Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.




Prince of Incels
May 1, 2018
fuck you.

you hate us bc were misogynists, bc were negative, bc were angry, bc were weird.

but wat u faggots dont understand is that U MADE US THIS WAY!

go back to elementary middle and high school. remember that kid who got picked on? the ugly weird one? the one everyone hated even tho he didnt do anythin? remember all the shit talk u heard everyone say?

hes a bitch

he has no friends

hes poor

hes retarded

hes a pussy

hes gay

hes ugly af

LMAO i bet u mutha fuckaz said the same shit too. mayb not. mayb u just laughed and nodded ur stupid head. or maybe u just ignored all of it includin us thinkin ur polite or somethin. i dont kno wat was worse. gettin picked on and havin that painful attention or bein ignored by everyone like i was nothin. like i didnt exist. like i never mattered. we were rejected by society since we were kids.


all u mutha fuckin hyprocrites preachin bout how we need to accept ppl and be inclusive and love each other BUT WAT THE FUCK DID U DO?!!

i dont remember anyone standin up for me.

i dont remember anyone offerin to b my friend.

i dont even remember the mutha fuckin teacher carin bout wat happened to me as long as it wasnt too srs.

you kno what i remember? i remember the pain.

i remember buyin cool clothes to try to fit in and gettin laughed at because i wasnt good looking enough.

i remember tryin to be helpful in class and lettin them copy my work and still bein hated.

i remember tryin out for football and gettin laughed at for tryin.

i remember askin out stacey who said EWWWWWW and her friends laughin and makin fun of stacey for it.

i remember askin out nerdy girls who didnt say shit and just walked away like i didnt just ask them out to the dance.

i remember tryin to buy weed so i could offer it to the stoners but even the nigger drug dealers wouldnt take my money.

i remember bein angry at my dad who didnt want to buy me a new BMW bc i thought a cool car would get me friends.

i remember standin up for myself against chad talkin shit and gettin my ass kicked by him and the football team.

i remember the fake rumors.

i remember even the teacher makin fun of me in class and the entire class laughin.

i remember no one givin a shit about me.

did u invite us to ur cool parties?

did u include us in ur study groups?

what about a place to sit durin lunch?

did u love us back then like u say u love and accept everyone today?

did u at the very least see us as fuckin human beings who felt pain everyday of our miserable existence and prayed to the god who wasnt there for a way out?


our pain continued day after day, year after year. some of us ended it but most of us are still here.

now that lonely kid grew up into a lonely man and hes fuckin hateful. all hes wonderin is y him? y the fuck did everyone hate him? he didnt do anythin. all he wanted was to be accepted by one of them but they all rejected him. why?

he was brainwashed with the lies from school, society and his parents. they all said ppl are nice and that if u treat them like u want to be treated everything will be fine. he treated them right but he never got the same treatment back EVER.

y him?

y not someone else?

y did they do all of that mean shit to him?

y the fuck didnt u normalfaggots reading this stop the abuse?

y the fuck didnt anyone stop the abuse?

that lonely man continues to go thru life rejected. and hes still wonderin y me? then he finds the truth no one wanted to tell him. its because he didnt look normal like everyone else. its because his chin was too recessed or his face was assymetrical or his big ass nose or his bug eyes or his lazy eye or he was shortest guy in school. mayb a combo. his physical features led to his agony. it led to him finding out about halo effect and how good looking ppl are treated better and are seen as more intelligent, charming and capable. thats why stupid chad can get a good payin job after college with a 2.5 GPA. chad joined the right frat full of other chads who allowed him access to there network. the lonely man rushed too but didnt get a single bid bc all the frats thought he was weird and would lower there value.

the lonely man was told all his life women didnt care about looks but personality. but y did they all make the same mistake of sleepin with the abusive douchebag? he was nice, would be there for them and loyal too! no no no, he was just not there type teehee! someday a woman will be lucky to have him. but not her. she wants chad even if he cheats on her. he found out online about preselection. how women want men who are desired by other women. that lead to him findin about herd mentality in females. how there emotional, lack logic and the manipulation they all use on guys. how they lead there orbiters on and laugh at them for bein attracted to her. he found out about hypergamy and his low value would never get a girl to love him genuinely even a girl who is ugly as him because of that hole between her legs.

he finally comes across a community of ppl who suffered like him and have no hope like him. a place where he can vent about the frustrations of life in peace and be left alone.

and now u mutha fuckaz come to our turf to harrass and mock us just like our bullies did.

