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Blackpill Dating As An Average/Below Average Man Is Less Dignified Than Paying A Prostitute (Dating Involves Being Fake & Jestermaxxing - Being A Woman's Bitch)



Feb 28, 2018
For the users obsessed with "love" and "relationships", you won't be able to comprehend my perspective too well. But for a man like me who only really wants sex, paying whores to fuck is just superior to dating (gambling for pussy), and degrading myself to women by jestermaxxing and trying to get them to laugh and have fun on dates, just to get laid.

Dating to me actually seems a lot more undignified than the neat and tidy business transaction of prostitution.

I really don't think I could stomach it. It just feels so fake. Even in the days when I was approaching women and trying to get numbers it felt so fake, because think about it:

You know full well you are only approaching her with the goal of fucking her, she knows that too (women know, they aren't that stupid), but part of "the game" that's socially normalized as a requirement to play, is that both parties pretend like they are ignorant of this fact and play all these mind games, shit tests, etc.

"Don't respond too fast when texting or it will make you look desperate"
"If she didn't respond to your last message, wait a few days before you re-initiate the conversation"
"Have X body language and tone of voice when you are on a date"
Etc, etc, etc

It's all so tiring and fake. People say "just be yourself", but that's the biggest fucking lie.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfql4OWTng


If I really liked a woman and I was interested in her:
I'd text her almost everyday rather than having to play mind games to "not seem desperate"
I wouldn't be policing my body language and tone of voice to "seem more manly" around her
I'd be completely relaxed around her, expecting not to be judged on every millimeter of body movement :feelskek:.
I'd text her normally as I'd speak to anyone, expecting that my texts wouldn't be judged or she wouldn't be expecting me to "escalate" in order to excite and/or entertain her like I'm some kind of pet that exists to amuse her
Etc, etc, etc

But notice that most men can't afford to do that, and they don't do that, because it ruins their chances of getting laid. Literally every guy who has tried to or is currently taking part in the dating world KNOWS THE GAME. We all know how this shit works, how fucking fake it is, what things women want and expect from men, and how best we can try to emulate those things.

Like someone has said before on this forum:
"Women are walking eugenicist automatons"

So men literally can't afford to "be themselves" or "just treat women like they're humans", because to do so means that women's "screening system" will disqualify you from having sex and/or reproducing in the future. Women don't even treat or judge men like "were just humans", that's the hypocrisy of it all. Women judge all men by unrealistic superhuman standards.

Women want a specific archtype of physical attractiveness, attitude, personality, class, income, romanticism, sexual prowess, etc.

When they say "just be yourself", they mean "just be the version of yourself that's the guy I actually want to fuck".

As an average or below average man you literally have two choices:
1. Be your 100% true self and die a sex starved loser.
2. Modify your personality a bit based on the documented patterns and systems that attract women, and you get to have a sex life.

It's just so disingenuous when people say this shit knowing full well how unrealistic women's standards are.

"Just treat women like they're people bro :soy:"

Men will start doing this when women stop looking for fucking superman, and men can just be average and get laid. Men didn't ask for all of these games and loops they have to jump through. Women set the rules, men just adapt and play the game.

When you go on a date as an average man, you have to "be fake":
Pretend you are interested in how her day was
Pretend you care about her career and financial pursuits (which will never benefit you anyways because she still expects you to pay for mostly everything :feelskek:)
Pretend you care about her bullshit astrology sign nonsense
Pretend you care about her personality and how special she thinks she is, when all of these bitches are 90% similar in their thoughts, beliefs and desires
Make jokes in your attempt to get her to laugh
Do and say things you usually wouldn't do to entertain and amuse her
Plan out talking points and conversations before the date so that there isn't any awkward silence so that she doesn't get bored
Etc, etc, etc


You have to do a bunch of doggy tricks, play games, jump through hoops, etc, for a fucking crumb of used up pussy that another dog already sank his teeth into.

Above average men have to do a little faking here and there with some of the things I mentioned above, but they don't have to do much of any of the jestermaxxing shit.

It's all so undignified (IF YOU ARE AVERAGE OR BELOW AVERAGE).

Oh, and here's the kicker:


I actually cringe thinking about going on a date, and how different of a person I'd have to pretend to be in order to get laid.

But paying for sex at a brothel just felt like this easy, simple and natural experience:
There was no faking
There were no mind games
There were no shit tests
There were no lies
I didn't have to worry about the woman using me for free food and entertainment while laughing in her head about me thinking I had a chance, etc.

It was a simple and honest transaction, and both parties got what they wanted.

I actually felt "at peace" when I left that brothel, I want to feel that peace again, but I need money in order to do that, so it's going to be a few years before I escortcel again. I only did it once to lose my virginity.

I really just can't understand the incels who are completely aware of the black pill and they STILL want to be able to go out on a "date" (still paying for sex) with a woman. It makes no sense to me.

You are literally paying to humiliate yourself while gambling for pussy. Most women on dates are literally laughing at the guy the entire time, knowing full well that he's doing all of these "tricks" and playing all of these games, for a chance to fuck her.

