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Serious My official resignation.



Feb 11, 2021
Greetings everybody, just so everybody knows I am not dead and very much alive. Came close to dying many times this past winter being exposed to the weather elements but as usual I am too stubborn to die. I am doing much better in life now having emerged from the wilderness back in civilization and finally I am in a spot in life where I have achieved peace of mind where I have cut all ties with the internet altogether. This in fact will be my last thread here because I have decided to seek a much more spiritually satisfying life altogether where my presence on the internet will be no more. This will be my last presence on the internet before I go disappear altogether. I officially resign my position as moderator on the forum entirely @Fat Link but am thankful for the years of experience here on the forum along with the many individuals I've come to known over the years. Many of you here I've come to call frens.

I have decided to live the rest of my days in quiet or silent spiritual meditative pursuits in peace and I believe I have finally discovered such in life after many decades pursuing peace of mind in tranquil solitude. It is my only hope that all others here will discover the same for themselves.
Greetings everybody, just so everybody knows I am not dead and very much alive. Came close to dying many times this past winter being exposed to the weather elements but as usual I am too stubborn to die. I am doing much better in life now having emerged from the wilderness back in civilization and finally I am in a spot in life where I have achieved peace of mind where I have cut all ties with the internet altogether. This in fact will be my last thread here because I have decided to seek a much more spiritually satisfying life altogether where my presence on the internet will be no more. This will be my last presence on the internet before I go disappear altogether. I officially resign my position as moderator on the forum entirely @Fat Link but am thankful for the years of experience here on the forum along with the many individuals I've come to known over the years. Many of you here I've come to call frens.

I have decided to live the rest of my days in quiet or silent spiritual meditative pursuits in peace and I believe I have finally discovered such in life after many decades pursuing peace of mind in tranquil solitude. It is my only hope that all others here will discover the same for themselves.
BRUTAL! Hope you find peace bruh! You could smash some spiritual hookers tho! :feelsaww:
Goodbye future former modcel
May the blackpill guide you wherever you go
Before I go I wish to share some thoughts of mine and afterwards I'll do my best to respond to other people's posts here before I make my final grand disappearing act. :feelsjuice:
How did you make yourself quit? Pull the plug on the pc, cancel internet or something, the internet has stolen my best years from me
Good luck brocel. Take care of yourself.
I enjoyed reading your posts, especially the collapse of the United States threads.

It was a pleasure having you around
So you're Chris McCandlessmaxxing?
How did you make yourself quit? Pull the plug on the pc, cancel internet or something, the internet has stolen my best years from me
The internet is an overrated and exaggerated glorified control grid of consumerism, mass surveillance, spying, or molding public opinion, once one understands the true nature of the internet or the matrix in its entirety, the choice becomes a simple one to make. Make no mistake lads, (((they))) control everything, (((they))) know everything, and (((they))) see everything and everybody. You might think to yourselves you can elude them all your lives going unseen, but as somebody who has haunted the internet for several decades I can tell you right now, they'll hunt us all down one by one eventually. Another reason why I am resigning, in the near future internet anonymity will become a thing of the past and simply will be non-existent everywhere including here. :feelsjuice:
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Goodbye and good luck brocel
Goodbye it will be a shame to have you gone you are a good user and one of the best mods here :feelsYall:
So now in this thread I will make some final predictions of mine as everybody who has known me in the past knows it is a thing I very much like to do. This will be my final public prediction here in this thread. My entire life it has been both a gift and curse of mine knowing what will happen in the future, like a stone tied constantly around my neck it is a burden I carry with me. In a way I see myself as a sort of mystic seer able to predict the future before it happens, but also powerless to stop future events or warn others of the drastic worldly existential calamities as they constantly unfold. But you here are my friends so I will share with you these insights for those who have ears to hear and eyes to see. :feelsjuice::blackpill:
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1.) The United States as we know it will cease to be by 2030, there is no stopping this encroaching reality, there is no matter of political or economic reforms that will stop that simple reality. By the end of this year or by spring of next year this will become readily apparent to everyone.

