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Blackpill The Average Male Is "JesterMaxxing" (That's All That "Game" Really Is), Nothing Worth Envying

I could never envy the life of the average male, because I've done all the things they've done to try and attain what they have, and I felt absolutely pathetic doing it, and I look back now thinking even if it had yielded results I likely still would not be alright with it

Here's the reality about dating and relationships that I rarely see discussed in a direct manner


That's it, that's the summary of how attraction in dating works, all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural"

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough

That's why I find it so amusing to see all these men who boast about "having game", its like boasting about who is the best pet, who can do the best tricks to please their master, WHO'S A GOOD BOY, YOU ARE, YOU ARE (here's a treat, you get a few sessions of medicore sex with some used up holes, she'll put in around 50% of the effort she does when fucking Chad, congrats)

To make it worse, there isn't even any security in your trials anymore, a man can Jestermaxx like a pro, "win her over" and have this amazing story of effort to tell his children about "how he met their mother", and ironically said children may not even be his (paternity fraud is at new highs these days), or she may have been cheating all along, or even at the current point of that relationship while he's talking to his kids, there's no security even after all the embarrassing, undignified shit you put yourself through, just to gamble for used up pussy

I mean if you had to do all this shit to get a virgin wife it would still be ridiculous, but it would atleast be understandable, but what the average man does to himself for used goods today, will always amuse me, also the remarks of incels who are "looking for love" and "female affection/validation" :feelskek:

Game is nothing to take pride in, if you have to use game, its an admission that you simply aren't attractive enough to JUST BE YOURSELF and have women be attracted to you. Its something you do to compensate for your lack of "natural ability"

Which reminds me of another thread I made:

The average man is not in a stable relationships, their relationships are quite unstable, with no security, and that's because the glue that holds the relationship together is a cheap knockoff of the best brand "physical attraction", its artificial, its women forcing themselves to be attracted to you, due to social norms and social pressures, while simultaneously having the choice and ability to monkey branch to an upgrade at a moments notice, that's a ridiculous framework for relationships when it comes to sustainability, it just isn't going to work long term
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Hitler IQ.
Astronomical IQ.

I always believed attempting to get a woman was a stupid game you had to play, and if you somehow do score a woman you're not out of the woods yet, the real hard part comes and you have to put in serious effort to maintain the relationship and to get mediocre sex like once a month and next thing you know she gets bored with you and leaves you once a better opportunity arises. I thought to myself, is this really worth all of this work for someone who doesn't care for you? Someone who only keeps you around as entertainment and can leave you in a moment's notice? So generally speaking it isn't worth the headache time and effort when all of those can be put into more meaningful things like hobbies or improving yourself.

What's really sad is how normies try so hard to justify their efforts in maintaining the relationships and shame, and belittle you because you reject it, and it's mainly because they know deep down you're correct, but won't admit it so they go on full damage control and when their foid cheats on them then they try to find more reasons to try and justify her cheating, when they know in reality they just don't have the Chad tier looks to keep their woman around.

Anyway I said what needed to be said, call me volcel if you want, but I ultimately gave up on trying to get a woman a long time ago, too much work, too much time for so little, if not zero rewards.

This is just my two cents.
I never envied PUA, i always found it to be cringey as fuck. PUA always reminds me of the low-tier normie who turns into your worst enemy the moment any foid enters the vicinity, they shit all over you infront of the girl to try elevate themselves, thats how I see the average PUA.
Honestly, same, I'm glad I never tried that shit.
You're as blackpilled as it currently gets, and this thread is a solid summary that you can be anything you want, if face is not there, women will never be truly attracted to you, one of the hardest blackpill knowledges to accept.
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Ive noticed this. Having dignity is the worst you can do if you want to date
Somewhere in the world a blue pilled married guy is reading this forum, came across this post and is thinking about putting a gun to his head.

Jestermaxxing describes almost every non-chad guy I've seen hanging out with a woman.
This thread makes me even more glad I don't waste my time trying to autistically "game" women around me who I know for a fact don't want my ass. It's pretty clear when you have no chance with a foid based on how they interact with you vs how they interact with someone they actually fuck with. Aka it's over.
Somewhere in the world a blue pilled married guy is reading this forum, came across this post and is thinking about putting a gun to his head.

Jestermaxxing describes almost every non-chad guy I've seen hanging out with a woman.
also this
Honestly I wish to die even at a young age where people say that life is ahead of me or some variation of that, but I do know the destination, the rope.
I was just about to write that. The truely funny dudes wouldn't be funny to women who wouldn't get any of the jokes.
If you wana be funny to women then you need to watch the same shows as them make the same references you need to have litterly everything uncommon.

Or be chad, she will laugh at all of chads unfunny joke
This is why foids divorce normies over 50% of the time; it's impossible to jestermaxx forever.

As time passes humor dulls, mystery is solved, beasts are tamed, and adventures end.

Quite simply, a man eventually gets boring. And the next exciting man is right around the corner.

The only unconditional love is based on looks, because (for the most part) they stay with you.
Imo humor works less and less as everyhting goes into inflation.
We live in a meme/ stimuli instant access world with squirrel level attention span, an expectations/ dopamine need to be on amazing meth high level to be desired for.
Men are wanted as ornaments of social implication of value. Everything attainable by effort is more common than anything attained via birth. The more difficult the place is to find something, then the greater the distinction.
Humor works on those who never disover the internet. Like a feather tickling the nose but even that over time wontcreate the acute effect it once did.
Women forge discordance with guys they dislike and contrive concordance with guys who have what they are looking for. You should be enraged to have hte implication you are unworthy. No matter if you are justifiably treated as worthless. Unless of course you arrived to something infamous out of impulse/ base level behavior But if you are just a normal person who wants to be given due respect you should be angry.
Women are never the same with everyone. They change who they are around certain people for veneering reasons.
Astronomical IQ.

