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Why I don't hate women, and other older-cel perspectives

I find it quite an interesting post and it's nice to see more gerontocel perspectives (as "oldcel" starts at 18, not sure what to call someone this old). But I'm not sure about the last paragraph, toilets are genetically only capable of loving Chad and what research has demonstrated is that Chad isn't a subjective phenomenon, he's objective.

Hypergamy dictates that toilets need a Chad better than them, that is that while most toilets will like dumb Chad, if her IQ is over 140 she will probably only want genius Chad. If[UWSL] she's 6'2 then her Chad must at least be 6'7. Stuff like that. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]I think that relationships that involve a non-Chad are probably just massive copes on all fronts. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]I Genuinely don't understand why toilets marry non-Chad's, there's no love to speak of and their marriages must be deadbedroomers, as toilets can only be sexually aroused by Chad. Why even marry a male friend (let's be honest, most marriages are just "friendzones with certificates") when she can marry a female friend she can relate to more and sleep with Chad on the side? [/UWSL]

[UWSL]I Also agree that the supposed lower standards of toilets with age is a massive cope by the "late bloomercels" that know that they'll never experience love but delude themselves into thinking that the toilet that pretends to love them does. If she's single past age 18 she's no longer good, all good toilets are taken off the market permanently by the time they're 23~25. Everything else is a massive cope. [/UWSL]

View: https://youtu.be/c9HYzAr5Koo
as "oldcel" starts at 18 30

Fixed for you.

[UWSL]I think that relationships that involve a non-Chad are probably just massive copes on all fronts. [/UWSL]

[UWSL]I Genuinely don't understand why toilets marry non-Chad's[/UWSL]

The same reasons they always have. Financial support, social status, co-dependence, monkey branching, etc.

In current western societies, women are propped up by affirmative action, men's taxation and government initiatives; they are less cognizant of their dependence on men on a individual level but the overall relationship hasn't changed. IT, construction and service jobs are still overwhelmingly occupied by men. Thus normies will tend to 'attract' women at some point or another. The current paradigm allows women to tolerate such men for a time, bear a child or two and then use partisan divorce courts to tether their ex-spouses to them financially.

Women openly use the term "starter marriage" in common discourse which says it all.
I don't dislike women, but I get depressed asf when I see girls I'm attracted to. If she has everything, its like being hit with a wave of stress and the realization even could make me lose my hunger for the eats even if my stomach just growled a minute ago. It puts me down a spiral of disappointment and a form of misery. What's ironic tho, I done some good receptive approaches, but I know I wouldn't hold their interests so I lowkey reject my self while holding on to a positive outlook of a good and memorable approach.
Blah blah blah blah
I can distill your entire argument to one thing:
It's OK, I realize most people are on the internet to talk, not listen. :feelsokman:
I don't hate women either. I'm just depressed about my subhumanity. No amount of hobbies can fix that
Thanks for posting this as your essay was actually a pretty insightful read. Nice to see new perspectives by oldcels on .is once in a while. Overall a really well-written essay.

If you dont mind sharing, how did you get good at writing essays? I struggle a lot with writing good essays. Throughout high school, I have always gotten below-average grades in English, and it has consistently been my worst subject. In fact, my subpar English mark is probably the main factor that prevented me from getting into my dream university program. I would really appreciate it if you would share your advice on getting better at writing, as I urgently need it since I will be going to university soon, which obviously means I will have to write a lot of essays.

Also what field do you work in and what degree you got? It seems pretty interesting.
Thanks for posting this as your essay was actually a pretty insightful read. Nice to see new perspectives by oldcels on .is once in a while. Overall a really well-written essay.

If you dont mind sharing, how did you get good at writing essays? I struggle a lot with writing good essays. Throughout high school, I have always gotten below-average grades in English, and it has consistently been my worst subject. In fact, my subpar English mark is probably the main factor that prevented me from getting into my dream university program. I would really appreciate it if you would share your advice on getting better at writing, as I urgently need it since I will be going to university soon, which obviously means I will have to write a lot of essays.

Also what field do you work in and what degree you got? It seems pretty interesting.
Thanks brocel. I'm an engineer in the construction industry. So I often have to write letters and reports for non-technical people, telling them they have a problem with their very expensive asset, and telling them what I recommend they should do about it. Giving people bad news definitely helps you to focus on crafting your writing!

