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Toxic Femininity My most honest opinions on women


Doomer Guy

Deleted my account because this site is so dumb...
Aug 29, 2022
I don't care about getting a girfriend anymore. I still want sex, just not a "girlfriend" because I don't believe anymore women are capable to genuinely love a man.
Let me start.

My parents always told me when I was younger these bluepilled phrases:
- There is a woman for every man including me (but that's obviously impossible statistically)
- One day I will find a "good" woman that will love me unconditionally and that won't be like the shallow ones that care about beauty or money (again a fake statement because no woman wants to marry a broke man and if a woman ever fucks a truecel I can guarantee you it's not because of unconditional love)

There's a general idea according the bluepilled view on relationships that a "good" girlfriend is the best person to share a deep emotional connection with, to talk to about your biggest problems and to receive comfort during hard times. I strongly disagree with this idea, in my opinion the best person to share your feelings, emotions and problems with would be a male best friend, not a girlfriend. Why? Firstly a man will relate to you more since he's of the same gender and is more likely to understand your perspective, so you're less likely to have misunderstandings. A lot of times men and women in relationships can't understand each other and just end up arguing. Secondly a true male best friend is a million times more trustworthy than a girlfriend, because women are incapable of loving you for who you are, if she "loves" you it's most likely because you're attractive, rich, with status, or you're giving her any other types of benefits. Showing vulnerability to a woman will make her lose respect for you because she'll perceive you as weaker, less dominant and less masculine. But a true male friend will listen to you and support you when you show vulnerability.

Basically the bluepill tells us that a heterosexual man should have a:
- Girfriend/wife for support during hard times, emotional connection, activities together such as hobbies, sexual intimacy & reproduction

But it's a mistake to expect all of these things from a partner. In reality, the following division should be made:
- Male best friend for support during hard times, emotional connection, activities together such as hobbies
- Woman for sexual intimacy & reproduction

Because, a woman is like a beast: if you tame it and dominate it, it will bring something good to your life.
But if you don't tame it and instead treat it like your equal, it will perceive you as weak and destroy you.

The western societies are full or double standards when it comes to gender. It is an undeniable fact that women there have it WAY easier than men: tribunals being more favorable to women (ex.: the woman always get the kids during a divorce), women being perceived as more pure than men, men get shamed for being virgins or for feeling down but if a woman goes through the same struggles she can easily get tons of emotional support, masculinity being seen as evil but femininity as good, men can get cancelled and have their careers destroyed if they ever commit the smallest ever sex offence but if a woman does the same offense everyone is fine with it and forgets about it... I can't name all of them, there's too many.

Why does these double standards exist? Because the western soycieties wanted to be more "civilized", these morons thought that a world where women had the same rights as men would be more "evolved". That it would solve lots of problems and inequalities. That it would turn the world into a better place for everyone...

Feminism really is the consequence of a civilization that doesn't tame women and treat them as the equal of men.
It's common sense that, if you let an untamed beast free in a city, it will harm and kill the pedestrians.
Except women are the beasts and men are the pedestrians...

Although I don't believe there is such thing as a true religion, Islam is in my opinion the most respectable religion because muslims are the only people in this entire fucking world that still understand the necessity of taming women. And as a result, in muslim countries men are fine, they're respected and treated with dignity, they're not losing their careers because of false sex offense accusations, and women do not control them. Muslims are based for giving women less rights and beating them when they misbehave, because that's the exact treatment these primitive inferior creatures deserve and need in order to have at least a minimum of decency. They're so dumb that without getting beaten on a regular basis, they lose their humanity by becoming incel-hating chad-obsessed walking cum dumpsters...
Andrew Tate was right when he said Islam is the last religion of the world, it's the only one that's focusing enough on the importance of men dominating women.

But even if the two other abrahamic religions don't focus as much on this aspect, the Old Testament still somewhat recognizes this dark reality: The story of Adam and Eve in the Genesis metaphorically speaks about this truth.
Eve's fault was that she got seduced by a talking snake and ate an apple from the forbidden tree.
But what was Adam's fault? Not only he tolerated her sin and engaged in it too by taking a piece from the apple, but he didn't do ANYTHING to prevent the incident. He was her man, he should have supervised her to prevent her from sinning or at worst reprimand her for eating the apple.
Adam could have easily avoided his ban from heavens at least by NOT obeying to Eve and placing her above him, something a truly masculine man can't afford to do.