Dating itself is the ultimate form of entertainment for a woman, it's the ultimate female ego stroking session:
"I have a man in front of me, not being himself, in the palm of my hand, desperately trying to please and entertain me, and on a whim I can end the entire interaction while getting a free meal, drinks, entertainment, transportation, etc, and there's nothing he can do to be compensated for his efforts :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:"
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I am too lazy to read this shit but true, at this point it is just about fucking a whore, but at the same time, I don't like the idea of economically supporting whoredom.
Double edged blade I guess....
dating is only for those who want kids and yes love is fake
i want money
I agree on how fake it all feels. What really got me when I tried talking to women was the double effect of knowing I had to be fake + knowing that the person I was having to play this game for the amusement of was effectively inferior to me in every way, it's such a mind fuck. The thought would always be in the back of my head, "Why am I the one bending over backwards to try and get this other human's attention when she's objectively dumber, weaker, slower, and all round just less than me? She should be getting my attention." Sounds very ego-driven, I know, but that's what I'd be thinking

I honestly wouldn't mind having to keep up mentally with a woman if "game" was about tests of mental prowess, knowledge, wit, etc. That would be something I could motivate myself to try and better myself at, but its not, its talking about Vampire Diaries and horoscopes, fucking 10-year-old child shit (because women are effectively large children). The fact that men say talking to women is easier when you're drunk should tell you the level you need to operate at to get any kind of stimulation from what they have to say
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The thought would always be in the back of my head, "Why am I the one bending over backwards to try and get this other human's attention when she's objectively dumber, weaker, slower, and all round just less than me? She should be getting my attention." Sounds very ego-driven, I know, but that's what I'd be thinking
I can relate, but for me it was more like - "Aren't we both supposed to mutually like eachother here, so how come I'm the only one expected to care and put in all this effort and resources?"

I don't know how people can argue that men and women are equal, and yet our primary model of courtship (dating) revolves around pretty much only men spending money on women to get sex.

There is clearly an unequal balance there, women don't even fucking approach average men, it's mostly men approaching women, every stage of courtship shows ho unequal we really are.
The mind games don't just end when you become official either. You've got to play that jester role 24/7 for the rest of your life with her if you want to keep her interested in you. Eventually most will crack and the jester persona will fall off and after she sees who you truly are then that's when the sex starts to decline and the woman begins to despise you. This is usually the point of no return too, after this point there's nothing you can do that will ever revive her interest in you.

I don't about you guys but playing these dumb mind games and wearing a mask at all times around my partner for the rest of my life just seems tiresome.
terra based, couldnt have said it better myself. you are always putting into words these things i felt in my own experiences

i dont try with foids anymore, but i actually used to social circle max hard and had chad friends and foid friends. and it was never "fun" for me to be hanging out with them, and whenever i was with them i always just thought about wanting to be alone again. i realized that if you want love and a relationship, that it will be fundamentally flawed if you have to try for it. because you will always just be putting up this image of yourself and will never actually get the validation you want.

since im not chad, i realized im much happier just being by myself and smashing gigastacy whores instead of spending so much time jestermaxxing for the possibility of shitty sex or relationship with an ugly foid who doesnt love me
terra based, couldnt have said it better myself. you are always putting into words these things i felt in my own experiences

i dont try with foids anymore, but i actually used to social circle max hard and had chad friends and foid friends. and it was never "fun" for me to be hanging out with them, and whenever i was with them i always just thought about wanting to be alone again. i realized that if you want love and a relationship, that it will be fundamentally flawed if you have to try for it. because you will always just be putting up this image of yourself and will never actually get the validation you want.

since im not chad, i realized im much happier just being by myself and smashing gigastacy whores instead of spending so much time jestermaxxing for the possibility of shitty sex or relationship with an ugly foid who doesnt love me
He’s makes good theorizing posts ngl.

He not for wooing women and playing into their heads through high effort attempts like we see in the movies or elsewhere it don’t work for most men to woo women and appeal to them every time. It gets draining for most men and they’re not themselves
The mind games don't just end when you become official either. You've got to play that jester role 24/7 for the rest of your life with her if you want to keep her interested in you.
I made a thread about this too:
If she is not obsessed with me or doesn't make an effort I am not taking her serious.
Even in the days when I was approaching women and trying to get numbers it felt so fake, because think about it:
I remember this feeling VERY well

Like it’s literally not me , I felt so uncomfortable in mind and body

But now after being fully blackpilled i can say in my heart of heart I could never live with a woman under the same roof

It’s impossible now : my body and mind will are too much accustomed to being on their own

I only want to have my million and to cope in peace
How can user here not agree with blkpillpres when they claim theyre “blackpil” and nowadays we live in gynocentric-feminist-clown-world :blackpill:
Based and prostitution should be legal everywhere with 10/10 gigastacies to fuck :bigbrain:
You know full well you are only approaching her with the goal of fucking her, she knows that too
I want a friend I can fuck. Escort sex is nearly worthless because they're a stranger who is obviously acting. you cannot activate oxytocin signaling through a human fleshlight
I want a friend I can fuck. Escort sex is nearly worthless because they're a stranger who is obviously acting. you cannot activate oxytocin signaling through a human fleshlight
I'd still fuck escorts tbh thats the only cope
"Why am I the one bending over backwards to try and get this other human's attention when she's objectively dumber, weaker, slower, and all round just less than me? She should be getting my attention."
you cannot activate oxytocin signaling through a human fleshlight
1. Wrong you'll get that anyways. I always find it funny how humans like to think themselves so "special" and "deep", as if our biological functions aren't rudimentary, and they require some kind of "special connection". Sorry to burst your bubble, but you're just a fucking animal, stop kidding yourself.

