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News Toronto machete incel attacker is revealed as Oguzhan Sert (Turkish?)



Nov 24, 2017

The sword was inscribed with a sexist epithet and a note promoting an ideology of violence against women was found in the pocket of the teenager, Oguzhan Sert. With the evidence stacked against Mr. Sert, he pleaded guilty to murder and attempted murder. But a Canadian judge ruled that the attacks were acts of terrorism, in part because Mr. Sert wanted to send a message that he hated women.
Name sounds Turkish. And AM is from around the region too (Caucasus)

What's with middle easterners going ER in Toronto
17yo, turkish youngcel. I wonder if he had an account here.
Hopefully not
Yeah, retarded kid, doing somethin so drastic and not being even 20yo. Maybe he wasnt an incel at all and Cucknada is pinning it on us. They didnt expose any evidence that he was an incel or blackpilled. Muh misogyny can mean anything.
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now every man that kill a w*men is considered an "incel" , word incel not corresponding to the situation and used only to gaslight and throw a bad light on real incels who are innocent
Yeah, retarded kid, doing somethin so drastic and not being even 20yo. Maybe he wasnt an incel at all and Cucknada is pinning it on us. They didnt expose any evidence that he was an incel or blackpilled. Muh misogyny can mean anything.
Yeah good chance islam was a factor and well they'd conveniently leave that part out. I'd like to know what was inscribed in the blade and in what language but with Canada doubtful will ever happen.
A Toronto teenager who killed a woman in a massage business was sentenced on Tuesday to life in prison. The case was the first time gender-based violence in the country was labeled terrorism.

Canada|In Canada, a Judge Sentences an Incel Killer as a Terrorist

The teenager was lying next to his bloodied sword when the police captured him outside a Toronto massage business where one woman had been stabbed to death and another seriously injured.

The sword was inscribed with a sexist epithet and a note promoting an ideology of violence against women was found in the pocket of the teenager, Oguzhan Sert.

With the evidence stacked against Mr. Sert, he pleaded guilty to murder and attempted murder. But a Canadian judge ruled that the attacks were acts of terrorism, in part because Mr. Sert wanted to send a message that he hated women.
Yeah, retarded kid, doing somethin so drastic and not being even 20yo. Maybe he wasnt an incel at all and Cucknada is pinning it on us. They didnt expose any evidence that he was an incel or blackpilled. Muh misogyny can mean anything.
now every man that kill a w*men is considered an "incel" , word incel not corresponding to the situation and used only to gaslight and throw a bad light on real incels who are innocent
Yeah good chance islam was a factor and well they'd conveniently leave that part out. I'd like to know what was inscribed in the blade and in what language but with Canada doubtful will ever happen.
17yo, turkish youngcel. I wonder if he had an account here.
I don't think he had an account here, but he does know our site. His search seems to be similar to Nikolas Cruz's google search, probably a symptom of low IQ. (Nikolas had searches like school shooter porn)

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AdQxgvRnfhc

“You don’t choose to become an incel, you are just born one,” he explained to police during an interview on April 1, 2020.

Investigators found an Amazon search on his computer for “cold steel gladius machete,” and Google searches for “incel”, “incel rebellion,” “incel escort,” “the incel insurgent,” “incels.co,” and “Toronto attack: What is the ‘Incel’ movement? – YouTube.”

On the Steam gaming platform, his profile was named “The Killer” in Arabic and described him as a “proud incel,” “seeker of martyrdom” and a hater of “feminists/atheists/satanists and all kinds of other degenerates.”

Leaked picture of that turkcel.
Link a site that isn't paywalled pls
Can you upload it to imgur or something? .is servers are shitting bricks and the image isnt loading
Nvm. Downloaded the pic.

