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Theory What is "love"? Do you need it? A not-so-short essay.



PTSD ADD NW4 5'8½" 4/10 sperg
Mar 21, 2022
The materialist answer to the age-old question of "what is love?" is to point out that "love" merely is a chain of chemical reactions in the human brain, but what does that imply, exactly? We know that the chemistry in our brains is result of the successful breeding of specimens who had that chemical system in place, that is: it serves an evolutionary adaptive purpose. Humans who felt "love" and cared about this feeling succeeded in breeding more than others that didn't felt or cared for this. But why? And how?

The "why" of love:
The biggest balance of human ecology is between breeding and acquiring resources to support the offspring.

The excessively K-selected human populations (greedy) would spend so much time acquiring resources and restricting breeding that they would not grow.

The excessively r-selected human populations (seedy) would spend so much resources breeding that their offspring would face scarcity and fail to thrive.

A smart balance is therefore needed -- and it is, in fact, the purview of foids.

In times of scarcity, foids would flock towards men with more resources (betas), increasing the fitness of K-selected males.
In times of abundance, foids flock towards men with better sex-appeal (alphas), increasing the fitness of r-selected males.

The foid biological drive is to balance her acquisition of genetic material and resources using as many men as necessary, exchanging them as often as the benefits of the change outweigh the costs and risks involved. Foids may be bad at formal mathematics but they are born actuaries in the sense that their calculation of risks X benefits in her sexual investment portfolio is merciless, precise and unceasing.

Males, on the other hand, would either play by the foids' rules or be outbred. Firstly, a male that would refuse sex would be outbred by those who didn't. Secondly, severely restricting a foid's movement and sexual behavior is expensive, the higher the certainty of paternity desired, the higher the expense incurred.

Children, however would require resources to survive regardless.

Males would have use their resources to support and restrict foids and kids of uncertain paternity, either that or not breed at all. The more resources a male uses to ensure his paternity (keeping a foid in a dungeon) the less resources he would have available to support an additional child or foid. So, there is a delicate balancing between using a man's resources to breed, or using a man's resources to ensure paternity.

The "how" of love:

It is entirely common for foids to switch between alphas and betas many times through her life. A common life story of a foid is marrying "too young" to a beta provider, only to drop him for a good-looking deadbeat Chad and, once the divorce-rape money is gone, seek another beta provider. Another common life story is for a foid to make a kid with a random Chad, then look for a beta provider to breed (or, possibly, cuck) and, once the divorce-rape and child-support are at hand, exchange him for another good-looking Chad. Foids also sometimes switch a Chad for a better Chad, sometimes a Beta for a richer Beta.

The foid sex drive in this life is to instrumentalize their own sexuality as a means to obtain a balance of alpha seed and beta bucks to make and raise their offspring respectively. Through history, a foid that was much too inclined towards the alpha seed strategy would end up a slut whose children no man would support economically; a foid that was much too inclined towards beta bucks strategy would end up a whore (e.g.: a gold-digger) that abdicates her means of improving the genetic fitness of her descendants. Therefore the optimum strategy for a foid is to trike a balance in her quest for alpha seed while also securing beta bucks concurrently.

Males who would abandon "his" kids or "his" foid due to cuckoldry suspicions, would often throw the baby with the bathwater and abandon some of his biological children together with Chad's kids, and/or lose the opportunity to further breed more children with this same foid. The males who would outbreed these suspicious males would be the ones who became psychologically attached to the foids and kids themselves, inebriated with good feelings that led them to blindly ignore all the facts about the nature of this relationship, especially facts pertaining to the foid's behavior.

Conclusion: The "what" of love:

Foids may (tentatively) love neotenous boys -- their sons -- but foids can't love men.

The way foids secure beta bucks is by making beta males "feel loved" so they toil away supporting her and the kids she's made with Chad.

The way beta males deal in life is choosing between:
1-- suicide, celibacy, whoremongering and other sterile pursuits;
2-- or working themselves to an early grave to support a foid while likely getting cucked in the hope that he, instead of Chad, eventually impregnates her.

The only two ways a male would accept this shitty situation are:
3-- he is batshit insane, in which case he would unlikely to be able to work and materially support the foid and the kids.
4-- he is only partially insane, that is, under the effect of a powerful feeling of "love", which anesthetizes him of the pain of his cucked predicament.

