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Discussion Poll: Are you more loyal to your race or the incel community?

Are you more loyal to your race or the incel community

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My race are self hating cucks and sellouts and our women virtue signal out group presence aggressively so I wouldn’t say I have much respect for “my people” at this point. They’re a bunch of mentally weak and intellectually dishonest faggots by and large. Whites have other strong points if we want to get into the weeds, but I definitely relate more to ugly low status men in general at this point. I know several extremely hard working Mexicans with cruel lives and I play table top games with some genius tier Asiancels and we get along pretty good by and large.
Are you White also?
Incel community: I know I have stated my views on race realism, and that I technically am an "ethnonationalist" since I only want to live around other Whites. I also believe that some kind of unified racial identity is a good "foundation" for a nation-state to work.

I will always dislike the average non-white more than the average white, but I'd take a blackpilled ethnic brocel over a white normfag.
My country already wants our own ethnicity to die and get replaced by niggers
If you oppose being replaced, you'll get charged with hate speech laws
Ah, but "muh white replacement isn't real! you're just a paranoid stormcuck!"
If by the "incel community" you include coomskins then I'm more loyal to my race but if you remove coomskins, I'm more loyal to the incel community. The hatred I have for coomskins is immeasurable. I can't stand them.

@jbwbeliever am I right brother
Nigger trying not to play oppression olympics & make everything about him exhibit #456789223
Why are you so mad, nigger? White people are by far the best thing that that has ever happened to your godforsaken race. Without us, the world's black population would be 90% lower than it is, and they'd still be eating each other. I can't stand ungrateful niggers, you should be kissing our feet.
Yeah Niggers act as if they lived in some peaceful anarcho-communist commune when in reality they didn't: Don't even get me started on "we wuz kangz n; Egyptians" which easily can be disproven.

Not to mention, barely any Whites owned slaves, half of them were Jews so technically not even White, and the Whites who didn't own slaves actually suffered from it: Slavery harmed wages for working-class Whites, like my ancestors.
Brocels together strong
Race autists are a loud and retarded minority.
100% inkwelldom since my race could care less about me tbh. too many normies
whenever I join "ricecel circles" its just a bunch of normies bragging about their gfs and shit and make fun of ppl who have no gf/are short/ugly.
My “race” are mostly bluepilled cucks who hate me.
i'm not desired by my race so fuck my race burn it
This must be a joke.
Imagine, you spent your whole life trying to get laid. But when you actually can get laid, you say "no, I'm loyal to the incel community".
Fuck both, I'm not loyal to anything as long as it benefits me in some form.
staying loyal to a cause/ideology/race/religion etc is cuck behaviour
Together we are stronger. Nigger or not
Incel community for sure, but it seems like a lot of "incels" are really just race-baiting anti-white faggots - but that's what happens when you're indoctrinated from an early age by feminists and libtard culture.
Incel community for sure, but it seems like a lot of "incels" are really just race-baiting anti-white faggots - but that's what happens when you're indoctrinated from an early age by feminists and libtard culture.
Is it possible to break out of those chains do you think? What sacrifices do you think need to be made?
Is it possible to break out of those chains do you think? What sacrifices do you think need to be made?
Yah, hate women, hate the establishment that's built them up to the point that they control everything, treat your fellow man the way you want to be treated, but don't do the same to women. Stop watching / listening to mainstream propaganda in the entertainment you consume and only indulge into black pill ideological content wherever you can find it. Consume yourself into your own hobbies and stop thinking about others. Isolation really is the key and then you'll realize everyone around you doesn't give a fuck about you, so why should you care about them? Incel is mostly online, therefore it's easy to just talk with like-minded folk, but they too need to do the same shit as you. Race is only an obstacle there to create tension between groups where tension doesn't need to be in the first place. We should only look at ourselves as individuals that have been fucked over by both the genetic lottery along with the ostracization from normies. They are the enemy, not your fellow-incel. Help a brother out, punch a normie.

Everything else is just a reactionary diversion by the bourgeoisie.
incels 100%. my race is in general super nt and loves emulating niggers, so I don’t attempt to engage with any of my own.
no race for your face
I've never felt like part of my community or race, it's just a label nature imposed on me.
My race of course. Why would I have loyalty for a 'community' which literally hates me ?:lul:
But your own women refuse to date you, they are also race traitors because they fuck BBC and dogs
And you a filthy watermelon chugging nigger. Am I supposed to let unevolved Apes decide what to do and how to live my life now ?
And you a filthy watermelon chugging nigger. Am I supposed to let unevolved Apes decide what to do and how to live my life now ?
I'm not black. I'm hispanic. Wtf has your white race done for you?
my race has betrayed me so i feel more camaraderie with fellow incels tbh
I'm hispanic.
No wonder you worship BBC. Your women choose white dick over your manlet micropenises en masse. Guess you clung to BBC since it's your last hope of any sort of revenge against the white man.
No wonder you worship BBC. Your women choose white dick over your manlet micropenises en masse. Guess you clung to BBC since it's your last hope of any sort of revenge against the white man.
I don't worship black people or white people. I'm not obsessed with race.
As a white incel, what have white people done to help you?
The Incel community.

I have nothing in common with normies or chads from my race
I'm loyal to nobody. I'm garbage to all humans because I'm an ugly male.
Personally speaking, I don't have loyalty to my race, I am only accepted by other incels. People of my own race would hate me if I told them that I'm an incel. I cant relate to people of my own race because they are bluepilled normies. Hispanic incels are super rare. I love the incel community more than my own race. I accept all incels, it doesn't matter if they are black, brown, asian, white, or mixed.
I would personally anhillate every Jew even for free I hate my own race selfish faggots hoarding money and the stace from me!
IMG 0176
I will rape your sisters, kill your women and burn your godforsaken country. I hate coomskins more than I hate toilets, you fags are the ones who "empower waman, and now enabled feminism" and now I have to suffer. I can't beat my women anymore, they fucking have choices because of you fags.:lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes::lasereyes:There is much more your stupid race has done to me but you should've left us alone. Niggresses and other races idolize the coomskins race, it's stupid, coomskins can't be incel.
Giga based death to whites
Personally speaking, I don't have loyalty to my race, I am only accepted by other incels. People of my own race would hate me if I told them that I'm an incel. I cant relate to people of my own race because they are bluepilled normies. Hispanic incels are super rare. I love the incel community more than my own race. I accept all incels, it doesn't matter if they are black, brown, asian, white, or mixed.
Incel community

Hispanics want me dead or dont give a shit abt me
If by the "incel community" you include coomskins then I'm more loyal to my race but if you remove coomskins, I'm more loyal to the incel community. The hatred I have for coomskins is immeasurable. I can't stand them.

@jbwbeliever am I right brother

be incel.
Help me enslaves whites for what they did to us minority races and discrimination support jews
Im more dedicated to inceldom than trying to fit in with my nigger race people

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