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Soy Fuck escortcels

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i owned every low iq retard in this discussion lol
Naw gimpy, you taking a roasting here! But keep telling yourself that you're winning. You can even tell your maw how you owned everybody on the internet today when she comes home from whoring.
@BlkPillPres @Anonymous MG look at this fucking post JFL
I won't address the character of OP, that in of itself is a non-factor.

I don't feel I need to address his actual arguments, his response to other arguments and weak initial argument proves it to be unworthy of my time.

I'm just here to advertise my approval of visiting escorts and legal prostitutes, as is the natural best option for incels to have an opportunity to experience sex in the first place pewpew.
stfu retard I did what I had to do. I don't care what you think of me as a person, but calling me a fakecel when I clearly cannot get laid in any other way shape or form is retarded.
i only bring up my IQ in my profile because its a detail about me and relates to my arguments-other times its brought up my other people.
not bragging, faggot. btw i owned every low iq retard in this discussion lol

Having a high IQ doesn't mean anything if you do nothing with it, and that's why its pointless, imagine if all I planned on doing with my life, was to come online here everyday and make posts, that doesn't sound very smart to me, so even lets say that was my goal and I had a 200+IQ, in my book I'd still be an idiot, there are also many men with low IQ's who have certain skills/knowledge (especially in the business world) who have struck it rich, being high IQ wasn't necessary for that

I feel like IQ is a cope a lot of people cling to so they can have something to feel good about, being high IQ and not applying it in any way that leads to your success is not boast worthy, its not something to be proud of, so it doesn't matter how high IQ I am until I becoming successful via said IQ

The results of an IQ test would make no difference to me, I'd still pursue all my goals the same way

I feel a lot of people take the test to give themselves an excuse to relax and do nothing with their lives

1. You discover you're high IQ and you become proud and complacent and do nothing
2. You discover you're low IQ and you use that as an excuse as to why you are a failure and give up to do nothing

People who take these tests are "looking for something", I'm not looking for anything, all I know is that I have to do something to get what I want from life, that's all I needed to know, the rules of the game, I'm going to play regardless
no one cares dude this doesnt have to do with my argument, pewpew

i owned every low iq retard in this discussion lol

low iq lying faggot:

You would make a terrible lawyer, once you bring something up as a factor in a "case", you make it part of the "case", you "opened the door" to that by bringing up IQ, you can't then say that your argument has nothing to do with it when you've affirmed the "defeat" of other peoples arguments based on their IQ and yours

JFL this is the problem with egoists, and the fact that you see escortcelling as "cheating" is proof you are an egotistical idiot, imagine imposing such a stupid restriction for the sake of thinking highly of yourself lol

One cannot "cheat" in a rigged game that wasn't fair to begin with, the rules of the game has always been "there are no rules"

Its just indoctrinated idiots like yourself who are too immersed in society to be able to come to that realization
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Cheat? Is anyone here married to inceldom? That's new, kek.
Escortscels are cucks, but let them cope. Using wizchan rules, I think sex changes your perspective on things, this is a permanent mental change. I just don’t see them as brothers anymore.
are you retarded?
If you are not willing to betabux then you are volcel. Betabuxxing, by definition, is what every man other than Chad has to do in order to have any sort of relationship with a foid. Money and Chad are the only two things foids care about.
I’m not a escortcel
i never bragged about it, see here, low iq lying faggot:

and one standard deviation? are you being serious? You have no idea how fucking high an IQ of 149 is. You're saying you're a literal genius and posting here? You must be schizophrenic.

This is clearly false, since you constantly berate several other posters as "low IQ faggots" and other colorful terms of endearment. You're indirectly showing off how much smarter than you are, by comparison, and even explicitly mentioned a number at one point.

Also, you fail to understand that putting up your IQ as a disclaimer to preempt and prime the nature of any "debate" you engage in is invalid and horribly flawed as a "strategy" or "method," as that has little bearing on the discussion. You already get a rough, but reliable, estimate of the quality of any discussion, based on the strength of intial arguments presented.