tellin us were wrong

tellin us were losers

tellin us were virgins

tellin us were ugly

tellin us were stupid

tellin us we deserve to die


thats why were here.

we dont have anything in this fuckin world but this place and u still need to take that away from us.

fuck you.

fuck your liberal subversive kike virtue signalin.

fuck your stupid brain right now tryin to rationalize how we were treated by you!

oh u once said hi to us??? great! thanks faggot. its not like i couldve used ur help when chad and his friends beat me then spit in my face in front of everyone. no u said hi so thats ok. that makes up for everything while u stood by and watched as we were bein persecuted. you faggots care more about psycho tranny pronouns than u do about us.

u reap wat u sow. ill never encourage anyone to go ER but i understand y there doin it. i even pray they find peace in the afterlife bc of all the hell we go thru everyday.

we will never know the love of a woman, who genuinely love us for who we are

we will never make our own family

we will never hear a child call us dad

we will never be respected

we will never be accepted

we will never be happy

all because a random combination of genes from our parents.
can you not write an entire essay
correct, when they see this stuff they know its true but they choose to ignore it.
As if any normie would ever have the patience to read more than three lines of text.
death to stacies and chads.. enslavement for normies.
Jesus man that hit too hard...but please next time try to type correctly
User was warned for this post.
to all you lurkers.. suck my spic cock.... if you are white i want you to know i want to destroy your race and take all your women. if you are black i want you to know i think there's a way bigger percentage of niggers in your population so slavery is necessary. to all you spics fuck off i might be one of you but i should be your Caesar. TO ALL YOU KIKES WHO ARE DIRECTLY BEHIND THIS FUCK YOU.. DEATH TO KIKES. GENE EDIT OUT THE KIKES GENES!!!!!! THEY SLUMBER IN A LOT OF NORMIES.
Agree with everything you say. Being an incel is NOT something voluntary. We were MADE that way, by all the fucking person who bullied us, mocked us, etc. When you're mocked every day, how can you be happy ? How could you want to be nice with people?
You made us the way we are, and yet you make fun of us, you hate us for what we are.
THIS IS COMPLETELY UNFAIR ! We did not choose our life. You made us the way we are, and you despise us the way we are. It's like we were fucked the day we were born, because of your absolute nonsense bullshit.
@ Guests & CuckTears
Good post. But the normies will just read this and laugh at us, as they always have.
Good post. But the normies will just read this and laugh at us, as they always have.
Yes most of them will, but the message will subconsciently spread even if they don't realize. Thats why big things start with stupid small ideas.
hes a bitch

he has no friends

hes poor

hes retarded

hes a pussy

hes gay

hes ugly af

I was actually called every single one of these words at high school, multiple times. This post is reminding me of the bad times :feelsrope:
I bet this is an @eliotrogerhere alt account
post of the week
You literally described incelteara faggots in that OP. They were bullied, sidelined outcast losers too which is why they ended up on an obscure reddit subforum.
I think nobody has ever encapsulated the struggle as well as you did. Well put.

It wasn't easy. Still isn't.
Jesus man that hit too hard...but please next time try to type correctly
I can type professionally but I am not at work so i just type like this bc im tired af even tho im on vacay. if youd like u can retype it using better spellin and shit. in fact id appreciate it if u did so ppl can read it better. email me with the corrections and ill edit the op.
Brings a tear to my eye. Amen, my dude.
sticky this so those faggots read this. they wont talk about this on there retarded reddit bc they kno damn well they helped mold us.
Cho was made. Todd was made. Stack was made. Aghdam was made. Harris & Klebold were made. But us? It's a "choice" to be what we are. For reasons the Normans don't actually wanna talk about. Cho writes a whole manifesto, page upon page of hatefics and torture porn, talks about how his soul was lit on fire. And while people don't like what he did, they'll extend enough understanding to him to admit that this only happened because life and mental handicaps fucked him up. So why not us? We, who are equally fucked up, if not moreso?
there afraid. our ideas are spreadin and ppl r seein the light. even fullchan /pol/ has blackpill supporters there. faggot mods ban them bc muh white womyn but were spreadin. just like white nationalism has every white family talkin bout it, the black pill will have every man talkin bout it. day of the rope soon.
"i remember bein angry at my dad who didnt want to buy me a new BMW bc i thought a cool car would get me friends."

Upper middle class white kid/first world problems. Aside from that, legit post.
Truer words were never spoken. A past like this is why I do condone and encourage the bullied to go ER on their bullies and coward teachers.
"i remember bein angry at my dad who didnt want to buy me a new BMW bc i thought a cool car would get me friends."

