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Blackpill Autistic women are more likely than neurotypical men to already have had a relationship

Wouldn't be surprised if most male autists inherited that trait from their undiagnosed mothers.
Additional findings from the same study include:

  • The majority of autistic men surveyed have never engaged in sexual activity, whereas most autistic women have.
  • Only half of the autistic men participating in the study have experienced holding a girl's hand.
  • Contrary to expectations, autistic women in the study are not less likely than neurotypical women to have been in a relationship.
  • It is noteworthy that a significant majority of autistic women in this study have kissed, whereas the overwhelming majority of autistic men have not.

foids on just exist mode
Wouldn't be surprised if most male autists inherited that trait from their undiagnosed mothers.
Yep. My mother is clearly autistic(good trait in females) and it was passed down to me but way more severe.
just find an autistic foid bro!!!! :feels::feels::feels:. Meanwhile they are fucking NT men & are all in relationships. Autistic men on the other hand are ROTTING every day & khhv.
Jfl, autistic foid is sperging out over this post :lul:

View: https://old.reddit.com/r/IncelTears/comments/1blup6b/i_think_this_is_the_angriest_that_ive_been_over_a/

So this garbage was on there, and I’ll be honest, I have never seen red quicker. The invalidation of autistic women? The misinformation spewed in the comments? Just disgusting.

Since they LOVE studies so much, here’s a study titled:

“Evidence That Nine Autistic Women Out of Ten Have Been Victims of Sexual Violence” (link )


or this paragraph of statistics and study findings from [autism.org]:

“The majority of research literature to date has focused on the risk factors and prevalence of bullying in autistic youth. However, recent findings highlight the range of victimization experienced by autistic individuals across their lifetime (Libster et al., 2022; Hwang et al., 2017; Twyman et al., 2010; Holfeld et al., 2019). A 2016 study found that almost 89% of participants (N=262) experienced at least one victimization in their childhood. Further, 92% had experienced poly-victimization within the last year, where the type of maltreatment varied across incidents (Pfeffer et al.). Common types of victimization experienced by autistic children and adults include bullying, abuse, and assault (Rumball, 2018). Chronic maltreatment, especially interpersonal maltreatment (maltreatment by familiar others) frequently carries into adulthood (Pearson et al., 2022; Gibbs et al., 2022). Autistic adults experience more interpersonal maltreatment than non-autistic adults and the pooled prevalence rate for poly-victimization across the lifetime in autism is 84% (Weiss & Fardella, 2018; Thrundle et al., 2022). It is critical to note that victimization is more common among autistic girls and women than autistic men and the neurotypical population (Dike et al., 2022; Roberts et al., 2015; Sedgewick et al., 2016; 2019).”

and few more from the article on [autism.org]:

“Like the general population, girls, women, and female-presenting autistic individuals are at higher risk for experiencing sexual victimization and violence (Dike et al., 2022). An online survey found that as many as nine autistic women out of every ten have experienced sexual violence, where 75% of study participants (N=225) reported that their first experience occurred during childhood or adolescence (Cazalis et al., 2022).”

“The presence and severity of autism traits, such as emotion regulation, cognitive flexibility, and communication difficulties, are significant predictors of sexual victimization and violence (Forrest et al., 2020; Junttila et al., 2023; Liu et al., 2021; Roberts et al., 2015; Libster et al., 2022).”

“Many autistic individuals, especially girls, are highly socially motivated but lack social understanding and/or experience communication differences (Sedgewick et al., 2016).”

What genuinely infuriates me is the romanticizing of the study by the /TrueVirgin poster in an effort to invalidate the struggles of autistic women (and AFAB)

One of the comments pictured also tries to claim that autistic men have “much higher suicide rates” when in fact, a study a few years ago proves otherwise. This article, “Autistic women twice as likely as autistic men to attempt suicide” [https://www.spectrumnews.org/news/autistic-women-twice-as-likely-as-autistic-men-to-attempt-suicide/] discusses this study: [https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/31238998/] where that conclusive result is found.

Lastly, this article [ https://www.uclahealth.org/news/understanding-undiagnosed-autism-adult-females#:~:text=Traditional%20estimates%20find%20that%20boys,undiagnosed%20as%20of%20age%2018.] discusses many of the factors that go into females ( and AFAB) going undiagnosed.

One part in particular I want to highlight here is

“Autism isn’t degenerative — it doesn’t get worse over time — but autistic people often develop other disorders after living with autism for some time. Coexisting conditions are more common in females than in males, especially when diagnosed later in life. They may not have gotten the care and services they needed as children.

Autistic adult females may experience:

-Anxiety -ADHD -Depression -Eating disorders -Obsessive compulsive disorder (OCD) -Sleep disorders -Tic disorders”

So we aren’t out here like, “teehee I went undiagnosed for 20 years because the only thing I experience as autistic is being qUiRkY” /s

Sorry for the long post, but I had to share this and vent about such a disgusting post, and wanted to be sure to include my sources in case of lurking incels.
Are autistic women more likely to have more relationship history than nonautistic women?

It wouldn't surprise me. Autistic women are less likely to be able to discern between sincere men and insincere men, so autistic women are probably more likely to just say yes to whoever comes along.

Just like how unattractive women are likely to have more sexual partners than unattractive women. Unattractive women sleep around for validation and are less likely to be cherished by a man.
Wouldn't be surprised if most male autists inherited that trait from their undiagnosed mothers.
There is evidence supporting this. And it's not just because they're more likely to have kids.

Consistent with FPE expectations, we found that mothers of ASD cases carried significantly more polygenic risk for ASD than fathers of ASD cases (n = 7,436 mothers; n = 5,926 fathers; 0.09 SD; p = 7.0 × 10−7; Figure 2). The increase in ASD PRS in ASD mothers compared with females in the general population was about 50% greater than the increase in ASD PRS in ASD fathers compared with males in the general population.

There is a female protective effect against autism. Women can tolerate a greater quantity of deleterious mutations before they they get autism. Males are much more sensitive to these. So autistic mothers are far more likely to pass on autism to their children than autistic fathers are, especially if we are talking about sons.
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Asd is just another word that you have garbage genetics.
It's not a cool pheno that sacrificed social skills for something else, it's your brain shitting itself off deregulated pathways.
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There is evidence supporting this. And it's not just because they're more likely to have kids.

There is a female protective effect against autism. Women require a greater quantity of deleterious mutations before they they get autism. Males are much more sensitive to these. So autistic mothers are far more likely to pass on autism to their children than autistic fathers, especially if we are talking about sons.
Brutal, we need eugenics for roasties.

None of that is relevant to the involuntary celibacy autistic males experience. Unsurprisingly, she is just trying to undermine how horrible life can be for autistic men. The idea that men can experience a unique form of suffering is wrongthink in today's world. :feelsclown:

Brutal, we need eugenics for roasties.
It gets so tiring
Diagnosed foids are usually the worst clinical cases, often coping with severe social difficulties (such as erratic schooling), and even facing additional disorders as well. They may struggle with other foids, but they have no problem when it comes to men.
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just find an autistic foid bro!!!! :feels::feels::feels:. Meanwhile they are fucking NT men & are all in relationships. Autistic men on the other hand are ROTTING every day & khhv.
It's so fucking over. Being autistic is a death sentence for even white guys with blue eyes, let alone autistic ethnics
Murder, rape, and torture.
Autistic women would rather be used as a sex slave by a non autistic male than even hold hands with a sperg male

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