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Blackpill [Hard To Swallow Edition] Most Humans Take Pride In Their Suffering/Trials, Which Subconsciously Makes Them Complacent Failures (SLAVE MINDSET)



Feb 28, 2018
Taking pride in your suffering and/or trials

This is a mental flaw that I've noticed over the years that pretty much all humans have, myself included a few years ago

Its is nothing but a coping mechanism and it leads to a COMPLACENT SLAVE MINDSET where you TAKE PRIDE IN BEING UNFORTUNATE AND/OR BENEATH OTHERS

I myself used to do this pathetic shit too when I think back, I was pretty poor during my schooling years, and I'd notice among more people, boasting about how little you ate for the day and "got by", or how you had to walk to school, etc were things that they all did (things that I did), I never once took the time to look at that behavior and see it for what it is before the black pill, it was just me coping trying to pluck out a positive from a negative, but I can no longer cope like that anymore, self-awareness destroys your ability to cope

This behavior is practiced in many ways by many groups

Wage Slaves: They take pride in their ability to "work hard", speak ill of their bosses and managers, making the cliche argument of "they couldn't handle this kind of work", which is like a slave boasting that "master only knows how to use a whip, his body couldn't handle being in the fields all they with us", and patting themselves on the back for being a good slave lol, I remember when I was at my previous place of work I started to pick up on this cliche occurrence (started reading about the black pill around then, started to actually think), I'd notice this all too familiar scene of the lower level workers gathering in groups and "speaking ill" of managerial staff, going on and on about being a "hard worker" as though that was inherently a positive thing despite no upward movement in their careers

The best example of this mindset though is:

The Religious: Religious people (moralfags in general) go on and on about "sinners" (the immoral) and how much better they are than people who are ironically enjoying their lives while they suffer through self imposed limitations, they pat themselves on the back quite literally for their suffering and trials, shit like that is even in the bible

Its a slave mindset, and its people like this who limit themselves the most

Virtually everything about religion is about denying yourself success as thought that is a positive thing, because "too much" success is "unbecoming", like its something bad

Verses in the bible saying nonsense like "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" are perfect examples of this, THIS IS ONLY GOING TO PUSH SOMEONE TOWARDS COMPLACENCY, EVEN IN POVERTY, and they will actually delude themselves into thinking they can look down on the people who live above them and that they work for, AND THEY WILL PASS THIS SLAVE MINDSET DOWN ONTO THEIR CHILDREN CREATING A CYCLE OF COMPLACENCY AND FAILURE

Another good example:

Neets: A lot of users like this on the site, coping by telling themselves they are "getting back at society" by not contributing and by KEEPING THEMSELVES POOR AND LACKING RESOURCES, and patting themselves on the back for "neetmaxxing", its nothing but pathetic coping, taking pride in the fact that they are lacking, its ridiculous

This is why I believe AS BLACK PILLERS we should never fall into this pathetic mindset, we should not cling to our egos, THIS IS WHY EGO IS SO DANGEROUS, it can blind you to things that should be obvious because you'll "feel good" regardless of whether something is logical, regardless of whether it objectively benefits you
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You mention this, but I think it stems from Abrahamic religion especially in the Western World with Christianity. The idea of “bearing your Cross” in life is one that is extremely emphasized in (from my experience) catholic dogma. Probably in other denominations as well.
You mention this, but I think it stems from Abrahamic religion especially in the Western World with Christianity. The idea of “bearing your Cross” in life is one that is extremely emphasized in (from my experience) catholic dogma. Probably in other denominations as well.

True, I did mention that in the thread as well, this mindset has strong religious undertones, its ironically a religious practice that even the non-religious incorporate into their lives

Though I'd go further to say that it is the want to "be prideful" and cope that spawned those religious practices to begin with, if this is a chicken or the egg thing, I'd say it was wanting to cope that started this thing, not religion itself
Why cant i see blackpillpres’s threads?

i go to the profile and im not able to “view user posts/threads” like in a normal forum
Religiouscels are going to be furious, but I wholeheartedly agree. I think people do this as a coping mechanism to feel better about their shitty position in life plus they don't have to work harder to get ahead, or they believe them doing what they're doing they'll be rewarded. But truth be told, unless you're gifted with looks, wealth, IQ or Talent you're never going to get ahead. Harsh as it may be, but you need something of high value to get ahead, slaving away at McDonald's for 40 hours weekly isn't going to get you anywhere, you'll just get worn out, busted up and beaten down from all of that rigorous work you did for all those years. But whatever, these people can keep deluding themselves into thinking they'll get somewhere doing "hard work" when in reality they're just making someone else rich. Just my two cents.
Verses in the bible saying nonsense like "it is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for someone who is rich to enter the kingdom of God" are perfect examples of this, THIS IS ONLY GOING TO PUSH SOMEONE TOWARDS COMPLACENCY, EVEN IN POVERTY, and they will actually delude themselves into thinking they can look down on the people who live above them and that they work for, AND THEY WILL PASS THIS SLAVE MINDSET DOWN ONTO THEIR CHILDREN CREATING A CYCLE OF COMPLACENCY AND FAILURE

