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News The vast majority of race transitioners are apparently white and ethnic teen foids trying to become East Asian.

  • Thread starter WorthlessSlavicShit
  • Start date


Oct 30, 2022

Although a person can in theory be motivated to try to change into any race or ethnicity, the overwhelming majority of the RCTA community wants to be East Asian, and similarly, most race-related subliminals aim to transform listeners into East Asians.
The YouTube account MISU, which has gotten over 30,000 subscribers and nearly 6 million views, was one of the largest subliminals creators catering to the East Asian-hopeful crowd. Since she began making subliminals in 2018, MISU, who claims to be Asian, has leaned heavily into the distinctly Japanese anime aesthetic. Four of her top 10 videos purport to give viewers East Asian features or to help them look more like East Asian influencers and stars, such as Jennie from the K-pop group BlackPink.
Though they do not constitute a full-blown trend, a number of racial subliminal creators have popped up on YouTube in recent years, with videos racking up on average over a half-million views apiece. On TikTok, dozens of accounts have emerged in recent weeks sharing similar goals and aesthetics and documenting what people describe as their race-change journeys.
Just Be Asian for women confirmed, non-noodles on suicide watch subliminals, noodles fog too hard and the only chance other foids have is to assimilate themselves.

Absolutely over for the incel race transitioners tbh, r/racetransition and other such communities had like 20-30 curries trying to be Med/Latino apiece at their peak, meanwhile there's hundreds of thousands/millions of teen white and ethnic girls listening to subliminals hoping to become East Asians.

Since before she hit double digits, Alisa, 15, said she has felt a special connection with Japan. The high school student, who asked to be anonymous for fear of being doxxed online, was born in Ukraine and lives in Maryland, but she now goes by the Japanese name Miyuki and listens to “subliminals” that promise she will wake up and be Japanese. So far, she believes that by listening to YouTube videos with lo-fi music and photos of East Asian facial features while she sleeps, her vision has cleared, her eyelids have become smaller and her hair is just a bit darker.
Least self-hating and foreigner-worshipping Slavic foid:feelsugh:.

Alia, 14, who asked to be anonymous for fear of being doxxed online, was born Egyptian but wants to be Japanese and Korean. She said that after she let YouTube videos featuring images of monolid eyes and ambient music play on repeat while she sleeps, she thought her eyes had developed monolids and she lost roughly 2 pounds overnight.
OK, Egyptians are also self-hating:feelsugh:.

Practitioners of what they call “race change to another,” or RCTA, purport to be able to manifest physical changes in their appearance and even their genetics to become a different race. They tune in to subliminal videos that claim can give them an “East Asian appearance” or “Korean DNA.”

But experts underscore that it is simply impossible to change your race.
Holy shit, really? I had no idea.

Experts agree race is not genetic. But they contend that even though race is a cultural construct, it is impossible to change your race because of the systemic inequalities inherent to being born into a certain race.
David Freund, a historian of race and politics and an associate professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, corroborates the idea that a “biological race” does not exist. What we know today as “race” is a combination of inherited characteristics and cultural traditions passed down through generations, he said.
In addition, Freund said, the modern concept of race is inseparable from the systemic racial hierarchy hundreds of years in the making. Simply put, changing races is not possible, because “biological races” themselves are not real.
Ice Cube Reaction GIF

Narratives clashing lmao:feelskek::feelskek:.

RCTA and transracialism — which came to the forefront because of controversial figures like Rachel Dolezal — have been compared to being transgender. However, psychologists and activists push back against comparisons.

Tiq Milan, a Black transgender activist and writer, said it is a disservice to transgender people to compare the two. Race historically emerged as a social construct to establish a racial hierarchy with the white race at the top, whereas variances in gender identity have existed for thousands of years, he said. “When it comes to who we are as racialized people, it is how we present to the world, but it’s also how people treat you,” Milan said. “It’s not just putting on the hair and the makeup and talking and walking [in] a kind of way. That is fetishizing, and it’s objectifying, and it reduces the beautiful and complicated cultures of people of color.”
This tranny unironically sounds exactly like TERFs when talking about trannies lmao.

