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SuicideFuel First time at the gym (maybe the last)

Make a home gym if you need to
my skeleton is just small/little
Just remember that there's no gym for your face or bones, and effort in the gym is only one component of attractiveness, multiplied by your face and bones. Are you at least a decent height? If not, save yourself the effort. There's no point in going to the gym for years to become a manlet nugget.
Just remember that there's no gym for your face or bones, and effort in the gym is only one component of attractiveness, multiplied by your face and bones. Are you at least a decent height? If not, save yourself the effort. There's no point in going to the gym for years to become a manlet nugget.
I know, but i'm doing it since my body is in pain right now from all the ldaring so i thought some gymcelling would help my body feel better, anyways I haven't gone back after this
I know, but i'm doing it since my body is in pain right now from all the ldaring so i thought some gymcelling would help my body feel better, anyways I haven't gone back after this
Get a Stacy personal trainer
I decied to join a gym after some health issues from rotting for years in my room and friday was the day my gym membership started and I had myself a beginners program. I had no idea what kind of wilderness I was stepping into.

I walk in and I'm greeted by two Stacy receptionists one of which asked if I would like showing around (insinuating that she could tell just by looking at my pathetic physique that this was my first time there). I decided to bite the bullet and take up her offer as a contingency to not getting lost/pissing off every person in there by misusing all the equipment.

I show her my schedule for today's work out and she takes me to each of the machines that I'll be using. First up was the dumbbell presses and she overestimated how much I can press and handed me 10lbs dumbells and showed me the correct form and made me do 10 reps. My bitch-arse barely manages to get 5 reps and I felt like my frangible bones were going to snap. She showed me round all the other equipment and I was too chagrined to even respond to her small talk. After I'd done humiliating myself infront of the legit 8/10 she then told me to find her in reception if I needed anything else. I mustered a faltered "thanks" and swiftly commenced my workout. I thought to myself how sad my situation was that I had to sign up to the one gym which has several 8+/10 female staff.

Perhaps the worst part of my ordeal was the complete abundance of chads. I was anticipating that I'd walk in and the place would just have a few baldcels, (fellow) oldcels, (fellow) manlets and (fellow) framecels. But no, this place was virtually chad central and I was getting heightmogged and framemogged at every corner I turned. One of the only perquisites was that the cardio area was far from the weight training area (so at least the stacies won't get to see me struggle to squat 40lbs). Halfway through my workout I was confronted by a enormous chad and the conversation went like this.

Chad: You look lost

Me: I was just waiting to use the rope machine

Chad: What are you training?

Me: "pulls out schedule" It's a full body workout.

Chad: "You won't gain muscle doing that, you need to train a different part each day, do a chest day, do a day for triceps and don't skip leg day."

Me: But the guide told me to...

Chad: Do I look big?

Me: Yeah

Chad: Do you think I know what I'm taking about?

Me: Yeah

Chad: Well who's going to help you gain muscle, me or Mr guy on the internet?

Me: You

Chad: Don't believe everything you read online and don't be afraid to ask.

He then proceeded to help me on the rope machine and I comply, not wanting to piss this guy off. I then thank the Chad and leave the gym afterwards.

I then message my gymcel cousin the schedule I was using and explained that the chad had told me I was doing it wrong and asked him for his advice. To which he responded "That guy is just ignorant, there are several different ways to gain muscles and he was just explaining one that worked for him."

The next morning I wake up with a shooting pain in my muscles, especially my trapezium muscle and it really hurt to lift my arms in the air. So therefore I couldn't go gym for the next few days. When I woke up today, the pain had finally subsided.

So I'm aware that a lot of gymcels lurk on this forum and wanted their advice on the workout routine I mentioned earlier and whether I should restart it for Monday and follow it. As for the chad issue, the gym is 24/7 so I'll probably go late at night when it's quiet and the staff have left (it takes your thumb fingerprint and lets you in). If you know of any better workout routines for a 110lb framecel trying to get to 170 pounds then I'd be grateful if you could give me the link to them. Advice on gear would also be appreciated.
chad was 70% likely on roids as per most gym users in big cities, he could lift 1 kilos dumbells for 20 mins and still "get jacked" his routine is almost irrelevant to his gains

You have to understand if you are in a town or city, this is the place a lot of bros will use to flex and pick up chicks, hence chad central BUT ONLY AT PEAK OR SOCIABLE HOURS.

