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Serious A response to Blkpillpress and the case against edge posting

Joined: Jan 13, 2019
Messages: 445

Seriously though, you really convinced me. I'm going to call foids women from now on like you and show them the respect they deserve. Soy IQ post

I LITERALLY said in my post that we shouldnt be civil JFL you obv didnt read it
It's like people completely forget about the blackpill the moment they read an edgy post and go into Not all women mode!!:soy:
Those random "innocent" women possess the same evil that the woman who just rejected and humiliated you did. There's a reason that we struggle, our problems would be very small if only a handful of women/numales stood against us but it's such a large mass that we can firmly say that society is our enemy. But I agree with you that such posts are quite useless and in the worst case they will have a negative impact, but they're not completely baseless.

I never said these women were innocent, in the post I said that I just dont give a shit about them
keep crying for blkpillpres

I will

Can't tell if you're joking or not :feelshaha: he's literally just that 12 year old who thinks he's super deep and smart but actually isn't any smarter than a downs kid

I was just trying to be polite, a nice guy :soy: if you will
Why didn’t you just discuss this with him in DM

Because this post wasnt directed at him specifically, its directed at anyone who agrees with him
didnt read

keep coping. this forum having an audience is its best feature.
tiggering normtards is too good to give up.

I literally said in the post how edge posting will eventually lose an audience as it gets boring and we sound like a broken record, many websites that are politically extreme and just edge post all the time are known for volatile short life spans and constantly rotating userbase full of new retards.
We actually have the label of the worst of the worst. What's the problem if we say some edge things time to time. The forum has been hacked in the past, ppl talk shit about us in twiter, redit,etc. Conventional TV too. We are nowadays the enemy number one, just first world problems. It's a psicologycal relief for us say some of those things.

I said in the post it's fine if the edge posting is both very relevant to us and time to time. My specific problem is the very constant edge posting about bitches we dont even know. Also we arent enemy number one dude were clown number one, people dont take us seriously except for the retards at IT
He's trying to police our behaviour, of course it needs to be posted in public to be effective.

I'm not trying to police behavior I'm not some fuckin mod or anything, but I am trying to convince people of my side
It's not that I disagree with what you're saying, but I do feel like if you can't vent openly here where else is there for you to go?

Tbh there should just be a vent section on this website, like how theres a vent section on my discord which keeps all the other channels better. That would be my solution, but for now you can still vent if you have to dont let the anger build up
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I never said these women were innocent, in the post I said that I just dont give a shit about them
Fair enough, it just gave off such vibes of that attitude which is common among anti-edge/extremist posters. But you raise a good point, its pretty hard to justify those threads considering that they might scare away potential blackpill converters, I guess what robtical said about those threads generating a lot of views is an argument for it.
Fair enough, it just gave off such vibes of that attitude which is common among anti-edge/extremist posters. But you raise a good point, its pretty hard to justify those threads considering that they might scare away potential blackpill converters, I guess what robtical said about those threads generating a lot of views is an argument for it.

On that very last sentence, I have a disagreement. If you look at the top most viewed threads on this website you will mostly see happenings and that sort of stuff, there is one edge post but it doesnt even really count as an edgepost as it was a news update on the death of that bianca girl

I haven't read your post as yet, I will, but this response right here I'm pretty sure defeats the entire thing without me reading it (I will respond though)

you'll still be incel as fuck, even if god himself is on your side

and be self-censoring to appeal to a bunch of idiots who will always hate you anyway
Edgeposting is cope. Nobody is going to screenshot your post and post it on inceltears.

I haven't read your post as yet, I will, but this response right here I'm pretty sure defeats the entire thing without me reading it (I will respond though)

I await your response.

