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Soy Why Pronoun People are Retarded

High IQ mate, this was a thoughtful read. You could basically make a whole thread about this subject and I’d certainly read it.
Thanks brocel. I might someday, but my energy going into effort posting here has been all but depleted at the moment.
I find homosexuality and transsexuality repellent. The closest thing to a cure against these things was conversion therapy, but more countries are making that illegal. The main argument by these people is "just let us exist, my transgenderism shouldn't mean anything to you" they like to say that their transsexuality is just affecting their life when it will affect their family or friends too. One of my worst nightmares is a family member that is older than me being out as a transgender, I'd rather find out that they killed someone, the embarassment would be extremely difficult to deal with and I have to completely efface them from my life.
I find homosexuality and transsexuality repellent. The closest thing to a cure against these things was conversion therapy, but more countries are making that illegal. The main argument by these people is "just let us exist, my transgenderism shouldn't mean anything to you" they like to say that their transsexuality is just affecting their life when it will affect their family or friends too. One of my worst nightmares is a family member that is older than me being out as a transgender, I'd rather find out that they killed someone, the embarassment would be extremely difficult to deal with and I have to completely efface them from my life.
Even worse would be if you raised a kid and they decided to become a tranny. I would probably just rope at that point.
Even worse would be if you raised a kid and they decided to become a tranny. I would probably just rope at that point.
Especially if you didn't have other kids, that is brutal.
Why would anyone WANT to be trans? What is this going to achieve, or how does it make your life easier?
Even worse would be if you raised a kid and they decided to become a tranny. I would probably just rope at that point.
Imagine being a father and your son tells you they’re going to troon out and now they want you to lie them and call them by false pronouns. Christ I’d regret everything and that risk makes me not want to expose young people to the internet til they’re older so as to avoid getting groomed by the deranged mentally ill. Even that would be insufficient maybe now since our education institutions are corrupt and full of propaganda. The more time passes the more I’m starting to the Amish were onto something at least in terms of strict values and gender roles.
Why would anyone WANT to be trans? What is this going to achieve, or how does it make your life easier?
People want to be in that LGBTQWXYZ+++++ mafia now because it’s a privileged group that have been given protected special status and built in victim sympathy/attention. They also wield power over others because they can get you into trouble for not playing along and they can compel your speech under penalty in normal work environments and school now when it comes to the pronoun nonsense. It’s all fucked. Also grooming is how these people reproduce.
Why would anyone WANT to be trans?
  • They are incels who think they can escape the blackpill by "transitioning" into a woman (i.e. transmaxxing)
  • They are retarded feminists who think looking like a man will give them "mail privilege"
  • They want attention and social justice points
  • They think their "trapped in the wrong body"
It's usually a mix of those reasons.
What is this going to achieve, or how does it make your life easier?
It doesn't and the only thing it achieves is filling their body with jew pills making them infertile and fucking up their brain even more, ostracises them from their friends and family, and makes them waste loads of money on pills and surgery. This is why so many trans people end up killing themselves.
  • They are incels who think they can escape the blackpill by "transitioning" into a woman (i.e. transmaxxing)
  • They are retarded feminists who think looking like a man will give them "mail privilege"
  • They want attention and social justice points
  • They think their "trapped in the wrong body"
It's usually a mix of those reasons.

It doesn't and the only thing it achieves is filling their body with jew pills making them infertile and fucking up their brain even more, ostracises them from their friends and family, and makes them waste loads of money on pills and surgery. This is why so many trans people end up killing themselves.
Summed it up well, what’s really sad about is if nobody indulged these notions or agreed to play along with their delusions (e.g. calling a man a “she” etc) they in most cases probably wouldn’t go down that road. And frankly what doctors are doing is monstrous. Imagine going to the doctor and telling them to cut your arm off because it made you feel insecure or that it wasn’t part of your ideal body. It’s madness and I genuinely have no idea how leftists can support such a thing when it clearly isn’t good for people and does not actually achieve what they want (to be the opposite sex).

