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Blackpill To Those That Are Religious - Your God Even Made Getting To Heaven Easier For Chad & Stacey



Feb 28, 2018
Its easier for someone who is physically attractive to live a "Godly life" and make it into heaven, they can spend their younger years thoroughly enjoying degeneracy, "find God" like most Christians conveniently after getting to "have their fill" of degeneracy, "settle down" and still get to enjoy some degeneracy "within the sanctity of marriage" and they still get to go to heaven even though they lived lives 100 times more degenerate than us.

That's another black pill for you, Chad even has it easier with respects to getting into heaven because everyone is going to sin, but Chad gets to enjoy sinning to an extent that he doesn't feel like he's "missing out" in his later years, while guys like us are escortceling in our 30's and up to make up for lost time and experiences never had, he's starting a family with that Stacey he met at a college gangbang and started dating, and becoming a "man of God" JFL this world is ridiculous when you really think about it.

Your God has practically almost set in stone that he's sent you to hell, even before you were born and were being formed in the womb, because by being unattractive God has set you up for a life where you will be "chasing sin and degeneracy" into your old age, while Chad and Stacey have already "sowed their wild oats" and thoroughly enjoyed degeneracy and are now moving on to living a "Godly Life".
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If there is a god, surely those who look upon me will stand to know why he does not deserve our worship.
Jfl at religiouscels becoming 'godly' after their years of hardcore degeneracy. The irony is comical
god is both destroyer and creator. he wants us to suffer and take it. always remain pure. unless im' a chad then i can fuck any girl
Christians are typically stupid, but you have to be mentally handicapped to be incel and Christian at the same time.

How can incel Christcucks believe in an all-good, all-powerful, all-wise god when their faces are so f-king ugly? If they had higher IQ's, they'd be using the pages of the holy bible for toilet paper, which is the only thing that nonsense is good for.
religiouscels will say they will burn in hell kek we incels are already living in hell
The idea of an incel embracing religion seems bizarre. If you're so bitter and angry, how can you believe in some wonderful omnipotent being? God sounds like a real ass-hole to me!

I've read that evolution, ironically, may be responsible for religion. Apparently it was something that acted as a soother for miserable, ignorant people as well as a social bond in tribes. Some people just have that need for religion I suppose, and no amount of logic can convince them otherwise. Feelings aren't logical after all.

But I don't know - I hate women, but I don't blame them. They're following their genetic code, the same as I am. It's just an unfortunate circumstance that the two genetic directives contradict each other.
religiouscels will say they will burn in hell kek we incels are already living in hell
How can their be anything worse than what we already experience daily
But the majority of inhabitants of jannah are poor people. They will enter first, and Christianity is not even the right religion, is cucked, Jesus only came for the children of israel, the bible has changed throughout history becoming a man made book basically, the likes of our great scholars like Ahmed deedat expose and destroyed Christian pastors in debates. Also the church doesn't even follow the bible, one of your books forbid alcohol yet some Christians drink alcohol in the churches, the teaching of the church is different from the bible

Here's my Ahmed deedat (rip) cleaning up these fools in debates

Other guys like dr Zakir naik that are masters in comparative religion have won many debates and answered so many questions

Also your statement is flawed people who sinned at young age will have very hard time getting on track since they have been damaged spiritually causing it sometimes to be permanent, but you can keep coping. So many ugly subhuman Muslims that are out there happy and living peaceful and content lives.
But the majority of inhabitants of jannah are poor people. They will enter first, and Christianity is not even the right religion, is cucked, Jesus only came for the children of israel, the bible has changed throughout history becoming a man made book basically, the likes of our great scholars like Ahmed deedat expose and destroyed Christian pastors in debates. Also the church doesn't even follow the bible, one of your books forbid alcohol yet some Christians drink alcohol in the churches, the teaching of the church is different from the bible

Here's my Ahmed deedat (rip) cleaning up these fools in debates

Other guys like dr Zakir naik that are masters in comparative religion have won many debates and answered so many questions

Also your statement is flawed people who sinned at young age will have very hard time getting on track since they have been damaged spiritually causing it sometimes to be permanent, but you can keep coping. So many ugly subhuman Muslims that are out there happy and living peaceful and content lives.

JFL at this coping religiouscel, just the kind of guy I was talking about, stop coping dude, its bullshit, reminds me of the quote that says its easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich my to enter into heaven, all these books are written to keep the poor "docile and cooperative" moron, anybody with common sense can see its obviously the opposite and its easier for rich people to enter heaven than poor people. Guess who likely never commits the act of theft, murder, etc in their entire life A GUY BORN INTO A RICH FAMILY.

