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Computer Science students - what do you spend all day learning? I taught myself in 3 months and I know more than you do.

I dont understand why Anglosphere cels pay large amounts to go to university. Just international student maxx theory.

Oshay Duke nJackson from USA studied medicine in Poland. In Germany uni is basicaly free, same in Denmark. The carribean got cheap unis with the same ciriculm as the Anglosphere i.e a recognised degree etc etc etc
I don't know. I think it's the retarded "prestige" meme. Unfortunately, employers fall for that meme as well. Ethnic families fall for that shit too and push their incel sons to get into those prestigious schools for that guaranteed job. So I guess the meme isn't all that retarded now that I think about it.
Why did you learn to program?
I was in the same situation many of us are in. I had only part time jobs. First in a printer firm as a machine minder, then collecting empty glasses in a nightclub then as a roofing assistant. Got let go from them all even though I worked hard and took pride in my work.

At the printers they put me on unsafe machines and I caught my hand in the belt. Got bullied by bar staff, and door men at the nightclub and had to jump out of the way of drunks wanting to hit me for taking their glass. Sometimes there was only a little bit of booze left but I was forced to take it by staff and door men.

Roof work they just like bully me and gave me dangerous work in the rain and laughed. They wanted me to fall off the roof. Would have killed me.

In between time at the temporary accommodation I used to visit the library and spend all day amongst the books. I found a copy of The C Programming Language. Just be flicking through it it's obvious this book is high quality and written by gods.

I bought a ThinkPad for £80 and went through the entire book along with The UNIX Programming Environment and applied for a C job and passed an interview and was put to fixing bugs because no one else wanted the job.

I had learnt enough from the books to pick up telecom protocols like DPNSS and TCP/IP quickly enough and SQL didn't take long at all.

I taught myself calculus too. I bought a ton of books from Amazon and returned them all except four of them which I studied. One of them printed in 1952 and the other in 1969. Quality authors that's who I learnt from. I admit learning partial differential equations took longer but I was in no rush as most math I need was simple arithmetic, averages and once standard deviation. Easy.

The same goes for religion. I've studied the Gospel of John and the Secret of the Golden Flower along with the Cloud of Unknowing and the Bhagavad Gita along with some Sufi texts. Ancient, quality texts.

I rediscovered an old and simple trick now forgotten which is to read quality books !!!
I dont understand why Anglosphere cels pay large amounts to go to university. Just international student maxx theory.
It probably never occurs to them because they're not told. It's a good idea.

Sometimes what is obvious and clear as daylight to yourself is not so for others. Take the Blackpill.

That's something else I've not understood. Why does it have to take so long to learn medicine? Let's take nursing. In the UK it's a 3 year university course. Surely 3 months working with an experienced nurse is enough and the rest learn on the job.

The human body has two arms and two legs. Learn how one arm and one leg works and how to treat and you can treat billions of arms and legs. How many organs in the torso? Not that many.
I don't know. I think it's the retarded "prestige" meme. Unfortunately, employers fall for that meme as well. Ethnic families fall for that shit too and push their incel sons to get into those prestigious schools for that guaranteed job. So I guess the meme isn't all that retarded now that I think about it.
after having work experience nobody even looks at your certificates. Anyway whatever , its not my cash
after having work experience nobody even looks at your certificates. Anyway whatever , its not my cash
It's true, they only care about your recent references, because the thinking is that your previous employers already checked your credentials, so why bother wasting time to do it again. Some job seekers exploit this with fake references when they have fake credentials that go under the radar. KEK
It probably never occurs to them because they're not told. It's a good idea.

Sometimes what is obvious and clear as daylight to yourself is not so for others. Take the Blackpill.

That's something else I've not understood. Why does it have to take so long to learn medicine? Let's take nursing. In the UK it's a 3 year university course. Surely 3 months working with an experienced nurse is enough and the rest learn on the job.

