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Former fatcels, how did you lose the weight?



May 8, 2018
I'm 300 lbs looking to get down to 250.
Exercise is a waste of time. Weight loss is almost entirely diet.

https://tdeecalculator.net/ <----- Go to this site and enter your stats. Find your TDEE number. Eat 1000 calories less that that of whatever you want. You will lose weight. I was almost 260lbs at 17, am now about 190lbs at 22.
At that weight you probably can’t even do cardio

If your that fat don’t eat for a week and I guarantee you will lose at least 20-40 lbs or just count your calories and eat less if you need to eat
I just sat around all day and lost 30 lbs out of nowhere in the past couple of months. Losing 30 lbs would only help you a little though. I'm not the right person for you to be asking.
Losing weight is all in your eating habits. Eat low to no carbs, so no bread or anything like that. Eat alot of protein, fruits and vegetables. Avoid sugar if possible and try to limit your drinking to water and unsweetened tea for flavor. I lost roughly 50 pounds doing that for around 3 weeks.
lifting weights
I yoyo a lot. Lost 48lbs recently since October.
It wasn't super fast. I stopped drinking booze, soda, juice, and stay in a calorie deficit mostly.
I take a lot of vitamins, medication, and researched all the food and "healthy" fats I want to eat daily. I eat basically the same shit everyday.
My bowels are so fucked so I had to figure out what foods cause more irritability, there is too many "super foods" you can't eat them all, shouldn't even try.
Exercise a bit, I can't do cardio for shit, I get dizzy easy. I have a punch card for the gym because I go maybe once a week. Squats are your best exercise for using large muscle.
Eat within an 8hr period. I try to fast 36hrs every few weeks. My cut off for food is 6:30pm give or take. At first going to bed hungry was super painful, but it got much easier after a week. If it's too painful just eat something lol. You shouldn't torture yourself.
My best is losing 10lb a month while avoiding malnutrition.

Edit: It took longer than it should have because I stalled for two months when I got the flu, and started drinking booze. But I eventually got back on track.
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I used to be around 500 lbs (srs) Currently I'm where you are at now, around 300 lbs, a little less.

Before losing any weight I just didn't give a shit and I ate and drank whatever I wanted. I just felt like it was inevitable my addiction to food was so strong. Not to mention I genuinely was grossed out by anything healthy, a vegetable would make me gag. Tbh I still have a very low tolerance for these foods, but I have just gotten used to sucking it up and eating them anyways. Now at least there are some salads I like, carrots and broccoli are okay. I find it easier to eat raw, washed veggies to any that are cooked. Texture is a big thing to me and any veggie that has soft and mushy makes the flavor, which I do not like, stronger. I do eat cooked carrots because they are more nutritious. When I was at my max weight I just sort of accepted that I would die before 30. Now that I may live a little longer, I'm not sure what to do. Now I have to figure everything out career wise because I haven't died yet, how to improve the actual quality of my life and relationships, etc. lol. I'm so fucked because I survived extreme obesity.

But at first all I did was slowly cut out drinking any soda, and changing my eating habits--instead of getting Wendy's or some garbage, I started getting Subway (which is also not great for you but better than fried stuff) or salads from the fast food places. If you drink soda at all, cut it out. Has no benefit to your body at all, even a hamburger at least has protein. A can of soda has nothing of value but the taste. Over time I faded out eating any fast food at all besides very rare occasions when I have really no other option.

I did tons of cardio. At the time I had a part time job but was mostly NEET, and my job itself required a lot of cardio. So I was burning a lot of calories through that as well.

I will say along the way, I've had a lot of setbacks and regaining of weight. Don't get stressed out too much, if you gain a little bit of weight back--it's completely normal. Just don't let it discourage you enough to quit. Keep on the program, adjust it and cut more calories if you need to. But just always keep it in your mind, your soul, that you will get to whatever your goal is. I had lost some weight back in higschool, but gained it all back (and then some) after just accepting this is a fact of my life. Keep at it, you will almost certainly have bad days, but don't let one day screw up all the work you did. If you have better willpower than me hopefully you avoid any bad days. Holidays and things always make it difficult, sometimes I even just leave the room if there's a lot of bad foods around.

Eventually you will most likely reach a plateau. You will probably have to make some more adjustments, and increase your exercise even more or decrease your calories. I weighed much more than you ever did, so maybe it's even more difficult in my circumstances. But the body wants you to gain it all back, so for me I have to just learn to live with a certain level of hunger. Drinking water before and after meals helps.

