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Serious My reflections on Komesarj ascending (There is more to attraction than we admit)

Not really. An evil inkler (terrible personality) got laid. And he is 33 yo and she is a literal baby.:soy: They might laugh in public but they are absolutely seething in private. Personality theory disproven again.
but they’re probably using him as an example to try to disprove us and the blackpill. A moderator of our forum who has the bingo of trueceldom. Short, ethnic, bald, ugly uses his personality to get a girlfriend. “See inkwells, he could do it so there’s no excuse”
but they’re probably using him as an example to try to disprove us and the blackpill. A moderator of our forum who has the bingo of trueceldom. Short, ethnic, bald, ugly uses his personality to get a girlfriend. “See inkwells, he could do it so there’s no excuse”
His personality was toxic before he said he had a girlfriend yesterday.
Foids find men attractive to the extent they conform to social standards.

Examples of these social standards are the clothes you wear, the music you listen to, how many friends you have, your choice in entertainment, your wealth, your physical attractiveness, your social ability, your confidence, your extroversion, your humor and more

Foids are like a hivemind. They are bugwomen. They can't think for themselves and always adopt the values of the group.

Can confirm.

As you wisely pointed out this is the reason why women in general never tend to be loaners. They HAVE to be part of the hive, they HAVE to conform. It's also a big reason why most women are boring, vapid, empty shells. It's because they spend all their time conforming instead of striving for any kind of individualism.

Given their nature, it's abundantly clear to me that the key to attracting foids is to possess traits given significance by some social group, and using it to gain leverage over and dominate other people. If you are born with physical attractiveness or height, then all this is just automatic, since physical attractiveness is universally valued.

4 Digit IQ.

My advice to men would be to looksmaxx to gain social group status. Its the most straight forward way.

True inceldom isn't just about your looks. True inceldom is total-fucking-loserceldom. You are unattractive, but also unable to navigate the social world with ease. Like, imagine what a foid would think if she found out you had no friends or no job. Your lack of conformity to social standards would seem so odious to her. Since foids are socially minded they expect you to embody the values of the group and be a participating member. Wageslave, use social media, listen to nigger rap, use niggerspeak, have friends, consoom. Of course if you were attractive you would get away with not doing this. But if you aren't, then there's no margin for error.

This reminds me of a normie I know. Dude had nearly a million dollars in the bank, a high paying skill, a nice car etc. He quit his job he had worked for 15 years straight for a break and started dating this woman. Once she found out he didn't have a job, she began ruthlessly shaming him for not having one. Why? A man not having a job is not line up with the values of the social group. This woman didn't want to have to tell her friends the guy she is dating did not have a job. Didn't matter he was essentially a millionaire and could get another job at any time with his experience in his trade, nor that he was not lazy and was simply burned out for working so much. He caved into the pressure and got a job that was he miserable doing, and she ended up leaving him anyway not too much later.

I'm willing to bet most incels are INXX personality types, meaning introverted and intuitive. This combination of introversion and intuition leads men to be loners, free thinkers who do not conform to pointless, boring societal norms but rather forge thier own path in life. While it sounds great, this is a polar opposite direction that hive mind women want men to conform to. Most men who are INXX types are incel, and the only ones who have any kind of success with women are either very good looking or very wealthy.
In fact, being the mod of an incel forum helped him get laid, so we should strive to be as misogynistic as possible to get teenage gfs.:feelsthink:
If it's true , He's just an exception , it happens. Yes NT ugly men with status can gain access to sex , though i'm not sure if it happens often with cute virginal teen girls , but whatever
A well-thought post OP. The "halo effect" doesn't only relate with genetics, but also with status and authority in a hierachal structure. It's basically the advantages of statusmaxxing --- It can compensate for what's lacked in genetics. By nature females are groupies. They're attracted to status and authority because it's a sign of social value, and there are social / economic perks that come with status and authority; perks that usually dont apply to ordinary normies
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I have to agree @

There are way too many inconsistencies in this story.
>19yo 7/10 (allegedly, no pics or social media)
>she has no friends
>she is on an incel discord server
>she meets a .is mod and possibly sexts him
>she fucks said mod at some point
>mod is a 33(!) yo manlet incel

Does any of this sound like something real? I have a feeling that there is a lot more here. Like I said before, this is another brendio event. We are likely going to hear stories about the foid cucking him very soon. Until we see a pic of said foid along with socials (literally impossible that she has no socials), this is a bad joke.
I’m doubtful his description of the foid is accurate. I could buy her being a virgin at 19 and having few friends (not no friends though) but not her being a 7/10. A foid with low social status is the most likely to go for a wizard she met on discord, but an attractive teenage foid couldn’t possibly be that low in status

We all know damn well that even LANDWHALES have dating & friendships on recruit difficulty, even if she was extremely mentally ill an attractive 19 year old would never be that socially isolated

Dude literally wants us to buy her being some giga unicorn and on top of that ALSO part of the small percentage of foids willing to date down that much
The Cumsarj situation is forcing this community to evolve and that's a good thing.

