Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

For the brocels who have lost all hope:



Prince of Persia
Jul 11, 2022
I have been contemplating a lot over the past few months, about my future, about my past, and about my present situation. I lived a pretty sheltered life until I got to experience what "independence" is like, i.e, witnessing the extents of western degeneracy in a cucked boarding school. Something that this experience has particularly brought to light has been the same reason why a lot of you are here. Foids and Appearance. Here, in this hellhole I am currently in, I realized, the real reason people treated me like shit everywhere wasn't because I was annoying. The reason I got jumped by 5 of my classmates wasn't because of my personality. The reason I got laughed at by girls and teachers wasn't because of how I spoke or how I carried myself. It all came down to one thing, and one thing only, my appearance. Not because I was unfunny. Not because I was quiet. Because I was ugly (and short, 5'5).

The reason people treat us the way they do has absolutely nothing to do with why they behave the way they do towards us. Sure, they can use it as some mask to obfuscate the intentions to look civil amongst others, but they're all putting up the same show, and deep down, deep deep down, they fuck with us, just because they think they can. They treat us the way they do because they don't see a 'human being', they see prey, they see an easy target to boost social validation on the behalf of the target they have assigned as a weakling, as the prey.

I'm sure a good portion of you know this, question being, what does this entail and imply? Not just about the conditions we have to deal with when living our lives, but also what those conditions tell us about our lives being worth living. Do we blame them, if we were all primed to be chad, would we not pick on an easy target like ourselves? You probably would say "no", which would be the morally permissible answer, however that is because we know what it is like. They don't, and that is exactly the problem. It's not a matter of scope, it is not about high school or college. It is about our life-time, nobody else will know what it is like to be us, and they won't care, and as a consequence would have nothing but an incentive to treat us like garbage in a lot of cases.

Is it worth it to live a life like this? To live a life where you are practically subhuman to everybody else?

A lot of you are suicidal and are probably going to rope in the next couple of years, but for those who are still open to the possibility of living a life of fulfillment despite opposition against all odds, this is for you:

I will not tell you some wishy washy motivational bullshit, I will just demonstrate to you that you have a purpose and a duty, through logic.

Fuck society, you live in a reality. You live in the reality, the only one there is. This reality exists to serve its own purposes because there exists nothing outside of it to determine its purposes. It is completely self-driven. It's only goal is to identify itself as much as possible. For there to be as many real things that identify real things (telors) as possible. Why is that? that is because there is only one possibility, metaphysically speaking, and that is existence. It is not a binary of "existence/nonexistence", that is realistically not a possibility. Conceptually sure, but nothingess can't exist, because by its very defintion, nothingess is the absence of existence and hence the absence of existence cannot exist, otherwise it would not be an absence of existence. It is an inherently contradictory concept, and an impossible one in reality, because reality deals with only that which is real. Point being, you exist in this domain where its existence is to serve itself with the best identifier(telors) which induce more of reality, and more complexity.

You exist. You exist in a system whose only goal is to preserve and perpetuate existences that perpetuate existence to best ability, this best ability refers to quality of existence and identification, in the case of humans happiness, fulfillment, health, belief and certainty, etc. All you are is potential, when you die, you dont leave existence, you just get recycled in this reality that you cannot exist on the basis of how good a telor you were. How well were you able to fulfill your duty as a human telor in your life-time. This is the idea of heaven and hell metaphysically justified. The degenerates, the scum, the filth, will all get recycled, they will just be sent to the depths of suffering, as they lived a life that did nothing but seek to negate the will of reality, to fulfill their telic duties as humans.

You may be ugly, you may be retarded, you may be short, you may be autistic, but you can choose to be not evil. For those who are not retarded, do something with what you have got. Use your intelligence. Fight back. Do NOT let the cause of your death be the scum you despise.