The human body has two arms and two legs. Learn how one arm and one leg works and how to treat and you can treat billions of arms and legs. How many organs in the torso? Not that many.
yeah well medicine is a very delicate topic especially when dealing with people. So in that regard I would agree to nursing, doctors , surgeons having to highly qualified because crazy family members might stab the staff if they percieve negligence. Also the state will sue doctors. The list goes on

Same goes for engineers designing aeroplanes and stuff.

But yeah programming courses and stuff, 1 year is more than enough
It's true, they only care about your recent references, because the thinking is that your previous employers already checked your credentials, so why bother wasting time to do it again. Some job seekers exploit this with fake references when they have fake credentials that go under the radar. KEK
good trick
good trick
It can get your foot in the door, but then you have to job skills maxx and NT maxx, else the jig will be up very quick. Doesn't work with technical jobs, unless you scrape by and barely learn enough to be passably competent and bluff like you have the goods.

It's a trick, but shouldn't ever be a strategy tbh.
It can get your foot in the door, but then you have to job skills maxx and NT maxx, else the jig will be up very quick. Doesn't work with technical jobs, unless you scrape by and barely learn enough to be passably competent and bluff like you have the goods.
too true. But if you already know what your doing by been self taught then its not a problem. But yeah its just a game of "ifs" at that point. "if" i have the skills, "if" i know what im doing.
It's true, they only care about your recent references, because the thinking is that your previous employers already checked your credentials, so why bother wasting time to do it again. Some job seekers exploit this with fake references when they have fake credentials that go under the radar. KEK
@ethniccel1 (tag you as you seem interested).

In the UK they mostly just ask technical questions and don't want a degree and often no references.

I've a list of Q&A I've been asked in the past and I've put in my answers so that I just revise it before an interview. Here is the network section. I have many others. I don't have C Q&A because I'm fluent in it now, and don't need reminders. I have these reminders so that as soon as I'm asked a question I give them the answer like a quarter second after. It gives a good impression.

Q. What is /etc/services used for?
A. Used by some applications to map service names to port numbers.

Q. How to list NICs on a host?
A. tcpdump -D

Q. How to turn off DNS?
A. # vi /etc/resolv.conf
comment out "nameserver" lines

Q. Name some TCP applications?
A. Apache 80
Apache 443
MySQL 3306
NFS 2049
LDAP 389
ssh 22

Q. Name some UDP applications?
A. named 53/UDP

Q. How many machines in the /27 netmask range?
A. 30 (remember lower and upper not used)

Q. Which type of nodes exist on a network?
A. Hosts and routers.

Q. Difference between TCP and UDP?
A. Both operate at the transport layer.

TCP guarantees that all sent packets will reach the destination in the correct order.

UDP datagrams can arrive out of order or don't arrive at all.

Q. How does traceroute work?
A. traceroute sends a packet to the destination with a TTL of 1. It repeats this,
incrementing the TTL by 1, until it receives a packet from the destination.

Q. Describe the difference between unicast, broadcast, multicast.
A. Unicast: One sender, one receiver.
Broadcast: One sender, many receivers.
Multicast: One or more senders, many receivers.

Q. How to determine which process is listening on a port
A. netstat -planet or -plant

Q. What is ICMP?
A. Operates on the network layer along with IP.
Used to send error messages.
Used by ping, traceroute.

Q. What is a sub netmask?
A. A range of IP addresses created by applying a netmask to a network address.

Q. What does CIDR stand for?
A. Classless Inter-Domain Routing.
Replaces the older system based on Classes A, B, and C.

Q. Explain CIDR?
A single IP address can be used to designate many unique IP addresses with CIDR.

A CIDR IP address looks like a normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by a number,
called the IP network prefix.

Makes more IP addresses available within organizations.

Q. What are the port numbers for:
A. NTP 123/udp
DNS 53/tcp & 53/udp
SSH 22
SCP 22

Q. Explain iptables.
A. filter and nat tables have chains of rules (match part and target part)
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -s --sport 123 -d --dport 1024: -j ACCEPT

Q. How to debug iptables?
A. iptables -t filter -nvL --line-numbers INPUT
iptables -t filter -Z INPUT

Q. What are the TCP/IP layers?
LINK (Ethernet)

Q. What is IP aliasing?
A. Add more than one IP address to a NIC.
Used for a Virtual IP (VIP) as opposed to an actual IP.