The non-Chad males who did not feel inebriated by "love" and made rational choices, did chose #1, which is the least painful choice, but led them to not reproducing at appreciable rates. However, the ones that were inebriated with "love" would evaluate that making choice #2 would not be as painful. This is similar to how junkies can do horrible jobs and even make some good money, which they blow in drugs. Without the drug, this person wouldn't likely remain in such an unpleasant occupation.

Love is, therefore, the drug-like habit that beta males' brains produce endogenously so they can cope with the shitty deal that is materially supporting an ungrateful, annoying, nagging, unsexy and aging foid and some kids of, at best, uncertain paternity.
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While I like partially-insane reference, I think that "love" to some extent is mostly attractiveness and differs based on different circumstances. We know that 25% of toilets are capable of good pair-bonding and if snatched up early might even pair-bond with Incels, but these are young toilets who do this with those in their age cohorts. We also know that for both men and toilets investment in future offspring is necessary to have a higher probability of survivorship so there should be a chemical reward for good partners.

Indeed, I think that toilets who love men are less quantitatively than vice versa, that is that only the above cited 25% of pair bonding toilets feel the intensity of love that post-18 yo single toilets are incapable of feeling, but for men there is another factor, one driven purely by reproduction.

Whenever asking such questions one should ask, does this ensure reproductive success? Throughout most of human history female choice wasn't as influential for human sexual success than a lot of other factors primarily related to resources, but as we live in a resource abundant society even the poorest toilets can enforce sexual selections (ie, Chad-only). Chad can fall in love with his Sub-5 girlfriend, but overal love generally tend to grow out of sexual attraction rather than the other way around.

If we look at what Roman writers described as "love relationships" they were undesired in the Roman Republic because they were seen as of lesser quality than those arranged, arranged marriages were also the norm in Medieval Europe and love marriages were the exception and romanticised, but any evaluation of the literature shows these works are primarily about Chad and Stacy, the meme just went by different names at different times.

So why does such an asymmetrical distribution of "love" exist between men and toilets? My guess is that men are willing to re-adjust their expectations after rejections because they aren't sexually successful with more attractive toilets thus Mr. Normie is willing to love Ms. Becky because she is willing to accept it.

But Ms. Becky has sex with Mr. Chad and he gives her all the CUES of an investing partner so she doesn't have to lower her expectations and if she eventually settles for Mr. Normie she thinks that she is "evolutionarily cheated" out of love and will resent her Sub-8 husband for it.

This is also why pair bonding decreases after more sexual encounters with different partners (both for men and toilets, but exponentially more so for toilets). :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

The lovepill :blackpill: is the Blackpill that toilets are capable of love as much as men, but are simply incapable of loving men like us.
Coda: do you "need love"?
I don't know, you tell me.

:foidSoy: If you're a foid, you can't love men. You see men as utilities to exploit for the acquisitions of genetic material and resources.

:chad: If you're a Chad, you can be biologically successful just delivering groceries to housewives and impregnating them while their husbands are away. You don't need "love" to succeed -- indeed, feelings of "love" for one particular foid would likely hinder rather than help you from spreading your genes.

:soy: If you're a beta male, you either not breed, which signs your genetic death; or you give in to the illusion that you're being loved by a foid, and in turn develop feelings of "love" towards her. You'll need this narcotic "love" to anesthetize you of the pain that you'll have to go through for decades in order to support her and the kids, some of which are likely not yours.

:blackpill::incel: If you're a blackpilled omega male, you won't experience "love", only unrequited infatuation (oneitis) because you're unappealing to foids. Even if you moneymaxx, you're still orphaned by the teenage romances you never had. You'll forever remember all the brutal rejections and faces of disgust you've received through life, and you will always know that the foid in front of you is thinking of the prospect of stealing your resources in order to make her kids with random Chads. This knowledge will likely preclude a moneymaxxed you from falling prey to a gold-digging seductress. You may enjoy observing the foid try to seduce you, but you won't (likely) fall in love only to get divorce-raped or blackmailed.

