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Blackpill Attractive people are objectively smarter (genetically superior) than unattractive people

"The National Child Development Study (NCDS) includes all babies born during the week of 03-09 March 1958 in Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland), and has followed them for more than half a century throughout their lives. When the children were 7 and again when they were 11, their teachers were asked to describe them physically. For the purpose of the analysis below, the children are defined to be attractive if they were described as attractive at both age 7 and age 11. They were defined to be unattractive otherwise. 62% of the NCDS respondents are coded as attractive. Their intelligence is measured with 11 different cognitive tests at three different ages (7, 11, and 16). NCDS has the best measure of general intelligence available in any large-scale survey data.

As the graph below shows, attractive NCDS respondents are significantly more intelligent than unattractive NCDS respondents. Attractive NCDS respondents have the mean IQ of 104.23, whereas unattractive NCDS respondents have the mean IQ of 91.81. The difference between them is 12.42. "

It is truly over if you are ugly and ended up on this forum. We are not only uglier than beautiful people but also dumber on average. 12.5 iq points difference, more than a SD.
JFL at this life



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not true at all
Nope I'm incel, short and have tested high IQ.
probably because they don't have thoughts of roping every week
the attractive kids in my old school tend to usually be in higher sets than the unattractive ones.
Same, most of the attractive kids at my high school are in the honors or AP courses.
1. Halo effect. They're given better grades, assisted by teachers, questions dumbed down, given off balance sheet assets.
2. Has been publicly acknowledged. I've made threads about it.
3. Academia now has become a farce.
4. IQ tests can be skewed & "gamed" to whoever's setting it to prove their point.
5. Unattractive people have had harder lives & therefore more strife than attractive people aka subsistence.
4. IQ tests can be skewed & "gamed" to whoever's setting it to prove their point.
5. Unattractive people have had harder lives & therefore more strife than attractive people aka subsistence.
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1. Halo effect. They're given better grades, assisted by teachers, questions dumbed down, given off balance sheet assets.
2. Has been publicly acknowledged. I've made threads about it.
3. Academia now has become a farce.
4. IQ tests can be skewed & "gamed" to whoever's setting it to prove their point.
5. Unattractive people have had harder lives & therefore more strife than attractive people aka subsistence.


JFL @ "Beautiful people got nothing going on upstairs!" Copers. This was the original cope from averagecels since humanity unfortunately started.

Good looking, well formed people have a superior body... this includes brain, vision, and athletic ability, cognitive function, bone development etc. It's so stupid to assume that a genetically superior person doesn't also have a genetically superior brain.
It's fucking hilarious how people want to deny genetic theory when it comes to intelligence. DNA codes absolutely everything in your body, including your brain. The difference between a human and a cat is the genetic code and there's no doubt a cat differs in brain as much as it does in physical shape and abilities. There's no way all humans magically share an identical brain that you just have to train equally for equal outcome. That's liberal hogwash.
Education has literally nothing to do with IQ. IQ is an incredibly reliable measure of intelligence that is dissociated from any cultural or Socioeconomic bias.
You're right, the key words being "early years". However, the intellectual gains from childhood-early adolescence completely fade into adulthood AND intelligence becomes at least 80% genetic once you're 18-21. So in summation: good, healthy, attractive genes = good, healthy, high levels of intelligence on average.
some strong coping in this thread just like I predicted

>Their intelligence is measured with 11 different cognitive tests at three different ages (7, 11, and 16).
not only those test were made at early ages, there were 11 different tasted. You can't explain 13 pts of IQ differences in 11 year old kids on 11 different tests. Just lol at cope
you can't explain 13 IQ differential in 11 year old kids by "they get more attention due to looks halo" bullshit

the reason for that is GL people dont really bust their ass in life to be successful, they dont need to learn a lot etc. they can just cruise. doesnt mean they are incapable of doing it. they just dont need to.

Just admit that ugly incels have lower IQ on average. I hate this bluepilled cope. "hurrr durrr incels are smarter than chads and stacyes"
nigga we are a bunch of ugly dude who can't fuck.
take blackpill already goddammit

Another example of their cope being silly:
Girls get preferential treatment in school and are given better grades, yet boys (who teachers think of as being worse behaved, and worse students in general) still do better on PISA tests. If better looks cause better treatment and better treatment is the main cause of better test results, why isn't it showing up in girls' test results? (Pretty sure noone here denies pussy privilege.)