I don't think that's really him. Apparently the pic is from a group called Ataman brotherhood from Turkey

Hate speech against refugees in Turkey continues. Syrian and Afghan refugees are targeted with racist rhetoric.Some groups are trying to provoke the public by calling for violence against refugees. One of those making such calls is the group called "Ataman Brotherhood".The group, which posts posts targeting refugees on social media, calls for massacres with Nazi symbols.The group, which claims that Syrian refugees raided and burned workplaces, is supported mostly by Ukrainian accounts on social media. The group's motto is "Kill for your race!"According to the news of Aydınlık Newspaper, in the videos shared by the group on the internet, it is seen that they received training in camps for knife attacks.In the doctrine text of the Ataman Brotherhood, it is explained that violence is necessary and that racism should not be done verbally or on the internet. The group calls for violence, saying "racist views can never be successful unless they are reflected on the streets."The fascist Neo-Nazi group openly threatens members of foreign nations by listing the societies they will attack in their doctrine. During the primary attack, Arabs, Kurds, Afghans, Pakis; Jews, Negroes, Persians during secondary priority attack; The tertiary priority attack includes Armenians, Greeks, Circassians and Albanians.In the text, which suggests that the operations should be carried out in the evening and at night, it is said that the dose of violence should be increased and that beatings should be followed by wounding with weapons. Because of this call, the group requires every member to carry a gun.The fascist Ataman Brotherhood group is also supported by the Neo-Nazi group Azov Battalion operating in Ukraine. Some Azov Battalion members also wear the Ataman Brotherhood coat of arms on their arms. Police units are also working on the group whose accounts were previously closed.Accounts stating that they are members of the Ataman Brotherhood also support the anti-refugee policies of the Victory Party on social media. Members of the fascist group are also running a support campaign against posts reacting to the Victory Party on social media.Stating that the group has nothing to do with their party, Victory Party Chairman Ümit Özdağ announced that he filed a criminal complaint against the Ataman Brotherhood.
The sword was inscribed with a sexist epithet and a note promoting an ideology of violence against women was found in the pocket of the teenager, Oguzhan Sert. With the evidence stacked against Mr. Sert, he pleaded guilty to murder and attempted murder. But a Canadian judge ruled that the attacks were acts of terrorism, in part because Mr. Sert wanted to send a message that he hated women.
I don't disagree with the decision but I doubt they'd be doing this to a woman who went on an anti-male killing spree.
We turkroaches always do uncivilized subhuman shit so I'm not surprised

In turkey dads shoot subhumans for looking at their daughters for 3 seconds meanwhile the said daughters ride chad jfl
We turkroaches always do uncivilized subhuman shit so I'm not surprised

In turkey dads shoot subhumans for looking at their daughters for 3 seconds meanwhile the said daughters ride chad jfl
Does Turks hate Greeks?
Does Turks hate Greeks?
Depends on if they're religious or not. Muslimfags hate greeks & love arabs, but atheists love greece & hate arabs
there’s no reason to go ER it’s glaringly obvious that men will never band up together and start an incel rebellion
Yeah good chance islam was a factor and well they'd conveniently leave that part out. I'd like to know what was inscribed in the blade and in what language but with Canada doubtful will ever happen.
I think it was "thot slayer" iirc
The kid was based

The sword was inscribed with a sexist epithet and a note promoting an ideology of violence against women was found in the pocket of the teenager, Oguzhan Sert. With the evidence stacked against Mr. Sert, he pleaded guilty to murder and attempted murder. But a Canadian judge ruled that the attacks were acts of terrorism, in part because Mr. Sert wanted to send a message that he hated women.
Lmfao BASED AS FUCK first turkcel hero ! Saint oguzhan sert was the follower of general alek !
Name sounds Turkish. And AM is from around the region too (Caucasus)

What's with middle easterners going ER in Toronto
Its a very turkish name yes
We turkroaches always do uncivilized subhuman shit so I'm not surprised

In turkey dads shoot subhumans for looking at their daughters for 3 seconds meanwhile the said daughters ride chad jfl
True , this was based though , oguzhan sert is the continued hero after alek minassian
I think it was "thot slayer" iirc
The kid was based
That's hilarious if true (fuck off glowies not endorsing his actions just seeing humour in this)
He has cemented his name in history with the legends! :feelzez:

I'll wear my fez & enjoy some Baklava tomorrow for Oguzhan Sert
of course they label it an “ideology” filing retards I’m glad their readership is declining
He has cemented his name in history with the legends! :feelzez:

I'll wear my fez & enjoy some Baklava tomorrow for Oguzhan Sert
Waiting for his face leak. Unfortunately I can only find court sketches.