Simply put, it's a like when reddit tallfags open their posts with, "as a guy who is 6'4"..." It doesn't support whatever they're about to say, it's just fancy dressing meant to impress.

And yes, thanks for reminding us all what one standard deviation is. The number is higher, since we're there, but saying 1.x standard deviation is superfluous here to the overall point.

I don't care if you believe me or not. The point I'm getting at is that, despite my RAW SUPERIOR INTELLIGENCE (life lesson, champ: your own medicine is always bitter), you lack the wisdom and social awareness to realize that proclaiming your intellectual superiority will always be negatively received, outside of cloistered and mutual masturbatory high IQ communities.

Try to imagine what others would consciously and actively think of you, were to say something to the effect of, "I AM A GENIUS. YOU ANTS ARE ALL INTELLECTUALLY INFERIOR. BOW BEFORE MY INDESTRUCTIBLE LOGIC." Now, I'm no psychic, but there's a near 100% chance that nearly everyone will think of at least one of the words like "tool", "douchebag", or any equivalents. You'd be right to say that it shouldn't affect their evaluation of your arguments, but it does. People are emotional first, logical second.

Read it, you low IQ faggot.
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@Copemaxx hey gimpy your arse must be red raw after the beating you've taken today. Go ask your maw for some of that cream she use after a hard days whoring.
@Copemaxx hey gimpy your arse must be red raw after the beating you've taken today. Go ask your maw for some of that cream she use after a hard days whoring.
not going to lie your posts have been really funny, thank you
It's easy to say this now as an 18 year old probably still in the anger phase.

Eventually you get a nice career that pays you well, you've spent the last two years gymcelling and you've done the best you could to looksmaxx and socialmaxx, but still single.

You're 23 years old, and by that time you lost the anger phase. You're sitting at home, have a huge savings account. One night you're masturbating to porn, drunk on whiskey as you usually do and find that it doesn't cut it anymore. You hit an incredibly new low and feel like buying a rope to just hang yourself.

You're already looking to die, so who the fuck cares if I spend money this one time just to experience what sex is like before you die? So you go and find a hooker online who will spend an hour with you for money. It's not the real thing, but holy shit is it something else. Finally, after all those years you got to feel what breasts in your hands feel like, how it feels to have a woman wrap her legs around your waist, her hands on your back.

Even though she is faking it and would not even go near you if it weren't for the money, the touch and intimacy is so out of this World that it gives you motivation to live again.

Escortcelling will never be the real thing, but god damn is it a good cope.

My taxes are already going towards women, towards child care benefits, birth control, abortion clinics, governments grants for women in STEM. Why can't I use the remaining money I have to experience something that I would not be able to get on my own due to how I look?
You said it exactly right. Thats about exactly what my experience was like (i'm 30). When I was in college I was an incredibly angry and broke young man. Definitely incel to this very day. Women my age avoided me like the plague and what made it worst was watching porn where old 60 year old grandpas are banging 20yr old whores.

At some point you just give up at about the age of 23 - 26 and blow all or most of your money away on strippers/hookers/alcohol/drugs. Young men that are not incels actually save their money. I spent my mid 20s living a fantasy chad life that I never had. Paid strippers and finally knew what it was like to feel on nice full breasts on a young 20-25 year old woman my age. Now I'm broke and an alcoholic.

The OP is a young angry child incel like I was. 18 years old. We all went through that. Escortceling is simply a cope and nothing wrong with that. In the real world, I'm still definitely an incel.
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At some point you just give up at about the age of 23 - 26 and blow all or most of your money away on strippers/hookers/alcohol/drugs

Paid strippers and finally knew what it was like to feel on nice full breasts on a young 20-25 year old woman my age. Now I'm broke and an alcoholic.