I always believed attempting to get a woman was a stupid game you had to play, and if you somehow do score a woman you're not out of the woods yet, the real hard part comes and you have to put in serious effort to maintain the relationship and to get mediocre sex like once a month and next thing you know she gets bored with you and leaves you once a better opportunity arises. I thought to myself, is this really worth all of this work for someone who doesn't care for you? Someone who only keeps you around as entertainment and can leave you in a moment's notice? So generally speaking it isn't worth the headache time and effort when all of those can be put into more meaningful things like hobbies or improving yourself.

What's really sad is how normies try so hard to justify their efforts in maintaining the relationships and shame, and belittle you because you reject it, and it's mainly because they know deep down you're correct, but won't admit it so they go on full damage control and when their foid cheats on them then they try to find more reasons to try and justify her cheating, when they know in reality they just don't have the Chad tier looks to keep their woman around.

Anyway I said what needed to be said, call me volcel if you want, but I ultimately gave up on trying to get a woman a long time ago, too much work, too much time for so little, if not zero rewards.

This is just my two cents.
If anything is attainable by effort it doesn't have supraborn distinction. Women are after substance you cannot imitate or produce by action, but only by the firewalled path of birth. If you don't have that then you are liabel to be outmatched by someone with higher base value. Selection is the desire to have higher resources, and having sex is the implicated function of letting loose the next better genetic recombination.
The more difficult to gain something the more novelty it has. This is ornament trading/ value shuffling. Anyone who is friendly to have friends is perceived as a low value scraper. We're in the first world baby, sharing riches/ value is where a real dignifiable human being is at (human primal priority pyramid thinking). Primal priority, food water shelter, then after- survival-cohabitation, then glamor/ immaculateness pursuit.
Women are less obsolete than men. Their daintiness/ immaculateness fits so many libido boxes that women get a leg up of inflated value even if they are a 3/10. 3/10s are worth 8/10 men in a city where value is saturated by the numbers who exist there. Maybe 1 out of 100 are 8/10 men, while 50/100 women are 3/10s. Still, equal.
Women want higher impllication onf glamor so ti allwos htem tmo act pridefully and in a higher order with vanity in the social hierarchy. They love to cursh others and make them implicatably inferior through every micromotion.
Fucked up how it is that women would rather simply... walk feeling pretty and better than anyone else than be the champion of olympic gymnastics.
You get narcissistic success for much less value. And further influence depending on how immaculate she is.
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Truer words have never been spoken.
You have to be a witty banter god to get any replies on tinder
This fucking post alone, would be enough to cause mass suicide if it was published in huffington post, or spoken about on CNN

this one post man. Normies would try to “tear it apart” in public as “incel propaganda”, but in private, when they’re back home alone, or with their wives who don’t love them, the true impact of this post would sink in, and I think many, many men would lose control of their lives and will to live.

I can seriously see something like this happening, something like the bird box movie. News will report a sudden overwhelming influx of suicide attempts into hospital emergency rooms, and reported suicides growing at astronomical rate each day that passes after this article gets published around international media. That is the power of this post.
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Normies think jestermaxxing will make her fall in love with you. In theory it won’t, all it does is make her feel good about herself during the moment and when there’s a better option available she will jump at that opportunity, while stop having feelings for the jestermaxxed normie and also she will try and guilt trip him to ease her guilt of cheating. Women know the moment they meet you if they find you sexually attractive or you’re just another jester beta orbiter.
TBH I used to have an aversion to anal sex, but that left over time when as I realized women are just holes to be used, no point leaving a hole unused, some other guy will use it if you don't, women are insatiable, if you aren't wrecking her holes and making her feel like she's used up enough she'll starting thinking of having other men do it to her

fucking Banderas
It's not about Jestermaxxing, it's about Jokermaxxing

I never envied PUA, i always found it to be cringey as fuck. PUA always reminds me of the low-tier normie who turns into your worst enemy the moment any foid enters the vicinity, they shit all over you infront of the girl to try elevate themselves, thats how I see the average PUA.

That's why I like Chads more than Normies. Chads usually don't care, and can be even good pals, meanwhile at least 90% of normies would throw you under the bus if they thought that this would have even a remote chance of impressing some foid. Not to mention they always have to be 'masculine', doing all the work for foids and snarking at you when you don't do the same, call you not a man etc(in workplace worst offenders are especially gen X and boomers normies, I hate those faggots). I usually say I believe in equality and foid is just as capable as me to carry something heavy etc, and then I'm ridiculed. Good thing I'm lowinhib now, I sometimes even laugh then and say something like 'oh, so equality ends, when hard work begins?'.
"Women forge discordance with guys they dislike and contrive concordance with guys who have what they are looking for. "
"Women are after substance you cannot imitate or produce by action, but only by the firewalled path of birth. "

I'm stealing those.

Fakecel if Chads don't bully you tbh

I'm an oldcel, believe me -> after a while Chads just don't care about incels, they just keep living their amazing life. Meanwhile half of normies are snakes in disguise, just waiting to attack you if they are able too. High-tier normies will use every situation to shit on low-tier normies, and both high and low tier normies will use every situation to shit on incels. And if normie will smell an occassion to 'impress' any girl - he is able to do anything.
Holy shit this was god level IQ. This is why I hate talking to people now since I know I will have to make a fool of myself just to get their attention.
If any of you meme makers wanna judo chop the honkler, you can make beta jestermaxxing simps into clowns talking about the latest netflix show while she's looking at chads on tinder.
If any of you meme makers wanna judo chop the honkler, you can make beta jestermaxxing simps into clowns talking about the latest netflix show while she's looking at chads on tinder.
Somebody do it! This jestermax thing is gold.

