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Blackpill Automation and technological progress will be a nightmare for undesirable males

or we can just overthrow the feminist world government that sees all living beings as disposable objects...
Except the issue is material and not purely ideological. It's an issue of machines now being able to do physical and mental labour, getting better at both as time goes by. Pretty much everything under the sun people can do that doesn't involve simply being human can be done much more cheaply and efficiently than a machine.

Google the Swing Riots. During the early 19th century a lot of agricultural workers, a quarter of whom in Britain had originally made a living by hand-threshing grain, were out of work and suffering from worsening work conditions for those who still had jobs. They got really pissed off and, as you'd expect, the Swing Riots involved smashing up threshing machines. The government got involved quickly, recognising it as serious, and a lot of farmers who participated got hung or transported to Australia.

The peasants were being treated as disposable objects and they rose up against it. Let's say in some dumb alternate history they march into London and overthrow the UK's government, establishing a government which does not see all living beings as disposable objects. The government now supports the dignity and livelihoods of agricultural labourers, great. You still haven't solved the issue of threshing machines being far more efficient and cheaper to use than farmers are for threshing grain, so British agriculture is going to get outcompeted extremely hard by the rest of Western Europe. Let's say they try to stop urbanisation and industrialisation too, so the average labourer doesn't end up working 14 hours a day in a factory with machines that can cut his hand off if he makes a bad move. How are you supposed to do any of this when machines are cheaper to maintain and far more efficient than people are at doing work? They don't get hungry, they don't get sick, they don't need to pay their rent, they don't need to sleep, they just need maintenance in order to work.

Holding back mechanisation of anything will either make you fall flat on your face because everyone's outcompeting you, or it will force you to slowly phase in mechanisation reluctantly for the sake of efficiency. Give me ONE society on Earth where either of these two things hasn't happened, and one reason it won't be the same with technology that can automate mental labour. People are quite literally getting replaced by machines and it's going to get ten times worse in the future, changing the government's ideology won't stop that as long as you allow the industrial-technological system to continue existing.

Even if you destroy that system it still isn't looking great though. Let's say every major city on Earth gets nuked tomorrow and the only people who survive are those in remote areas (Appalachian hicks, Kurdish goat herders, Chechen villagers, et cetera). They have a huge advantage in industrialising once Earth's climate recovers from the nuclear war, they have a cosmopolitan crop package (potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, barley, rice, soybeans, turnips, whatever works with the climate) left over from the age of global travel and trade which promotes agricultural surplus, they will probably be able to find some relics of technical books even if we try to burn all of them like Ted Kaczynski proposes in ISAF, it will be more efficient to mechanise things and ideas such as moveable type printing which accelerate technological advancement in late pre-industrial societies will be in our cultural memory and easy enough to develop. There are a ton of unexplored oil deposits off the coast of East Africa and there is enough coal to last us a century and a half at the very least, that's with current consumption levels as well. Industrialisation seems inevitable to me, and when it comes eventually you'll get human obsolescence. No ideology will save us from material reality, that's a cope.
Cope, if will be a nightmare for everybody except the megarich, the big corporations that control big data and the best programmers and engineers.
The future is truly bleak for us. What's the point of even trying anymore?
Recently I've been noticing a lot of singularity coping on this website and it's fucking retarded. It has to be one of the worst, most lacking in foresight copes there is apart from becoming a Christcuck or trannymaxxing, and worst of all people are always actually serious when they go on about it.

The future is NOT a good place for undesirable males. Today you are reduced to human doings, little tax-paying worker units that politicians propose putting a bachelor tax on every now and again. Cucks are only valuable for betabuxxing, which is why foids in the workplace has crashed their smv so much. Undesirable men, even 6/10s who can manage betabuxxing in 2018, are all only wanted because of what they can do and provide, NOBODY actually gives a shit about them as people. Am I wrong here? No, I'm not.