If the red shirt guy is the defendant (the incel attacker), then he had a beard so would be a good start for intelcels to begin stalking social media (and other shit) for his pics

of course they label it an “ideology” filing retards I’m glad their readership is declining
There's a wall of text from the court doc about this very 'question'

Is the Incel Culture an Ideology?​

[34] This court has had the benefit of expertevidence relating to the culture, method, and beliefs of the incel community.The expert, T.E., a proposed Crown witness, was previously qualified as aspecialist witness in the incel culture: R. v. O.S., 2022 ONSC 4217.T.E.’s testimony and report clearly bear out the fact that incel culture is anideology and falls within the criteria set out in s. 83.01 of the Criminal Code. One ofthe key principles running through incel code of belief is their misogynisticattitude towards women which celebrates violence towards females.

[35] T.E. advised the court that:

• Incels are males who definethemselves by their inability to form sexual relationships based on their beliefs that they possess certain genetic qualities,female characteristics, and societal structures.

• They believe that genetic factors have impactedthem physically to make them born unattractive to women.

• Incels believe in hypergamy - a belief thatwomen are more sexually selective and seek out the most attractive men andreject less attractive men. One of their key beliefs is that societal changeled to an acceleration in hypergamy when women began to gain sexual andfinancial independence, leading to a diminishing of a woman’s reliance on ahusband for physical and financial security, and allowing them to choose moreattractive males. Incels believe that hypergamy means that 20 % of menmonopolised 80 % of the female population for sex.

• Incels follow a “pill” philosophy where theybelieve that the “blackpill” doctrine results in less attractive males neverbeing able to attract a sexual partner through normal societal methods.According to the “blackpill” belief system, a man’s attractiveness isdetermined at birth and controls their success in any sexual relationship. Aswomen are only attracted to men with particular features, no amount ofpersonality, financial, or physical fitness gains will lead to sexual success.Since they are denied what they feel is their entitlement, incels feeloppressed by a “female dominated society”, leading to their view that theirhatred of women is justified.

• Incels had a particular hatred for sex workerswhom they believe to be exploiting men’s ability to access sex and receiveremuneration for that male failing. According to incel belief, sex workers or“escortels” as they are known in the incel community, are exploiting a socialstructure that elevates women over men in importance. Their shared discussionsabout sex with “escortels” has led to an overriding belief that incels will becharged at higher rates and those incels who are of a cultural minority believethat they are treated more poorly or even refused on the basis of their race orminority status.

• Incels hold a widespread belief that they aretargeted as being portrayed in a negative fashion and that women who hold powerin a “gynocentric” society - one where women are empowered and men aresubjugated - leads to their oppression.

• Incels believe that violence is inevitable dueto the denial of sex to them by women. Not every incel advocates for violence,but such behaviour is accepted as legitimate, particularly when they perceivewomen to refuse to engage in sexual relationships with them. It is also clearthat violent attacks are celebrated within the incel community with aparticular respect for those murderers who have killed more women than men.

[36] T.E. also described the use of social media andthe internet by incel groups such as incels.co,Facebook, Discord, and Twitter that resulted in the construction of onlinecommunities where incels can express their beliefs, hatred of women, anddisaffection with society.

[37] T.E. also identified a number of prominentincels who committed criminal acts that were harmful to women and the public ingeneral such as Alek Minassian and Elliot Rodger.