As for self-improvement, the reason it is not helping you is probably because you are treating it like entertainment instead of studying it. I remember watching YouTube channels like Charisma on Command and Based Zeus and while those guys were entertaining, I didn't retain a lot. On the flip side I will never forget Robert Greene's first law of power because I took the time to internalize it: never outshine the master.

Excellent post @subhuman
Over for me atleast, Half my nostil has fallen off aint no damn surgeon in the world that can do good job!
All I know is that he is the one that personally perma-banned my hype man Rhaast (for making him look foolish), if he gets sweet virgin cunny on top of that?

My blood is boiling.
Not only that, he banned @gymletethnicel for talking on cuckord about getting 4 (5?) matches from passport chasers in Poland. Motherfucker dropped everything he was doing and went directly to .is and ban him.

I have to agree @Chudpreet

There are way too many inconsistencies in this story.
>19yo 7/10 (allegedly, no pics or social media)
>she has no friends
>she is on an incel discord server
>she meets a .is mod and possibly sexts him
>she fucks said mod at some point
>mod is a 33(!) yo manlet incel

Does any of this sound like something real? I have a feeling that there is a lot more here. Like I said before, this is another brendio event. We are likely going to hear stories about the foid cucking him very soon. Until we see a pic of said foid along with socials (literally impossible that she has no socials), this is a bad joke.

Not really. An evil inkler (terrible personality) got laid. And he is 33 yo and she is a literal baby.:soy: They might laugh in public but they are absolutely seething in private. Personality theory disproven again.
The first instinct I had was "larp." I didn't question it too much at first, because I didn't care all that much, tbh (guess all of the fakecels here made me desensitized to this shit).

But upon closer inspection, coupled with how quickly and in numbers the cuckstream media jumped on this, I'm starting to wonder if this whole thing was a psyop planned during the time he was away for all of those months. If he got a payoff for this shit, then I don't have to wonder how fakecels like Moeggels had VIP protection here, despite numerous instances of bragging and trolling us.
Basically, incels who are the most famous or who have a high-status within the community would be more likely to ascend
It doesn't surprise me much ngl

Komesarj's ascension, at least the way he described it, was basically "i worked out for 5 months and found a gf, bye", sth a redpilled cuck would say and think.
I personally think that he wasn't as ugly as he thought, that, as you said, the mod halo probably helped him too, and that the 19yo "virgin" foid he found isn't a virgin (water is wet)
Even rejects have a hierarchy
Good high effort thread ngl. But I don't think a sperge like me can leverage mod halo for bpd foid.

. Furthermore, you have to sacrifice parts of your personality/identity to pull most of this stuff off. Which is cucked in a sense.
Very true indeed. Something I've always struggled with internally.
The question is: For how long their relationship is going to last?
Exactly this, Girls that are bpd or emotionally vulnerable often develop limerence in men with strong personalities and social skills, but it wears off really quick and then she's complaining on Reddit how she isn't attracted to him, I hope komesarj knows it's not a long term thing.
it ain't so
This isn’t a cope. A Twitter account allegedly belonging to this 19 yr old foid happened to be created the day before he went public. An account ran by a “19 yr old foid” who spoke exactly like him jfl. You fell for a ridiculous larp
Komesarj ascending is a bad look for this forum. If the blackpill is true, then how do you explain a 5'6 balding ethnic sickcel ascending with a cute 19 year old virgin? You can cope all you want and say it ain't so, but I've talked to him a lot on discord in the past and I think I have a pretty good idea of how it happened. So in this post I will attempt to "save" the blackpill by reframing it in terms of status and dominance rather than just looks. I feel this is more in line with the psychology of females, and I think this will reconcile our beliefs with komesarj and other "incel" tier men ascending.