Q. How to determine the IPs of clients connecting to the server.
A. tcpdump or iptables logging.

Q. Given a tcpdump output, how to display just unique IPs and nothing else.
A. awk | sort | uniq

Q. Dig: Reverse DNS lookup?
A. dig -x <IP>

Q. Dig: Specify a name servers?
A. dig @ www.amazon.com

Q. How to configure DNS an a client host.
A. Add name server IPs to /etc/resolv.conf .

Q. Name and describe network tools.
A. tcpdump, ping, dig, netcat.

Q. What are the similarities between ping and traceroute?
A. Both send ICMP packets.

Q. How many bytes in a MAC address?
A. 6.
3 bytes manufacturer code; 3 bytes S/N.

Q. How to use tcpdump to display the headers?
A. # tcpdump -s 1500

Q. Name 4 DNS records?

Q. How to refresh DNS zone files?
A. # rndc reload

Q. Given packets are inbound, but not outboud, what could the problem be?
A. Bad route.

Q. How to do SSH port forwarding?

Q. How to enable IP forwarding? (default is disabled)
A. vim /etc/sysctl.conf
> net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Q. Ethernet Channel Bonding?(Many NICs can be bonded into a single virtual NIC)
A. modinfo bonding
modprobe bonding


NIC files:-

ifdown eth0
cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0

Q. Explain NAT?
Port forwarding
It can get your foot in the door, but then you have to job skills maxx and NT maxx, else the jig will be up very quick. Doesn't work with technical jobs, unless you scrape by and barely learn enough to be passably competent and bluff like you have the goods.

It's a trick, but shouldn't ever be a strategy tbh.
Here's is another Q&A I've been asked at interviews on RPMs. Not hard is it? rpm and yum are quick to learn.

Q. What is the command to build a RPM file?
A. rpm -ba cdplayer-1.0.spec

Q. How to sign an RPM package file with an GPG signature?
A. # gpg --gen-key
# gpg --list-keys
# gpg --export
# rpm --import
# vim ~/.rpmmacros
# rpm --addsign .rpm

Q. How to verify that a RHEL install is correct?
A. # rpm -Va

Q. How to install a local rpm?
A. yum localinstall foo.rpm

Q. How to determine the last RPM package installed?
A. $ rpm -qa --last

Q. If chmod -x chmod is run how would you restore the permission on chmod?
A. rm chmod; yum reinstall coreutils.rpm

Q. How to determine which file belongs to an RPM package?
A. rpm -q --whatprovides /bin/chmod

Q. How to query the contents of an RPM package?
A. rpm -ql foo.rpm
Dunning-Kruger effect in full swing. I sincerely hope you're a troll.
I'm not a troll.

I learnt from The C Programming Language, The UNIX Programming Environment and Advanced UNIX Programming for 10p each from the local library withdrawn section. I sat in front of a cheap ThinkPad and worked my way through the chapters, including exercises. From them I learnt enough to pick up anything else very quickly.

Chapter 8 covers how to develop a BASIC type language using lex/yacc but flex/bison works too. Took me three days, but only after I had worked through the first book and all the chapters of the second.

Don't believe me. Try it for yourself. Isn't writing a computer language meant to be a top of the shelf skill? 3 days.

30 mins to learn a dozen vim commands. Don't believe me. Try it for yourself.

Linked lists not sufficient to solve most problems outside of arrays and maps? Take a look here or download the source code for the ed editor. It won't take long, I promise you. One day max.


Give me two weeks with an absolute beginner and I'll teach them enough to get a job and to be able to teach themselves.

And I'll throw in Calculus too with practical examples like solving the wave equation from a book I've got on operational mathematics, published 1952.

3/4 years at university it;s a con job. At work I've been told I have to teach recent graduates Linux but I refused.

We've all been conned with this and many other things. Listen to the news? It's all lies and fake. Get a job, shower, hobbies to find a loving woman. Lies lies lies.
too true. But if you already know what your doing by been self taught then its not a problem. But yeah its just a game of "ifs" at that point. "if" i have the skills, "if" i know what im doing.
The trick is to identify the core and learn that. There is always a core.

