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Based Don't Gymmaxx For Foids

You go out in a crowd and you'll see plenty of tallfags even as tall as 6'7.
Depends on where you live. In my area, 6'6+ are considered tall with no doubts (maybe even very tall, well, 6'7+ is really tall), I don't see them very often.
I repeat tall=rare, otherwise it's just above average. In different places, there are different "average" and "tall", btw.
Btw, I've seen enough of good-looking and handsome dudes, too. For some reason, they're often 6'+. JFL.
Yeah, bones are your foundation, but bones alone won't give you an impressive physique.
Women don't need that really. They don't care if their darling Chad has a ton of muscles or just looks fit/skinny (again, skinny people with good bones look different from skinny subhuman framelets).
David Laid
Wasn't he just a teenager when he was skinny? I'm sorry I don't know much about him.
It's funny because I always see people either saying "Chad only"
You see. Like, yes, that's true in general, meaning any foid wants Chad ideally. But not every foid can get that. So, if you're a "rich" normie or a high-tier normie, you can have sex too. Or you can just fuck ugly foids as a normie, that's a very common thing.
"as long as you're not deformed and taller than 5'5 you are a fakecel".
Well. I think if I have a problem with my facial bones, then I'm definitely deformed to a degree. But the fact my height is below average for a white dude doesn't give me an advantage, that's for sure, lol.
it's not all just about looks
Mostly it's about looks. Genetics.
You know, I think there are mentalcels, but they are rare. They should look average or worse, btw. Average+serious mental health problems=over, ofc.
Maybe it would save you, maybe it wouldn't.
It wouldn't. I need lots of expensive surgeries just to become a normie betabux. Never began.
I don't know what you look like.
A bit better than St. BlackOps2Cel. I'm losing my hair though (DPA hair loss, just google that if you've never heard of it). But now I'm not completely bald yet.
with a Chad physique
I hope you understand it's impossible to get Chad's physique without Chad's genetics. A roidmaxxed subhuman will get mogged by untrained Chad.
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Btw, I've seen enough of good-looking and handsome dudes, too. For some reason, they're often 6'+. JFL.
I doubt it. People here overrate faces massively, that's how you get a threads like this, where apparently a bunch of normie looking guys on Tinder is supposed to mean that it's "le over!!11!!1"
A good face is a lot more rare than good height.
Tallfags are everywhere, actual handsome guys aren't common. Chads are almost non-existent. That's why I always laugh when people here sperg out about le Chad being everywhere stealing all the wimminz.
Women don't need that really. They don't care if their darling Chad has a ton of muscles or just looks fit/skinny (again, skinny people with good bones look different from skinny subhuman framelets).
Do you actually talk to women? Did you do any Tinder experiments to test this at least? Or are you pulling shit from your ass? A Chad physique is an SMV multiplier. There's no ifs or buts. I showed you the Tinder profile of the average black dude with a Chad physique and what it got him.
Wasn't he just a teenager when he was skinny? I'm sorry I don't know much about him.
Yes and he would have remained skinny if he didn't go to the gym and roid. Instead he did that and he got a god-tier physique.
You see. Like, yes, that's true in general, meaning any foid wants Chad ideally. But not every foid can get that. So, if you're a "rich" normie or a high-tier normie, you can have sex too. Or you can just fuck ugly foids as a normie, that's a very common thing.
The reality is that as long as you're a 5/10 white or black guy, are 5'9+ and are NT you can slay good looking foids. It's a reality that many here deny to cope because "well i'm an incel but at least so are 80% of men!11! or whatever arbitrary number. Almost no foids get Chad because Chads are extremely rare. Most foids are dating entirely unremarkable looking guys because that's how most guys look.
Mostly it's about looks. Genetics.
As long as you're 5/10+ and white or black then not being NT is the reason why you're an incel.
You know, I think there are mentalcels, but they are rare. They should look average or worse, btw. Average+serious mental health problems=over, ofc.
Personal anecdote but I know legit Chadcels that constantly get approached by women and even straight up asked for sex. But a few minute conversation is enough to turn women that initially approached them off. Never underestimate the pussy drying potential of autism/ social retardation.
I hope you understand it's impossible to get Chad's physique without Chad's genetics. A roidmaxxed subhuman will get mogged by untrained Chad.
extreme example. Also roids vs no roids and Connor has probably been gymcelling a lot longer than the other guy.
People here overrate faces massively