Tangentially related I think circumcision is also a heinous thing we do to young men in the USA and I will never forgive my parents for what was done to me without any input from me. I’ve had complications as a result of that procedure and doctors need to fucking stay the hell away from people genitalia unless there’s actually a medically necessary reason for it. I can never “fix” my dick because these fucking people are morons.
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It’s madness and I genuinely have no idea how leftists can support such a thing when it clearly isn’t good for people and does not actually achieve what they want (to be the opposite sex).
It's another way for jew pharma to make money off of people. jewish doctors came up with all this BS about "gender dysphoria" despite it not existing for thousands of years and leftoids brought into it through propaganda.
Tangentially related I think circumcision is also a heinous thing we do to young men in the USA and I will never forgive my parents for what was done to me without any input from me. I’ve had complications as a result of that procedure and doctors need to fucking stay the hell away from people genitalia unless there’s actually a medically necessary reason for it. I can never “fix” my dick because these fucking people are morons.
Brutal. They should just ban circumcision.
Another point on this topic,

You can’t just define a word using the same word :feelstastyman:

Everytime I see this shit pushed and these people reply with the whole “a woman is anyone who identifies as a woman” it’s like, nigga, listen to yourself. Stop and think and use your fucking brain for two fucking seconds here.

If you ask what a fucking barn or a child or whatever is, and I say to you “a barn is a barn” or a “child is anyone that identifies as a child — b-b-b-but you have to have child dysphoria, it’s a medical term!!!” then I am a retard who should be ridiculed into the depths of the earth for my stupidity.

Again, the fact that these people are even remotely taken seriously by anyone at all speaks LOUD volumes for the general cognitive decline or at less the decline in integrity across the western world. These people are fucking sick in the head, they are over the line for irrational retardation, and yet WE are considered the bad guys for merely stating the extremely obvious and apparent truth. I genuinely hate this clown world and these people hate me because I won’t fucking lie to their face and indulge an obvious delusion. And for that I can quite literally get fired and have my reputation decimated by social media gremlins.

I hope the sane chunks of the USA split off and leave California and their ilk to fall off into the ocean and I hope mainstream social media and online dating are either outright banned or subject to some kind of fair oversight so the owners can’t continue to brainwash the youth with their mental filth.

It’s difficult to articulate how much rage I have in my heart after so many years of abuse and gaslighting. I admit, today these people disgust me, but just like women, they fuckin started it and brought that reaction on themselves via their own choices — all the while crying victim and acting like the anger people now have with them just “fell out of the sky” :feelsseriously: uh-huh
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I’m sure we’re all painfully aware of the trans movement and some of us may even work or live in places that effectively are compelled speech environments. E.g. You don’t call the man at work who’s clearly a man a “she/her” and play pretend with them then you’ll get canned and if you make your actual views known even family and friends will look at you like you just said something heinously evil. That kinda thing.

Let’s consider this logically for a moment. Like, basic 2 year old toddler learning English logically because it’s genuinely that fucking stupid.

The function of pronouns is to denote whether the person you’re speaking to or about is a man (he/him), or woman (she/her), or whether they are part of a group (they/them), or if it’s unknown (they/them) — for that last one an example would be if you don’t know who they are and they have an unclear name that could be for a guy or girl like Alex or whatever, you get the idea.

That’s it. That’s been what they mean and how they’ve been used long before any of us were born.

Provided there are differences that can be identified between men and women it follows that there is a true pronoun each person has that they don’t choose. Effectively its assigned to you at birth based on what you are or even before birth as the sex of the child with modern science can be known long before the baby is born.

For ~99%+ of people, it is entirely apparent whether you are a guy or a girl. E.g. If you’re a man with the XY chromosome. you were born with a dick, your body naturally produces male hormones, and you don’t have eggs or ovaries, obviously you’re a man. It’s not some vague “question”, it’s not something you choose.

Even the rare exceptions/the people who are born hermaphrodites usually are closer to a man or woman taking their traits holistically into account, but that’s a case where a genuine real debate can be had, I don’t doubt that.

Anyway, all of this is very clear cut, it’s basic logic and it’s straight forward. Frankly the wokies and modern “people” claiming different are simply wrong. Identifying as something does not make you that thing. Simple as. It’s not how you identify, that’s never been what it means.

To side step this logic the only way they can do that is by changing the definitions themselves (they claim a woman is just anyone that identifies as one, that’s their working definition :feelsseriously:) or they claim the function of pronouns and what they represent is different (“sex and gender are different now incel!:soy:).