JFL your statements sound nothing like the guy who you claim "said it exactly right", in fact your statements ironically make OP sound like the smart one, I half think this is sarcasm because its like you don't realize that your statements make your stance look worse not better

Saying that - "Yeah we are all going to do this thing that left me a broke alcoholic" sounds retarded, please don't conflate your bad illogical choices with the explanation @Incel_Because_Short made

1. I would never waste my money on drugs (including alcohol) or to merely be cock teased (strip clubs), going to a strip club is moronic unless you know you can get a "backroom deal" (fuck the stripper)

2. If the response from everyone against @Copemaxx was like yours and I had no knowledge of escortcelling, I would 100% agree with Copemax and never try it, I'd see escortcels as idiots

You seriously sound like you are trolling sarcastically right now - "I wasted all of my money and now I'm a broke alcoholic, at some point WE (incels) ALL DO THIS YOU HAVE NO CHOICE I DIDN'T CHOOSE THIS"
stfu retard I did what I had to do. I don't care what you think of me as a person, but calling me a fakecel when I clearly cannot get laid in any other way shape or form is retarded.
Exactly!, straight talk and well said.

If it weren't for strippers, massage parlor noodlewhores, and escorts. There would be even more mass shootings than what we alrdy have.
If you're posting here, or if you're a bluepilled LARPer who is a 25-year-old virgin, you're in denial if you think that you "shouldn't stoop that low". Just accept your fate and quit prolonging your suffering.
No. It is better to just fuck escorts or pump and dump instead of betabuxxing an old subhuman foid. You and your kids will suffer more in the long term if you end up betabuxxing and reproducing with a 1/10.
If im being honest i think NOBODY should stoop that low, not even the worst possible example(not that it matters though since if you are mega subhuman whores won't fuck you either way, cash or not).

If you are incel and you think you are "stooping" from the position you are already at in life, then you are deluded and you have no self-awareness at all

Its like a homeless man saying - "I won't stoop to crime", you are already at one of the lowest points, JFL at thinking you are above criminals due to something subjective like morality

The whores you won't fuck are actually above you, you just haven't realized that yet
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JFL your statements sound nothing like the guy who you claim "said it exactly right", in fact your statements ironically make OP sound like the smart one, I half think this is sarcasm because its like you don't realize that your statements make your stance look worse not better

Saying that - "Yeah we are all going to do this thing that left me a broke alcoholic" sounds retarded, please don't conflate your bad illogical choices with the explanation @Incel_Because_Short made

1. I would never waste my money on drugs (including alcohol) or to merely be cock teased (strip clubs), going to a strip club is moronic unless you know you can get a "backroom deal" (fuck the stripper)

2. If the response from everyone against @Copemaxx was like yours and I had no knowledge of escortcelling, I would 100% agree with Copemax and never try it, I'd see escortcels as idiots

You seriously sound like you are trolling sarcastically right now - "I wasted all of my money and now I'm a broke alcoholic, at some point WE (incels) ALL DO THIS YOU HAVE NO CHOICE I DIDN'T CHOOSE THIS"
Thats some funny mental gymnastics shit right there. You don't agree with a lot of us escortceling so you try to explain how illogical someone sounds that does escortceling WHILE sounding like a complete retard.

Also, did you even read the post of the guy I was replying to. Thats what I a lot of us go through dimshit. We start off angry and bluepilled well into college. Then when we hit the real world and start making money, a lot of us tend to waste it on strippers/hookers. YOU might not agree or do it but a lot of us who get a job after college and start making money DO spend it on hookers. Nuff said. You dont need to try that mental gymnastics bullshit again. You don't agree with escortceling, thats it. Nothing to it.
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Thats some funny mental gymnastics shit right there. You don't agree with a lot of us escortceling so you try to explain how illogical someone sounds that does escortceling WHILE sounding like a complete retard.