[38] T.E. explained that E.R., the initials of ElliotRodger, an incel who killed 6 people and injured several others before shootinghimself - was used as a phrase - “Go ER” - to encourage violence and attacks,as well as providing advice to online users discussing suicide.

[39] T.E. also explained that THOT - was an acronymfor that “That Ho Over There” and that Thot Slayer was commonly used in theincel community to describe an individual who would abuse or kill “thots” -women thought to be promiscuous. The term “incel rebellions” was anencouragement for incels to violently rise up against society and punish thoseengaged in sexual relationships.

[40] Mr. Mattis complains that T.E.’s evidence iscomprised of unsubstantiated broad statements not supported by the evidence. Heargues that much of T.E.’s evidence is based on assumption rather than fact. Headds that T.E.’s report does not demonstrate the kind of organisationalstructure required by the wording in s. 83.01 of the Code. I havealready explained why I do not agree that “ideological” in s. 83.01 needs ahierarchical or organisational character.

[41] I cannot agree with the description advanced byMr Mattis. As referenced in para. 39 of the O.S. judgment, I found thatT.E.’s evidence derived “from their lengthy experience in academic research andimmersion into the subject matter of incel ideology”. The relevant parts ofT.E.’s opinion was supported by their own experiences in examining incelcommunity forums and websites.

[42] On the basis of T.E.’s evidence, I conclude thatthe incel culture falls within the description of “ideological” in s. 83.01 ofthe Code.

Was O.S.Motivated by Incel Ideology?​

[43] When seeking to answer this question, themotivation behind O.S.’s actions is revealed in his police statement and thereport ordered pursuant to s. 34 of the Youth and Criminal Justice Act (YCJA)(“the s.34 report”).

[44] When questioned by police, O.S. told them thathe believed that “you don’t choose to become an incel, you are just born one”and explained incels apolitical status as “you could have some left wing viewsas an incel but most of them are right wing, most of us are rightwing”[emphasis added]. Later on, he made clear that on his Steam profile - thewebsite used to purchase games - he was “going to do something crazy likethis”. O.S.’s Steam profile described him as a “Proud Incel” who hatesfeminists.

[45] When asked about comments made to theinstitutions’ social worker that if released he “would hurt more people again”,O.S. explained that these words signified that if he kept following his“beliefs, it could be a possibility that this could possibly happen again”.When pressed, O.S. commented that “where it becomes a problem though depends onwhat the belief is, how you act out on it”. When it was suggested to him thatthat his incel beliefs were wrong, O.S. replied that “that’s just the waysociety is nowadays, that’s especially in the year 2020, it’s normal that mybeliefs are wrong today”.

[46] When asked about the Alek Minassian van attackin Toronto two years earlier, O.S. said that Minassian was an “inspiration” andthat if he could do “something like that in Toronto” then it was possible forO.S. to do something similar. Similarly, when Elliott Roger was discussed, O.S.agreed that he felt a kinship towards him.

[47] O.S.’s alignment with incel ideology can also befound in the weapon used to effect the attack and murder on 24 February 2020.The sword that he used was inscribed with the words THOT, an acronym for “ThatHo Over There”, a term used by the incel movement to denigrate women. In his s.34 interview, O.S. explained that he wrote, “THOT SLAYER” on the sword,“probably a few days before ... at the time I thought it was another word forsaying ‘ho’”. He added that some incels “didn’t like prostitutes that’s why Idid it like that”. When asked to clarify his view of sex workers, he indicatedthat he “didn’t really like them ... or hate them ... some incels sayprostitutes are taking advantage of their bodies and gaining money as a resultof it; some say ‘who cares if you have to pay for sex’; me at the time, Iwas kind of both [emphasis added] ... now I support (sex workers) ... Idon’t know if it makes me sound like a dirty person”.