So, if you accept that I am correct in saying that undesirable males are only wanted for what they can do and provide, what happens when automation takes most of these people's jobs? You don't need strong AI to do this; google deepmind and glorified calculators can get rid of accountants and financial consultants, and construction workers can be replaced by a giant 3d printer that shits out liquid concrete to build a house in a day (the only people feasibly needed would be on-site technicians to make sure the machine and its automated transport are working). Where are the jobs of the future going to be? Boomers like to go on about the "jobs of the future we don't even know about", but what are those? Are millions of people going to earn a living by designing iphone apps? Give me a break, these people will be useless.

What will the last non STEM jobs in the developed world be then? I'd guess they'd be service jobs where people can appreciate some human element, even if it gets to be as petty as people shining eachother's shoes or something retarded like that.

Who's gonna get hired for those. HR departments today are full of white roasties that mostly recruit other middle class white roasties. People already talk about 21st century employment skills including "teamwork", "initiative", "enthusiasm" and other bogus terms that don't mean anything, in a world where actual practical skills are less needed due to automation than they are now and the only non-stem jobs left are pointless service busywork, you can bet on your life that getting a job is going to be about your "personality". These jobs will require no skill, so they will go to the most desirable people who have the best "personalities" (women and the odd Chad manager). Skilled stem labour can always be cheaply imported from Asia, just like the luddites before them western white collar workers will be pushed out by the simple realities of the market.

Let's say you're not one of the corporate oligarchs that owns the means of production, and you're not part of the middle-ish class of halo effect service providers or stem visa rice/currycels. What is there for you to do?

LDAR. Let's assume the government has somehow instated UBI so you aren't starvingto death, even if it's made Keynes look like a member of the Mises Institute in the process.

This is where the cope kicks into overdrive because it's the only convincingly good thing about this scenario. Sure, the internet will be tightly regulated, about as complex as a steam workshop unless you get neo-tor ultra-spyware on your computer and completely filled with for-profit addons just to use meaningful shit, but won't vidya be just like real life? Won't we have sex dolls and shieeet?

Sure, but that's gonna fuck you over as well. You're a consumer buying pleasure from a vendor that's there to make money off you, what's going to be available is what's going to give you those quick hits of dopamine for a quick buck. Imagine colourful, cartoonish virtual reality with piss-easy gratification on the same tier as CSGO or fortnite.

Let's say you're on UBI buxx and you've got access to your neo-steam library or cartoonish VR shootemups and porn games. You're super fucked now. Instant gratification 24/7 and not having to work for anything is going to wreak havoc on your brain's reward system, even if you exercise and eat well (which I doubt people will since healthcare is an industry too) you're going to get clinical depression. Even if the government gets mad you're costing it 20 dollars every hour to be alive and makes you work some retarded busywork job where you sort metal from glass at a recycling plant or something and the government forces the plant to pay it for your busywork, you're still gonna suffer from a mind-numbing lack of accomplishment and a complete detachment from the power process. The medication many people will take to treat their depression will, until something better is developed that fucks your brain enough to enjoy being human nigger cattle, probably just be like SSRIs and numbing meds now but more effective. In the end, the only thing left to do will be to either mentally castrate yourself with extremely powerful antidepressants or just rope because of your depression.

If we ever hit a singularity and human obsolescence begins to become absolute? You're gonna be redundant in every way, and as technology becomes more efficient than humans you can bet sentient AI would lack an irrational desire for altruism towards the useless (before the sick and disabled, now you). Brain uploading is a meme, brain emulations are a copy-paste of you and not you transferred. Even then, emulating every neuron, even if it were hypothetically achieved, is extremely redundant in a world where much bigger, more efficient systems can be created and it will be phased out. Mitochondria are less fucked than you, at least they got to exist as organelles after they stopped being free-living organisms.