Write about what you know, and be honest.
I don't hate foids because of dating rejections, couldn't care less. I hate them because they are very obviously privileged and entitled while also having the gall to complain about being oppressed, also for having an air of superiority over men as if they are better than us just because they happen to live in the incredibly narrow slice of human history where there is enough abundance of resources, brainwashed cucks to do their bidding and technology which allows unparalleled access to chads. Inevitably this will lead to the ruin of scumciety but foids are too busy living in the blissful ignorance of now to worry about the consequences of their actions.
Not reading your :bluepill: cuck novel,kys
I hate women because they live life on easy mode and don’t care or acknowledge that men live life on hard mode.
We don’t hate women for rejecting us, but for disrespecting us and complaining about everything while being entitled preferred
I hate women because they rejected me and they gave me false hope. I want to see entire female gender extinct.
I turned 41 recently, and I've been on here 12 months, so I've decided it's time I bit the bullet and made an inceldom discussion post. I want to lay out some of my opinions and perspectives, that are a bit different than a lot of the common orthodoxy on here, most of which is written by grieving, angry young men.

Some of this might seem inflammatory, but you will live.

The main headline points are:

1. I have never hated women

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Roger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

3. Why you should never rope, and the way in which life gets better, not worse, even for an oldcel like me.

1. I have never hated women for rejecting me.

Not individual women who actually received advances from me and rejected me. And not "women" in general, either as some oppressive blanket force of nature, or as some organized conspiracy against me.

The only explanation I can give is I have always internalized and owned the failure of my attempts to seek sex or romance. I don't seem to have what women want, and that must mean there's something wrong with me, or something that's not quite enough about me.

That's a very hard thing for a teenager or a young man in his early 20s to be confronted by. It is devastating and the weight of it can be at times crushing. But it's never made me angry. An angry reaction just doesn't make sense to me. A simple thought experiment is helpful here: If someone I felt zero attraction for wanted me, and I was oblivious to that or actually said no to it, would it be fair that they were angry at me for not feeling what I don't feel?

In saying this, I was pretty shy as a young person and I don't think I was ever very competent at meeting new people and approaching the possibility of new things openly. So all of the actual rejections I can remember from my youth, were women I met, and lived or worked or studied around. And over a period of time I convinced myself she was wonderful, and I wanted her, and I loved her. This would include a lot of daydreams and fanciful imagination about what a perfect future with me and her together might look like.

And then like a fool I would tell her how I felt, hoping that she felt the same and was waiting for me to say something. Invariably she didn't feel the same way about me, and didn't want any of that.

The first one of those, took me about 6 months to get over. The second one took me about 4 years, that was the worst one. I really thought she was pretty special, and having seen she existed I didn't think I could live without her. Both of these were during my university years. Afterwards, I learned to test the waters with women but never again made that mistake of getting ahead of things and falling into unrequited love.

Prior to that time, High School gave me a bit of a premonition that sex and the attention and desire of women might not happen for me. I saw that first, around the ages of 15 or 16, one or two boys were talking about having girlfriends and/or having sex. Then quite a few were talking about it. Then a majority seemed to be having these experiences, and I was an outlier in not having them. But I had good friends at high school, and I had the crutch of supportive parental expectations that I was one of the "bright" kids and I would move away and study and some kind of bright future would happen to me.

So I was never embarrassed, humiliated, cheated or wronged by women. They were just unobtainable, and that made me sad, not angry.

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Rodger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

I just straight up don't like Elliot Rodger. So there.

He was a nasty, self-obsessed, narcissistic killer. He wrote about his feelings well but i find nothing to admire in his attitude that he is owed certain things, and it is reasonable for him to hurt and kill people at random as some kind of justice for his situation. Perhaps somebody whose dog died should have punished him with a bullet? Perhaps somebody who had their BMW repossessed by the finance company should have punished him with a bullet?
He was a good looking, spoiled child. He showed precious little insight into how the world is or the reasons why. His message of blame and recrimination and random extreme violence is not helpful to anyone.

Wilkes McDermid is a much better "Saint" for inceldom. When I first read his final blog https://wilkes888.wordpress.com/2013/02/08/my-final-blog-entry-love-you-all/ it was a great moment, seeing ideas similar to my own written so well.
If you're not familiar with his thesis, the core of it is that women are genetically programmed to seek out high-quality males to mate with. He identified 3 main selection criteria, and theorized that you need at least two of the three to succeed:

1. Height

2. White (or black)

3. Wealth, or some other manifestation of power.

Personally I think his insistence on these 3 and only these 3 is a bit misguided and there is in reality a smorgasbord of desirable male traits that women will choose from. But I think he is spot on in saying that women are driven by primordial evolutionary drivers when they apply the criteria they apply in sorting males by quality and identifying them as worthy or unworthy.

