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Serious molesting prepubescent girls shouldn't be condoned on this forum at all and you're a faggot if you condone it (fuck off IT i don't want to join you)



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
I've been here for almost 2 years now. I see people here who say they like underage teenagers and i was like "ok whatever no big deal" although 13 is still really extreme because thats middle school. but now i'm seeing a bunch of retards saying it's ok to molest some 8 year old kid. like WTF! 8-11 year olds? that's fucking disgusting. same with 12, too. honestly, it is pretty normal to find girls age 15-17 attractive and it's pretty common for men to experience that (although most won't admit to it, let alone act on it). finding 15-17 year olds attractive is not unusual. Finding girls age 12-13 attractive is not that unusual but not that common (it's neither normal nor abnormal as long as you have stronger attraction to older teens/young adults). Attraction to prepubescent girls is abnormal. Although some studies that shown that a good amount of men might have a little attraction to prepubescent girls (but not strong attraction), many studies show them having no attraction to prepubescent girls. But having a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent girls is unusual. This is called pedophilia. Only 1% to 5% of men have a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Hebephilia is a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to pubescent youngsters ages 11-14 (middle school). It's 2-3 times more common than pedophilia, so the prevalence of men who are hebephiles (which still isn't completely confirmed) is possibly anywhere from 2% to as many as 15%.

You got people on this forum who say shit like: "Some 8 year olds start puberty" or "you're an adult once you bleed" or "girls look better at 8 than at 18. at 18 they look old and ugly now". this is all just laughable, to say the least. Not to mention it's sick to say the least. First of all, girls usually start puberty at 10 or 11, not 8 or 9 (beginning it at 8 or 9 is an early bloomer and more common among black girls, starting it before 8 is precocious puberty which is extremely rare). Even at 10 or 11 they're too young to consent. Most 8 year olds haven't entered puberty yet and they're way too young to consent. Then I hear people say you're an adult when you bleed. No that ain't true one bit. I don't believe in these legal definitions of child and adult because the age of majority varies by country. Adolescence is a social construct and modern concept beginning in 1904. But I rather rely on biological definitions.

The key component of what defines adolescence is that you're changing from child to adult. A child biologically is someone between infancy and the onset of puberty. An adult biologically is someone who is physically developed and reached full sexual maturity, in other words post-pubescent. Sexual maturity doesn't just mean being able to get pregnant because you hit your period already. "Sexual maturity is the capability of an organism to reproduce. It may be considered synonymous with adulthood, but, in humans, puberty encompasses the process of sexual maturation and adulthood is based on cultural definitions." The last sentence about cultural definitions of adulthood is flawed because social adulthood is a social construct and varies by society, so biological definition is best because if we can refer to animals as child or adult based on their biology why is human any different for definitions (special pleading much?). According to the definition, the first sentence doesn't give the entire picture. When you have menarche, you're still undergoing puberty and thus still in the process of sexual maturation. Once you finish puberty, you actually reached full sexual maturity. On average, girls often start puberty at 10/11 and boys at 11/12 and finish puberty at 15-17 and 16-17, respectively. This means biological adolescence lasts from ages 10-16 on average. You reach adulthood typically at 15-17.

No, a 12 year old girl is not an adult just because she had her period.

Also, according to studies I've read, men typically find an 18 year old woman far more attractive than an 8 year old girl or a 12 year old girl. According to sexologist James Cantor, "very common for regular men to be attracted to 18-year-olds or 20-year-olds. It's not unusual for a typical 16-year-old to be attractive to many men and the younger we go the fewer and fewer men are attracted to that age group." Finding a middle school-age girl ages 12 or 13 is not that unusual, but it's not that common either, with studies on its prevalence being mixed. Finding a 16-17 year old attractive is pretty common though.

The age group men find most attractive is NOT middle school girls. According to studies i've read, it's typically late teens early 20s. so this is college/fresh out of college age women.

And 8 year olds are too young to consent. They usually haven't begun puberty yet. Not to mention they have zero knowledge of what sex is and they are too young to understand the responsibilities of sexual activity let alone relationships. A relationship with another 8 year old would be extremely simplistic and a relationship with an adult could never work, especially when adults have a desire for sexual intercourse, which 8 year olds cannot properly consent to. Even at 12 it is still way too far for them to date or have sex with adults.