They claim gender means something different from sex but when pressed their only answer is that “gender is whatever you identity as or whatever present yourself as being:feelsclown: At which point they claim they don’t understand the “I identify as an Apache attack helicopter and you will refer to me as such” joke — they sneer back “Noooo you can’t use my own logic against me, it’s different because IT JUST IS and dysphoria is real OK!:feels:

>Dysphoria is real
Not a good reason to embrace delusion and worse to try an force others to indulge that delusion. I can believe I’m a woman in man’s body til I’m blue in the face, that on no level makes it true or reality. By forcing others under penalty to adopt your preferred pronouns you are forcing others to tell you a blatant lie because you’re too mentally weak to handle the truth. And anyone that does that is fucking pathetic.

Their claim about gender definitions is nonsense because if the function of pronouns isn’t to denote whether someone is a man, woman, group, or unknown, then what purpose do pronouns even have in existing? We might as well refer to everyone as the same uniform term at that point. Except we don’t and they don’t either because we all acknowledge, yes even them, that men and women are different. And if we weren’t different why do they bother to adopt the other sex’s pronoun at all? Why bother emulating the opposite sex like trans people do then? Their view of sex and gender doesn’t make any fucking sense and they clearly do believe men and women are different from each other.

Anyway, I wanted to bitch about this a bit in more sane circles since I watched part of SFO’s recent video where he calls one of his friends a “she” who is actually a “he” then defends it in the comments by saying she’s a her to him which is dumb as fuck because there is an objective correct and typically very obvious answer to whether someone is a man or woman and thus whether they’re a he or she:
View: https://youtu.be/w2HQnynZZtg
It’s all so tiresome. I’m tired bros, the constant top down propaganda, the constant gas lighting, the constant telling me I’m “hateful” just because I recognize the definition of words and how basic English works. How these mentally weak crazy people wield so much power and how the entire force of the western world has been placed behind getting people to believe a lie they couldn’t be more obvious is just staggering. It’s surreal to behold and clown world is killing me bros. I’m tired man. My whole family buys into this clown world shit now.
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I saw your reply on my thread so I will reply here now before I got to bed.

1. your family buying into is gruesome man, that hurts. Like, my family did that with the vaccines, it was not nice man.
2. The people that make these weird arguments for everything being a mental construct don't understand the basic philosophical implications of this worldview. They also think they are the first to think of this.

But with some basic philosophy 101 knowledge they would understand that there historic ideas like "Nominalism," which is a philosophical school that says that reality is merely projection of labels onto chaotic sensory input. Of course this was instantly critiqued to shit because of similar reason for why the tranny shit makes no sense.

If you want to see IRL implications of this retardation, go into a protestant church and look around. No images. Four walls and a stage. The early reformers were influenced by nominalist schools off thought and applied it consistently. If reality is just human projections, then anything humans attribute a label to is an idol, since it's not real outside the human mind. Symbols do not have mind independent existence outside humans in their view.

That's why they banished all imagery from churches. All symbols.

With the tranny shit it moves into a similar direction where everything is just a social construct. But that would of course include the very idea of social constructs itself. It's retarded and self refuting.

They have no basis for argumentation itself. Everything is subjective for them, including that statement (if they were honest).
What is even the fucking goal of their system? What's the end purpose?

Their entire worldview is a bunch of walmart slogans, walmart worldview
"my body my choice"
"be the change"
"black lives matter"

bro like can they not talk like a parrot for one fucking second.

Notice how they talk about wanting equality and shit, but their version of equality is like putting everyone into an atom smasher and turning them into dust. Complete dissolving of all boundaries, physical, spiritual, conceptual. Everything is just goo theory.
Kind of exposes their worldview.

Btw how can you even misgender someone if pronoun definitions are subjective? Like, I could call a "she" a "he" but just claim my symbol for female gender is "he" and my "he" actually refers to "she." Because I am more comfortable with that or something, idk, my mom abused me so i have anxiety about using female pronouns - see i just made some shit up.

They always appeal to objective standards while attacking the very same standards. Their suicide rate is not surprising at all, they are just doing a mental burnout until the tires blow.