If your logic was true, we wouldn't even be able to orgasm from masturbation because our brains should be able to tell that "another human isn't there", yet your right hand, some lube, and some moving pictures (or your imagination) is all that's required to trick your body into trying to reproduce.

It's not that deep.

Women shouldn't even orgasm from rape if our biological systems were as efficient and "secure" as you describe here.

You still release oxytocin whether you think the woman you are fucking "loves" you or not. You just don't get your ego stroked.

2. JFL if you think the modern day woman (which I call "civilian whores" because they are all pretty much whores these days) can even pair bond effectively anymore by the time she starts dating a "friend" like you, you are coping and delusional. Any woman you fuck today probably won't "activate oxytocin signalling" anyways.

Escort sex is nearly worthless because they're a stranger who is obviously acting.
About 75 percent of all women never reach orgasm from intercourse alone -- that is without the extra help of sex toys, hands or tongue. And 10 to 15 percent never climax under any circumstances.

The Internet is rife with non-orgasmic women who say they are missing out, and statistics suggest that they are a significant group.

"Maybe my boyfriend and I aren't doing it right or something," one woman wrote on WebMD.com
You still release oxytocin whether you think the woman you are fucking "loves" you or not.
not in my experience. i think it probably requires some kind of emotional connection. i can't kid myself that someone I just met and paid is enjoying fucking me
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not in my experience.
:feelswhat: ???

i can't kid myself that someone I just met and paid is enjoying fucking me
Her enjoying is isn't a requirement for you to enjoy it, that's just your inner soy talking right now lol. Despite how guys like you will call yourself black pilled, you are still mentally driven by the blue pilled "feminized masculinity" standards you were indoctrinated to believe from birth.

Your ancestors didn't give a fuck about whether women enjoyed fucking them, they were raping and pillaging like crazy, all of our ancestors did that.

It's funny how when you guys speak, you try to rewrite history and human biology, as if mutual attraction was ever a requirement for males to enjoy sex.

We've literally been raping for the majority of our existence as a species, this whole "consensual sex" thing being the norm is rather new when you look at the entirety of our existence.
That's crazy, I was just about to add you to my ignore list after I read your post, only to see the option wasn't available because you are a mod :feelskek:. Mods shouldn't be posting like the trolls and retards of the site lol.

It's clear that I really have zero tolerance for nonsense at this point, I didn't even bother to look at your username or profile, it was just instant block lol.
Her enjoying is isn't a requirement for you to enjoy it
We've literally been raping for the majority of our existence as a species, this whole "consensual sex" thing being the norm is rather new when you look at the entirety of our existence.
coping appeal to nature. we've evolved past rampant rape. the best sex comes from a reciprocal relationship. i bet even the cavemen who raped would have preferred it to be consensual like it was for the chad cavemen. it is a mating strategy of desperation.
That's crazy, I was just about to add you to my ignore list after I read your post, only to see the option wasn't available because you are a mod :feelskek:. Mods shouldn't be posting like the trolls and retards of the site lol.

It's clear that I really have zero tolerance for nonsense at this point, I didn't even bother to look at your username or profile, it was just instant block lol.
HAHA deal with it :feelskek::feelskek::feelskek:
You've felt "love" for escorts? :feelswhat:

coping appeal to nature.
No appeal to nature is saying "we SHOULD rape because it's natural", I'm saying "rape WOULD also feel good because it's natural". I haven't said that we "ought to" do anything. That's no different than me saying "sugar WOULD taste sweet on your tongue because that's natural biology", as opposed to "we SHOULD eat sugar because it tastes sweet".

Take any of you soy fuckers and put you on an island alone with a woman that constantly insults you, and you'll be raping her within a month if she doesn't decide to fuck you on her own (which she won't).

we've evolved past rampant rape.
Were literally still raping today so I don't know what you're talking about lol. Also the less developed the country is (less laws, less policing, less cctv cameras, less forensic science, etc) the more common rape is. That's not a coincidence. So right now it seems like you are falsely conflating the word "evolved" with "advanced".

Nothing changed in men biologically that would make men not want to rape, what changed are:
1. Laws
2. Socialization
3. Science
4. Technology

I can't even take you seriously when I think about porn. Most of these porn scenes are literally simulated rape lol. The porn studios create this shit on purpose to fulfill the male fantasy. Like come on dude, why is most porn so rapey and geared towards a male audience if the people trying to get men to buy it weren't honing in on male desire?

The "step sister" being stuck in the washing machine is literally a well known meme among teenagers right now lol. That's how normalized "rape themes" in porn is.

the best sex comes from a reciprocal relationship.
I'm sure you also know from experience.

i bet even the cavemen who raped would have preferred it to be consensual like it was for the chad cavemen.
No, those men didn't have the huge egos men like yourself ironically have today, despite being inferior to these men (that's why it's ironic).

My logic is, if Genghis Khan didn't give a fuck about "consensual sex" or "mutual attraction". Who am I to even care about that shit when I am inferior to him in every fucking way possible. You have to be a delusional egoist to have the mindset you do.

