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Based iamsubhuman harassing me compilation



Feb 2, 2023
He replies with this to everything i post. He’s been doing it since Jan 2022.

And also says things like
Spam all you want. It's the only skill your LGBTQ ass has
Based, you deserve to get banned and suffer an agonizing death or an agonizing life
YuiIsMyCope (he's gay)
t. faggot
Add "postmaxxing", "anime simp", and "making these threads" to your list too:
You think this is something? You think this is bad? This? This faggotry? He's done worse. That thread! Are you telling me that a man just happens to postmaxx like that? No! He orchestrated it! YuiIsMyCope! He used a bot to postmaxx! And I saved him! And I shouldn't have. I took him into my own forum! What was I thinking? He'll never change. He'll never change! Ever since he was 9, always the same! Couldn't stop posting gay shit! But not our YuiIsMyCope! Couldn't be precious YuiIsMyCope! Posting them blind! And he gets to be unbanned!? What a sick joke! I should've stopped him when I had the chance! And you – you have to stop him! You-
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Incel on incel violence, incel cannibalism, incel eats incel world, incels holocaust.
He is doing gods' work.
He is doing what the incompetent moderators are actually supposed to be doing:
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I think he wants to suck your dick
ok, but what were you trying to say with that
I believe you.... if not for the stupid cat
you can click on where it says “iamsubhuman said” above every post and be taken to it. You’re welcome GrAYcel

The word you're looking for is exposing.

You posted gay shit, you actively support LGBT on the forum, and you don't seem to face any consequence as a result. You're the gay version of that fakecel bragger. Instead of getting away with posting his brags, you get away with posting faggotry. :feelswhere:

"Would gay chad fuck me?" :feelsugh:

Disclaimer: This post is full of very explicit descriptions of gay sex

Gays like to lie about history and claim that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese or whatever were supportive of homosexuality. This is completely false. No civilisation has ever been completely supportive of homosexuality (and especially not of gay marriage), not even modern Western civilisation, and I wanna write an essay about that because it angers when they claim otherwise.


In all 3000 years of Ancient Egyptian history, or at least up to Alexander the Great’s conquest of it, there are only like 2 likely instances of homosexuality being recorded. Both of them are deemed shameful. In one story, King Pepi II would sneak into the house of his General Sasenet around midnight and they would have sex. Obviously if homosexuality was accepted by the ancient Egyptians, there would be no point in sneaking out at midnight.

Another, even more damning example is in The Contendings of Horus and Seth, an ancient Egyptian book about the battle between the gods Horus and Seth over the throne of Egypt. In it, Seth tries to humiliate Horus by getting him drunk and raping him. But Horus fakes his drunkenness and catches Seth’s semen. He then secretly masturbates on Seth’s food (yeah it’s a weird story). Later, Seth tries to prove that he came inside Horus in court, but instead it’s shown that Horus came inside him and he is deeply embarrassed. What’s pretty clear from this story that, even if cumming in another man was considered something manly, having another man do it to you was deeply shameful to the Egyptians. That’s pretty homophobic.


There’s a tomb in Egypt dedicated to two men, Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, who many gays like to claim were a gay couple because they’re shown hugging and nearly kissing each other in one of its wall paintings (the one above). But the truth is that they each had a wife and children (so no gay marriage in Ancient Egypt), and there’s simply no evidence that they were gay. Other explanations put up by scholars is that they could’ve been conjoined twins or just brothers.

There’s also an argument from silence to be made here. Ancient Egyptian history is very, very well recorded. We have thousands of records of marriages from the time, but every single one of them is heterosexual.


The Code of Assura from the Assyrian Empire makes homosexuality a crime

"If a man has had sex with his neighbor he has been charged and convicted, he is to be considered defiled and made into a eunuch."

— Code of Assura, §20

"If a man violates his own mother, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his daughter, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his son, it is capital crime."

— Code of Assura, §189

It’s a bit of a long passage so I won’t paste it, but it also makes accusing a man of homosexuality without being able to prove it a crime, so clearly homosexuality was seen as immoral.