Daily reminder that even spiders have to jestermaxx. Also lmaoin at the female spiders who want non chad spiders dead. Even spiders are fucked.
I could never envy the life of the average male, because I've done all the things they've done to try and attain what they have, and I felt absolutely pathetic doing it, and I look back now thinking even if it had yielded results I likely still would not be alright with it

Here's the reality about dating and relationships that I rarely see discussed in a direct manner


That's it, that's the summary of how attraction in dating works, all this PUA fuckery is literally just JESTERMAXXING, its just men employing psychological tactics to trick, motivate or guilt a woman into trying to be attracted to them, it isn't "natural"

Chad doesn't have to memorize pick up lines, rehearse body language, insult a woman indirectly to lower her guard, etc to gain a woman's attention and attract her, his mere presence alone is enough

That's why I find it so amusing to see all these men who boast about "having game", its like boasting about who is the best pet, who can do the best tricks to please their master, WHO'S A GOOD BOY, YOU ARE, YOU ARE (here's a treat, you get a few sessions of medicore sex with some used up holes, she'll put in around 50% of the effort she does when fucking Chad, congrats)

To make it worse, there isn't even any security in your trials anymore, a man can Jestermaxx like a pro, "win her over" and have this amazing story of effort to tell his children about "how he met their mother", and ironically said children may not even be his (paternity fraud is at new highs these days), or she may have been cheating all along, or even at the current point of that relationship while he's talking to his kids, there's no security even after all the embarrassing, undignified shit you put yourself through, just to gamble for used up pussy

I mean if you had to do all this shit to get a virgin wife it would still be ridiculous, but it would atleast be understandable, but what the average man does to himself for used goods today, will always amuse me, also the remarks of incels who are "looking for love" and "female affection/validation" :feelskek:

Game is nothing to take pride in, if you have to use game, its an admission that you simply aren't attractive enough to JUST BE YOURSELF and have women be attracted to you. Its something you do to compensate for your lack of "natural ability"

Which reminds me of another thread I made:

The average man is not in a stable relationships, their relationships are quite unstable, with no security, and that's because the glue that holds the relationship together is a cheap knockoff of the best brand "physical attraction", its artificial, its women forcing themselves to be attracted to you, due to social norms and social pressures, while simultaneously having the choice and ability to monkey branch to an upgrade at a moments notice, that's a ridiculous framework for relationships when it comes to sustainability, it just isn't going to work long term
How many times approximately would you say you approached? You should take solace in waking up after your failures and attaining this new mindset. Some will just continue to "jestermax" and never advance in life.
Somebody do it! This jestermax thing is gold.
Very high IQ post. All this "game" thing is just about being a constant clown for females in order to keep her attention away from Chad. It's all about looks, this what we need to show to normies.
I realized this months prior joining this forum. In fact, it was the turning point from a redpiller to a self-aware incel. There is no game for my face.

I don't like either, they are all my enemies
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How many times approximately would you say you approached? You should take solace in waking up after your failures and attaining this new mindset. Some will just continue to "jestermax" and never advance in life.

I only approached around 40+ tbh, maybe 50, really amped it up when I hit university, I fell hard for the "you just have to put yourself out there meme", I became a completely different person (I used to be more reserved and shy like), it didn't make a difference, made a lot of "female friends", never once got accepted for a date, never once got laid

I'm the guy who has a sense of humor and can make any girl laugh, but none of them want to fuck me, so this is how I know from experience the whole "work on your personality" strategy is complete BS, I forced myself to go from shy introvert to somewhat introverted, but when necessary I can be outgoing, people enjoyed hanging out with me, some even invited me out (guys, to "hang out"), I just wanted to get laid JFL, I had enough guy friends as far as I was concerned, nothing made a difference, normies seriously think you should just keep repeating a failed strategy no matter what, and when you reach your 30's and you get an old used up whore in her 40's who already has kids to date you normies will say - "SEE SEE, IT WORKED, YOU JUST HAD TO KEEP TRYING" :feelskek: (fucking disingenous pieces of shit, they know full well that is not "a win", that's failure)
There's a good blackpill from the parrot in Alladin. https://www.gilbertpodcast.com/women-say-they-want-a-guy-with-a-sense-of-humor-they-dont/

I was talking to this girl once, and she was going on and on about how much she loves Jerry Seinfeld. “He’s the funniest guy on the planet,” she told me. “Every joke he does just makes me scream with laughter.” Being a curious person, I asked her if, given the chance, she’d fuck Jerry Seinfeld. “Oh God no,” she said without thinking about it. “Just because I think he’s funny doesn’t mean I want to have sex with him.” Well, I inquired, what does make you want to have sex with a guy? And I swear to you, the first thing out of her mouth was “A sense of humor.”

It’s like a Pavlovian thing with women. Ask them what they’re looking for in a man, and more often than not they’ll tell you, “Somebody who makes me laugh.” But I’m here to tell you, as a man who has made his living in comedy for more than three decades, that women are full of shit.

