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Story That time I almost ascended (Oneitiscels on Suiwatch)



It's over.
Feb 15, 2024
I will recount a tale from my teenage years. At the ripe age of 14, no less.

It was a mild spring, the type where the air falls on your skin just right and comfortable. I was still a naive bluepiller. Of course I was, I had spent my entire life studymaxxing at the suggestion of my parents who had sold me the idea that going to college would do leaps and bounds for my future. That's a story for another time. How is this relevant? In my classes I had befriended a foid who I'll call Chloe. Chloe was an introverted, nerdy type of girl. She was quite pudgy, quite quiet; importantly, she would talk to me despite the fact that no other foids really did. I was still an incel, even back then, but Chloe didn't seem to mind all that.

We developed a small thing. We would share notes during class. We were both studious types. Chloe didn't have very many friends herself due to her autism, so we would sometimes sit and eat lunch together inbetween classes. I kid you not, Chloe was a big fan of Naruto and even confessed to being very much into manga. She even recommended me some - one of them was a manga called 'Psyren' which is not bad ngl. In other words: a nerdy, autistic chick - a little bit pudgy and about my looksmatch - but still my type. As someone with few friends back then, it helped a great deal in preventing me from shutting down entirely. It was a little bit of light.

Fast forward a few months and we had a good friendship going along. Apart from Chloe, I had no friends. Spending time together inbetween classes became a regular thing. It wasn't a relationship, but it was a great deal of joy to be able to talk to her about geek shit. I didn't think much of it. I had always been alone, and so I was actually quite cautious around her. I guarded my heart. I was scared of being hurt, as that sort of thing was common throughout my upbringing - the sting of betrayal.

On one of these little intermissions between class, Chloe gave me something that would forever meddle with my heart in more ways than one. In the dim orange rays of the settling afternoon, out of the blue she handed me a little bracelet. It was the sweetest thing ever, with little acrylic beads that glistened in the sun. The beads were heart-shaped, and inscribed on the top of the bracelet was my name. Parted from her lips was a simple phrase - 'I really like being around you, do you want to spend some time together after school'? I was in shock. Of course I agreed.

On days where we couldn't meet up between classes, we would rendezvous at a local park and sit on the bench. I had known Chloe for a while now, and it seemed like our friendship may have been starting to blossom into something more. It had only been a week or two after we started these meetings at the local park, but in the vibrant green, she eventually ended up teasing me. 'Did you like the bracelet I gave you'. Naturally, as I had been wearing it almost every day since she gave it to me, I answered with a resolute 'yes'. She replied 'Well, I gave it to you for a reason!'. I was tickled pink.

For some reason after this, Chloe stopped talking to me entirely. She would avoid me around the school. Whenever I tried to talk to her she flashed at me an expression as if my presence was causing her physical pain. After a few days, that expression turned into annoyance. I found myself entirely alone with nobody to talk to. Every day I had gone to this local park after school to check if Chloe would be there, but no luck. I had lost my only friend and someone I had developed a small crush on. After a week, I would find the answer to this dilemma - one that I wish I didn't.

It was the bench that Chloe and I would sit on and talk about our hobbies. On it was Chloe and one other person. That person was a guy on the upper end of 6ft, renowned in the neighborhood for being a total piece of shit. He was known for doing a fuckton of drugs, being a massive delinquent and breaking property around the neighborhood. He was several years older and attended our school, but was suspended for beating up someone way younger because they called him out on his behavior. They were making out on the bench.

At that moment my heart sank. I silently took off my bracelet and left. I would talk to her the next day at school to confirm my suspicions. There was also the possibility that the man had forced himself onto Chloe, and so I promised myself that I would ask her about that too.

It turns out I didn't need to worry about that. During our usual break between classes, she walked up to me with a strange vigor in her eyes, eyeing me up and down. 'I know you saw us yesterday'. I told her I did, and then I asked if she was okay. She responded 'I was just hanging out with my boyfriend in the park'.

I felt like crying, but I held back the tears. Through that all, I scanned the expression on her face. Her eyelids curled up into half-moons as if she took some sick joy in kneading and toying around with my feelings, like it was all a complete game to her. 'Why aren't you wearing the bracelet I made you', she fucking cackled. The vile bitch. She literally started laughing in the hallway like a damn witch. Apart from this foid I had no friends. Hell, I would've been happy even if she was leading me on for no reason as long as she didn't abandon me, but no. She had been playing me the fool the entire time. Months of groundwork, all to twist and stab at the heart of a man she thought lesser. She spilled it to me all - 'I thought I'd be nice to you because you're always so lonely'. 'I felt bad because you're ugly but I also found it kind of funny'. All of those words spat out of her mouth with a vile, sadistic grin. She went out of her way to avoid me as much as possible after that.

I threw the bracelet in the trash and tried not to look back, but how could I not. I never made friends after Chloe and I damn near never came close to a relationship after that either. Forever cemeneted into my psyche now was the fact that the only kindness a woman had shown me was fake, and a joke, a lie because she found it 'funny'. She had pretended to like me and went out of her way to give me a 'love bracelet' (her words) because she felt sorry for me, and because she found it 'funny'.