The Bible

There are some Christian gays who like to claim that the Bible supports homosexuality, so here’s some verses against that idea

  • You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
  • If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
  • That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. (Romans 1:26-27)
  • Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The two words translated as “homosexuals” and “sodomites” here are the Greek words malakia (μαλακοὶ) and arsenokoitai (ἀρσενοκοῖται), basically referring to the tops and bottoms of gay relationships. The Greeks made a big distinction between the two, as I will now explain.


Modern gays love to celebrate the Ancient Greeks as a bastion of homosexuality. What they always fail to mention is that the most widespread and socially significant form of it practiced at the time was pederasty, which is “””love””” between adult men and young boys; basically gay pedophilia. That’s certainly not a good moral example to follow or celebrate. And this kind of relationship was also not legal across all of Greece, with some cities allowing it and others banning it. It’s also thought to have been mostly limited to the aristocracy. Even Wikipedia states that “when two men of similar age shared a similar relationship, it was deemed taboo and, in fact, perverse.”

Ancient Greeks didn’t think of sexuality the way we do. They distinguished between being the one penetrating in a gay relationship, which was seen as masculine, and the one being penetrated, which was considered demeaning. Insults used in ancient Greek plays show that adult men who took a passive role in gay sex were ridiculed. Accepting just 50% of homosexuality is quite homophobic by modern standards, and very different from the gay pride being forced on us today where we have to accept both bottoms and tops.

The Sacred Band of Thebes was a military unit made up of pairs of male lovers. I will admit that this comes really close to debunking my whole argument. It’s recorded that King Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great), who disbanded the band, saw their bodies strewn on the battlefield and harshly criticised the Spartans’ views on them, saying “Perish miserably they who think that these men did or suffered aught disgraceful”. The fact that he had to say this though, and that it was recorded, indicates that they were widely considered to be doing something disgraceful.

I should also mention that there was a poet named Sappho from the island of Lesbos in Greece who wrote lesbian poems. (Yes the word “lesbian” comes from her homeland. And the people who live there now absolutely hate it.) Now, I know I’ve been using the ambiguous word “homosexuality” here, but I’m specifically concerned with male homosexuality. There are some cultures that tolerate lesbians but not gays. I’m not getting into that


The Roman view of homosexuality was very similar to the Greek one in that they did not mind being the top but considered being the bottom shameful. However, unlike the Greeks, Roman gays generally did not rape younger free boys, but slaves, concubines, prostitutes and so on. For an older man, wanting to penetrate a youth was considered normal, but wanting to be penetrated was considered a sickness.
Why can't we all be frens?
Disclaimer: This post is full of very explicit descriptions of gay sex

Gays like to lie about history and claim that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese or whatever were supportive of homosexuality. This is completely false. No civilisation has ever been completely supportive of homosexuality (and especially not of gay marriage), not even modern Western civilisation, and I wanna write an essay about that because it angers when they claim otherwise.


In all 3000 years of Ancient Egyptian history, or at least up to Alexander the Great’s conquest of it, there are only like 2 likely instances of homosexuality being recorded. Both of them are deemed shameful. In one story, King Pepi II would sneak into the house of his General Sasenet around midnight and they would have sex. Obviously if homosexuality was accepted by the ancient Egyptians, there would be no point in sneaking out at midnight.

Another, even more damning example is in The Contendings of Horus and Seth, an ancient Egyptian book about the battle between the gods Horus and Seth over the throne of Egypt. In it, Seth tries to humiliate Horus by getting him drunk and raping him. But Horus fakes his drunkenness and catches Seth’s semen. He then secretly masturbates on Seth’s food (yeah it’s a weird story). Later, Seth tries to prove that he came inside Horus in court, but instead it’s shown that Horus came inside him and he is deeply embarrassed. What’s pretty clear from this story that, even if cumming in another man was considered something manly, having another man do it to you was deeply shameful to the Egyptians. That’s pretty homophobic.

View attachment 708365

There’s a tomb in Egypt dedicated to two men, Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, who many gays like to claim were a gay couple because they’re shown hugging and nearly kissing each other in one of its wall paintings (the one above). But the truth is that they each had a wife and children (so no gay marriage in Ancient Egypt), and there’s simply no evidence that they were gay. Other explanations put up by scholars is that they could’ve been conjoined twins or just brothers.

