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Blackpill Blackpill Analysis: The Look of a Villain | How Your Appearance will FORCE You to Be the "Bad Guy"



I am not Insane, Just one step ahead of the curve.
Nov 8, 2019
The black pill has thought us that women are attracted first and foremost to signs of high genetic quality, such as a tall masculine frame or chiselled jawline, and that your dating success is heavily correlated with your perceived attractiveness.

We are all very familiar with this, however the black pill's teaching do not end there.
The black pill does not just apply to dating, it applies to everything.

If you only remember one thing from this thread, I want you to remember this:
The black pill seeps into every aspect of your life.

Your relationships at work, your interactions with your family, even your close relationships with your friends.
Behind every single interaction you have with another human being--male or females--your genetics will play a role into how you are treated and what kind of privileges you have.

The black pill seeps into EVERY aspect of your life.

But you already know this.

I did not take the time writing this thread to talk about shit that everyone and their mom already knows.
I wrote this to inform you on one of the more under looked outlets of the black pill:

Social Privilege and Roles.


In case you are unfamiliar with these two concepts, a simple explanation would be to say that "Social Privilege," is what other people have deemed you able to do in a social interactions. Social privileges include who you are allowed to talk to, how you are allowed to address people, and how you are allowed to treat them.

An easy example of "Social privilege," is when an ugly dude hits on a girl and suffers socially because now other people see him as a creep and when a good looking man does the the same thing and gets viewed as "confident," and "charismatic."

Not exactly ground breaking stuff, I know, but bear with me here.

Roles are a bit of a more abstract concept then social privileged, but they are still easy to understand. Imagine a book, movie, play or other story. Different characters play different roles in driving the plot forwards.

You have the main characters, protagonist, villains, etc...

These roles may seem to only exist in fiction, but they are very much present in real life. In real life there are more complicated roles, and the lines between "good," "bad," "important," and "unimportant" are far more blurrier and less black-and-white then in media, but trust me, they're still there.

But you can calm down, you are probably not the big bad.
Chances are you're just an insignificant background characters whom no one gives a shit about :)

Another example:
Jeremy and Adonis are playing against each other in a game of soccer.

Who is everyone rooting for? Who does everyone want and expect to see win?

And that is by far the most brutal part of the black pill.

Life is like a movie and God is the most discriminate type-caster there is.

Even if you make the effort to try and be nice to people, to try and be funny, to be respectful and kind, if your face does not remotely fit the bill of a "nice sociable person," you will not be treated as one.

Jeremy puts in all the effort he can. He smiles, he meets new people and always forces himself to go out on exciting adventures and better himself. He tries to life his life to the fullest and to be the best person he can be.

Years pass like this.

And what does Jeremy have to show for it?


Not Scraps. Not Crumbs. Not Drops.


Adonis. Adonis just is. He exists, and that's the full extent of his accomplishments. He has personality disorders, he's cruel to women and is always in a sour mood.

Adonis has a social life.

Adonis is getting laid.

Adonis has a girlfriend who loves him.

But above all, Adonis is respected, and people view him as a good person.
Adonis plays the part of the hero. Not a single accomplishment of his goes unrecognized. Even the slightest good-doing is praised and treated as something special.

Adonis is looked up to and respected by his peers.

Jeremy put in all the effort, but what did he get?

Because he is ugly, he will always have to play the part of the under dog. He will never be able to rise above his short stature and homely appearance and become his own person in the eyes of others.

High school reunion comes along. Both Jeremy and Adonis attend.
Jeremy hangs out with some of his old friends with some cheap booze, staring through empty eyes at Adonis as he flirts with the other girls and has a good time surrounded by the other genetically gifted people.

It didn't matter how much Jeremy worked. He was made to be the loser in the end. He was made to lose to Chad in the end.

Jeremy realizes a fundamental truth about the world in that moment:
People are forced to play certain roles in life based on their looks, and once you have your role you can't rise above it's limitations.

This isn't a doomer thread.
You can certainly change your situation in life.
But what I am trying to say is you can not improve past your genetic limit in social interactions. You can change your role--maybe you can go from villain to side character.

But you wont get a role of more value.

To make sure that none of my points get misconstrued, here are the key teaching of this thread:

  • In social situations you have a limited amount of 'privileges' depending on your looks and status (primarily status)
  • People are made to play roles in life like actors in a show (Villain, Hero, etc [Real life is more nuanced--it isn't some teen drama--but for the sake of argument, such superficial titles work])
  • Your role is dependent on your looks/status
  • You can not improve your role past what you genetics allow (no going from "hated one" to "chosen one" [unless you already had the potential and became the "hated one" due to unusual circumstances])

If you've made it this far then congratulations, your brain hasn't been completely fried by the jews.
Let me know what you think about this, if you agree, disagree, and what your personal experience has been.
When ugly people act confident, it is seen as fake. I agree for the most part. Deep inside people may know that person A is a selfish jerk but he is good-looking and have gorgeous women attracted to him so people will show respect for him. Person B is genuinely kind and altruistic but he has small frame and is physically weak and unattractive and women avoid him so people will treat him like low of the low, even if they know that he is a genuinely good person.
genetic "roof" so to say
this is known by everyone
its like a cripple trying to sprint at the olympics
some people are destined to suffer
Good post, perception is a crucial integral component of human interaction.
Looks are everything. If you saw me IRL, you would apy EXACTLY the personality which I have, without us exchanging a single word. Why is that? Because any other behaviour from me would seem "fake and unnatural" to you, insulting even in the sheer cognitive dissonance that you are experiencing.

"How dare this ugly low Tlet behave out of the sub conciously formed frame that we have set up for him using our lizzard brains in miliseconds?!"
Einstein-tier observation
Brutal and truthpilled. Good thread
genetic "roof" so to say
this is known by everyone
its like a cripple trying to sprint at the olympics
some people are destined to suffer
Brutal chadpill
And the ridiculous thing is that if Jeremy eventually starts to resent people and his status in life as a whole, people will blame his resentment for his treatment and low status. I've found that most humans are incredibly dishonest with themselves and/or disingenuous with others.
The fact that literally everything and not just relationships is predetermined by genetics is one of the most overlooked aspects of the blackpill

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