Your standards for yourself are higher than that of men who are better than you in every way possible lol.

it is a mating strategy of desperation.
It's the mating strategy of the intelligent (under the right circumstances). Taking women out on dates and gambling for pussy, hoping that you don't get used for a free meal is not a "strategy", it's literally just gambling, that's all that it is.

Paying a prostitute is more of a strategy than anything you plan on doing. The only option left for guys like you is to gamble, that's really it.
You either:
1. Gamble for it (Dating)
2. Pay for it (Prostitution)
3. Take it (Rape)

Those are your options.

Only one of them has the best of both worlds, and guarantees sex while also guaranteeing that you don't get heavy law enforcement chasing after you.
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Daily remainder if a woman dosen't ask your number in 48h that means you're ugly asf and you are in her queue/line of orbiters and that also means she have options and she's puting you on waiting list, she will showing just few sings of IOI just to keep you in her line of orbiters.

If you are a low iq subhuman cuck faggot and you believe that she is shy or bullshit stuff like that that means you deserve your faith you cuck low iq subhuman faggot, you ain't shit and your existence boils my blood in my veins unbelievable, they're not shy they have options and you are just a poor option for her.

Majority of men experienced this feeling "ooo she likes me i know it or she kinda likes me or i think she likes me" that's bullshit nigga if she doesn't ask your number in 48h maximum that means you are ugly asf.

Probably you will think it's not normal that a woman to ask about your number soo fast, well let me tell you this.. it's fucking normal asf to ask your number faster as possible that means she really really fucking likes you for your looks or if you're a ugly... for your money.

I've had many experience with this bullshit game, I've saw chads who women go at them asking for their number or asking a closer friend to go at him to ask about his number.

The truth is, if you feel that she likes you and 1 month passed that means you are not her best option and if she is giving you few IOI(Indicators of interest) that means she dosen't want to lose her backup option, from here if you see all of this like i see, you will get disgusted by this gender, woman gender and you will realize thay are parasites.

Awwww shit... btw i forget to add smth, if she chooses you, that dosen't means she loves you, that means you are a better option for her, love dosen't exist niggaz because Love&Romance&Validation are Nature's way of tricking you to reproduce.
Escortcelling is sex at its purest. You don't pretend, don't manipulate, and most importantly you are not being manipulated.

That is if you want sex.

I want relationships :fuk:, even though it comes with all sorts of nasty stuff
You've felt "love" for escorts? :feelswhat:
i did not. it was completely empty and fake feeling which was my point. im sure i could get better experiences if i had the money to throw around to find better escorts or see them for longer or more times but it's not worth the squeeze imo
it seems like you are falsely conflating the word "evolved" with "advanced".
yes i was.
Nothing changed in men biologically that would make men not want to rape,
yes the drive to rape exists, but consensual and reciprocal sex probably feels better for the vast majority of men in the vast majority of cases
I can't even take you seriously when I think about porn. Most of these porn scenes are literally simulated rape lol. The porn studios create this shit on purpose to fulfill the male fantasy. Like come one dude, why is most porn so rapey and geared towards a male audience if the people trying to get men to buy weren't honing in on male desire?
idk, i don't watch those degenerate scenes except on occasion:feelsEhh:. many people enjoy rapey roleplay, but not actual rape
It's the mating strategy of the intelligent.
Taking women out on dates and gambling for pussy, hoping that you don't get used for a free meal is not a "strategy", it's literally just gambling, that's all that it is.
cucked, hopelessly bluepilled, low iq men will let this happen to them even while being blatantly disrespected for a single whiff of the pussy. a smart, self-respecting man will just walk away. a reciprocal relationship is the best of both worlds
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I really just can't understand the incels who are completely aware of the black pill and they STILL want to be able to go out on a "date" (still paying for sex) with a woman. It makes no sense to me.
How about I want to go on a date with a prostitute. I have no problems with the facts that she had sex with thousand men before me. I just want someone that I can form a relationship (like go to a movie, travel together or just casual talking and probably have sex with). I'm not joking, I even want to marry a prostitute.
Take any of you soy fuckers and put you on an island alone with a woman that constantly insults you, and you'll be raping her within a month if she doesn't decide to fuck you on her own (which she won't).
Brilliant example, I get horny just thinking about this (not advocating rape)
I agree on how fake it all feels. What really got me when I tried talking to women was the double effect of knowing I had to be fake + knowing that the person I was having to play this game for the amusement of was effectively inferior to me in every way, it's such a mind fuck. The thought would always be in the back of my head, "Why am I the one bending over backwards to try and get this other human's attention when she's objectively dumber, weaker, slower, and all round just less than me? She should be getting my attention." Sounds very ego-driven, I know, but that's what I'd be thinking

I honestly wouldn't mind having to keep up mentally with a woman if "game" was about tests of mental prowess, knowledge, wit, etc. That would be something I could motivate myself to try and better myself at, but its not, its talking about Vampire Diaries and horoscopes, fucking 10-year-old child shit (because women are effectively large children). The fact that men say talking to women is easier when you're drunk should tell you the level you need to operate at to get any kind of stimulation from what they have to say
I notice that I socialise with foids and just normies for that matter when I get high with them. I'm more relaxed and think less. On the same level as them mentally.