In short, AWALT. Fuck these whores.
Why the fuck do people on this forum complain about the low quality of posts and then refuse to read any posts that aren't 'kill all niggers' or 'bbc better than whiteoids' or whatever the fuck. I put a lot of effort into telling this, you don't need to say 'dnr' just don't fucking reply to the post faggots. Stupid fucking LARPing 4chan cucks. I bet your mom said 'dnr' after seeing the miserable little arrangement of bones on your face. In fact I bet she 'dnr' your birth certificate since you were clearly the product of a Congolese back-alley failed abortion in a rotting sewage pile fuck you.
Why the fuck do people on this forum complain about the low quality of posts and then refuse to read any posts that aren't 'kill all niggers' or 'bbc better than whiteoids' or whatever the fuck. I put a lot of effort into telling this, you don't need to say 'dnr' just don't fucking reply to the post faggots. Stupid fucking LARPing 4chan cucks.
Joined: feb 15 2024
Posts: 364
Why the fuck do people on this forum complain about the low quality of posts and then refuse to read any posts that aren't 'kill all niggers' or 'bbc better than whiteoids' or whatever the fuck. I put a lot of effort into telling this, you don't need to say 'dnr' just don't fucking reply to the post faggots. Stupid fucking LARPing 4chan cucks. I bet your mom said 'dnr' after seeing the miserable little arrangement of bones on your face. In fact I bet she 'dnr' your birth certificate since you were clearly the product of a Congolese back-alley failed abortion in a rotting sewage pile fuck you.
Probably because you put 'almost ascended' in the title.
Chloe gave me something that would forever meddle with my heart in more ways than one. In the dim orange rays of the settling afternoon, out of the blue she handed me a little bracelet. It was the sweetest thing ever, with little acrylic beads that glistened in the sun. The beads were heart-shaped, and inscribed on the top of the bracelet was my name
fuck u
Probably because you put 'almost ascended' in the title.
I don't see how that means anything. I'm telling a highly personal story about my inceldom on a forum for incels to share their experiences.
It's your fault for trusting a female
I don't see how that means anything. I'm telling a highly personal story about my inceldom on a forum for incels to share their experiences.
It does mean something if you want people to read it.
I don't see how that means anything. I'm telling a highly personal story about my inceldom on a forum for incels to share their experiences.
wrong place, really. this isnt an AA meeting type of forum, where we gather and learn from each others stories and the such. welcome to racist, misogynist, spergy hell (based) if these words do not meet your morale you are free to leave.
TLDR also ban
wrong place, really. this isnt an AA meeting type of forum, where we gather and learn from each others stories and the such. welcome to racist, misogynist, spergy hell (based) if these words do not meet your morale you are free to leave.
TLDR also ban

Brutal, not even accepted on a forum of societal rejects. Looks like I am destined to live in a hut in the woods Kazcynski style.
Brutal, not even accepted on a forum of societal rejects. Looks like I am destined to live in a hut in the woods Kazcynski style.
No offense bro, but what do you expect? a group of societal rejects, that are autistic, ugly and rejected everywhere gathered together in one internet forum, its not going to be peaceful and loving. We will say and do whatever man. If you cannot get pussy no matter what you do though, you are accepted here (so long as your not gay and not under 18) Take from that what you will. I am just trying to be nice brocel.
I bet your mom said 'dnr' after seeing the miserable little arrangement of bones on your face. In fact I bet she 'dnr' your birth certificate since you were clearly the product of a Congolese back-alley failed abortion in a rotting sewage pile fuck you.
also this is real low. dont take responses to heart. clearly you are too soft to be here if you cant just have some patience with replies. a DNR is almost always guaranteed with a long thread. Your frustration will never change this.
Why the fuck do people on this forum complain about the low quality of posts and then refuse to read any posts that aren't 'kill all niggers' or 'bbc better than whiteoids' or whatever the fuck. I put a lot of effort into telling this, you don't need to say 'dnr' just don't fucking reply to the post faggots. Stupid fucking LARPing 4chan cucks. I bet your mom said 'dnr' after seeing the miserable little arrangement of bones on your face. In fact I bet she 'dnr' your birth certificate since you were clearly the product of a Congolese back-alley failed abortion in a rotting sewage pile fuck you.
I think they currently just wanna PostMaxx, so they end up typing nonsensical shit like:
also this is real low. dont take responses to heart. clearly you are too soft to be here if you cant just have some patience with replies. a DNR is almost always guaranteed with a long thread. Your frustration will never change this.
its not going to be peaceful and loving. We will say and do whatever man
I had 2 chances to ascend with women when I was 14 (over a decade ago), but I refused to do so, cause I was an edgy loner with a rough childhood behind my back.... didn´t know how to deal with women, and I haven´t changed since in that regard
DNR kys fakecel niggERfaggot bitch
DNR kys fakecel niggERfaggot bitch
I've never had a relationship or sex so I don't know how I am a fakecel.
I am more trucel than 99% of this forum probably.
This is the only time I've been friends with a foid and it was because she wanted to make fun of me.
All of my other life experiences include bullying or worse shit.
This doesn't even come close to the top 10 most traumatic experiences I've been through.
also this is real low. dont take responses to heart. clearly you are too soft to be here if you cant just have some patience with replies. a DNR is almost always guaranteed with a long thread. Your frustration will never change this.
I've never had a relationship or sex so I don't know how I am a fakecel.
I am more trucel than 99% of this forum probably.
This is the only time I've been friends with a foid and it was because she wanted to make fun of me.
All of my other life experiences include bullying or worse shit.
This doesn't even come close to the top 10 most traumatic experiences I've been through.
Ban incoming
'I felt bad because you're ugly but I also found it kind of funny'.
tyler the creator goblin GIF
i would have thrown the bracelet at the foid as hard as i could in that scenario, the only issue would be her niggER boyfriend killing me afterwards
I've never had a relationship or sex so I don't know how I am a fakecel.
I am more trucel than 99% of this forum probably.
This is the only time I've been friends with a foid and it was because she wanted to make fun of me.
All of my other life experiences include bullying or worse shit.
This doesn't even come close to the top 10 most traumatic experiences I've been through.
Dog, my ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ONEITIS BRUTALLY REJECTED ME IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE GRADE AND MADE ME THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL. I was TEN YEARS OLD. TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD WHEN I HAD MY ENCOUNTER WITH THE BLACKPILL. My entire middle school and high school experience was exponentially worse year by year. And you think your little relationship even compares to an actual incel experience? If you've had a foid like you back even once, you're a normie fag.
Dog, my ELEMENTARY SCHOOL ONEITIS BRUTALLY REJECTED ME IN FRONT OF THE WHOLE GRADE AND MADE ME THE LAUGHING STOCK OF THE WHOLE SCHOOL. I was TEN YEARS OLD. TEN FUCKING YEARS OLD WHEN I HAD MY ENCOUNTER WITH THE BLACKPILL. My entire middle school and high school experience was exponentially worse year by year. And you think your little relationship even compares to an actual incel experience? If you've had a foid like you back even once, you're a normie fag.
Yes and I'm saying I've experienced similar things. This post is one of the things I'm comfortable enough to share on the forum. There are some things I'd rather not share you know.