Also I answered that guys statement you quoted. If you're sub6 in the west pretty much nothing you can do will help escape inceldom. But IMO we should still atleast do something about it
OP, I one hundred percent agree with you. I just hope you are not wasting your breath.
Also I answered that guys statement you quoted

I saw it:
Its not about self censoring, its about not appearing as autistic to men who could be on our side. I even said that we will still be incel even if a majority of men are on our side in my post. Did you even read it

1. It doesn't matter if we "appear autistic" or not, by toning down the black pill, the only men you are inviting are lukewarm black pillers, men who will turn back to the blue pill in a matter of years, its the men who can handle the extremism that are the true black pillers, because nothing will turn them away from it, because it is their only path in life no matter what

2. Please see the irony of how normie tier this response sounds - "dude, don't you want to look cool for those other guys so they join our group, you don't want to seem autistic do you", since when was trying to appear "normal" a black pill thing, seems pretty normie to me, you are literally proving my point that you fuckers are trying to "normiefy" the black pill and tone it down, create your own pill and preach that garbage elsewhere, the black pill is staying pitch fuck black, brutal, savage, unappealing, as it always has been.

First we must ask, what does edge posting mean and what are the benefits?:
When I (and many others) talk about edge posting, we aren't talking about the occasional feminist/anti incel person getting punched or some posts shitting on females. Those posts are fine IMO. What I'm instead talking about is the very frequent posting of random women getting the absolute shit kicked out of them (either they show gore or its a news article describing what happened) or even killed. We don't know who the bitch is, why they killed her, or why we should even care. A typical example of this would be some post parading the fact some female died, and when you see the article its about some girl in an indian village killed for not worshiping the cow god or whatever. Its these specific type of posts I have a problem with. The underlining reason why is because, honestly, who gives a shit. Tons of people die, get beat up, whatever every day like why should I honestly give a fuck if they happen to be a young female. This serves nothing other than to assert that the people championing this shit is incredibly autistic.

I agree that posts of RANDOM women dying for RANDOM reasons is no reason to celebrate, but post for example like Bianca whoever that got killed because she was betabuxxing guys and fucking with her many orbiters, that's good shit, I've never really even seen a post like you described celebrated, all the posts I've seen celebrated of women getting killed or beaten were scenarios in which were ironic or they were pushing their luck and finally some guy snapped, for example the bitch who got her head cut off in Morroco (based Islam)

You should very much be over the blackpill rage phase.

This is one of the most if not THE MOST dangerous concepts to spread within the manosphere, its like the same BS of the "red pill rage" and its a thing you "move on from", its just more egotistical BS - "Oh I've most past that stage, I'm above being angry", fuck that shit, I hold onto the rage, its my drive, its whats makes me relentless, low empathy, uncaring, ruthless in all my life pursuits and my thoughts, the moment you let go of rage, that's when you get soft (it happens slowly over time), that's when you get complacent, i'll never let that shit happen to me

Here's why this mindset is dangerous, most of the men on this planet are weak minded, lets be honest, they don't have what it takes to remain black pilled, a lot are one IOI away from doubting the black pill, just blue pillers kidding themselves because they are in a "rage phase", so the general rule should be if you let go of your rage, please leave and don't come back, because 9/10 you are just going to become a normie sleeper agent on the site, you aren't going to stay black pilled, you are just going to become another "JackBud"

Its a dangerous and false idea to peddle, because you are OVERESTIMATING MEN, most men are fucking cucks, they don't want to think "bad thoughts", they don't want to think of "harsh realities", so if you paint the most important aspect of the black pill as a "phase" (YES, HATE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART), then you making the most important part something temporary, once most men "move past that phase" they no longer have anything concrete to stay in a black pilled mindset, their will shall waver over time, they'll start making exceptions, they will eventually leave and go back on everything they thought they believed,

Now what are the negative for edge posting, site wise?:
Like I said before, edge posting undeniably makes this site more shitty. There are tons of posts that are either high iq discussions, articles being shared that regard inceldom or is incel adjacent, posts that share a users experience, etc. However these posts get bogged down by the same typical "lol this random mexican whore got beat up by the cartel!" while it garners 1k views and 50 comments while many more interesting threads are pushed to the bottom of the site barely getting 300 views.

The same could be said about all the low effort meme posting that takes place, but at least the edge posting is life fuel, I still get your point though

We are actually turning away tons of people by being boring (by edge posting).

JFL what the fuck do you think this is an entertainment platform, like come on dude, you are seriously arguing that we need to make our content more appealing to normies here JFL.