You are so fucked it's not even funny. Futurism isn't a cope, it's a digital rope wrapped around all of our necks.
You are right, and the only job that's left for humans will be robot repair, at least we have 3d waifus to look forward to.
This is why I am in the healthcare field. Technology can advance, but some things need a human touch.
Recently I've been noticing a lot of singularity coping on this website and it's fucking retarded. It has to be one of the worst, most lacking in foresight copes there is apart from becoming a Christcuck or trannymaxxing, and worst of all people are always actually serious when they go on about it.

The future is NOT a good place for undesirable males. Today you are reduced to human doings, little tax-paying worker units that politicians propose putting a bachelor tax on every now and again. Cucks are only valuable for betabuxxing, which is why foids in the workplace has crashed their smv so much. Undesirable men, even 6/10s who can manage betabuxxing in 2018, are all only wanted because of what they can do and provide, NOBODY actually gives a shit about them as people. Am I wrong here? No, I'm not.

So, if you accept that I am correct in saying that undesirable males are only wanted for what they can do and provide, what happens when automation takes most of these people's jobs? You don't need strong AI to do this; google deepmind and glorified calculators can get rid of accountants and financial consultants, and construction workers can be replaced by a giant 3d printer that shits out liquid concrete to build a house in a day (the only people feasibly needed would be on-site technicians to make sure the machine and its automated transport are working). Where are the jobs of the future going to be? Boomers like to go on about the "jobs of the future we don't even know about", but what are those? Are millions of people going to earn a living by designing iphone apps? Give me a break, these people will be useless.

What will the last non STEM jobs in the developed world be then? I'd guess they'd be service jobs where people can appreciate some human element, even if it gets to be as petty as people shining eachother's shoes or something retarded like that.

Who's gonna get hired for those. HR departments today are full of white roasties that mostly recruit other middle class white roasties. People already talk about 21st century employment skills including "teamwork", "initiative", "enthusiasm" and other bogus terms that don't mean anything, in a world where actual practical skills are less needed due to automation than they are now and the only non-stem jobs left are pointless service busywork, you can bet on your life that getting a job is going to be about your "personality". These jobs will require no skill, so they will go to the most desirable people who have the best "personalities" (women and the odd Chad manager). Skilled stem labour can always be cheaply imported from Asia, just like the luddites before them western white collar workers will be pushed out by the simple realities of the market.

Let's say you're not one of the corporate oligarchs that owns the means of production, and you're not part of the middle-ish class of halo effect service providers or stem visa rice/currycels. What is there for you to do?

LDAR. Let's assume the government has somehow instated UBI so you aren't starvingto death, even if it's made Keynes look like a member of the Mises Institute in the process.

This is where the cope kicks into overdrive because it's the only convincingly good thing about this scenario. Sure, the internet will be tightly regulated, about as complex as a steam workshop unless you get neo-tor ultra-spyware on your computer and completely filled with for-profit addons just to use meaningful shit, but won't vidya be just like real life? Won't we have sex dolls and shieeet?

Sure, but that's gonna fuck you over as well. You're a consumer buying pleasure from a vendor that's there to make money off you, what's going to be available is what's going to give you those quick hits of dopamine for a quick buck. Imagine colourful, cartoonish virtual reality with piss-easy gratification on the same tier as CSGO or fortnite.

Let's say you're on UBI buxx and you've got access to your neo-steam library or cartoonish VR shootemups and porn games. You're super fucked now. Instant gratification 24/7 and not having to work for anything is going to wreak havoc on your brain's reward system, even if you exercise and eat well (which I doubt people will since healthcare is an industry too) you're going to get clinical depression. Even if the government gets mad you're costing it 20 dollars every hour to be alive and makes you work some retarded busywork job where you sort metal from glass at a recycling plant or something and the government forces the plant to pay it for your busywork, you're still gonna suffer from a mind-numbing lack of accomplishment and a complete detachment from the power process. The medication many people will take to treat their depression will, until something better is developed that fucks your brain enough to enjoy being human nigger cattle, probably just be like SSRIs and numbing meds now but more effective. In the end, the only thing left to do will be to either mentally castrate yourself with extremely powerful antidepressants or just rope because of your depression.

