribe"? But never mind that, do you have ANY source to show that, under systematic statistical analysis, neoteny across EXTANT HUMAN POPULATIONS is associated with IQ? And are you implying neoteny only matters when you've already predetermined the racial hierarchy that you want to retrofit a neotenous hypothesis onto? If so, how can it be used as a primary sorting mechanism to distinguish or explain the IQ of racial groups (and the supposed subsequent mate prefs that follow) if you've already relegated its explanatory power as post hoc / ad hoc by being confined to racial categories already decided by other means?
This site has really opened my eyes, high iq post?
If this is true then why do so many white men get cucked by black guys??
Very true. East Asians and Scandinavians have a high occurrence of "cute" people or people with neotenous facial features moreso than any other groups of people. The two groups are also the smartest people.

Germans/Anglos aren't exactly Scandinavians and don't look as cute.
Threads like this really are must-read. They put in words what everyone here already knows providing solid evidence
I'm familiar with the Feliciano stated preference stats. I wasn't necessarily disagreeing with the statement per se, but suggesting that it's a rather crude way of framing it. Hell, even saying "more racially selective [in dating]" is more nuanced than saying "more racist"

Saying "more racist" implies 1) deliberate or intentional hostility of 2) a uniform magnitude across racial outgroups IMO. But when it comes to dating patterns, (1) is probably infrequent, and (2) may also untrue, even if stated prefs seem to indicate uniformity (Lin and Lundquist's example on stated vs revealed prefs for Middle Easterns to follow). Hence insisting on nuance. My thoughts on the matter are best summed up by something Lin and Lundquist mentioned in their discussion section about who can afford to be racially selective:


Also, as stated, caution is warranted when interpreting Feliciano's stated preference stats. I know you read this Lin and Lundquist study so I presume you saw when they pointed out that:

I suspect an exaggerated broad rule, if a hyperbolic generalization had to be distilled, is Just Be White PASSING (or look white enough).

Another reason for the nuance and precision is it turns out when looking at all racial groups stratified by gender, it is black women who actually have it the absolute worse (also from Lin and Lundquist):

You state,

"Some [n]eotenous features such as full lips and small nose are also considered attractive" ON WOMEN. Do you have a source to suggest that these are consistently preferred features in MEN?

I see you next quote-mined this paper by Jones et al. 1995, but the paper overall casts considerable doubt on the importance of neoteny in men, as they highlight in their conclusions:

Why would you consider a "weak and/or inconsistent" factor as a main explanatory factor for female mate preferences?

You state,

One of the most genetically distinct populations known, with almost 100,000 people, = "Small tribe"? But never mind that, do you have ANY source to show that, under systematic statistical analysis, neoteny across EXTANT HUMAN POPULATIONS is associated with IQ? And are you implying neoteny only matters when you've already predetermined the racial hierarchy that you want to retrofit a neotenous hypothesis onto? If so, how can it be used as a primary sorting mechanism to distinguish or explain the IQ of racial groups (and the supposed subsequent mate prefs that follow) if you've already relegated its explanatory power as post hoc / ad hoc by being confined to racial categories already decided by other means?


you indeed won!
Bumping it because it's worth reading
The more neotenous a race, the more intelligent and higher cranial capacity and neuroplasticity.
So why women are more neotenous than men but absolutely not smarter than men?
All the studies I've read shows IQ is directly linked to status and achievement in life. (even though it still doesnt explain majority of equation when it comes to wealth and status.)
not only that IQ and Good looks have positive correlation
Too high IQ is correlated with social handicap hence sexual insucess
In full disclosure, I've spent the bulk of my posting career across the intarwebz debunking Pioneer Fund race realist claims on the interpretations and implications of group differences in IQ.
Race realism pseudoscience? Oh fuck off already lol
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High IQ. The whole idea of race was capitalised by the white man when trying to categorise and discriminate blacks. That's where the terms whites and blacks came from. To divide us. Now it serves the purpose of allowing women to select the man who has more power in society.

THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS A WHITE MAN OR BLACK MAN OR INDIAN MAN OR ASIAN OR WHATEVER. Those differences are made from the environment we grow up in. Melanin make blacks dark. Cooler temperatures make non-black peoples hair straight and silky. When you understand things like this, you realise we're all the same. Just people came in and started to discriminate so they could find reasons for power. You are the same as a black man and white man. Think about it.

The reasons for the disparity in IQ is because IQ tests are made by whites. We have to remember that intelligence itself is difficult to define. It is even more difficult to measure it through a simple IQ test. We have not found the genes responsible for many aspects of intelligence like logic, abstract reasoning and mathematical ability.

What we do is that at a young age we are being shaped for our future. Just like how a child can learn a language way faster than an adult. Because the brain is more adaptable in younger years and this adaptability decreases over time. So by the time blacks are properly integrated into the workforce and have defeated their cultural expectations of being uneducated due to bad upbringing in poor areas, they have missed out on an opportunity to raise their thinking skills.
Whites have a monopoly on the media and get to export their idea of what they find attractive onto everyone else. People are being bombarded with what whites find attractive and women are very susceptible to the media. That's all you need to know.
Whites have a monopoly on the media and get to export their idea of what they find attractive onto everyone else. People are being bombarded with what whites find attractive and women are very susceptible to the media. That's all you need to know.
yeah ok explain interracial couples in advertising

muh jbw

dating statistics are Chad only, regardless of race. You have to be self-hating ooga ooga ooknik in order to literally find studies that spit in your own face, its like you're a masochist for "MUH JBW" everytime you try to find a study to confirm your biases because you love to rebel but only against certain groups, (kill whitey) god forbid the 6'9 congolese george floyd look alike that wants to cut off your balls but he's "based XD" because he hates women! Fuckin racist piece of shit, how dare you!
yeah ok explain interracial couples in advertising

muh jbw

dating statistics are Chad only, regardless of race. You have to be self-hating ooga ooga ooknik in order to literally find studies that spit in your own face, its like you're a masochist for "MUH JBW" everytime you try to find a study to confirm your biases because you love to rebel but only against certain groups, (kill whitey) god forbid the 6'9 congolese george floyd look alike that wants to cut off your balls but he's "based XD" because he hates women! Fuckin racist piece of shit, how dare you!

What are you even talking about you autistic retard? You are literally spouting gibberish. I said we live in a society where what whites think is dominate. A few "interracial couples in advertising" aren't going to change that you whiny idiot.
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What are you even talking about you autistic retard? You are literally spouting gibberish. I said we live in a society where what whites think is dominate. A few "interracial couples in advertising" aren't going to change that you whiny idiot.
brainlet doesn't even understand my post, lmao kys tranny subhuman iq has poor reading comphrehension skills

people like you make this place more based and worthwhile place, thank you.
Niggers are the ugliest . Jbw is LAW
I hate women so much words cannot encompass my hated towards them
This is as low effort as it comes. OP has some research about what women want and then makes some assertions that they somehow mean women only want white men even when these studies suggest no such thing.
Agreed.. Seing women go for many different races. Most of the time though the men are either taller or bigger than the female. Those are the ones who get chosen. While the guys that are shorter or skinny for say get looked over and passed off as "not worth it".
This will not be a white man's world for much longer. Lothrop Soddard pretty much predicted the whole of modern race politics back in 1920. Stoddard argued the only way to save white supremacy was to end all immigration from non-white countries and implement eugenics programs in white countries to improve the quality of teh white race. The East Asians are better educated, smarter, more hard working and, during this century, will become wealthier and more technologically developed than whites.

Meanwhile the population of Africa is exploding. The changes in the climate will make Sub-Saharan Africa difficult to live in; there will be a slow exodus to Europe (a continent with a declining white birth rate for its higher IQ middle and upper classes). The only demographic of white people that tend to have a replaceable number kids are the low IQ working and underclasses. This can already be seen in my country (UK) where by far the worst performing demographic at school and poor, white working/underclass class boys.

No doubt there are many minority incels who are bitter towards whites and, in particular, white Chads; thus, many of you are happy to see my people decline, and, probably, be murdered once we have lost all power.