"Bro.... bro, edgy posts are too boring and repetative, we need to make our posts about how shitty our lives are and how depressed we are MORE ENTERTAINING so that we can attract more lukewarm fucking black pillers, that will leave the black pill 2 years later after getting a kiss on the cheek or a hug"

What inevitably happens when some of these people go outside for once and actually talk to women and realize that women (while retarded) aren't the extreme stereotypes many low iqcels here paint them as

Good riddance then, think about what you are saying, because women aren't as bad as some extreme caricature, that alone is enough for a guy to go back to being blue pilled?, then he wasn't black pilled to begin with, let me put this in the form of an analogy for you to understand

Reasonable Incel #1: Most women today are whores, they have like 20+ sex partners minimum

Unreasonable Incel #1, #2, #3, #5, .... #100: Fucking roasts have sucked 100 dicks by the age of 15 these days

Normie "Black Pill Initiate": I spent some time around women the past few weeks and most only have like 15+ past sex partners, you guys are wrong, I'm going to date and get married

In this scenario the site is oversaturated with hyperbole and there are few reasonable posts, but still, if hearing about hyperbole is enough to make you not realize how fucked up it is that women today have 15+ sex partners, THEN YOU WERE A BLUE PILLED CUCK TO BEGIN WITH

Think about it, look at how stupid this logic is - "You guys were saying it was 100+, its only around 15+ you guys are wrong, women aren't that bad"

If you were truly black pilled the hyperbole would not make a difference, you'd still realize that 15+ is bad, that even if the retards who say 100+ are wrong they are still right about not bothering to date

If we keep talking about raping women than no one will be convinced to be on our side.

Nobody is on our side either way dude, the only thing that will get us what we want is violence or political subterfuge, we need to start pulling strings behind the scenes and fuck society up so much, and make it know that incels are doing it, so society has no choice but to meet our demands

Gathering numbers doesn't make a difference if it doesn't benefit society, our suffering benefits the groups societies are designed for (women and children), society will never help us out because anything that is to our benefit is to their detriment

You seem to think were the protagonists of this story, you're wrong, were the antagonists
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Alright lets take it step by step:

1. It doesn't matter if we "appear autistic" or not, by toning down the black pill, the only men you are inviting are lukewarm black pillers, men who will turn back to the blue pill in a matter of years, its the men who can handle the extremism that are the true black pillers, because nothing will turn them away from it, because it is their only path in life no matter what

So ill sound like a broken record, and ive said this in the post, i DONT want to tone down the blackpill (the looks blackpill, the scientific blackpill, antifeminist blackpill, etc.), instead i just want to seddle down the message but keep the belief firm. I dont want the blackpill to be some exlcusive country club where only perpetually pissed off fakecels run around edge posting. I actually want this knowledge to grow, and many MEN (not women) can be convinced on our side. We werent born bluepilled, and people dont stay in one position of belief forever, they can be changed ive seen it first hand.

2. Please see the irony of how normie tier this response sounds - "dude, don't you want to look cool for those other guys so they join our group, you don't want to seem autistic do you", since when was trying to appear "normal" a black pill thing, seems pretty normie to me, you are literally proving my point that you fuckers are trying to "normiefy" the black pill and tone it down, create your own pill and preach that garbage elsewhere, the black pill is staying pitch fuck black, brutal, savage, unappealing, as it always has been.

You might not want to say that all the time cause it will eventually happen, tons of mainly youtube and discord incels have already started preaching the graypill, if you want this website to stay edgy thats fine i guess but i want the blackpill to grow. Im not asking to normieafy it, im literally saying that edge posting over bitches we never met *all the fucking time* IS autistic and retarded and i dont give a shit about who they are.
I agree that posts of RANDOM women dying for RANDOM reasons is no reason to celebrate, but post for example like Bianca whoever that got killed because she was betabuxxing guys and fucking with her many orbiters, that's good shit, I've never really even seen a post like you described celebrated, all the posts I've seen celebrated of women getting killed or beaten were scenarios in which were ironic or they were pushing their luck and finally some guy snapped, for example the bitch who got her head cut off in Morroco (based Islam)

While i dont agree with the morroco post i am fine with the bianca post up. Its because the bianca post is relevant to us, its shows that the slutty feminist promoted life style is straight up dangerous for women and WILL ruin civilizations putting men also at harm. My point isnt to make this site a playground, discussing these things when theyre relevant to us is fine.