Low iq tbh.
This verse means that rich people are much more likely to commit grave sins by :
- Greed : not donating a portion of the wealth to the betterment of the community (schools, hospitals, etc.)
- Degeneracy : promoting degenerate behaviour to fill your lust because you have the means to like what Epstein did. Promoting non marital sex.
And thus not entering the kingdom of God.

Btw I am not christian, but it's kinda obvious what this verse means.
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Just be stoic bro
I see your point
Low iq tbh.
This verse means that rich people are much more likely to commit grave sins by :
- Greed : not donating a portion of the wealth to the betterment of the community (schools, hospitals, etc.)
- Degeneracy : promoting degenerate behaviour to fill your lust because you have the means to like what Epstein did. Promoting non marital sex.
And thus not entering the kingdom of God

Thank you for stating the obvious, what is your point?, you are stating this as if I didn't know what it means, my entire point is that very mindset is a cope and completely false, can't you read? (that's been my entire point, that people who think this are coping)

In the same way that a rich person is more susceptible to "degeneracy" poor people are more susceptible to "criminality", so whereas a rich guy may end up fucking a bunch of whores a poor guy may end up murdering someone for money, I'd rather be committing "rich sins" than "poor sins", one is obviously more extreme, one usually involves "victimless sins" while the other leads to a life of where you have to directly prey on others to survive or get what you want

You guys need to stop with this "rich people are evil" cope, its poor people that are more "evil" because they are subjected to worse living conditions and have to do more extreme things to survive, a boy born into a poor home is more likely to end up selling drugs, murdering, stealing, committing acts of sexual assault, etc, whereas a boy born into a rich home is more likely to become academically successful and be able to purchase all the things he wants (women included) and never have to commit any crimes


Lastly, you have to see that you quite literally proved my point with your greed example:
"not donating a portion of the wealth to the betterment of the community (schools, hospitals, etc.)"

Why the hell should someone HAVE TO donate a portion of their wealth to others, that makes no sense, they are the ones who put the effort and planning into getting that wealth, its not objective its BS emotional thinking

Also it creates the subconscious rationalization that one should just stay poor because why work to become rich if it will all be taken away (or has to be given away)

This is the problem inherent to communism, why go through years of schooling to become a doctor if the majority of your income will be taken away to help fund other peoples lives, you might as well just get a simple job and spend less time studying

You are just proving more that religious doctrine subconsciously pushes people towards complacency, if I'm obligated to donate the wealth I earned, then why go through the hassle of acquiring wealth, there's no point, I could put in the same effort as a regular person and be obligated to give nothing because I "don't have enough" and I can just relax and laze around and enjoy whatever meager copes my dollars can afford

This way of thinking offers no motivation for financial growth, it makes the poor proud of their poverty, and have an aversion to wealth building because it isn't worth it in the end, you literally just proved my point
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It's easier to physically enslave someone, that is already mentally a slave!

Hence, ALL RELIGIONS do it!

But now doctors and government does it.

Being a victim is the new badge of virtue and honour!
You mention this, but I think it stems from Abrahamic religion especially in the Western World with Christianity. The idea of “bearing your Cross” in life is one that is extremely emphasized in (from my experience) catholic dogma. Probably in other denominations as well.
It's easier to physically enslave someone, that is already mentally a slave!

Hence, ALL RELIGIONS do it!

But now doctors and government does it.

Being a victim is the new badge of virtue and honour!
You mention this, but I think it stems from Abrahamic religion especially in the Western World with Christianity. The idea of “bearing your Cross” in life is one that is extremely emphasized in (from my experience) catholic dogma. Probably in other denominations as well.
It's easier to physically enslave someone, that is already mentally a slave!

Hence, ALL RELIGIONS do it!

But now doctors and government does it.

Being a victim is the new badge of virtue and honour!
God tier IQ you really opened my eye on this one. I have done this myself without noticing. It's very similar to sour grapes but aplied to pain and bad lifestyle.
God tier IQ you really opened my eye on this one. I have done this myself without noticing. It's very similar to sour grapes but aplied to pain and bad lifestyle.