:bluepill::incel: If you're a bluepilled omega male, an incel-in-denial, you'll spend decades chasing this "love" thing only to realize life has passed you by. Or maybe you will come across some wealth and find a "soulmate" soon thereafter which, as soon as you "fall in love", will use up all your money and then dump you. And you'll never really understand what happened.

tl;dr: love is the lifestyle drug of the betabuxxer.
25% of toilets are capable of good pair-bonding
They are capable of decent pair bonding, yes, but as soon as circumstances change they're very likely to divorce-rape the man.

In the end, the foid may be a decent companion but almost always only conditionally to the man supporting her financially.

Very few men "in love" keep a plan-B at all. If anything happens to "his" foid, he would be devastated.

All foids keep a plan-B at hand for the event of her man dying today. Foids are never devastated -- they only pretend so.

Roman writers described as "love relationships" they were undesired in the Roman Republic
What was undesirable is what we call "romantic love" today. All societies were built around some form of love (pair-bonding) and family units.

While I like partially-insane reference, I think that "love" to some extent is mostly attractiveness and differs based on different circumstances.
Men's love of foids is not dependent on her attractiveness. Ugly foids and pretty foids are equally likely to find a loving partner.

Men's attractiveness (or lack thereof) only modulates the intensity of the feelings of disgust that foids have towards him. Remember that "disgust" is the normal emotion women have towards any grown-up men.

Whenever asking such questions one should ask, does this ensure reproductive success? Throughout most of human history female choice wasn't as influential for human sexual success
Evolutionary adaptability is always my first and foremost question.

Female "choice" has always existed for millions of years.

A foid can (and they often do) chose to be unfaithful and cuck her partner. This is female choice.

toilets are capable of love as much as men
Foids can't love. They have some motherly instinct towards kids, puppies and kittens, and that's it.

"Love" is essentially a beta male phenomenon. Foids don't display any of it.

Foids' relationship with men is utilitarian and benefit-seeking (Briffault's law).

Beta males relationship with foids is by being slaves and toiling away their entire lives in exchange for (perhaps) some of her kids to turn out to be his. This aberrant behavior is only possible due to massive chain of chemical processes that makes a beta male not see the obvious shitty situation as it is.

Try to imagine a foid who wastes her youth working hard for decades and decades under the sun in order to supply comfortable living conditions to an ugly and progressively fattening NEET neckbeard who often nags and denies her sex? And this guy would in turn periodically bring home some extra kids for this foid to support, but she couldn't ascertain the kids were hers or not (but were certainly his). And the foids also knows the NEET has a queue of hundreds of foids on instagram waiting to take her place, and that this NEET neckbeard has the power to financially, socially, criminally ruin her the minute he got bored.

And the foid threw a big party as she entered this arrangement smiling, knowing this was the deal.

This would be a foid loving a man. Find some examples of this, then I'll consider "toilets are capable of love" as blackpill.

Until then, it's pure :bluepill:
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I'll just leave this here
Very high IQ thread. When you have mentioned the diffrent female strategies in diffrent times, it corsepondes with "strong man ceate good time, good time creates week man, week man creates bad time, bad time crrates strong man".
Time is bad - foids marrige with betas
Time is good because betas - betas thrive
Time starts to be bad - foids seek for genes rather for resources
Week man age starts - foids fuck with chads, lots of single mothers, childrens are born withwout full families, everything is fucked
You get these ideas from David Buss?
You get these ideas from David Buss?

Time is bad - foids marrige with betas
Time is good because betas - betas thrive
Time starts to be bad - foids seek for genes rather for resources
Week man age starts - foids fuck with chads, lots of single mothers, childrens are born withwout full families, everything is fucked
Good take.

Cash is short = marry betas
Cash is plenty = fuck Chads
tldr + much texto + chico bioca
Love is attraction to genetical features.
Ugly woman are loved as much as pretty ones.

Men are never loved. Even Chad is merely used for his sperm.
As I said, love is attraction to genetical features.

Ugly women have a functional womb.
Old sterile foids have a queue of lovers.
There is no love past fertile age, since there is no genetical feature to be passed.
It's a "use me, use you" relationship.

Good take.