Being funny (and I have occasionally been funny) has never gotten me laid in my life. I’m sure you find that shocking. “You mean Gilbert Gottfried isn’t constantly beating off women with a stick?” you’re no doubt wondering. Well, I’m definitely beating. I’m beating every night. In fact, I want to stop writing this article right now so I can return to the beating. The fact that I spend so much time beating should tell you everything you need to know. If women were really attracted to a sense of humor, they’d be trampling over Johnny Depp to get to Jay Leno. They’d be pushing Ryan Gosling out of the way to grope the ample buttocks of Larry the Cable Guy. It’s not like women everywhere are waking up in the middle of the night, sweaty from another erotic dream, and shouting out, “Shemp!”

But the myth endures. I remember reading an interview with the model Rachel Hunter, and she was explaining why she married Rod Stewart, a guy 24 years her senior. She said (and I’m paraphrasing), “Rod Stewart is living proof that a man can laugh a woman into bed.” Well, yes, of course, I’m sure his one-liners were all it took. That and being one of the richest, most famous rock stars in the world. But no, it was totally his ease with a clever limerick that made her drop her panties for an old geezer with liver spots.

Guys are constantly being told that a good personality is the only thing that matters to women. “If you can make her smile, it doesn’t matter what you look like.” I know this girl who prides herself on being attracted to nerdy guys. But still she has slept only with a veritable who’s who of handsome rock stars. She’s a model (of course), and she worked for a day on some movie with George Clooney. She told me, “I wasn’t impressed with his stardom, and I didn’t think his looks were all that great. But he was genuinely funny.” Horseshit! If he wasn’t good-looking or famous, nobody would notice his sense of humor. It’s like those women who claim they have crushes on Woody Allen or Larry David. If you’re looking for a Larry David type, they’re everywhere. You want a bald Jew with glasses and an acerbic sense of humor, I could fix you up no problem. But they’re making $7.25 an hour bagging groceries at Whole Foods.

I can only talk from personal experience. For all I know, other comedians are getting more pussy than a veterinarian. But not me. I don’t have groupies. I’ve never had a girl come up to me after a show and say, “That was the funniest act I’ve ever seen. I want to fuck and suck you all night.” That doesn’t happen. I’ve had a few close calls. By which I mean complete misunderstandings on my part. There have been several times when a girl has approached me after a show to tell me how funny I am and then said, “What are you doing tonight?” And I say, “Nothing.” And she says, “You want to come out and do something?” And I say yes because I’m almost positive by “something” she means me. I mean, seriously, who invites a stranger to “do something” after two a.m. if it doesn’t involve one (or both) of us visiting a free clinic the next morning? But then invariably she says, “That’s great. I’ll tell my boyfriend. He’s coming with us.”

Maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you think there’s still hope. “If I can just be more Gottfried-esque,” you’re thinking, “I’ll get more tail than a Secret Service agent in Colombia.” First of all, thanks for the compliment. And second of all, you’re a delusional fool. You might as well be taking dieting tips from Kirstie Alley. But if you really want my advice, here it is.

If a woman is laughing at everything you say, she already plans to fuck you.

That’s all there is to it. Your jokes don’t have to be any good, because she’s not really listening. If she’s planning to fuck you, she’ll laugh. And if she’s not, she won’t. End of story.

So if you want to use comedy to get a woman into bed, here’s what you need to do. Find a girl desperate enough to fuck you. Then everything you say will be comedy gold. She’ll be falling out of her chair in hysterics like you’re one of the Marx Brothers. And isn’t that what every woman today is looking for, a guy who reminds her of a vaudeville act from 100 years ago? Every 18-year-old girl out there, the first thing she says about a guy she finds attractive is “He’s as funny as the Marx Brothers. I mean when they were at Paramount, not when they switched over to MGM and were listening to Irving Thalberg.” I think it’s pretty obvious I have my finger on the pulse of modern womanhood.

You want the cold hard truth? A sense of humor means nothing. There’s only one secret to being attractive to the opposite sex, and I’m going to share it with you today. My limited success with the opposite sex isn’t due to my lovable personality or my skill at delivering perfectly timed punch lines. The only reason I’ve ever convinced a woman to sleep with me is because of my enormous cock.



Chad could tell knock knock jokes from a pre-school book and have the foid hive-mind belly laugh at every one and b line to his bed afterwards.
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You're as blackpilled as it currently gets, and this thread is a solid summary that you can be anything you want, if face is not there, women will never be truly attracted to you, one of the hardest blackpill knowledges to accept.
There's a good blackpill from the parrot in Alladin. https://www.gilbertpodcast.com/women-say-they-want-a-guy-with-a-sense-of-humor-they-dont/

I was talking to this girl once, and she was going on and on about how much she loves Jerry Seinfeld. “He’s the funniest guy on the planet,” she told me. “Every joke he does just makes me scream with laughter.” Being a curious person, I asked her if, given the chance, she’d fuck Jerry Seinfeld. “Oh God no,” she said without thinking about it. “Just because I think he’s funny doesn’t mean I want to have sex with him.” Well, I inquired, what does make you want to have sex with a guy? And I swear to you, the first thing out of her mouth was “A sense of humor.”

It’s like a Pavlovian thing with women. Ask them what they’re looking for in a man, and more often than not they’ll tell you, “Somebody who makes me laugh.” But I’m here to tell you, as a man who has made his living in comedy for more than three decades, that women are full of shit.

Being funny (and I have occasionally been funny) has never gotten me laid in my life. I’m sure you find that shocking. “You mean Gilbert Gottfried isn’t constantly beating off women with a stick?” you’re no doubt wondering. Well, I’m definitely beating. I’m beating every night. In fact, I want to stop writing this article right now so I can return to the beating. The fact that I spend so much time beating should tell you everything you need to know. If women were really attracted to a sense of humor, they’d be trampling over Johnny Depp to get to Jay Leno. They’d be pushing Ryan Gosling out of the way to grope the ample buttocks of Larry the Cable Guy. It’s not like women everywhere are waking up in the middle of the night, sweaty from another erotic dream, and shouting out, “Shemp!”

