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Story My year of normalfagmaxxing

i think some of you are missing the fact that some women just lie about having a boyfriend when they really dont. They know its an easy way to get you to stop talking to them so they say it.
just google it retard

You have "Chad's" cock so far up your asshole it's the only thing you can think about. You genuinely cannot process new information. You don't need "Chad" to explain what's happening. Chad is not that common anyway. Most people are average by definition. Even if Chad was banging new chick every week(most of them don't) the numbers wouldn't work. This is also why people think incels are insane. The Chad phenomenon lives rent free in your dumb head and it's the only thing you can talk about while foaming at the mouth.
You're not even necessarily wrong, you have top 1% fuckers plowing through dozens of women, we all know that happens. But it's not the reason why all non ogre women are taken. They're not taken by Chad. You can speculate what kind of one night stands they did or didn't have but unless you live in specific areas like California; chances are any given femoid won't have insane bodycount.
people really think the idea chads are fucking all these women is the same as women all having boyfriends. There are not thousands of women out there dating the same chads, occasionally fucking or have fucked him, but not dating. They also hate that shit, there are facebook groups in different cities out there dedicated to foids finding out if they are dating the same guy
What do times of abundance have to do with whether a baby becomes one sex or the other? Are people aborting females?
people do abort females
Women stay in relationships out of convenience sometimes for years. Then they monkeybranch instantly once they meet somebody they want. There's this intern that obviously wants to fuck one of my coworkers, I recently found out she has a boyfriend:feelshaha:.
It's fucking hilarious.
The instant a femoid is slightly sociable she will get taken in span of few months. They get asked out all the time if they're young and not fat. All the good women are in relationships by 16 and married off by early 20s, because their men know what a catch they are.
If you don't have significant prospects by 20 you're fucking donezo.
It happens so fucking fast and nobody gets the memo.
i kinda disagree, i think women fuck whenever they want cause its convenient. But i think women are not seeing relationships as convenient anymore. I mean whats the point of being in a relationship with someone, feeding and cleaning up after them, if you make enough money for yourself and can get sex on pretty much demand. At least this is the impression im beginning to get from reddit. I think they just say they are in relationships so they can stay single
Literally 99% of all the foids I have ever talked to have been taken and I only talked to them because I know/am friends with the guy they are with. It's fucking over I swear. There's absolutely nowhere to meet single girls anymore. This isn't the 50s where you went to the dance and asked a girl onto the dancefloor. It's all dating apps and internet shit, which is fucking impossible if you are not chad or NTmaxxed.

The last hope anyone has to find an unattached girl is in college/uni. Past that and it is fucking 100% OVER, and even in college most of the girls are taken in the first few fucking weeks of the first year. Foids don't stay single because they don't have to. Getting a new guy for them is as simple as getting a kebab from the local takeaway is for me.
LOLL are you fucking stupid. If you only talk to the women dating guys you know of course they are taken you fucking idiot
Another massive nuclear blackpill,

I agree, you cant escape this shit, no matter how much you try "fake it until you make it", at some point nature will catch up to you, you cant fool nature. Even in the very remote chance you will get something, you are going to fuck it up. You will not have the positive reinforcement thats is so needed during your first years of maturing as a man.

I think low consciencious is absolutely necessary to suceed in life, being oblivious really is a blessing and the old sages knew this even centuries ago.

You also make some great points about woman potential blowing up, mgtards and red pillers, all these retards still believe in this bullshit that woman are stupider than men....hilarious coping, the cat is out of the bag, they are winning at every possible metric, in fact i cant find one thing they arent winning at. Of course these copers still say things like "But they need us to have working toilets!!!" LOL

Darwin said the superior specie isnt the one who is smartest, or strongest, but the one who ADAPTS better.... i have very bad news kiddies, men are finished. Literally.

"You cant outmeme the meme" like Steve Hoca used to say.

I hope its ok to post in some of these necro threads, very high iq stuff.
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

I need to social circle maxx. Only way for me to hope to ascend in college. Tho I hate these mixed gender liberal friend groups. Like the one depicted in the show friends. I despise them so much and the only men who are in these friend groups are liberal faggots that are insufferable. If I ascend by getting into one of these I'm leaving the friend group whenever it is convenient
i really wish the video in the OP was true, but i don't think it is.

if it IS true then all we need to do is wait til we're older, then we will also "steal" young women from young men.
that's not so bad, right?
but I don't think that's going to work out, for many reasons, including feminism getting even worse every year, ageism, lookism, etc.
i really wish the video in the OP was true, but i don't think it is.