And while there have been societies where girls married at 12 or 13, they didn't necessarily have sex right away. it could be they didn't consummate the marriage until she was older (ie: her older teens/early 20s aka 15-21).

this forum i came to so i could talk to people about inceldom due to gaslighting and virgin shaming on other websites and in the offline world. i don't need to be associated with people who wanna molest elementary schoolers. no i don't wanna hear "but they'll be a bunch of stupid foids later on" that doesn't matter because they aren't like that currently and shouldn't be punished or hated for who they might become later on. molesting an 8 year old is sick and if you condone that shit you're a fucking dumbass so fuck you.

also I find women most attractive in their older teens early 20s, NOT 8 or even 12
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loli hunting is my favorite sport
It’s just a bunch of retarded 15-16 year old young”cels” trying to be cool and edgy for violating the AOC. Most of us just want a loving girlfriend our own age.
13 and below is no territory
14-15 is meh tbh
16+ is perfectly fine
none of that applies if you are still not an adult
don't take these guys seriously, they just want to be edgy

lolicon is valid
high iQ, child molestors are a shame,exposing their subhuman nature
I've been here for almost 2 years now. I see people here who say they like underage teenagers and i was like "ok whatever no big deal" although 13 is still really extreme because thats middle school. but now i'm seeing a bunch of retards saying it's ok to molest some 8 year old kid. like WTF! 8-11 year olds? that's fucking disgusting. same with 12, too. honestly, it is pretty normal to find girls age 15-17 attractive and it's pretty common for men to experience that (although most won't admit to it, let alone act on it). finding 15-17 year olds attractive is not unusual. Finding girls age 12-13 attractive is not that unusual but not that common (it's neither normal nor abnormal as long as you have stronger attraction to older teens/young adults). Attraction to prepubescent girls is abnormal. Although some studies that shown that a good amount of men might have a little attraction to prepubescent girls (but not strong attraction), many studies show them having no attraction to prepubescent girls. But having a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent girls is unusual. This is called pedophilia. Only 1% to 5% of men have a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to prepubescent children. Hebephilia is a primary or exclusive sexual attraction to pubescent youngsters ages 11-14 (middle school). It's 2-3 times more common than pedophilia, so the prevalence of men who are hebephiles (which still isn't completely confirmed) is possibly anywhere from 2% to as many as 15%.

You got people on this forum who say shit like: "Some 8 year olds start puberty" or "you're an adult once you bleed" or "girls look better at 8 than at 18. at 18 they look old and ugly now". this is all just laughable, to say the least. Not to mention it's sick to say the least. First of all, girls usually start puberty at 10 or 11, not 8 or 9 (beginning it at 8 or 9 is an early bloomer and more common among black girls, starting it before 8 is precocious puberty which is extremely rare). Even at 10 or 11 they're too young to consent. Most 8 year olds haven't entered puberty yet and they're way too young to consent. Then I hear people say you're an adult when you bleed. No that ain't true one bit. I don't believe in these legal definitions of child and adult because the age of majority varies by country. Adolescence is a social construct and modern concept beginning in 1904. But I rather rely on biological definitions.

The key component of what defines adolescence is that you're changing from child to adult. A child biologically is someone between infancy and the onset of puberty. An adult biologically is someone who is physically developed and reached full sexual maturity, in other words post-pubescent. Sexual maturity doesn't just mean being able to get pregnant because you hit your period already. "Sexual maturity is the capability of an organism to reproduce. It may be considered synonymous with adulthood, but, in humans, puberty encompasses the process of sexual maturation and adulthood is based on cultural definitions." The last sentence about cultural definitions of adulthood is flawed because social adulthood is a social construct and varies by society, so biological definition is best because if we can refer to animals as child or adult based on their biology why is human any different for definitions (special pleading much?). According to the definition, the first sentence doesn't give the entire picture. When you have menarche, you're still undergoing puberty and thus still in the process of sexual maturation. Once you finish puberty, you actually reached full sexual maturity. On average, girls often start puberty at 10/11 and boys at 11/12 and finish puberty at 15-17 and 16-17, respectively. This means biological adolescence lasts from ages 10-16 on average. You reach adulthood typically at 15-17.