If we ever hit a singularity and human obsolescence begins to become absolute? You're gonna be redundant in every way, and as technology becomes more efficient than humans you can bet sentient AI would lack an irrational desire for altruism towards the useless (before the sick and disabled, now you). Brain uploading is a meme, brain emulations are a copy-paste of you and not you transferred. Even then, emulating every neuron, even if it were hypothetically achieved, is extremely redundant in a world where much bigger, more efficient systems can be created and it will be phased out. Mitochondria are less fucked than you, at least they got to exist as organelles after they stopped being free-living organisms.

You are so fucked it's not even funny. Futurism isn't a cope, it's a digital rope wrapped around all of our necks.
:yes::yes::yes::yes::yes::feelsmega::giga::feelswow::feelswhere::feelsrope::ping: Marxism Rodgerism is the only solution, incels need to createa hide out in the third world, like the roman gladiator Spartacus.
Is there no hope left? Where do we look to next? I see not a glimmer of light in the sea of darkness that stretches before and behind us.

Full blown communism

I was actually thinking of tagging him in this post. Another thing I don't think this post has mentioned intensively is how more technological progress will only cause governments to be more totalitarian in nature, just look at all the surveillance already by western countries and look at the people getting arrested for social media posts on the UK due to "wrong think." Imagine when we get advanced enough for brain chips or some shit like that. The future is darker than we can imagine.
Yes, expect the whole process to get ten times worse.
People are reading "Industrial Society and its Future"
If you draw an Anarcho-Primitivist concusion, you have to be prepared to get rekt by USKKK drones.
Well, for starters, a lot of incels on this website were raised before the digital era really took off. Think about how maladjusted the reward systems kids on ipads' brains are gonna be by the time they're in their teens. Think about the social disintegration that results from digital technology, and how it worsens over time - a lot of incels on this website appreciate their parents, that at the very least will be a lot harder to do in an era of absolute social disintegration and atomisation. Expect society to abandon boomer-tier fantasies about prosperity for all but keep the boomer "fuck you, got mine" mindset, making competition between individuals more vigorous as technological advancement and the market both become more vigorous at an accelerating rate. Expect brave new world-tier authoritarianism from governments that makes the UK's hate speech police look like a joke, expect rock-bottom birth rates to mean a lot of retirement-age people will literally be rotting on the street with not enough young people having not enough economic reason to look after them, expect the average poor worker drone (not just lower-middle class numale or poverty truecel) to be completely asocial instead of going out drinking with their friends once a week. Expect society to become a lot colder, more cutthroat and more removed from nature.

In short, undesirable males of all stripes should not expect anything especially new to appear (considering the beginnings of what I am discussing are pretty obvious today) but they should expect almost all facets of what is going on today to become much, much worse as time goes on. Self-described "incels" are at the forefront of this process arguably, there's millions of cucks that are managing to eke out an existence above this and some day they won't be.

I very much doubt that people's state of mind will improve so much as people will withdraw and become asocial (think the "beautiful ones" from John Calhoun's mouse city experiment) and LDAR on their own. The government will make moves to remedy the problem and not solve the problem like it always has, placating the people who got fucked over (new deal welfare and employment programs to avoid unrest, failed to actually get the economy running until ww2 but still saved the ruling class' asses, of which FDR himself was a part), which means giving them enough to live and please themselves on in the form of UBI. Maybe it will become normalised but I doubt it will become something people are happy about, expect a lot of impotent rage being released in mass shootings.

You're still going to get cut, you're just going to get cut deeper and more people around you are going to get cut.
Except the issue is material and not purely ideological. It's an issue of machines now being able to do physical and mental labour, getting better at both as time goes by. Pretty much everything under the sun people can do that doesn't involve simply being human can be done much more cheaply and efficiently than a machine.