Lets say you were an evil man and acquired your riches through sinful deeds, guess what, with the comfy life you have now, you can "truly repent" and never commit those sins ever again, while a poor person will have to sin everyday and repent endlessly as they steal to simply be able to buy food and clothing. Your children like I mentioned above, being born into a rich family are less likely to commit crimes, so you've pretty much made it so your children are very likely going to heaven.

Getting into heaven is easier for rich and good looking people, and if you are both, you are God damn lucky, you're pretty much set for heaven.

Oh and your whole "people who sinned at a young age will have a very hard time getting on track" is bullshit, everyone I know who lived a "sinful normie life" is now a normal well adjusted individual, in fully committed monogamous relationships, some even have children already, they attend church often, etc. Stop coping, the key to not being a degenerate is ironically to enjoy degeneracy until you've "gotten it out of your system". That's literally the purpose of your "teenage years", that's why the phrase "sowing your wild oats" even exists, and we all here missed out on that important phase of life, so were still stuck in the "degeneracy phase" for decades, and for some of us we'll never be out of it because the void is always there of not having experienced those things in your youth, experiencing "young love", taking a girls virginity, etc.

Were always going to crave these things, to make it worse it fills us with rage so we'll do more than sexual degeneracy, well even kill people, or at least want to. Stop coping man, your God fucked you over, Chad is getting into heaven whether you like it or not, Chad even FAITHMOGS incels JFL.
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JFL at this coping religiouscel, just the kind of guy I was talking about, stop coping dude, its bullshit, reminds me of the quote that says its easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than fro a rich my to enter into heaven, all these books are written to keep the poor "docile and cooperative" moron, anybody with common sense can see its the obvious. Guess who likely never commits the act of theft, murder, etc in their entire life A GUY BORN INTO A RICH FAMILY.

Lets say you were an evil man and acquired your riches through sinful deeds, guess what, with the comfy life you have now you can "truly repent" and never commit those sins ever again, while a poor person will have to sin everyday and repent endlessly as they steal to simply be able to buy food and clothing.

Getting into heaven is easier for rich and good looking people, and if you are both, you are God damn lucky, you're pretty much set for heaven.

Oh and your whole "people who sinned at a young age will have a very hard time getting on track" is bullshit, everyone I know who lived a "sinful normie life" is now a normal well adjusted individual, in fully committed monogamous relationships, some even have children already, they attend church often, etc. Stop coping, the key to not being a degenerate is ironically to enjoy degeneracy until you've "gotten it out of your system". That's literally the purpose of your "teenage years", that's why the phrase "sowing your wild oats" even exists, and we all here missed out on that important phase of life, so were still stuck in the "degeneracy phase" for decades, and for some of us we'll never be out of it because the void is always there of not having experienced those things in your youth, experiencing "young love", taking a girls virginity, etc.

Were always going to crave these things, to make it worse it fills us with rage so we'll do more than sexual degeneracy, well even kill people, or at least want to. Stop coping man, your God fucked you over, Chad is getting into heaven whether you like it or not, Chad even FAITHMOGS incels JFL.
I think you are the one coping, I traveled the world for religious reasons and have much more knowledge than you in terms of comparative religion. I have seen and known a lot, and jfl I'm not even talking about Christianity all those fucks are going to hell anyways following a man made religion, we have so many Islamic scholars proving Jesus is not god, so whatever you say about religion has no merit, I'm speaking from an Islamic perspective the only true perspective, and all of the most best Muslims right know that follow the true guidelines of islam are subhuman pakis,curries and indonesians and other parts of Southeast Asia. Not some. Goodlooking people are more prone to sins, it's harder for a chad to avoid fornication or adultery. Poor people in Islam are usually the most pious right know, don't know about other chucked religions
God knows if you're bullshitting him or not, if people think they can get away with being degenerates simply by begging for forgiveness after they've hit the wall then you've got another thing coming god isn't some social worker you can bullshit and get welfare from. The bible does say that it's easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than a rich man (which a chad will mostly likely be) to make it to heaven and there's a reason for this.
I think you are the one coping, I traveled the world for religious reasons and have much more knowledge than you in terms of comparative religion. I have seen and known a lot, and jfl I'm not even talking about Christianity all those fucks are going to hell anyways following a man made religion, we have so many Islamic scholars proving Jesus is not god, so whatever you say about religion has no merit, I'm speaking from an Islamic perspective the only true perspective, and all of the most best Muslims right know that follow the true guidelines of islam are subhuman pakis,curries and indonesians and other parts of Southeast Asia. Not some. Goodlooking people are more prone to sins, it's harder for a chad to avoid fornication or adultery. Poor people in Islam are usually the most pious right know, don't know about other chucked religions

Problem with your logic here is those people are only so strict with the guidelines because Islam is a "dictatorship" type of religion that isn't peaceful in the least, which is what makes the "Islam is a religion of peace" quote so funny, its like when feminists say "feminism is for equality", it just makes you say to yourself - "who are you trying to convince, me or you, because repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true".