Not me. I even have my own scale. Chads and Staceys are 8/10. 9/10 and 10/10 don't exist objectively. Chadlites and pretty boys are 7/10. High-tier normies are 6/10. So, I mean, I've seen lots 6-7/10 ones, I think. But ofc, not every person is 6-7/10. Well. Chads and Staceys are rare, ofc. (It's because, IMHO, they also should be tall/above average, at least, men.)
A good face is a lot more rare than good height.
It depends on what face should be considered good, what height should be considered good.
To me, even a 6/10 face is good already. High-tier normies look good to me. Just like 6'/183 is already good. Good doesn't equal perfect/ideal/awesome.
Tallfags are everywhere
A tall person is supposed to be taller than most people, otherwise he's above average at best. Don't you agree?
In my area, if you're 6'3/190 or taller, then you're taller than most people, no matter zoomers or older people. 6'7+ is very tall. 6' is the average height for zoomers. 5'10-5'11, for older people. So, I've seen many 5'11-6'2 dudes, they're quite common. But people taller than 6'3 are rare.
Do you actually talk to women?
Yup. One of them agreed with me about the fact women still look at the face at first. But to be honest, they're big hypocrites, it's very hard to make them tell the truth, especially as an incel. They hate to agree with incels about the blackpill.
A Chad physique is an SMV multiplier.
If you're ugly and under 6', it doesn't work at all, again. And if you're a normie/high-tier normie and you can get a really beautiful body (it's all about genetics, remember, even muscles), it may work, ofc. Still, such a dude will easily get mogged by untrained Chad.
Yes and he would have remained skinny
Maybe he was also a late bloomer? It's a quite common thing, such people notice their bones and anything else are still growing, even after 20 in some cases. I myself saw such dudes. They looked like little kids at 14, for example.
The reality is that as long as you're a 5/10 white or black guy, are 5'9+ and are NT you can slay good looking foids.
It's a cope. They don't give a shit about normies. JFL.
"well i'm an incel but at least so are 80% of men!11!
No. Incels are incels. Normies are normies. But most women don't really find normies attractive. So, normies can be betabuxes, have sex with uglier foids. All women want their bf taller than the average height (at least) and look better than the average guy (at least). It's just obvious.
Chads are extremely rare.
But high-tier normies who're ready to make money for Beckyes aren't rare at all. Don't also forget of chadlites and pretty boys, they're more common. Besides, most men have no standards at all or weird fetishes like MILFs (a handsome young dude wants to fuck old Becky and find her hot :feelskek:).
As long as you're 5/10+ and white or black then not being NT is the reason why you're an incel.
Maybe. My psyche is a bit fucked up after what those bastards did to me (school bullying and shit). I'm insecure due to how people have treated me all my life. But still. My main problem is being ugly, you know. And I think most incels (real incels, not posers) are just subhumans, you know. I'm still able to communicate with people somehow, even though I have the lack of social skills. Like, considering my situation, my social skills are relatively good. Objectively they're below average, but it's normal if you're treated like shit most of the time.
But a few minute conversation is enough to turn women that initially approached them off. Never underestimate the pussy drying potential of autism/ social retardation.
Kinda strange. I mean, he's chadlite after all. But I bet he's still able to fuck ugly and below-average girls, but he just doesn't want to.
extreme example. Also roids vs no roids and Connor has probably been gymcelling a lot longer than the other guy.
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Not me. I even have my own scale. Chads and Staceys are 8/10. 9/10 and 10/10 don't exist objectively. Chadlites and pretty boys are 7/10. High-tier normies are 6/10. So, I mean, I've seen lots 6-7/10 ones, I think. But ofc, not every person is 6-7/10. Well. Chads and Staceys are rare, ofc. (It's because, IMHO, they also should be tall/above average, at least, men.)
Would you mind posting an example of someone you consider a Chad? Not some famous person, just your everyday Chad. If you don't, that's fine. But i'd like to see.
A tall person is supposed to be taller than most people, otherwise he's above average at best. Don't you agree?
In my area, if you're 6'3/190 or taller, then you're taller than most people, no matter zoomers or older people. 6'7+ is very tall. 6' is the average height for zoomers. 5'10-5'11, for older people. So, I've seen many 5'11-6'2 dudes, they're quite common. But people taller than 6'3 are rare.
I agree completely with that. 6'3 is the beginning of tall. Anything below that and above 5'9 is just above average.
If you're ugly and under 6', it doesn't work at all, again. And if you're a normie/high-tier normie and you can get a really beautiful body (it's all about genetics, remember, even muscles), it may work, ofc. Still, such a dude will easily get mogged by untrained Chad.
Like I said, it depends on your base. below average white and black guys can ascend with gymcelling if they're not completely hideous.

