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Blackpill [STUDY] 2021 study shows that autistic men are way less likely to experience sex, kissing, relationships and autistic women, not so much

All these studies come to the same obvious conclusions

They just validate empirically what we have already found out deductively :society:
I agree with these statistics. My autism kills my chances forever
I wonder how I would be if I was NT, where I would be now, etc. I mean I have depression, socal phobia, OCD and I may have bipolar OR borderline and I have autism traits but IDK if it's autism or just horrible social skills (or both). I wil never know.
Water is wet tbh
niggas can't talk to people how tf are they going to fuck?

but yeah, NTpill is brutal
the title reminded me of CHRIS CHAN
not true.

At least in the US
Single women (57% of women) outnumber single men (54%) in the top 100 US cities
this is like talking to a brick wall with normies but again, "singleness" doesn't correlate with sexual status. Most of those young and single women are in "it's complicated" situations which is codeword for "fucking chad and he doesn't want to be exclusive". The young and single men, on the other hand, are mostly not having sex at all. The exceptions are the aforementioned chads that women like to fuck.

the fact that single status is roughly equal between men and women doesn't mean that sexual success is equal between men and women, since for women single status is usually a choice while for men it's involuntary.

as an unrelated bit every time I've ever spoken to a therapist it's always "there are plenty of autistic women out there". No there aren't and the ones that are don't want autistic men. If I was still going to a psychiatrist or a therapist I'd love to show them the hard data.
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Exactly. i don't know how people deny the NTpill. Not saying personality is all you need. but having bad social skills, social awkwardness and inability to meet new people or know how to talk to people makes it impossible to even get noticed.
Women can nearly instantly tell that someone is "off". If you can't hold a conversation like a normie they might not immediately guess that you're on the autistic spectrum or have a schizoid personality, but instinctually they know that this guy is "weird". And then if they find out you have no friends and have never had a girlfriend, then you've already triggered a bunch of the major red flags they look for and poof they are long gone. Foids just don't have the patience or ethics to deal with autists.
Women can nearly instantly tell that someone is "off". If you can't hold a conversation like a normie they might not immediately guess that you're on the autistic spectrum or have a schizoid personality, but instinctually they know that this guy is "weird". And then if they find out you have no friends and have never had a girlfriend, then you've already triggered a bunch of the major red flags they look for and poof they are long gone. Foids just don't have the patience or ethics to deal with autists.
Yeah and that’s why autistic guys are doomed
not true.

At least in the US
Single women (57% of women) outnumber single men (54%) in the top 100 US cities
Bizarro study. My guess is many men are counting themselves as not-single when in fact their 'girlfriends' are indeed saying they are single :feelshaha:
Autistic women don't mask better its just people judge womens behavior less harshly then they do men. A weird female comes off as quirky a weird male comes off as creepy
@Edmund_Kemper Do you think if autistic men were the majority we'd have an easier time socializing and more friends?
Autistic women don't mask better its just people judge womens behavior less harshly then they do men. A weird female comes off as quirky a weird male comes off as creepy
@Edmund_Kemper Do you think if autistic men were the majority we'd have an easier time socializing and more friends?
if autistic men were a majority a majority of men would be permavirgins

also yes autistic women mask autism. they literally act NT.
Women can nearly instantly tell that someone is "off". If you can't hold a conversation like a normie they might not immediately guess that you're on the autistic spectrum or have a schizoid personality, but instinctually they know that this guy is "weird". And then if they find out you have no friends and have never had a girlfriend, then you've already triggered a bunch of the major red flags they look for and poof they are long gone. Foids just don't have the patience or ethics to deal with autists.
Honestly they do lol. They immediately view you as asexual and a total nonthreat. Then it's super easy to listen to them drone on and on about whatever dumb bullshit they're interested in. They will be completely honest as long as you're willing to listen and you can hear about the hedonistic lifestyles foids enjoy on a daily basis. Ofc they will never ever ever be sexually attracted to you but they'll tell you anything since you're too retarded to judge her for it.
as an unrelated bit every time I've ever spoken to a therapist it's always "there are plenty of autistic women out there". No there aren't and the ones that are don't want autistic men. If I was still going to a psychiatrist or a therapist I'd love to show them the hard data.

So true. If a foid is affected by a certain condition (autism, poverty, poor looks), she would never want a "condition-matched" male to have sex or spend her life with. Actually, she is much more likely to be picky and try everything to find a male much better than her, so she won't have to be reminded of her own deficiencies all the time.
Late to this, but it's been shown for awhile now that females exhibit less autistic traits than males do as they have some genetic protection (particularly if autism has sex-linked characteristics) . Autism in males is usually more severe.

Not that it matters: male thirst will fuck anything with a foid body. There are thirsty degenerates that will even fuck down syndrome foids just to get their nasty dick wet with pussy.
IT don’t ever dare touch threads like these. They will cherrypick until their wombs fall out their loose roastie holes. :blackpill:
I am autistic on top of being currycel... it never began
It seems JBW doesn't even work for me! It never began for autistics!:feelscry::feelscry:
Autism as a male is a death sentence unless you also happen to have a 7.5/10+ which is a huge statistical improbability due to how the brain develops when you're good looking early in life and showered in positive reinforcement.
There are autist Chads, but very very rare.