Also, did you even read the post of the guy I was replying to. Thats what I a lot of us go through dimshit. We start off angry and bluepilled well into college. Then when we hit the real world and start making money, a lot of us tend to waste it on strippers/hookers. YOU might not agree or do it but a lot of us who get a job after college and start making money DO spend it on hookers. Nuff said. You dont need to try that mental gymnastics bullshit again. You don't agree with escortceling, thats it. Nothing to it.

1. I am an escortcel

2. My point is that you make escortcellers sound like idiots, and if I wasn't one myself, if everyone who advocated for it sounded like you ("now I'm a broke alcoholic, we all do this") I would never do it because that person sounds like an irresponsible idiot

My point is that when you say stuff like this:
Thats what I a lot of us go through dimshit

It sounds like you are projecting your idiocy onto escortcelling, "a lot of us" don't end up broke alcoholics, sorry, you are a special case of being irresponsible, I'd say "a lot of us" enjoy having sex, pay for it, and don't make ourselves become broke drug addicts

To summarize: "You give escortcellers a "bad look", stop acting like your bad life decisions are indicative of the typical escortcel"

Stop conflating your idiocy with the general populace of escortcels
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Its like a homeless man saying - "I won't stoop to crime", you are already at one of the lowest points, JFL at thinking you are above criminals due to something subjective like morality
Homeless people don't get sent to prison for being homeless, criminals do get sent to prison for being criminals. Whatever you personally may think, a homeless man is still above a criminal, at least according to the state he is.
OP is banned, haha

escortcels are incels anyway, paying for a hooker is basically an admission you can't get sex elsewhere.
Homeless people don't get sent to prison for being homeless, criminals do get sent to prison for being criminals

Your point is?

Being sent to jail is not an indicator of being "low" on the totem pole, you are still thinking like a normie, with all the values you were indoctrinated to believe

In one country you can be sent to jail for having sex with a 16 year old and in another you can legally marry one, legality doesn't determine the "lowness" of an act

Ironically a career criminal has money, resources, women and the respect of members in his community, a homeless man has literally nothing, but you are so blinded by the VBS (Vestigial Blue Pill Syndrome) of morality that you just have to rationalize a homeless man being "better than" a criminal when HE OBJECTIVELY ISN'T (subjective standards don't matter)

Ask yourself what are the benefits of being a criminal and what are the benefits of being a homeless man, its that simple, once you start putting emotion (morals) into the equation it blurs your judgement because objective criteria no longer matters, it all comes down to how YOU PERSONALLY feel about a topic and that DIFFERS WITH EVERY PERSON

Which means the criteria isn't dependable to gauge anything at all

Whatever you personally may think, a homeless man is still above a criminal, at least according to the state he is.

Yes and according to society (the state) a man who is just born better looking than you will have innate advantages in gaining employment, have relationships, etc and that's completely alright and nothing should be done to regulate the distribution of these things in society, but you are still expected to contribute to said society and work hard

According to the state women serve 60% lower sentences for the same crimes as a man, but that's alright I guess because the state is obviously the perfect instrument to gauge someones "level" in society

There is no consistency in the logic of men like you, society goes from being the arbiter of what decisions you can make to "unfair" and "illogical" whenever it suits you, or to be more accurate, whenever it suits your moral sensibilities for that arbitrary line you won't cross (which differs from person to person)

If the state is such an absolute standard of judgement for how "low" a person is I hope you don't have a problem will divorce laws, how the court system favors women, etc, I mean seeing as the state is such a good judge of character and has such a high standard smh

I've said it once and I'll say it again:
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Oh well op. Another LARPer bites the dust. Good riddance to bad rubbish.
Despite writing essay after essay you never end up saying anything, pretty funny honestly.
You do realize you are only contributing to the retardation that we today are in, right? Is this what being "blackpilled" comes down to? Bitting the bullet and sleeping(quite literally) with the enemy? If this is the case maybe the blackpill isn't for me then.
OP is banned, haha

escortcels are incels anyway, paying for a hooker is basically an admission you can't get sex elsewhere.