There’s also an argument from silence to be made here. Ancient Egyptian history is very, very well recorded. We have thousands of records of marriages from the time, but every single one of them is heterosexual.


The Code of Assura from the Assyrian Empire makes homosexuality a crime

"If a man has had sex with his neighbor he has been charged and convicted, he is to be considered defiled and made into a eunuch."

— Code of Assura, §20

"If a man violates his own mother, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his daughter, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his son, it is capital crime."

— Code of Assura, §189

It’s a bit of a long passage so I won’t paste it, but it also makes accusing a man of homosexuality without being able to prove it a crime, so clearly homosexuality was seen as immoral.

The Bible

There are some Christian gays who like to claim that the Bible supports homosexuality, so here’s some verses against that idea

  • You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
  • If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
  • That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. (Romans 1:26-27)
  • Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The two words translated as “homosexuals” and “sodomites” here are the Greek words malakia (μαλακοὶ) and arsenokoitai (ἀρσενοκοῖται), basically referring to the tops and bottoms of gay relationships. The Greeks made a big distinction between the two, as I will now explain.


Modern gays love to celebrate the Ancient Greeks as a bastion of homosexuality. What they always fail to mention is that the most widespread and socially significant form of it practiced at the time was pederasty, which is “””love””” between adult men and young boys; basically gay pedophilia. That’s certainly not a good moral example to follow or celebrate. And this kind of relationship was also not legal across all of Greece, with some cities allowing it and others banning it. It’s also thought to have been mostly limited to the aristocracy. Even Wikipedia states that “when two men of similar age shared a similar relationship, it was deemed taboo and, in fact, perverse.”

Ancient Greeks didn’t think of sexuality the way we do. They distinguished between being the one penetrating in a gay relationship, which was seen as masculine, and the one being penetrated, which was considered demeaning. Insults used in ancient Greek plays show that adult men who took a passive role in gay sex were ridiculed. Accepting just 50% of homosexuality is quite homophobic by modern standards, and very different from the gay pride being forced on us today where we have to accept both bottoms and tops.

The Sacred Band of Thebes was a military unit made up of pairs of male lovers. I will admit that this comes really close to debunking my whole argument. It’s recorded that King Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great), who disbanded the band, saw their bodies strewn on the battlefield and harshly criticised the Spartans’ views on them, saying “Perish miserably they who think that these men did or suffered aught disgraceful”. The fact that he had to say this though, and that it was recorded, indicates that they were widely considered to be doing something disgraceful.

I should also mention that there was a poet named Sappho from the island of Lesbos in Greece who wrote lesbian poems. (Yes the word “lesbian” comes from her homeland. And the people who live there now absolutely hate it.) Now, I know I’ve been using the ambiguous word “homosexuality” here, but I’m specifically concerned with male homosexuality. There are some cultures that tolerate lesbians but not gays. I’m not getting into that


The Roman view of homosexuality was very similar to the Greek one in that they did not mind being the top but considered being the bottom shameful. However, unlike the Greeks, Roman gays generally did not rape younger free boys, but slaves, concubines, prostitutes and so on. For an older man, wanting to penetrate a youth was considered normal, but wanting to be penetrated was considered a sickness.
Also based read, definitely saving this one.
im not yet done with it, i will make it a separate thread in the lounge
One Minor Gripe, Do you have a list of sources? I'm not doubting it, it's just that fags and normies refuse to fucking listen to anything without muh experts and verified science
Why can't we all be frens?
Because we're not 3 years old.

The world is full of nasty and malicious people who have evil intentions. Some of them make their way in here and cause chaos.
One Minor Gripe, Do you have a list of sources? I'm not doubting it, it's just that fags and normies refuse to fucking listen to anything without muh experts and verified science
It’s full of hyperlinks. Mostly to wikipedia though, that’s my main source
Disclaimer: This post is full of very explicit descriptions of gay sex

Gays like to lie about history and claim that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese or whatever were supportive of homosexuality. This is completely false. No civilisation has ever been completely supportive of homosexuality (and especially not of gay marriage), not even modern Western civilisation, and I wanna write an essay about that because it angers when they claim otherwise.