He was also such a gentleman, in the way he tried to absolve his female friendzoners of any blame or guilt by explicitly saying that he understands this is just a natural behaviour that humans do. I admire that.

The fact that he was a popular and liked guy, with a big social circle and successful in other fields, and yet still incel, was something more people on here should reflect on IMHO. The way that he kept his struggles largely to himself, and looked after his friendships, and had a proper sense of adult behaviour and manners, and achieved most of his goals in life, is something that I admire. The way he owned his issues like a man, is something I admire. And while I wish he hadn't jumped, I admire the resolution with which he decided to do it, and did it.

And then there is Christopher Swanson, a 40yo high school teacher oldcel whose spectacular and catastrophic downfall should serve as a warning. About what happens if you fail to learn the real lessons.
He failed to experience the devastation of missing out on young love, in the way that Elliott Rodger fully experienced it.
And he failed to learn the real lesson that Wilkes McDermid learned from his experiences and his research: that beyond a certain point your rejection is an entirely predictable, natural process, not something that should catch a 40yo grown man by surprise and spin him out of control.
So by failing to learn those lessons, he caught a bluepilled deluded oneitis for a 17yo schoolgirl in one of his classes, and that led to him being brushed off by her, and struck off as a teacher, and humiliated, and eventually to suicide.

3. Why I haven't followed any of those infamous, dead incels

Almost all incel writing has a common problem. Men don't talk, or write, about their feelings, until they're really REALLY fucked up about something. Then they pour their little hearts out in some mega grief fuelled meltdown. So a lot of incel writing, comes from the heat of the moment and it reads like inceldom is all there is. ER's manifesto is certainly like that. Swanson's website is so stricken with grief that all of his success in his career is merely a sick footnote to the real story; that this dumb teenager didn't want him.

That's a terrible role model for young virgins. Because inceldom really isn't the only thing in your life, and convincing yourself that it is, is an incredibly destructive thing to do.

I've been very fortunate for a few reasons. One, the time I attempted suicide, failed dismally because the act of doing the cutting was far too painful to persist with. But standing right on the edge of the abyss and making that decision to step off, is a moment of finality you can't understand unless you've experienced it. Living after that does show you the value of things differently.

I've also been lucky to have good family around me. I'm pretty close to my sister and I love being uncle to her little children. They make me feel like whatever may happen to me, there is some small legacy of me going into the future in them. One of them has even learned to read music because I planted the idea in them and showed them some basics.

I'm lucky teenaged oneitis didn't destroy my ability to keep performing at school and get my degree. Today I'm reasonably competent in my profession and I'm pretty good at teaching young grads the ropes. They seem to appreciate it and my employers do too. That's a real source of personal validation. If I was my age and flipping burgers I doubt I'd be as happy as I am.

I really don't know if sex drive diminishes with age, or if perspective just improves. There was a wonderful moment a few years ago, I can remember it. I woke up on a Saturday morning, and there was sun streaming in my window, and I had a bunch of things planned that I wanted to get up and do. And it really hit me: I don't feel totally crushed and miserable by my inceldom. Life just is what it is, and right now it feels ok. That was a good feeling.

Of course it's not a total panacea, and there are still suifuel moments that remind me strongly of all the things I don't have and threaten to take me back into the grief state. But you get better at coping with that stuff, and you get better at avoiding and shielding yourself from stuff you know is harder to cope with. I don't go to town on Saturday night. I don't go to dinner with couples. I don't go to weddings if I can avoid it.

That feeling of peace, is why I haven't roped and I honestly don't believe I will. There will always be a bit of sadness there, that I didn't have that whole life I imagined I wanted. But there's good stuff too in spite of that. There's enough good stuff that the sadness is tolerable.

4: a piece of unsolicited advice.

I'm old enough that my friends are fucking up their marriages and getting divorced. It is fascinating to see the divorcee dating phenomenon. There is one clear lesson from it. I'm not getting involved because little has changed except for the details of what people make small talk about. Women don't lower their standards, and they don't settle. What this means, it means two things.
The cock carousel being followed by resignation and beta burning, is cope. Women don't settle for beta bux, they are genetically programmed to seek whatever their concept of Chad is, that doesn't change.

But this also means, that if you do manage to meet someone in later life who seems into you, it's probably real and you should go for it IMHO. All the advice you get on here about betabuxx and roast beef and the cock carousel from 16yo "truecels" is terrible advice and it is ignorant advice. A bunch of my university friends lost their virginities in their 20s and they are happy today. One of my high school buddies fucked heaps of women at university, married the girl of his dreams, and that lasted 4 years. Today he's married to someone uglier but cooler and he's happy.