The New Testament also tells us multiple times that women are supposed to be submissive to other men (their husbands):
- Ephesians 5:22 NIV (Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.)
- Ephesians 5:24 NIV (Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.)
- Colossians 3:18 NIV (Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.)

Men have so much positive things to offer: They built skyscrapers, walked on the moon, always performed the most dangerous jobs...
Women on the other hand are only bringing negative things: suicide by shaming broken men and destruction of masculinity...
Of sorry, I forgot there's one positive thing they can bring: sex. But it's only for the minority of men that are known as "chads", oof.

Men are doing everything, women nothing except fucking, whining and destroying. They're literal disgusting MONSTERS.
Pretty much all of the older civilizations understood the superiority of men above women. But the "modern" cucked world is trying to deny it due to feminism, white knights & other bluepilled beliefs.

TL;DR If you think about it, there's no logical reason for a heterosexual man to desire a girlfriend. Women are good for sex and that's it. They need to be tamed and dominated 100% of the time, or else they become dangerous ungrateful delusional monsters and promiscuous chad-only incel-hating whores. If you need emotional support and someone to love you, a true male friend is a better alternative than a girlfriend.
My opinion on them is that I hate them because they don't give me pussy.
womenzz aint nothing but a bunch of whorezz
They're so dumb that without getting beaten on a regular basis, they lose their humanity by becoming incel-hating chad-obsessed walking cum dumpsters...
Even animals beat their females, but soys try to make it seem like it's worse than mass murder to beat a rostie. Even religions support it, and men have been doing it for thousands of years.

I want to hold my gf and hug her all day in bed!!! :feels::soy::soy:
I want to hold my gf and hug her all day in bed!!! :feels::soy::soy:
And I'm a proud feminist and believe in gender equality but I'm still the one who needs to buy her flowers and gifts :soy::soy:
And I'm a proud feminist and believe in gender equality but I'm still the one who needs to buy her flowers and gifts :soy::soy:
smart, is it not? Sitting between the two chairs..
I ain't reading all that but I don't agree with you
I ain't reading all that but I don't agree with you
You disagree with everything or just certain things of my message?
My opinion on them is that I hate them because they don't give me pussy.
this. it is the most based reason. simple as that.
You disagree with everything or just certain things of my message?
That having a girlfriend will not be nice because they won't love you, they will, but only if you are a high tier normie to chad
OP is right. Amazing that there are guys here that think love is real. It's a hump that all of us had gotten over, this is just 101 black pill stuff.
Amazing that there are guys here that think love is real. It's a hump that all of us had gotten over
well, the idea of genuine love is deeply woven into the modern european culture which has it's roots to a large degree in romanticism and christian idealism... It's kind of natural to believe in such a thing as, while growing up, you inevitably absorb this culture.

Some people die believing in this illusion, having much suffered because of this false belief and some even having their entire lives ruined by women. But when you are ugly, or neglected by the society and women for some other reason - the realization of this illusion comes quickly, at a young age. In a way, it is a blessing
I agree. I don't want a girlfriend, because I've seen it time after time again how they treat their boyfriends/husbands, and its never well. Relationships seem to be more about power struggle than genuine love so why bother? I'd rather just fuck some girl and after that not bother about her, because its not like she can love me anyway.
OP is right. Amazing that there are guys here that think love is real. It's a hump that all of us had gotten over, this is just 101 black pill stuff.
well, the idea of genuine love is deeply woven into the modern european culture which has it's roots to a large degree in romanticism and christian idealism... It's kind of natural to believe in such a thing as, while growing up, you inevitably absorb this culture.

Some people die believing in this illusion, having much suffered because of this false belief and some even having their entire lives ruined by women. But when you are ugly, or neglected by the society and women for some other reason - the realization of this illusion comes quickly, at a young age. In a way, it is a blessing
Interesting point.
I agree. I don't want a girlfriend, because I've seen it time after time again how they treat their boyfriends/husbands, and its never well. Relationships seem to be more about power struggle than genuine love so why bother? I'd rather just fuck some girl and after that not bother about her, because its not like she can love me anyway.
very based. Love is BS - at least when you're ugly/not a chad that's for sure
TL;DR If you think about it, there's no logical reason for a heterosexual man to desire a girlfriend. Women are good for sex and that's it. They need to be tamed and dominated 100% of the time, or else they become dangerous ungrateful delusional monsters and promiscuous chad-only incel-hating whores. If you need emotional support and someone to love you, a true male friend is a better alternative than a girlfriend.
This is how it was for 99% of human history. Worked quite well. Romantic love is a new and dangerous concept. Equality with women is like equality with children.
If you want a girlfriend you're a bluepilled cuck that doesn't belong here so good thing you don't
My opinion on them is that I hate them because they don't give me pussy.
That's a logical and well articulated point.
If you want a girlfriend you're a bluepilled cuck that doesn't belong here so good thing you don't
Exactly. You aren't truly blackpilled if you still believe a girl is capable of unconditionally loving you
Even animals beat their females, but soys try to make it seem like it's worse than mass murder to beat a rostie. Even religions support it, and men have been doing it for thousands of years.
What animals best female animals?
In addition to them being emotional wrecks foids r corrupted by ages of simpery that every worthless cumslut expects to be constantly served and impressed
I don't care about getting a girfriend anymore. I still want sex, just not a "girlfriend" because I don't believe anymore women are capable to genuinely love a man.
Let me start.