But yeah, I agree with this post. Brad Pitt literally hired escorts. So that should tell you alot. If women are so nagging and reserving of their vagina, that even chad is tired of finessing their drawls off. So much for the low iqcels saying "escorting is cope,chad dosen't need prostitutes"

During my cold approaching days. I would actually give my phone to my friends to spit game to her pretending they were me. Until they eventually finessed a date or something. I even tried asking straight up if they wanted to fuck before getting blocked.

It will only get harder for men to get sex in the future.

Also liking the consistent posts blkpillpress. Good to see your active again.
How about I want to go on a date with a prostitute. I have no problems with the facts that she had sex with thousand men before me. I just want someone that I can form a relationship (like go to a movie, travel together or just casual talking and probably have sex with). I'm not joking, I even want to marry a prostitute.
i think i dropped 20 iq points by reading this post. grow a bair of balls you fucking cuck.you are worth more then this.

Anyway,i do find it interesting that half of escortcels here fall in love with their prostitutes or treat them as if they are in an actual relationship.

Every other week,some escortcel comes with some story about how he has fallen in love with his prostitute(don't need to mention names,but anyone who has been here for quite a while has seen stuff like this), or how their prostitutes loves them,or how their prostitutes has fallen in love with the sex they have and kinda likes them(just lol at this one),or how they get angry when their favourite prostitute doesn't treat them nice and doesn't give them freebies(just lol at thinking a prostitute should give you anything for free because you have been *loyal* to them when there are a million cucks like you wanting to fuck her)

even when men spend a third of their wage for one hour of sex with some random whore(who doesn't care about them) they meet every 3 or 4 weeks,they still are able to develop feelings and an intense relationship that you only see in romcom manga.

mens delusions and cuckedness is something sad to behold.
i think i dropped 20 iq points by reading this post. grow a bair of balls you fucking cuck.you are worth more then this.

Anyway,i do find it interesting that half of escortcels here fall in love with their prostitutes or treat them as if they are in an actual relationship.

Every other week,some escortcel comes with some story about how he has fallen in love with his prostitute(don't need to mention names,but anyone who has been here for quite a while has seen stuff like this), or how their prostitutes loves them,or how their prostitutes has fallen in love with the sex they have and kinda likes them(just lol at this one),or how they get angry when their favourite prostitute doesn't treat them nice and doesn't give them freebies(just lol at thinking a prostitute should give you anything for free because you have been *loyal* to them when there are a million cucks like you wanting to fuck her)

even when men spend a third of their wage for one hour of sex with some random whore(who doesn't care about them) they meet every 3 or 4 weeks,they still are able to develop feelings and an intense relationship that you only see in romcom manga.

mens delusions and cuckedness is something sad to behold.
It's not like I want the love of a prostitute. I already get the sex I need but it'll be even better if there's something more between her and me. If she treats me like every other normal clients then I have no problem moving on.
I'm not joking, I even want to marry a prostitute.
I'm not joking, I'm going to add you to my ignore list now.

It's not like I want the love of a prostitute.
It is, that's like women saying - "It's not like I want to have unrealistic standards and only fuck Chad". Yes it is, were humans, we have the ability to choose, we have the ability to restrain our desires, we have the ability to forego instant gratification to get other things of value (especially further down the road), we have intelligence.

The retarded excuse of "I can't help myself because of my emotions" is a female excuse, and women only use it because for the entirety of our species existence, men never expected or demanded accountability from women. So they get away with it, you won't.

There is nothing forcing you to "love" a prostitute, in fact there is no "love", you are just feeling lust. If she was an ugly fuck you wouldn't be paying her to fuck, nor would you be feeling like you are "in love".

consensual and reciprocal sex probably feels better for the vast majority of men in the vast majority of cases
1. The vast majority of men won't attempt rape because there are laws against rape and they've been socialized to not do it, and to fear the consequences of doing it.

2. There is no "anti-rape mechanism" in male biology to make us "enjoy sex less" if we rape. It's all socialization and laws. A warm wet hole is a warm wet hole, and ironically around 10 to 50%+ of women report orgasming from rape, and those are the women who didn't feel ashamed and disgusted enough to lie and not tell their therapists/counsellors, so it's likely higher.
"I’ve assisted more young women than I can count with this very issue…There have been very few studies on orgasm during rape, but the research so far shows numbers from 10% to over 50% having this experience. In my experience as a therapist, it has been somewhat less than half of the girls/women I’ve worked with. (For the record, I have worked with very few boys/men who reported this.) In professional discussions, colleagues report similar numbers."

Seriously think about what you're saying on a fundamental level. We spent all these thousands of years evolving with rape being a common method of courtship and reproduction, AND ALL OF A SUDDEN CONSENSUAL SEX IS GOING TO BE WHAT OUR BIOLOGY IS GEARED TOWARDS, CONVENIENTLY IN THE LAST FEW HUNDRED YEARS WHEN WE'VE CREATED LAWS AND SOCIALIZATION METHODS TO DETER MALES AND REPRESS MALE SEXUALITY?

That really makes sense to you?
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I'm going to add you to my ignore list now, I'm not joking.

It is, that's like women saying - "It's not like I want to have unrealistic standards and only fuck Chad". Yes it is, were humans, we have the ability to choose, we have the ability to restrain our desires, we have the ability to forego instant gratification to get other things of value (especially further down the road), we have intelligence.

The retarded excuse of "I can't help myself because of my emotions" is a female excuse, and women only use it because for the entirety of our species existence, men never expected or demanded accountability from women. So they get away with it, you won't.