Unicorns exist, and you should always remain open to possibilities. While keeping your expectations firmly based in Wilkes McDermid's understanding of the blackpill, that women are generally looking for certain things, and it's no secret what those are.
I disagree with the Elliot roger take. Yeah he was entitled but this whole systems fucked, and choosing to accept it as is is too demoralizing. “There’s nothing you can do, just accept it sweaty <3” is so annoying to hear when you’ve had your entire life to build up to finding love but it never happens. Elliot roger isn’t a good person but he gave a pretty good release
When I started reading at first I thought you are cuck with low T that have been castrated by soyciety .
Then I wanted to stop reading because I was sure you are cuck with low T castrated by soyciety.

But then I saw this:
I've also been lucky to have good family around me. I'm pretty close to my sister and I love being uncle to her little children. They make me feel like whatever may happen to me, there is some small legacy of me going into the future in them.
And then I understood you can afford to be a cuck with low T castrated by soyciety, because you are actually leaving some legacy as uncle.

But you are still cuck with low T castrated by soyciety and you wont understand people that had shit families and noone give a fuck about them.

If any trucel is reading my answer close this thread and read this instead:
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When I started reading at first I thought you are cuck with low T that have been castrated by soyciety .
Then I wanted to stop reading because I was sure you are cuck with low T castrated by soyciety.

But then I saw this:

And then I understood you can afford to be a cuck with low T castrated by soyciety, because you are actually leaving some legacy as uncle.

But you are still cuck with low T castrated by soyciety and you wont understand people that had shit families and noone give a fuck about them.

If any trucel is reading my answer close this thread and read this instead:

Sure, of course there are people out there who've had harder lives than me. There are people who've had harder lives than you too.

I think it's hilarious that you feel the need to police my thread and shut down my take on all of this. Would you like a medal for being "more incel" than me? Because I've got one for you right here.
Sure, of course there are people out there who've had harder lives than me. There are people who've had harder lives than you too.
There are also people that have better lives than ours, so why not to try shooting in that direction?

I think it's hilarious that you feel the need to police my thread and shut down my take on all of this.
Im not policing your thread Im just saying that you can afford to be castrated incel without rage because you will have some kind of legacy. Most incels won't have it and being calm little cuck won't help them achieving it. Being regeful can help us though because humans and especially men flourish if they have enemy.

Would you like a medal for being "more incel" than me? Because I've got one for you right here.
I dont know if Im more incel than you, Im probably way uglier. And if this medal is made from expensive material I will gladly take it.
There are also people that have better lives than ours, so why not to try shooting in that direction?

My intention isn't to "shoot" anybody.
Just because some people are in a really rage-fuelled, I-hate-all-toilets phase with their inceldom, it doesn't mean that's all there is, and it doesn't mean we don't get to talk about inceldom as it affects us.

Im not policing your thread Im just saying that you can afford to be castrated incel without rage because you will have some kind of legacy. Most incels won't have it and being calm little cuck won't help them achieving it.

Castrated? Tell me about it. Tonight I'm going to sit out on the upstairs balcony of the house that I will be mortgage free on within a couple of years, and I'll drink half a bottle of a nice Penfold's Shiraz while I flip through the latest action from Doogycel's meltdown. Then I'll probably watch some TV and maybe thrash skyrim for a while on my 55" LCD monitor.

Knowing how to behave in soyciety, is the key to staying in school and staying on the road to being able to afford reasonable copes. If that's "castrated" or "cucked" then cuck cuck mother fucker ;-)
This makes me sad. You put in words why it's over for me and I can't think of any arguments.
You probably aren't ugly so women don't mistreat you in most interactions and get you fired from jobs.
This is some strong whitepill cope. I'm glad that you've come to terms with your inceldom and are at peace with it, brocel, but inceldom itself is not a state of harmony. You are not supposed to be OK with being an incel. It's against every fibre of your biological and evolutionary being. You've either been conditioned to accept your own sorry state, or you've deluded yourself into it. And that, my brothers, is the subtle black pill here.
I hate women especially stacies, they live on tutorial mode, their parents give them everything, they get worshipped online

They go to parties all night I hope all of them get killed like the idaho sluts
I turned 41 recently, and I've been on here 12 months, so I've decided it's time I bit the bullet and made an inceldom discussion post. I want to lay out some of my opinions and perspectives, that are a bit different than a lot of the common orthodoxy on here, most of which is written by grieving, angry young men.

Some of this might seem inflammatory, but you will live.