Only reasonable answer is that people here are coping.
This is true. Good genes come in packs.

Nope I'm incel, short and have tested high IQ.
Of course there will be exceptions though, but when looking at the average, there is still a correlation between physical attractiveness and intelligence.
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Of course they will be exceptions though, but when looking at the average, there is still a correlation between physical attractiveness and intelligence.

The fact that people are using anecdotal evidence to disprove the study and are interpreting this thread in something like this "so, hmmm... unattractive people can't be intelligent? " unironically prove this thread and the studies :lul:
I shouldn’t be alive. I’m a failure, but thanks to women here I am.

Attractive women get better grades.
A study from 2015 analyzed 77,067 ID pictures of students who attended Metropolitan State University of Denver. The researchers asked volunteers to rate how attractive the student was on a 10-point scale. After rating each student, researchers found women perceived to be better looking had higher grades on average.

The trend did not hold true for male students.

The precise source of this bias is not clear. It's possible that good-looking students are more confident and thus are more likely to participate in class discussions, impressing the instructor. Or perhaps some teachers "pay less attention and offer less support to less-attractive students," who earn poorer grades as a result.
So since women have much higher SMV than men, I suppose they are smarter ?

Give me a break.

I'm not buying any of this.

But even if this were true, so fucking what ?

If Chad is so smart, why does he take my money to raise his kids ?

All I'm asking, is not to be cucked. If these attractive people are so superior to us, why do they need our taxes for everything they do ? Public education, subsidized reproductive healthcare, welfare to single mothers... all of this has to end.

Chad needs to finance his harem by himself. Since he's so smart, I'm sure he'll figure out a way. Unless of course the way he found is to force us to pay.

Well if that's the case he's not going to get away with it for ever. He may be smart, but we're more numerous. All it would take is for us all to wake up to the cuckolding we're subjected to.
The whiteys practiced eugenics on African slaves. This produced a group that is physically superior and perhaps even more attractive than homeland Africans, yet their average IQ is still quite low. Although you have to compare it with the average African IQ tho.
Well my father is ugly, but inteligent, my mum is a becky, and inteligent. My brother is an actual retard who has tried to stab me with a knife several times, and I'm an ugly fuck who's losing hair.

Again, the study is about IQ.
The fact that people are using anecdotal evidence to disprove the study and are interpreting this thread in something like this "so, hmmm... unattractive people can't be intelligent? " unironically prove this thread and the studies :lul:
Exactly. People really have no conception about the science of intelligence
I read on the Incel Wiki (Scientific Blackpill section) that how attractive you are has little to nothing to do with your possible other qualities i.e. IQ, health, etc. Basically your face is only a fraction of what you are, and the whole "good genes come in packages" is bullshit.

It is true that there's a loose correlation between being attractive and IQ but I believe it's for entirely different reasons than genetics, as in, the genes that determine you have niggerlike intelligence or not.
This is bullshit. These numbers make no sense in the real world. All the smart people I know and see everyday both on and off the internet are usually average or below average in looks, while all the Chads I see on and off the internet are usually the most retarded sheep I've ever seen.

One thing for sure though is that all foids are retarded no matter their attractiveness.
This is bullshit
I too am skeptical about this. From my personal experience as well but also consider this : below are a few of the most intelligent men who have ever lived.

200px David Hilbert 1886
171099 131 CECDF1F3
John von neumann 1903 1957 everett
Ed witten

They don't exactly look like Chad, do they ?

Now, if Chad was really more intelligent on average, then surely at the extreme range of intelligence, that is at the end if the bell curve, we should only see Chad, shouldn't we ?

Clearly we don't.

Now, as far as I know the only geniuses that were also known to be good looking guys were Newton and Tesla, but that's about it.

One explanation would be that the Chad intelligence curve is just narrower, which IMHO would also fit well with the averageness theory and its explanation through koinophilia.

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I too am skeptical about this. From my personal experience as well but also consider this : below are a few of the most intelligent men who have ever lived.

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View attachment 262641

They don't exactly look like Chad, do they ?

Now, if Chad was really more intelligent on average, then surely at the extreme range of intelligence, that is at the end if the bell curve, we should only see Chad, shouldn't we ?

Clearly we don't.

Now, as far as I know the only geniuses that were also known to be good looking guys were Newton and Tesla, but that's about it.