But the myth endures. I remember reading an interview with the model Rachel Hunter, and she was explaining why she married Rod Stewart, a guy 24 years her senior. She said (and I’m paraphrasing), “Rod Stewart is living proof that a man can laugh a woman into bed.” Well, yes, of course, I’m sure his one-liners were all it took. That and being one of the richest, most famous rock stars in the world. But no, it was totally his ease with a clever limerick that made her drop her panties for an old geezer with liver spots.

Guys are constantly being told that a good personality is the only thing that matters to women. “If you can make her smile, it doesn’t matter what you look like.” I know this girl who prides herself on being attracted to nerdy guys. But still she has slept only with a veritable who’s who of handsome rock stars. She’s a model (of course), and she worked for a day on some movie with George Clooney. She told me, “I wasn’t impressed with his stardom, and I didn’t think his looks were all that great. But he was genuinely funny.” Horseshit! If he wasn’t good-looking or famous, nobody would notice his sense of humor. It’s like those women who claim they have crushes on Woody Allen or Larry David. If you’re looking for a Larry David type, they’re everywhere. You want a bald Jew with glasses and an acerbic sense of humor, I could fix you up no problem. But they’re making $7.25 an hour bagging groceries at Whole Foods.

I can only talk from personal experience. For all I know, other comedians are getting more pussy than a veterinarian. But not me. I don’t have groupies. I’ve never had a girl come up to me after a show and say, “That was the funniest act I’ve ever seen. I want to fuck and suck you all night.” That doesn’t happen. I’ve had a few close calls. By which I mean complete misunderstandings on my part. There have been several times when a girl has approached me after a show to tell me how funny I am and then said, “What are you doing tonight?” And I say, “Nothing.” And she says, “You want to come out and do something?” And I say yes because I’m almost positive by “something” she means me. I mean, seriously, who invites a stranger to “do something” after two a.m. if it doesn’t involve one (or both) of us visiting a free clinic the next morning? But then invariably she says, “That’s great. I’ll tell my boyfriend. He’s coming with us.”

Maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you think there’s still hope. “If I can just be more Gottfried-esque,” you’re thinking, “I’ll get more tail than a Secret Service agent in Colombia.” First of all, thanks for the compliment. And second of all, you’re a delusional fool. You might as well be taking dieting tips from Kirstie Alley. But if you really want my advice, here it is.

If a woman is laughing at everything you say, she already plans to fuck you.

That’s all there is to it. Your jokes don’t have to be any good, because she’s not really listening. If she’s planning to fuck you, she’ll laugh. And if she’s not, she won’t. End of story.

So if you want to use comedy to get a woman into bed, here’s what you need to do. Find a girl desperate enough to fuck you. Then everything you say will be comedy gold. She’ll be falling out of her chair in hysterics like you’re one of the Marx Brothers. And isn’t that what every woman today is looking for, a guy who reminds her of a vaudeville act from 100 years ago? Every 18-year-old girl out there, the first thing she says about a guy she finds attractive is “He’s as funny as the Marx Brothers. I mean when they were at Paramount, not when they switched over to MGM and were listening to Irving Thalberg.” I think it’s pretty obvious I have my finger on the pulse of modern womanhood.

You want the cold hard truth? A sense of humor means nothing. There’s only one secret to being attractive to the opposite sex, and I’m going to share it with you today. My limited success with the opposite sex isn’t due to my lovable personality or my skill at delivering perfectly timed punch lines. The only reason I’ve ever convinced a woman to sleep with me is because of my enormous cock.

Read the whole shit.

Holy shit..over for the personality cels...
There's a good blackpill from the parrot in Alladin. https://www.gilbertpodcast.com/women-say-they-want-a-guy-with-a-sense-of-humor-they-dont/

I was talking to this girl once, and she was going on and on about how much she loves Jerry Seinfeld. “He’s the funniest guy on the planet,” she told me. “Every joke he does just makes me scream with laughter.” Being a curious person, I asked her if, given the chance, she’d fuck Jerry Seinfeld. “Oh God no,” she said without thinking about it. “Just because I think he’s funny doesn’t mean I want to have sex with him.” Well, I inquired, what does make you want to have sex with a guy? And I swear to you, the first thing out of her mouth was “A sense of humor.”

It’s like a Pavlovian thing with women. Ask them what they’re looking for in a man, and more often than not they’ll tell you, “Somebody who makes me laugh.” But I’m here to tell you, as a man who has made his living in comedy for more than three decades, that women are full of shit.

Being funny (and I have occasionally been funny) has never gotten me laid in my life. I’m sure you find that shocking. “You mean Gilbert Gottfried isn’t constantly beating off women with a stick?” you’re no doubt wondering. Well, I’m definitely beating. I’m beating every night. In fact, I want to stop writing this article right now so I can return to the beating. The fact that I spend so much time beating should tell you everything you need to know. If women were really attracted to a sense of humor, they’d be trampling over Johnny Depp to get to Jay Leno. They’d be pushing Ryan Gosling out of the way to grope the ample buttocks of Larry the Cable Guy. It’s not like women everywhere are waking up in the middle of the night, sweaty from another erotic dream, and shouting out, “Shemp!”

But the myth endures. I remember reading an interview with the model Rachel Hunter, and she was explaining why she married Rod Stewart, a guy 24 years her senior. She said (and I’m paraphrasing), “Rod Stewart is living proof that a man can laugh a woman into bed.” Well, yes, of course, I’m sure his one-liners were all it took. That and being one of the richest, most famous rock stars in the world. But no, it was totally his ease with a clever limerick that made her drop her panties for an old geezer with liver spots.