The main headline points are:

1. I have never hated women

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Roger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

3. Why you should never rope, and the way in which life gets better, not worse, even for an oldcel like me.

1. I have never hated women for rejecting me.

Not individual women who actually received advances from me and rejected me. And not "women" in general, either as some oppressive blanket force of nature, or as some organized conspiracy against me.

The only explanation I can give is I have always internalized and owned the failure of my attempts to seek sex or romance. I don't seem to have what women want, and that must mean there's something wrong with me, or something that's not quite enough about me.

That's a very hard thing for a teenager or a young man in his early 20s to be confronted by. It is devastating and the weight of it can be at times crushing. But it's never made me angry. An angry reaction just doesn't make sense to me. A simple thought experiment is helpful here: If someone I felt zero attraction for wanted me, and I was oblivious to that or actually said no to it, would it be fair that they were angry at me for not feeling what I don't feel?

In saying this, I was pretty shy as a young person and I don't think I was ever very competent at meeting new people and approaching the possibility of new things openly. So all of the actual rejections I can remember from my youth, were women I met, and lived or worked or studied around. And over a period of time I convinced myself she was wonderful, and I wanted her, and I loved her. This would include a lot of daydreams and fanciful imagination about what a perfect future with me and her together might look like.

And then like a fool I would tell her how I felt, hoping that she felt the same and was waiting for me to say something. Invariably she didn't feel the same way about me, and didn't want any of that.

The first one of those, took me about 6 months to get over. The second one took me about 4 years, that was the worst one. I really thought she was pretty special, and having seen she existed I didn't think I could live without her. Both of these were during my university years. Afterwards, I learned to test the waters with women but never again made that mistake of getting ahead of things and falling into unrequited love.

Prior to that time, High School gave me a bit of a premonition that sex and the attention and desire of women might not happen for me. I saw that first, around the ages of 15 or 16, one or two boys were talking about having girlfriends and/or having sex. Then quite a few were talking about it. Then a majority seemed to be having these experiences, and I was an outlier in not having them. But I had good friends at high school, and I had the crutch of supportive parental expectations that I was one of the "bright" kids and I would move away and study and some kind of bright future would happen to me.

So I was never embarrassed, humiliated, cheated or wronged by women. They were just unobtainable, and that made me sad, not angry.

2. Wilkes McDermid vs Elliot Rodger vs Christopher Swanson, and what we can learn from them.

I just straight up don't like Elliot Rodger. So there.

He was a nasty, self-obsessed, narcissistic killer. He wrote about his feelings well but i find nothing to admire in his attitude that he is owed certain things, and it is reasonable for him to hurt and kill people at random as some kind of justice for his situation. Perhaps somebody whose dog died should have punished him with a bullet? Perhaps somebody who had their BMW repossessed by the finance company should have punished him with a bullet?
He was a good looking, spoiled child. He showed precious little insight into how the world is or the reasons why. His message of blame and recrimination and random extreme violence is not helpful to anyone.

Wilkes McDermid is a much better "Saint" for inceldom. When I first read his final blog https://wilkes888.wordpress.com/2013/02/08/my-final-blog-entry-love-you-all/ it was a great moment, seeing ideas similar to my own written so well.
If you're not familiar with his thesis, the core of it is that women are genetically programmed to seek out high-quality males to mate with. He identified 3 main selection criteria, and theorized that you need at least two of the three to succeed:

1. Height

2. White (or black)

3. Wealth, or some other manifestation of power.

Personally I think his insistence on these 3 and only these 3 is a bit misguided and there is in reality a smorgasbord of desirable male traits that women will choose from. But I think he is spot on in saying that women are driven by primordial evolutionary drivers when they apply the criteria they apply in sorting males by quality and identifying them as worthy or unworthy.

He was also such a gentleman, in the way he tried to absolve his female friendzoners of any blame or guilt by explicitly saying that he understands this is just a natural behaviour that humans do. I admire that.

The fact that he was a popular and liked guy, with a big social circle and successful in other fields, and yet still incel, was something more people on here should reflect on IMHO. The way that he kept his struggles largely to himself, and looked after his friendships, and had a proper sense of adult behaviour and manners, and achieved most of his goals in life, is something that I admire. The way he owned his issues like a man, is something I admire. And while I wish he hadn't jumped, I admire the resolution with which he decided to do it, and did it.