if it IS true then all we need to do is wait til we're older, then we will also "steal" young women from young men.
that's not so bad, right?
but I don't think that's going to work out, for many reasons, including feminism getting even worse every year, ageism, lookism, etc.
You misunderstood the video then.
That model of waiting till you're older/double dipping generations is sustainable only when there's population growth. This isn't happening.
The older men waiting their turn for "any" women at all is accumulating. So just for imagination's sake (numbers are inaccurate), when you're 20 you're competing with 2 20 year olds, 3 30 year olds and 4 40 year olds.
This is why he's adding leftover men from previous generation and superimposing that little strip on to the rung below and why with each step the strip grows.
Anyway that statistical model "folded over" and last generation that could realistically double dip is Gen Xers that dated their women and millenial women. IIRC millenials are large generation relatively speaking because they're mostly children of boomers.
I've norming my way out for whole 2 damn years and I confirm every thing u just said
Can't wait for the economy to crash so boomers loose their purchasing power and stop getting the younger girls.
You misunderstood the video then.
That model of waiting till you're older/double dipping generations is sustainable only when there's population growth. This isn't happening.
The older men waiting their turn for "any" women at all is accumulating. So just for imagination's sake (numbers are inaccurate), when you're 20 you're competing with 2 20 year olds, 3 30 year olds and 4 40 year olds.
This is why he's adding leftover men from previous generation and superimposing that little strip on to the rung below and why with each step the strip grows.
Anyway that statistical model "folded over" and last generation that could realistically double dip is Gen Xers that dated their women and millenial women. IIRC millenials are large generation relatively speaking because they're mostly children of boomers.
nah, i got that part, obviously everything will get worse with demographics like this.
what i meant was a lot of people seem to be sleeping on the fact that feminism is getting more effective at advocating against older male relationships, and you don't really see that type of relationship forming anymore.
i checked the marriage data where I live in eastern europe and it looks pretty bad despite "muh trad". there was a noticeable shift from 2015 to 2023, and age gaps became just as common the OTHER way around. it's a big rapid shift that doesn't seem like it would be justified by demographics alone.

meanwhile older men keep saying that shit where they're like "yeah my friend got divorced... so what... he can get one that's younger, hotter, tighter. amirite?"
nah, i got that part, obviously everything will get worse with demographics like this.
what i meant was a lot of people seem to be sleeping on the fact that feminism is getting more effective at advocating against older male relationships, and you don't really see that type of relationship forming anymore.
i checked the marriage data where I live in eastern europe and it looks pretty bad despite "muh trad". there was a noticeable shift from 2015 to 2023, and age gaps became just as common the OTHER way around. it's a big rapid shift that doesn't seem like it would be justified by demographics alone.

meanwhile older men keep saying that shit where they're like "yeah my friend got divorced... so what... he can get one that's younger, hotter, tighter. amirite?"
So how would you explain the discrepancy between young females in relationships, and young men in relationships?
An older, divorced guy might have a chance because he has experience. As long as stayed in good shape physically.
I agree that for us waiting til our 30s is false hope.
So how would you explain the discrepancy between young females in relationships, and young men in relationships?
An older, divorced guy might have a chance because he has experience. As long as stayed in good shape physically.
I agree that for us waiting til our 30s is false hope.
i dunno but women are notorious for thinking they are in a relationship with chad when they aren't.
what i meant was a lot of people seem to be sleeping on the fact that feminism is getting more effective at advocating against older male relationships, and you don't really see that type of relationship forming anymore.
Obviously. I was ignoring all other factors and only focusing on numbers alone. Which are pretty depressing on their own. It's funny because if you try to parse what sort of goal feminism has purely on their actions alone it is to completely obliterate bargaining power of men and normalize fat hags.
meanwhile older men keep saying that shit where they're like "yeah my friend got divorced... so what... he can get one that's younger, hotter, tighter. amirite?"
This is another delicious example of generational gaslighting. This behavior worked for everybody including Gen X and up. This sentiment is peppered all throughout media written by boomers and Gen Xers.
The older sophisticated guy with a young girl. Pretty Woman style. Nerd gets the hot girl that was initially with the jock. Nerd finds his untapped potential and leverages his true power!
All garbage and dynamics of yesteryear that, whether worked or not, don't work right now.

Here's another one for you. "Just talk to her bro! Impress her!" Is a gaslight from millennial that got laid just because they could do a kick flip and the scene girl thought his band shirt was nice.

It doesn't apply to cynical whores with cashapp in their bio that get Fintech bros dropping couple of grands on their period encrusted panties.

Same with "just go out bro!". Women find chad on Instagram. They don't use public spaces as matchmaking spaces anymore.

It is all so tiring. It almost feels like young Zoomers have no culture at all. Most of the shit you see is Millenial culture. (By the way gen x stuff was actually cool. Think prime 90s). I can't even tell you what the unifying thought paradigm for zoomers is and I am a zillenial myself. Honestly, except for zoomer girls that are overdevelopped freaks that look like they were fed birth control the day they turned 12, I got no interest in the generation that I've one foot in.
What an eeeeeevil world we all live in.
If youre unattractive youre doomed to the fate of jestermaxxing in most social circles. Let a group of men find out you're the only one who doesnt get women. Automatically youre existence becomes a joke. The other option is to hang around incels but people like us dont go out much
This is another delicious example of generational gaslighting. This behavior worked for everybody including Gen X and up. This sentiment is peppered all throughout media written by boomers and Gen Xers.
The older sophisticated guy with a young girl. Pretty Woman style. Nerd gets the hot girl that was initially with the jock. Nerd finds his untapped potential and leverages his true power!
All garbage and dynamics of yesteryear that, whether worked or not, don't work right now.

Here's another one for you. "Just talk to her bro! Impress her!" Is a gaslight from millennial that got laid just because they could do a kick flip and the scene girl thought his band shirt was nice.

It doesn't apply to cynical whores with cashapp in their bio that get Fintech bros dropping couple of grands on their period encrusted panties.

Same with "just go out bro!". Women find chad on Instagram. They don't use public spaces as matchmaking spaces anymore.

