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Blackpill Dating As An Average/Below Average Man Is Less Dignified Than Paying A Prostitute (Dating Involves Being Fake & Jestermaxxing - Being A Woman's Bitch)

The most humiliating moments of my life were trying to "date", and I never want to do that again.
Damn, when I think about it, it's the same for me too. Me trying to approach and court women were the most humiliating moments of my life. I will also never attempt that shit again. I'm not joking when I say that if a woman even showed interest in me, I would ignore it. I no longer have the stomach or heart for a relationship, I wouldn't feel anything, it would just feel forced, and I don't want to play the game of "catch up" in trying to become more sociable so that I can live up to her standards.

It's just an exercise in futility if enough years has past with you being an incel.

If you've spent 10+ years as an incel it's over for you, your character traits, habits, etc, are set in stone. You'd just be living a forced existence even if you got married, everyday would be a routine that you have to wake up and mentally prepare for.
I call it the "purple pill" of the "black pill", it's what most users here think (especially the younger ones). Knowing reality while also sticking to the notion of the "unicorn" that will "love" them despite their unnatractiveness.
I call it VBS (Vestigial Blue Pill Syndrome).

In the same way that some parts of the human body are considered "vestigial" leftovers of evolution, I see the blue pilled traits that some incels retain even after finding the black pill as "vestigial" in terms of their own "evolution".
A fair analysis.

I would like to think that if you met someone who was really compatible and into you, then it wouldn't feel like hard work, and you would just enjoy each other's company.

But certainly the reality for me every time I tried as a young hopeful bluepiller was as you described. Women are doing what they are genetically programmed to do, they know what they're looking for, and if you're not it, you're not it.
For the users obsessed with "love" and "relationships", you won't be able to comprehend my perspective too well. But for a man like me who only really wants sex, paying whores to fuck is just superior to dating (gambling for pussy), and degrading myself to women by jestermaxxing and trying to get them to laugh and have fun on dates, just to get laid.

Dating to me actually seems a lot more undignified than the neat and tidy business transaction of prostitution.

I really don't think I could stomach it. It just feels so fake. Even in the days when I was approaching women and trying to get numbers it felt so fake, because think about it:

You know full well you are only approaching her with the goal of fucking her, she knows that too (women know, they aren't that stupid), but part of "the game" that's socially normalized as a requirement to play, is that both parties pretend like they are ignorant of this fact and play all these mind games, shit tests, etc.

"Don't respond too fast when texting or it will make you look desperate"
"If she didn't respond to your last message, wait a few days before you re-initiate the conversation"
"Have X body language and tone of voice when you are on a date"
Etc, etc, etc

It's all so tiring and fake. People say "just be yourself", but that's the biggest fucking lie.

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZOfql4OWTng


If I really liked a woman and I was interested in her:
I'd text her almost everyday rather than having to play mind games to "not seem desperate"
I wouldn't be policing my body language and tone of voice to "seem more manly" around her
I'd be completely relaxed around her, expecting not to be judged on every millimeter of body movement :feelskek:.
I'd text her normally as I'd speak to anyone, expecting that my texts wouldn't be judged or she wouldn't be expecting me to "escalate" in order to excite and/or entertain her like I'm some kind of pet that exists to amuse her
Etc, etc, etc

But notice that most men can't afford to do that, and they don't do that, because it ruins their chances of getting laid. Literally every guy who has tried to or is currently taking part in the dating world KNOWS THE GAME. We all know how this shit works, how fucking fake it is, what things women want and expect from men, and how best we can try to emulate those things.

Like someone has said before on this forum:
"Women are walking eugenicist automatons"

So men literally can't afford to "be themselves" or "just treat women like they're humans", because to do so means that women's "screening system" will disqualify you from having sex and/or reproducing in the future. Women don't even treat or judge men like "were just humans", that's the hypocrisy of it all. Women judge all men by unrealistic superhuman standards.

Women want a specific archtype of physical attractiveness, attitude, personality, class, income, romanticism, sexual prowess, etc.

When they say "just be yourself", they mean "just be the version of yourself that's the guy I actually want to fuck".

As an average or below average man you literally have two choices:
1. Be your 100% true self and die a sex starved loser.
2. Modify your personality a bit based on the documented patterns and systems that attract women, and you get to have a sex life.

It's just so disingenuous when people say this shit knowing full well how unrealistic women's standards are.

"Just treat women like they're people bro :soy:"

Men will start doing this when women stop looking for fucking superman, and men can just be average and get laid. Men didn't ask for all of these games and loops they have to jump through. Women set the rules, men just adapt and play the game.

When you go on a date as an average man, you have to "be fake":
Pretend you are interested in how her day was
Pretend you care about her career and financial pursuits (which will never benefit you anyways because she still expects you to pay for mostly everything :feelskek:)
Pretend you care about her bullshit astrology sign nonsense
Pretend you care about her personality and how special she thinks she is, when all of these bitches are 90% similar in their thoughts, beliefs and desires
Make jokes in your attempt to get her to laugh
Do and say things you usually wouldn't do to entertain and amuse her
Plan out talking points and conversations before the date so that there isn't any awkward silence so that she doesn't get bored
Etc, etc, etc


You have to do a bunch of doggy tricks, play games, jump through hoops, etc, for a fucking crumb of used up pussy that another dog already sank his teeth into.