That's what should be taught to people with CS. The core. Like a nurse. Wounds need to be covered. Patients need to be fed and given water and given their pills.

I knew an Incel who quit his porter job after he saw me find a programming job to be a theatre nurse and he has watched that many operations he says he could do general surgery himself. He says it's not hard. Core idea is clamp bleeds and such. I forget what he told me but was only two or three things.

The rest learn on the job by watching and shadowing others.
The trick is to identify the core and learn that. There is always a core.

That's what should be taught to people with CS. The core. Like a nurse. Wounds need to be covered. Patients need to be fed and given water and given their pills.

I knew an Incel who quit his porter job after he saw me find a programming job to be a theatre nurse and he has watched that many operations he says he could do general surgery himself. He says it's not hard. Core idea is clamp bleeds and such. I forget what he told me but was only two or three things.

The rest learn on the job by watching and shadowing others.
It's true that a lot of hard jobs can be learned by a much wider range of people than is selected for the schooling/training for them. The main issues come down mostly to legal and liability concerns, as well as and the artificial scarcity that the job guilds and unions maintain to keep their salaries high due to market demand.

Also, writing bad code means it just fails to compile. But doing something poorly like surgery means someone dies. The stakes are different. I understand that there's a lot of very important code (passenger plane autopilot, medical devices, ABS brakes etc.) that can't afford to be done poorly, but those problems and inefficiencies get weeded out very, very early on in the development phase and almost never make it to the end product/user.
It's true that a lot of hard jobs can be learned by a much wider range of people than is selected for the schooling/training for them. The main issues come down mostly to legal and liability concerns, as well as and the artificial scarcity that the job guilds and unions maintain to keep their salaries high due to market demand.
Death by doctor is number three in the list of deaths. Always with the, "he took a turn for the worse". Short for I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I can't be botherd either.

Here is an example of bad code. I've worked with call centre software. A very large credit card company, and I global one, queried a report that they would base their business plans on. Say the advertise a new product, the agent staff would enter a code on the keypad say "1234" if the customer called in for it. If the customer asked for a credit increase then the agent would delimit with either a # or *, so "1234*1345". These strings would get long.

Often the agent would enter "123***3456##34". The report, in C with embedded SQL, had to deal with this to produce accurate results. The previous programmer, probably @SmhChan, found it to hard to do so put comments round some have written code. In effect the report was generating random numbers a global credit card company was basing their main business plans on it for four years.

All I did was use strtok and fixed it.

I've seen things like this all the time. At least 10% of data is corrupted through bad coding. It's everywhere. Fix one bug , two more go in.

Let's never forget this is clown world :feelsclown:
Often the agent would enter "123***3456##34". The report, in C with embedded SQL, had to deal with this to produce accurate results. The previous programmer, probably @SmhChan, found it to hard to do so put comments round some have written code. In effect the report was generating random numbers a global credit card company was basing their main business plans on it for four years.

All I did was use strtok and fixed it.
For "123***3456##34" did you simply drop the ##34 as if it was an input error and then the output became "123*3456", or was it supposed to include a possibility like "123*345634"?
The only thing college is worth for is having a nice college name to put on your resume and networking to find a nice job tbh, there's nothing that I'm learning right now in college that can't be learnt on the internet
For "123***3456##34" did you simply drop the ##34 as if it was an input error and then the output became "123*3456", or was it supposed to include a possibility like "123*345634"?
I dropped anything that wasn't delimited by a * or # and didn't have 4 numerics. Used strtok to do the work. I'm always browsing standard libraries and /bin to see what's in there.

The reports made sense and mgt was satisfied. Them Chads and Stacies were trying to make sense of random data. They been complaining for 4 years I was told.
The only thing college is worth for is having a nice college name to put on your resume and networking to find a nice job tbh, there's nothing that I'm learning right now in college that can't be learnt on the internet
Yes, looks that way. But it can be worse than that. You will probably have to go through a de-learning process to drop the rubbish some half wit taught you.
I dropped anything that wasn't delimited by a * or # and didn't have 4 numerics. Used strtok to do the work. I'm always browsing standard libraries and /bin to see what's in there.

