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JFL AltRight Coping-Oldcel YouTuber HellByTheDashboardLight just went full retard: "You should looksminimize".



I Should KMS
Nov 8, 2017

Hoaleeshiz. I was waiting for him to say it in concrete terms. At 13 mins in, he finally did it. He said: you should LOOKSMINIMIZE to get women. Fucking hell.

HBTDL is the one who bluepilled Steve Hoca into his Oofie-Doofie, Schlubby-Hubby "theory". He says that ATTRACTIVE MEN are the ones who STRUGGLE to get women. I can't even wrap my mind around this lack of logic.

Fucking hell. If PUA is bluepilled then this is past whitepilled - it's TRANSPARENT-PILLED. I don't know if it's even in pillform anymore. What units do they measure chemotherapy in?
I dont think this a "pill" but a pure delusion.

I really love your videos by the way.
When there's blackpill extremists, there's bound to be bluepill extremists. I'm not sure what he was thinking.
Not surprised Alt-right were always delusional retards who don't acknowledge lookism. The retards think white female hate them because of their skin color,culture etc. but not because they are ugly.
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"you don't actually see good looking guys with girls" What a fucking moron
this guy and my mum would get on well, wait nvm she goes for beta providers
sounds like this guy read a bbctakeover thread
Never go full retard.
He said 75% of single women aren't on the table because they don't want to be in a relationship. This bluepill guy thinks they're focusing on their degree and not riding the cock carousel. If 75% of women don't want to be in a relationship or ride the CC, then why are so many post wall single cat ladies complaining about where are all the good betabux at?
He also forgot many men are homosexual or in jail, so the single heterosexual men on the table might only be 70%
HellbytheDashboard is fucking retarded. He fetishizes Asian women and is obsessed with judging asian men.

He also seems autistic because he repeats the same things over and over again
A woman who looksmins is still 100x higher SMV than you looksmaxed.
His point isn't really about looksminning, it's about supplicating to females in Current Year, which I think more females are interested in now with the decay of society and them being told that they must wageslave themselves to death in order to live a meaningful life.

HBTDL has always diminished the importance of looks, like many of the race-focused alt-righters do. Some just won't get it concerning looks. It's a tough blackpill to swallow.

He also thinks that women drop out of dating. They might... but I guarantee you they aren't dropping out of getting filled with Chad dick when they need it. This is something I didn't realize until the last year or so, us oldcels grew up in a very different time concerning whores.
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Also in the comments:


I actually WISH I was this delusional
he replied to you OP

> "I agree that the men you identify as being more attractive are objectively more attractive / masculine."
> "I disagree that women desire such men."

There is a step over total delusion.
he replied to you OP

> "I agree that the men you identify as being more attractive are objectively more attractive / masculine."
> "I disagree that women desire such men."


If the the dating world was as he described, "Incel" wouldn't even be a fucking word
It's ridiculous hearing randoms talk what women want. They truly don't get it. They talk shit about people like us when they're likely often incels.
@FACEandLMS You're my hero
Women seek out men they are not attracted to as a means of remaining in control. An attractive man might leave her, cheat on her, make her spend less time with her female friends, etc. Women want to be the leader of the relationship and not feel at the mercy of the male partner.

Why am I incel?

LOL, he said I sound like I have a mouth full of shit and my videos are crap. I guess I'm a retard for believing that physical attractiveness is physically attractive.

LOL, he said I sound like I have a mouth full of shit and my videos are crap. I guess I'm a retard for believing that physical attractiveness is physically attractive.