In all 3000 years of Ancient Egyptian history, or at least up to Alexander the Great’s conquest of it, there are only like 2 likely instances of homosexuality being recorded. Both of them are deemed shameful. In one story, King Pepi II would sneak into the house of his General Sasenet around midnight and they would have sex. Obviously if homosexuality was accepted by the ancient Egyptians, there would be no point in sneaking out at midnight.

Another, even more damning example is in The Contendings of Horus and Seth, an ancient Egyptian book about the battle between the gods Horus and Seth over the throne of Egypt. In it, Seth tries to humiliate Horus by getting him drunk and raping him. But Horus fakes his drunkenness and catches Seth’s semen. He then secretly masturbates on Seth’s food (yeah it’s a weird story). Later, Seth tries to prove that he came inside Horus in court, but instead it’s shown that Horus came inside him and he is deeply embarrassed. What’s pretty clear from this story that, even if cumming in another man was considered something manly, having another man do it to you was deeply shameful to the Egyptians. That’s pretty homophobic.

View attachment 708365

There’s a tomb in Egypt dedicated to two men, Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, who many gays like to claim were a gay couple because they’re shown hugging and nearly kissing each other in one of its wall paintings (the one above). But the truth is that they each had a wife and children (so no gay marriage in Ancient Egypt), and there’s simply no evidence that they were gay. Other explanations put up by scholars is that they could’ve been conjoined twins or just brothers.

There’s also an argument from silence to be made here. Ancient Egyptian history is very, very well recorded. We have thousands of records of marriages from the time, but every single one of them is heterosexual.


The Code of Assura from the Assyrian Empire makes homosexuality a crime

"If a man has had sex with his neighbor he has been charged and convicted, he is to be considered defiled and made into a eunuch."

— Code of Assura, §20

"If a man violates his own mother, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his daughter, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his son, it is capital crime."

— Code of Assura, §189

It’s a bit of a long passage so I won’t paste it, but it also makes accusing a man of homosexuality without being able to prove it a crime, so clearly homosexuality was seen as immoral.

The Bible

There are some Christian gays who like to claim that the Bible supports homosexuality, so here’s some verses against that idea

  • You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
  • If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
  • That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. (Romans 1:26-27)
  • Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The two words translated as “homosexuals” and “sodomites” here are the Greek words malakia (μαλακοὶ) and arsenokoitai (ἀρσενοκοῖται), basically referring to the tops and bottoms of gay relationships. The Greeks made a big distinction between the two, as I will now explain.


Modern gays love to celebrate the Ancient Greeks as a bastion of homosexuality. What they always fail to mention is that the most widespread and socially significant form of it practiced at the time was pederasty, which is “””love””” between adult men and young boys; basically gay pedophilia. That’s certainly not a good moral example to follow or celebrate. And this kind of relationship was also not legal across all of Greece, with some cities allowing it and others banning it. It’s also thought to have been mostly limited to the aristocracy. Even Wikipedia states that “when two men of similar age shared a similar relationship, it was deemed taboo and, in fact, perverse.”

Ancient Greeks didn’t think of sexuality the way we do. They distinguished between being the one penetrating in a gay relationship, which was seen as masculine, and the one being penetrated, which was considered demeaning. Insults used in ancient Greek plays show that adult men who took a passive role in gay sex were ridiculed. Accepting just 50% of homosexuality is quite homophobic by modern standards, and very different from the gay pride being forced on us today where we have to accept both bottoms and tops.

The Sacred Band of Thebes was a military unit made up of pairs of male lovers. I will admit that this comes really close to debunking my whole argument. It’s recorded that King Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great), who disbanded the band, saw their bodies strewn on the battlefield and harshly criticised the Spartans’ views on them, saying “Perish miserably they who think that these men did or suffered aught disgraceful”. The fact that he had to say this though, and that it was recorded, indicates that they were widely considered to be doing something disgraceful.