A couple months ago, I made a post called "Foids Are Asexual". In it, I argued that the system of female attraction is fundamentally different from men, which disproves the notion that men and women are equal. The way male attraction works, which we are all familiar with, is we want to turn foids into a masturbatory prop. We find foids attractive as much as they can conform to being a human fleshlight to be ravaged by us. But for foids it's different. They don't really care about sex itself at all. In fact, the entire time they are getting railed they are just thinking about how other people would perceive it. Their greatest sexual fantasy is telling other foids about the sex after it happened. Foids find men attractive to the extent they conform to social standards.

Foids are like a hivemind. They are bugwomen. They can't think for themselves and always adopt the values of the group. Given their nature, it's abundantly clear to me that the key to attracting foids is to possess traits given significance by some social group, and using it to gain leverage over and dominate other people. If you are born with physical attractiveness or height, then all this is just automatic, since physical attractiveness is universally valued. But power can be used in other ways to get laid. I remember Komesarj telling me one time about this playing cards tournament or whatever, and the guy who was the most skilled at this game that won all the tournaments had a beautiful hot girlfriend. The moral of the story is that even within this group of a bunch of geeks, there is a hierarchical dynamic and foids in that group want to sleep with the guy on the top. Or another example: there is a bunch of studies on how foids will have more frequent, more intense orgasms with rich guys. JFL if you think the only value money has for foids is in betabuxxing. Don't tell me there isn't a bunch of foids who would want to fuck jeff bezos and elon musk even if they don't give them a penny. Foids find rich guys attractive because they dominate the financial hierarchy, and are able to use their wealth to leverage social status.

In the case of Komesarj, it's clear that his mod halo was instrumental in getting foids interested in him. It's not really a secret here that there is a bunch of foids orbiting this community, and occasionally they will try to make accounts here and suck off the jannies to get approved. I remember him telling me that you don't have to be the biggest baddest predator in the savannah, and he likened himself to a scavenger, using his unique strengths to carve out a niche where he can "eat".

True inceldom isn't just about your looks. True inceldom is total-fucking-loserceldom. You are unattractive, but also unable to navigate the social world with ease. Like, imagine what a foid would think if she found out you had no friends or no job. Your lack of conformity to social standards would seem so odious to her. Since foids are socially minded they expect you to embody the values of the group and be a participating member. Wageslave, use social media, listen to nigger rap, use niggerspeak, have friends, consoom. Of course if you were attractive you would get away with not doing this. But if you aren't, then there's no margin for error.

However, I'm still skeptical of "self-improvement". I don't really see it as improvement at all, since these things aren't really valuable without being given significance by the group. It's a form of conformity that turns people into commodities in the sexual market. I don't have any friends or job because I resent the way society tries to dictate how I should live my life. Especially since this is a culture in decline that only corrupts people. True greatness doesn't lie in dominating others and controlling the outside world, because implicit in all this is the acceptance of group values rather than developing your own unique potential. True greatness can only be achieved by people who embrace their individuality and independence and are willing to challenge the beliefs of the group. Isolation and alienation are just unlucky symptoms of nonconformity that the unattractive will have to embrace.
1. He looks maxxed and health maxxed to the point he obviously became good looking enough to attract her physically otherwise he’d most likely still be modding here as a respected and beloved member of the community.
2. She probably or may have daddy issues or has the ol young chick thing where some of them are just into older dudes because it makes them feel cool and grown up.
3. Shared trauma. Maybe she had or has a poor home life and in that way identifies with psychological and or physical pain which draws her to incels feeling she identifies with us or in this case Kome?
4. Kome is a very hard worker/wage slave from what I know of him (what he’s directly told me) so perhaps she’s just a young and clever gold digger using him for money?
5. Maybe the whole thing really is a LARP to either try and impress us or other online friends of his or maybe to try and inspire us or himself that it’s not really over? In other words maybe he is trying to will this into reality by pretending it’s true!
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Maybe the whole thing really is a LARP to either try and impress us or other online friends of his or maybe to try and inspire us
The idea of it has only sent me into a fit of despair, is there any hint in his older posts that he despises whites or lolicels enough to do that?
This isn’t a cope. A Twitter account allegedly belonging to this 19 yr old foid happened to be created the day before he went public. An account ran by a “19 yr old foid” who spoke exactly like him jfl. You fell for a ridiculous larp
He also wore sandals to post the pic as a foid
Blackpill (and reality) is all about probability, not actual determinism. Genetic determinism actually means the probability of you getting certain outcomes in life. Which is why I always say all incels should try our best, and if we fail we shouldn’t be surprised.
Probability, and "luck" (I define luck as being at the right place and right time). I have a friend that did meet his now wife on a dating app. Skinny-fat manlet only one inch taller than his wife, but he's very extroverted and has a decent looking face (prob why she noticed him on the app). Face is the main component, IMO.
The girl was also a unicorn- she didn't care about his height. Then again, she was living with strict christcuck parents and was desperate to leave the house, so go figure
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This isn’t a cope. A Twitter account allegedly belonging to this 19 yr old foid happened to be created the day before he went public. An account ran by a “19 yr old foid” who spoke exactly like him jfl. You fell for a ridiculous larp
The Discord was made in September, if it's a LARP it's not an overnight one.