Google the Swing Riots. During the early 19th century a lot of agricultural workers, a quarter of whom in Britain had originally made a living by hand-threshing grain, were out of work and suffering from worsening work conditions for those who still had jobs. They got really pissed off and, as you'd expect, the Swing Riots involved smashing up threshing machines. The government got involved quickly, recognising it as serious, and a lot of farmers who participated got hung or transported to Australia.

The peasants were being treated as disposable objects and they rose up against it. Let's say in some dumb alternate history they march into London and overthrow the UK's government, establishing a government which does not see all living beings as disposable objects. The government now supports the dignity and livelihoods of agricultural labourers, great. You still haven't solved the issue of threshing machines being far more efficient and cheaper to use than farmers are for threshing grain, so British agriculture is going to get outcompeted extremely hard by the rest of Western Europe. Let's say they try to stop urbanisation and industrialisation too, so the average labourer doesn't end up working 14 hours a day in a factory with machines that can cut his hand off if he makes a bad move. How are you supposed to do any of this when machines are cheaper to maintain and far more efficient than people are at doing work? They don't get hungry, they don't get sick, they don't need to pay their rent, they don't need to sleep, they just need maintenance in order to work.

Holding back mechanisation of anything will either make you fall flat on your face because everyone's outcompeting you, or it will force you to slowly phase in mechanisation reluctantly for the sake of efficiency. Give me ONE society on Earth where either of these two things hasn't happened, and one reason it won't be the same with technology that can automate mental labour. People are quite literally getting replaced by machines and it's going to get ten times worse in the future, changing the government's ideology won't stop that as long as you allow the industrial-technological system to continue existing.

Even if you destroy that system it still isn't looking great though. Let's say every major city on Earth gets nuked tomorrow and the only people who survive are those in remote areas (Appalachian hicks, Kurdish goat herders, Chechen villagers, et cetera). They have a huge advantage in industrialising once Earth's climate recovers from the nuclear war, they have a cosmopolitan crop package (potatoes, tomatoes, wheat, barley, rice, soybeans, turnips, whatever works with the climate) left over from the age of global travel and trade which promotes agricultural surplus, they will probably be able to find some relics of technical books even if we try to burn all of them like Ted Kaczynski proposes in ISAF, it will be more efficient to mechanise things and ideas such as moveable type printing which accelerate technological advancement in late pre-industrial societies will be in our cultural memory and easy enough to develop. There are a ton of unexplored oil deposits off the coast of East Africa and there is enough coal to last us a century and a half at the very least, that's with current consumption levels as well. Industrialisation seems inevitable to me, and when it comes eventually you'll get human obsolescence. No ideology will save us from material reality, that's a cope.
+1+1+1+1 This is why men need Marxism Leninism to take control of machines and automation, not the other way around. Democratic control of the factories and offices!
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I worry about automation, specially because I was thinking about getting into data entry, which is one of the most incel friendly jobs I can think of that’s not manual labor. Also likely to be one of the jobs that’s most likely going to be stamped out of the workforce entirely over the next 2 decades tops.
Recently I've been noticing a lot of singularity coping on this website and it's fucking retarded. It has to be one of the worst, most lacking in foresight copes there is apart from becoming a Christcuck or trannymaxxing, and worst of all people are always actually serious when they go on about it.

The future is NOT a good place for undesirable males. Today you are reduced to human doings, little tax-paying worker units that politicians propose putting a bachelor tax on every now and again. Cucks are only valuable for betabuxxing, which is why foids in the workplace has crashed their smv so much. Undesirable men, even 6/10s who can manage betabuxxing in 2018, are all only wanted because of what they can do and provide, NOBODY actually gives a shit about them as people. Am I wrong here? No, I'm not.