This is one of the most if not THE MOST dangerous concepts to spread within the manosphere, its like the same BS of the "red pill rage" and its a thing you "move on from", its just more egotistical BS - "Oh I've most past that stage, I'm above being angry", fuck that shit, I hold onto the rage, its my drive, its whats makes me relentless, low empathy, uncaring, ruthless in all my life pursuits and my thoughts, the moment you let go of rage, that's when you get soft (it happens slowly over time), that's when you get complacent, i'll never let that shit happen to me

Its not about "moving on" its about human nature. You might stay super pissed for a year. But two years? 3 years? 10? You think your gonna go ER or something which will end that phase? I HIGHLY doubt that 99.99 percent of this website will go ER and most likely theyll just simmer down after a while and just reach a level of equilibrium. At some point even the most radical of us will end up leaving the blackpill rage, this is fact and its inevitable. IMO thats why we shouldnt have a website that is dedicated only to this begginer phase (because thats what it is), but instead the much longer and more fruitfal stage of discussion and methods of spreading awareness. The incel wiki is a great example of this, now whenever someone asks me for proof of the blackpill i just send them that link.

Here's why this mindset is dangerous, most of the men on this planet are weak minded, lets be honest, they don't have what it takes to remain black pilled, a lot are one IOI away from doubting the black pill, just blue pillers kidding themselves because they are in a "rage phase", so the general rule should be if you let go of your rage, please leave and don't come back, because 9/10 you are just going to become a normie sleeper agent on the site, you aren't going to stay black pilled, you are just going to become another "JackBud"

Its a dangerous and false idea to peddle, because you are OVERESTIMATING MEN, most men are fucking cucks, they don't want to think "bad thoughts", they don't want to think of "harsh realities", so if you paint the most important aspect of the black pill as a "phase" (YES, HATE IS THE MOST IMPORTANT PART), then you making the most important part something temporary, once most men "move past that phase" they no longer have anything concrete to stay in a black pilled mindset, their will shall waver over time, they'll start making exceptions, they will eventually leave and go back on everything they thought they believed

1. I too am afraid of people leaving this place and becoming another jack peterson or whatever. This is why im advocating for the removal of the most volatile strategy of keeping a userbase (edge posting). Mabye some cosmonauts can edge post for years and never get sick of it but the vast majority of people (including a fuck ton of incels) will *eventually* get sick of the edge posting and move on with their life. If you want people to leave the best way is to have the same 50 members post the same type of posts were theyre happy some random female from accross the planet got killed because their middle school oneitis rejected them. And your right, most men are cucks including incels. I had to ban so many people from my server because theyll inevitably be nice to some female if she enters our server. JFL i had to even ban a mod (who constantly edge posted here also before he was banned mind you). Its a fact that men *naturally* like women and want to be nice to them. But there is a way to get them to develop a stronger discpline to let go of those instincts and i am not yet convinced that reactionary edge posting will do that.

JFL what the fuck do you think this is an entertainment platform, like come on dude, you are seriously arguing that we need to make our content more appealing to normies here JFL.

"Bro.... bro, edgy posts are too boring and repetative, we need to make our posts about how shitty our lives are and how depressed we are MORE ENTERTAINING so that we can attract more lukewarm fucking black pillers, that will leave the black pill 2 years later after getting a kiss on the cheek or a hug"

More extrapolation. I dont want this to be a platform for normies and females. I want this to be a platform for incels, and there are many incels who are on the edge that can go out right blackpilled if they were to be convinced. Thats what i want. And yes i am asking for different types of threads to keep this website interesting and intriguing. I dont want lukewarm people, i want to make the lukewarm people fully blackpilled. At some point most of the users here were also on the edge but something would push them here, whos to say that people are stuck as cucks or stuck as normies or even stuck as blackpilled. People dont exist in one plane of existence.