Always the way. The biggest larpers have been the anti Escortcels.
You got mail.

its a warning:feelsPop:
Despite writing essay after essay you never end up saying anything, pretty funny honestly.
You do realize you are only contributing to the retardation that we today are in, right? Is this what being "blackpilled" comes down to? Bitting the bullet and sleeping(quite literally) with the enemy? If this is the case maybe the blackpill isn't for me then.

1. I don't get this "snip" shit, it just seems disingenuous, like you are going out of your way to not address the persons arguments

2. Its ironic to say I never end up saying anything, when its you who is avoiding the argument, you've addressed none of them:

Who decided that the state is the absolute arbiter of a persons "level" in society?

By what objective criteria are you asserting that a homeless man is above a criminal?

You don't have any answers, and rather than just concede the point, you post "snip" and then state BS that has nothing to do with the argument

3. The only person contributing to the retardation is people like you who run away from discourse and refuse to concede to points you know you are wrong on, you literally have no argument here

4. You don't seem to understand context

Women are the enemy and the resource that the enemy is hoarding (a resource that we want), the enemy is a self conscious resource

The only reason the enemy is our enemy is because they aren't sleeping with us (sharing said resource)

Inceldom is about sex (the resource), our desire is to have sex with the enemy to begin with, so how are we "biting the bullet" by attaining from the enemy that which they usually refuse to give us?

So when you say "sleeping with the enemy" like its a bad thing (as if it wasn't our intention to begin with) I can only assume you are being DISINGENUOUS (which you've already shown yourself yo be) or you don't understand context
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1. I don't get this "snip" shit, it just seems disingenuous, like you are going out of your way to not address the persons arguments
2. Its ironic to say I never end up saying anything, when its you who is avoiding the argument, you've addressed none of them:
So when you say "sleeping with the enemy" like its a bad thing (as if it wasn't our intention to begin with) I can only assume you are being DISINGENUOUS (which you've already shown yourself yo be) or you don't understand context
Indeed, i don't even want to bother debating with you anymore and why should i when you say crap like this? Why are you even here actually? You clearly don't give a shit about being a hypocrite, as a matter of fact you should just betabux for some used up toilet and leave this forum entierly, forget everything that has happened, you're already half way there.
Don't even bother replying.
Indeed, i don't even want to bother debating with you anymore and why should i when you say crap like this? Why are you even here actually? You clearly don't give a shit about being a hypocrite

You've yet to validate with an argument why anything I said was hypocrisy, you are using circular logic - "I won't bother debating whether I'm wrong, because you are too wrong to debate"

You don't understand context

Saying that its hypocrisy to have sex with women as incels is ridiculous, you can't comprehend something that simple?

Were incels because they won't have sex with us, they are our enemies because they won't have sex with us, we wanted sex from them from the get go, that's why were incels, so us finding alternative means to get sex from them isn't hypocrisy, IT WAS THE GOAL FROM THE START

I have to assume you are trolling at this point if you can't understand something this simple
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I've got to say I'd rather be incel than pay a nasty toilet foid for sex. Not only is it dangerous for your health it also totally goes against our philosophy.

Can a man realistically just decide he's going to make a living off of sex one day (unless he's 12/10 gigauberchad, and even then it's dicey)? No. And men would never get social sympathy for doing it either.

What does a foid have to do to take up this 'career' of being a whore? Be born a foid. Doesn't matter what mental or physical problems she has, some loser will pay good money to have sex with her thus validating her in every way. When that payer is an incel they will even know they still have the upper hand.

Paying for sex with a toilet is absolutely cucked. You are supporting and industry that caters to foids just for existing. It lowers our status as men to the absolute low as if it weren't already there. You validate them and give them money for doing NOTHING other than spend time with an ugly man meanwhile you degrade yourself to NOTHING and lose your time and effort through money burned. YOU are considered the scum in society while nowadays there's all kinds of sympathy and support for sex workers. You go to jail...She gets the 'it'll be alright honey' when shit hits the fan.