I never followed any sort of strict guidelines, but now that I'm not losing anymore I will probably have to start tracking everything. At first I was just using common sense, if you know it's bad for your body and won't help you reach the goal, don't eat it. But I didn't actually track carbs or anything at first. You may need to do this sense you were never as big as me, as fat as I was it was shockingly easy to lose the first 100 pounds.

I'm not even close to done, you're starting at where I've got to after 2 years of changing lifestyle. But with the setbacks I've had and regains, I never lost sight of the goal, that's the most important thing, keeping the right mindset.

Now I'm focused more on bodyfat than pounds lost though, that's really what's most important.
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Just fast bro you are to fat to diet
One thing that a lot of fitness dudes won't tell you is that after being so overweight for so long kick starting your metabolism is gonna be a bitch so you have to do some kind of weight training/resistance training for your muscles to send the signal to your brain that you need to use body fat as energy and begin protein synthesis and this takes a while to kickstart but when you do you're gonna get massive baby gains. Initially your body isn't going to want to use your body fat so your body will begin to crave sodas and other simple carbs to compensate for the energy you're gonna need to push those weights, doing only cardio will only make you fatter in the long run since it is known that doing tons of cardio especially low intensity training just creates more cortisol in your body and cortisol is responsible for retaining gut fat. There's also tons of factors that you might not know about yourself that could prevent you from losing the weight, because at the end of the day you can only control what you put in your mouth but once the food goes inside it is completely out of your control and your body can completely store all the fat on your waist and then send signals to your brain that you need to eat more. Good luck
Just cut out sugar.

Do a calorie deficit. Hard at first, but it's just thermodynamic science, really.
I'm 300 lbs looking to get down to 250.

Cut down food intake overall especially meat, chips,and other processed food.

Get physical labor job or have enough discipline to do workout or play a sport.

Went from 240 lbs to 180 lbs.
Started to eat normal food and generally ate less.
I am not as large as you however still do I have some flab. I am currently doing more late night cardio and I also cutting out bread and eating lesser portions than I did before. I have almost cut out all junk food such as chocolate and soft drinks. Fortunately being a fatcel is one of the more solvable incel problems
It's all about calories, nothing else. Eat less than your body uses, lose weight. Diet is the most important part. CICO never fails.
Caloric deficit. Eat mostly vegetables and lean meat/fish as those will give you the most nutrition for the fewest amount of calories.

You don't need to lift weights to lose weight, but it helps. It will increase your maintenance level of calories, and help you not look like shit once you lose the weight.
I lost 100 lbs once. I just set aside a few days where I accepted that I was going to be really miserable and only ate ~500 calories. After that my appetite went down to nothing and a little bit of diet and exercise along with a calorie deficit wasn't too hard to sustain.
starve yourself
Cut out soda completely and count your calories. Exercise isn't necessary but will expedite the process and will improve your health. Just switching from soda/sugary beverages to water will give you results within the first few weeks.
Not fat but to maintain my weight I usually:
>Have no food for breakfast, only tea (mint usually)
>Wait til my lunch break at work
>Have 1.2k kcal McDonalds meal
>Come home
>Have soup at around 6:30-7:30pm
>Go to sleep.

For drinks I usually just drink water or juice from concentrate (mainly raspberry as I don't really like others)
It kind of helps that I am an extremely anxious person as I am usually too anxious to eat (I feel like throwing up after each bite when I am anxious) so I fill my stomach with liquids, soup, water etc.
Idk how fat people stay fat.
went from 99kg to 93 in about 2 months by limiting myself to 1.5kcal or below diet. i also got tempted and had fast food quite a few times so id have probably dropped to 92 or 91 without that. nofap and HGH pills also helped.
I decided to finally do this shit and not be a fatcel anymore. I have successfully cut out sugary sodas but I am on the diet ones. How much will those actually affect me though when it comes to losing weight?
I decided to finally do this shit and not be a fatcel anymore. I have successfully cut out sugary sodas but I am on the diet ones. How much will those actually affect me though when it comes to losing weight?
Diet soda is still not the best for you since despite not getting as much of the obscene amount of sugar that's in a regular can you're still sucking down a lot of unhealthy shit. Diet is better than regular but cutting out soda almost entirely will provide much better results. Just limit yourself to a can every few days and you'll see results
I have lost weight twice the first time when I was 15. I went to a bariatrician who gave me a diet and a shit-on of supplements. I lost almost 40 kilograms on 6 months.

The second time 8 months ago I made an OMAD diet with a low carbohydrate intake. I lost 15 kilograms on 2 months.

just leave the carbohydrates, sugar and red meat. You can do cardio to accelerate the loss and avoid being a skinnyfat.


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