When gays are being thrown off from the top of buildings and killed for being gay it isn't a great feat of proof for the religion that homosexual degeneracy isn't rampant and blatantly open in their societies, Islam isn't a "better" religion, its just one to actually be feared, in fact the ONLY religion to be feared. I mean you can literally be killed for apostasy (leaving the religion).

Are you a fucking idiot, the only reason people are so strict to their Islamic faith IS FEAR and SOCIETALLY IMPOSED RESTRICTIONS. It would be like me going back to the 1930's and looking at the women of those times and saying - "see, women like staying at home and not working, they like not being able to vote and own property, I mean quite obviously they do" lol.

A religion that holds people at gun point doesn't get to boast about how "comitted" its followers are, of course the are committed idiot, THEY ARE FEARFUL FOR THEIR LIVES.

When Islam stops committing mass terrorism, stops killing people for sins, etc, and it still keeps the dedicated following it has, then I'll agree with you, but you and I both know those are the only things keeping its followers in line, FEAR (not the love of God BUT FEAR).
modern day Christianity is so cucked
Problem with your logic here is those people are only so strict with the guidelines because Islam is a "dictatorship" type of religion that isn't peaceful in the least, which is what makes the "Islam is a religion of peace" quote so funny, its like when feminists say "feminism is for equality", it just makes you say to yourself - "who are you trying to convince, me or you, because repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true".

When gays are being thrown off from the top of buildings and killed for being gay it isn't a great feat of proof for the religion that homosexual degeneracy isn't rampant and blatantly open in their societies, Islam isn't a "better" religion, its just one to actually be feared, in fact the ONLY religion to be feared. I mean you can literally be killed for apostasy (leaving the religion).

Are you a fucking idiot, the only reason people are so strict to their Islamic faith IS FEAR and SOCIETALLY IMPOSED RESTRICTIONS. It would be like me going back to the 1930's and looking at the women of those times and saying - "see, women like staying at home and not working, they like not being able to vote and own property, I mean quite obviously they do" lol.

A religion that holds people at gun point doesn't get to boast about how "comitted" its followers are, of course the are committed idiot, THEY ARE FEARFUL FOR THEIR LIVES.

When Islam stops committing mass terrorism, stops killing people for sins, etc, and it still keeps the dedicated following it has, then I'll agree with you, but you and I both know those are the only things keeping its followers in line, FEAR (not the love of God BUT FEAR).
Lol low iq ranting about political arabs and isis thinking that's true Islam. Not all of us are terrorists
God knows if you're bullshitting him or not, if people think they can get away with being degenerates simply by begging for forgiveness after they've hit the wall then you've got another thing coming god isn't some social worker you can bullshit and get welfare from.

I don't think you get what I'm saying, the sinister thing about this shit IS THAT THEY AREN'T FAKING IT, they genuinely feel bad, and want to turn their lives around, and want to stop being degenerate, that's whats so convenient about it, they've had their fill, and they get to now be tired of it BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD THEIR FILL.

That's the fucked up irony of this all, they've found a loophole and not being aware of that gets them into heaven, they are PASSIVELY AND UNCONSCIOUSLY DECEIVING GOD.

Anybody here ever watch Code Geass (anime), well if you haven't long story short the main character has the ability to give a single command (only once) to anyone that looks into his eye when his geass is activated, they follow the command no matter what. Now in an episode he is going up against a mind reader, guess how he beats the mind reader, he uses the power on himself while looking in a mirror and makes himself forget the plan he came up with to defeat him and had his partners execute it behind the scenes.

Do you get what my point is with this little story, if not i'll get to the point, the normies, chads and stacies that lived degenerate lives are the main character, the "geass trick" they use on themselves is religion, God is the mind reader, so see it doesn't matter if God knows your thoughts if your thoughts are genuinely changed. The difference in this scenario though is that they don't consciously change their thoughts, they do it passively, without even knowing.

They aren't thinking - "ha ha I'm gonna enjoy having threesomes for a few more years and then stop doing these things and trick God into liking me lol"

They legitimately become "children of God" and stop sinning, that's the thing you're scared to admit to yourself because it destroys your entire world few, this "Just World" fallacy a lot of us here are still attached to

The thing you don't want to admit to yourself is that normies, chads and stacies as the years go by will genuinely want to "find God" and "be a good person", they will change their lives, and they will become individuals that God acknowledges as "his children", and like that they'll get into heaven even while living lives of pure ecstasy that we can only dream of, this world is a rigged game JFL.
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Christian girls say that god forbids "fornication," and that they want to save themselves for their husbands in marriage.