Upper middle class white kid/first world problems. Aside from that, legit post.
Every incel is entitled to a cool BMW.
Upper middle class white kid/first world problems.
honestly i think its harder bein incel when ur family is well off. ill go into detail at some point but opsec is extremely important to me. my dad would beat me then disown me if he found me postin here.

Every incel is entitled to a cool BMW.
and a blonde blue eyed virgin stacey
normies must PAY for what they have done to us. They can not get away with this. We must infliict revenge in the most legal way possible.
to all you lurkers.. suck my spic cock.... if you are white i want you to know i want to destroy your race and take all your women. if you are black i want you to know i think there's a way bigger percentage of niggers in your population so slavery is necessary. to all you spics fuck off i might be one of you but i should be your Caesar. TO ALL YOU KIKES WHO ARE DIRECTLY BEHIND THIS FUCK YOU.. DEATH TO KIKES. GENE EDIT OUT THE KIKES GENES!!!!!! THEY SLUMBER IN A LOT OF NORMIES.
You know the incel tears types are nodding their heads in unison, yep, I'm so glad I wasn't a friend to this freak.

No understanding, no sympathy whatsoever.

If you wanted friends, that's just toxic masculinity. You have zero entitlement to society. Nobody owes you anything. This is brutal market feminism.
Every incel was happy and adjusted once. Every one of them. But whether it be from the abuses of life, or the struggle of getting through a relatively non-abusive life from the perspective of whatever mentalcel handicaps were foisted upon them, they turned into what they are today.

"All I want is a friend, but I feel like I'm not allowed to be sensitive or feel lonely" is something that Normans, ordinarily, would sympathize with. So when no one, no one at all, reaches out and says "Hey man, I'll be your friend," how is the Incel-in-waiting supposed to react? How are they supposed to feel about being friendless and isolated? Incel ideology isn't "taught." This forum isn't corrupting anyone. The views stated here came about from life. Normans, you don't have to agree with them. But Incels.me didn't teach hate. Life brought that hate about because that's what prolonged personal anguish does to a person.
honestly i think its harder bein incel when ur family is well off. ill go into detail at some point but opsec is extremely important to me. my dad would beat me then disown me if he found me postin here.

and a blonde blue eyed virgin stacey

I'm just saying would you rather be a poorcel who grew up with your parents always driving 10+ year old hoopties and who had to work a shitty McJob for months to buy your own first hooptie
Probably one of the best threads I've seen here. Too bad vast majority of normalfags don't have the attention span to read anything more than 2 sentences.
Probably one of the best threads I've seen here. Too bad vast majority of normalfags don't have the attention span to read anything more than 2 sentences.
I don't have the attention span to read past "fuck you" :feelsrope: My brain has rotted.
I don't have the attention span to read past "fuck you" :feelsrope: My brain has rotted.
Read a good blackpilled book that sucks you in and you might recover. Internet addiction makes anyone who has it un-recognizable to normalfags, It's over if you post in this forum.
fuck you.

you hate us bc were misogynists, bc were negative, bc were angry, bc were weird.

but wat u faggots dont understand is that U MADE US THIS WAY!

go back to elementary middle and high school. remember that kid who got picked on? the ugly weird one? the one everyone hated even tho he didnt do anythin? remember all the shit talk u heard everyone say?

hes a bitch

he has no friends

hes poor

hes retarded

hes a pussy

hes gay

hes ugly af

LMAO i bet u mutha fuckaz said the same shit too. mayb not. mayb u just laughed and nodded ur stupid head. or maybe u just ignored all of it includin us thinkin ur polite or somethin. i dont kno wat was worse. gettin picked on and havin that painful attention or bein ignored by everyone like i was nothin. like i didnt exist. like i never mattered. we were rejected by society since we were kids.


all u mutha fuckin hyprocrites preachin bout how we need to accept ppl and be inclusive and love each other BUT WAT THE FUCK DID U DO?!!

i dont remember anyone standin up for me.

i dont remember anyone offerin to b my friend.

i dont even remember the mutha fuckin teacher carin bout wat happened to me as long as it wasnt too srs.

you kno what i remember? i remember the pain.

i remember buyin cool clothes to try to fit in and gettin laughed at because i wasnt good looking enough.

i remember tryin to be helpful in class and lettin them copy my work and still bein hated.