Cash is short = marry betas
Cash is plenty = fuck Chads
Also listen to Rollo Tomassi (redpiller who borrowed many ideas from David Buss).
she will be loved
Looks like a thread worth bookmarking and actually reading in detail after ive had a few customary soothing wanks for the day.

Bbl :feelsLSD:
Coda: do you "need love"?
I don't know, you tell me.

:foidSoy: If you're a foid, you can't love men. You see men as utilities to exploit for the acquisitions of genetic material and resources.

:chad: If you're a Chad, you can be biologically successful just delivering groceries to housewives and impregnating them while their husbands are away. You don't need "love" to succeed -- indeed, feelings of "love" for one particular foid would likely hinder rather than help you from spreading your genes.

:soy: If you're a beta male, you either not breed, which signs your genetic death; or you give in to the illusion that you're being loved by a foid, and in turn develop feelings of "love" towards her. You'll need this narcotic "love" to anesthetize you of the pain that you'll have to go through for decades in order to support her and the kids, some of which are likely not yours.

:blackpill::incel: If you're a blackpilled omega male, you won't experience "love", only unrequited infatuation (oneitis) because you're unappealing to foids. Even if you moneymaxx, you're still orphaned by the teenage romances you never had. You'll forever remember all the brutal rejections and faces of disgust you've received through life, and you will always know that the foid in front of you is thinking of the prospect of stealing your resources in order to make her kids with random Chads. This knowledge will likely preclude a moneymaxxed you from falling prey to a gold-digging seductress. You may enjoy observing the foid try to seduce you, but you won't (likely) fall in love only to get divorce-raped or blackmailed.

:bluepill::incel: If you're a bluepilled omega male, an incel-in-denial, you'll spend decades chasing this "love" thing only to realize life has passed you by. Or maybe you will come across some wealth and find a "soulmate" soon thereafter which, as soon as you "fall in love", will use up all your money and then dump you. And you'll never really understand what happened.

tl;dr: love is the lifestyle drug of the betabuxxer.

sharp as fuck

This single post right here is pretty much it in a nutshell. Truthpill #101 :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

The very Cockhams Razor itself that Chad uses to trim the contours of his jaw in the morning…

…In your bathroom sink.

While your "feminist" wife/gf is cooking him breakfast in the kitchen

Love as a concept is retarded, because it's inherently vague. People don't really love, or experience love. They just experience affinities to varying degrees. The only real feeling that matters in a mate selection context is lust. Sex is the entire point of relationships. If females in your life cannot satisfy your lust, you might as well be a virgin.
I concur, love is the idealization of a biological function. Humans are naturally irrational and assign value to arbitrary things like copulation. Love used to literally mean sex, the infatuation with another women despite her whoreish nature can be attributed to Christianity. Love is the epitome of male weakness and subservience to women, instead of instilling moral values into women through religious dogma and imposing societal laws that restrict female sexuality men fell for the concept of 'love', rather pathetic in my opinion.

I guess love could be asserted to be the irrational explanation of the feelings of attachment and euphoria men have to women they find suitable to mate with. It'd be better to call 'love' a mutual sexual impulse between two people who agree to cohabitate.
the infatuation with another women despite her whoreish nature can be attributed to Christianity
No, it can't.
Basically all cultures have some notion of "love". This is instinctive behavior, like the impulse to simping, has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

Without this instinct, all human sex would be pump and dump, like that of cats.
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Theres no such thing as love.

Just desire for what benefits people.

Sometimes it is conscious. A lot of the time it is a deeper biological drive. Either way the end goal is utility. Nothing more.

The closest approximation to it is similar to what one of the guys posted above with the lewd pictures. But even that isn't it.

Because as soon as a better chad comes along then she hops off across to that one to "love" him.

Its all a rouse.

Probably one of the hardest things for a human being to face - that there is no love. Thankfully the vast majority dont. Including most incels who still inwardly hold out a tiny minimal degree of hope and are bothered about things like rejections and not getting "looksmatches" etc…

People need something to hold on to and it is cruel to take it away from them.

For the few who get bodyslammed with the utter darkness of the full uncut truth with no mercy it's a horrid existence tho.
Truly horrid.
For me foids feel no love. We often say foids love Chad but if they find a better looking/taller Chad they will go for it.
Love is an illusion
Theres no such thing as love.

Just desire for what benefits people.

