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Fake negro Curry talking Incels and using language specifically from this website



Sir ethnic cel the 1st lord of landwhales, grannys
Nov 2, 2021
Once again this website punches above its weight in controversy and now a new video has dropped about incels specifically aimed at Currys. I guess the producer who is Curry was influenced by the curry users here

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HimK7Vsw3LM
fakenegro, whats his real race? beaner?
All the people in that video look like soy chugging redditors
His name is Sarji Sharma and I doubt thats his natural hair
Yeah, i noticed a lot of jeets like to larp as tyrones, not sure why but maybe they think they can fool woman with BBC theory
chicken tikka masala :soy::soy::soy:
Yeah, i noticed a lot of jeets like to larp as tyrones, not sure why but maybe they think they can fool woman with BBC theory
Because they can and they do larp as mullatos or negros. They probably slay alot of beaber and lite skinned foids that way. If I was curry I would do it too. But it gets cringe once they get caught out.
Indians can have curly hair
That is not curly hair. Indians can never have those kind of locks like that. That comes ONLY from black dna, I know because I am an expert on this topic.
That is not curly hair. Indians can never have those kind of locks like that. That comes ONLY from black dna, I know because I am an expert on this topic.
Indians have AASI DNA
saji sharma is a high caste jewtuber whos a curry
he can have 1 based take followed immediately by 10 giga cucked views

i have seen his friend group in videoes, you are what your friends. they were all failed normie looking mother fuckers
i doubt he gets much pussy, maybe some random foid fks him drunk
Once again this website punches above its weight in controversy and now a new video has dropped about incels specifically aimed at Currys. I guess the producer who is Curry was influenced by the curry users here

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HimK7Vsw3LM

always the same shit

1. reductive view of the blackpill
a) reduce it to an ideology and misdirected sentiments of loneliness and frustration
b) do not mention and concrete data on lookism and the like

2. bring on other people to strengthen your argument, but never bring on any actual incels LMFAO

3. Spend 40 minutes yapping and presenting chewed out platitudes about mental health and such

Notice also how they always bring everything back to individualism. It's like they can not fathom that there are larger than life factors that can govern your destiny in crucial ways. The funny thing is that they do acknowledge these things exist when it serves them, i.e. they constantly mention racism, misogyny etc. which are all system wide issues that shape your life whether you want it or not.

However, when incels bring up their own version of these concepts, like lookism, they reject them.
It is fucking retarded.

If I talked to them, I would ask them if they think racism is real. They would have to say yes.
Then I would ask them how people determine what race you are. They would have to say looks.
Then I would corner them and ask how they can deny lookism.

It really is that simple.
Indians have AASI DNA
Dude how many currys in CURYLAND have you ever in your seen with that negro hair? I know there are negro currys in India but those are very few and come from Africa back when India used the monsoon influenced ocean currents and sailed the African coast for trade like 1000 years ago and those negros were sent to India as servants as gifts come king to king. Or they landed there through the Arab slave trade.

Otherwise 99% of currys NEVER have that hair.
Dude how many currys in CURYLAND have you ever in your seen with that negro hair? I know there are negro currys in India but those are very few and come from Africa back when India used the monsoon influenced ocean currents and sailed the African coast for trade like 1000 years ago and those negros were sent to India as servants as gifts come king to king. Or they landed there through the Arab slave trade.

Otherwise 99% of currys NEVER have that hair.
Do you even know what AASI is?
Do you even know what AASI is?
no and i dont care, that curry is high caste, look at his name. No way he is mixed or has some nigger dna. Anyway just show me examples of high caste currys with that type hair. And i mean high caste in curryland not amerimutts
no and i dont care, that curry is high caste, look at his name. No way he is mixed or has some nigger dna. Anyway just show me examples of high caste currys with that type hair. And i mean high caste in curryland not amerimutts
dude look at the amount of hair gel in his hair. He obviously first wet his hair then used gel whilst was wet and it dried like that.

And by the way even with gel and all that he still does not have the kind of curls like the guy in the video
Dude unironically looks uglier than people on this forum.
dude look at the amount of hair gel in his hair. He obviously first wet his hair then used gel whilst was wet and it dried like that.

And by the way even with gel and all that he still does not have the kind of curls like the guy in the video
No he doesn't have any hair gel he just have curly hairs.
how do these retards keep misusing the word ‘incel’? If you call someone an ‘incel’ you admit they are sexless though no fault of their own …. but yet you still use the term to mock them?
So every douche with a good sounding mic can make youtube videos?
the hair looks strange
Once again this website punches above its weight in controversy and now a new video has dropped about incels specifically aimed at Currys. I guess the producer who is Curry was influenced by the curry users here

View: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HimK7Vsw3LM

:feelsseriously: Great, another normie who reads a couple Wikipedia pages and "journalist" articles and thinks they know everything about the blackpill and inceldom. These normie YouTubers sit on their high horses and think they're so much better than everyone else. Everyone and their mom thinks they're a Grade-A sociologist these days. What fucking insightful takes could anyone even get out of a video like this? It's the same mumbo jumbo "just bee urself bro" garbage drivel we see every single fucking day.

His name is Sarji Sharma and I doubt thats his natural hair
Yep even though a small percentage of curries do have curly hair like that, his is almost 100% a perm that he got from a salon. Many European and Latin normies get them too even if they dont have because it is the current style. Personally I think that shit looks retarded. Perms are for women, no man should be sitting at a salon getting his hair curled for hours.
always the same shit

1. reductive view of the blackpill
a) reduce it to an ideology and misdirected sentiments of loneliness and frustration
b) do not mention and concrete data on lookism and the like

2. bring on other people to strengthen your argument, but never bring on any actual incels LMFAO

3. Spend 40 minutes yapping and presenting chewed out platitudes about mental health and such

Notice also how they always bring everything back to individualism. It's like they can not fathom that there are larger than life factors that can govern your destiny in crucial ways. The funny thing is that they do acknowledge these things exist when it serves them, i.e. they constantly mention racism, misogyny etc. which are all system wide issues that shape your life whether you want it or not.