The reports made sense and mgt was satisfied. Them Chads and Stacies were trying to make sense of random data. They been complaining for 4 years I was told.
Do all the Leetcode problems without looking at the solutions. Let us know how it goes.
@ethniccel1 (tag you as you seem interested).

In the UK they mostly just ask technical questions and don't want a degree and often no references.

I've a list of Q&A I've been asked in the past and I've put in my answers so that I just revise it before an interview. Here is the network section. I have many others. I don't have C Q&A because I'm fluent in it now, and don't need reminders. I have these reminders so that as soon as I'm asked a question I give them the answer like a quarter second after. It gives a good impression.

Q. What is /etc/services used for?
A. Used by some applications to map service names to port numbers.

Q. How to list NICs on a host?
A. tcpdump -D

Q. How to turn off DNS?
A. # vi /etc/resolv.conf
comment out "nameserver" lines

Q. Name some TCP applications?
A. Apache 80
Apache 443
MySQL 3306
NFS 2049
LDAP 389
ssh 22

Q. Name some UDP applications?
A. named 53/UDP

Q. How many machines in the /27 netmask range?
A. 30 (remember lower and upper not used)

Q. Which type of nodes exist on a network?
A. Hosts and routers.

Q. Difference between TCP and UDP?
A. Both operate at the transport layer.

TCP guarantees that all sent packets will reach the destination in the correct order.

UDP datagrams can arrive out of order or don't arrive at all.

Q. How does traceroute work?
A. traceroute sends a packet to the destination with a TTL of 1. It repeats this,
incrementing the TTL by 1, until it receives a packet from the destination.

Q. Describe the difference between unicast, broadcast, multicast.
A. Unicast: One sender, one receiver.
Broadcast: One sender, many receivers.
Multicast: One or more senders, many receivers.

Q. How to determine which process is listening on a port
A. netstat -planet or -plant

Q. What is ICMP?
A. Operates on the network layer along with IP.
Used to send error messages.
Used by ping, traceroute.

Q. What is a sub netmask?
A. A range of IP addresses created by applying a netmask to a network address.

Q. What does CIDR stand for?
A. Classless Inter-Domain Routing.
Replaces the older system based on Classes A, B, and C.

Q. Explain CIDR?
A single IP address can be used to designate many unique IP addresses with CIDR.

A CIDR IP address looks like a normal IP address except that it ends with a slash followed by a number,
called the IP network prefix.

Makes more IP addresses available within organizations.

Q. What are the port numbers for:
A. NTP 123/udp
DNS 53/tcp & 53/udp
SSH 22
SCP 22

Q. Explain iptables.
A. filter and nat tables have chains of rules (match part and target part)
iptables -t filter -A INPUT -p tcp -s --sport 123 -d --dport 1024: -j ACCEPT

Q. How to debug iptables?
A. iptables -t filter -nvL --line-numbers INPUT
iptables -t filter -Z INPUT

Q. What are the TCP/IP layers?
LINK (Ethernet)

Q. What is IP aliasing?
A. Add more than one IP address to a NIC.
Used for a Virtual IP (VIP) as opposed to an actual IP.