It was an eye opener for myself too when I realized I did this for years, its something common among individuals on the lower end of the economic classes, coping becomes a norm because think about it, all you see in entertainment all day are people living these luxurious lifestyles (celebrities) and these easy lives, and then you have to wake up everyday and go waste 8 hours of your life toiling away (or in a comfy office but either way) to make someone else rich

The hardest thing for someone to do is to admit that they are in a state of failure whilst they are still in that state, and that is why this black pill will fall on deaf ears for most people (normies), they'd much rather tell themselves they are a great person for suffering so much, rather than admit they are a loser FOR BEING IN A POSITION TO SUFFER

Hindsight is always a more comfortable position, that's why you always hear those rich people who "made it" go on and on about their hardships, but even some of them cope and say all the shit they went through was "character building", maybe they just do that to keep all the plebs in line, they have employees and they can't tell their employees about reality because that would demotivate them, so they likely have to keep the lie up after succeeding
That's pretty much a soy trait ngl. Being happy to be below others is not manly at all and just makes u seem like a submissive bitch.
When I was a teenager complaining about being incel, my mom told me that many people had it worse, and that the suffering would make me a stronger person. A starving child in Africa does not alleviate my actual suffering. Suffering makes you weaker, as the people who suffer the most are weak to begin with and cannot handle excess stress. Contrary to my mom's statement, the people I saw suffering the least were the strongest. They were the best looking, the most intelligent, the most wealthy, and the most mentally healthy. There's no telling what would happen if they were placed under extreme stress, but I predict that due to their wealth of positive reinforcement and strong social connections and finances, they would do a much better job than their deprived counterparts.
Low iq tbh.
This verse means that rich people are much more likely to commit grave sins by :
- Greed : not donating a portion of the wealth to the betterment of the community (schools, hospitals, etc.)
- Degeneracy : promoting degenerate behaviour to fill your lust because you have the means to like what Epstein did. Promoting non marital sex.
And thus not entering the kingdom of God.

Btw I am not christian, but it's kinda obvious what this verse means.
Fun fact about this verse: In the Bible it's not talking about a camel trying to fit through a literal eye of a needle. The "Eye Of The Needle" was a place back then. I can't remember EXACTLY what it was, but I think it was either a cave or canyon system with water beds. In the desert when the camels got thirsty, their riders would take them to The Eye Of The Needle to drink fresh water, but the opening was low (only several feet from the ground) so the riders had to train their camels to get on their knees and crawl under the entrance in order to get to the water.
Religious people (moralfags in general) go on and on about "sinners" (the immoral) and how much better they are than people who are ironically enjoying their lives while they suffer through self imposed limitations, they pat themselves on the back quite literally for their suffering and trials, shit like that is even in the bible
Seeing as you referenced the bible I can only assume you were talking about Christians.

No we don't do that shit.

A pastor of a famous church is no better than the serial killer whom is also a paedophile and a satanist. We're all sinners.

If you ever come across a Religious person who goes on about "sinners" whilst claiming to be different themselves: they need a strong reality check...
Not denying the validity of your post. Just thought I'd raise that specific topic up.
I agree with that completely except the NEET part is little bit controversial.

In last 5 years of my life whenever I compared my life to my peers my family always tried to neglect my needs.

Do they have more money ? Thanks to god we arent hungry look at "starving childrens in africa"

I am having a meal I dont like ? Thanks to god we arent hungry look at "starving childrens in africa"

Do my classmates go to vacations while I am rotting in my room ? Thanks to god we arent hungry look at "starving childrens in africa".

It so full of a shit and nothing more than mental gymnastic poor/unhappy people are doing to cope with their lives.
Being a neet is sometimes out of your control tbh. I've tried to find a job but no positive feedback.
yeah but lolis depriving themselves of whoring with chad is the only way to have non-sluts therefore christianity is based
I totally agree, the primary function of the human mind is to cope above all else imo. This is because the prime mover of the majority of human action is ego, without it we are just docile domesticated animals who lack the agency required to drive evolution and progress, both personal and societal.

The strangest part of this phenomena though is, as you mentioned, our tendency to derive meaning and pride from the most mundane and even humiliating of situations in order for us to continue finding the will to carry on. I think this shows that pride (as with all emotions) is more of an illusion of consciousness than some kind of quantifiable aggregate of our standing relative to our peers in the material world.