For white Americans, racial trauma can take the form of being ashamed for engaging in racism, having failed to stop others from engaging in racism or not having lived up to a nonracist ideal, said Naomi Torres-Mackie, a psychologist at Lenox Hill Hospital in New York. That racial guilt is what she calls “white shame,”
Nope, that's just regular white guilt.

Subliminals that aim to make someone more East Asian can also inadvertently use antiquated, erroneous stereotypes. One subliminal, which has been viewed over 200,000 times, says watching it will give a viewer a “mongoloid skull” — an outdated and harmful anthropological category, according to a 2019 statement by the American Association of Biological Anthropologists. Another subliminal, viewed over 100,000 times, claims to be able to give a viewer a “flat face.”
Imagine thinking that the teen girls watching this stuff care about any of this shit:lul::lul::lul::lul:.

However, concerns about the problematic implications of changing their race seem to have fallen largely on stubborn ears.
You don't say:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Addressing the criticisms of racism, Alisa said those who practice RCTA are not harming anyone: “We only live once, so I think we should do everything we want to do in life, even if others think it’s not OK or you can’t achieve it.”
I don't understand why blonde haired blue eyed foids want to do this shit. They are already on the top of the food chain lol. They can currently walk into any country and be the preferred beauty standards of that country. I don't understand women
I just saw something about this on tv lol
White guilt? What should I feel guilty about? Seriously the cuckism of this clown world amazes me
White girls are honestly retarded. They might almost be as stupid as nigger foids.

@IceStorm @30klhlvwizard @Adolf Hitler @Uggo Mongo
Meh if Asian women can dye their hair blonde and get double monolid surgery then why can't white girls do the reverse ?
Maybe they should write an article about all the noodlewhores cutting their chink eyes to look white, but that would be too politically incorrect :feelsclown:
Asian women are the foid equivalent of the "BBC how can whybois ever compete" meme
White girls trying to look like kpop stars who themselves try to look like white people. It's like the snake eating itself. Literally copying people copying. Really another level of retardation.

I do have a theory though that much of this desire to "become Asian" stems from seeing them as a more stable culture, a more homogeneous people who have an identity and aren't defined by racial guilt. It's just a big form of escapism, taking solace in another culture that seems untouched by the myriad issues of the dying west. The trouble with that is that much of Asia is just as shit, just in different ways, but these weeaboos/koreaboos/chinaboos don't see that, they just see the glamorous kpop, anime and CCP propaganda.

Overall these people are just mega retarded.
Almost as dumb as Women who transition to Tarns Men
No white person wants to become a chink or a shitskinner. Don't shitskins literally put chemicals on their skin to burn it off? Kek. The diversity is our strength propaganda never worked. Hooman rights is a Jew post ⛽ cope to ruin the White Western World. White foids of course fall for this shit and go along whatever trend as they are retarded and empowered.
They should write a article about noodlewhores dyeing their hair blonde and putting on blue contacts.
Average white foids are much to look at.
These aren’t the stacies transitioning
Experts agree race is not genetic. But they contend that even though race is a cultural construct, it is impossible to change your race because of the systemic inequalities inherent to being born into a certain race.
David Freund, a historian of race and politics and an associate professor at the University of Maryland, College Park, corroborates the idea that a “biological race” does not exist. What we know today as “race” is a combination of inherited characteristics and cultural traditions passed down through generations, he said.
In addition, Freund said, the modern concept of race is inseparable from the systemic racial hierarchy hundreds of years in the making. Simply put, changing races is not possible, because “biological races” themselves are not real.
Impressive amounts of mental illness. "Historian of race". Never would have guessed as a child how absolutely retarded the adult world would be.