And then there is Christopher Swanson, a 40yo high school teacher oldcel whose spectacular and catastrophic downfall should serve as a warning. About what happens if you fail to learn the real lessons.
He failed to experience the devastation of missing out on young love, in the way that Elliott Rodger fully experienced it.
And he failed to learn the real lesson that Wilkes McDermid learned from his experiences and his research: that beyond a certain point your rejection is an entirely predictable, natural process, not something that should catch a 40yo grown man by surprise and spin him out of control.
So by failing to learn those lessons, he caught a bluepilled deluded oneitis for a 17yo schoolgirl in one of his classes, and that led to him being brushed off by her, and struck off as a teacher, and humiliated, and eventually to suicide.

3. Why I haven't followed any of those infamous, dead incels

Almost all incel writing has a common problem. Men don't talk, or write, about their feelings, until they're really REALLY fucked up about something. Then they pour their little hearts out in some mega grief fuelled meltdown. So a lot of incel writing, comes from the heat of the moment and it reads like inceldom is all there is. ER's manifesto is certainly like that. Swanson's website is so stricken with grief that all of his success in his career is merely a sick footnote to the real story; that this dumb teenager didn't want him.

That's a terrible role model for young virgins. Because inceldom really isn't the only thing in your life, and convincing yourself that it is, is an incredibly destructive thing to do.

I've been very fortunate for a few reasons. One, the time I attempted suicide, failed dismally because the act of doing the cutting was far too painful to persist with. But standing right on the edge of the abyss and making that decision to step off, is a moment of finality you can't understand unless you've experienced it. Living after that does show you the value of things differently.

I've also been lucky to have good family around me. I'm pretty close to my sister and I love being uncle to her little children. They make me feel like whatever may happen to me, there is some small legacy of me going into the future in them. One of them has even learned to read music because I planted the idea in them and showed them some basics.

I'm lucky teenaged oneitis didn't destroy my ability to keep performing at school and get my degree. Today I'm reasonably competent in my profession and I'm pretty good at teaching young grads the ropes. They seem to appreciate it and my employers do too. That's a real source of personal validation. If I was my age and flipping burgers I doubt I'd be as happy as I am.

I really don't know if sex drive diminishes with age, or if perspective just improves. There was a wonderful moment a few years ago, I can remember it. I woke up on a Saturday morning, and there was sun streaming in my window, and I had a bunch of things planned that I wanted to get up and do. And it really hit me: I don't feel totally crushed and miserable by my inceldom. Life just is what it is, and right now it feels ok. That was a good feeling.

Of course it's not a total panacea, and there are still suifuel moments that remind me strongly of all the things I don't have and threaten to take me back into the grief state. But you get better at coping with that stuff, and you get better at avoiding and shielding yourself from stuff you know is harder to cope with. I don't go to town on Saturday night. I don't go to dinner with couples. I don't go to weddings if I can avoid it.

That feeling of peace, is why I haven't roped and I honestly don't believe I will. There will always be a bit of sadness there, that I didn't have that whole life I imagined I wanted. But there's good stuff too in spite of that. There's enough good stuff that the sadness is tolerable.

4: a piece of unsolicited advice.

I'm old enough that my friends are fucking up their marriages and getting divorced. It is fascinating to see the divorcee dating phenomenon. There is one clear lesson from it. I'm not getting involved because little has changed except for the details of what people make small talk about. Women don't lower their standards, and they don't settle. What this means, it means two things.
The cock carousel being followed by resignation and beta burning, is cope. Women don't settle for beta bux, they are genetically programmed to seek whatever their concept of Chad is, that doesn't change.

But this also means, that if you do manage to meet someone in later life who seems into you, it's probably real and you should go for it IMHO. All the advice you get on here about betabuxx and roast beef and the cock carousel from 16yo "truecels" is terrible advice and it is ignorant advice. A bunch of my university friends lost their virginities in their 20s and they are happy today. One of my high school buddies fucked heaps of women at university, married the girl of his dreams, and that lasted 4 years. Today he's married to someone uglier but cooler and he's happy.

Unicorns exist, and you should always remain open to possibilities. While keeping your expectations firmly based in Wilkes McDermid's understanding of the blackpill, that women are generally looking for certain things, and it's no secret what those are.
Have you read what he’s saying

“I’m short and don’t have the genes women want so it’s all my fault!!:soy::soy: I love women guys I support them in their pursuit of gigachad it’s all their entertainment and benefit!!:soy:

I didn’t need to read more then the few sentences I did. I hope the thread gets shit on, op gets violently raped and necks himself.
This is some strong whitepill cope. I'm glad that you've come to terms with your inceldom and are at peace with it, brocel, but inceldom itself is not a state of harmony. You are not supposed to be OK with being an incel. It's against every fibre of your biological and evolutionary being. You've either been conditioned to accept your own sorry state, or you've deluded yourself into it. And that, my brothers, is the subtle black pill here.
What are you even supposed to do? Lash out at someone or something? That's not gonna make you attractive. Make a lot of money? To what end? There's literally no way to win this shit, and being mad all the time dosn't help either because it fucks you up mentally and your social relationships. Because while no women may fuck you, at least you can have friends(if you wish that's it)
You are not supposed to be OK with being an incel. It's against every fibre of your biological and evolutionary being. You've either been conditioned to accept your own sorry state, or you've deluded yourself into it.