There is nothing forcing you to "love" a prostitute, in fact there is no "love", you are just feeling lust. If she was an ugly fuck you wouldn't be paying her to fuck, nor would you be feeling like you are "in love".

1. The vast majority of men won't attempt rape because there are laws against rape and they've been socialized to not do it, and to fear the consequences of doing it.

2. There is no "anti-rape mechanism" in male biology to make us "enjoy sex less" if we rape. It's all socialization and laws. A warm wet hole is a warm wet hole, and ironically around 10 to 50%+ of women report orgasming from rape, and those are the women who didn't feel ashamed and disgusted enough to lie and not tell their therapists/counsellors, so it's likely higher.

Seriously think about what you're saying on a fundamental level. We spent all these thousands of years evolving with rape being a common method of courtship and reproduction, AND ALL OF A SUDDEN CONSENSUAL SEX IS GOING TO BE WHAT OUR BIOLOGY IS GEARED TOWARDS, CONVENIENTLY IN THE LAST FEW HUNDRED YEARS WHEN WE'VE CREATED LAWS AND SOCIALIZATION METHODS TO DETER MALES AND REPRESS MALE SEXUALITY?

That really makes sense to you?
Isn't looking down on prostitute a redpill trait? I really like your post about the dismantling of ego. Don't you think the way you talk about prostitute still affected by traditional value. As an incel should we not care about social norm and live only for ourselves?
I agree my thoughts make me less of a man, but only by traditional standard. With the kind of world we're living in, it's normal to want to use prostitute as an alternative not only to access to sex but maybe even a tradwife. The only question that should be debated is whether prostitutes are capable of "loving" someone else, which I think is quite delusional but not totally impossible.
Daily remainder if a woman dosen't ask your number in 48h that means you're ugly asf and you are in her queue/line of orbiters and that also means she have options and she's puting you on waiting list, she will showing just few sings of IOI just to keep you in her line of orbiters.

If you are a low iq subhuman cuck faggot and you believe that she is shy or bullshit stuff like that that means you deserve your faith you cuck low iq subhuman faggot, you ain't shit and your existence boils my blood in my veins unbelievable, they're not shy they have options and you are just a poor option for her.

Majority of men experienced this feeling "ooo she likes me i know it or she kinda likes me or i think she likes me" that's bullshit nigga if she doesn't ask your number in 48h maximum that means you are ugly asf.

Probably you will think it's not normal that a woman to ask about your number soo fast, well let me tell you this.. it's fucking normal asf to ask your number faster as possible that means she really really fucking likes you for your looks or if you're a ugly... for your money.

I've had many experience with this bullshit game, I've saw chads who women go at them asking for their number or asking a closer friend to go at him to ask about his number.

The truth is, if you feel that she likes you and 1 month passed that means you are not her best option and if she is giving you few IOI(Indicators of interest) that means she dosen't want to lose her backup option, from here if you see all of this like i see, you will get disgusted by this gender, woman gender and you will realize thay are parasites.

Awwww shit... btw i forget to add smth, if she chooses you, that dosen't means she loves you, that means you are a better option for her, love dosen't exist niggaz because Love&Romance&Validation are Nature's way of tricking you to reproduce.
I remember back in HS that foids used to talk about them having initiative and not the ither way around.

Indeed. I heard a foid coworker that almost asked for a random handsome guy's at supermarket but she didnt because her father was around :dafuckfeels:
As an oldcel i know better that to pay her anything more than a drink but it's easy to decipher a toilet's body language. You judge her by her actions not just words. But i can't get a date with a looksmatched woman.
Pin this amazing post. :blackpill::blackpill::blackpill:
I agree my thoughts make me less of a man
1. Has nothing to do with a standard of manliness and you fucking know that. I don't believe for a minute you are that stupid, you are just feigning ignorance. It has to do with dignity, self respect, self interest, or simply not being a fucking masochist and wanting to get a "good deal" (how about that, how about simply NOT WANTING TO ROB YOURSELF).

Would you go to a store and let the store owner charge you 10 times what you know the value of an item is?

If not, then you should apply that same logic and self interest towards your sex life too.

You are also pretend like you don't see an obvious contradiction:
I just want someone that I can form a relationship
You can't have a "relationship" with a prostitute, because she doesn't really like or care about you.

Saying you have a relationship with a prostitute, when their entire business is "male comfort", is like saying you have a relationship with your financial advisor when you spend time with them organizing your business assets.

It's just pure delusion. What you guys have is a "transaction", a "contract", at best you can say a "business relationship", but you don't have a "romantic" or "platonic" relationship in any way, shape or form, that's all in your head.

2. Dating a prostitute is also illogical because it defeats the purpose of it being a prostitute. The entire point of prostitution is that you can skip the fucking date.

Unpaid interns do work for free but the tradeoff is that they are inexperienced and you have to teach and continuously guide them.

Employees with work experience will have to be paid a lot but the upside is that they can contribute to your business and they know what they're doing.

Dating a prostitute is like being an employer that has an intern you have to pay OR an employee you have to continuously teach and guide. It's just 100% downside on your part, you don't get any perks, you are ROBBING YOURSELF.

You literally just get "the worst of both worlds" lol.