Have a good night.
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Im sorry but i don't have the attention span to read this.
WOAH NIGGA you want me to read all that?
a tl;dr would really help here?
Become your enemies bad karma.
I agree with the general basis of what you said, but everyone gets recycled. There is no heaven or hell, just an eternal purgatory we'll never get to experience. Anything else is mostly cope. :feelsjuice:
cope. humans evolved an investive instinct, nothing matters, and humans assign value and importance to everything our species defines. No other species has ever practiced philosophy, they wildly and totally commit to the notion they must eat and survive and try breed no matter how awful or loss filled their life turns out to be. Humans are the same, we twist the same investive instinct to believe stuff matters and for thousands and thousands of years have adapted to and lived through absolutely torturous existences compared to modern people.
You and me and many many incels are inherently philosophical because when you get no sex, no friends even, can go online and see things about clown world, it becomes so much harder to justify this life, and logic really says we should kill ourselves. but we are still human and will cling to copes like yours to define our life as a struggle to prove something. You existing doesn't matter or

Humans evolved through a means of something we get to perceive, which is reality. Different is, we evolved tot he capacity where we are able to identify patterns for the sake of survival, which only reinforces my previous point of eternality. Yes you are small, you are insignificant when you look at it from a cosmological scale but the determinative faculty of the world isnt expansive, it is conspansive. I also love how you are trying to rationalize to me how rationalization and logical paternalization is cope, 10/10 meme would laugh again.

they don't know who you are and you existing achieves nothing. You don't really need to exist and if they cause your death it isn't a win or a loss for anything outside the made up humanist relational theory nonsense in your mind that depends on stuff like that to be important in order for your continued non suicide to make sense. IMO it simply takes way more thought and justification to get your investive instinct working and believe in your continued life as incel, we get a post a week of a grey sharing a depressingly well thought out theory that helps them cope and feel smart. You aren't philosophical you've just been forced to think about it. Just like the rest of us. I think that's where your post is wrong, assuming other incels don't have an equally time heavy belief system. If you want to exist imagining you prove something to normies go ahead, but you're a world investor for doing so, you believe the external is x way because it helps you cope, and it is not blackpilled, because it's not an inward belief and involves you reacting to the world.
If you existing achieved nothing, you wouldn't exist. Within the very same confines of logic you are using to argue in opposition to me right now, we can derive that reality is absolute, and there is nothing that exists outside of it to determine it and its only purpose is self-identification, I demonstrated that further through my comments on the false concept of nothingness. Reality's purpose is self-identification of existence, you exist, therefore you partake in reality's purpose. Since reality's purpose is identificatory of all of that which exists within it, that entails that you contain reality's purpose (inclusive of you as a propety), therefore you have a purpose. If you want to devalidate this line of reasoning, we can just devalue of logic and start swinging our dicks around coping about justifying evolution through the means of the very thing you are trying to argue against, which is the usage of philosophical rationalization for incels to determine purpose. And yes, you are right, it is a way to make you feel smarter than others, that does not make it wrong, and no matter what personal inclinations you have about it, there is absolutely no way to defy this philosophical rationale without undermining the logic behind your arguments.
Mainly, you have no idea why people treat us badly, yet make an assumption based off the knowledge you personally acquired in life. I can tell you up front though that 90-99% of people who treat you badly don't have nearly as deep a reason to as you wrote. The main reason they do is simple bias, telling themselves we're incel piece of shit who are bad and don't deserve sex helps THEM cope, without this belief, sex is objectively a guarded priviledge not allowed to us. They would lose out if they stopped being biased, and its written in thousands of years of history that humans have always and will always take sides and exhibit self bias, only really regarding the rights of people as far as their tribe or society tells them to. This isn't even a theory or my own way of coping. That's what humans do and your suffering as incel has zero consequence on anyone but you and sometimes your parents.
It is basic biology. I obviously expanded on my personal experience because thats what people tend to do in posts that are inclusive to their personal experiences. I demonstrated exactly the reasons why people treat us badly, and that is because of social status and an implicit and instinctual tell of dominance. For all that talk you have about evolution, you should know that much.
I aint got all fucking day.

Actually I do. But I choose not to spend it reading this.
Philosophical post

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