EAT AT LEAST 3000 calories a day when you are bulking up, you are starting from a pathetic base, you need mass quickly, you need 200 grams protein and circa 300 carbs-350, and at least 80 grans fat (not saturated)

you should gain weight quite quickly and not much fat, you will however gain some fat as anyone that is not roiding CANNOT ADD SIZE WITHOUT EXCESS CALORIES AND HENCE GAINING SOME WEIGHT, DOT BE SCARED OF "GETTING FAT" FOR A WHILE.

If you do go overboard and get too fat, ease down to 2500 and see where you go , natural building is all about small increments of calories not wild 4000 calories a day dude dirty bulk dude, you will just get as fat as a house and have to cut off this fat and then lose muscle wasting a lot of time.

use 3000 bulking as a guide for calories if too much 2800 etc this is around about right for people in the 5 foot 8 to 5 foot 11 area, you need a touch more if taller eg 3200 above 5 11 and a touch less if below 5 foot 8 eg around 2700-2800 for a bulk. But as you see this is not drastic and its merely 100s calories a day changes eg just 2 apples, its not these great big plates of food changes its minute adjustments based on how much fat you gain.
If a subhuman like me gets a stacy personal trainer
also see my posts i have also had run ins with stacey trainers in the gym, these witches are fucking vicious and vile, and mainly are BBC CHASING WHORES, THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF CHAD ONLY OF ANY RACE AND WEED OUT GENETICS QUICKER THAN HITLERS EUGENICS OFFICERS DURING THE THIRD REICH.



Ignore they are almost the most entitled status chasing whores you will find of all women
chad was 70% likely on roids as per most gym users in big cities, he could lift 1 kilos dumbells for 20 mins and still "get jacked" his routine is almost irrelevant to his gains

You have to understand if you are in a town or city, this is the place a lot of bros will use to flex and pick up chicks, hence chad central BUT ONLY AT PEAK OR SOCIABLE HOURS.

EAT AT LEAST 3000 calories a day when you are bulking up, you are starting from a pathetic base, you need mass quickly, you need 200 grams protein and circa 300 carbs-350, and at least 80 grans fat (not saturated)

you should gain weight quite quickly and not much fat, you will however gain some fat as anyone that is not roiding CANNOT ADD SIZE WITHOUT EXCESS CALORIES AND HENCE GAINING SOME WEIGHT, DOT BE SCARED OF "GETTING FAT" FOR A WHILE.

If you do go overboard and get too fat, ease down to 2500 and see where you go , natural building is all about small increments of calories not wild 4000 calories a day dude dirty bulk dude, you will just get as fat as a house and have to cut off this fat and then lose muscle wasting a lot of time.

use 3000 bulking as a guide for calories if too much 2800 etc this is around about right for people in the 5 foot 8 to 5 foot 11 area, you need a touch more if taller eg 3200 above 5 11 and a touch less if below 5 foot 8 eg around 2700-2800 for a bulk. But as you see this is not drastic and its merely 100s calories a day changes eg just 2 apples, its not these great big plates of food changes its minute adjustments based on how much fat you gain.
Thanks for the advice man, I'm going for walks now instead since I just want to be healthy after all the ldaring I have done in my life. I was noticing body pain. Gym was mental torture and it's not worth it. I'm not trying to build muscles or anything since I would stop working out eventually and lose everything. But I will gain some weight and listen to your advice about it.
Thanks for the advice man, I'm going for walks now instead since I just want to be healthy after all the ldaring I have done in my life. I was noticing body pain. Gym was mental torture and it's not worth it. I'm not trying to build muscles or anything since I would stop working out eventually and lose everything. But I will gain some weight and listen to your advice about it.
no dont let these fucks stop you doing weights

simply buy weights for home

you dont need machines to get big

70 kg of weights (mostly 10s and 5s plates)
adjustable bench
dumbells x2

thats it to start

max cost around 150 pounds A LOT LESS THAN A YEAR AT A GYM

buy the weights and bench and barbells dumbells in a combo eg
barbells come with benches all the time and weights come with dumbells