You have to be with a whore, and treat her like she's a "lady". Sorry, that's some masochist cuckold shit. Please go joing a BDSM forum or something.

The only question that should be debated is whether prostitutes are capable of "loving" someone else, which I think is quite delusional but not totally impossible.
No the question is - "Does "love", as in "true love" (something deeper), not physical attraction, exist?"

The answer is no, so you are doubly delusional for trying to question if something that doesn't exist is possible by someone who wouldn't be capable of it even if it did exist.

There's multiple layers of delusional here.

This is what happens when someone decides they want to treat the black pill like it's a menu meal at a fast food restaurant. You can't pick and choose to have some blue pill menu items on the side along with your black pill mega meal lol. It doesn't work like that, and this is why guys like you have this entangled mish mash set of values as if you are trying to fuse the blue pill and the black pill together.

It's never going to work.
I understand your perspection of "dating is only gambling for sex" because all you want is PiV (in this case prostitution is obviously the best choice).

But that's just not how it works for someone who wants a relationship (again, I know this is not you).

You're assuming sex is the only reward of a relationship, that's just not the case.

Having someone to talk to, to cuddle, to watch movies with, to travel with, to visit you in the hospital, to eat together, to share memories together, to take pictures with, to play games with, to meet your family, etc.

Everything with the unique vibe only a GF or wife can provide.

I know you don't care about any of that but a lot of guys do. You said yourself, average couples don't even have sex that much. They are still together because sex is not the only thing that matters (unless you're trapped with kids).

And about the game, if you're above average looking you can pretty much be yourself and still find a looksmatch or maybe 1 or 2 points below.

Game is more about maximizing your body count. If all you want is a relationship then you only need to succeed once. Relationships can last months or years.

But of course, you need to be at least above average. That's the minimum threshold for any foid that's even remotely attractive. That's why it's over for incels who want relationships.
If you actually become successful in your moneymaxxing efforts you should at least do sugar daddy maxxing. Sure it's donating lots of money to a foids, but they'll be young and will be your bitch, reduced to fucking an ugly oldcel for money. Then again I'm not sure that will even be a thing for much longer, considering how easy it is for foids to make money online. Same goes for attractive prostitutes. Sure they're retarded, but eventually there'll be enough simps for every decent looking whore to be able to make more online than by being a hooker
Having someone to talk to, to cuddle, to watch movies with, to travel with, to visit you in the hospital, to eat together, to share memories together, to take pictures with, to play games with, to meet your family, etc.

Everything with the unique vibe only a GF or wife can provide.
You can get those things with a friend, minus the romantically intimate things. You seem to be leaving out the most relevant part. Your libido, your sex drive, your biological imperative to reproduce, is THE ONLY REASON you want to "cuddle" with a woman and do all of these intimate things, they are a precursor to reproduction.

That's the contradiction in you saying:
You're assuming sex is the only reward of a relationship, that's just not the case.


If you took a pill right now that killed off your sex drive completely, you wouldn't care about cuddling or hanging out with a woman in any shape or form, the urges would go away completely. It's all just biology, you are just placing special meaning on it.

And about the game, if you're above average looking you can pretty much be yourself and still find a looksmatch or maybe 1 or 2 points below.
I said that too:
Above average men have to do a little faking here and there with some of the things I mentioned above, but they don't have to do much of any of the jestermaxxing shit.
There's a reason why the thread is titled specifically and I keep specifically saying "average/above average".
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For the users obsessed with "love" and "relationships", you won't be able to comprehend my perspective too well. But for a man like me who only really wants sex, paying whores to fuck is just superior to dating (gambling for pussy), and degrading myself to women by jestermaxxing and trying to get them to laugh and have fun on dates, just to get laid.

Dating to me actually seems a lot more undignified than the neat and tidy business transaction of prostitution.

I really don't think I could stomach it. It just feels so fake. Even in the days when I was approaching women and trying to get numbers it felt so fake, because think about it:

You know full well you are only approaching her with the goal of fucking her, she knows that too (women know, they aren't that stupid), but part of "the game" that's socially normalized as a requirement to play, is that both parties pretend like they are ignorant of this fact and play all these mind games, shit tests, etc.

"Don't respond too fast when texting or it will make you look desperate"
"If she didn't respond to your last message, wait a few days before you re-initiate the conversation"
"Have X body language and tone of voice when you are on a date"
Etc, etc, etc

It's all so tiring and fake. People say "just be yourself", but that's the biggest fucking lie.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfql4OWTng


If I really liked a woman and I was interested in her:
I'd text her almost everyday rather than having to play mind games to "not seem desperate"
I wouldn't be policing my body language and tone of voice to "seem more manly" around her
I'd be completely relaxed around her, expecting not to be judged on every millimeter of body movement :feelskek:.
I'd text her normally as I'd speak to anyone, expecting that my texts wouldn't be judged or she wouldn't be expecting me to "escalate" in order to excite and/or entertain her like I'm some kind of pet that exists to amuse her
Etc, etc, etc

But notice that most men can't afford to do that, and they don't do that, because it ruins their chances of getting laid. Literally every guy who has tried to or is currently taking part in the dating world KNOWS THE GAME. We all know how this shit works, how fucking fake it is, what things women want and expect from men, and how best we can try to emulate those things.