Good riddance then, think about what you are saying, because women aren't as bad as some extreme caricature, that alone is enough for a guy to go back to being blue pilled?, then he wasn't black pilled to begin with, let me put this in the form of an analogy for you to understand

Reasonable Incel #1: Most women today are whores, they have like 20+ sex partners minimum

Unreasonable Incel #1, #2, #3, #5, .... #100: Fucking roasts have sucked 100 dicks by the age of 15 these days

Normie "Black Pill Initiate": I spent some time around women the past few weeks and most only have like 15+ past sex partners, you guys are wrong, I'm going to date and get married

In this scenario the site is oversaturated with hyperbole and there are few reasonable posts, but still, if hearing about hyperbole is enough to make you not realize how fucked up it is that women today have 15+ sex partners, THEN YOU WERE A BLUE PILLED CUCK TO BEGIN WITH

Think about it, look at how stupid this logic is - "You guys were saying it was 100+, its only around 15+ you guys are wrong, women aren't that bad"

If you were truly black pilled the hyperbole would not make a difference, you'd still realize that 15+ is bad, that even if the retards who say 100+ are wrong they are still right about not bothering to date

So you misunderstand what im saying, then make a strawman out of that misunderstanding.

So yes, some people who would be bluepilled by nice women were never really blackpilled. I can agree with that. But what im afraid of is that the edge posting are attracting people who dont really care about the core philosophy and the meat and potatoes of the blackpill but isntead the aesthatic of being a depressed edgy person. These "no substance blackpillers" are dangerously common here, and they will inevitably talk to some female (if they arent old) its a fact. And if that women was merely polite to them (even if shes a bad person) then they will at the very least reconsider their views. But if we were to spend out time instead educating them, getting more blackpilled studies and contributing it to the wiki, rebuting common bluepilled beliefs (like hobbies and shit) will make people have a stronger belief of the blackpill rather than the surface level anger that comes with edge posting. This was my point and i dont believe i articulated it well in the original post.

Nobody is on our side either way dude, the only thing that will get us what we want is violence or political subterfuge, we need to start pulling strings behind the scenes and fuck society up so much, and make it know that incels are doing it, so society has no choice but to meet our demands

Gathering numbers doesn't make a difference if it doesn't benefit society, our suffering benefits the groups societies are designed for (women and children), society will never help us out because anything that is to our benefit is to their detriment

You seem to think were the protagonists of this story, you're wrong, were the antagonists

I dislike this way of thinking. We could work our whole lives and not one extra person will be blackpilled. That is totally a possibility, but it doesnt mean we should just mope around all day. IMO most people here anyways are either teens, fakecels, nearcels, with lives and shit who probably dont want to mope around either exept for gatekeeping """"extremist truecels"""" who will gladly waste their own chance on this planet wasting their fucking time. Plus if you did want incels to pull the strings or whatever, youll never accomplish that goal by moping around all the time. Many incels here seem to think that one day collapse will spontaneously happen and will finally be the chance to live out some mad max dream where feminism is dead. But what collapse actually is, accademically speaking, is the slow transformation of a complex society to one that is simpler. We are literally living in the collapse of the american empire by that specific definition. And if things are to go to shit it wont happen for MINIMUM 50 yrs. Change, real change, is slow. And the best thing we can do is educate men, spread the looks and scientific blackpill. Spread real antifeminism (not the hating sjws type of anti feminism, im talking taking womens rights away). Im advocating for doing the hard but neccessary first step, into a world (but not a movement, cause this isnt a movment) where our lives might be an OUNCE better or at the very least we make the lives of women worse by prohibiting whoring and shit.
Plus if you did want incels to pull the strings or whatever, youll never accomplish that goal by moping around all the time

Its a good thing I never advocated for doing such a thing then, nor have I ever seen any extremist say this, in fact its the most violent sounding posters that are the most driven and aren't trying to LDAR or "muh neetbux", ironically its the "moping about" type who I see are the "peace posters", they are mentally neutered because they lack hate (drive) and that mindset extends into other aspects of their life

Also this shit is not going to kick off on this forum, this forum is a failure, nothing of importance for the incel community will ever take place here, this place is just a nice gathering point, I'm going to create my own forum (likely starting next year) and I'm taking all the extremists with me, so I guess you guys will get the forum you always wanted, don't blame me when it turns into something pathetic though