No, a 12 year old girl is not an adult just because she had her period.

Also, according to studies I've read, men typically find an 18 year old woman far more attractive than an 8 year old girl or a 12 year old girl. According to sexologist James Cantor, "very common for regular men to be attracted to 18-year-olds or 20-year-olds. It's not unusual for a typical 16-year-old to be attractive to many men and the younger we go the fewer and fewer men are attracted to that age group." Finding a middle school-age girl ages 12 or 13 is not that unusual, but it's not that common either, with studies on its prevalence being mixed. Finding a 16-17 year old attractive is pretty common though.

The age group men find most attractive is NOT middle school girls. According to studies i've read, it's typically late teens early 20s. so this is college/fresh out of college age women.

And 8 year olds are too young to consent. They usually haven't begun puberty yet. Not to mention they have zero knowledge of what sex is and they are too young to understand the responsibilities of sexual activity let alone relationships. A relationship with another 8 year old would be extremely simplistic and a relationship with an adult could never work, especially when adults have a desire for sexual intercourse, which 8 year olds cannot properly consent to. Even at 12 it is still way too far for them to date or have sex with adults.

And while there have been societies where girls married at 12 or 13, they didn't necessarily have sex right away. it could be they didn't consummate the marriage until she was older (ie: her older teens/early 20s aka 15-21).

this forum i came to so i could talk to people about inceldom due to gaslighting and virgin shaming on other websites and in the offline world. i don't need to be associated with people who wanna molest elementary schoolers. no i don't wanna hear "but they'll be a bunch of stupid foids later on" that doesn't matter because they aren't like that currently and shouldn't be punished or hated for who they might become later on. molesting an 8 year old is sick and if you condone that shit you're a fucking dumbass so fuck you.

also I find women most attractive in their older teens early 20s, NOT 8 or even 12
It’s just a bunch of retarded 15-16 year old young”cels” trying to be cool and edgy for violating the AOC. Most of us just want a loving girlfriend our own age.
Agecucks are either fakecel cockblocking whiteknights, or bluepilled soyfags. There's no reason to care about young foids fucking adults as an uncucked straight man. Not doing anything about abortion and male genital mutilation, but screaming like a pussy about young rosties getting fucked by adults should show you where their minds are at.
Agecucks are either fakecel cockblocking whiteknights, or bluepilled soyfags. There's no reason to care about young foids fucking adults as an uncucked straight man. Not doing anything about abortion and male genital mutilation, but screaming like a pussy about young rosties getting fucked by adults should show you where their minds are at.
Refusing to molest elementary school kids is not agecuckoldry
why you're justifying yourself to IT or trying to dissociate from pedocels here
at some point you're going to start taking opposite moves by others doing reverse engineering in your mind
Tommy doesn’t support the tainting of children’s minds. They are beings of pure innocence and don’t deserve to be touched in such a way. It’s vile, it’s cruel, it’s inhumane, and above all it’s despicable and deplorable. Pedophiles and Hebephiles don’t deserve respect or mercy, they are below subhuman.
I would like to know @Draestyn and @JosefMengelecel opinions on this topic since this area is their specialty:feelskek:
thank you. when i was 14 i was struggling with the fact that i had found a nearly 12 year old girl i had spoken to on omegle attractive, but the fact my friend called her hot without knowing her age had relaxed me.

i can't imagine finding an 8 year attractive as a grown man, it's wrong, but im fine with pedophiles. a year later, i can still find a 12 year old attractive, thought that may or may not change in future. i can understand finding a 12 year attractive, since there are attractive 12 year olds. what i don't understand is finding 8 year olds attractive and getting mad at others and calling them agecucks just because they aren't attracted to kids.

I turn on images to see this filth...