Like someone has said before on this forum:
"Women are walking eugenicist automatons"

So men literally can't afford to "be themselves" or "just treat women like they're humans", because to do so means that women's "screening system" will disqualify you from having sex and/or reproducing in the future. Women don't even treat or judge men like "were just humans", that's the hypocrisy of it all. Women judge all men by unrealistic superhuman standards.

Women want a specific archtype of physical attractiveness, attitude, personality, class, income, romanticism, sexual prowess, etc.

When they say "just be yourself", they mean "just be the version of yourself that's the guy I actually want to fuck".

As an average or below average man you literally have two choices:
1. Be your 100% true self and die a sex starved loser.
2. Modify your personality a bit based on the documented patterns and systems that attract women, and you get to have a sex life.

It's just so disingenuous when people say this shit knowing full well how unrealistic women's standards are.

"Just treat women like they're people bro :soy:"

Men will start doing this when women stop looking for fucking superman, and men can just be average and get laid. Men didn't ask for all of these games and loops they have to jump through. Women set the rules, men just adapt and play the game.

When you go on a date as an average man, you have to "be fake":
Pretend you are interested in how her day was
Pretend you care about her career and financial pursuits (which will never benefit you anyways because she still expects you to pay for mostly everything :feelskek:)
Pretend you care about her bullshit astrology sign nonsense
Pretend you care about her personality and how special she thinks she is, when all of these bitches are 90% similar in their thoughts, beliefs and desires
Make jokes in your attempt to get her to laugh
Do and say things you usually wouldn't do to entertain and amuse her
Plan out talking points and conversations before the date so that there isn't any awkward silence so that she doesn't get bored
Etc, etc, etc


You have to do a bunch of doggy tricks, play games, jump through hoops, etc, for a fucking crumb of used up pussy that another dog already sank his teeth into.

Above average men have to do a little faking here and there with some of the things I mentioned above, but they don't have to do much of any of the jestermaxxing shit.

It's all so undignified (IF YOU ARE AVERAGE OR BELOW AVERAGE).

Oh, and here's the kicker:


I actually cringe thinking about going on a date, and how different of a person I'd have to pretend to be in order to get laid.

But paying for sex at a brothel just felt like this easy, simple and natural experience:
There was no faking
There were no mind games
There were no shit tests
There were no lies
I didn't have to worry about the woman using me for free food and entertainment while laughing in her head about me thinking I had a chance, etc.

It was a simple and honest transaction, and both parties got what they wanted.

I actually felt "at peace" when I left that brothel, I want to feel that peace again, but I need money in order to do that, so it's going to be a few years before I escortcel again. I only did it once to lose my virginity.

I really just can't understand the incels who are completely aware of the black pill and they STILL want to be able to go out on a "date" (still paying for sex) with a woman. It makes no sense to me.

You are literally paying to humiliate yourself while gambling for pussy. Most women on dates are literally laughing at the guy the entire time, knowing full well that he's doing all of these "tricks" and playing all of these games, for a chance to fuck her.

Dating itself is the ultimate form of entertainment for a woman, it's the ultimate female ego stroking session:
"I have a man in front of me, not being himself, in the palm of my hand, desperately trying to please and entertain me, and on a whim I can end the entire interaction while getting a free meal, drinks, entertainment, transportation, etc, and there's nothing he can do to be compensated for his efforts :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:"

This is a great high IQ post :bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain::bigbrain:

It's exactly the way I feel about things...betas have to simp and (indirectly) pay for just a foid's attention...which of course she's superficially giving

escortmaxxing is much more honest way of interacting with foids ...just need dollas for that
The (modern) concept of dating is essential to gynocracy as it's the weapon by which women manipulate men with the (fake) promise of sex, which is unguaranteed. Without the lie people would stop trying. The truth is that men and women want to fuck and if they find each other attractive there's no impediment to that, those are the one-night stands that happen regularly - which are not dates per se, Chad calls Stacy and Becky to "watch netflix and chill", they don't even watch netflix and as soon as they meet they start fucking. So, anything other than going straigth to fucking is terribly fake, and women always know that (because if they're making you go on dates with them without fucking then they are for sure making a fool out of you). The most humiliating moments of my life were trying to "date", and I never want to do that again.
Having someone to talk to, to cuddle, to watch movies with, to travel with, to visit you in the hospital, to eat together, to share memories together, to take pictures with, to play games with, to meet your family, etc.
This description sounds like a disney movie, not reality. Actual couples who do these things aren't passionate about doing that kind of shit, couples "in love" (lust) are the ones who can't keep their hands off each other (and no woman will feel that towards a man that's not above average), and even then it only lasts for so long (not long in current times, as you can see all around, Chads and Stacies and Beckies break up all the time, they're seeking the thrill of new sexual partners, these cute things you mention don't keep a woman (or you) satisfied if you're not getting consistent and desirable sex.
This is what happens when someone decides they want to treat the black pill like it's a menu meal at a fast food restaurant. You can't pick and choose to have some blue pill menu items on the side along with your black pill mega meal lol. It doesn't work like that, and this is why guys like you have this entangled mish mash set of values as if you are trying to fuse the blue pill and the black pill together.

It's never going to work.
I call it the "purple pill" of the "black pill", it's what most users here think (especially the younger ones). Knowing reality while also sticking to the notion of the "unicorn" that will "love" them despite their unnatractiveness.

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