He also wore sandals to post the pic as a foid
WTF are you talking about sandals? only one I've seen is the black shoes
The Discord was made in September, if it's a LARP it's not an overnight one.

WTF are you talking about sandals? only one I've seen is the black shoes
I didn’t say discord I said Twitter
I didn’t say discord I said Twitter
it's all one ongoing narative though so why does it matter she made a new twitter account for GF matters? prob has some old abandoned one
it's all one ongoing narative though so why does it matter she made a new twitter account for GF matters? prob has some old abandoned one
The point is she didn’t. There is no she. He made it. And it’s him talking on there jfl. I’ve never seen people fall for such an obvious larp, and then continue to defend it

And Gf matters? Yes foid makes account to deal with the admin involved in her new role as gf. What the fuck are you smoking? :feelskek:
The point is she didn’t. There is no she. He made it. And it’s him talking on there jfl. I’ve never seen people fall for such an obvious larp, and then continue to defend it
I don't think you understand the sheer quantity of activity her account has on twitter, if it's a LARP it's amazing work being put into it. Like he's actually bothering to learn Japanese phrases, know anime, study idol culture, all these interests which we've never heard of him knowing anything about.
I don't think you understand the sheer quantity of activity her account has on twitter, if it's a LARP it's amazing work being put into it. Like he's actually bothering to learn Japanese phrases, know anime, study idol culture, all these interests which we've never heard of him knowing anything about.
“Learn” them, “study” them. Almost like maybe he already just knew about them. Why is that so hard to believe. Would only a 19 yr old virgin foid know about Japanese phrases and anime?

Do you not have interests and pieces of trivia you’ve never mentioned here?

I understand why you’re all trying to cope about this however. You wish this could be true so there’s still hope for you. Believing in this foid is like believing in Santa. Bluepilled to the fucking gills
“Learn” them, “study” them. Almost like maybe he already just knew about them. Why is that so hard to believe. Would only a 19 yr old virgin foid know about Japanese phrases and anime?
Do you not have interests and pieces of trivia you’ve never mentioned here?
It could be prior interests, or new interests he gained during his time off, I'll admit that. It's not impossible.
I'm just saying it's very high effort. That account knows more about idols and fashion than I do.
It's not stereotypical male interests here to know specific trends of EGL fashion.

I understand why you’re all trying to cope about this however. You wish this could be true so there’s still hope for you.
50% yes, and yet I'm so realistic to know that if it's possible it would be rare, so also 50% no because it also means that chance passed me by

Believing in this foid is like believing in Santa. Bluepilled to the fucking gills
The trap I'm caught in is it's basically cope motivating me in either direction - it's a cope to think a girl could like me, but it's also a cope to think she never existed because then there was no missed connection
It could be prior interests, or new interests he gained during his time off, I'll admit that. It's not impossible.
I'm just saying it's very high effort. That account knows more about idols and fashion than I do.
It's not stereotypical male interests here to know specific trends of EGL fashion.

50% yes, and yet I'm so realistic to know that if it's possible it would be rare, so also 50% no because it also means that chance passed me by

The trap I'm caught in is it's basically cope motivating me in either direction - it's a cope to think a girl could like me, but it's also a cope to think she never existed because then there was no missed connection
It doesn’t take much effort to type words on a keyboard. I don’t get why you think this is some titanic effort on his part.
@Govid_Dorious has got up to over 10,000 posts in a few short months jfl, anything is possible.