It is all so tiring. It almost feels like young Zoomers have no culture at all. Most of the shit you see is Millenial culture. (By the way gen x stuff was actually cool. Think prime 90s). I can't even tell you what the unifying thought paradigm for zoomers is and I am a zillenial myself. Honestly, except for zoomer girls that are overdevelopped freaks that look like they were fed birth control the day they turned 12, I got no interest in the generation that I've one foot in.

Yeah, it just can't be understated how much women have a plan on who and how they want to date and mate, and how incredibly confused they are by some random guy showing up out of nowhere and trying to talk to them.

The only way out of this is by being fully integrated into society in a place that fits you very well, essentially since you were born and with no interruption.
Then you wouldn't have to worry about doing bayonet charges at women that are already texting several guy "friends" and have never been cold approached before.
Meanwhile we were raised and guided through life as if men automatically get state-mandated wives once they reach age 26.
Zoomies' culture seems to be all about a) being complete morons b) going out of their way to shit on older generations when they are barely 18 years old themselves.
They are probably the most primitive generation yet, all they understand is "young better than old lol" and "you didn't sext in 3rd grade? what a fuckin loser lmfao".
Then you wouldn't have to worry about doing bayonet charges at women that are already texting several guy "friends" and have never been cold approached before.
Meanwhile we were raised and guided through life as if men automatically get state-mandated wives once they reach age 26.
My mom keeps telling me I'll find a girl when I stop looking.

I mean, really, in what other faucet of life would this be a good advice? Even the people who give you this advice don't apply it to other parts of life. It's some pseudo spiritual nonsense mixed with female solipsism. I can't really complain about my mom, she's as good as it gets when it comes to somebody her age and gender, but still pisses me off.

There's no apparatus that would enable me to find anybody. And not for a lack of trying. Or even lack of friends for that matter. The entire spirit of the OP of this thread is that social circles don't work like socially awkward spergs that watched movies about highschool parties imagine them to be.

Of course, once you have to resort to psychopathic accosting of women on the street, start psychoanalyzing yourself and how people react in these completely unnatural circumstances, you know it's over. Do redcopers ever address the fact that good looking charismatic guys NEVER have to cold approach? The worst they'll do is start chatting up strangers in socially acceptable settings.

The complete saturation of the market is what gets me the most though. I had some glimpses before where I thought I could maybe start to work some girl, and then she mentioned her boyfriend offhandedly. Once you realize everybody is taken there's no "game". There is nothing. Even as a Chad that's game over.
My mom keeps telling me I'll find a girl when I stop looking.

I mean, really, in what other faucet of life would this be a good advice? Even the people who give you this advice don't apply it to other parts of life. It's some pseudo spiritual nonsense mixed with female solipsism. I can't really complain about my mom, she's as good as it gets when it comes to somebody her age and gender, but still pisses me off.

There's no apparatus that would enable me to find anybody. And not for a lack of trying. Or even lack of friends for that matter. The entire spirit of the OP of this thread is that social circles don't work like socially awkward spergs that watched movies about highschool parties imagine them to be.

Of course, once you have to resort to psychopathic accosting of women on the street, start psychoanalyzing yourself and how people react in these completely unnatural circumstances, you know it's over. Do redcopers ever address the fact that good looking charismatic guys NEVER have to cold approach? The worst they'll do is start chatting up strangers in socially acceptable settings.

The complete saturation of the market is what gets me the most though. I had some glimpses before where I thought I could maybe start to work some girl, and then she mentioned her boyfriend offhandedly. Once you realize everybody is taken there's no "game". There is nothing. Even as a Chad that's game over.

It's usually some weird coping about how you need to not be looking too hard, or need to own a 2-story house first, but it's all meaningless.
They have no idea what they're going on about, it's over if you got screwed out of a normal development and for some reason modern parents are incredibly skilled at sabotaging their kids development especially boys, trying to raise them as some kind of gentleman intellectual clown.

Even today I was listening to some 45 year old managers at work talking about how they don't want to let their boy play Roblox like the other kids, because it's a waste of time and can cost money and "he's too smart for that". Even though they just said literally everyone else is playing it and talking about it all day lmao.
Never underestimate the ability of these old boomers to try to turn you into a weirdo that's "smarter than the other kids"..

Anyway, we are definitely really fucked for real, what normies have that we don't, is something that you can't ask for, and it can't be shared, the vocabulary doesn't even really exist, there's no such thing as "hey want to become friends with a 30 year old virgin and go pick up women at clubs?", it's just not a real thing.

All we have left are these weird kamikaze actions which are ultimately pointless anyway, the definition of just go out there bro

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IAKieFJlv4Y
My mom keeps telling me I'll find a girl when I stop looking.

I mean, really, in what other faucet of life would this be a good advice? Even the people who give you this advice don't apply it to other parts of life. It's some pseudo spiritual nonsense mixed with female solipsism. I can't really complain about my mom, she's as good as it gets when it comes to somebody her age and gender, but still pisses me off.
It's because a lot of females believe in the Law of Attraction.
This is why teen love is so important, there are more single women when you are younger, then when you hit 30 they are all single again but not in a good way
normalfagmaxxing and only meeting other people who go to the bar is just the adult version of joining clubs in school and only meeting other incel dorks.
I like to call this phenomenon the "bar effect"

Escaping the "bar effect" is possible, but there are very few methods, and specific conditions need to be met. You need to either be very NT, or have NT hobbies while being in an environment with a lot of people. You will also be held back by your height and looks.


normalfagmaxxing and making real connections is like starting a business. You need to perfect all of the factors you can control, and even then you are gonna fail from factors outside of your control.