i remember tryin out for football and gettin laughed at for tryin.

i remember askin out stacey who said EWWWWWW and her friends laughin and makin fun of stacey for it.

i remember askin out nerdy girls who didnt say shit and just walked away like i didnt just ask them out to the dance.

i remember tryin to buy weed so i could offer it to the stoners but even the nigger drug dealers wouldnt take my money.

i remember bein angry at my dad who didnt want to buy me a new BMW bc i thought a cool car would get me friends.

i remember standin up for myself against chad talkin shit and gettin my ass kicked by him and the football team.

i remember the fake rumors.

i remember even the teacher makin fun of me in class and the entire class laughin.

i remember no one givin a shit about me.

did u invite us to ur cool parties?

did u include us in ur study groups?

what about a place to sit durin lunch?

did u love us back then like u say u love and accept everyone today?

did u at the very least see us as fuckin human beings who felt pain everyday of our miserable existence and prayed to the god who wasnt there for a way out?


our pain continued day after day, year after year. some of us ended it but most of us are still here.

now that lonely kid grew up into a lonely man and hes fuckin hateful. all hes wonderin is y him? y the fuck did everyone hate him? he didnt do anythin. all he wanted was to be accepted by one of them but they all rejected him. why?

he was brainwashed with the lies from school, society and his parents. they all said ppl are nice and that if u treat them like u want to be treated everything will be fine. he treated them right but he never got the same treatment back EVER.

y him?

y not someone else?

y did they do all of that mean shit to him?

y the fuck didnt u normalfaggots reading this stop the abuse?

y the fuck didnt anyone stop the abuse?

that lonely man continues to go thru life rejected. and hes still wonderin y me? then he finds the truth no one wanted to tell him. its because he didnt look normal like everyone else. its because his chin was too recessed or his face was assymetrical or his big ass nose or his bug eyes or his lazy eye or he was shortest guy in school. mayb a combo. his physical features led to his agony. it led to him finding out about halo effect and how good looking ppl are treated better and are seen as more intelligent, charming and capable. thats why stupid chad can get a good payin job after college with a 2.5 GPA. chad joined the right frat full of other chads who allowed him access to there network. the lonely man rushed too but didnt get a single bid bc all the frats thought he was weird and would lower there value.

the lonely man was told all his life women didnt care about looks but personality. but y did they all make the same mistake of sleepin with the abusive douchebag? he was nice, would be there for them and loyal too! no no no, he was just not there type teehee! someday a woman will be lucky to have him. but not her. she wants chad even if he cheats on her. he found out online about preselection. how women want men who are desired by other women. that lead to him findin about herd mentality in females. how there emotional, lack logic and the manipulation they all use on guys. how they lead there orbiters on and laugh at them for bein attracted to her. he found out about hypergamy and his low value would never get a girl to love him genuinely even a girl who is ugly as him because of that hole between her legs.

he finally comes across a community of ppl who suffered like him and have no hope like him. a place where he can vent about the frustrations of life in peace and be left alone.

and now u mutha fuckaz come to our turf to harrass and mock us just like our bullies did.

tellin us were wrong

tellin us were losers

tellin us were virgins

tellin us were ugly

tellin us were stupid

tellin us we deserve to die


thats why were here.

we dont have anything in this fuckin world but this place and u still need to take that away from us.

fuck you.

fuck your liberal subversive kike virtue signalin.

fuck your stupid brain right now tryin to rationalize how we were treated by you!

oh u once said hi to us??? great! thanks faggot. its not like i couldve used ur help when chad and his friends beat me then spit in my face in front of everyone. no u said hi so thats ok. that makes up for everything while u stood by and watched as we were bein persecuted. you faggots care more about psycho tranny pronouns than u do about us.

u reap wat u sow. ill never encourage anyone to go ER but i understand y there doin it. i even pray they find peace in the afterlife bc of all the hell we go thru everyday.

we will never know the love of a woman, who genuinely love us for who we are

we will never make our own family

we will never hear a child call us dad

we will never be respected

we will never be accepted

we will never be happy

all because a random combination of genes from our parents.

Some mod better fucking pin/sticky this post immediately
They know and they don't care.
3 days and no one on cuck tears mentioned this thread. its too true so they ignore it so they can feel better bout themselves. all of them did what i mentioned

LMAO i bet u mutha fuckaz said the same shit too. mayb not. mayb u just laughed and nodded ur stupid head. or maybe u just ignored all of it includin us thinkin ur polite or somethin.
bump for school shootin

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