Guys are constantly being told that a good personality is the only thing that matters to women. “If you can make her smile, it doesn’t matter what you look like.” I know this girl who prides herself on being attracted to nerdy guys. But still she has slept only with a veritable who’s who of handsome rock stars. She’s a model (of course), and she worked for a day on some movie with George Clooney. She told me, “I wasn’t impressed with his stardom, and I didn’t think his looks were all that great. But he was genuinely funny.” Horseshit! If he wasn’t good-looking or famous, nobody would notice his sense of humor. It’s like those women who claim they have crushes on Woody Allen or Larry David. If you’re looking for a Larry David type, they’re everywhere. You want a bald Jew with glasses and an acerbic sense of humor, I could fix you up no problem. But they’re making $7.25 an hour bagging groceries at Whole Foods.

I can only talk from personal experience. For all I know, other comedians are getting more pussy than a veterinarian. But not me. I don’t have groupies. I’ve never had a girl come up to me after a show and say, “That was the funniest act I’ve ever seen. I want to fuck and suck you all night.” That doesn’t happen. I’ve had a few close calls. By which I mean complete misunderstandings on my part. There have been several times when a girl has approached me after a show to tell me how funny I am and then said, “What are you doing tonight?” And I say, “Nothing.” And she says, “You want to come out and do something?” And I say yes because I’m almost positive by “something” she means me. I mean, seriously, who invites a stranger to “do something” after two a.m. if it doesn’t involve one (or both) of us visiting a free clinic the next morning? But then invariably she says, “That’s great. I’ll tell my boyfriend. He’s coming with us.”

Maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you think there’s still hope. “If I can just be more Gottfried-esque,” you’re thinking, “I’ll get more tail than a Secret Service agent in Colombia.” First of all, thanks for the compliment. And second of all, you’re a delusional fool. You might as well be taking dieting tips from Kirstie Alley. But if you really want my advice, here it is.

If a woman is laughing at everything you say, she already plans to fuck you.

That’s all there is to it. Your jokes don’t have to be any good, because she’s not really listening. If she’s planning to fuck you, she’ll laugh. And if she’s not, she won’t. End of story.

So if you want to use comedy to get a woman into bed, here’s what you need to do. Find a girl desperate enough to fuck you. Then everything you say will be comedy gold. She’ll be falling out of her chair in hysterics like you’re one of the Marx Brothers. And isn’t that what every woman today is looking for, a guy who reminds her of a vaudeville act from 100 years ago? Every 18-year-old girl out there, the first thing she says about a guy she finds attractive is “He’s as funny as the Marx Brothers. I mean when they were at Paramount, not when they switched over to MGM and were listening to Irving Thalberg.” I think it’s pretty obvious I have my finger on the pulse of modern womanhood.

You want the cold hard truth? A sense of humor means nothing. There’s only one secret to being attractive to the opposite sex, and I’m going to share it with you today. My limited success with the opposite sex isn’t due to my lovable personality or my skill at delivering perfectly timed punch lines. The only reason I’ve ever convinced a woman to sleep with me is because of my enormous cock.



Chad could tell knock knock jokes from a pre-school book and have the foid hive-mind belly laugh at every one and b line to his bed afterwards.
The thing that is frustrating about it is, these girls get to be whores, and play good girl. I mean we want a sense of humor, intelligence, etc. They are not at all superficial. Chad could have an 85 IQ, and put crooked pinstripes on his chopper, and his gf is gonna think he is Leonardo, and melt over how amazingly smart, and talented he is. I think all of it would be easier to bear if they didn't virtue signal, and just told the truth. Some bald manlet with a 195 IQ could make an electric hypercar that blows away everything, and is a masterpiece in his garage on weekends when he is not at JPL, and women are going to think he is a creep, and nerd, and step over him to get to the pool boy they think made the thing. Halo effect sucks. Their level of automatic, and subconscious lying blows me away.
There's a good blackpill from the parrot in Alladin. https://www.gilbertpodcast.com/women-say-they-want-a-guy-with-a-sense-of-humor-they-dont/

I was talking to this girl once, and she was going on and on about how much she loves Jerry Seinfeld. “He’s the funniest guy on the planet,” she told me. “Every joke he does just makes me scream with laughter.” Being a curious person, I asked her if, given the chance, she’d fuck Jerry Seinfeld. “Oh God no,” she said without thinking about it. “Just because I think he’s funny doesn’t mean I want to have sex with him.” Well, I inquired, what does make you want to have sex with a guy? And I swear to you, the first thing out of her mouth was “A sense of humor.”

It’s like a Pavlovian thing with women. Ask them what they’re looking for in a man, and more often than not they’ll tell you, “Somebody who makes me laugh.” But I’m here to tell you, as a man who has made his living in comedy for more than three decades, that women are full of shit.

Being funny (and I have occasionally been funny) has never gotten me laid in my life. I’m sure you find that shocking. “You mean Gilbert Gottfried isn’t constantly beating off women with a stick?” you’re no doubt wondering. Well, I’m definitely beating. I’m beating every night. In fact, I want to stop writing this article right now so I can return to the beating. The fact that I spend so much time beating should tell you everything you need to know. If women were really attracted to a sense of humor, they’d be trampling over Johnny Depp to get to Jay Leno. They’d be pushing Ryan Gosling out of the way to grope the ample buttocks of Larry the Cable Guy. It’s not like women everywhere are waking up in the middle of the night, sweaty from another erotic dream, and shouting out, “Shemp!”