Brutal. I'm sorry to hear you experienced that brocel. AWALT.

It must have been awful at 10 years old. I don't know why it's acceptable to bully, mock and harass people just for their looks. It's so fucked in this demented lookist society that your life is shaped by the structure of the bones and the shade of your complexion. I wasn't trying to make it a trucel competition and your experiences are just as valid as mine. Everybody here has (I presume) faced some level of society-wide discrimination based on looks. :feelscry:
Why the fuck do people on this forum complain about the low quality of posts and then refuse to read any posts that aren't 'kill all niggers' or 'bbc better than whiteoids' or whatever the fuck. I put a lot of effort into telling this, you don't need to say 'dnr' just don't fucking reply to the post faggots. Stupid fucking LARPing 4chan cucks. I bet your mom said 'dnr' after seeing the miserable little arrangement of bones on your face.
Over for 20IQcels. In 2025 incels.is will be tiktok-reels style for all the brainrot and attention deficits we have.
"They were making out on the bench." Absolutely brutal. I bet this vile whore is now a single mom addicted to drugs lol.
Yes and I'm saying I've experienced similar things. This post is one of the things I'm comfortable enough to share on the forum. There are some things I'd rather not share you know.

Brutal. I'm sorry to hear you experienced that brocel. AWALT.

It must have been awful at 10 years old. I don't know why it's acceptable to bully, mock and harass people just for their looks. It's so fucked in this demented lookist society that your life is shaped by the structure of the bones and the shade of your complexion. I wasn't trying to make it a trucel competition and your experiences are just as valid as mine. Everybody here has (I presume) faced some level of society-wide discrimination based on looks. :feelscry:
The reason I call you a fakecel is because you even had a female friend like that. Most of us spent our entire goddamn lives having every woman around us look at us with disgust or act like we were invisible. Still sad to be cucked at such a young age regardless
She played with your little cuck heart, but that turned into a catalyst in becoming blackpilled. Now you know no matter how ugly, fat, neurodivergent foids are, they're all the same.
Why the fuck do people on this forum complain about the low quality of posts and then refuse to read any posts that aren't 'kill all niggers' or 'bbc better than whiteoids' or whatever the fuck. I put a lot of effort into telling this, you don't need to say 'dnr' just don't fucking reply to the post faggots. Stupid fucking LARPing 4chan cucks. I bet your mom said 'dnr' after seeing the miserable little arrangement of bones on your face. In fact I bet she 'dnr' your birth certificate since you were clearly the product of a Congolese back-alley failed abortion in a rotting sewage pile fuck you.
Your title is very misleading tbf.
I did read this and I feel the same pain as you do with getting brutally rejected by your oneitis, she’s the same, she’s sorta nerdy likes the same sorta books I do but because I missed out on a few inches in height and millimeters of bone I’ll never get to hold hands or talk to her again. I’m in a horrible spot brocel, nothing else really compares to this pain we must share. I constantly daydream of a world where I’m with her, fuck man.

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