My parents always told me when I was younger these bluepilled phrases:
- There is a woman for every man including me (but that's obviously impossible statistically)
- One day I will find a "good" woman that will love me unconditionally and that won't be like the shallow ones that care about beauty or money (again a fake statement because no woman wants to marry a broke man and if a woman ever fucks a truecel I can guarantee you it's not because of unconditional love)

There's a general idea according the bluepilled view on relationships that a "good" girlfriend is the best person to share a deep emotional connection with, to talk to about your biggest problems and to receive comfort during hard times. I strongly disagree with this idea, in my opinion the best person to share your feelings, emotions and problems with would be a male best friend, not a girlfriend. Why? Firstly a man will relate to you more since he's of the same gender and is more likely to understand your perspective, so you're less likely to have misunderstandings. A lot of times men and women in relationships can't understand each other and just end up arguing. Secondly a true male best friend is a million times more trustworthy than a girlfriend, because women are incapable of loving you for who you are, if she "loves" you it's most likely because you're attractive, rich, with status, or you're giving her any other types of benefits. Showing vulnerability to a woman will make her lose respect for you because she'll perceive you as weaker, less dominant and less masculine. But a true male friend will listen to you and support you when you show vulnerability.

Basically the bluepill tells us that a heterosexual man should have a:
- Girfriend/wife for support during hard times, emotional connection, activities together such as hobbies, sexual intimacy & reproduction

But it's a mistake to expect all of these things from a partner. In reality, the following division should be made:
- Male best friend for support during hard times, emotional connection, activities together such as hobbies
- Woman for sexual intimacy & reproduction

Because, a woman is like a beast: if you tame it and dominate it, it will bring something good to your life.
But if you don't tame it and instead treat it like your equal, it will perceive you as weak and destroy you.

The western societies are full or double standards when it comes to gender. It is an undeniable fact that women there have it WAY easier than men: tribunals being more favorable to women (ex.: the woman always get the kids during a divorce), women being perceived as more pure than men, men get shamed for being virgins or for feeling down but if a woman goes through the same struggles she can easily get tons of emotional support, masculinity being seen as evil but femininity as good, men can get cancelled and have their careers destroyed if they ever commit the smallest ever sex offence but if a woman does the same offense everyone is fine with it and forgets about it... I can't name all of them, there's too many.

Why does these double standards exist? Because the western soycieties wanted to be more "civilized", these morons thought that a world where women had the same rights as men would be more "evolved". That it would solve lots of problems and inequalities. That it would turn the world into a better place for everyone...

Feminism really is the consequence of a civilization that doesn't tame women and treat them as the equal of men.
It's common sense that, if you let an untamed beast free in a city, it will harm and kill the pedestrians.
Except women are the beasts and men are the pedestrians...

Although I don't believe there is such thing as a true religion, Islam is in my opinion the most respectable religion because muslims are the only people in this entire fucking world that still understand the necessity of taming women. And as a result, in muslim countries men are fine, they're respected and treated with dignity, they're not losing their careers because of false sex offense accusations, and women do not control them. Muslims are based for giving women less rights and beating them when they misbehave, because that's the exact treatment these primitive inferior creatures deserve and need in order to have at least a minimum of decency. They're so dumb that without getting beaten on a regular basis, they lose their humanity by becoming incel-hating chad-obsessed walking cum dumpsters...
Andrew Tate was right when he said Islam is the last religion of the world, it's the only one that's focusing enough on the importance of men dominating women.