When what is really going on is that they are using a religious excuse to reject the ugly young men, while they put out for Chads before marriage.

In the early 1980's I knew a really religious girl who did just that.
Lol low iq ranting about political arabs and isis thinking that's true Islam. Not all of us are terrorists

I never said you were all terrorists, nice strawman, and you clearly didn't read my post properly, your bias is showing, but what did I expect from someone blinded by religion, especially one such as Islam. Your religion itself is run by terror, people are afraid to leave the religion and people are afraid to break its rules, because that can often mean death. So again I repeat, such a religion run by fear boasting about how dedicated its following is seems like trolling to me, because nobody can be that stupid, no cognitive dissoncance could be that strong and unwavering, you have to be aware that its fear keeping people in line, and if Islam became more "lax" and less violent and domineering of a religion, its following would die out and its members would be become "lax" in their commitment to the rules of the religion.
I never said you were all terrorists, nice strawman, and you clearly didn't read my post properly, your bias is showing, but what did I expect from someone blinded by religion, especially one such as Islam. Your religion itself is run by terror, people are afraid to leave the religion and people are afraid to break its rules, because that can often mean death. So again I repeat, such a religion run by fear boasting about how dedicated its following is seems like trolling to me, because nobody can be that stupid, no cognitive dissoncance could be that strong and unwavering, you have to be aware that its fear keeping people in line, and if Islam became more "lax" and less violent and domineering of a religion, its following would die out and its members would be become "lax" in their commitment to the rules of the religion.
Right now you are spewing nonsense I don't care about these other dictators or leaders of today's world, your complaints are poltical. I follow the religion from its true teachings and proper source, which doesn't promote violence, and follow the ways of our last and beloved prophet Muhammad's which has been rated as the most influential man in history. I don't care about some politcal Arabs or other Muslims dictators. God can judge those people....wait hold on why am I even arguing with I'm not even religious, I'm so sorry just forget about this conversation I feel like a hypocrite lol you win
Right now you are spewing nonsense I don't care about these other dictators or leaders of today's world, your complaints are poltical. I follow the religion from its true teachings and proper source, which doesn't promote violence

JFL isn't it convenient how everyone gets to have their own interpretation of the same books and gets to say - "well no it obviously means this"

You all are reading the same words, so if one side is getting instructions of violence and the other isn't, I'd say the writer is a fucking retard that couldn't make their points clear JFL. Something like that shouldn't be so "open to interpretation" it should be obvious to everyone just by reading it.

Also history determines who is right, not rhetoric, the irony is "non-violent muslims" will be killed off and/or converted by their violent counterparts so who really should give a fuck what you guys have to say lol.

Oh i'll just leave this here and be on my way :lul: - https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx

So peaceful, praise be to allah, praise unto Mohammed the legendary loli fucker :lul:
JFL isn't it convenient how everyone gets to have their own interpretation of the same books and gets to say - "well no it obviously means this"

You all are reading the same words, so if one side is getting instructions of violence and the other isn't, I'd say the writer is a fucking retard that couldn't make their points clear JFL. Something like that shouldn't be so "open to interpretation" it should be obvious to everyone just by reading it.

Also history determines who is right, not rhetoric, the irony is "non-violent muslims" will be killed off and/or converted by their violent counterparts so who really should give a fuck what you guys have to say lol.

Oh i'll just leave this here and be on my way :lul: - https://www.thereligionofpeace.com/pages/quran/violence.aspx

So peaceful, praise be to allah, praise unto Mohammed the legendary loli fucker :lul:
Your last sentence destroys every credibility on speaking about Islam lol

I'm done arguing, my friend is right just ignore guys like you because it will just go back and forth I can't change your ideology or delusions and ignorance

Have a good night
Your last sentence destroys every credibility on speaking about Islam lol

1. Lol how, nothing I said there was false, dude is a legend and he did fuck lolis, its the truth, its just an uncomfortable truth for you

2. Islam itself destroys its own credibility JFL, it has none, it rules via fear not providence
I don't think you get what I'm saying, the sinister thing about this shit IS THAT THEY AREN'T FAKING IT, they genuinely feel bad, and want to turn their lives around, and want to stop being degenerate, that's whats so convenient about it, they've had their fill, and they get to now be tired of it BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD THEIR FILL.

That's the fucked up irony of this all, they've found a loophole and not being aware of that gets them into heaven, they are PASSIVELY AND UNCONSCIOUSLY DECEIVING GOD.