And sure, if you’re larping, you’re larping. You’re gonna write about shit that seems like what a girl would be into. None of this is surprising. And there’s this thing called the internet where you can find anything you want to know about in an instant

That said, this “19 yr old virgin foid” is also going in to bat for incels and talking about incel related stuff. Like really? Come on. Its just laughable man
The Discord was made in September, if it's a LARP it's not an overnight one.

WTF are you talking about sandals? only one I've seen is the black shoes
Same shit lolol
It doesn’t take much effort to type words on a keyboard. I don’t get why you think this is some titanic effort on his part.
It does take time and the more time it would take the more you'd wonder why someone would put in that much time, it requires a greater hypothetical motivation.

And sure, if you’re larping, you’re larping. You’re gonna write about shit that seems like what a girl would be into. None of this is surprising. And there’s this thing called the internet where you can find anything you want to know about in an instant
Still takes some time and effort though, I can't imagine putting in that kind of time just for entertainment, I can trigger people enough with the truth that I don't need a masquerade.
That said, this “19 yr old virgin foid” is also going in to bat for incels and talking about incel related stuff. Like really? Come on. Its just laughable man
If she's already an admirer then why wouldn't sticking to her guns and empathizing make sense?

The idea of girls empathizing is rare but once that precedent is set in the narrative it's actually consistent behavior.
It does take time and the more time it would take the more you'd wonder why someone would put in that much time, it requires a greater hypothetical motivation.

Still takes some time and effort though, I can't imagine putting in that kind of time just for entertainment, I can trigger people enough with the truth that I don't need a masquerade.

If she's already an admirer then why wouldn't sticking to her guns and empathizing make sense?

The idea of girls empathizing is rare but once that precedent is set in the narrative it's actually consistent behavior.
Dude, people go ER over this shitty life we live. They fly to other countries to fuck third world foids, they lose their minds and become trannies, they sit here all day and shitpost in the sewers. What is so hard to believe about someone posting tweets to Twitter? I’m not sure what this great effort is that you’re talking about

My feeling is he was sick of the site anyway and wanted to go out in a humorous way, and it got out of hand and he had to stick with it, especially after it got traction in the media. He’s currently enjoying the attention and dopamine high of both his incel brothers and the media discussing his next move. He’s probably never had so much validation in his life. Once the attention dies down he’ll stop mentioning it, and don’t be surprised when his 19 year old blackpilled incel admiring virgin gf suddenly stops posting too

Just snap out of it bro. I can understand if he’d said he’d ascended with a post wall single mom who has no idea about the blackpill (and therefore has to be hidden from it, and us) and that he’s going to go live his new life with her…but a young virgin foid who crushes on incels, understands the blackpill and is willing to defend them on her recently created Twitter page? Just come on!

And stop saying “it could happen, it’s possible”, so is me winning the lottery tomorrow. Want to bet on that?
My feeling is he was sick of the site anyway and wanted to go out in a humorous way, and it got out of hand and he had to stick with it, especially after it got traction in the media.
That would mean he's been planning this exit since September though, and then went AFK doing nothing at all for months. It's strange, if you wanted drama why wouldn't you be causing drama the entire time?

Once the attention dies down he’ll stop mentioning it, and don’t be surprised when his 19 year old blackpilled incel admiring virgin gf suddenly stops posting too
That won't help I'll just be assuming they're happily married enjoying private life

Just snap out of it bro. I can understand if he’d said he’d ascended with a post wall single mom who has no idea about the blackpill (and therefore has to be hidden from it, and us) and that he’s going to go live his new life with her…but a young virgin foid who crushes on incels, understands the blackpill and is willing to defend them on her recently created Twitter page? Just come on!
You forgot the part about being a loli-tolerator who had a fascination with me until he slid up in her DMs =/
That would mean he's been planning this exit since September though, and then went AFK doing nothing at all for months. It's strange, if you wanted drama why wouldn't you be causing drama the entire time?

That won't help I'll just be assuming they're happily married enjoying private life

You forgot the part about being a loli-tolerator who had a fascination with me until he slid up in her DMs =/
Hey man… I don’t really know what else to say, but perhaps just look back through our exchange to see each part where you are reaching and grasping at straws because you’re desperate for it to be true. The guy is probably nuts, in my opinion, and I just guessed at what his motivation was.