Mods should pin this.
No matter what religion a foid claims to believe in, her true Religion is hypergamy and she will abandon every aspect of her faith she can socially get away with to fulfill her biological hypergamous instincts.
I hate autistic women.
I hate autistic and non-autistic women because I’m a misogynist and know that a femoid is awful, regardless of whether they are autistic or not.
Yeah and that’s why autistic guys are doomed
Over for autistic men.
Autistic females are generally a meme, most of them don't differ in any way from their "normal" counterparts.
Autistic women still have it easy, just like non-autistic femoids.
Most normies cannot sleep with slim white girls (all that counts). Part of the reason most autistics cannot find a girl is because they have unrealistic standards (lack of social cues make them think the “hot blondes” are attainable). NT men “know their lane” by late teens. This leads men on the spectrum hoping that one day the hot blonde will come. She never does.

if an aspie guy settled for a landwhale on tinder he’d “ascend”. This is basically what most normies do
I’m autistic and don’t have high standards.
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63% of autistic women have frenched kissed with tongue compared to 82.7% of NT women. (This means autistic women were just as likely to have french kissed as NT men and were more likely than NT men to have kissed someone on the lips with mouth closed!)
this proves woman cant be incels:feelstrash::feelstrash:
No this does not prove the NTpill, Facial structure and autism are correlated. The reason why half of the autists mentioned in this study didn't experience any kind of long-term relationship is most likely because of their undesirable looks, many autistic people have distinct facial abnormalities like wide IPD, asymmetry, and unusually wide/big upper face including forehead, which are all are undesirable and repulsive facial traits.
CHD8 Cell


Being NT does not have any influence on desirability and perceived attractiveness, Looks > everything. If you are good-looking you automatically become desirable to the opposite sex whether you are NT or not. The difference is, when you are ugly and non-NT you get perceived as a weirdo and creep, when you are good-looking and non-NT you get perceived as quirky and unique, and if extremely autistic you get perceived as shy and cute. All the bad things about your personality and behavior automatically become pros and good traits instead of being cons when you are good-looking, there's a reason why women are attracted to serial killers who are good-looking and fantasize about getting raped by them.
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No this does not prove the NTpill, Facial structure and autism are correlated. The reason why half of the autists mentioned in this study didn't experience any kind of long-term relationship is most likely because of their undesirable looks, many autistic people have distinct facial abnormalities like wide IPD, asymmetry, and unusually wide/big upper face including forehead, which are all are undesirable and repulsive facial traits.
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View attachment 547117

Being NT does not have any influence on desirability and perceived attractiveness, Looks > everything. If you are good-looking you automatically become desirable to the opposite sex whether you are NT or not. The difference is, when you are ugly and non-NT you get perceived as a weirdo and creep, when you are good-looking and non-NT you get perceived as quirky and unique, and if extremely autistic you get perceived as shy and cute. All the bad things about your personality and behavior automatically become pros and good traits instead of being cons when you are good-looking, there's a reason why women are attracted to serial killers who are good-looking and fantasize about getting raped by them.
Dude NT is important. If you can’t communicate you can’t ask someone out
Dude NT is important. If you can’t communicate you can’t ask someone out
Men who look like this

HGF2wlpk 400x400 1
14933d6064fe2e50ed7dc81e1f5ce95e  asian eyes korean model
2629856 images 83

don't need to ask a girl out, girls chase them instead.
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No because men pursue women get pursued
There's an exception to this rule when you are 7.5/10 or above. Good-looking men live life on easy mode whether they are NT or not.
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Only 26.8% of autistic men have engaged in any sexual experience before (oral, anal, intercourse, foreplay, etc.) compared to 72.4% of NT men.
:feelsmage: brutal as fuck
i hate being 21 year old autistic KHHV
There's an exception to this rule when you are 7.5/10 or above. Good-looking men live life on easy mode whether they are NT or not.
No they still pursue every man does
Ropefuel for the day and I didn't even have to read more than a few lines.
After reading this I am convinced that I should just kill myself.
anyone who denies the NTpill is delusional. if autism wasn't a death sentence, then why does this forum have way more autists than the general population?

many will say it's only a death sentence if you're sub8, but even autistic gigachads won't be able to meet people or know how to communicate because of autism, they have a bigger chance than most autists but not guaranteed.
This is the truth. At all social tiers, we get mocked, disrespected, and pushed down by others, even here. It is such a huge privilege to be born NT, everything in life is so much easier for them. :feelsree:
This is the truth. At all social tiers, we get mocked, disrespected, and pushed down by others, even here. It is such a huge privilege to be born NT, everything in life is so much easier for them. :feelsree:
Food isn't a big deal until you're starving.
Yeah, and I've been starving for social validation my entire life, and sexual and romantic (emotional) validation since I hit double digits in age. Fools know nothing of what they speak.

Also, good lord at the bad grammar exhibited in the quote you posted. Did I really leave something that grammatically butchered? :dafuckfeels:

Edit: Ooh, I did drop an 'a'. I suppose that's not too bad, but I clearly need to do a better job with my proofreading. Or maybe I should just stop being such a perfectionist. :fuk:
Water is wet. Of course romance is 1000000x easier for women

Autistic females are generally a meme, most of them don't differ in any way from their "normal" counterparts.

The old juggernaut-pill: a woman can be ugly, disabled, retarded, autistic, anything, and still she will have dating power.

Women are privileged

Juggernautpill in a nutshell
Giga atomic Black Pill:blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

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