Anybody here ever watch Code Geass (anime), well if you haven't long story short the main character has the ability to give a single command (only once) to anyone that looks into his eye when his geass is activated, they follow the command no matter what. Now in an episode he is going up against a mind reader, guess how he beats the mind reader, he uses the power on himself while looking in a mirror and makes himself forget the plan he came up with to defeat him and had his partners execute it behind the scenes.

Do you get what my point is with this little story, if not i'll get to the point, the normies, chads and stacies that lived degenerate lives are the main character, the "geass trick" they use on themselves is religion, God is the mind reader, so see it doesn't matter if God knows your thoughts if your thoughts are genuinely changed. The difference in this scenario though is that they don't consciously change their thoughts, they do it passively, without even knowing.

They aren't thinking - "ha ha I'm gonna enjoy having threesomes for a few more years and then stop doing these things and trick God into liking me lol"

They legitimately become "children of God" and stop sinning, that's the thing you're scared to admit to yourself because it destroys your entire world few, this "Just World" fallacy a lot of us here are still attached to

The thing you don't want to admit to yourself is that normies, chads and stacies as the years go by will genuinely want to "find God" and "be a good person", they will change their lives, and they will become individuals that God acknowledges as "his children", and like that they'll get into heaven even while living lives of pure ecstasy that we can only dream of, this world is a rigged game JFL.

This is actually one of those things that a lot of religious leaders discuss is how truly are their followers devoted and how many of them actually believe in the word of god and not using them as a kind of insurance. At the end they all accept that as long as an effort is being made to save their souls by their denomination then they've done their part but when it actually comes to making it into heaven it is ultimately up to the individual whether they've truly repented. If they're coming into the whole thing from the angel that you're describing then I'm gonna bet that they most likely did not truly repent and will be sent to hell where they belong. For me if a roastie truly did repent for her whorish ways (and I mean truly) then I don't see why I should not believe her I'm sure she wouldn't even care if I didn't because she'd know she's done right by god, but there are loads of hypocrites especially in churches these days and you learn about them the more you begin to talk to people. Before you start calling me a cuck I will say this I personally wouldn't trust a roastie ever but that's my own personal battle.
1. Lol how, nothing I said there was false, dude is a legend and he did fuck lolis, its the truth, its just an uncomfortable truth for you

2. Islam itself destroys its own credibility JFL, it has none, it rules via fear not providence
Okay this is my final comment on this thread, since this was 1400+ years ago the age of maturity for women was different . You wouldn't know since you didn't exist at that time, also Christian misnisters in similar timelines married at ladies at these ages. Are they Loli pedos?, you are so ignorant and like to spew shit I feel so sorry for you, and actually you are not high iq, you like to write in paragraphs and use a lot of vocabulary but you are no different than low iq rednecks lol. It's over for you son, keep finding ways and copes to be against Islam. Your ignorance idiocy truly hurts me and there are so many guys like you lol. Have a nice miserable life

Peace not going to read anymore of your replies since it will only be back and forth, your ego and ignorance is out of this world
god is a piece of shit and religion is retarded
Getting into heaven is easy. All you have to do is read the gospel and ask JC to forgive your sins.

Chads and roasties will feel greater emberassment when they die and stand before the lord.
Theists don't have to be committed to any particular religion
If there's a god I'm gonna take his fucking place and throw him the fuck out.
modern day Christianity is so cucked
And Christianity of bygone eras is retarded. Has been a consistent source for evil and scientific repression.
Okay this is my final comment on this thread, since this was 1400+ years ago the age of maturity for women was different . You wouldn't know since you didn't exist at that time, also Christian misnisters in similar timelines married at ladies at these ages. Are they Loli pedos?, you are so ignorant and like to spew shit I feel so sorry for you, and actually you are not high iq, you like to write in paragraphs and use a lot of vocabulary but you are no different than low iq rednecks lol. It's over for you son, keep finding ways and copes to be against Islam. Your ignorance idiocy truly hurts me and there are so many guys like you lol. Have a nice miserable life

Peace not going to read anymore of your replies since it will only be back and forth, your ego and ignorance is out of this world

Lol you are the one placing negative connotations on liking lolis ironically, I never said it was a bad thing, I just said he did it.
JFL at this coping religiouscel, just the kind of guy I was talking about, stop coping dude, its bullshit, reminds me of the quote that says its easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich my to enter into heaven, all these books are written to keep the poor "docile and cooperative" moron, anybody with common sense can see its obviously the opposite and its easier for rich people to enter heaven than poor people. Guess who likely never commits the act of theft, murder, etc in their entire life A GUY BORN INTO A RICH FAMILY.