[IMG alt="FamilyGuy1999"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/l/30/30265.jpg?1625708419[/IMG]


Jarjar Sphinx​

(As opposed to the filth i actually wanted to see... But let's forget about that for a moment...)
thank you. when i was 14 i was struggling with the fact that i had found a nearly 12 year old girl i had spoken to on omegle attractive, but the fact my friend called her hot without knowing her age had relaxed me.

i can't imagine finding an 8 year attractive as a grown man, it's wrong, but im fine with pedophiles. a year later, i can still find a 12 year old attractive, thought that may or may not change in future. i can understand finding a 12 year attractive, since there are attractive 12 year olds. what i don't understand is finding 8 year olds attractive and getting mad at others and calling them agecucks just because they aren't attracted to kids.

the story you felt agony or disturbed because you found a 12 attractive at 14 is nonsense dude, stop lying, you can't be this estrogenic
thank you. when i was 14 i was struggling with the fact that i had found a nearly 12 year old girl i had spoken to on omegle attractive, but the fact my friend called her hot without knowing her age had relaxed me.

i can't imagine finding an 8 year attractive as a grown man, it's wrong, but im fine with pedophiles. a year later, i can still find a 12 year old attractive, thought that may or may not change in future. i can understand finding a 12 year attractive, since there are attractive 12 year olds. what i don't understand is finding 8 year olds attractive and getting mad at others and calling them agecucks just because they aren't attracted to kids.
don't worry brocel i've been around this, my friend's 13 year old sister seemed very attractive to me too, and i wasn't the only one to think that, so when i got home and looked at her instagram i found out she was bisexual , if you want i send a photo if you do not believe, this is the world we live
thank you. when i was 14 i was struggling with the fact that i had found a nearly 12 year old girl i had spoken to on omegle attractive, but the fact my friend called her hot without knowing her age had relaxed me.

i can't imagine finding an 8 year attractive as a grown man, it's wrong, but im fine with pedophiles. a year later, i can still find a 12 year old attractive, thought that may or may not change in future. i can understand finding a 12 year attractive, since there are attractive 12 year olds. what i don't understand is finding 8 year olds attractive and getting mad at others and calling them agecucks just because they aren't attracted to kids.
I don’t mind NON offending pedophiles
Tommy doesn’t support the tainting of children’s minds. They are beings of pure innocence and don’t deserve to be touched in such a way. It’s vile, it’s cruel, it’s inhumane, and above all it’s despicable and deplorable. Pedophiles and Hebephiles don’t deserve respect or mercy, they are below subhuman.
what about ephebophiles?
who are you calling a molester dude, was anyone molested?
Yeah but you normalize the molesting of elementary school kids
People are just trying to be "edgy" and "cool" most would never do shit IRL.

I turn on images to see this filth...

[IMG alt="FamilyGuy1999"]https://incels.is/data/avatars/l/30/30265.jpg?1625708419[/IMG]


Jarjar Sphinx​

(As opposed to the filth i actually wanted to see... But let's forget about that for a moment...)
Yeah but you normalize the molesting of elementary school kids
no I don't, molesters are molesters, it's impossible to become one, no one here is a sociopath or something, we can't even talk to people
Based thread. Fuck pedos.
I don't condone 'molesting' lolis, but I don't particularly care about it either. You will never see me ranting and raving about "pedos" like some normie, foid, cuck, or white-knight.

When it comes to this whole "age of consent" debacle, my response is simple- it should be up to the girls' father and/or adult male relatives.
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what about ephebophiles?
an ephebophile is someone who is attracted to girls 15-19, that is the age that women start to be more developed and that makes sense. Understanding consent and your age compared to theirs, it’s a fine line to tread but I don’t see a problem with being attracted to someone who is slightly older or younger than you. if you’re way above their age then yeah it’s pretty fucking gross and you should get help.
Why this change of heart?
It’s just a bunch of retarded 15-16 year old young”cels” trying to be cool and edgy for violating the AOC. Most of us just want a loving girlfriend our own age.
That's the funny part. Most of them are illegal JBs themselves. I could go to jail for touching their peepees
the story you felt agony or disturbed because you found a 12 attractive at 14 is nonsense dude, stop lying, you can't be this estrogenic

she was 11, and i wouldn't say i felt agony, just a confused thought in the back of my head questioning whether or not i should find her attractive. around the same time i remember my friend saying that just 1 year is weird, so you can see what outside influences would have affected my thought process, especially considering i had no other knowledge at the time.
that's why my friend calling her hot but also being the one to say a year difference is too big made me realize that most don't understand what they're even saying. even thinking about it now, yeah she was and probably still is hot.