Timestamp? Also his videos are crap he can't prove anything that he's saying at least you are providing some examples
Not surprised Alt-right were always delusional retards who don't acknowledge lookism. The retards think white female hate them because of their skin color,culture etc. but not because they are ugly.
This is surprising to me. Even on /pol/ people tend to discredit lookism.
I wish he will be cucked so hard that he'll want to suicide, and I wish that to all bluepilled especially ones, who are attractive and tells "why are you so angry" and "looks doesn't matter"
I've seen this guys videos before. He is a hardcore nutcase. I mean, his videos can be entertaining and insightful at times, but his overall view of dating is very distorted. I think a lot of his problem is that he's an isolated, fat oldcel with little experience with dating. (In one of his videos, he said he was like 6'4 and 300 lbs, LOL). He constantly says something along the lines of "I see buff Chads and Tyrones at the gym all the time by themselves, but then I see ugly manlets with girls" as if that really means much of anything. Anyone who isn't a coping retard knows that in-shape, facially attractive men are pulling ALL THE FEMALES.
I've seen this guys videos before. He is a hardcore nutcase. I mean, his videos can be entertaining and insightful at times, but his overall view of dating is very distorted. I think a lot of his problem is that he's an isolated, fat oldcel with little experience with dating. (In one of his videos, he said he was like 6'4 and 300 lbs, LOL). He constantly says something along the lines of "I see buff Chads and Tyrones at the gym all the time by themselves, but then I see ugly manlets with girls" as if that really means much of anything. Anyone who isn't a coping retard knows that in-shape, facially attractive men are pulling ALL THE FEMALES.

I guess he will end up dating an Asian and spawning some misERable, selfhating offspring. It's the alt-right way!
yea he goes on about asians all the fucking time lol

Hoaleeshiz. I was waiting for him to say it in concrete terms. At 13 mins in, he finally did it. He said: you should LOOKSMINIMIZE to get women. Fucking hell.

HBTDL is the one who bluepilled Steve Hoca into his Oofie-Doofie, Schlubby-Hubby "theory". He says that ATTRACTIVE MEN are the ones who STRUGGLE to get women. I can't even wrap my mind around this lack of logic.

Fucking hell. If PUA is bluepilled then this is past whitepilled - it's TRANSPARENT-PILLED. I don't know if it's even in pillform anymore. What units do they measure chemotherapy in?

Is the vid satire?
yea he goes on about asians all the fucking time lol

In the video I'm watching, he's talking about MGTOW going "away" in 2017 - because Angry MGTOW shut down his nutjob ranting channel and MGTOW IS FREEDOM got shut down. He also complained about getting community strikes from "probably a greasy-haired Chink at Google".

Man, the alt-right is just cope cope cope. It's legit venemous butthurt because no white wamens and poossie.
Literally 99% of the people in the alt-right are incel neckbeards lmao.

It's actually fucking hilarious. Then they have the nerve to tell other people that they are "genetic trash" for not being white or Asian, and therefore they should be thrown in camps. Hell, some of them don't even tolerate Asians, whites only.

Yes, save the white race, guys, while I go fuck and marry this Asian girl.
Alex is so fucking delusional
Well, modern women are corrupted by Jewish Feminism. I believe that 100%. I was reading that in Ancient Greece there were men who would fight and box all day. Of course there was no protective gear and their faces were bashed in and they were strong. Women would hang on them and try to mate with those guys. They certainly weren't going for the pretty boy look. Those guys were being buttfucked by Plato.
Literally 99% of the people in the alt-right are incel neckbeards lmao.

It's actually fucking hilarious. Then they have the nerve to tell other people that they are "genetic trash" for not being white or Asian, and therefore they should be thrown in camps. Hell, some of them don't even tolerate Asians, whites only.

Yes, save the white race, guys, while I go fuck and marry this Asian girl.
This guy wishes he was Asian. I'm sure he has mental problems.

wow, never seen such a bluepilled faggot. The delusion in the comments is insane too.
I've seen this guys videos before. He is a hardcore nutcase. I mean, his videos can be entertaining and insightful at times, but his overall view of dating is very distorted. I think a lot of his problem is that he's an isolated, fat oldcel with little experience with dating. (In one of his videos, he said he was like 6'4 and 300 lbs, LOL). He constantly says something along the lines of "I see buff Chads and Tyrones at the gym all the time by themselves, but then I see ugly manlets with girls" as if that really means much of anything. Anyone who isn't a coping retard knows that in-shape, facially attractive men are pulling ALL THE FEMALES.
In theory, yeah. But I see the real world every day.
I watched a few of his videos before. It was clear that while he had some understanding of blackpill shit he was mostly a low IQ delusional retard. This is just a new low for him.
I watched a few of his videos before. It was clear that while he had some understanding of blackpill shit he was mostly a low IQ delusional retard. This is just a new low for him.
yeah, pretty pathetic

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