I find it hard to even make friends, let alone get a GF. I haven't had an IRL friend for the past 3 years


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I like to call this phenomenon the "bar effect"
Awesome post my friend

I think instead of a bar I would perhaps try some sort of sport or something maybe?
Maybe not something very common but a bit more niche so you can become one of the best at it.
That way you can meet people and foids and maybe ascend.
Like if you look at esports players those guys can be pretty subhuman but they can still get a foid
Anyway, we are definitely really fucked for real, what normies have that we don't, is something that you can't ask for, and it can't be shared, the vocabulary doesn't even really exist, there's no such thing as "hey want to become friends with a 30 year old virgin and go pick up women at clubs?", it's just not a real thing.

All we have left are these weird kamikaze actions which are ultimately pointless anyway, the definition of just go out there bro.
The vocabulary doesn't exist because this is a unique problem that's barely one generation old. It used to be that once a man turned 30, had a reasonable rate of accumulating wealth, he won. That's it. That's why you hear that stupid garbage of "it will happen eventually".

In the past, when families were larger and sexual dynamic of dating that originated with homosexuals wasn't practiced, your large family would be on a lookout for an available woman. Not only do you no longer have 3 aunts that are all gossiping to their friends about how capable and strong you are, you don't have a culture and demographics that pressure women over 25 to get with someone for real.

For alot of women nowadays, 25 is when their life starts as assistant manager of egg loss in glass dome full of grey figures. The biological reality of crapping out autistic kids after 35 is the only reminder of olden days. But that's not enough when you're the one of three femoids in their 20s on that floor of the building.

And, really, I cannot emphasize this enough. Even if you had a solid social circle like I do. You don't meet single young women through that. You just don't. You sometimes(once every 6 months) meet some girl that's been hovering on peripheries and she's always taken or fat. Normal women don't need to do this shit anymore.
normalfagmaxxing and only meeting other people who go to the bar is just the adult version of joining clubs in school and only meeting other incel dorks.
I like to call this phenomenon the "bar effect"

Escaping the "bar effect" is possible, but there are very few methods, and specific conditions need to be met. You need to either be very NT, or have NT hobbies while being in an environment with a lot of people. You will also be held back by your height and looks.

normalfagmaxxing and making real connections is like starting a business. You need to perfect all of the factors you can control, and even then you are gonna fail from factors outside of your control.
This is mostly right. I noticed that more "alt" you go, the more off the beaten path you are, the fatter and uglier women get. Bars are one of these places nowadays.

Women at grungy, alt metal places are all tatted whales. I suspect this to be the female version of sexual strategy. They cannot compete with Beckies so they go off into less conventional places where there's alot of dorky men(which are sometimes good looking). This is why so many men goon themselves over "goth chicks". Smear the make up off and she gets mogged by an average stacylite.

Just think about it for a second. What do you think would happen to a free access place full of hot bitches? It would get swarmed by hairy men hitting them up. This is why actually hot women gatekeep or pay wall themselves off. Wanna know where the hottest girls on night out are? In VIP section of tourist trap megaclub getting bottle service.

Or you sometimes see them in public with a stank face because they have to wade through mortals like you and me to get to some girlboss job where the unwritten job description is asshuging pantyline emphasizing dress
The vocabulary doesn't exist because this is a unique problem that's barely one generation old. It used to be that once a man turned 30, had a reasonable rate of accumulating wealth, he won. That's it. That's why you hear that stupid garbage of "it will happen eventually".

In the past, when families were larger and sexual dynamic of dating that originated with homosexuals wasn't practiced, your large family would be on a lookout for an available woman. Not only do you no longer have 3 aunts that are all gossiping to their friends about how capable and strong you are, you don't have a culture and demographics that pressure women over 25 to get with someone for real.

For alot of women nowadays, 25 is when their life starts as assistant manager of egg loss in glass dome full of grey figures. The biological reality of crapping out autistic kids after 35 is the only reminder of olden days. But that's not enough when you're the one of three femoids in their 20s on that floor of the building.

And, really, I cannot emphasize this enough. Even if you had a solid social circle like I do. You don't meet single young women through that. You just don't. You sometimes(once every 6 months) meet some girl that's been hovering on peripheries and she's always taken or fat. Normal women don't need to do this shit anymore.

This is mostly right. I noticed that more "alt" you go, the more off the beaten path you are, the fatter and uglier women get. Bars are one of these places nowadays.

Women at grungy, alt metal places are all tatted whales. I suspect this to be the female version of sexual strategy. They cannot compete with Beckies so they go off into less conventional places where there's alot of dorky men(which are sometimes good looking). This is why so many men goon themselves over "goth chicks". Smear the make up off and she gets mogged by an average stacylite.

Just think about it for a second. What do you think would happen to a free access place full of hot bitches? It would get swarmed by hairy men hitting them up. This is why actually hot women gatekeep or pay wall themselves off. Wanna know where the hottest girls on night out are? In VIP section of tourist trap megaclub getting bottle service.