Do I believe escortcels are incels? Yes. Do I believe escortceling is justifiable? No. It's nothing even close to real sex except the dick in the vag part. That's it. She hates you. Is faking any which thing to get more money. will fuck you over if she can. And sees you as the simp dollar sign you are.

As an aside, years back in some freak anomaly my phone number got listed and apparently used by a real escort. The desperate shit men sent to 'her' was pathetic. The reviews I later read about her were disgusting. I've actually 'been' an escort virtually.

It made me for the first and only time ever ashamed to be a man.
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I've got to say I'd rather be incel than pay a nasty toilet foid for sex. Not only is it dangerous for your health it also totally goes against our philosophy

Go on and please enlighten me about that philosophy and don't be vague, be very specific, because I think its quite ironic what you seem to be asserting

You seem to be asserting that the philosophy of a group of sex starved men is about keeping yourself a sex starved "permavirgin"

IDK, maybe I'm crazy, but that seems like the exact opposite of what the philosophy of sex starved men would be

Paying for sex with a toilet is absolutely cucked. You are supporting and industry that caters to foids just for existing

A lot of industries exist for people who did virtually nothing or nothing at all to gain the "resources" they use to make money, you pretty much can't support any "global brand" then, I mean think about people who are heirs and heiresses, who inherited vast wealth and assets from family members, they didn't do anything to be born with these things, yet I'm sure some of your money goes into their pockets and you don't put any research in to figure out if you are taking part and that's because YOU SELECTIVELY APPLY YOUR LOGIC TO CERTAIN ASPECTS OF LIFE (apply the same logic to the clothing, food, gaming, computer, mobile, etc industries and you can't purchase anything, there's always someone making money basically just for exist or for gaining shit for free)

It lowers our status as men to the absolute low as if it weren't already there

You have zero selfawareness, if you are an incel, aren't really part of the "male colective", you have no "status", you are deluding yourself, were no longer in patriarchal times where a man is respected just for having a job, "working hard" and not being a criminal, you don't have any status like you would in the past
Because any sub4 truecel can just pay for an escort if they have money.

Also escorts dont offer threesomes...

Cope. I would be rejected by a hooker. IF you can get a hooker to accept sex with you even if it's by payment then you are a FAKECEL.
it just sounds so fucking awkward and pathetic

1. Key trait of an emotional thinker - "appearances mean more to me than objective reality"

2. Do you realize how ironic this statement is, you paying for sex is more awkward and pathetic than you dying a sex starved virgin in old age? (how does that make sense?)

Its also suifuel cause it reminds me that I cant get sex unless I pay for it:feelscry::feelscry::feelscry: :feelsrope: :feelsrope: :feelsrope:

Ah I see, paying for sex reminds you that you can't get sex without paying for it (SOMETHING THAT IS TRUE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU PAY OR NOT) and either way you are reminded of it just by thinking about sex, which you will do everyday

So what you are saying makes no sense
Long thread but OP constantly bringing his own alleged IQ into the conversation as some sort of arguing point is super cringe.
When I think of "escortcels" I also think of the blinding darkness, life AFTER death, barking cats and the deafening silence...


Degenerates when brought before the light of accountability and reason, tend to always morph into the most cunning of Foxes, often times equipped with the sharpest tongues, -- tongues which are capable of the greatest excesses.

The Foxes in this thread with their silver tongues produce shrieking which is eerily similar to the shrieking of the Foxes found anywhere else...one of these instances that immediately falls from memory into the light of my consciousness, would be the dreaded question that the Vixen (Female Fox) often times has the misfortune of being subjected to. The question being "With how many Reynards(Male Foxes) have you shared your den with?"

At such a time... One could get the impression that the silver tongue of the Fox... in its most excited state, had the ability to slice the very fabric of the heavens wide open and let the heavenly innards split out, bringing the world into a state of Chaos and Darkness.