2.) In the near future the dollar as we know it will simply cease to exist as years of currency devaluations, general deceit, and monetary manipulations will finally catch up with the United States as the last forty five years of cultural, political, or economic corruption will finally catch up with itself. The death of empire will finally come to its last form. By 2026 the United States and the west will be unrecognizable as we see it today. :feelsjuice:
3.) You'll notice that the Eris COVID variant is being discussed to great length recently, this is not accident but very intentional. There are going to be huge economic shockwaves by the end of this year or the beginning of next year. The new COVID lockdowns will be meant for distraction of what otherwise is a collapsing economic system with the dollar internationally losing circulation. The goal is that when the dollar dies completely replace it with a new digital dollar system or CBDC. Whether or not they have any traction with this new devised system has yet to remain seen. But the aftermath will be much the same everywhere, with new future lockdowns all of society will be locked down permanently, that in affect will become the new normal. They will also openly and very publicly hunt down politically persecuting dissidents of all kinds. If you want to survive this transformation become invisible and sever all ties with the internet altogether, make sure you're individual internet imprint is zero. They plan on coming after everyone who doesn't go along with the new pogrom. :feelsjuice:
4.) Yesterday I was watching the republican political convention or debate. Just a huge group of political grifters all at the corporate lobbying trough.

Notice they were forcing the issue of everybody taking a vow against Donald Trump who is now being threatened with prison or jail time tomorrow. Understand that the entire world as Shakespeare would say is nothing more than a grand stage, but unfortunately for us common men all the corrupt actors are paid in full for their public displays of acting where the stage itself is controlled by the puppet masters themselves. How convenient for the puppet masters who have sucked the nation dry economically, financially raping or pillaging it for decades monetarily foment a political civil war of having people fight amongst themselves in the ruins of a once proud nation as they make their final escape of a corrupt system that they themselves have orchestrated all along from the very beginning. American Civil War 2.0 upon the dollar's demise. They want people fighting or killing each other, do not fall for their tricks. What scares the global elites the most is common men from all backgrounds or walks of life uniting against them. As for Donald Trump, I've never really liked the man personally, I certainly never voted for the man. It is just very obvious that they're willing to sacrifice one of their own for the last closing act, plan accordingly for the political chaos that unfolds. :feelsjuice:
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"Spiritual" is such a dumb term to use.

Having found peace got nothing to do with "spirituality", it's just your mind and body that is healthier and experience less stress.
Can u give a guide on how to quit the internet? I mean its a pretty tough addiction if not the toughest there is
Over the last few years I've become obsessed with Buddhism and I have found peace in meditation or solitude. I no longer need the internet for copes, true ascendence. :feelsjuice:
Damn man i really liked you and enjoyed your thread about u.s collapse and what it means about average foid
Hope i can meet you one day irl you deserve better as i have said before if i could i would shelter you at my home
Damn man i really liked you and enjoyed your thread about u.s collapse and what it means about average foid
Hope i can meet you one day irl you deserve better as i have said before if i could i would shelter you at my home
If it makes you feel any better I have finally achieved happiness in life and peace of mind, I am in a good place currently. It took me almost three decades to find it but I finally have. It is something I want all of you to achieve someday for yourselves and I hope every single one of you someday achieve it like I have. There is a light at the end of the tunnel frens, and while many of you don't think so now I want you all to know it is not impossible to find. :feelsjuice:
>be homeless
>spend free time doomposting on incels.is

What’s your motivation here
If it makes you feel any better I have finally achieved happiness in life and peace of mind, I am in a good place currently. It took me almost three decades to find it but I finally have. It is something I want all of you to achieve someday for yourselves and I hope every single one of you someday achieve it like I have. There is a light at the end of the tunnel frens, and while many of you don't think so now I want you all to know it is not impossible to find. :feelsjuice:
>be homeless
>spend free time doomposting on incels.is