Oh my god, this paragraph is just so wrong. The Bible has an ongoing message that engaging in earthly desires and indulging in materialism is sinful. People who have obtain vast wealth (specifically merchants who obtain wealth not through labor but through usury which is in itself consider sinful) are far more likely to taste all sorts of earthly luxuries. They buy overly expensive cars, clothes, houses, and food not of necessity but to feed their greed. Do you know any celebrity that hasn't fucked more than 10 people? Do you know any bankers that don't charge interest on loans? Do you know any retail franchise that genuinely cares for their customers? Do you know any rich man of strong moral character? Or all of these people are egostiscal materialistic nihlist that think you, I, and anyone with less money, power, and status as beneath them see us as nothing more than ants to be use or discarded.....

Lets say you were an evil man and acquired your riches through sinful deeds, guess what, with the comfy life you have now, you can "truly repent" and never commit those sins ever again, while a poor person will have to sin everyday and repent endlessly as they steal to simply be able to buy food and clothing. Your children like I mentioned above, being born into a rich family are less likely to commit crimes, so you've pretty much made it so your children are very likely going to heaven.

Getting into heaven is easier for rich and good looking people, and if you are both, you are God damn lucky, you're pretty much set for heaven.

Oh and your whole "people who sinned at a young age will have a very hard time getting on track" is bullshit, everyone I know who lived a "sinful normie life" is now a normal well adjusted individual, in fully committed monogamous relationships, some even have children already, they attend church often, etc. Stop coping, the key to not being a degenerate is ironically to enjoy degeneracy until you've "gotten it out of your system". That's literally the purpose of your "teenage years", that's why the phrase "sowing your wild oats" even exists, and we all here missed out on that important phase of life, so were still stuck in the "degeneracy phase" for decades, and for some of us we'll never be out of it because the void is always there of not having experienced those things in your youth, experiencing "young love", taking a girls virginity, etc.

Were always going to crave these things, to make it worse it fills us with rage so we'll do more than sexual degeneracy, well even kill people, or at least want to. Stop coping man, your God fucked you over, Chad is getting into heaven whether you like it or not, Chad even FAITHMOGS incels JFL.

Dude you didn't do research did you?

God doesn't allow sinners to escape punishment. Do you believe God would allow murders to come to heaven without punishment? Protestant and Evangelicals are degenerated cucks. Catholicism is losing ground unfortunately....

I don't think you get what I'm saying, the sinister thing about this shit IS THAT THEY AREN'T FAKING IT, they genuinely feel bad, and want to turn their lives around, and want to stop being degenerate, that's whats so convenient about it, they've had their fill, and they get to now be tired of it BECAUSE THEY'VE HAD THEIR FILL.

That's the fucked up irony of this all, they've found a loophole and not being aware of that gets them into heaven, they are PASSIVELY AND UNCONSCIOUSLY DECEIVING GOD.

There is something wrong with you if you think God can't see through deception that even you can see.....
Problem with your logic here is those people are only so strict with the guidelines because Islam is a "dictatorship" type of religion that isn't peaceful in the least, which is what makes the "Islam is a religion of peace" quote so funny, its like when feminists say "feminism is for equality", it just makes you say to yourself - "who are you trying to convince, me or you, because repeating a lie over and over doesn't make it true".

When gays are being thrown off from the top of buildings and killed for being gay it isn't a great feat of proof for the religion that homosexual degeneracy isn't rampant and blatantly open in their societies, Islam isn't a "better" religion, its just one to actually be feared, in fact the ONLY religion to be feared. I mean you can literally be killed for apostasy (leaving the religion).

Are you a fucking idiot, the only reason people are so strict to their Islamic faith IS FEAR and SOCIETALLY IMPOSED RESTRICTIONS. It would be like me going back to the 1930's and looking at the women of those times and saying - "see, women like staying at home and not working, they like not being able to vote and own property, I mean quite obviously they do" lol.

A religion that holds people at gun point doesn't get to boast about how "comitted" its followers are, of course the are committed idiot, THEY ARE FEARFUL FOR THEIR LIVES.

When Islam stops committing mass terrorism, stops killing people for sins, etc, and it still keeps the dedicated following it has, then I'll agree with you, but you and I both know those are the only things keeping its followers in line, FEAR (not the love of God BUT FEAR).

Oh and ISIS isn't Muslim

How can ISIS be Muslim when they ultimately are working for the benefit of the Jews (Israel)? That doesn't sound right to me....
your very existence in a 21st century western world is a sin. we breathe and exhale sin without realizing it. if god is real, only 1/1000 western men will make it to heaven. anyone reading this is not in that one in a thousand.
God doesn't allow sinners to escape punishment.

1. Alright so what is their punishment then?

Also do you even know what the word penance fucking means - "punishment inflicted on oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing."