The problem is that the right is not equipped to fight these retards.
Because the leftist worldview is completely baseless, they only worship and respect power. State power, medicine man power idk
they dont care about arguments

The only thing that would work is systematic force on a large scale. Arguments dont work.
When I was in the mental hospital in 2018, there was a troon that cut off its arm at the elbow.
These people dont struggle with gender dysphoria, they are batshit crazy.
How tf are you gonna argue with someone like that.
I saw your reply on my thread so I will reply here now before I got to bed.

1. your family buying into is gruesome man, that hurts. Like, my family did that with the vaccines, it was not nice man.
2. The people that make these weird arguments for everything being a mental construct don't understand the basic philosophical implications of this worldview. They also think they are the first to think of this.

But with some basic philosophy 101 knowledge they would understand that there historic ideas like "Nominalism," which is a philosophical school that says that reality is merely projection of labels onto chaotic sensory input. Of course this was instantly critiqued to shit because of similar reason for why the tranny shit makes no sense.

If you want to see IRL implications of this retardation, go into a protestant church and look around. No images. Four walls and a stage. The early reformers were influenced by nominalist schools off thought and applied it consistently. If reality is just human projections, then anything humans attribute a label to is an idol, since it's not real outside the human mind. Symbols do not have mind independent existence outside humans in their view.

That's why they banished all imagery from churches. All symbols.

With the tranny shit it moves into a similar direction where everything is just a social construct. But that would of course include the very idea of social constructs itself. It's retarded and self refuting.

They have no basis for argumentation itself. Everything is subjective for them, including that statement (if they were honest).
What is even the fucking goal of their system? What's the end purpose?

Their entire worldview is a bunch of walmart slogans, walmart worldview
"my body my choice"
"be the change"
"black lives matter"

bro like can they not talk like a parrot for one fucking second.

Notice how they talk about wanting equality and shit, but their version of equality is like putting everyone into an atom smasher and turning them into dust. Complete dissolving of all boundaries, physical, spiritual, conceptual. Everything is just goo theory.
Kind of exposes their worldview.

Btw how can you even misgender someone if pronoun definitions are subjective? Like, I could call a "she" a "he" but just claim my symbol for female gender is "he" and my "he" actually refers to "she." Because I am more comfortable with that or something, idk, my mom abused me so i have anxiety about using female pronouns - see i just made some shit up.

They always appeal to objective standards while attacking the very same standards. Their suicide rate is not surprising at all, they are just doing a mental burnout until the tires blow.

The problem is that the right is not equipped to fight these retards.
Because the leftist worldview is completely baseless, they only worship and respect power. State power, medicine man power idk
they dont care about arguments

The only thing that would work is systematic force on a large scale. Arguments dont work.
When I was in the mental hospital in 2018, there was a troon that cut off its arm at the elbow.
These people dont struggle with gender dysphoria, they are batshit crazy.
How tf are you gonna argue with someone like that.
Good read, thanks man :feelsYall: Your other thread in this topic was great btw

Your section about not using female pronouns because your mom abused you as a made up tactic in their own vein is brilliant trolling kek.

For your last block there, yeah, people getting bottom surgery are not different to someone who wants the doc to chop their leg off. They’re sick in the head and should not be accommodated when what they’re doing is so plainly stupid. But this is clown world so honk :feelsclown:

I appreciate your laying out the subjective way they interpret the world. There’s the old phrase “you can’t reason someone out of a view they weren’t reasoned into to begin with” or something along those lines where people don’t actually believe something because of logical arguments. I can sure as fuck try though, outside of work not like I have much to lose.

I agree that at this point probably the only thing that could “fix” western society would require some sort of major regime change, war, or the splitting apart of the sane states somewhere like the USA (I hope California and it’s rot fall off into the ocean). When these deluded wokies control the levers of power in government, education, news, and social media they control the minds of the people by and large. That’s power that’s virtually unbeatable without some kind of massive upheaval, I dunno.
I really wish it was “water” :feelsbadman: Everyone I know in this god forsaken shithole city would find my writeup here “hateful” and “ackshually just not factual” etc etc

This garbage has taken over western corporations, education, social media, etc. It definitely used to be water, but not anymore I’d say.
Doesnt matter because we wouldnt interact with them
I’ll call them it/it’s like a bug

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