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LifeFuel Biden will be inaugurated in 5 days



cope and seethe
Oct 1, 2018
The meltdown from the MAGA apes is entertaining.
At least one more person will die because of their retardation
551C94D3 47E6 4F65 A354 612D3F3960C8
The power of socialism has triumphed by underhand means. You've got to respect that levels of subterfuge, takes careful planning and cunning, strategy. .
Is Biden your stepfather or something?
The power of socialism has triumphed by underhand means. You've got to respect that levels of subterfuge, takes careful planning and cunning, strategy. .
Biden isn't a socialist. He's more of a neoliberal with a favorable view of technocrats. Just like Obama was.
Biden isn't a socialist. He's more of a neoliberal with a favorable view of technocrats. Just like Obama was.

I'm just going along with whole full Communist take over of the West narrative. I don't really know/care that much about it.
I'm just going along with whole full Communist take over of the West narrative. I don't really know/care that much about it.
it's an incredibly low iq take
Israel wins, no matter which side you simp for.
Democracy was a big mistake.
The fact that this dude isn't banned yet makes me question everything about .co
It's great optics. The most popular president elect in human history won the election so convincingly that he needs to be sworn in, in a fortress protected by 20,000 national guardsmen.
Is there any particular reason why you like Biden so much?
i'm resigned to it.
now i just want my stimulus check ASAP.
Israel wins, no matter which side you simp for.
Democracy was a big mistake.
our forefathers couldn't prevent this other than with 100% state sovereignty
It's great optics. The most popular president elect in human history won the election so convincingly that he needs to be sworn in, in a fortress protected by 20,000 national guardsmen.
this fucking old jew and his negress president need to be killed by a national guard. One of them surely sees this nonsense and understands he must do something
this fucking old jew and his negress president need to be killed by a national guard. One of them surely sees this nonsense and understands he must do something
In 1980 when Robert Mugabe stole the election in Rhodesia under the agreement with the British government many of Mugabe's terrorists were required to assemble in designated areas. The commander of Rhodesia's defence forces was a guy called Lt. General Peter Walls. His father had been in the armed forces and known "Smithy" in the war. Walls had been made an "acting" Major at the age of 23 commanding troops in Malaya. He had a plan to hit the guerrilla assembly areas and wipe out a lot of Mugabe's followers in one go in a similar style to Operation Dingo in 1977 with massive air attacks followed by encirclement and eradication. He went to his priest and he told him "Peter - one should be careful about starting a fire you may not be able to put out" and General Walls cucked out and let Mugabe have his victory.

If an exceptional commander like Peter Walls wasn't up to the task of eliminating Mugabe and his terrorist friends what the fuck hope is there of any of the sorry cucks in the US armed forces today doing anything? Have you seen the state of a lot of the national guard who got sent down? Most of them are flabby weaklings.
In 1980 when Robert Mugabe stole the election in Rhodesia under the agreement with the British government many of Mugabe's terrorists were required to assemble in designated areas. The commander of Rhodesia's defence forces was a guy called Lt. General Peter Walls. His father had been in the armed forces and known "Smithy" in the war. Walls had been made an "acting" Major at the age of 23 commanding troops in Malaya. He had a plan to hit the guerrilla assembly areas and wipe out a lot of Mugabe's followers in one go in a similar style to Operation Dingo in 1977 with massive air attacks followed by encirclement and eradication. He went to his priest and he told him "Peter - one should be careful about starting a fire you may not be able to put out" and General Walls cucked out and let Mugabe have his victory.

If an exceptional commander like Peter Walls wasn't up to the task of eliminating Mugabe and his terrorist friends what the fuck hope is there of any of the sorry cucks in the US armed forces today doing anything? Have you seen the state of a lot of the national guard who got sent down? Most of them are flabby weaklings.
I will make birth of a nation remake but the KKK saves America from Biden and Kamalanigger.

It's great optics. The most popular president elect in human history won the election so convincingly that he needs to be sworn in, in a fortress protected by 20,000 national guardsmen.
It perfectly encapsulates the sheer chaos and lunacy of the right
this fucking old jew and his negress president need to be killed by a national guard. One of them surely sees this nonsense and understands he must do something
In that case, Pelosi would become POTUS.
Is there any particular reason why you like Biden so much?
Seriously. It would be understandable if it was just a regular politician that happened to be a democrat but Joe Biden has been responsible for a lot of feminist legislation and specifically choose a woman VP when he was old himself, meaning a woman could become president. A woman that has a record of cracking down on prostitution despite engaging in sexual favors to get ahead and that has locked a lot of people up (so much for prison reform)

@PPEcel sometimes says Trump has ruined the image of America on the world stage and handled crises badly. Okay but if you are an incel why should you care how others are negatively affected when incels have it bad regardless?