But even if the two other abrahamic religions don't focus as much on this aspect, the Old Testament still somewhat recognizes this dark reality: The story of Adam and Eve in the Genesis metaphorically speaks about this truth.
Eve's fault was that she got seduced by a talking snake and ate an apple from the forbidden tree.
But what was Adam's fault? Not only he tolerated her sin and engaged in it too by taking a piece from the apple, but he didn't do ANYTHING to prevent the incident. He was her man, he should have supervised her to prevent her from sinning or at worst reprimand her for eating the apple.
Adam could have easily avoided his ban from heavens at least by NOT obeying to Eve and placing her above him, something a truly masculine man can't afford to do.

The New Testament also tells us multiple times that women are supposed to be submissive to other men (their husbands):
- Ephesians 5:22 NIV (Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.)
- Ephesians 5:24 NIV (Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.)
- Colossians 3:18 NIV (Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.)

Men have so much positive things to offer: They built skyscrapers, walked on the moon, always performed the most dangerous jobs...
Women on the other hand are only bringing negative things: suicide by shaming broken men and destruction of masculinity...
Of sorry, I forgot there's one positive thing they can bring: sex. But it's only for the minority of men that are known as "chads", oof.

Men are doing everything, women nothing except fucking, whining and destroying. They're literal disgusting MONSTERS.
Pretty much all of the older civilizations understood the superiority of men above women. But the "modern" cucked world is trying to deny it due to feminism, white knights & other bluepilled beliefs.

TL;DR If you think about it, there's no logical reason for a heterosexual man to desire a girlfriend. Women are good for sex and that's it. They need to be tamed and dominated 100% of the time, or else they become dangerous ungrateful delusional monsters and promiscuous chad-only incel-hating whores. If you need emotional support and someone to love you, a true male friend is a better alternative than a girlfriend.
I''m a Muslim and 100% agree.
Never in all my time have I read such a BASED statement.

I believe that having a girlfriend is not for everyone, it's like having a big house or an expensive car, I have neither and will never have, which also means that I definitely won't have a girlfriend.
I don't care about getting a girfriend anymore. I still want sex, just not a "girlfriend" because I don't believe anymore women are capable to genuinely love a man.
Let me start.

My parents always told me when I was younger these bluepilled phrases:
- There is a woman for every man including me (but that's obviously impossible statistically)
- One day I will find a "good" woman that will love me unconditionally and that won't be like the shallow ones that care about beauty or money (again a fake statement because no woman wants to marry a broke man and if a woman ever fucks a truecel I can guarantee you it's not because of unconditional love)

There's a general idea according the bluepilled view on relationships that a "good" girlfriend is the best person to share a deep emotional connection with, to talk to about your biggest problems and to receive comfort during hard times. I strongly disagree with this idea, in my opinion the best person to share your feelings, emotions and problems with would be a male best friend, not a girlfriend. Why? Firstly a man will relate to you more since he's of the same gender and is more likely to understand your perspective, so you're less likely to have misunderstandings. A lot of times men and women in relationships can't understand each other and just end up arguing. Secondly a true male best friend is a million times more trustworthy than a girlfriend, because women are incapable of loving you for who you are, if she "loves" you it's most likely because you're attractive, rich, with status, or you're giving her any other types of benefits. Showing vulnerability to a woman will make her lose respect for you because she'll perceive you as weaker, less dominant and less masculine. But a true male friend will listen to you and support you when you show vulnerability.

Basically the bluepill tells us that a heterosexual man should have a:
- Girfriend/wife for support during hard times, emotional connection, activities together such as hobbies, sexual intimacy & reproduction

But it's a mistake to expect all of these things from a partner. In reality, the following division should be made:
- Male best friend for support during hard times, emotional connection, activities together such as hobbies
- Woman for sexual intimacy & reproduction

Because, a woman is like a beast: if you tame it and dominate it, it will bring something good to your life.
But if you don't tame it and instead treat it like your equal, it will perceive you as weak and destroy you.

The western societies are full or double standards when it comes to gender. It is an undeniable fact that women there have it WAY easier than men: tribunals being more favorable to women (ex.: the woman always get the kids during a divorce), women being perceived as more pure than men, men get shamed for being virgins or for feeling down but if a woman goes through the same struggles she can easily get tons of emotional support, masculinity being seen as evil but femininity as good, men can get cancelled and have their careers destroyed if they ever commit the smallest ever sex offence but if a woman does the same offense everyone is fine with it and forgets about it... I can't name all of them, there's too many.

Why does these double standards exist? Because the western soycieties wanted to be more "civilized", these morons thought that a world where women had the same rights as men would be more "evolved". That it would solve lots of problems and inequalities. That it would turn the world into a better place for everyone...