It's a cope. They don't give a shit about normies. JFL.
I would consider myself to be somewhat more social than a lot of people here. I went to a few parties and nightclubs etc in the last few years. I also stalk foids in my area on social media.
Without exception, most of them are getting fucked by mid-tier normies. My current oneitis who got rated a stacylite on lookism is getting fucked by a subhuman inbred 3/10 jew. Once you're not ugly, the most important thing is being NT.
And none of these guys are rich or whatever other cope you want to think of. They're all highschool/ college wagies.
Maybe. My psyche is a bit fucked up after what those bastards did to me (school bullying and shit). I'm insecure due to how people have treated me all my life. But still. My main problem is being ugly, you know. And I think most incels (real incels, not posers) are just subhumans, you know. I'm still able to communicate with people somehow, even though I have the lack of social skills. Like, considering my situation, my social skills are relatively good. Objectively they're below average, but it's normal if you're treated like shit most of the time.
Yeah, I was treated like shit in school too, even by my "friends". It sucks.
Kinda strange. I mean, he's chadlite after all. But I bet he's still able to fuck ugly and below-average girls, but he just doesn't want to.
Chad* One is autistic enough that he's a KHHV like me and the other does actually fuck landwhales because his social retardation turns any other type of woman off. The point is that they're Chads fucking ugly women or no women at all, while 5/10 NT normies are slaying good looking women.
First guy looks like some cancer patient, second guy could easily get pussy, third guy is some old dadcel but could still get roastie pussy, fourth guy could get pussy.
Once you're not ugly, the most important thing is being NT.
And none of these guys are rich or whatever other cope you want to think of. They're all highschool/ college wagies.
Why? What do women see in them?
Why? What do women see in them?
I don’t know. They don’t autistically scan your bone structure like some autists on PSL forums think.
They meet them through parties or mutual friends, they talk, they like each other, they date. That’s how it works.
I don’t know. They don’t autistically scan your bone structure like some autists on PSL forums think.
Well, for immediate physical attraction, they definitely do (subconsciously). Lookism/PUAHate more or less nailed it down back in the day.
They meet them through parties or mutual friends, they talk, they like each other, they date. That’s how it works.
It is weird because if those normies don't have the looks or the money, you'd think they would have some standout personalities, but in truth, they are just your run off the mill normie.
Well, for immediate physical attraction, they definitely do (subconsciously). Lookism/PUAHate more or less nailed it down back in the day.
Lookism is autism. They don't nail anything. They're all closeted homos who spend their time jacking off to male models, disguising it as plans to get surgery lmao.
I'm not saying that foids are irresistibly attracted to 5/10 normies, but they date them which means it's not all about physical attraction.
It is weird because if those normies don't have the looks or the money, you'd think they would have some standout personalities, but in truth, they are just your run off the mill normie.
True. Normies are all basically copies of each other.
Lookism is autism. They don't nail anything. They're all closeted homos who spend their time jacking off to male models, disguising it as plans to get surgery lmao.
I'm not saying that foids are irresistibly attracted to 5/10 normies, but they date them which means it's not all about physical attraction.
The only autism they had was probably their obsession with hunter eyes like Gandy and Opry had. But things like a good jawline, a somewhat wide face and a wide mouth should be accurate.