[48] Any doubts about O.S.’s motives can be dispelledfrom the s. 34 report. When he was asked whether he had anger towards females,he responded by saying:

Not against any specific person; Iwas thinking about this incel ideology — those kind of ideas going on in myhead; I guess that's why I chose that spot; they are mad at the world becausethey don't get any pussy; they can't get a girlfriend; sexual relationships; itwas so stupid for me to target that one place as there they offer you pussy forme to target that one place as there they offer you pussy — even if there youhave to pay for it; if there you have to pay for it; I didn't think about thisat the time: I was so fuckin stupid; also I was a virgin; why did I choose sofuckin stupid; also I was a virgin; why did I choose harm on those?"

[49] He added that at the time, he "did thisbecause of the stupid incel; I was already ER, [referring to Elliot Rodger'sbehaviour] and they made it worse; sometimes as a joke, sometimes serious; andI actually went ER".

[50] As evidenced by the s. 34 report, in the periodleading up to the incident, O.S. had become more focused on the incelcommunity, Elliot Rodger, and Alek Minassian, and had begun communicatingalmost exclusively over social media. There can be no doubt that O.S. was bothinspired by and identified with incel ideology when planning the attacks andcarrying them out.

[51] On the day of the attacks, O.S. took a note withhim that said “long live the incel rebellion”. He admitted that he wanted“everyone to find” this document because he wanted the world to know thatpeople like “us” exist. According to O.S., “incel rebellion” was a “fight backagainst the world” because of unfairness. T.E. explained that the term incelrebellion refers to Alek Minassian’s van attack in Toronto and incel motivatedviolence.

[52] Finally, after the incident, O.S. told theauthor of the s. 34 report that he no longer believed in the incelrebellion, that his views had changed and that he had been brainwashedonline. These comments show that, at the time of the offences, O.S. was clearlyinfused with the incel ideology. It is telling that the authors of the s. 34report concluded that the offences occurred “in the service of ideology andincreasing identification with the incel community, with a desire to repeattheir extreme behaviours as an expression of his hostility and anger about hisperceived situation and the world”.

[53] From the foregoing, it is clear that O.S.committed the offences whilst motivated by incel ideology.
@Asgard @bus27jihad
Screenshot 20231202 082736
Waiting for his face leak. Unfortunately I can only find court sketches.

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If the red shirt guy is the defendant (the incel attacker), then he had a beard so would be a good start for intelcels to begin stalking social media (and other shit) for his pics
I'm surprised they've not released his mug shot usually they do this once a person is sentenced (or a few days later with an updated article).

As for finding pictures people who knew him would do that but they could get deleted by law enforcement who want to keep things under wraps

The sword was inscribed with a sexist epithet and a note promoting an ideology of violence against women was found in the pocket of the teenager, Oguzhan Sert. With the evidence stacked against Mr. Sert, he pleaded guilty to murder and attempted murder. But a Canadian judge ruled that the attacks were acts of terrorism, in part because Mr. Sert wanted to send a message that he hated women.
lmao yeah sandniggers have it hard in Canada/America/Europe. Broootal.
I'm surprised they've not released his mug shot usually they do this once a person is sentenced (or a few days later with an updated article).

As for finding pictures people who knew him would do that but they could get deleted by law enforcement who want to keep things under wraps
He was under 18. Hopefully someone leaks or court releases his face. No good deed goes unrewarded.
I wonder which games he played probably CSGO and Postal 2.
Too bad I can't find his steam anywhere. Maybe on some buried reddit posts they had his profile achieved or smth. His name was "the killer" in Arabic so some Arab sitesmay have his profile snapshot but I can't read Arabic so

The sword was inscribed with a sexist epithet and a note promoting an ideology of violence against women was found in the pocket of the teenager, Oguzhan Sert. With the evidence stacked against Mr. Sert, he pleaded guilty to murder and attempted murder. But a Canadian judge ruled that the attacks were acts of terrorism, in part because Mr. Sert wanted to send a message that he hated women.
Anything is a violent against women

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