Feminism really is the consequence of a civilization that doesn't tame women and treat them as the equal of men.
It's common sense that, if you let an untamed beast free in a city, it will harm and kill the pedestrians.
Except women are the beasts and men are the pedestrians...

Although I don't believe there is such thing as a true religion, Islam is in my opinion the most respectable religion because muslims are the only people in this entire fucking world that still understand the necessity of taming women. And as a result, in muslim countries men are fine, they're respected and treated with dignity, they're not losing their careers because of false sex offense accusations, and women do not control them. Muslims are based for giving women less rights and beating them when they misbehave, because that's the exact treatment these primitive inferior creatures deserve and need in order to have at least a minimum of decency. They're so dumb that without getting beaten on a regular basis, they lose their humanity by becoming incel-hating chad-obsessed walking cum dumpsters...
Andrew Tate was right when he said Islam is the last religion of the world, it's the only one that's focusing enough on the importance of men dominating women.

But even if the two other abrahamic religions don't focus as much on this aspect, the Old Testament still somewhat recognizes this dark reality: The story of Adam and Eve in the Genesis metaphorically speaks about this truth.
Eve's fault was that she got seduced by a talking snake and ate an apple from the forbidden tree.
But what was Adam's fault? Not only he tolerated her sin and engaged in it too by taking a piece from the apple, but he didn't do ANYTHING to prevent the incident. He was her man, he should have supervised her to prevent her from sinning or at worst reprimand her for eating the apple.
Adam could have easily avoided his ban from heavens at least by NOT obeying to Eve and placing her above him, something a truly masculine man can't afford to do.

The New Testament also tells us multiple times that women are supposed to be submissive to other men (their husbands):
- Ephesians 5:22 NIV (Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord.)
- Ephesians 5:24 NIV (Now as the church submits to Christ, so also wives should submit to their husbands in everything.)
- Colossians 3:18 NIV (Wives, submit yourselves to your husbands, as is fitting in the Lord.)

Men have so much positive things to offer: They built skyscrapers, walked on the moon, always performed the most dangerous jobs...
Women on the other hand are only bringing negative things: suicide by shaming broken men and destruction of masculinity...
Of sorry, I forgot there's one positive thing they can bring: sex. But it's only for the minority of men that are known as "chads", oof.

Men are doing everything, women nothing except fucking, whining and destroying. They're literal disgusting MONSTERS.
Pretty much all of the older civilizations understood the superiority of men above women. But the "modern" cucked world is trying to deny it due to feminism, white knights & other bluepilled beliefs.

TL;DR If you think about it, there's no logical reason for a heterosexual man to desire a girlfriend. Women are good for sex and that's it. They need to be tamed and dominated 100% of the time, or else they become dangerous ungrateful delusional monsters and promiscuous chad-only incel-hating whores. If you need emotional support and someone to love you, a true male friend is a better alternative than a girlfriend.
I love how you described them as "incel hating Chad obsessed walking cum dumpsters" gonna use that more often.
That having a girlfriend will not be nice because they won't love you, they will, but only if you are a high tier normie to chad
It´s all an illusion. a.k.a their "love" isn´t real.
The reality is if you can either enrich them or not.
They could care less what happens to you or who you are as an individual, you are depersonalized at first sight.
It all amounts what they can gain from you. if there´s nothing to gain there´s no interest from the whore.
That´s all a women is, the eternal whore.
It´s all an illusion. a.k.a their "love" isn´t real.
The reality is if you can either enrich them or not.
They could care less what happens to you or who you are as an individual, you are depersonalized at first sight.
It all amounts what they can gain from you. if there´s nothing to gain there´s no interest from the whore.
That´s all a women is, the eternal whore.
Ok infiltrator
Ok infiltrator
Ok newfag i´m a former member since 2019.
I rejoined the forum again due to the ban forgiveness.
Also i highly doubt you are no older than 21 in order to be here.
I am grandfathered in
And be thankful this place keeps existing since there´s no way of getting real friends outside.
This is no longer 2004.
I fucking hate them
Very based post
Feminism really is the consequence of a civilization that doesn't tame women and treat them as the equal of men.
It's also the product of a civilization of virtual abundance. Some people even think we will soon reach a state of utopic post scarcity, which is laughable when you see how fragile the state of the world is today. Without abundance or at least the appearance of it, weakening luxury parasitic movements such as feminism are the first to get dumped. Hopefully a huge economical crisis is on the go.
read every word

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