Above average men have to do a little faking here and there with some of the things I mentioned above, but they don't have to do much of any of the jestermaxxing shit.

It's all so undignified (IF YOU ARE AVERAGE OR BELOW AVERAGE).

Oh, and here's the kicker:


I actually cringe thinking about going on a date, and how different of a person I'd have to pretend to be in order to get laid.

But paying for sex at a brothel just felt like this easy, simple and natural experience:
There was no faking
There were no mind games
There were no shit tests
There were no lies
I didn't have to worry about the woman using me for free food and entertainment while laughing in her head about me thinking I had a chance, etc.

It was a simple and honest transaction, and both parties got what they wanted.

I actually felt "at peace" when I left that brothel, I want to feel that peace again, but I need money in order to do that, so it's going to be a few years before I escortcel again. I only did it once to lose my virginity.

I really just can't understand the incels who are completely aware of the black pill and they STILL want to be able to go out on a "date" (still paying for sex) with a woman. It makes no sense to me.

You are literally paying to humiliate yourself while gambling for pussy. Most women on dates are literally laughing at the guy the entire time, knowing full well that he's doing all of these "tricks" and playing all of these games, for a chance to fuck her.

Dating itself is the ultimate form of entertainment for a woman, it's the ultimate female ego stroking session:
"I have a man in front of me, not being himself, in the palm of my hand, desperately trying to please and entertain me, and on a whim I can end the entire interaction while getting a free meal, drinks, entertainment, transportation, etc, and there's nothing he can do to be compensated for his efforts :foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy::foidSoy:"

I actually agree with this I hate all that flirtatious immature bullshit that one has to do to get a girlfriend. They say it is natural but it is not. It is so fake.
i think i dropped 20 iq points by reading this post. grow a bair of balls you fucking cuck.you are worth more then this.

Anyway,i do find it interesting that half of escortcels here fall in love with their prostitutes or treat them as if they are in an actual relationship.

Every other week,some escortcel comes with some story about how he has fallen in love with his prostitute(don't need to mention names,but anyone who has been here for quite a while has seen stuff like this), or how their prostitutes loves them,or how their prostitutes has fallen in love with the sex they have and kinda likes them(just lol at this one),or how they get angry when their favourite prostitute doesn't treat them nice and doesn't give them freebies(just lol at thinking a prostitute should give you anything for free because you have been *loyal* to them when there are a million cucks like you wanting to fuck her)

even when men spend a third of their wage for one hour of sex with some random whore(who doesn't care about them) they meet every 3 or 4 weeks,they still are able to develop feelings and an intense relationship that you only see in romcom manga.

mens delusions and cuckedness is something sad to behold.
XD oh man cut them some slak everybody is different man forgive them they cannot help it.
Forget dignity, I dont even have the drive or passion to participate in this shit. Much more convenient to just fuck random whore and leave when you're done fucking. If I had enough money to fuck stacey hookers every week for life, I'd rather that than jestermaxx for only a chance of pussy
Forget dignity, I dont even have the drive or passion to participate in this shit.

It's like the more time I spend living life and looking at it for what it is, the less I feel like "playing the game". The only reason I wealthmaxx is because I have the common sense to see that I don't have a choice. The middle class is disappearing within most societies, soon it will just be the poor and the rich, no inbetween. Soon it will be the people who wage slave for scraps and can barely afford groceries, and the people who own real estate and spend their time doing the things they enjoy.

I'm merely being proactive so that I end up on the better side, I don't see that as a choice, this is life or death to me. This is why I will always see LDAR guys as retards who lack self awareness. It's like they can't see what's happening with the economy.

America is the richest country in the world and it's going to shit right now, to the point where the middle class is fading away. So imagine how bad it's going to get in other countries (this is for all the incels who are saying to themselves right now - "Well I don't live in America"). You guys better wake up and start choosing a side, because one will be chosen for you regardless, and unless you have a big inheritance to look forward to it won't be the better side.

It's like the more time I spend living life and looking at it for what it is, the less I feel like "playing the game". The only reason I wealthmaxx is because I have the common sense to see that I don't have a choice. The middle class is disappearing within most societies, soon it will just be the poor and the rich, no inbetween. Soon it will be the people who wage slave for scraps and can barely afford groceries, and the people who own real estate and spend their time doing the things they enjoy.

I'm merely being proactive so that I end up on the better side, I don't see that as a choice, this is life or death to me. This is why I will always see LDAR guys as retards who lack self awareness. It's like they can't see what's happening with the economy.

America is the richest country in the world and it's going to shit right now, to the point where the middle class is fading away. So imagine how bad it's going to get in other countries (this is for all the incels who are saying to themselves right now - "Well I don't live in America"). You guys better wake up and start choosing a side, because one will be chosen for you regardless, and unless you have a big inheritance to look forward to it won't be the better side.
Exactly. Its either wealthmaxx or suffer in starvation. The human world is unfair and merciless place. Either you are on the winning side or the losing side. Plus females dont give a fuck about who's on the losing side (except Chad). They will happily side with and worship wealthmaxxed man given the opportunity (like the IG models who travel to UAE)

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