I don’t mind NON offending pedophiles
same. just don't get pissed at others for not being into kids like you and im cool with them.

don't worry brocel i've been around this, my friend's 13 year old sister seemed very attractive to me too, and i wasn't the only one to think that, so when i got home and looked at her instagram i found out she was bisexual , if you want i send a photo if you do not believe, this is the world we live
sure. ill dm you
There are some people here who were sexually abused in childhood. Ask them if it was a good experience and if they were able to consent... But I don't care about that too much because most of them are just larpers wanting to be the edgylords....
There are some people here who were sexually abused in childhood. Ask them if it was a good experience and if they were able to consent... But I don't care about that too much because most of them are just larpers wanting to be the edgylords....
This. People just say shit in order to get attention, like roasties.
Total: 83 (Incels: 37, Bluepillers: 46)
@Abominationcel @JosefMengelecel @Zensfy get a load of this fucking garbage. Keep crying for me you faggot, being attracted to foids who are 10-14 yo is perfectly normal as they are way more attractive in every aspect than sluts in their 20s, as for 8-9 yo foids they aren't my primary attraction but I would much rather fuck one than have sex with some dirty college roastie. If you think being attracted to used up cumdumpsters is more normal than liking middle school foids then you're completely fucking retarded.
It’s just a bunch of retarded 15-16 year old young”cels” trying to be cool and edgy for violating the AOC. Most of us just want a loving girlfriend our own age.
I'm 18 and the idea of a foid my age makes me wanna puke.
13 and below is no territory
14-15 is meh tbh
16+ is perfectly fine
none of that applies if you are still not an adult
How can you be 16 and think 13 and below is too young?
I would like to know @Draestyn and @JosefMengelecel opinions on this topic since this area is their specialty:feelskek:
I think OP is a pathetic agecuck who should kill himself.
she was 11, and i wouldn't say i felt agony, just a confused thought in the back of my head questioning whether or not i should find her attractive. around the same time i remember my friend saying that just 1 year is weird, so you can see what outside influences would have affected my thought process, especially considering i had no other knowledge at the time.
that's why my friend calling her hot but also being the one to say a year difference is too big made me realize that most don't understand what they're even saying. even thinking about it now, yeah she was and probably still is hot.

fair enough. she was probably taller than you ngl.
I am in my 20s and AoC here is 14. Girls younger than that like below 10 are cute but I have honestly no sexual feeling for them and I don't think people should have sex that early. I do have younger sisters though. I think this can effect how you feel about that.

I think around 16 woman are most attractive personally
Why this change of heart?

That's the funny part. Most of them are illegal JBs themselves. I could go to jail for touching their peepees
Why the fuck would you even think about that? Gaycel trait. :feelswhat:
pedos on suicide watch
Why this change of heart?

That's the funny part. Most of them are illegal JBs themselves. I could go to jail for touching their peepees
Change of heart? I always thought this

I'm confused, I thought you were pedophile @Edmund_Kemper

Maybe I'm remembering things wrong
@Abominationcel @JosefMengelecel @Zensfy get a load of this fucking garbage. Keep crying for me you faggot, being attracted to foids who are 10-14 yo is perfectly normal as they are way more attractive in every aspect than sluts in their 20s, as for 8-9 yo foids they aren't my primary attraction but I would much rather fuck one than have sex with some dirty college roastie. If you think being attracted to used up cumdumpsters is more normal than liking middle school foids then you're completely fucking retarded.

I'm 18 and the idea of a foid my age makes me wanna puke.

How can you be 16 and think 13 and below is too young?

I think OP is a pathetic agecuck who should kill himself.