Sometimes it is conscious. A lot of the time it is a deeper biological drive. Either way the end goal is utility. Nothing more.

The closest approximation to it is similar to what one of the guys posted above with the lewd pictures. But even that isn't it.

Because as soon as a better chad comes along then she hops off across to that one to "love" him.

Its all a rouse.

Probably one of the hardest things for a human being to face - that there is no love. Thankfully the vast majority dont. Including most incels who still inwardly hold out a tiny minimal degree of hope and are bothered about things like rejections and not getting "looksmatches" etc…

People need something to hold on to and it is cruel to take it away from them.

For the few who get bodyslammed with the utter darkness of the full uncut truth with no mercy it's a horrid existence tho.
Truly horrid.
There is love.
Betabuxxers love foids, they even slve away for ex-prostitutes, sluts, used-up single moms, stay in sexless marriages etc. all these relationships give zero benefit to the betabuxxer.

I never saw a rational defense of the betabuxx marriage. These beta males always justify their choices using abstractions an nonsense terms (stepping-up, doing the right thing, love, she is the one for me etc.). They do it because they're hallucinating, they're in love.

The benefit is totally the foids'.
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turbo i usually enjoy ur posts and am surprised how you overlook the glaringly obvious here…

sexual utility (or even just the illusion thereof)

Thats the benefit derived by betabuxxers. It doesnt necessarily have to be penetrative. They derive gratification from simply being near/touching / whatever other fetish etc…

But that is not 'love'.
Very good and logical analysis
Dual mating strategy (alpha fux beta bux) is the innate and standard female mating scheme
No such thing as loyalty if it’s not by force
It’s why marriage / “serious relationship” is a scam
turbo i usually enjoy ur posts and am surprised how you overlook the glaringly obvious here…

sexual utility (or even just the illusion thereof)

Thats the benefit derived by betabuxxers. It doesnt necessarily have to be penetrative. They derive gratification from simply being near/touching / whatever other fetish etc…

But that is not 'love'.
We're discussing mere semantics here.

You say sexual utility exists (I agree) and love doesn't.

What I claim is that love is an hallucinatory experience that drives betabuxxers towards a very expensive and little rewarding pursuit of "sexual utility" from an extremely marginal source, similar to how hunger drives a stranded sailor to devour the repulsive carrion of a turtle carcass, or even inedible plants while finding it a delicious meal.

Both the sailor and the betabuxxer are seeking something (food and sex) and both are being impelled towards this physiological pursuit by an internal psychological state that produces hallucinations. In the case of the sailor, we call it "extreme hunger" or "starvation delirium", in the case of the betabuxx I personally call it love.

No sane rational man would decide it's a good idea to eat carrion, or decaying palm leaves; likewise it's not sane to give up all your worldly possessions in exchange for twice a year duty-sex from a jaded whore.

Both these phenomena are driven by hallucination. I propose that the betabuxx hallucination is what the word "love" refers to.

The cost of a betabuxx relationship and the sexual utility derived from it are so insanely mismatched that only an hallucinating person would take up this deal with a smile in the face. It's like paying millions for an ordinary grain of sand. Before doing it, a person must be insane.
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In the adult world people fuck each other within day of dating. Women will even unashamedly suck a dick in the first date without breaking eye contact. But they will fluster like virgins if you casually mention the word love.

The word "love" is a taboo for adults for a series of reasons. Its so important that couples break up over it if you say it too early in the relationship. Women even have the slang "L bomb" for it.

The term "love" is often confused with Lust and infatuation; but such things are not love. Infatuation is being sexually attracted to someoneb and this attraction is directly tied to that person looks. But love is different. Love doesn't even care about looks

Do you know what is love? Ask your parents. They would die for you, they would give up their internal organs if you needed a transplant. A girlfriend that you have only dated a couple of months won't do that for you. In fact she would be riding chad in less than a week.

Modern women are not capable to love and pair bond, only someone with loving parents cant truly know what is love. And if you want to perpetuate that love you must have children. Sadly for most men thatd impossible. Chad who is unable to love, keeps all women for himself.
:foidSoy: If you're a foid, you can't love men. You see men as utilities to exploit for the acquisitions of genetic material and resources.