I think you posted the wrong video, because if we follow your logic here you're saying that normies are going to punish themselves and that's God now allowing them to escape punishment lol.

2. Either way they still escape hell so that's a win for them anyways, if they escape eternal punishment then they still "cheated God's game", got to enjoy degeneracy and still make it to a world of eternal bliss. Just because of what they were born with. The trade off you present here doesn't seem that bad, I'd make that deal, I get to enjoy a few decades of degeneracy, repent, suffer a bit for my sins, and then still get to go to heaven and have eternal peace and happiness, JFL they still win, there's no way around this, if they escape ETERNAL punishment they still got the better deal.

There is something wrong with you if you think God can't see through deception that even you can see.....

My God can you even read, it isn't deception if you aren't doing it on purpose, how can I literally explain in detail what I mean and you still not get it smh. ITs like you're trying not to understand me.

Oh and ISIS isn't Muslim


Alright I'm done at this point, when guys start outright making shit up and denying reality I'm done, you can't have a genuine argument when people make BS statements like this, this would be like me saying every catholic priest that molested a boy obviously was just working for satanists and wasn't a "real catholic" - "Oh and Catholic preists that molest boys aren't Catholic"

Well isn't that convenient JFL, you mean you can just disassociate the actions of any group by claiming its just a "frame job"being done behind the scenes to make them look bad by the "true evil doers".

Sorry for being so blind, quite obviously ISIS isn't Muslim
Oh my god you sound such like a typical angsty teenager atheist edgelord......

1. Alright so what is their punishment then?

Also do you even know what the word penance fucking means - "punishment inflicted on oneself as an outward expression of repentance for wrongdoing."

I think you posted the wrong video, because if we follow your logic here you're saying that normies are going to punish themselves and that's God now allowing them to escape punishment lol.

Thank you for telling the definition of penance. I wasn't made aware of it till now. You clearly haven't watched the video fully or you're blinded by your disdain for religion ( the Abraham religions anyways) and didn't understood what was said in the video. Penance is one form of punishment and the video clearly implies there are other forms of punishment( rewatch the video carefully). What they are I do not know, I am not a Catholic so I am not well verse on this topic but I do know enough that God wouldn't allow folk without suffering some form of punishment which is said in the video if you bother to actually watch it....

2. Either way they still escape hell so that's a win for them anyways, if they escape eternal punishment then they still "cheated God's game", got to enjoy degeneracy and still make it to a world of eternal bliss. Just because of what they were born with. The trade off you present here doesn't seem that bad, I'd make that deal, I get to enjoy a few decades of degeneracy, repent, suffer a bit for my sins, and then still get to go to heaven and have eternal peace and happiness, JFL they still win, there's no way around this, if they escape ETERNAL punishment they still got the better deal.

You escape hell as well (again this is mentioned in the video) when Jesus died on the cross, there is no cheating involve here. They and you (according to Catholic teachings) shall suffer punishment for your sins. There is no escaping punishment and the eternal punishment has be already been forgiven for all......

My God can you even read, it isn't deception if you aren't doing it on purpose, how can I literally explain in detail what I mean and you still not get it smh. ITs like you're trying not to understand me.

Deception implies intent. As one one cannot do evil or sin without intent one cannot deceive without intent. Deception is lying and lying is sin. Your words are therefore, nonsensical.....

Alright I'm done at this point, when guys start outright making shit up and denying reality I'm done, you can't have a genuine argument when people make BS statements like this, this would be like me saying every catholic priest that molested a boy obviously was just working for satanists and wasn't a "real catholic" - "Oh and Catholic preists that molest boys aren't Catholic"

Well isn't that convenient JFL, you mean you can just disassociate the actions of any group by claiming its just a "frame job"being done behind the scenes to make them look bad by the "true evil doers".

Sorry for being so blind, quite obviously ISIS isn't Muslim

I am insure that my claim that ISIS isn't Muslim isn't something I just pull from my ass. If you've bother to watch the video I linked, there two things that are clearly true. ISIS are killing Muslims and mostly Muslims in their terror attacks without attacking Israel. The actions of ISIS have benefit Israel in some shape or form. Do you agree a Muslim wouldn't kill other Muslims while at the same time benefiting Jews? It is the equlovant of a group claiming to be Christian but kills Christians while also helping out Satantists. Does that sound like to you they're bullshitting or is it just me? Maybe you were offended by the way I phrased it perhaps?
Religion is the only thing that promotes religion.
We need religion.
But at the same time im jaded about the idea of God.
What a pickle.
All religions are shit especially the rotten pestering filthy shit that is the Abrahamic branch. It takes being a special kind of retard to still be religious in the era of mass information.
Religion is the only thing that promotes religion.
We need religion.
But at the same time im jaded about the idea of God.
What a pickle.
I meant to say its the only thing that promotes monogamy.
How else do we enforce monogamy.
fuck you atheistcels are so annoying, let religicels cope that way if they want, they don't need to justify it to you, no need for people to be dropping "retard" comments on their fellow cels,
It's like black pills have entered mass production. A new pill a day.