You take the extreme rage out of inceldom, and what you are left with is boring old "loveshy.com", that's the irony of you saying the extremist posts are boring and repetitive, the most boring posts come from the peaceful incels

Its clear were not going to agree on this topic, especially if you have the delusion that changing our public perception will make a difference, it won't, do you know why rape is worse than murder, its because sex is more important than life to our species, so a sex crime is worse than ending a persons life, because a life without sex is no life at all, that's what you don't get, so you actually think that us looking like crazy violent murderers is the "bad aspect" that keeps our numbers from growing, guess what, the aspect that keeps our numbers from growing is the one you can't change, were losers who can't gain access to sex, that's the ultimate strike against us, worse than being violent murderers, sex is that important to our species, you have the priorities backwards
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Its a good thing I never advocated for doing such a thing then, nor have I ever seen any extremist say this, in fact its the most violent sounding posters that are the most driven and aren't trying to LDAR or "muh neetbux", ironically its the "moping about" type who I see are the "peace posters", they are mentally neutered because they lack hate (drive) and that mindset extends into other aspects of their life

Also this shit is not going to kick off on this forum, this forum is a failure, nothing of importance for the incel community will ever take place here, this place is just a nice gathering point, I'm going to create my own forum (likely starting next year) and I'm taking all the extremists with me, so I guess you guys will get the forum you always wanted, don't blame me when it turns into something pathetic though

You take the extreme rage out of inceldom, and what you are left with is boring old "loveshy.com", that's the irony of you saying the extremist posts are boring and repetitive, the most boring posts come from the peaceful incels

Its clear were not going to agree on this topic, especially if you have the delusion that changing our public perception will make a difference, it won't, do you know why rape is worse than murder, its because sex is more important than life to our species, so a sex crime is worse than ending a persons life, because a life without sex is no life at all, that's what you don't get, so you actually think that us looking like crazy violent murderers is the "bad aspect" that keeps our numbers from growing, guess what, the aspect that keeps our numbers from growing is the one you can't change, were losers who can't gain access to sex, that's the ultimate strike against us, worse than being violent murderers, sex is that important to our species, you have the priorities backwards

alright bro you and ur extremists that you want to bring can keep posting about raping and killing bitches and shit with the one chance u got on this planet, i have better things to do
Nobody is on our side either way dude, the only thing that will get us what we want is violence or political subterfuge, we need to start pulling strings behind the scenes and fuck society up so much, and make it know that incels are doing it, so society has no choice but to meet our demands

"President", I understand your way of thinking, and I even agree with all your non-violent arguments.
But the bolded part is incredibly Bluepilled.
Society/Normies would rather see us fucking dead and exterminated than "meeting our demands". The role of ugly men, or some "undesired" ethnic men, and Incels in general, to the powerful people who rule over us is to wageslave until death, consume whatever they make, and praise them while doing so. If these Incel men rebel against "the system", then "the system" will not find uses for them anymore, and the easy route would be deciding Incels are a failure of nature and should perish. Thinking we will take the power away from them just because we have a problem with women is a massive Cope.

I do think we should spread the Blackpill further and warn Bluepilled men, but violence will make normies go Nazi on us.
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These things will certainly help, but theyre merely bandaids. Taking womens rights and going back to a traditionalist life style is the single greatest thing we can do to ail our situation.
Just move to poor countries bro, where the divorce law aint cucked, and foid are still shamed for cheating / sleeping around.
Europe / the west going back to traditionalist life style is not happening in our lifetime just jfl, stop wasting your time. As I said if you truly want to ascend move to a traditional country and make a family there, problem solved.
alright bro you and ur extremists that you want to bring can keep posting about raping and killing bitches and shit with the one chance u got on this planet, i have better things to do

Nice strawman, you are making it seem like we spend all day making these posts, you do realize that the exact same sentence you placed here can be used right back at you

"alright bro you and ur peacecels that you want to bring can keep posting toned down black pills to pull in a wider audience with the one chance u got on this planet, i have better things to do"
But the bolded part is incredibly Bluepilled.

I understand why you believe that, I can't blame you, until something happens, its nothing but talk, you'll just have to wait and see.
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