Take the lovepill, dude.

View: https://youtu.be/PjrXsxOFauU

Toilets can love, they just can't love Sub-7 men, 8/10~10/10 break many hearts, Chadlite's (7/10) are an interesting case because some toilets are convinced that "their Chadlite" is a Chad and will love him accordingly. This is also why despite Chad's only being a top percentile, some Normies (mostly Chadlite's) will also experience "the Chad treatment" kind of like how Wheat Waffles said that there could be a group of toilets and one toilet will like him, in this case this is how Chadlite experiences dating. To the Chadlite there is a sizeable minority of toilets that will view him and treat him as if he were a Chad.

These are the only men that will ever experience what it's like to be loved. All other men will be seen as human doings and not human beings, objects to be exploited and to serve as ways of venting their emotions, not as a genuine interest. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

But the "Toilets can't love" myth is a major cope.
The word "love" is a taboo for adults for a series of reasons. Its so important that couples break up over it if you say it too early in the relationship. Women even have the slang "L bomb" for it.

This isn't "the adult world" this is literally "the slut world", toilets that casually sleep around hate developing feelings. 25% of toilets can pair bond and likely stay with their high school sweethearts for the rest of their lives having a sex partner count of 1~3, 25% of toilets relentlessly sleep around and have hundreds of sex partners, and around half of all toilets are in the middle.

One thing I noticed with my female friends is that the sluts tend to have Tinder installed for a long time and the ones that don't like sleeping around are often frustrated with Tinder as a platform.
These are the only men that will ever experience what it's like to be loved. All other men will be seen as human doings and not human beings, objects to be exploited and to serve as ways of venting their emotions, not as a genuine interest. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
Interesting position.

Like betabuxxers support NEET foids, Many working foids support deadbeat Chads, also.

Perhaps this is out of love?
No, it can't.
Basically all cultures have some notion of "love". This is instinctive behavior, like the impulse to simping, has been around for hundreds of thousands of years.

Without this instinct, all human sex would be pump and dump, like that of cats.
Nope love never existed pre christianity. It was always synonymous with copulation
Take the lovepill, dude.

View: https://youtu.be/PjrXsxOFauU

Toilets can love, they just can't love Sub-7 men, 8/10~10/10 break many hearts, Chadlite's (7/10) are an interesting case because some toilets are convinced that "their Chadlite" is a Chad and will love him accordingly. This is also why despite Chad's only being a top percentile, some Normies (mostly Chadlite's) will also experience "the Chad treatment" kind of like how Wheat Waffles said that there could be a group of toilets and one toilet will like him, in this case this is how Chadlite experiences dating. To the Chadlite there is a sizeable minority of toilets that will view him and treat him as if he were a Chad.

These are the only men that will ever experience what it's like to be loved. All other men will be seen as human doings and not human beings, objects to be exploited and to serve as ways of venting their emotions, not as a genuine interest. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:

But the "Toilets can't love" myth is a major cope.

Would not call this love, it's attractiveness to dimorphic traits. When women see chad they see his facial structure, there would be a million cases where the femoid is so infatuated with his looks that she can look past his abuse - maybe even find it pleasurable as some sort of evolutionary mechanism. Would refer to this as intense lust rather then love, the love that sometimes occurs is mutual sexual attraction and also personality similarity that makes LTR's work better - of course this seldom happens in the modern world as women have access to millions of chads on tinder. Just look at the divorce rate.

The most purest love would be between an AI and a human lol.
I don't think women can actually love boys/girls/children or whatever, my mum never loved me, they even diagnosed her with "postpartum depression" cuz she was le chemically unable to love her own offspring (did you chemically test it? lol at you stupid doctors). the bible talks about how the duty of old foids and husbands etc is to make the woman be a good wife and love her children. honestly I don't think women actually love their children at all beyond sometimes feeling hormonal tingles from touching babies, they don't actually care beyond the way an animal which drops feces on the ground does, not like men love children or women or each other. it needs to be forced by society for them to pretend to love their kids and care about their development.
love is just an instinct. nothing more.
If we are speaking about 'romantic' love.
Attraction to face = love.
Attraction to body = lust.
The only kind of love for an incel is unrequited love. With oneitis. And that's it basically

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