So, if you accept that I am correct in saying that undesirable males are only wanted for what they can do and provide, what happens when automation takes most of these people's jobs? You don't need strong AI to do this; google deepmind and glorified calculators can get rid of accountants and financial consultants, and construction workers can be replaced by a giant 3d printer that shits out liquid concrete to build a house in a day (the only people feasibly needed would be on-site technicians to make sure the machine and its automated transport are working). Where are the jobs of the future going to be? Boomers like to go on about the "jobs of the future we don't even know about", but what are those? Are millions of people going to earn a living by designing iphone apps? Give me a break, these people will be useless.

What will the last non STEM jobs in the developed world be then? I'd guess they'd be service jobs where people can appreciate some human element, even if it gets to be as petty as people shining eachother's shoes or something retarded like that.

Who's gonna get hired for those. HR departments today are full of white roasties that mostly recruit other middle class white roasties. People already talk about 21st century employment skills including "teamwork", "initiative", "enthusiasm" and other bogus terms that don't mean anything, in a world where actual practical skills are less needed due to automation than they are now and the only non-stem jobs left are pointless service busywork, you can bet on your life that getting a job is going to be about your "personality". These jobs will require no skill, so they will go to the most desirable people who have the best "personalities" (women and the odd Chad manager). Skilled stem labour can always be cheaply imported from Asia, just like the luddites before them western white collar workers will be pushed out by the simple realities of the market.

Let's say you're not one of the corporate oligarchs that owns the means of production, and you're not part of the middle-ish class of halo effect service providers or stem visa rice/currycels. What is there for you to do?

LDAR. Let's assume the government has somehow instated UBI so you aren't starvingto death, even if it's made Keynes look like a member of the Mises Institute in the process.

This is where the cope kicks into overdrive because it's the only convincingly good thing about this scenario. Sure, the internet will be tightly regulated, about as complex as a steam workshop unless you get neo-tor ultra-spyware on your computer and completely filled with for-profit addons just to use meaningful shit, but won't vidya be just like real life? Won't we have sex dolls and shieeet?

Sure, but that's gonna fuck you over as well. You're a consumer buying pleasure from a vendor that's there to make money off you, what's going to be available is what's going to give you those quick hits of dopamine for a quick buck. Imagine colourful, cartoonish virtual reality with piss-easy gratification on the same tier as CSGO or fortnite.

Let's say you're on UBI buxx and you've got access to your neo-steam library or cartoonish VR shootemups and porn games. You're super fucked now. Instant gratification 24/7 and not having to work for anything is going to wreak havoc on your brain's reward system, even if you exercise and eat well (which I doubt people will since healthcare is an industry too) you're going to get clinical depression. Even if the government gets mad you're costing it 20 dollars every hour to be alive and makes you work some retarded busywork job where you sort metal from glass at a recycling plant or something and the government forces the plant to pay it for your busywork, you're still gonna suffer from a mind-numbing lack of accomplishment and a complete detachment from the power process. The medication many people will take to treat their depression will, until something better is developed that fucks your brain enough to enjoy being human nigger cattle, probably just be like SSRIs and numbing meds now but more effective. In the end, the only thing left to do will be to either mentally castrate yourself with extremely powerful antidepressants or just rope because of your depression.

If we ever hit a singularity and human obsolescence begins to become absolute? You're gonna be redundant in every way, and as technology becomes more efficient than humans you can bet sentient AI would lack an irrational desire for altruism towards the useless (before the sick and disabled, now you). Brain uploading is a meme, brain emulations are a copy-paste of you and not you transferred. Even then, emulating every neuron, even if it were hypothetically achieved, is extremely redundant in a world where much bigger, more efficient systems can be created and it will be phased out. Mitochondria are less fucked than you, at least they got to exist as organelles after they stopped being free-living organisms.