Q. How to determine the IPs of clients connecting to the server.
A. tcpdump or iptables logging.

Q. Given a tcpdump output, how to display just unique IPs and nothing else.
A. awk | sort | uniq

Q. Dig: Reverse DNS lookup?
A. dig -x <IP>

Q. Dig: Specify a name servers?
A. dig @ www.amazon.com

Q. How to configure DNS an a client host.
A. Add name server IPs to /etc/resolv.conf .

Q. Name and describe network tools.
A. tcpdump, ping, dig, netcat.

Q. What are the similarities between ping and traceroute?
A. Both send ICMP packets.

Q. How many bytes in a MAC address?
A. 6.
3 bytes manufacturer code; 3 bytes S/N.

Q. How to use tcpdump to display the headers?
A. # tcpdump -s 1500

Q. Name 4 DNS records?

Q. How to refresh DNS zone files?
A. # rndc reload

Q. Given packets are inbound, but not outboud, what could the problem be?
A. Bad route.

Q. How to do SSH port forwarding?

Q. How to enable IP forwarding? (default is disabled)
A. vim /etc/sysctl.conf
> net.ipv4.ip_forward = 1

sysctl -p /etc/sysctl.conf

Q. Ethernet Channel Bonding?(Many NICs can be bonded into a single virtual NIC)
A. modinfo bonding
modprobe bonding


NIC files:-

ifdown eth0
cat /proc/net/bonding/bond0

Q. Explain NAT?
Port forwarding
nice one brocel.
The trick is to identify the core and learn that. There is always a core.

That's what should be taught to people with CS. The core. Like a nurse. Wounds need to be covered. Patients need to be fed and given water and given their pills.

I knew an Incel who quit his porter job after he saw me find a programming job to be a theatre nurse and he has watched that many operations he says he could do general surgery himself. He says it's not hard. Core idea is clamp bleeds and such. I forget what he told me but was only two or three things.

The rest learn on the job by watching and shadowing others.
That's called high IQ.
Sure, you can get by in the industry only knowing programming but the reason why companies prefer graduates of computer science degree programs is because their familiarity with the theory and application of a wide range of algorithms means they’re often better at creatively coming up with algorithms and efficiently programming specific things a company needs than a self-learner who teaches himself things when he thinks he needs it.
Going to college requieres high IQ. Below-average or average IQ people have a better chance to join ISKP or ISWAP (I won't, it's an example).
Death by doctor is number three in the list of deaths. Always with the, "he took a turn for the worse". Short for I don't know what the fuck I'm doing and I can't be botherd either.

Here is an example of bad code. I've worked with call centre software. A very large credit card company, and I global one, queried a report that they would base their business plans on. Say the advertise a new product, the agent staff would enter a code on the keypad say "1234" if the customer called in for it. If the customer asked for a credit increase then the agent would delimit with either a # or *, so "1234*1345". These strings would get long.

Often the agent would enter "123***3456##34". The report, in C with embedded SQL, had to deal with this to produce accurate results. The previous programmer, probably @SmhChan, found it to hard to do so put comments round some have written code. In effect the report was generating random numbers a global credit card company was basing their main business plans on it for four years.

All I did was use strtok and fixed it.

I've seen things like this all the time. At least 10% of data is corrupted through bad coding. It's everywhere. Fix one bug , two more go in.

Let's never forget this is clown world :feelsclown:
Hey! you wanna get off insulting me, I'm not judging you. You're being cocky for your own good. Even the most gifted programmers with experience magnitude more than you and I have written some terrible bugs. Hell, even languages like C and C++ have dangerous bugs in them.
Do all the Leetcode problems without looking at the solutions. Let us know how it goes.
Give me a real life work problem and I'll solve it. I've zero motivation to waste time on Leetcode. It's not the real world.

What's your problem with arrays, maps and linked lists? What's wrong with sqlite?

Most commercial code is very simple. World would be better off it it still used COBOL, at least it had a single way to access the database and screen.
Give me a real life work problem and I'll solve it. I've zero motivation to waste time on Leetcode. It's not the real world.

What's your problem with arrays, maps and linked lists? What's wrong with sqlite?

Most commercial code is very simple. World would be better off it it still used COBOL, at least it had a single way to access the database and screen.
If you want a iob, all programming jobs just do leetcode problems now.
Yes, it's true. That's what he told me. Hard to believe I know.
yeah but still though if i was to require surgery i would prefer a highly qualified surgeon to cut me open rather than a nurse. But for programming kind of stuff as long as you know what you doing then its all good.
Hey! you wanna get off insulting me, I'm not judging you. You're being cocky for your own good. Even the most gifted programmers with experience magnitude more than you and I have written some terrible bugs. Hell, even languages like C and C++ have dangerous bugs in them.
I was asking what am I missing by not studying for 4 years on a CS degree. You said I was a troll because I taught myself from a few books and I don't know what I'm doing.