It takes a lot of energy, staying mad.

And staying mad clouds a bunch of other things in life.

I realize that when you are very young, inceldom seems like all that there is.
You are 41 yo incel why not just kill yourself already?? What’s the point in living alone like this? Life full of misery, pain, suffering, hatred isn’t worth living anyways
You are 41 yo incel why not just kill yourself already?? Life full of misery, pain, suffering, hatred isn’t worth living anyways
:feelskek: Turn it up. You decide if your life is "worth" living.

What’s the point in living alone like this?
I'm not going to write that whole thousand word essay out again in different words.
I read it all. I agree with you. Women rejecting low genetic quality males is just their nature and it's pointless to hate them for that (in fact I don't find any logical reason to hate women as a group). If every women rejects you, it's obvious that you're the problem, not them. Yes, if they reject you because you're 5'3 obviously it's not your fault and it's not fair, but it is what it is. Life isn't fair, nature isn't fair. As a 20yo virgin it's interesting to read the point of view of a 41yo, so thanks
What are you even supposed to do?
It takes a lot of energy, staying mad.

And staying mad clouds a bunch of other things in life.
Who said anything about being in a constant state of anger and madness? Not being content with your socio-genetic status quo isn't the same as being in a chronic state of anger.

I realize that when you are very young, inceldom seems like all that there is.
Young? I'm trailing right behind you, buddy boyo.
@CopeHarderNow said: .....

Well firstly: let me congratulate you on having the skills to quote somebody else's words instead of finding your own. Very very impressive.

Secondly: Joined: Jul 10, 2023

And Thirdly: I believe I'm happier with my life than at least 80% of users on here. Probably happier than 90% tbh. No I don't have a study to back that up. But you can see all of my posts, and you can see the rest of the site. So if you have a little bit of critical faculty you should be able to make your own conclusions.

Fourth: It's up to you if you are interested in absorbing anything you read on here. This isn't school, nothing is compulsory.

Fifth: Being an idiot in I.D. threads isn't compulsory either.

Sixth: Believe it or not, even though there are a lot of hurting young guys on here, there are also people on here who would rather see you succeed than fail. If you stick around long enough to make some friends here you will hopefully see that.

In conclusion: I realize that if you reply to this at all, you will just yell a wordsalad including (but not limited to) cuck, beta, faggot, simp, kys. That's fine, just give me a minute to find a tissue for my tears.
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I hate foids. They should all be corraled and turned into breeding mounts for men to relieve themselves, nothing more.
I hate foids. They should all be corraled and turned into breeding mounts for men to relieve themselves, nothing more.

Edgy, I like it.
Well firstly: let me congratulate you on having the skills to quote somebody else's words instead of finding your own. Very very impressive.

Secondly: Joined: Jul 10, 2023

And Thirdly: I believe I'm happier with my life than at least 80% of users on here. Probably happier than 90% tbh. No I don't have a study to back that up. But you can see all of my posts, and you can see the rest of the site. So if you have a little bit of critical faculty you should be able to make your own conclusions.

Fourth: It's up to you if you are interested in absorbing anything you read on here. This isn't school, nothing is compulsory.

Fifth: Being an idiot in I.D. threads isn't compulsory either.

Sixth: Believe it or not, even though there are a lot of hurting young guys on here, there are also people on here who would rather see you succeed than fail. If you stick around long enough to make some friends here you will hopefully see that.

In conclusion: I realize that if you reply to this at all, you will just yell a wordsalad including (but not limited to) cuck, beta, faggot, simp, kys. That's fine, just give me a minute to find a tissue for my tears.
Fellow old-cel here.

I have anger, but the more prevalent emotion is resignation and something like acceptance. It's not the worst place to be in terms of one's mental state.
Solid and very interesting thread. This is what most incels need, a mid-way between the blackpill knowledge and a healthy, functioning mind. I don't specifically advice the most combative incels to stop hating women, but I'd just encourage them to think about what is the best way to stay high-functioning instead of miserable. If venting their anger here and larping as edgelords makes their existence more bearable, then I actually encourage them to do it.