You are so fucked it's not even funny. Futurism isn't a cope, it's a digital rope wrapped around all of our necks.
Hitler high iq

Yes eventually ai will get rid of humans probably. Most undesirables will be gone. U incels think u have it bad now. Just wait. I am very concerned about the future. Think of this every day
Things continue to get worse day by day. Dont ever listen to these faggot optimists who spew this "it gets better" bullshit. Things usually get worse and stay that way. Reality is a muthafucker, we are living In an era of apocalypse. A few things on the fringes improve but by and large things are accelerating downhill. This planet severely needs a reset.
Agreed 1000 percent
acccelerationism for the win, burn it all down. Mad Max 2050, rock and roll!
I've been saying this. Over and over and over op. You get it. Most others here get it. Normies don't get it. I support UBI because we need to fucking have an income. Society will NOT hold when unemployment starts to accelerate (govt and media ate lying right now about the unemployment rate as millions have given up and aren't even counted).

2008 was the prelude. Millions remain unemployed and countless millions more are underemployed. Meaning they're making SHIT wages. Or can only get part time work. It's a perfect storm actually. Four year degrees mean nothing but a foot in the door to the most basic job. People without one like me gave even fewer opportunity.

This ties in nicely with the thread I posted a few weeks ago. Women are earning more along with Chads. Blue collar dudes like me are looked down upon. No degree so of course that means no real opportunity. thought about going back to school but what the fuck is the point when everybody and their mother is going school for the same careers? Why bother?

Sorry for the tangent.
Boomers don't get it because a guy could walk into a place and ask about a job decades ago. More often than not he got a job. Might be hard word but he got benefits and a liveable wage. He was actually paid like he mattered. And many raised families with this job. Their employer was faithful and so we're they because it afforded them good lives.

Now we get to fill out application after application online and take offensive personality tests. A computer automatically rejects some for bullshit reasons and a human being will never see it. Then if someone does see it you get a call from some foid. Go to interview (maybe (where you're asked inane question and inane question from some bitch who is making three times what you would after being there three years. Then she oksys gatekeeper with your livelihood and decides whether you get the job or not. if you don't get the job for whatever bullshit reason they will never call or email you. You're not worth the effort. All for some shit job with shit money. A thankless piece of shit job is all many are given a chance for, if even.

Most people with good jobs today got it by sheer luck or knowing the right person. I'm 38 so this is esp true for people from their 40's down to teens when they first enter the workforce.

Lots of people have gotten fucked. Check out Indeed. And many still can't find work. It's fucking scary. And anger inducing.
This. Just fucking lol at the word progress. Society will become regressive if we increase our technology and give women more and more rights.
Tech is good. Feminism bad. Tech has saved lives. Feminism has cost lives. You can be for tech evolution without being for foidom lol.
This. Just fucking lol at the word progress. Society will become regressive if we increase our technology and give women more and more rights.
Tech is good. Feminism bad. Tech has saved lives. Feminism has cost lives. You can be for tech evolution without being for foidom lol. Of course it has a dark side. That's what my rant is about. There's no good side to most foids imo.
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Ted K was right
Extremely high IQ. However the assumption that technological progression won't be able to fix the biological imperative (e.g. hedonistic adaption and depression), as well as creating convincing emulations for meaning and well-being is speculative and not a given. Thus, it is not as over as you claim it is.
What possible ideas could do it? Like what?
How ironic, you feel as though the singularity will be our doom. While I've always thought it as humanities only hope at obtaining true freedom as postsingularity people. Why do you assume incels wont be able to take advantage of any of the technological goodies we create? Incels have access to whatever they can afford now right? So why would that change in our lifetime?

Obvious benefits for incels once the singularity arrives:
1. Universal basic income (I mean c'mon that alone is worth it lol)
2.sex robots and virtual reality harems(what's not to like?)
3.prolonged lifespan (more time to enjoy the singularity)
4.Possible cybernetic inhehancments (super powers anyone?)

So you see, I feel very optimistic about the future when it comes to unprecedented and never before witnessed phenomenon that will come to be known as the technological singularity. Ps, here's a pic of our champion none other then ray kurzweil himself!


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