I should also mention that there was a poet named Sappho from the island of Lesbos in Greece who wrote lesbian poems. (Yes the word “lesbian” comes from her homeland. And the people who live there now absolutely hate it.) Now, I know I’ve been using the ambiguous word “homosexuality” here, but I’m specifically concerned with male homosexuality. There are some cultures that tolerate lesbians but not gays. I’m not getting into that


The Roman view of homosexuality was very similar to the Greek one in that they did not mind being the top but considered being the bottom shameful. However, unlike the Greeks, Roman gays generally did not rape younger free boys, but slaves, concubines, prostitutes and so on. For an older man, wanting to penetrate a youth was considered normal, but wanting to be penetrated was considered a sickness.
I see.
Disclaimer: This post is full of very explicit descriptions of gay sex

Gays like to lie about history and claim that the ancient Egyptians, Greeks, Romans, Chinese or whatever were supportive of homosexuality. This is completely false. No civilisation has ever been completely supportive of homosexuality (and especially not of gay marriage), not even modern Western civilisation, and I wanna write an essay about that because it angers when they claim otherwise.


In all 3000 years of Ancient Egyptian history, or at least up to Alexander the Great’s conquest of it, there are only like 2 likely instances of homosexuality being recorded. Both of them are deemed shameful. In one story, King Pepi II would sneak into the house of his General Sasenet around midnight and they would have sex. Obviously if homosexuality was accepted by the ancient Egyptians, there would be no point in sneaking out at midnight.

Another, even more damning example is in The Contendings of Horus and Seth, an ancient Egyptian book about the battle between the gods Horus and Seth over the throne of Egypt. In it, Seth tries to humiliate Horus by getting him drunk and raping him. But Horus fakes his drunkenness and catches Seth’s semen. He then secretly masturbates on Seth’s food (yeah it’s a weird story). Later, Seth tries to prove that he came inside Horus in court, but instead it’s shown that Horus came inside him and he is deeply embarrassed. What’s pretty clear from this story that, even if cumming in another man was considered something manly, having another man do it to you was deeply shameful to the Egyptians. That’s pretty homophobic.

View attachment 708365

There’s a tomb in Egypt dedicated to two men, Khnumhotep and Niankhkhnum, who many gays like to claim were a gay couple because they’re shown hugging and nearly kissing each other in one of its wall paintings (the one above). But the truth is that they each had a wife and children (so no gay marriage in Ancient Egypt), and there’s simply no evidence that they were gay. Other explanations put up by scholars is that they could’ve been conjoined twins or just brothers.

There’s also an argument from silence to be made here. Ancient Egyptian history is very, very well recorded. We have thousands of records of marriages from the time, but every single one of them is heterosexual.


The Code of Assura from the Assyrian Empire makes homosexuality a crime

"If a man has had sex with his neighbor he has been charged and convicted, he is to be considered defiled and made into a eunuch."

— Code of Assura, §20

"If a man violates his own mother, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his daughter, it is a capital crime. If a man violates his son, it is capital crime."

— Code of Assura, §189

It’s a bit of a long passage so I won’t paste it, but it also makes accusing a man of homosexuality without being able to prove it a crime, so clearly homosexuality was seen as immoral.

The Bible

There are some Christian gays who like to claim that the Bible supports homosexuality, so here’s some verses against that idea

  • You shall not lie with a male as with a woman; it is an abomination. (Leviticus 18:22)
  • If a man lies with a male as with a woman, both of them have committed an abomination; they shall surely be put to death; their blood is upon them. (Leviticus 20:13)
  • That is why God abandoned them to their shameful desires. Even the women turned against the natural way to have sex and instead indulged in sex with each other. And the men, instead of having normal sexual relations with women, burned with lust for each other. Men did shameful things with other men, and as a result of this sin, they suffered within themselves the penalty they deserved. (Romans 1:26-27)
  • Do you not know that the unrighteous will not inherit the kingdom of God? Do not be deceived. Neither fornicators, nor idolaters, nor adulterers, nor homosexuals, nor sodomites, nor thieves, nor covetous, nor drunkards, nor revilers, nor extortioners will inherit the kingdom of God. (1 Corinthians 6:9-10)
The two words translated as “homosexuals” and “sodomites” here are the Greek words malakia (μαλακοὶ) and arsenokoitai (ἀρσενοκοῖται), basically referring to the tops and bottoms of gay relationships. The Greeks made a big distinction between the two, as I will now explain.


