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Theory Are incels really out of touch? [take this test]



Feb 3, 2022

This survey tests how naturally capable of analyzing normie social rules and customs you are compared to the average person, if the majority of incels really are wildly delusional basement dwelling subhumans then it should be reflected in the scores people get here. Keep in mind that a higher score isn't necessarily correlated with NT or being a normgroid yourself:

In Studies 2, 3, and 4, attributes associated with decreased cognitive and motivational bias – cognitive ability, cognitive curiosity, and melancholy and introversion – predicted social psychological skill.

So ironically it may be the sub 5 outcastcels constantly autistically analyzing normies and whores from afar that are the best at predicting said normies' behavior. Strange isn't it boyos? :feelshmm:

Post your scores in the replies btw, I got around 81%. Considering I have 0 friends the trend seems to hold so far.
0 replies me
okay i am going to take the test 100% seriously, knowing i haven't had any real meaningful social connections since i was 11 i will probably get a low score
test is to advanced for me but yeah I am out of touch i

this shit is easy, even a rotting autist 35yo could do it

oh shit its getting tough :shock::shock::feelsohgod:

back to ez mode

Thanks for completing the quiz. Your score is: 25.

Approximate percentile score: 44.0%

Average! Your score was worse than 56.0% of other people's scores. You're not bad at social psychological skill, but you're not great either. Possibly your talents lie in other domains, such as social skills!
I'm bad with people.
>be good at understanding people
>still not able to socialise due to being short, ugly and non-NT



This survey tests how naturally capable of analyzing normie social rules and customs you are compared to the average person, if the majority of incels really are wildly delusional basement dwelling subhumans then it should be reflected in the scores people get here. Keep in mind that a higher score isn't necessarily correlated with NT or being a normgroid yourself:

So ironically it may be the sub 5 outcastcels constantly autistically analyzing normies and whores from afar that are the best at predicting said normies' behavior. Strange isn't it boyos? :feelshmm:

Post your scores in the replies btw, I got around 81%. Considering I have 0 friends the trend seems to hold so far.
Thanks for completing the quiz. Your score is: 25.

Approximate percentile score: 44.0%

Average! Your score was worse than 56.0% of other people's scores. You're not bad at social psychological skill, but you're not great either. Possibly your talents lie in other domains, such as social skills!
Thanks for completing the quiz. Your score is: 31.

Approximate percentile score: 81.9%

Nicely done! Your score was better than 81.9% of other people's scores. You seem to have a knack for inferring social psychological phenomena without any experience in social psychology.

So am I good?
Thanks for completing the quiz. Your score is: 30.

Approximate percentile score: 75.8%

Nicely done! Your score was better than 75.8% of other people's scores. You seem to at least have some knack for inferring social psychological phenomena without any experience in social psychology.

what the fuck
Understanding people better makes socialisation more difficult in many ways because people are horrible, amoral monsters, so to interact and cooperate with them you either need to be amoral like a psychopath or irrationally optimistic in how you explain their behavior (like a normie). If you are both moral and see things at least somewhat clearly, this world is a nightmare, life a net negative for the living and ending our species right now arguably the most utilitarian action available, depending on how you judge our future to go most likely.

Normies aren't functional because they understand so much, they can function because they
->don't care because they
->aren't affected because they
->got lucky, and even if they didn't
->they are too stupid to analyze the situation correctly and this allows them to
->continue going along with the evil of their time for personal gain.
how did a 30yo virgin iqmog me :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod:
Technically speaking, social scientists are towards the bottom of the barrel when it comes to IQ amongst academics, so telling someone that he is a "natural social psychologist" could be interpreted as a very roundabout way to call someone a midwit.

Statisticbrain com iq estimates by intended college major 1 2
Social Science 2
Understanding people better makes socialisation more difficult in many ways because people are horrible, amoral monsters, so to interact and cooperate with them you either need to be amoral like a psychopath or irrationally optimistic in how you explain their behavior (like a normie). If you are both moral and see things at least somewhat clearly, this world is a nightmare, life a net negative for the living and ending our species right now arguably the most utilitarian action available, depending on how you judge our future to go most likely.

Normies aren't functional because they understand so much, they can function because they
->don't care because they
->aren't affected because they
->got lucky, and even if they didn't
->they are too stupid to analyze the situation correctly and this allows them to
->continue going along with the evil of their time for personal gain.
Indeed. Right on the mark boyo. :feelsthink:
Technically speaking, social scientists are towards the bottom of the barrel when it comes to IQ amongst academics, so telling someone that he is a "natural social psychologist" could be interpreted as a very roundabout way to call someone a midwit.

View attachment 1055093View attachment 1055092
*Not like I would use it like that, when I call someone a "social scientist" I mean to convey that I believe them to be both amoral and retarded.
Nigga how is that false? That's elementary blackpill 101, did you read the question bro? :feelskek:
damn gotta go back to graycel academy :feelsohgod: :feelsohgod:

but srsly i just misread the question
Thanks for completing the quiz. Your score is: 24.

Approximate percentile score: 36.8%

Oh dear! Your score was worse than 63.2% of other people's scores. Social psychological skill doesn't seem to be your thing. Don't worry though, this doesn't mean that you don't have social intelligence or are not a socially skilled person. In fact, we found social psychological skill to relate negatively to extraversion in a number of studies.
IMG 0073

Did I win?

This skill, which we call social psychological skill, has been linked to intelligence, a willingness to engage in complex thinking, melancholy, and introversion.

melancholy, and introversion.

God damn it
Last edited:
@DarkStarDown @wereq @based_meme @Chudpreet @Grim_Reaper @IronsideCel @SoycuckGodOfReddit
link seems interestings.
Screenshot 20240204 0149432
maybe couldve gotten more if i didnt anticipate them being bluepilled on some questions and just gave my honest answer
I have to take test twice though. Because I can give the fake normie answers to appease those degenerates or I can give the actual true answers which would label me a weirdo.
So far more people have been above average by a good amount than not. Need more people to take it though. :dafuckfeels:

This skill, which we call social psychological skill, has been linked to intelligence, a willingness to engage in complex thinking, melancholy, and introversion.
The last two traits pretty much define my entire personaliteehee tbh:feelsbadman::feelscry:.
View attachment 1055121maybe couldve gotten more if i didnt anticipate them being bluepilled on some questions and just gave my honest answer
I'm pretty sure I missed one question because I only noticed an "all of the above" option after already choosing one, wonder if I'd have the same score as you if I chose that one instead:feelsjuice:.
Thanks for completing the quiz. Your score is: 27.

Approximate percentile score: 57.1%

Average! Your score was better than 57.1% of other people's scores. You're not bad at social psychological skill, but you're not great either. Possibly your talents lie in other domains, such as social skills!

Pretty surprised it was this high.
Understanding people better makes socialisation more difficult in many ways because people are horrible, amoral monsters, so to interact and cooperate with them you either need to be amoral like a psychopath or irrationally optimistic in how you explain their behavior (like a normie). If you are both moral and see things at least somewhat clearly, this world is a nightmare, life a net negative for the living and ending our species right now arguably the most utilitarian action available, depending on how you judge our future to go most likely.

Normies aren't functional because they understand so much, they can function because they
->don't care because they
->aren't affected because they
->got lucky, and even if they didn't
->they are too stupid to analyze the situation correctly and this allows them to
->continue going along with the evil of their time for personal gain.

Spoken like a true fellow 96.7% percentile scorer.
97.3% altho I took a social psych course so I have an unfair advantage

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