I suspect the Han Chinese (and possibly Northern Indians?) will take the throne as the world's most powerful ethic group, replacing those of Northern European origin.

North indians don' have any chance, chinese way more, but JFL if you think that 'rise of china' was only work of chinese and not pumping up money from west
And JFL if you think that this fight is wypipo vs non wypipo
Whites have a monopoly on the media and get to export their idea of what they find attractive onto everyone else. People are being bombarded with what whites find attractive and women are very susceptible to the media. That's all you need to know.
and ethnic men aren't also influenced ? ( there's many ethnics here which lust over white women ), also slavs aren't nowheare near power, but a lot find slavic women attractive ( and they aren't promoted )
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Well ngl boyos it looks like it's over. Tours over packing up and going home. Time to retire.
Whites are socially, intellectually, and culturally dominant. Blacks are physically dominant. For ricecels, Muslimcels, spiccels and currys its over.
For real, I have only recently realized I am only attracted to caucasian phenotype. I realzied every single female I found attractive (regardless of skin color) has WHITE phenotype. I used to think like many members here
"race doesnt matter, looks matter"

that's because people see race as only color of skin.

An example, Melanie Iglesias is a legit 9 but officially not white
View attachment 17630View attachment 17631

but all her facial features are strongly caucasian features. Small nose, lips, eye area, skull shape. The only thing that makes her "an ethnic" is her skin color. And surprise surprise he has Italian/puerta rican roots.

I just googled "hot african women" and noticed every single """black""" woman I found hot have white features. I've personally never seen a hot african woman with negroid features.

White race benefit from media, you can't deny it but you are quite right. I remember watching her videos when i was young and i found her extremaly attractive ( now after tribalism and racepill i like other types of women similiar to me, blonde hair and blue eyes ), but after realizing i see that all races of women any other than white, has to some degree white features. Looked what noodlewhores used to look like before modernization and with current ones, difference i somewhat pretty drastic. Seriously compare early miss korea from 60's i guess and current KPOP stars or AngelaBaby ( not mention that she is 25% caucasian ), current east asian standard of beauty is eurasian in nature.
That chick you posted is perfect example, always 'hot' latinas are not mostly in indio in blood but with very prominent white features to quite big degree, and as for black women they are often ligh skinned which are desirable. Beyonce and JLO both POC modern stars in cuckmerica have very prominent caucasian features.

Also with black males, they are clearly physically dominant so it makes them attractive. And it's purely my theory but many white males hates them cause they are more masculine that them and if they were not they wouldn't care for them. BBC fear is real, while ricemen
can't cope with fact that they have smallest dicks and least masculine and least THREATING race
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If we live in a white man's world why is the US 59% white
what the fuck is your problem? if foids don't want to racemix, don't force them? racemixing is cucked anyway. also, if foids want white men, it is not our fault that we have good genetics.
less than 40% white among young populations
honestly the pale latin americans mix with normal whypipo and often have "mixed" kids who are more than 70%. not all is lost for US culture in my opinion
honestly the pale latin americans mix with normal whypipo and often have "mixed" kids who are more than 70%. not all is lost for US culture in my opinion
Pale latin americans are very rare in US, pale latin americans are usually in southern cone, and southern cone people are less than 5% of all latinos in USA, but I understand your point
The first graph can easily be explained by men having no options, hence opting for dating obese women and even negroes. Women can choose their preferred racial category, which is usually their own category, and that's natural. The fact that over one third of so-called "White" women are open to dating any other racial group is disgusting. It's a bit less disgusting that more than fifty percent of so-called "White" men are willing to date any other race, because in this day and age we, as men in general, just don't have that many options. I have a "White" friend who considered dating an obese negroid woman, and had several "White" friends who boasted about their Japanese girlfriends. Males of all races suffer so much that they are willing to date anything and everyone (even transgenders) to be able to experience sex and love. Those who can not get real intimacy with other people and are too timid or poor to pay a prostitute may even become transgenders to sexually stimulate themselves. They can not get the girl, so they become the girl.