But you keep saying “why do it”. We don’t need to know the motivation for why he is larping when all the evidence suggests he’s larping. It would be like walking in on a murder scene with the bloody handed perpetrator standing there and saying “hmmm it looks like he did it… but why would he do it?” Not knowing this is not evidence he isn’t larping. He may just be fucking nuts, or bored, or any number of things. Happens all the time.

and your last point… well now it’s obvious why you are so personally invested in this ridiculous larp, you were one of the first to be taken in by it :feelshaha:

I’ve larped loads of times, for years, on different forums like reddit just to troll people, but also to conduct little psychological experiments just for my own amusement, sometimes lasting months . Perhaps that’s why it doesn’t shock me very much. And we have many resident chadfishes here, they spend plenty of time doing the exact same thing
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The black pill doesn't need saving, because the truth and facts just are. You don't need to save the black pill about as much as you don't need to save physics from flat earth theorists.
But you keep saying “why do it”. We don’t need to know the motivation for why he is larping when all the evidence suggests he’s larping.
I'm imaginative and can see how evidence can make sense in the context of competing narratives.

It would be like walking in on a murder scene with the bloody handed perpetrator standing there and saying “hmmm it looks like he did it… but why would he do it?”
This is exactly what police do in a murder investigation - you still think about motive even if the evidence appears to incontrovertably show they did it - and we're not at that level of proof.

Not knowing this is not evidence he isn’t larping. He may just be fucking nuts, or bored, or any number of things. Happens all the time.
and your last point… well now it’s obvious why you are so personally invested in this ridiculous larp, you were one of the first to be taken in by it :feelshaha:
No that's just the thing, I was being polite playing along thinking maybe it's a larp at first, I only started to believe when the connection was made to our earlier interactions, then I figured the amount of effort to set that up seemed unlikely.

I’ve larped loads of times, for years, on different forums like reddit just to troll people, but also to conduct little psychological experiments just for my own amusement, sometimes lasting months . Perhaps that’s why it doesn’t shock me very much. And we have many resident chadfishes here, they spend plenty of time doing the exact same thing
yeah but we chadfish due to hating sluts, why would kom hate a lolicel like me as much as a slut?
This is exactly what police do in a murder investigation - you still think about motive even if the evidence appears to incontrovertably show they did it - and we're not at that level of proof.
No you’re wrong. The police don’t do that when the guy is standing in front of them with a murder weapon and blood on his hands. His defence attorney might talk about the motive to try lessen his sentence, that’s all, but that’s beside the point.

Let’s put all this aside and just ask this

Do you really think a virgin 19 yr old blackpilled girl falling for an old incel manlet and then creating a Twitter page just to agree with him on things in public, is more likely than one random nut job on an incel forum wasting peoples time on a joke? SERIOUSLY?

the unlikelihood just compounds

19 yr old virgin - unlikely in 2023
Blackpilled? - 0.000001% chance
Crushes on incels, not blackpill chads - :feelskek:
Falls for an oldcel manlet! - :lul:
Refuses to show any evidence of actual existence but still willing to deal with the grief of arguing with normies and incels online - :feelstastyman:

And you’re willing to wipe all that away, because you can’t imagine a lonely guy with nothing to do all day putting a bit of effort into a larp that brings him lots of attention

I have nothing more to say on this
No you’re wrong. The police don’t do that when the guy is standing in front of them with a murder weapon and blood on his hands. His defence attorney might talk about the motive to try lessen his sentence, that’s all, but that’s beside the point.

Let’s put all this aside and just ask this

Do you really think a virgin 19 yr old blackpilled girl falling for an old incel manlet and then creating a Twitter page just to agree with him on things in public, is more likely than one random nut job on an incel forum wasting peoples time on a joke? SERIOUSLY?

the unlikelihood just compounds

19 yr old virgin - unlikely in 2023
Blackpilled? - 0.000001% chance
Crushes on incels, not blackpill chads - :feelskek:
Falls for an oldcel manlet! - :lul:
Refuses to show any evidence of actual existence but still willing to deal with the grief of arguing with normies and incels online - :feelstastyman:

And you’re willing to wipe all that away, because you can’t imagine a lonely guy with nothing to do all day putting a bit of effort into a larp that brings him lots of attention