Or you sometimes see them in public with a stank face because they have to wade through mortals like you and me to get to some girlboss job where the unwritten job description is asshuging pantyline emphasizing dress
Very high IQ brocel I enjoyed reading these
It does beg the question, men have trouble meeting foids but foids don't.
Obviously getting a significant other is leagues easier for a foid, but where are they meeting their boyfriends. Are multiple of them dating chad unknowingly? I think in part but that is not the full picture. I think alot of foids will meet guys off instagram and other types of social media. But I don't know where they are irl?
I can not think of any place where I could go as a male that would be foid dominated to meet foids. A place that would be socially acceptable for a male to be at least.
School is good since the ratio is 50/50 there but that ship has long sailed for me and even then you still need to be somewhat popular or socialcirclemaxx etc.
I hope you stick around. Great posts
But where are they meeting their boyfriends. Are multiple of them dating chad unknowingly? I think in part but that is not the full picture. I think alot of foids will meet guys off instagram and other types of social media. But I don't know where they are irl?
I have long struggled to answer the question myself, but I had never considered the possibility that they just don't. And that seems to make the most sense at the end of the day. They're not "meeting" anybody in the same way you and I understand it from a male lens. They don't need to. They go to university and some guy that meets their threshold gets in their pants. They start working and if they don't have a boyfriend already, either somebody that's been hovering around them for a while gets his turn or she just gets with her coworker.

Really even the language I am using here betrays how much I am trapped in my male perspective, this is not an active endeavor for them. They get found.

To better understand it, here's an analogy. You're asking how a golden nugget in a river finds a gold panner. From the perspective of the nugget, they see gold panners everywhere and get found pretty quick. This is why women give such garbage advice. Young single women have constant competition over them they're not even aware of.

I don't think most women are dating the same pool of men. Perhaps overtime, but not at the same time. Most people are "normal". Most women, outside of specific enviroments, don't fuck around. It's just that dating pool for 20 year old woman is 20-35 year olds. For 20 year old men, its 18-20 year olds. On top of that there's more men than women under 40.
I can not think of any place where I could go as a male that would be foid dominated to meet foids. A place that would be socially acceptable for a male to be at least.
Bingo! That's the core of what I am struggling with. There is no such place because it gets invaded by men. I have long believed that women subconsciously scatter once there's even ratio. And yes I am aware that due to imbalance of interests in genders I am very likely to frequent places that are male dominated. I still don't buy it though. Neutral places are sasusagefests anyway.
School is good since the ratio is 50/50 there but that ship has long sailed for me and even then you still need to be somewhat popular or socialcirclemaxx etc.
Let it be known to all youngcels reading this that highschool is the last time they'll occupy a space with a lot of girls unless they pick a shitty major or have fruity tendencies.
I have long struggled to answer the question myself, but I had never considered the possibility that they just don't. And that seems to make the most sense at the end of the day. They're not "meeting" anybody in the same way you and I understand it from a male lens. They don't need to. They go to university and some guy that meets their threshold gets in their pants. They start working and if they don't have a boyfriend already, either somebody that's been hovering around them for a while gets his turn or she just gets with her coworker.
I think you are right they just do not period. They just go somewhere and exist like university or work and let the gold panners come, then select the best. Not an option at all for men since not only do you have no foids after you unless chad, but an environment like work is high risk that is mostly off the table for men compared to woman, you are not going to hear about a woman pursuing a male colleague and ending up sent to HR and fired but they will happen with a man, so I think it would be pretty concrete to say that they have a major avenue open already that most men dont with their employment.
Really even the language I am using here betrays how much I am trapped in my male perspective, this is not an active endeavor for them. They get found.

To better understand it, here's an analogy. You're asking how a golden nugget in a river finds a gold panner. From the perspective of the nugget, they see gold panners everywhere and get found pretty quick. This is why women give such garbage advice. Young single women have constant competition over them they're not even aware of.
Absolutely well put a very good analogy, the gold nugget is valuable and in the case of foids knows that panners will come to find it.
I don't think most women are dating the same pool of men. Perhaps overtime, but not at the same time. Most people are "normal". Most women, outside of specific enviroments, don't fuck around. It's just that dating pool for 20 year old woman is 20-35 year olds. For 20 year old men, its 18-20 year olds. On top of that there's more men than women under 40.
This is another good point, as a 21 year old guy my pool is 18-25 ideally. For a foid she could go 20-30 or even 35 at my age.
In regards to there being more men than women I guess it depends on certain countries and where you are in that country and stuff so is not always an issue and even then the ratio is usually barely off of 50/50 anyways.
I do think though among larger issues there are also these smaller issues which compound together to really tip the scale.
Just from these replies to each other we have identified that women have an open avenue at work most men dont have and they have a larger age pool. Small benefits tipped in the scale of the already favored gender.
Bingo! That's the core of what I am struggling with. There is no such place because it gets invaded by men. I have long believed that women subconsciously scatter once there's even ratio. And yes I am aware that due to imbalance of interests in genders I am very likely to frequent places that are male dominated. I still don't buy it though. Neutral places are sasusagefests anyway.