Amazon product ASIN B01M2XABRSView: https://www.amazon.co.uk/York-Fitness-Warrior-Barbell-Bench/dp/B01M2XABRS/ref=sr_1_7?crid=X7998LASWUZW&keywords=york+Bench&qid=1666355830&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjM1IiwicXNhIjoiMi42NyIsInFzcCI6IjEuODUifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_76%3A419159031&rnid=419157031&rps=1&sprefix=york+bench%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-7

plates and dumbells

also this shit doesnt even need to be new

go on gumtree or craigslist or facebook ebay and you can half the price it would be under 100 dollars all in
and will last years

this is all you need 195 pounds all in has barbell included and 80kg of weights

195 might be a bit much but get everything together way less hassle

pick up some dumbells cheap later you can start with barbell only

bench, deadlifts, over head press, these are your core exercises

barbell bent over rows back, chinups pulls ups for back (actually the best exercise for back and biceps)
barbell close grip triceps and body weighted dips
barbell curls for biceps wide grip over hand underhand grip

legs curls and hamstrings on the bench
everything you need
Last edited:
Chad is right, if you want gains you should train one part of your body each time you go to gym. Perhaps if you are weak like me you can have a legs-arms split day. Also having people showing you the ropes and helping you out is a good thing, chad was trying to help you, I would take that help if that was you. Finally, the days-lasting pain will stop in 1 month maximum.

this is all you need 195 pounds all in has barbell included and 80kg of weights

195 might be a bit much but get everything together way less hassle

pick up some dumbells cheap later you can start with barbell only

bench, deadlifts, over head press, these are your core exercises

barbell bent over rows back, chinups pulls ups for back (actually the best exercise for back and biceps)
barbell close grip triceps and body weighted dips
barbell curls for biceps wide grip over hand underhand grip

legs curls and hamstrings on the bench
everything you need

this is an example OF WHAT YOU DONT NEED
Rest well.

Eat (good quality) Raw eggs and Raw minced beef for breakfast. After you eat, force yourself to eat a little more, Thats how you gain Weight.

Dont be afraid of asking chad for advice. They are usually really Nice people.

When lifting, think about your bullies. It Will give you motivation to improve your physique so you can beat them up.
no dont let these fucks stop you doing weights

simply buy weights for home

you dont need machines to get big

70 kg of weights (mostly 10s and 5s plates)
adjustable bench
dumbells x2

thats it to start

max cost around 150 pounds A LOT LESS THAN A YEAR AT A GYM

buy the weights and bench and barbells dumbells in a combo eg
barbells come with benches all the time and weights come with dumbells

Amazon product ASIN B01M2XABRSView: https://www.amazon.co.uk/York-Fitness-Warrior-Barbell-Bench/dp/B01M2XABRS/ref=sr_1_7?crid=X7998LASWUZW&keywords=york+Bench&qid=1666355830&qu=eyJxc2MiOiIzLjM1IiwicXNhIjoiMi42NyIsInFzcCI6IjEuODUifQ%3D%3D&refinements=p_76%3A419159031&rnid=419157031&rps=1&sprefix=york+bench%2Caps%2C85&sr=8-7

plates and dumbells

also this shit doesnt even need to be new

go on gumtree or craigslist or facebook ebay and you can half the price it would be under 100 dollars all in
and will last years
Yeah some weights at home would be 100 times better than going there, it wasn't as expensive as I thought i'm going to look into some stuff I could buy and the things you linked, thanks.
Rest well.

Eat (good quality) Raw eggs and Raw minced beef for breakfast. After you eat, force yourself to eat a little more, Thats how you gain Weight.

Dont be afraid of asking chad for advice. They are usually really Nice people.

When lifting, think about your bullies. It Will give you motivation to improve your physique so you can beat them up.
Thanks for the advice
Why would it be? Like she would be harassing you?
She would feel harassed by my face. She would hate my guts, she probably try to humiliate me even more. Also this

also see my posts i have also had run ins with stacey trainers in the gym, these witches are fucking vicious and vile, and mainly are BBC CHASING WHORES, THEY ARE THE DEFINITION OF CHAD ONLY OF ANY RACE AND WEED OUT GENETICS QUICKER THAN HITLERS EUGENICS OFFICERS DURING THE THIRD REICH.