Taking advantage of the fact this is kind of a whitepill thread, I'd say that the common conception of whitepill isn't for everyone. Not all people can just resign themselves to their fate and make peace with their destiny, this is simply not it. Rather, I'd say everyone can build their own personal version of whitepill. The whitepill is, in fact, the cope that is most efficient to alleviate the pain caused by inceldom, and for some that is venting their anger online 24/7, for some is moneymaxxing, for others it is focusing on other hobbies etc. But the main point of whitepill is that it seeks to improve your QoL despite your inceldom. For that reason I don't really care if some incels idolize ER for example, all we can do is give them some awareness of the potential brainrot associated, and let them choose for themselves how to cope (tbh even I write these ironic comments sometimes).

It's interesting how even when you present arguments in a friendly way, they are mostly incapable of acknowledging basic truths. There's so much data available about how looks and dating success correlate, yet they prefer to have magical beliefs (personality is more important, everyone finds someone eventually) just to not admit something wrong about themselves.
Oldercels never did any harm to me
Solid and very interesting thread. This is what most incels need, a mid-way between the blackpill knowledge and a healthy, functioning mind. I don't specifically advice the most combative incels to stop hating women, but I'd just encourage them to think about what is the best way to stay high-functioning instead of miserable. If venting their anger here and larping as edgelords makes their existence more bearable, then I actually encourage them to do it.

Taking advantage of the fact this is kind of a whitepill thread, I'd say that the common conception of whitepill isn't for everyone. Not all people can just resign themselves to their fate and make peace with their destiny, this is simply not it. Rather, I'd say everyone can build their own personal version of whitepill. The whitepill is, in fact, the cope that is most efficient to alleviate the pain caused by inceldom, and for some that is venting their anger online 24/7, for some is moneymaxxing, for others it is focusing on other hobbies etc. But the main point of whitepill is that it seeks to improve your QoL despite your inceldom. For that reason I don't really care if some incels idolize ER for example, all we can do is give them some awareness of the potential brainrot associated, and let them choose for themselves how to cope (tbh even I write these ironic comments sometimes).

It's interesting how even when you present arguments in a friendly way, they are mostly incapable of acknowledging basic truths. There's so much data available about how looks and dating success correlate, yet they prefer to have magical beliefs (personality is more important, everyone finds someone eventually) just to not admit something wrong about themselves.
Some replies on this thread summed up well what warrants at least some degree of righteous hostility to broader society/women, to which op barely responded. Now if someone is too weak to live with the truth and absolutely have to see himself as an "incel without hate" in order to function that's his problem. But ultimately it's spineless and pathetic.

I mean how can you have the pretense to summarize inceldom without touching the subject of society at large at least once. The toxic anti men culture simultaneously with the extremely prevalent foid worship culture/feminism is probably what made op an incel in the first place. Hypergamy is a direct consequence of it. I agree that ER had mental problems, he was fucked up in the head. But Mcdermid was not and yet was still destined to rot. Funny op is telling us to reflect on him, when he's the one that should do it but this time without having it backwards. He's a typical devalued man with stockholm syndrome but would like us to think that it's virtue on his part.
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The only explanation I can give is I have always internalized and owned the failure of my attempts to seek sex or romance. I don't seem to have what women want, and that must mean there's something wrong with me, or something that's not quite enough about me.
I remember coming to this realization at around the age of 21. It really did make me a more "zen" person.
Some replies on this thread summed up well what warrants at least some degree of righteous hostility to broader society/women, to which op barely responded. Now if someone is too weak to live with the truth and absolutely have to see himself as an "incel without hate" in order to function that's his problem. But ultimately it's spineless and pathetic.

I mean how can you have the pretense to summarize inceldom without touching the subject of society at large at least once. The toxic anti men culture simultaneously with the extremely prevalent foid worship culture/feminism is probably what made op an incel in the first place. Hypergamy is a direct consequence of it. I agree that ER had mental problems, he was fucked up in the head. But Mcdermid was not and yet was still destined to rot. Funny op is telling us to reflect on him, when he's the one that should do it but this time without having it backwards. He's a typical devalued man with stockholm syndrome but would like us to think that it's virtue on his part.
Don't be spineless and pathetic then, you are free to join politics, engage in activism and advocate for men's rights.

Living with the truth =/= reacting to the truth in the same way. Those who delude themselves are the ITfags and normies that don't acknowledge the blackpill, which is not my case. I know what caused my inceldom, but feeling anger won't change anything except waste my energy, time and peace of mind.

The best way to cope is your choice, and like you said, it's not anyone's else problem.

Please jump from a bridge

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