Let it be known to all youngcels reading this that highschool is the last time they'll occupy a space with a lot of girls unless they pick a shitty major or have fruity tendencies.
Lmfao maybe they do just scatter honestly, ideally as a foid for romantic prospects you would want to be in a male dominated area just like how we are talking about this mythical unicorn of a foid dominated area. Imbalance and gender interests dont help either. And if there is some sort of place somehow or whatever it will be instantly invaded by men. I mean I literally can not think of a place other than school which I will get to in a moment. Im thinking of what my sister would do right now if hypothetically I will try to meet her since she is a foid I know close to my age, she would just go to clubs an environment I dont think incels would want to be in or excel in, then she would go to work thats off the table. Then she would go out in a group of friends in public so you would have to cold approach a group of foids as a subhuman? Not going to work, I think my sister also meets a few guys on instagram and instagram is like a subhuman/incel filter because you cannot really fake having status on that a fake social circle and stuff etc. You can buy followers but it would soon become obvious the followers are fake.

Now in terms of highschool that is indeed the only 50/50 gender ratio you will ever have in your life. School certainly has its faults and is not easy for fellow brocels to end but undeniably the ratio there is healthy. I am going to try articulate some points or fundementals about school to see if such an environment exists anywhere else or is able to be replicated

1. School Is Mandatory
It is pretty much mandatory and most parents force their kids to go, so such an environment would have to be a mandatory thing

2.Mandatory participants must be around each other for at least 2 hours
Not only is school a mandatory thing but you are around each other for 6 hours, although such an environment would not need 6 hours perhaps just 2 or 3 would suffice.

3. Collaboration
I did not really know how to title this third point but basically in school you will sometimes be forced to work with other students and communicate with each other and stuff, you feel encouraged to talk with each other too maybe about how annoying the match teacher is or something

4. There is a bit of an outdoors environment
In school you have physical education and excursions which occasionally take you out of the mundane environment of a classroom, I think this really helps for forming friendships and relationships compared to being stuck inside a room all the time, also you get to go outside with lunch breaks and recess.

So really I can not think of another environment like this, mandatory is tough to meet, something like going to the grocery store for food is mandatory and has an equal ratio of genders there but obviously fails to meet every other aspect.
I truly think school is the best environment even for its faults since social hierarchies will occur and chad will be at the top.
I think something like college or university can be similar but I have never been, I would imagine that more foids are taken than in high school. Also I think you kind of just sit in a lecture hall than you just leave, its not the same environment as in school to my knowledge so it may be mandatory and you may be around each other for a couple hours but it does not meet points 3 or 4 lol
JFL im making like a 2000 word long post on an incel forum trying to wrap my head around some sort of mythical place that does not exist.
Absolutely brutal
Is this the most viewn thread on .is ?
Is this the most viewn thread on .is ?
not by a long shot, you can see thread views
JFL im making like a 2000 word long post on an incel forum trying to wrap my head around some sort of mythical place that does not exist.
Yeah, somewhere along the line when you're doing something and take a step back to realize how utterly retarded you are being, that's when it feels super bad. Except this is my entire dating life. I will always feel like I missed something obvious, because surely, nobody's doing this shit right?

Honestly, It's over. Posting walls of text and modeling social interactions in my head and trying to guess behaviour of large groups is fucking pointless. Once you're out of college, your life becomes very predictable and I think I just cannot get over myself at this point. It's like picking up pieces after a car crash and trying to guess how it happened. It actually straight up doesn't matter. Your car is fucked
Epic thread. S+ tier. Not just the original post, but also the replies from the OP which could each be their own Must-Read threads on their own. Great job @RopeMaXXer :feelsokman:.

Is this the most viewn thread on .is ?
not by a long shot, you can see thread views
Should be at least in the top 10 tbh.
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Brutal dose of reality. These skanks and cum dumpsters have gone off the rails. More than ever throughout the course of human history
I am trying my best to do what you're doing and I'm still young. Despite failing to find foids or even get a stable friend group, I can't give up because I absolutely cannot stay inside and rot like I used to, it's just too depressing to do so anymore.

I'm hopelessly non-NT so to address this, I began taking nootropics to be sociable like normies are. I can report that I'm definetly in a another league in terms of social skills than when I'm not on these drugs, yet the issue persists and almost a year later I'm still not getting any closer to making a breakthough with regards to meeting single foids my age or a true social circle to cope. I've been stuck for years with older loser men in Meetup groups, I'm sick and tired of having to depend on these shitty groups for a social life. The higher tier NT guys and girls that attended these have already long moved on into their own private group chats and now organise their own parties away from this loserfest every weekend.
I have literally seen with my own eyes that 20 something girls would only come once to meetup, realise its a sausage fest of ordinary/ugly men and never come again. They obviously just hop onto online dating shortly after, find a boyfriend within a nanosecond and ride off into the sunset never to be seen again. If they need female friends, they'll just use bumble friends.

So far, this is all I've achieved:

Singular male friends/acquaintances who are romantically single and can't really provide you with any social circle opportunities, and they all have some kind of ailment, be it alcoholism, unconscious inceldom or social awkwardness. Misery loves company.

A brief social circle of guys, but it fizzled out so quickly, the GC is dead now. The main guy was hyper NT and just stopped inviting me and another guy and instead secretly planned parties outside of the chat. Unfair but understandle, I'm non-NT and really struggled to vibe with him.

A brief social circle that actually had more women than men, but surprise surprise everyone besides the ugly landwhale were taken. I saw how the girls were so giddy just to talk to eachother but not all that much with me or the other single guy in the group. No one has even talked on the GC in nearly 2 months so the social circle is dead, I assume the foids are still meeting eachother outside of the GC and double dating or some shit.