But the myth endures. I remember reading an interview with the model Rachel Hunter, and she was explaining why she married Rod Stewart, a guy 24 years her senior. She said (and I’m paraphrasing), “Rod Stewart is living proof that a man can laugh a woman into bed.” Well, yes, of course, I’m sure his one-liners were all it took. That and being one of the richest, most famous rock stars in the world. But no, it was totally his ease with a clever limerick that made her drop her panties for an old geezer with liver spots.

Guys are constantly being told that a good personality is the only thing that matters to women. “If you can make her smile, it doesn’t matter what you look like.” I know this girl who prides herself on being attracted to nerdy guys. But still she has slept only with a veritable who’s who of handsome rock stars. She’s a model (of course), and she worked for a day on some movie with George Clooney. She told me, “I wasn’t impressed with his stardom, and I didn’t think his looks were all that great. But he was genuinely funny.” Horseshit! If he wasn’t good-looking or famous, nobody would notice his sense of humor. It’s like those women who claim they have crushes on Woody Allen or Larry David. If you’re looking for a Larry David type, they’re everywhere. You want a bald Jew with glasses and an acerbic sense of humor, I could fix you up no problem. But they’re making $7.25 an hour bagging groceries at Whole Foods.

I can only talk from personal experience. For all I know, other comedians are getting more pussy than a veterinarian. But not me. I don’t have groupies. I’ve never had a girl come up to me after a show and say, “That was the funniest act I’ve ever seen. I want to fuck and suck you all night.” That doesn’t happen. I’ve had a few close calls. By which I mean complete misunderstandings on my part. There have been several times when a girl has approached me after a show to tell me how funny I am and then said, “What are you doing tonight?” And I say, “Nothing.” And she says, “You want to come out and do something?” And I say yes because I’m almost positive by “something” she means me. I mean, seriously, who invites a stranger to “do something” after two a.m. if it doesn’t involve one (or both) of us visiting a free clinic the next morning? But then invariably she says, “That’s great. I’ll tell my boyfriend. He’s coming with us.”

Maybe you don’t believe me. Maybe you think there’s still hope. “If I can just be more Gottfried-esque,” you’re thinking, “I’ll get more tail than a Secret Service agent in Colombia.” First of all, thanks for the compliment. And second of all, you’re a delusional fool. You might as well be taking dieting tips from Kirstie Alley. But if you really want my advice, here it is.

If a woman is laughing at everything you say, she already plans to fuck you.

That’s all there is to it. Your jokes don’t have to be any good, because she’s not really listening. If she’s planning to fuck you, she’ll laugh. And if she’s not, she won’t. End of story.

So if you want to use comedy to get a woman into bed, here’s what you need to do. Find a girl desperate enough to fuck you. Then everything you say will be comedy gold. She’ll be falling out of her chair in hysterics like you’re one of the Marx Brothers. And isn’t that what every woman today is looking for, a guy who reminds her of a vaudeville act from 100 years ago? Every 18-year-old girl out there, the first thing she says about a guy she finds attractive is “He’s as funny as the Marx Brothers. I mean when they were at Paramount, not when they switched over to MGM and were listening to Irving Thalberg.” I think it’s pretty obvious I have my finger on the pulse of modern womanhood.

You want the cold hard truth? A sense of humor means nothing. There’s only one secret to being attractive to the opposite sex, and I’m going to share it with you today. My limited success with the opposite sex isn’t due to my lovable personality or my skill at delivering perfectly timed punch lines. The only reason I’ve ever convinced a woman to sleep with me is because of my enormous cock.



Chad could tell knock knock jokes from a pre-school book and have the foid hive-mind belly laugh at every one and b line to his bed afterwards.
Your post should be banned, humankind is not ready to accept this ultimate truth.
They're bluepill/redpillmaxing which leads to nothing but rejection due to your looks, the best way to see that the redpill is false is to try it for yourself
I never understood how some people couldn't feel the cringe. I saw a man, when the mystery method was still a thing, that was learning all those "NPC lines", because he thought that there were contained PNL secret messages in there. He never fucked, he is incel now, 40yo incel dude still coping. And PUA only work if you have a good face. Besides that, PUA methods lower your chances to get laid. If you are Chad and you folow TRP shitty advices, you may even end up being an incel, because they suggest you to approach women in a cringy uncool way that makes women feel uncomfortable, makes you look pathetic, loser and creepy.

This world died, with the rise of new social media. PUAs coped hard, no-one of them was getting laid, at least the rotters in the basement that collected 10000 posts boasting about how they were supposed to fuck thots all the time.

Those who succeded with PUing, are the few Good Looking people, who did what you described, they "jestermaxed", it's ridiculous. Even an incel have more self-esteem than those people, even incels have more self-respect. We are the lowest of the low, but at least we felt the strong cringe behind the PUA garbage low-effort motivational speech.

All PUAs now are promoting basic life coaching bullshit, or tradcuckism, like Roosh for example. I don't mind them because they are just like every other pop-culture oriented Christiancuck out there.
I never understood how some people couldn't feel the cringe. I saw a man, when the mystery method was still a thing, that was learning all those "NPC lines", because he thought that there were contained PNL secret messages in there. He never fucked, he is incel now, 40yo incel dude still coping. And PUA only work if you have a good face. Besides that, PUA methods lower your chances to get laid. If you are Chad and you folow TRP shitty advices, you may even end up being an incel, because they suggest you to approach women in a cringy uncool way that makes women feel uncomfortable, makes you look pathetic, loser and creepy.