I will say that stuff like public education is beneficial in the sense that the economy benefits from having a relatively skilled, educated workforce, so I'm not entirely opposed to my tax dollars going to Chad and Stacy's kids.
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I finally feel represented

But he does have a monkey on his back.
Trust me, I'll be watching his inaugural address snoring along with him.
He won't last long.

Hoping for Trump to have something up his sleeve and arrest these pizzagate fucks during inauguration. Imagine boyos.

Just lol at supporting a pedo as a president.
It perfectly encapsulates the sheer chaos and lunacy of the right
If it was an actual uprising instead of a false flag you wouldn't be so smug.
Honestly the whiteknight faggotry between leftwing cucked diarrheacels is embarassing ban em all.

How about you both gtfo and go to some LBGTQ-marches together, god knows you're a fucking faggot if you need to whiteknight incels on an incel-forum.
this fucking old jew and his negress president need to be killed by a national guard. One of them surely sees this nonsense and understands he must do something
Is there any particular reason why you like Biden so much?
He's an infiltrating moron, nobody in their right mind can be incel and leftleaning. Should've been banned 20K posts ago.
I'm just going along with whole full Communist take over of the West narrative. I don't really know/care that much about it.
Good, that's literally what's happening, it might not be exactly communism but it's the same idea of killing middle-class and using a bunch of angry low IQ fucks like @FullTimeLoser to take out the bourgeoisie which are white males in 2020.

Here just an example of what to expect the next 8 years.

View: https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/134770464113646387
nobody in their right mind can be incel and leftleaning
I'm a truecel and i'm a communist. you literally came here yesterday lmao did you think this was the donald?
Good, that's literally what's happening, it might not be exactly communism but it's the same idea of killing middle-class and using a bunch of angry low IQ fucks like @FullTimeLoser to take out the bourgeoisie which are white males in 2020.

Here just an example of what to expect the next 8 years.

View: https://twitter.com/JoeBiden/status/134770464113646387

LMAO this nigga thinks I support biden
I'm a truecel and i'm a communist. you literally came here yesterday lmao did you think this was the donald?

LMAO this nigga thinks I support biden
"In their right mind", did you miss that part?

Idc if it's Biden, AOC, Clinton or Bernie that you support, all I know is you're a cuck who votes alongside feminists and probably have your pronouns in your twitter-bio.
"In their right mind", did you miss that part?

Idc if it's Biden, AOC, Clinton or Bernie that you support, all I know is you're a cuck who votes alongside feminists and probably have your pronouns in your twitter-bio.
A cuck would be someone who thinks working 45 hours a week so your chad boss can get a new lambo is normal and you should be happy about it.

50% of women voted for the party you're assosiated with boyo. Based on my beliefs women wouldn't even have the right to vote
A cuck would be someone who thinks working 45 hours a week so your chad boss can get a new lambo is normal and you should be happy about it.

50% of women voted for the party you're assosiated with boyo. Based on my beliefs women wouldn't even have the right to vote
I'm not here to talk to communists, after your 30th round with braindead commies like yourself you kinda lose the will to even try and talk sense to them, they're just too fucking stupid.
I just tagged you so that everyone knew you're a fucking lefty retard alongside @PPEcel and nobody should take you seriously on anything.

Dumb foids might vote Trump, maybe they hate niggers more than they love feminism? Maybe the heat of having so many rapefugees everywhere is starting to put some fear into their wokeness? Eihter way the truely ugly fat despicable disgusting feminist whores are all on your side buddy, you know it, I know it, stfu and own it.
I'm not here to talk to communists, after your 30th round with braindead commies like yourself you kinda lose the will to even try and talk sense to them, they're just too fucking stupid.
I just tagged you so that everyone knew you're a fucking lefty retard alongside @PPEcel and nobody should take you seriously on anything.

Dumb foids might vote Trump, maybe they hate niggers more than they love feminism? Maybe the heat of having so many rapefugees everywhere is starting to put some fear into their wokeness? Eihter way the truely ugly fat despicable disgusting feminist whores are all on your side buddy, you know it, I know it, stfu and own it.
Don't care, didn't read

Plus you're white
Don't care, didn't read

Plus you're white
Exactly typical low iq commie, doesn't care, doesn't read.

Also good joke man, did your lefty youtubers teach you that, what an absolute cuck it's so sad how many faggots are on this forum.
It will be nice to have adults running the government again.
Exactly typical low iq commie, doesn't care, doesn't read.

Also good joke man, did your lefty youtubers teach you that, what an absolute cuck it's so sad how many faggots are on this forum.
Lmao, bro, I wanna enslave women, I own a gun, and I believe in [redacted] to fags and trannies. You think because im not a capital cuck like youself, that you're anyhing less than a soyboy? You're some teenager who discovered his believes last year. Gtfo little faggot, it's hilarious watching you tryna navigate being a magatard and realize you're a joke


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