I feel as though it's just more and more of the same shit and I'm just going to age out of my youth without anything to show for it. Time to resign ourselves to this new World order, foids rule the West, the rest of us are a slave underclass.

not by a long shot, you can see thread views

Yeah, somewhere along the line when you're doing something and take a step back to realize how utterly retarded you are being, that's when it feels super bad. Except this is my entire dating life. I will always feel like I missed something obvious, because surely, nobody's doing this shit right?

Honestly, It's over. Posting walls of text and modeling social interactions in my head and trying to guess behaviour of large groups is fucking pointless. Once you're out of college, your life becomes very predictable and I think I just cannot get over myself at this point. It's like picking up pieces after a car crash and trying to guess how it happened. It actually straight up doesn't matter. Your car is fucked
I can't imagine trying to "normalfagmax" (what???) for a fucking Y E A R.
I left this place a year ago. I now return, maybe. I think my story is interesting to tell and this place is probably the only place which would appreciate it.

I switched jobs in the meantime and got into a job full of young people, good looking young women included. I actually managed to obtain a really solid social circle. I have a great job now. None of this matters.

When people talk about social circle maxxing what they're talking about is a specific kind of social circle that really only exists in movies. You're not going to get into a social circle where new women show up every once in a while. You're not in a movie, you're not a Chad, these things don't happen.
As a rule, any social outing has less women than men. I go drinking every Friday to a bar where I know at least 5 people, even if my friends didn't show up. I've been doing this for a year now. You'd think around 50 fridays worth of exposure to social contact would eventually net you some meaningful female interactions, could be purely platonic, but no. Not only is the gender ratio completely fucked, the women that DO show up there show up either in large all female groups, a pair of women, or mixed group with boyfriends. My social circle is mixed gender, women I talk to never bring their female friends. Also, they're all taken. ALL of them. I'm not even interested in them but the fact that they're all taken is infuriating. This is another theme that you start noticing when you talk to women that are 20-30.
This video comes to mind. Forget blackpill theories, the numbers literally do not add up.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gpYJzd7JOb8

Continuing on with theme of every fucking woman is taken, all of my female coworkers are taken. I am not really keen on fucking my coworkers, but it's beyond comical how much the demographic winter is pressing down on us. One of my coworkers is a genuine 8/10+. Like the kind of good looking you see in a Vogue magazine or whateverthefuck. I saw her pop up on linkedin and absentmindedly googled her. She used to fuck a famous athlete when she was 19. Funny how people slot into where they belong, right? I wish I could tell you she's as stereotypical dumb cunt, but she's not. And it's things like these that sting the most, because I know it's out there, I sometimes see glimpses of it, but it's just not in the books for me. Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL

There's no variance anymore, instant you see a hot girl you can bet your ass she's getting the most out of her looks. You don't see average joe fucking a crazy hot chick.

I did the meme, I talk to more people regularly than the retarded redditor telling you to get friends and talk to people. It means fuckall. What you actually need is regular exposure to new young single women constantly, and then you have a chance. Last time I checked there's no secret rooms full of young single women.

Just Money and status maxx at this point. No other option
I am trying my best to do what you're doing and I'm still young. Despite failing to find foids or even get a stable friend group, I can't give up because I absolutely cannot stay inside and rot like I used to, it's just too depressing to do so anymore.
I have lived bits and pieces of your life and have had almost identical observations. It's people like you that make me realize the whole system is so completely fucked and is such an interplay of unfavorable factors, it's like a yarn ball where you can't find the end of the string and are just throwing it against a wall in hopes of it unraveling.

Singular male friends/acquaintances who are romantically single and can't really provide you with any social circle opportunities, and they all have some kind of ailment, be it alcoholism, unconscious inceldom or social awkwardness. Misery loves company.
I met a guy in bars that would play table football and we'd play as team and stake for beers. He was couple of years older. Was somewhat NT but that, of course, never went anywhere. He was somewhat of a weirdo and had no friends. Building social capital from scratch is for 12 year olds, not for us. He was single, stuck in college unable to graduate, and was unemployed. Like clockwork.
A brief social circle of guys, but it fizzled out so quickly, the GC is dead now. The main guy was hyper NT and just stopped inviting me and another guy and instead secretly planned parties outside of the chat. Unfair but understandle, I'm non-NT and really struggled to vibe with him.
I had a brief period where I reconnected with one of the groups of people I knew from highschool. In two weeks they just sort of stonewalled me.
A brief social circle that actually had more women than men, but surprise surprise everyone besides the ugly landwhale were taken. I saw how the girls were so giddy just to talk to eachother but not all that much with me or the other single guy in the group. No one has even talked on the GC in nearly 2 months so the social circle is dead, I assume the foids are still meeting eachother outside of the GC and double dating or some shit.
Ah yes, the old classic, everybody is taken. Even if you manage to slip into some favourable environments the blackpill will hunt you down like a dog.
I have literally seen with my own eyes that 20 something girls would only come once to meetup, realise its a sausage fest of ordinary/ugly men and never come again. They obviously just hop onto online dating shortly after, find a boyfriend within a nanosecond and ride off into the sunset never to be seen again. If they need female friends, they'll just use bumble friends.
Beautiful. That's the microcosm of the entire thing. Women gatekeep themselves and flee unfavorable environments really fucking quickly. And they can afford to, unlike you, because their social capital is infinite.
kek. literally the exact same situation from middleschool and highschool. unable to hang out in a group with girls because not cool/attractive enough. THINGS NEVER CHANGE.
I learned back when I was a 10thgradecel, classes with 60+ people all across had women either be misandrist, lesbian, or taken
Beautiful. That's the microcosm of the entire thing. Women gatekeep themselves and flee unfavorable environments really fucking quickly. And they can afford to, unlike you, because their social capital is infinite.