I stand by what I said. I learnt in 3 months more useful tech than someone on a 3/4 years CS course learnt.

Go on try it. Three days to write a BASIC type programming language using Chapter 8 of The UNIX Programming Environment.
Last edited:
You should check out NEETs if you like self-teaching.
Have you been studying for a long time? You created this account in 2021, and it seems as if its name refers to your interest in programming.
3 months study, the rest working so around 3 years. Job is mostly applying what I've learnt from the books I mentioned. It's all the same work, mostly simple arithmetic on numbers, usually plus and minus and basic string manipulation. Key is to leverage the existing standard libraries and or use quality third party libraries.

Anything new I can pick up quickly, that's if it's UNIX/Linux. This is old tech going back to the 1970's. TCP/IP came after but was built on UNIX first but it's just a variation of IPC, inter-process communication.

So say you have RAM in your laptop. Now you start two programs on disk and we call them processes once they run in the RAM. These two processes can send numbers or words (data) to each other using different mechanisms like a pipe or queue, such as $ cat foobar | wc. Two processes, cat and wc communicating with a pipe, |. All this running on the local RAM. (the command display the word count of a text file foobar)

Then DARPA said we want one process running in RAM in San Francisco and another process running in RAM in San Diego to send data to each other. And that's when sockets were invented for networking but it's still just two processes communicating. Berkley sockets can be used to communicate between processes running in local RAM too.

These processes, most often, use a client/server model. Just like when you go to the post office to buy a stamp. There are human servers waiting for you to make a request. The request is "stamp" the server's response is "1st class stamp". Same with browsers and web servers. Browser process sends a request "GET /foorbar", server process reads the disk, writes to the network card with the contents of file foobar.html. This is the response. Request/response or client/server.

Anyway I'll stop but do you get the basic idea? Once the core ideas are understood then everything else is easy. And I'm sure this is the same for every job. The trick is to find quality books written by the men involved with the tech. They don't make themselves look clever, they are straightforward.

GNU/Linux is very powerful and it's free, as in no cash.
That's top quality learning material, thank you. I like to print out pages and annotate heavily.

Have you heard of Unit 8200? It's an Israeli intelligence corp. From the wiki page:

The 18-year-olds selected for the unit are primarily chosen for their ability to teach themselves and to learn very quickly as the unit will only have access to their services for a short time before their military service period ends.
That's top quality learning material, thank you. I like to print out pages and annotate heavily.

Have you heard of Unit 8200? It's an Israeli intelligence corp. From the wiki page:

The 18-year-olds selected for the unit are primarily chosen for their ability to teach themselves and to learn very quickly as the unit will only have access to their services for a short time before their military service period ends.


Many media reports alleged that Unit 8200 was partly or wholly responsible for the creation of the Stuxnet computer worm that in 2010 infected industrial computers, including Iranian nuclear facilities.
I knew that allegedly Israel was behind Stuxnet, but I can't remember anything about Unit 8200. Maybe it is because their name is not exactly the type that would stuck in your brain. They are literally based btw:feelsseriously:
How many Leedcode problems do I need to solve? One, two?
All of them. You can check out this site, it's actually a youtube guy who solves leetcode problems all the time, this is what he recommends and the order to do them. I'm an oldcel programmer and have a lot of trouble getting jobs these days I don't know this shit well enough. I bomb interviews cause I don't have these memorized.

I'm an oldcel programmer and have a lot of trouble getting jobs these days I don't know this shit well enough. I bomb interviews cause I don't have these memorized.
Sorry to hear that and thanks for the link. Make sure your CV/resume has no date gaps and has all buzzwords on the first half page. It's the first half page that recruiters look at the most. It's purpose is to get you an interview and then see what happens.

They don't look too bad. I'm aware of graphs and binary trees but never used them in real life. I've always got away with linked lists and variations of it along with arrays and maps. I use the KISS principle as much as possible.

I'll only study trees and graphs if I think I need them in a work problem.
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