I have nothing more to say on this
Inb4 “bu.. bu.. but why would he put sooooo much effort into a larp”
Probability, and "luck" (I define luck as being at the right place and right time). I have a friend that did meet his now wife on a dating app. Skinny-fat manlet only one inch taller than his wife, but he's very extroverted and has a decent looking face (prob why she noticed him on the app). Face is the main component, IMO.
The girl was also a unicorn- she didn't care about his height. Then again, she was living with strict christcuck parents and was desperate to leave the house, so go figure
Just find sheltered religious woman Theory. Too bad most are secret sluts.
Just find sheltered religious woman Theory. Too bad most are secret sluts.
They certainly are, and TBH I don't see their marriage lasting (i sincerely hope im wrong though, for my friends' sake).
She was sheltered most of her life but she's still very young and now has a taste of freedom + my buddy is very blue pilled and trusting
No you’re wrong. The police don’t do that when the guy is standing in front of them with a murder weapon and blood on his hands. His defence attorney might talk about the motive to try lessen his sentence, that’s all, but that’s beside the point.
I would only call it a weapon, it's wrong for police to think of something as a murder weapon without context - they don't establish that, only if someone seems like an immediate risk.

Someone might come along and pick up a weapon left behind by an actual murderer in a panic, for example.

Motive is rarely part of arrest I'm obviously talking about the trial process which is important.

Do you really think a virgin 19 yr old blackpilled girl falling for an old incel manlet and then creating a Twitter page just to agree with him on things in public, is more likely than one random nut job on an incel forum wasting peoples time on a joke? SERIOUSLY?
I didn't say more likely, just possible enough not to discount.
Usually nutjobs will slip and give hints but Kom seems otherwise pretty rationale so it's inconsistent with other behavior from him.
That's why if it's all coming from one body, I don't think it'd be actual insanity (like dissociative identity disorder) but rather done intentionally for agenda.
That might be for example if there's a hero complex viewing me as the ultimate villain of the internet he is destined to counter, or to impress some IT girl who asked that.

the unlikelihood just compounds
19 yr old virgin - unlikely in 2023
Blackpilled? - 0.000001% chance
These odds are not multiplicative though - a girl who is blackpilled is more likely to stay a virgin - a virgin is more likely to get blackpilled in her isolation.
I would expect to see these things together, so their coinciding would not reduce odds significantly of their own categories.

Crushes on incels, not blackpill chads - :feelskek:
Could just recognize the pattern of chads doing a pump and dump and wanting a LTR even if it means a guy of suboptimal appearance.
Most foids are too arrogant and low IQ to see this and try to win Chad but a rare higher IQ one (the very kind to be blackpilled and maintain her virginity) would be an expected exception.

Falls for an oldcel manlet! - :lul:
Could've been in the right place at the right time during a point of vulnerability.

Refuses to show any evidence of actual existence but still willing to deal with the grief of arguing with normies and incels online - :feelstastyman:
One possibility here is that it's preferable to keep people guessing, because the arguments are enjoyed. If he proved it, we wouldn't focus on arguing hypotheticals and instead move on to other things, reducing the drama they thrive on.

And you’re willing to wipe all that away, because you can’t imagine a lonely guy with nothing to do all day putting a bit of effort into a larp that brings him lots of attention
I have nothing more to say on this
I didn't say I can't imagine it. I've never once discounted it as a significant possibility, but it feels like a cope to just cling to that as the sole possible narrative.

Even if it feels likely I can't bring myself to trust that feeling since it could be based on an innate desire to cope and move on.
girl who is blackpilled is more likely to stay a virgin - a virgin is more likely to get blackpilled in her isolation.
Ummm what? Why? Why would a virgin girl suddenly understand the blackpill? Are you imagining all these blackpilled girls in the Amish community? :feelskek:

That might be for example if there's a hero complex viewing me as the ultimate villain of the internet he is destined to counter, or to impress some IT girl who asked that.
I don’t know what this means. Are you ok?
Ummm what? Why? Why would a virgin girl suddenly understand the blackpill?
Understanding blackpill (that lookism trumps everything else the majority of the time) is no great revelation.
Women and chads likely understand it even better than we do.
We're only slow to the eureka because of our depression.
Understanding blackpill (that lookism trumps everything else the majority of the time) is no great revelation.
Women and chads likely understand it even better than we do.
We're only slow to the eureka because of our depression.
whatever, just stop coping you schizo. Either you admit that none of this happened or be branded a lunatic. Up to you
whatever, just stop coping you schizo. Either you admit that none of this happened or be branded a lunatic. Up to you

The prevalent odds are that this was Kom or a crony larping to make a persona I wanted to see, she seemed too perfect after all

But I can't discount like 1-10% odds she really existed and was a genuinely distinct person communicating with me.

It's not a lunatic to admit there's slim odds of it being true that minmin loved me, or that she still does.

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