What’s your motivation here
The pursuit of knowledge, transcendence, and enlightenment. Having spent most of my life in poverty, misery, misfortune, and varying degrees of oppression I sympathize with all of you here. I've always said what unites us here is our collective misery, we are brothers of misery and misfortune, a brotherhood of misfortune, my only motivation is that I want all of you to be free men in your lives achieving liberation for yourselves. It has been my motivation from the very beginning. :feelsjuice:
Make @wereq a mod.
5.) The United States is neither communist or capitalist, the United States is a financial or fascist oligarchy, only when this economic financial corporate fascism is thoroughly destroyed will all of its male inhabitants know what true freedom is. Only then will men everywhere be able to take off their shackles of repression freeing themselves decades of existential bondage. :feelsjuice:
who are " they " government?
They are a group of people who view human beings as very little beyond disposable human cattle. Economic enslavement, psychological warfare, insatiable greed, death, and cultural decadence are all of their main trademarks by subterfuge. :feelsjuice:
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See you tommowor , you were very clever
I am doing much better in life now having emerged from the wilderness back in civilization and finally I am in a spot in life where I have achieved peace of mind where I have cut all ties with the internet altogether.
Its so good to hear from you man! Glad you're alive and kicking. Your resiliency is an inspiration for me! :feelsahh::feelsahh::feelsahh::feelsautistic::feelsautistic::feelsautistic:May you have peace, health, and respite from our evil world. :feelsokman::feelsokman::feelsokman:
If it makes you feel any better I have finally achieved happiness in life and peace of mind, I am in a good place currently. It took me almost three decades to find it but I finally have. It is something I want all of you to achieve someday for yourselves and I hope every single one of you someday achieve it like I have. There is a light at the end of the tunnel frens, and while many of you don't think so now I want you all to know it is not impossible to find. :feelsjuice:
6.) The future will rise out of the east and the Eurasian corridor. The very inception of western civilization collapse was espoused by the likes of Oswald Spengler almost a century ago. However, whether the west dies silently with a quiet whimper or a loud thunderous bang is beyond even my own peripheral. I do know however the next world war if there is one will be the last war as dead silence will accompany the entire planet. If the human species destroys itself everywhere it will also be the last joke and a cosmic one at that. The species of peace, love, compassion, laws, morality, and ethics snuffing itself out through self annihilation. The angels watching in attendance from the very heavens dying of laughter everywhere. :feelsclown:
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so they have supernatural powers and can see that you talked about them here?
They already own all the infrastructure of the entirety that is the internet, there truly is no escape or uncharted territories anymore, we only delude ourselves thinking otherwise. Their mass surveillance networks are everywhere. :feelsthink:
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6.) The future will rise out of the east and the Eurasian corridor. The very inception of western civilization collapse was espoused by the likes of Oswald Spengler almost a century ago. However, whether the west dies silently with a quiet whimper or a loud thunderous bang is beyond even my own peripheral. I do know however the next world war if there is one will be the last war as dead silence will accompany the entire planet. If the human species destroys itself everywhere it will also be the last joke and a cosmic one at that. The species of peace, love, compassion, laws, morality, and ethics snuffing itself out through annihilation. The angels watching in attendance from the very heavens dying of laughter everywhere. :feelsclown:
Based Spenglercel.
His book Prussianism and Socialism was my first real introduction to the critique of Liberalism and Marxism from a right-wing perspective and the often overlooked connection between the two.
@MarquisDeSade I'm glad you've found peace. But I hope you'll still check in from time to time. During the time I was reading your threads I became very fond of you, saying goodbye to you is like saying goodbye to an old friend - very painful.:feelscry:
Greetings everybody, just so everybody knows I am not dead and very much alive. Came close to dying many times this past winter being exposed to the weather elements but as usual I am too stubborn to die. I am doing much better in life now having emerged from the wilderness back in civilization and finally I am in a spot in life where I have achieved peace of mind where I have cut all ties with the internet altogether. This in fact will be my last thread here because I have decided to seek a much more spiritually satisfying life altogether where my presence on the internet will be no more. This will be my last presence on the internet before I go disappear altogether. I officially resign my position as moderator on the forum entirely @Fat Link but am thankful for the years of experience here on the forum along with the many individuals I've come to known over the years. Many of you here I've come to call frens.