Brilliant. Honest to god evolution deniers.
>“biological race” does not exist.
>What we know today as “race” is a combination of inherited characteristics and
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Meanwhile noodles are trying to be the "valley white girl" with their hair dying, double lid surgery, skin whitening products.
I do have a theory though that much of this desire to "become Asian" stems from seeing them as a more stable culture, a more homogeneous people who have an identity and aren't defined by racial guilt. It's just a big form of escapism, taking solace in another culture that seems untouched by the myriad issues of the dying west. The trouble with that is that much of Asia is just as shit, just in different ways, but these weeaboos/koreaboos/chinaboos don't see that, they just see the glamorous kpop, anime and CCP propaganda.
Said it perfectly :yes::yes::yes:
White girls trying to look like kpop stars who themselves try to look like white people. It's like the snake eating itself. Literally copying people copying. Really another level of retardation.

I do have a theory though that much of this desire to "become Asian" stems from seeing them as a more stable culture, a more homogeneous people who have an identity and aren't defined by racial guilt. It's just a big form of escapism, taking solace in another culture that seems untouched by the myriad issues of the dying west. The trouble with that is that much of Asia is just as shit, just in different ways, but these weeaboos/koreaboos/chinaboos don't see that, they just see the glamorous kpop, anime and CCP propaganda.

Overall these people are just mega retarded.
loxist jews ruined everything
I don't understand women
White girls trying to look like kpop stars who themselves try to look like white people. It's like the snake eating itself. Literally copying people copying. Really another level of retardation.

After this and the Barbie movie, I've realised that sfcels are 100% tight about how impressionable women are. Could the media convince women to fuck Elliot Rodger? This makes anything seem possible
Matt Walsh provided an explanation for why being transgender is okay with the left but being transracial is not.

If someone is transgender, they are basically guaranteed to vote for Democrats.

But transracialism would allow Asians and whites to claim to be black or Latino in order to circumvent affirmative action in college and hiring.
Matt Walsh provided an explanation for why being transgender is okay with the left but being transracial is not.

If someone is transgender, they are basically guaranteed to vote for Democrats.

But transracialism would allow Asians and whites to claim to be black or Latino in order to circumvent affirmative action in college and hiring.
it is a little ironic because the k-pop stars (because let's be real, no one wants to be some average flat faced gook, they want to be Blackpink, Girl's Generation etc. ) they try to imitate try to imitate white foids, but it ultimately makes sense because this artificial imitation doesn't look like the real thing and it may appear even better to some (an average fatass lardface white foid doesn't look like a whitewashed pop star because duh, they're celebrities, they try to look good and many white features are considered good, but ultimately they imitate an artificial ideal of a white person, not some random redneck)
I see nothing wrong with it: people can look whichever way they like (and can use plastic surgeries to achieve that) and culture is entirely artificial, a social construct, so transitioning race (or even just culture if you take the stance of "race is not real") shouldn't be anything controversial
of course, all human cultures are fairly shit and we should strive for something better, rather than trading one bad option for another one + I'd say Western culture is in general superior, the only worthy opponent would be traditional Chinese culture in some ways but Mao Zedong basically destroyed it and the Chinese are an empty shell, even worse than Westerners, the current culture of Communist China is about 70 years old and it's crap; the Japanese (and the Taiwanese who have a better claim to the original Chinese culture than Communist China) preserve parts of it way better and their own culture has some valuable parts, but imo nothing comes close to Ancient Greeks and Universalist (Latin-speaking, I mean more Enlightenment than Medieval, but both are respectable) Europe -- you could say that after WW2 Europe (and the US) cut the ties with this culture and we're in a similar situation to CCP China, but if we're larping either way, might as well choose the superior option + you're "larping" as your ancestors, so you don't need surgeries (ultimately I think we should just create a new global culture instead of looking back or to the sides)
but yeah, especially if you don't believe in biological races, so you only see it as a culture/nationality transition, I see nothing to be angry about: people can migrate, learn a language and assimilate; if an Asian person can move to the US, learn English, wear Western clothes, get a citizenship, assimilate, maybe join a local redneck True™ Baptist Church of Jesus Christ® and be considered fully American, there's really no argument for the reverse
you can complain about the stereotypes associated with the changes in looks (although it'd be pretty insane to pretend Asians don't have any distinctive features, cos then how would racism even exist?), but it's an entirely linguistic issue: if someone wants a monolid, dark eyes, dark hair and a moonface, why not? if may seem vain, but colored contact lenses, hair dyes and plastic surgeries were made for people, issues with using them are a matter of very subjective standards
for me it's stupid because we shouldn't try to imitate imperfect humans: imitate Greek heroes, God/Jesus, My Little Pony characters, strive to be better; why try to look Asian when you can create your own superior aesthetic of a race-to-come? why imitate imperfect human cultures and learn natural languages, when you can create your own culture-to-come, learn Lojban, Esperanto, Interlingua or create your own conlang? go ahead and study languages and cultures to expand your worldview (Koine (or other Ancient form of) Greek, Latin, Classical Chinese, Classical Arabic, (Old/Middle) Persian, Aramaic, Japanese, even modern languages, whatever), but be critical, acknowledge no culture was/is ever perfect, don't try to imitate it, instead create something better and new based on it
I myself bleach my skin, use skin lightening (and imitating ginger skin i.e. stronger blush, lips, overall warm tone), paint henna freckles, often dye my hair ginger (temporary dyes), hell, maybe I'll learn Irish or other Celtic language at some point, but I'm my own being who likes a particular aesthetic, I don't want to become a Catholic potato-eating drunkard to become a stereotypical Irish person or roam forests in druid robes to larp as a Celt, kek, maybe I'll dye my hair blue/violet, paint violet freckles and put glitter on my face to become a member of the sparkle race, don't imitate imperfect humans, be your own thing and if you're inspired by some culture or look, integrate it, but don't change your identity
NO its koreans trying to look slightly whiter
this is all from k-pop and anime lmao