However, when incels bring up their own version of these concepts, like lookism, they reject them.
It is fucking retarded.

If I talked to them, I would ask them if they think racism is real. They would have to say yes.
Then I would ask them how people determine what race you are. They would have to say looks.
Then I would corner them and ask how they can deny lookism.

It really is that simple.
Stop fighting bozos
Notice also how they always bring everything back to individualism. It's like they can not fathom that there are larger than life factors that can govern your destiny in crucial ways. The funny thing is that they do acknowledge these things exist when it serves them, i.e. they constantly mention racism, misogyny etc. which are all system wide issues that shape your life whether you want it or not.

However, when incels bring up their own version of these concepts, like lookism, they reject them.
It is fucking retarded.
Always. ALWAYS.

It is so fucking exhausting at this point man:feelsUnreal:. It makes sense, of course. When racism, sexism and other such shit is mentioned, their NPC programming kicks into effect and they immediately start agreeing that those are terrible and unfair handicaps for the people suffering their negative effects... but when this topic is brought up, their NPC programming also activates, and they just automatically start reciting the exact opposite of what they would've ever said in regards to racism and so on, while not even realizing how hypocritical they are because they don't think for themselves.

I mean, for god's sake, half a year ago we had an infiltrator here who couldn't even properly reply to me asking him if he'd ever tell ugly women that their looks aren't a problem and don't matter, mofo literally couldn't reply to a basic "what if the groups were reversed" comment without sidestepping its actual point:feelskek::feelskek:.

Always. ALWAYS.

It is so fucking exhausting at this point man:feelsUnreal:. It makes sense, of course. When racism, sexism and other such shit is mentioned, their NPC programming kicks into effect and they immediately start agreeing that those are terrible and unfair handicaps for the people suffering their negative effects... but when this topic is brought up, their NPC programming also activates, and they just automatically start reciting the exact opposite of what they would've ever said in regards to racism and so on, while not even realizing how hypocritical they are because they don't think for themselves.

I mean, for god's sake, half a year ago we had an infiltrator here who couldn't even properly reply to me asking him if he'd ever tell ugly women that their looks aren't a problem and don't matter, mofo literally couldn't reply to a basic "what if the groups were reversed" comment without sidestepping its actual point:feelskek::feelskek:.

ah yeah the entitlement thing.
classic dodge they do all the time
they say it so smugly too - "you are not entitled to anything"
Are you entitled to your opinion then?
Are women entitled to protection?
Also, it falls exactly under what I mentioned - he reduces it to a personal issue.
As if incels problem is their personal preferences being too high or something.
You should have asked him if he would say that to a black person experiencing racism. Like go on, tell people upset about George Floyd that he was not entitled to breathing JFL

Were the slaves not entitled to freedom?
Were the Jews not entitled to live during the Holocaust?

He will have to draw a line somewhere with the "entitlement" concept.
He will draw it at rape, racism, etc.
But where he draws it will be completely arbitrary and actually highlight his biases even more.

If he draws it at basic human rights for example, then why does he care about other peoples entitlement?
Thoughts of entitlement are far more forgivable than human rights violations, so why care about a bunch of dudes talking online?
His own actions demonstrate his hypocrisy at that point.

Since he can not even claim that he is entitled to do what he wants, his position is ultimately retarded and self refuting.
The "entitlement" rhetoric is one of the worst dodges that comes up all the time.

But all that is besides the point. What Incels want or don't want does not matter. We do not care about personal preferences. We care about objective evidence for systemic biases present in the majority of humans. These people never ever address any of that. It would require looking at the data and refuting it.

Of course this data also overlaps with findings about systemic racism and gender stereotypes that the left and feminists rely on, so they can not really critique it without cutting off their own legs.

I have of yet, in over half a decade or longer, never seen anyone debunking any of our claims. Not even attempt to. Many of them are not even related to dating or relationships, I mention this all the time. How the fuck would you even debunk something like "women are 80% of customers?"

Even the very act of them constantly reducing the blackpill to an issue affecting women negatively literally shows they are operating from a gynocratic mindset jfl. Like, they are so deep in the gynocratic worldview, they can not help but prove us right, because they always make everything about women, when most of our claims include both genders of any race.

Nobody is exempt from the blackpill as everyone has a body and is therefore subject to lookism.
If you are good looking and you get treated better - that is lookism.
If you are female and people treat you better or worse for it - lookism (how else do people determine your gender? by asking for your DNA test results?)

So we can see, lookism encompasses every human being on earth.
Yet they always reduce it to "women most affected."
Thus proving gynocracy.

This is the craziest part btw. It's not only that they deny lookism but acknowledge things like racism, no worse, worse and worse - they deny lookism while affirming lookism when the context fits them.

Women being discriminated against? = call it "pretty privilege" and nobody complains.
Trans people being discriminated against because they look like some shit from slavic fairy tale? = transphobia
How can trans people talk about "passing" as a female (lookism) but when incels bring up lookism they dismiss it.

It shows you their bias is not against the blackpill. It is against the messenger. They hate incels on a visceral level.
The messenger is the message to normies.
Another confirmation of what we have been saying for ages.
It is not what you say, it is who you are (or rather what you look like) that matters to people.

These idiots confirm our points with every "argument" they make without realizing it. It is astonishing.

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