Ignore they are almost the most entitled status chasing whores you will find of all women
You should look into jogging if you want to feel good and flexible. Jog till you get exhausted at least 3 times a week, give it a a month and you’ll feel great every day
You should look into jogging if you want to feel good and flexible. Jog till you get exhausted at least 3 times a week, give it a a month and you’ll feel great every day
truth running mogs especially vo2 max burtsts and fartlek training feeling of euphoria, better high than cycling and weights lasts for days also
I've only started going to the gym last couple of month. Felt like a fish out of water to begin with, now I go at least three times a week. Everyone is there to work out, not cunt gives a fuck or will bothers you. It can be disheartening seeing all the young fit people there, compared to my old, fatter self. But fuck them, they're all ncps anyway. I feel good, if not a bit sore after a workout. It's good for the body and mind. Comparison is the theft of joy. Only look at how you are doing and when you begin to see the difference after a month, few months etc. You'll no longer see it as a chore. Keep at it.
You should look into jogging if you want to feel good and flexible. Jog till you get exhausted at least 3 times a week, give it a a month and you’ll feel great every day
I will try, gonna run late at the night or in the woods, I look retarded running/jogging. Dont want anyone to see me
I've only started going to the gym last couple of month. Felt like a fish out of water to begin with, now I go at least three times a week. Everyone is there to work out, not cunt gives a fuck or will bothers you. It can be disheartening seeing all the young fit people there, compared to my old, fatter self. But fuck them, they're all ncps anyway. I feel good, if not a bit sore after a workout. It's good for the body and mind. Comparison is the theft of joy. Only look at how you are doing and when you begin to see the difference after a month, few months etc. You'll no longer see it as a chore. Keep at it.
Lifefuel, I will probably get used to it and learn the machines and stuff, first day I legit felt like an alien on earth. But the mogging is brutal:feelskek:
I decied to join a gym after some health issues from rotting for years in my room and friday was the day my gym membership started and I had myself a beginners program. I had no idea what kind of wilderness I was stepping into.

I walk in and I'm greeted by two Stacy receptionists one of which asked if I would like showing around (insinuating that she could tell just by looking at my pathetic physique that this was my first time there). I decided to bite the bullet and take up her offer as a contingency to not getting lost/pissing off every person in there by misusing all the equipment.

I show her my schedule for today's work out and she takes me to each of the machines that I'll be using. First up was the dumbbell presses and she overestimated how much I can press and handed me 10lbs dumbells and showed me the correct form and made me do 10 reps. My bitch-arse barely manages to get 5 reps and I felt like my frangible bones were going to snap. She showed me round all the other equipment and I was too chagrined to even respond to her small talk. After I'd done humiliating myself infront of the legit 8/10 she then told me to find her in reception if I needed anything else. I mustered a faltered "thanks" and swiftly commenced my workout. I thought to myself how sad my situation was that I had to sign up to the one gym which has several 8+/10 female staff.

Perhaps the worst part of my ordeal was the complete abundance of chads. I was anticipating that I'd walk in and the place would just have a few baldcels, (fellow) oldcels, (fellow) manlets and (fellow) framecels. But no, this place was virtually chad central and I was getting heightmogged and framemogged at every corner I turned. One of the only perquisites was that the cardio area was far from the weight training area (so at least the stacies won't get to see me struggle to squat 40lbs). Halfway through my workout I was confronted by a enormous chad and the conversation went like this.

Chad: You look lost

Me: I was just waiting to use the rope machine

Chad: What are you training?

Me: "pulls out schedule" It's a full body workout.

Chad: "You won't gain muscle doing that, you need to train a different part each day, do a chest day, do a day for triceps and don't skip leg day."

Me: But the guide told me to...

Chad: Do I look big?

Me: Yeah

Chad: Do you think I know what I'm taking about?

Me: Yeah

Chad: Well who's going to help you gain muscle, me or Mr guy on the internet?

Me: You

Chad: Don't believe everything you read online and don't be afraid to ask.

He then proceeded to help me on the rope machine and I comply, not wanting to piss this guy off. I then thank the Chad and leave the gym afterwards.

I then message my gymcel cousin the schedule I was using and explained that the chad had told me I was doing it wrong and asked him for his advice. To which he responded "That guy is just ignorant, there are several different ways to gain muscles and he was just explaining one that worked for him."