Modern gays love to celebrate the Ancient Greeks as a bastion of homosexuality. What they always fail to mention is that the most widespread and socially significant form of it practiced at the time was pederasty, which is “””love””” between adult men and young boys; basically gay pedophilia. That’s certainly not a good moral example to follow or celebrate. And this kind of relationship was also not legal across all of Greece, with some cities allowing it and others banning it. It’s also thought to have been mostly limited to the aristocracy. Even Wikipedia states that “when two men of similar age shared a similar relationship, it was deemed taboo and, in fact, perverse.”

Ancient Greeks didn’t think of sexuality the way we do. They distinguished between being the one penetrating in a gay relationship, which was seen as masculine, and the one being penetrated, which was considered demeaning. Insults used in ancient Greek plays show that adult men who took a passive role in gay sex were ridiculed. Accepting just 50% of homosexuality is quite homophobic by modern standards, and very different from the gay pride being forced on us today where we have to accept both bottoms and tops.

The Sacred Band of Thebes was a military unit made up of pairs of male lovers. I will admit that this comes really close to debunking my whole argument. It’s recorded that King Philip II of Macedon (father of Alexander the Great), who disbanded the band, saw their bodies strewn on the battlefield and harshly criticised the Spartans’ views on them, saying “Perish miserably they who think that these men did or suffered aught disgraceful”. The fact that he had to say this though, and that it was recorded, indicates that they were widely considered to be doing something disgraceful.

I should also mention that there was a poet named Sappho from the island of Lesbos in Greece who wrote lesbian poems. (Yes the word “lesbian” comes from her homeland. And the people who live there now absolutely hate it.) Now, I know I’ve been using the ambiguous word “homosexuality” here, but I’m specifically concerned with male homosexuality. There are some cultures that tolerate lesbians but not gays. I’m not getting into that


The Roman view of homosexuality was very similar to the Greek one in that they did not mind being the top but considered being the bottom shameful. However, unlike the Greeks, Roman gays generally did not rape younger free boys, but slaves, concubines, prostitutes and so on. For an older man, wanting to penetrate a youth was considered normal, but wanting to be penetrated was considered a sickness.
Because we're not 3 years old.

The world is full of nasty and malicious people who have evil intentions. Some of them make their way in here and cause chaos.
dont expect the mods to do their job. They’ll just tell you to put him on ignore. I don’t recall fat link just telling everyone To put nirvanafan1998 on ignore but if he’s not the one who is being attacked he dosent lift a finger.
Why are you posting about getting fucked by chad? :feelsbaton:
Just noticed you commented on my profile and made a post about me. Didn't know you were a fan of me. Want an autograph?

Yui animefag
I mean he's not wrong you are gay and homosexuals can't be incels cuz faggots will literally fuck anything that moves. I'm surprised how lenient the mods are towards faggots like you.
Incel on incel violence, incel cannibalism, incel eats incel world, incels holocaust.
Truly brutal thing I have also been subjected!
I was banned because @Postmaxxercel50k was orbiting around my ass and me living rent free on his head.
Luckily that bitch was banned
He is doing gods' work.
He is doing what the incompetent moderators are actually supposed to be doing:
I mean he's not wrong you are gay and homosexuals can't be incels cuz faggots will literally fuck anything that moves. I'm surprised how lenient the mods are towards faggots like you.
@iamsubhuman is based and you are a faggot
Truly brutal thing I have also been subjected!
I was banned because @Postmaxxercel50k was orbiting around my ass and me living rent free on his head.
Luckily that bitch was banned
Mods really went after you with changing your name and avi, that really crossed the line of good taste.
Good to see this website has some good hearted gatekeeping bullies like myself :feelscomfy:
I guess you could say…

7DC28FD5 7D14 4D8D A1E6 D41D0FE2173D
@iamsubhuman keep up the good work
Kek kinda based tbh

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