While it is true that Europeans, especially those we consider "White", invented the modern world and had a monopoly of power up until recently, it is also true that masculinity (in the so-called "West", advanced civilizations created or heavily influenced by Europeans) is steadily declining because of several factors, and that "White" people are usually perceived as more timid, shy and awkward (similar to Asians) than Negroes or Latinos, a fact which their glorious past is not enough to make up for.

The last point is wrong because women do not care about intelligence. They want a fertile, strong and dominant male. The Black ghetto dweller with an IQ of 80 can easily beat (literally and figuratively) the average "White" college kid with an IQ of 110, and is hence preferred by women of all races, as women do not care about anything but vitality and strength in a man. When they talk about character traits they like, they mean traits such as dominance, rudeness, recklessness and selfishness. They are evolutionary hardwired to like these traits of character, not intelligence.

Neoteny and childlike features can not be a dealbreaker for Asians, otherwise male K-pop idols (who always look at least a little childlike) would not exist.
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Pale latin americans are very rare in US, pale latin americans are usually in southern cone, and southern cone people are less than 5% of all latinos in USA, but I understand your point
I know southern south americans are pale. but pales ones are all across LatAm they just aren't the supermajority. in my state brown and spaniard looking latinos have about equal occurrence when i go outside
The first graph can easily be explained by men having no options, hence opting for dating obese women and even negroes. Women can choose their preferred racial category, which is usually their own category, and that's natural. The fact that over one third of so-called "White" women are open to dating any other racial group is disgusting. It's a bit less disgusting that more than fifty percent of so-called "White" men are willing to date any other race, because in this day and age we, as men in general, just don't have that many options. I have a "White" friend who considered dating an obese negroid woman, and had several "White" friends who boasted about their Japanese girlfriends. Males of all races suffer so much that they are willing to date anything and everyone (even transgenders) to be able to experience sex and love. Those who can not get real intimacy with other people and are too timid or poor to pay a prostitute may even become transgenders to sexually stimulate themselves. They can not get the girl, so they become the girl.

While it is true that Europeans, especially those we consider "White", invented the modern world and had a monopoly of power up until recently, it is also true that masculinity (in the so-called "West", advanced civilizations created or heavily influenced by Europeans) is steadily declining because of several factors, and that "White" people are usually perceived as more timid, shy and awkward (similar to Asians) than Negroes or Latinos, a fact which their glorious past is not enough to make up for.

The last point is wrong because women do not care about intelligence. They want a fertile, strong and dominant male. The Black ghetto dweller with an IQ of 80 can easily beat (literally and figuratively) the average "White" college kid with an IQ of 110, and is hence preferred by women of all races, as women do not care about anything but vitality and strength in a man. When they talk about character traits they like, they mean traits such as dominance, rudeness, recklessness and selfishness. They are evolutionary hardwired to like these traits of character, not intelligence.

Neoteny and childlike features can not be a dealbreaker for Asians, otherwise male K-pop idols (who always look at least a little childlike) would not exist.
do you consider italians to be white ? many white natsoc don't and likes like @BummerDrummer only consider them to take their anchievments.
many white natsoc don't
Well it depends very much on where you find those "white natsoc", if they're poltards or weebs who follow (((Varg Vikernes))) it's very likely they won't consider Italians to be "fully white", but people who are culturally prepared about genetics always consider Italians to be fully Europeans. I always suggest to check Survive the Jive videos or the Thuletide blog: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/09/20/italian-ethnogenesis/

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZD2VaZHA2g
Well it depends very much on where you find those "white natsoc", if they're poltards or weebs who follow (((Varg Vikernes))) it's very likely they won't consider Italians to be "fully white", but people who are culturally prepared about genetics always consider Italians to be fully Europeans. I always suggest to check Survive the Jive videos or the Thuletide blog: https://thuletide.wordpress.com/2020/09/20/italian-ethnogenesis/

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yZD2VaZHA2g

varg is turbo autists and had even video saying that autism is some pure natural behavior, but at same time he makes a good entertaiment

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