Right on, there's really nothing that can be done as a guy that's doing okay but isn't a well oiled 10/10 in socialskills, I tried my hardest and the needle barely moved. Social circles form fast after which there's no point of entry, they already know each other extremely well and hate anyone male and new. That's before we even consider them being an opportunity to find women. The only way is if you're genuine Besties with one of the members and he'll get you involved and invited unconditionally so you're finally given the chance to start getting to know the other members and gain their approval.

Jfl, I remember the members of one of the social circles I was courting all heading off to one of the guy's apartment for an afterparty, and I wasn't allowed to go and got given the good ol "see you later" line which essentially means "we're heading off now and you're not coming back with us, fuck off". Of course the white woman they literally met that night as well as her femcel tier sheboon friend were allowed to go back with them no questions asked.

The only guys that get head hunted and invited to privately organised hangouts and parties are the "life of the party" extroverted joke cracking loudmouth types. Women of course get constant invites no matter their social skills or if they're "fun" or not. They get social opportunities just by virtue of being women. They'll never know true loneliness and the feeling of being shunned constantly, be it by platonic social groups or relationships.
Last edited:
This 100%, I’ve been normalfagging for the past 2 years and haven’t ascended even when going for the average looking stretched hole cunts in the social group. Only thing is I can bully other guys since I’m rich and moneyMogg every guy in the group but doesn’t help when your ugly and 5’4 you just come off as rich ass hole
Let's pretend I have a chance with her, how the fuck do you measure up to millionaire athlete she fucked at 19? JFL
This is why I say I either get a virgin female or nothing. Yes, I'm aware that this reduces my already small chances to ever get a woman to infinitesimal levels, but I absolutely refuse to be compared to another man, to be the second choice, the backup option
Just think about it for a second. What do you think would happen to a free access place full of hot bitches? It would get swarmed by hairy men hitting them up. This is why actually hot women gatekeep or pay wall themselves off. Wanna know where the hottest girls on night out are? In VIP section of tourist trap megaclub getting bottle service.

Or you sometimes see them in public with a stank face because they have to wade through mortals like you and me to get to some girlboss job where the unwritten job description is asshuging pantyline emphasizing dress
:worryfeels: :bigbrain:
I am trying my best to do what you're doing and I'm still young. Despite failing to find foids or even get a stable friend group, I can't give up because I absolutely cannot stay inside and rot like I used to, it's just too depressing to do so anymore.

I'm hopelessly non-NT so to address this, I began taking nootropics to be sociable like normies are. I can report that I'm definetly in a another league in terms of social skills than when I'm not on these drugs, yet the issue persists and almost a year later I'm still not getting any closer to making a breakthough with regards to meeting single foids my age or a true social circle to cope. I've been stuck for years with older loser men in Meetup groups, I'm sick and tired of having to depend on these shitty groups for a social life. The higher tier NT guys and girls that attended these have already long moved on into their own private group chats and now organise their own parties away from this loserfest every weekend.
I have literally seen with my own eyes that 20 something girls would only come once to meetup, realise its a sausage fest of ordinary/ugly men and never come again. They obviously just hop onto online dating shortly after, find a boyfriend within a nanosecond and ride off into the sunset never to be seen again. If they need female friends, they'll just use bumble friends.

So far, this is all I've achieved:

Singular male friends/acquaintances who are romantically single and can't really provide you with any social circle opportunities, and they all have some kind of ailment, be it alcoholism, unconscious inceldom or social awkwardness. Misery loves company.

A brief social circle of guys, but it fizzled out so quickly, the GC is dead now. The main guy was hyper NT and just stopped inviting me and another guy and instead secretly planned parties outside of the chat. Unfair but understandle, I'm non-NT and really struggled to vibe with him.

A brief social circle that actually had more women than men, but surprise surprise everyone besides the ugly landwhale were taken. I saw how the girls were so giddy just to talk to eachother but not all that much with me or the other single guy in the group. No one has even talked on the GC in nearly 2 months so the social circle is dead, I assume the foids are still meeting eachother outside of the GC and double dating or some shit.

I feel as though it's just more and more of the same shit and I'm just going to age out of my youth without anything to show for it. Time to resign ourselves to this new World order, foids rule the West, the rest of us are a slave underclass.
Also tried meetup and had a very similar experience. Actually I was kind of sad to read when you wrote “older loser men” because I’m probably one of those :feelsbadman: tbh it’d mostly just be funny if we’ve crossed paths.

I’ve thought about going back to college tbh or if not undergraduate classes then going to some kind of grad program or community college. It seems like the best way to be around a lot of young women. But then of course there’s always the problem of them all being taken or at least “taken,” and I am not appealing enough to be monkey-branched to, nor would I want to be a branch on some hypergamous woman’s branch-swinging journey.

In the last year or so I’m starting to focus more and more on what you wrote in your last paragraph. That society is just irreversibly fucked and perhaps the only way to truly be fulfilled is to have some role in making it worse for those who benefit from it.

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