Just Be Asian for women confirmed, non-noodles on suicide watch subliminals, noodles fog too hard and the only chance other foids have is to assimilate themselves.

Absolutely over for the incel race transitioners tbh, r/racetransition and other such communities had like 20-30 curries trying to be Med/Latino apiece at their peak, meanwhile there's hundreds of thousands/millions of teen white and ethnic girls listening to subliminals hoping to become East Asians.

Least self-hating and foreigner-worshipping Slavic foid:feelsugh:.

OK, Egyptians are also self-hating:feelsugh:.

Holy shit, really? I had no idea.

Ice Cube Reaction GIF

Narratives clashing lmao:feelskek::feelskek:.

This tranny unironically sounds exactly like TERFs when talking about trannies lmao.

Nope, that's just regular white guilt.

Imagine thinking that the teen girls watching this stuff care about any of this shit:lul::lul::lul::lul:.

You don't say:feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:.

Imagine changing race. What self hatred and insecurities does someone have to have.
View: https://youtu.be/uqz_6J9zE5s?si=9YmMGZTXIoKtIbt2

View: https://youtu.be/lG9Q2_Hv83k?si=cuYZHD-t_anDieXj

View: https://youtu.be/YJg8s8NG2KQ?si=aXk_vLvq2EJdFMEJ

View: https://youtu.be/YsCguRjUVqk?si=ngRosz3ZdHqWVxYz

View: https://youtu.be/kkkKTBw7EjU?si=1vombZhRT_dd4mkI

View: https://youtu.be/tC2vrXPj36c?si=7fZwxd_UDQkOb-V6
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it's indians men trying to pass as med or hipanic

bluepilled post

ethnics who try to iject chemicals into their own skin to look whiter are blackpilled and smart but whites who do so are just legit retarded
it's indians men trying to pass as med or hipanic

bluepilled post

ethnics who try to iject chemicals into their own skin to look whiter are blackpilled and smart but whites who do so are just legit retarded
Race tranny's are the same people that will spew actual retard rhetoric like, "I don't see color. We're all the same on the inside."

Then they go and get a surgery to get monolids and make their eyes squinty. You sure showed us, guys. :feelskek:
Matt Walsh provided an explanation for why being transgender is okay with the left but being transracial is not.

If someone is transgender, they are basically guaranteed to vote for Democrats.

But transracialism would allow Asians and whites to claim to be black or Latino in order to circumvent affirmative action in college and hiring.
It's all about the Benjamins $$$
White women trying to look like asian women who are trying to look like white women :feelskek:

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