One explanation would be that the Chad intelligence curve is just narrower, which IMHO would also fit well with the averageness theory and its explanation through koinophilia.

There is no doubt that unattractive males are over-represented in STEM. However, STEM people are already small minority of population. For every high IQ ugly male with a high-paying job, there are dozens of low IQ ugly males flipping burgers. Also, ugly men are more likely to go into less "people-oriented" careers. That's why you see lots of ugly men in science/engineering, while careers like business and law are dominated by chads.
Also, ugly men are more likely to go into less "people-oriented" careers. That's why you see lots of ugly men in science/engineering, while careers like business and law are dominated by chads.
Fair point, I'll concede.
Well charts like these are really biased because of real fuck ups that are barely human. 100% of these will of course be considered ugly and 100% of them massively bring down the average IQ for all ugly people. Most geniuses are what you would consider unattractive.
Life really is a rigged game. It's not coherent at all to live as a non-chad male. Besides the obvious disadvantages regarding sex and relationships sub7 men have, normie peers have greater social affinity for good looking friends, good looking men get better jobs, received positively biased judgement regarding many aspects in life (unconsciously based on looks)
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Life really is a rigged game. It's not coherent at all to live as a non-chad male. Besides the obvious disadvantages regarding sex and relationships sub7 men have, normie peers have greater social affinity for good looking friends, good looking men get better jobs, received positively biased judgement regarding many aspects in life (unconsciously based on looks)
below are a few of the most intelligent men who have ever lived.

View attachment 262638
View attachment 262639
View attachment 262644
View attachment 262640
View attachment 262641

They don't exactly look like Chad, do they ?

Now, if Chad was really more intelligent on average, then surely at the extreme range of intelligence, that is at the end if the bell curve, we should only see Chad, shouldn't we ?

Clearly we don't.

Now, as far as I know the only geniuses that were also known to be good looking guys were Newton and Tesla, but that's about it

you're really excluding many other factors when come to this

for example

one of them who come to mind is that many intelligent people will remain unknown

this for example is prob the smartest guy who ever lived

people didn't acknowledge him and he's still kind of unknown

also, Dolph Lundgren for example has an IQ of 160, he has chemical engineering degree but he isn't known for it, he's known for his characters in movies (action star)

People who refuse to accept this aren't completely blackpilled yet, you're going through (another) cognitive dissonance phase. If you're healthy looking on the outside, why wouldn't the same be true for your mental state? Genetics come in a package; we don't get to pick and choose!
If I was good looking I'd have mensa tier IQ. This is so true.
Not at all surprising. I always thought good genes would have compounding effect. If someone is good looking they're very likely to get someone with good qualities and vice versa.
Le self hate "oh yeah chad put your genetically superior more intelligent penis up my ass I'm a filthy subhuman"

Can't believe this was put on "must read content". Maybe it was because this is controversial but this is fucking retarded.

I am the smartest person in existanceand if you don't think you are the smartest person in existence you're a fucking dumbass and need to get off your jew pills.
Genetics come in packages but also how you are treated when you're aware of your surroundings dictates the sparkle of enthusiasm & confidence you have leading to a determining factor of how much effort you're willing to put into something & your ability to focus without being blighted by past transgressions being always on your mind.
The whitepill here is that it says 7 and 11 year old girls can be rated as attractive.
also being unattractive saps your motivation so you can’t achieve full potential and end up a mediocrecel
There is no doubt that unattractive males are over-represented in STEM. However, STEM people are already small minority of population. For every high IQ ugly male with a high-paying job, there are dozens of low IQ ugly males flipping burgers. Also, ugly men are more likely to go into less "people-oriented" careers. That's why you see lots of ugly men in science/engineering, while careers like business and law are dominated by chads.
this most chads are fucking dumb as bricks
Every attractive person I have met were as dumb as a fucking rock most of them can't even change a tire.
What about Nikola Tesla? He IQ mogged everyone
καλὸς καὶ ἀγαθός

Even ancient Greeks knew
If you're healthy looking on the outside, why wouldn't the same be true for your mental state?

Healthy just means normal.

It should be expected of a healthy person to be of average intelligence.

Do you expect high level athletes to be also smart ? Of course not.

It's a weird idea that "good genes come in a package". No they don't, they are mixed up literally at every generations.