Religion is cope tho.
God don't like ugly

it was written (somewhere in old testament can't remember where)
OP is most high IQ on this forum, period.
JFL at believing in religion or any kind of spirituality today, there is not a single rational argument supporting the existence of God. You don't even need science to disprove it, just look around you and you'll see.
OP is most high IQ on this forum, period.
JFL at believing in religion or any kind of spirituality today, there is not a single rational argument supporting the existence of God. You don't even need science to disprove it, just look around you and you'll see.

Why are there so many angsty atheist edgelords on th- oh wait never mind.....

There are arguments for god (well a creator/designer). You probably already heard them all before and reject them for some asinine reason or based on pure hatred at the thought that a god would create such an "unfair" world where he indirectly created you.....
Why are there so many angsty atheist edgelords on th- oh wait never mind.....

There are arguments for god (well a creator/designer). You probably already heard them all before and reject them for some asinine reason or based on pure hatred at the thought that a god would create such an "unfair" world where he indirectly created you.....
Please, do list them and we can go over them one by one.
I can't be angry at God when he has proved (implying he exists) that he is completely irrational and can't make a single good decision. Your average hobo would be better at running this world, and also if we go by the Abrahamic religions, he is supposed to be fair (yes, he may put you through tests to prove your faith to him) at least to his believers. Now, we just need to look at history and see how true that is. Spoiler: complete fucking delusion. So, here you are with me :)
I think you are the one coping, I traveled the world for religious reasons and have much more knowledge than you in terms of comparative religion. I have seen and known a lot, and jfl I'm not even talking about Christianity all those fucks are going to hell anyways following a man made religion, we have so many Islamic scholars proving Jesus is not god, so whatever you say about religion has no merit, I'm speaking from an Islamic perspective the only true perspective, and all of the most best Muslims right know that follow the true guidelines of islam are subhuman pakis,curries and indonesians and other parts of Southeast Asia. Not some. Goodlooking people are more prone to sins, it's harder for a chad to avoid fornication or adultery. Poor people in Islam are usually the most pious right know, don't know about other chucked religions
Comparative religion for dummies:
- Assume the premise is true eg Islam is truth
- Cherry pick oddities from other religions
- Cherry pick whatever is neutral or not too foolish in islam while conveniently ignoring the flaws it shares with other religion

- Claim Islam is QED'd to be true.
Your God has practically almost set in stone that he's sent you to hell, even before you were born and were being formed in the womb, because by being unattractive God has set you up for a life where you will be "chasing sin and degeneracy" into your old age, while Chad and Stacey have already "sowed their wild oats" and thoroughly enjoyed degeneracy and are now moving on to living a "Godly Life".

Of course, why would God want heaven to be filled with ugly people? :lul:
JFL at this coping religiouscel, just the kind of guy I was talking about, stop coping dude, its bullshit, reminds me of the quote that says its easier for a camel to fit through the eye of a needle than for a rich my to enter into heaven, all these books are written to keep the poor "docile and cooperative" moron, anybody with common sense can see its obviously the opposite and its easier for rich people to enter heaven than poor people. Guess who likely never commits the act of theft, murder, etc in their entire life A GUY BORN INTO A RICH FAMILY.

Lets say you were an evil man and acquired your riches through sinful deeds, guess what, with the comfy life you have now, you can "truly repent" and never commit those sins ever again, while a poor person will have to sin everyday and repent endlessly as they steal to simply be able to buy food and clothing. Your children like I mentioned above, being born into a rich family are less likely to commit crimes, so you've pretty much made it so your children are very likely going to heaven.

you always write theses, so lemme just respond to this part.

That verse doesn't say anywhere that it's easy for poor people to get in... Lol at this narrow minded low iq analysis. Jesus said that because the prevailing view is that if you are poor, IT'S OGRE. If you are rich, you can chill, you won't sin and you can donate to church. After Jesus said that verse his disciples said "Who then can be saved?", they didn't say "Oh we're not rich, it's cool" lol.

Idk why you put "truly repent" in quotation marks. Either you truly repented or you didn't. If you truly repented you would probably start giving away your stuff just like Zaccheus did in the Bible. He stole a lot of money from people through fradulent tax colecting and when he repented, he returned it all 4 times over.

This is how I know you don't know what you're talking about because not sinning isn't what gets you into heaven.

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