Yeah, these age-cucks think that wanting to have hardcore, rough anal sex with a big breasted 23yo whore is "normal and natural," but having a platonic attraction to a cute 7yo loli is "disgusting and unacceptable."
That is a lot of words and passion about something that shouldn't be affecting anyone who posts on this forum.
But I will continue to posit the vocal anti-pedos are agecucks and bluepilled for the following reasons.
So many threads about how pedos are bad, but how many threads are there about male genital mutilation that runs rampant in the states and actually effects incels, now and in the future?
Little to none.
Because it effects males only.
But we still see a lot of seething about pedos.
Because it effects females the most ( this isn't actually true, but you can tell from the posts it's only young foids they are concerned about ).
A lot of these moral crusaders are still bluepilled trapped in the gynocracy matrix.
That is a lot of words and passion about something that shouldn't be affecting anyone who posts on this forum.
But I will continue to posit the vocal anti-pedos are agecucks and bluepilled for the following reasons.
So many threads about how pedos are bad, but how many threads are there about male genital mutilation that runs rampant in the states and actually effects incels, now and in the future?
Little to none.
Because it effects males only.
But we still see a lot of seething about pedos.
Because it effects females the most ( this isn't actually true, but you can tell from the posts it's only young foids they are concerned about ).
A lot of these moral crusaders are still bluepilled trapped in the gynocracy matrix.
Well said
@Abominationcel @JosefMengelecel @Zensfy get a load of this fucking garbage. Keep crying for me you faggot, being attracted to foids who are 10-14 yo is perfectly normal as they are way more attractive in every aspect than sluts in their 20s, as for 8-9 yo foids they aren't my primary attraction but I would much rather fuck one than have sex with some dirty college roastie. If you think being attracted to used up cumdumpsters is more normal than liking middle school foids then you're completely fucking retarded.

I'm 18 and the idea of a foid my age makes me wanna puke.

How can you be 16 and think 13 and below is too young?

I think OP is a pathetic agecuck who should kill himself.
dude. 10 or 11 year olds are not even remotely attractive. 14 can be attractive occasionally but nearly as often as 18. 18 is where women look best. at 18 you're finished with puberty and fully developed. that's when you are reproductively viable. not at 12 or even 10. many 10 year olds can't even get pregnant, many haven't even begun puberty.

and studies show men find young adults most attractive not middle school girls. you're a hebephile which is atypical. ephebophilia is pretty normal but lacking attraction to 18 year olds is unusual.

these are college girls:


That is a lot of words and passion about something that shouldn't be affecting anyone who posts on this forum.
But I will continue to posit the vocal anti-pedos are agecucks and bluepilled for the following reasons.
So many threads about how pedos are bad, but how many threads are there about male genital mutilation that runs rampant in the states and actually effects incels, now and in the future?
Little to none.
Because it effects males only.
But we still see a lot of seething about pedos.
Because it effects females the most ( this isn't actually true, but you can tell from the posts it's only young foids they are concerned about ).
A lot of these moral crusaders are still bluepilled trapped in the gynocracy matrix.
circumcision is a whataboutism red herring fallacy that's irrelevant

not to mention boys get molested a lot too probably just as much as girls
Yeah, these age-cucks think that wanting to have hardcore, rough anal sex with a big breasted 23yo whore is "normal and natural," but having a platonic attraction to a cute 7yo loli is "disgusting and unacceptable."
i'm 23 and i have strong attraction to women my age. 7 year olds are too young to consent
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dude. 10 or 11 year olds are not even remotely attractive. 14 can be attractive occasionally but nearly as often as 18. 18 is where women look best. at 18 you're finished with puberty and fully developed. that's when you are reproductively viable. not at 12 or even 10. many 10 year olds can't even get pregnant, many haven't even begun puberty.

and studies show men find young adults most attractive not middle school girls. you're a hebephile which is atypical. ephebophilia is pretty normal but lacking attraction to 18 year olds is unusual.

these are college girls:

View attachment 465352
Idk, maybe he's gay or something, I'd get with either of those in a heartbeat. Who the fuck wouldn't be attracted to them. Plus he's tall. :reeeeee:
get a load of this fucking garbage. Keep crying for me you faggot, being attracted to foids who are 10-14 yo is perfectly normal as they are way more attractive in every aspect than sluts in their 20s, as for 8-9 yo foids they aren't my primary attraction but I would much rather fuck one than have sex with some dirty college roastie. If you think being attracted to used up cumdumpsters is more normal
Proof pedocels are low IQ:feelsgah::feelsgah:.


YOU are the weirdo you dumbass. The vast majority of men prefer college aged foids.

This guy made a well written argument against pedocels yet all you can respond with is “wahhhhh, mun tight 8 year olds. enjOY yoUR rOAsTie.”

Emotional response, just a like a foid. :feelshaha:

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