And I am talking about immediate physical attraction.
The only autism they had was probably their obsession with hunter eyes like Gandy and Opry had. But things like a good jawline, a somewhat wide face and a wide mouth should be accurate.

And I am talking about immediate physical attraction.
yeah, being good looking is good. No shit. It's their obsession with looks and exaggerating how much they matter and how much you need to get laid.
yeah, being good looking is good. No shit. It's their obsession with looks and exaggerating how much they matter and how much you need to get laid.
I mean yeah they do exxgaerate it but I meant that they nailed down more or less What makes a guy generally considered aesthetic by most women.
yeah, being good looking is good. No shit. It's their obsession with looks and exaggerating how much they matter and how much you need to get laid.
That is why incels should focus more on improving their looks, because chances are, they are non-NT. Becoming NT is a gargantuan task to accomplish. And even if they were NT, bad looks would hold them back a lot.

You said that you were approached by women. As long as an incel isn't as autistic as you (no offense), good looks will save them.
I mean yeah they do exxgaerate it but I meant that they nailed down more or less What makes a guy generally considered aesthetic by most women.
To an extent. Most attractive men IRL are masculine, jacked, tattooed wannabe thugs like you'd find on love island, not gay prettyboy models even if it may seem like that online.

That is why incels should focus more on improving their looks, because chances are, they are non-NT. Becoming NT is a gargantuan task to accomplish. And even if they were NT, bad looks would hold them back a lot.

You said that you were approached by women. As long as an incel isn't as autistic as you (no offense), good looks will save them.
Yes, I understand my autism (even if not diagnosed) is totally something else. Actual severe autists that sperg out randomly and attack people can hold a conversation better than me.
I doubt anyone here is more autistic than me so going to the gym, getting surgeries etc could benefit them more. Won't do shit for me.
To an extent. Most attractive men IRL are masculine, jacked, tattooed wannabe thugs like you'd find on love island, not gay prettyboy models even if it may seem like that online.
Yes, that is true, but still those men aren't too far off from the PSL standarts. Neither those masculine chads or the prettyboy male models are much like the average guy unfortunately:feelscry: and incels are oftentimes somewhat below average.
Paying money for face surgeries are more effective
Sorry boyo, no surgeries for your face.
If you think there is, try to find some video evidence of a guy who got significantly better looking through surgery. I emphasize video evidence, before and after.
Sorry boyo, no surgeries for your face.
If you think there is, try to find some video evidence of a guy who got significantly better looking through surgery. I emphasize video evidence, before and after.
Is "getlooksordie"'s ascension real or fake? If it is real, then that one, but such a level of Ascension can of course be held under scrunity.
Is "getlooksordie"'s ascension real or fake? If it is real, then that one, but such a level of Ascension can of course be held under scrunity.
I've looked him up and all I saw was extremely low res photos from angles that are easily photomanipulated. Same with every promotional photo by every cosmetic surgeon ever. If surgeries were really effective, you'd be able to find hundreds of videos of guys before and after surgery. Every ugly guy who can afford to buy an SUV could also afford to go to Brazil or Turkey or wherever and get surgery. There would be very few ugly dentists or programmers or politicians.
Do it for your health. Be athletic. Paying money for face surgeries are more effective than paying money for steroids. Steroids also can cause health problems. So many bluepilled men don't understand this. Gym means nothing for foids. Just be in shape. Don't be skinnycel or fatcel. Its the face and height that make us incels not muscles.

I have absolutely no energy or motivation to workout even for my own benefit.

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