I have decided to live the rest of my days in quiet or silent spiritual meditative pursuits in peace and I believe I have finally discovered such in life after many decades pursuing peace of mind in tranquil solitude. It is my only hope that all others here will discover the same for themselves.
Well I for one will be saddened to see you go and just wish you would keep on checking in every great once in a while and updating us on your adventures and happenings but if you don’t want to or literally cannot with your desired living arrangement I guess it is what it is then.

I‘m glad you’re not dead after all and oh JFYI you missed @Komesarj gate which is to say he allegedly succeeded in securing for himself a cute little blonde hapa jailbait and is attempting to live his happily ever after with her as I type.

The cucks and cowards made their big articles and posts about it and there was a huge deal on Twitter about it but fortunately the scandal of it all finally blew over.

Basically I told him to enjoy it while it lasts because considering her youth and the general length of time relationships last in our sick society these days he’s essentially on borrowed time.

I‘ve noted that most modern relationshits implode at or near the 10 year mark if not a bit sooner.
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she will cheat him 100% because he is ugly i guess? did you know how he was looking?
He showed me a picture of himself with her but with their core identifiable faces covered/blocked out.

He looks like an older version of your typical Arab or half Arab fuckboi with a long Islamic style salt n’ peppa beard while he has a full head of black hair in the white fuckboi faggy Bohemian style hipster hair cut.

Since they were sitting down in the picture I can’t say for sure but he looked short as in not much taller than his hapa girl so say she’s maybe 5’3 while he maybe 5’5 or 5’6?
Greetings everybody, just so everybody knows I am not dead and very much alive. Came close to dying many times this past winter being exposed to the weather elements but as usual I am too stubborn to die. I am doing much better in life now having emerged from the wilderness back in civilization and finally I am in a spot in life where I have achieved peace of mind where I have cut all ties with the internet altogether. This in fact will be my last thread here because I have decided to seek a much more spiritually satisfying life altogether where my presence on the internet will be no more. This will be my last presence on the internet before I go disappear altogether. I officially resign my position as moderator on the forum entirely @Fat Link but am thankful for the years of experience here on the forum along with the many individuals I've come to known over the years. Many of you here I've come to call frens.

I have decided to live the rest of my days in quiet or silent spiritual meditative pursuits in peace and I believe I have finally discovered such in life after many decades pursuing peace of mind in tranquil solitude. It is my only hope that all others here will discover the same for themselves.
Good luck bro, good that u found what u were looking for

1.) The United States as we know it will cease to be by 2030, there is no stopping this encroaching reality, there is no matter of political or economic reforms that will stop that simple reality. By the end of this year or by spring of next year this will become readily apparent to everyone.

2.) In the near future the dollar as we know it will simply cease to exist as years of currency devaluations, general deceit, and monetary manipulations will finally catch up with the United States as the last forty five years of cultural, political, or economic corruption will finally catch up with itself. The death of empire will finally come to its last form. By 2026 the United States and the west will be unrecognizable as we see it today. :feelsjuice:
2030 is a bit far fetched. I'm saying about 2070 or so
Do you have a family? I had a thoughts of leaving this modern life completely and live somewhere in the forest but I'm too much connected with my relatives and addicted to life's little pleasures to risk abandoning worldly life.
He showed me a picture of himself with her but with their core identifiable faces covered/blocked out.

He looks like an older version of your typical Arab or half Arab fuckboi with a long Islamic style salt n’ peppa beard while he has a full head of black hair in the white fuckboi faggy Bohemian style hipster hair cut.

Since they were sitting down in the picture I can’t say for sure but he looked short as in not much taller than his hapa girl so say she’s maybe 5’3 while he maybe 5’5 or 5’6?
Still unbelievable a 19yo decided to fuck him :feelshehe:

@My Name Jeff made a thread while ago giving some evidences as to how she could be fake and he's just larping
good luck, see u on the other side
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Good luck man, I hope you find what you're looking for. I've enjoyed your posts, thanks for your contribution to this community.

High Country Weather
James K. Baxter

Alone we are born
And die alone
Yet see the red-gold cirrus
over snow-mountain shine.

Upon the upland road
Ride easy, stranger
Surrender to the sky
Your heart of anger.

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