If aesthetics and intelligence seem correlated, it's probably only because they used to both be selected. They can decouple at any time in the evolution of our species. All it would take is to dumb yet pretty people to reproduce more than smart but ugly ones.

Also this thread is nothing but Chad worship. Even if it's true that Chad is statistically smarter than us, so fucking what ? Asian people are smarter than Caucasian who are smarter than African. That doesn't mean that one is necessarily superior than the other, it's just a probability and there are plenty of exceptions, which is why we give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
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Also this thread is nothing but Chad worship. Even if it's true that Chad is statistically smarter than us, so fucking what ? Asian people are smarter than Caucasian who are smarter than African. That doesn't mean that one is necessarily superior than the other, it's just a probability and there are plenty of exceptions, which is why we give everyone the benefit of the doubt.
Spot on. This thread is Chad dicksuck.
cucked thread, normies are retarded
There is no doubt that unattractive males are over-represented in STEM. However, STEM people are already small minority of population. For every high IQ ugly male with a high-paying job, there are dozens of low IQ ugly males flipping burgers. Also, ugly men are more likely to go into less "people-oriented" careers. That's why you see lots of ugly men in science/engineering, while careers like business and law are dominated by chads.
People who refuse to accept this aren't completely blackpilled yet, you're going through (another) cognitive dissonance phase. If you're healthy looking on the outside, why wouldn't the same be true for your mental state? Genetics come in a package; we don't get to pick and choose!
This shit is so unfair and some people still believe in a fair god that loves us lol

If life was fair natural selection and selection in general would not even be a thing.
cucked thread, normies are retarded

How is the thread cucked?

That last part is definitely something to consider. I'm sure teachers are definitely more willing to support attractive students over unattractive. Giving them extra help and all kinds of assistance.
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beautiful women don't need to use their intelligence at all
I think eugenicists were most likely right.
"The National Child Development Study (NCDS) includes all babies born during the week of 03-09 March 1958 in Great Britain (England, Wales, and Scotland), and has followed them for more than half a century throughout their lives. When the children were 7 and again when they were 11, their teachers were asked to describe them physically. For the purpose of the analysis below, the children are defined to be attractive if they were described as attractive at both age 7 and age 11. They were defined to be unattractive otherwise. 62% of the NCDS respondents are coded as attractive. Their intelligence is measured with 11 different cognitive tests at three different ages (7, 11, and 16). NCDS has the best measure of general intelligence available in any large-scale survey data.

As the graph below shows, attractive NCDS respondents are significantly more intelligent than unattractive NCDS respondents. Attractive NCDS respondents have the mean IQ of 104.23, whereas unattractive NCDS respondents have the mean IQ of 91.81. The difference between them is 12.42. "

It is truly over if you are ugly and ended up on this forum. We are not only uglier than beautiful people but also dumber on average. 12.5 iq points difference, more than a SD.
JFL at this life

This is has to be the biggest cope. It really only is based solely on "positive reinforcemen", and the only reason why I use quote marks is because this can be manipulated if you don't care about the criticism but also use it as a fuel. The only reason you would score low is because poor diet, poor mental state, poor fitness and poor self, because if all those things are treated properly all that becomes is a poor consciousness that will negatively impact you and create an increase in the hormorne cortisol, which is what impairs your brain too much, as this is the hormone directly linked with stress. Stress is fine but only if you feel great afterwards. elongated stress however, damages overtime and is shown to decrease brain size.
Life really is a rigged game. It's not coherent at all to live as a non-chad male. Besides the obvious disadvantages regarding sex and relationships sub7 men have, normie peers have greater social affinity for good looking friends, good looking men get better jobs, received positively biased judgement regarding many aspects in life (unconsciously based on looks)
Life is a contradicted mess. I assume that we were placed to actually cause trouble for ourselves, whether directly and indirectly i.e. being incel. Then once we're dead and we end up in the realm that people who had an NDE experience say, we then get asked by the faggot itself to forgive ourselves for the wrongdoings and feelings we feel and such, then let the faggot love us in return. Thus, I'm not going to regret anything I've done at all and be proud about it, whether it ends up being "morally" good or bad.
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I remember doing my school exams in 2009, we did 10 subjects and if you got at least 6 A grades you got a plaque shield thing at the presentation. I worked very hard and got 3 A grades so didn't get the award, this was the first time I realised that hard work didn't equal success and that life was unfair.

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