This world died, with the rise of new social media. PUAs coped hard, no-one of them was getting laid, at least the rotters in the basement that collected 10000 posts boasting about how they were supposed to fuck thots all the time.

Those who succeded with PUing, are the few Good Looking people, who did what you described, they "jestermaxed", it's ridiculous. Even an incel have more self-esteem than those people, even incels have more self-respect. We are the lowest of the low, but at least we felt the strong cringe behind the PUA garbage low-effort motivational speech.

All PUAs now are promoting basic life coaching bullshit, or tradcuckism, like Roosh for example. I don't mind them because they are just like every other pop-culture oriented Christiancuck out there.
I'm gonna go out on a limb, and say Roosh doesn't posses the moral high ground from which to promote tradcuck, let alone claim Christianity, unless of course if he has genuinely changed his ways, which I highly doubt.
I'm gonna go out on a limb, and say Roosh doesn't posses the moral high ground from which to promote tradcuck, let alone claim Christianity, unless of course if he has genuinely changed his ways, which I highly doubt.

Dude roosh is a hustler, he's seeing that in the current climate PUA bs won't sell anymore because shit is so bad its blatantly obvious it doesn't work, so he's jumping ship
Besides that, PUA methods lower your chances to get laid. If you are Chad and you folow TRP shitty advices, you may even end up being an incel, because they suggest you to approach women in a cringy uncool way that makes women feel uncomfortable, makes you look pathetic, loser and creepy.
Cope. Chad can do no wrong in the eyes of foids.
Dude roosh is a hustler, he's seeing that in the current climate PUA bs won't sell anymore because shit is so bad its blatantly obvious it doesn't work, so he's jumping ship
PUAs are trying to enter the MSTOW space now. Look up LFA on jewtube. Tons of em.
The thing that is frustrating about it is, these girls get to be whores, and play good girl. I mean we want a sense of humor, intelligence, etc. They are not at all superficial. Chad could have an 85 IQ, and put crooked pinstripes on his chopper, and his gf is gonna think he is Leonardo, and melt over how amazingly smart, and talented he is. I think all of it would be easier to bear if they didn't virtue signal, and just told the truth. Some bald manlet with a 195 IQ could make an electric hypercar that blows away everything, and is a masterpiece in his garage on weekends when he is not at JPL, and women are going to think he is a creep, and nerd, and step over him to get to the pool boy they think made the thing. Halo effect sucks. Their level of automatic, and subconscious lying blows me away.

I think foids are inherently non-confrontational and they subconsciously know if they were honest and frank about their superficiality and vanity it could jeopardize their safety. Imagine if every beta in the west suddenly became blackpilled. There would be more violence towards women because they'd know they didn't have a chance in hell. They would be angry that they've been lied to all their life, that society morally injured them and their only option is nihilism. The only way foids would be honest about their mating strategy is if betas were bred out of existence. Which may happen considering all the tinder harems.
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I think foids are inherently non-confrontational and they subconsciously know if they were honest and frank about their superficiality and vanity it could jeopardize their safety. Imagine if every beta in the west suddenly became blackpilled. There would be more violence towards women because they'd know they didn't have a chance in hell. They would be angry that they've been lied to all their life, that society morally injured them and their only option is nihilism. The only way foids would be honest about their mating strategy is if betas were bred out of existence. Which may happen considering all the tinder harems.
Tbh men are hypergamous creatures too, if you define it as seeking one better than oneself genetically, in terms of looks. Think of the trophy wife for the tech nerd, or corporate guy. So speaking of tinder harems, and betas being bred out of existence I think this is not optimal for anyone. It will never change my situation ever, so it is not cope, other than in a mental masturbation sense, but I cannot see a justifiable "Evolutionairy" reason for what is happening. What is happening is massive degeneracy in a move away from traditional social mores via social engineering, and its being accelerated by technology. Tinder makes sense. Everyone is blackpilled, and swiping right just cuts to the chase. I doubt the people behind tinder intended for this to happen, but it did, and it has gone totally crazy. Between the moral backdrop which encourages mass whoring, social media, and tinder there is no restraint to these trends. I mean if everyone was chad, and stacy society would massively regress. Intelligence is inversely correlated with beauty, and to anyone who says beautiful people score higher on intelligence testing than normal people, the differences are not meaningful. That negligible gap is not going to sustain our society. If one wants to make an argument for chad being more survivable as a hunter gatherer, check out the screenshot of a youtube comment on BUDS training. I saw this very thing happen in person, in the Army in a selection process. Chads dropped out left, and right from mental weakness, and lesser men moved on. Did some chads make it, yeah, but they had no advantage over anyone else. Lacking sufficient intelligence, society will regress if chad, and stacy overpopulated. The other thing is faceapp. I don't know how accurate the algorithm is, but if it is anywhere near reasonable in gender switching a person's face, guys here who can't get laid would be having sex regularly as females. With body acceptance, and feminism, women's standards are too high. Women being hypergamous strikes me as being selfish maximizing for them which has been enabled by the trends above, and general prosperity. If beta men need to be bred out of existence as an evolutionairy imperative, why don't beta women? This is a SMV market place distortion, and not a biologically driven phenomenon in the sense of some nebulous move towards more fit meat puppets.
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Cope. Chad can do no wrong in the eyes of foids.
Not a cope. PUA can lower the success rate of a Chad, directing him in the wrong places, telling him to do the wrong things, and finally lowering his life quality. PUA is such a garbage, it is promoted by unqualified self labeled “coaches”, that can do no good, they can only harm people like they are doing and did in the past. Only Chad himself can run the so called “game” and still manage to get laid somehow.

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