The next morning I wake up with a shooting pain in my muscles, especially my trapezium muscle and it really hurt to lift my arms in the air. So therefore I couldn't go gym for the next few days. When I woke up today, the pain had finally subsided.

So I'm aware that a lot of gymcels lurk on this forum and wanted their advice on the workout routine I mentioned earlier and whether I should restart it for Monday and follow it. As for the chad issue, the gym is 24/7 so I'll probably go late at night when it's quiet and the staff have left (it takes your thumb fingerprint and lets you in). If you know of any better workout routines for a 110lb framecel trying to get to 170 pounds then I'd be grateful if you could give me the link to them. Advice on gear would also be appreciated.
yeah no shit

its supposed to hurt thats when you know u did good
truth running mogs especially vo2 max burtsts and fartlek training feeling of euphoria, better high than cycling and weights lasts for days also
I’ve gotten lazy I need to do this shit 3x a week again. When you’re raping your cardiovascular system it feels so good after
I decied to join a gym after some health issues from rotting for years in my room and friday was the day my gym membership started and I had myself a beginners program. I had no idea what kind of wilderness I was stepping into.

I walk in and I'm greeted by two Stacy receptionists one of which asked if I would like showing around (insinuating that she could tell just by looking at my pathetic physique that this was my first time there). I decided to bite the bullet and take up her offer as a contingency to not getting lost/pissing off every person in there by misusing all the equipment.

I show her my schedule for today's work out and she takes me to each of the machines that I'll be using. First up was the dumbbell presses and she overestimated how much I can press and handed me 10lbs dumbells and showed me the correct form and made me do 10 reps. My bitch-arse barely manages to get 5 reps and I felt like my frangible bones were going to snap. She showed me round all the other equipment and I was too chagrined to even respond to her small talk. After I'd done humiliating myself infront of the legit 8/10 she then told me to find her in reception if I needed anything else. I mustered a faltered "thanks" and swiftly commenced my workout. I thought to myself how sad my situation was that I had to sign up to the one gym which has several 8+/10 female staff.

Perhaps the worst part of my ordeal was the complete abundance of chads. I was anticipating that I'd walk in and the place would just have a few baldcels, (fellow) oldcels, (fellow) manlets and (fellow) framecels. But no, this place was virtually chad central and I was getting heightmogged and framemogged at every corner I turned. One of the only perquisites was that the cardio area was far from the weight training area (so at least the stacies won't get to see me struggle to squat 40lbs). Halfway through my workout I was confronted by a enormous chad and the conversation went like this.

Chad: You look lost

Me: I was just waiting to use the rope machine

Chad: What are you training?

Me: "pulls out schedule" It's a full body workout.

Chad: "You won't gain muscle doing that, you need to train a different part each day, do a chest day, do a day for triceps and don't skip leg day."

Me: But the guide told me to...

Chad: Do I look big?

Me: Yeah

Chad: Do you think I know what I'm taking about?

Me: Yeah

Chad: Well who's going to help you gain muscle, me or Mr guy on the internet?

Me: You

Chad: Don't believe everything you read online and don't be afraid to ask.

He then proceeded to help me on the rope machine and I comply, not wanting to piss this guy off. I then thank the Chad and leave the gym afterwards.

I then message my gymcel cousin the schedule I was using and explained that the chad had told me I was doing it wrong and asked him for his advice. To which he responded "That guy is just ignorant, there are several different ways to gain muscles and he was just explaining one that worked for him."

The next morning I wake up with a shooting pain in my muscles, especially my trapezium muscle and it really hurt to lift my arms in the air. So therefore I couldn't go gym for the next few days. When I woke up today, the pain had finally subsided.

So I'm aware that a lot of gymcels lurk on this forum and wanted their advice on the workout routine I mentioned earlier and whether I should restart it for Monday and follow it. As for the chad issue, the gym is 24/7 so I'll probably go late at night when it's quiet and the staff have left (it takes your thumb fingerprint and lets you in). If you know of any better workout routines for a 110lb framecel trying to get to 170 pounds then I'd be grateful if you could give me the link to them. Advice on gear would also be appreciated.
I hated the gym too when i went.
Just have a back day a chest day and a leg day if u want, so a push pull leg if ur following that. Eat big get big train hard and progressively overload

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