I’d go one step further though and say that hatred itself is just as much of an internal mechanism to protect the ego from this debilitating sense of self-perceived inferiority as contriving a sense of pride from an ostensibly humiliating situation is.

Think about it, the groups in our society most often described as ‘hateful’ are more often than not those who are so clearly compensating for a sense of wounded pride for which hatred is the only balm: white supremacists, incels and even closeted vehemently homophobic religious types are all fighting an internal battle against their own wounded ego of which hatred is the lifeblood.

Hatred (same as love) is just the consciously perceivable experience of oxytocin on the brain. It releases endorphins and is just another instance of your brain trying to engender the false sense of pride we all apparently need to carry on.
Suffering means nothing in this world. It's just that - suffering. It doesn't make anyone a better or morally superior person. I have to agree entirely with the OP.
A pastor of a famous church is no better than the serial killer whom is also a paedophile and a satanist. We're all sinners.

What people say outside the church is a different story as to what they say in their everyday lives, especially when it comes to religious women who like to gossip and "bad talk" other women within their congregation behind their backs

You think I haven't heard all this nonsense before - "were all the same within the eyes of the lord"

The same people who are saying that shit, when you talk to them personally they are singling out other people for their "sinful ways" and a lot of the times they are doing it in a sly and indirect way ironically using the same nonsense you just said to preface their statement - "Only God can judge, but the way X is living isn't right, etc, etc"

Sorry I don't buy it, I've interacted with enough religous people to know that hypocrisy is inherent to most all humans and everybody is looking for someone to feel better than, so they create loopholes to speak ill of others whilst still adhering to the "were all sinners" rhetoric

Like I said THIS GOES ESPECIALLY FOR WOMEN, and that should come as no surprise to you

So for you to say "were all sinners" means nothing because clearly there are degrees of sin, and even the people who say "were all sinners" out in the open privately distinguish between those degrees in everyday conversations

I agree with that completely except the NEET part is little bit controversial.

In last 5 years of my life whenever I compared my life to my peers my family always tried to neglect my needs.

Do they have more money ? Thanks to god we arent hungry look at "starving childrens in africa"

I am having a meal I dont like ? Thanks to god we arent hungry look at "starving childrens in africa"

Do my classmates go to vacations while I am rotting in my room ? Thanks to god we arent hungry look at "starving childrens in africa".

It so full of a shit and nothing more than mental gymnastic poor/unhappy people are doing to cope with their lives.

I always hate the "it could be worse" kind of arguments because people don't realize you can also argue "it could be better", they just abitrarily treat one like its a valid argument and that the other doesn't even exist or its "wrong"

Being a neet is sometimes out of your control tbh. I've tried to find a job but no positive feedback.

Its certain kinds of neets I'm talking about obviously, I was very specific, its the ones who act like they are proud of it

yeah but lolis depriving themselves of whoring with chad is the only way to have non-sluts therefore christianity is based

When last has Christianity pulled this off?

Are you sending this message through a time machine? (pretty much all christian women are whores today, where the hell do you live?)

The only religion that still keeps women chaste today, is Islam, and that's through threat of death and violence

I totally agree, the primary function of the human mind is to cope above all else imo. This is because the prime mover of the majority of human action is ego, without it we are just docile domesticated animals who lack the agency required to drive evolution and progress, both personal and societal.

The strangest part of this phenomena though is, as you mentioned, our tendency to derive meaning and pride from the most mundane and even humiliating of situations in order for us to continue finding the will to carry on. I think this shows that pride (as with all emotions) is more of an illusion of consciousness than some kind of quantifiable aggregate of our standing relative to our peers in the material world.

I’d go one step further though and say that hatred itself is just as much of an internal mechanism to protect the ego from this debilitating sense of self-perceived inferiority as contriving a sense of pride from an ostensibly humiliating situation is.

Think about it, the groups in our society most often described as ‘hateful’ are more often than not those who are so clearly compensating for a sense of wounded pride for which hatred is the only balm: white supremacists, incels and even closeted vehemently homophobic religious types are all fighting an internal battle against their own wounded ego of which hatred is the lifeblood.

Hatred (same as love) is just the consciously perceivable experience of oxytocin on the brain. It releases endorphins and is just another instance of your brain trying to engender the false sense of pride we all apparently need to carry on.

I agree in a sense, as I don't see how hatred is connected to pride, I'm assuming you mean hating other groups since you mentioned white supremacist and not the feeling of hatred itself (else it doesn't make sense)
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It's pure inverted narcissism. I used to be like this to compensate in being a failure in other ways. Sad shit to say the least.
This really is hard to swallow

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