Hunt Master exits Castle cropped
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fuck off fagg
Free @Copemaxx tbh
ur prob jealous of escortcels tbh. u either cant afford them or are too scared to try.
When I think of "escortcels" I also think of the blinding darkness, life AFTER death, barking cats and the deafening silence...


Degenerates when brought before the light of accountability and reason, tend to always morph into the most cunning of Foxes, often times equipped with the sharpest tongues, -- tongues which are capable of the greatest excesses.

The Foxes in this thread with their silver tongues produce shrieking which is eerily similar to the shrieking of the Foxes found anywhere else...one of these instances that immediately falls from memory into the light of my consciousness, would be the dreaded question that the Vixen (Female Fox) often times has the misfortune of being subjected to. The question being "With how many Reynards(Male Foxes) have you shared your den with?"

At such a time... One could get the impression that the silver tongue of the Fox... in its most excited state, had the ability to slice the very fabric of the heavens wide open and let the heavenly innards split out, bringing the world into a state of Chaos and Darkness.



escort’cels’ who cause the foid to uncontrollably moan and shake like a wild animal are definite fakecels. imagine receiving that kind of sex and still calling yourself an incel. JFL

"Pay for sex, but don't try to get good at it, be bad at it on purpose so you have to fuck dry holes and force yourself to stay hard looking at the uninterested face of a woman, if she ever enjoys it you are a fakecel now"

Yeah, makes perfect sense I guess

I swear for a lot of you guys, inceldom is a competition of failure and people are advised to do nothing and avoid improvement else "you're no longer incel"
1. Key trait of an emotional thinker - "appearances mean more to me than objective reality"

2. Do you realize how ironic this statement is, you paying for sex is more awkward and pathetic than you dying a sex starved virgin in old age? (how does that make sense?)

Ah I see, paying for sex reminds you that you can't get sex without paying for it (SOMETHING THAT IS TRUE REGARDLESS OF WHETHER YOU PAY OR NOT) and either way you are reminded of it just by thinking about sex, which you will do everyday

So what you are saying makes no sense
The idea of paying a foid to fuck her is just not appealing to me. Both scenarios are pathetic I know, but imo paying for it is worse cause it would feel way too fake for me to enjoy it, rather just fap. Also I dont really think about sex everyday, mainly because Im busy these days, what im saying is that visiting a prostitute is only gonna accentuate the already existing feeling that its over. If escortcelling works for you thats great, but its not what Im looking for.
RIP OP he was too based for the escortcels to handle
It's easy to say this now as an 18 year old probably still in the anger phase.

Eventually you get a nice career that pays you well, you've spent the last two years gymcelling and you've done the best you could to looksmaxx and socialmaxx, but still single.

You're 23 years old, and by that time you lost the anger phase. You're sitting at home, have a huge savings account. One night you're masturbating to porn, drunk on whiskey as you usually do and find that it doesn't cut it anymore. You hit an incredibly new low and feel like buying a rope to just hang yourself.

You're already looking to die, so who the fuck cares if I spend money this one time just to experience what sex is like before you die? So you go and find a hooker online who will spend an hour with you for money. It's not the real thing, but holy shit is it something else. Finally, after all those years you got to feel what breasts in your hands feel like, how it feels to have a woman wrap her legs around your waist, her hands on your back.

Even though she is faking it and would not even go near you if it weren't for the money, the touch and intimacy is so out of this World that it gives you motivation to live again.

Escortcelling will never be the real thing, but god damn is it a good cope.

My taxes are already going towards women, towards child care benefits, birth control, abortion clinics, governments grants for women in STEM. Why can't I use the remaining money I have to experience something that I would not be able to get on my own due to how I look?

This is everything I wanted to say. Luckily I went through the entire thread before posting. Yes, he's in the youngcel's anger phase and looking for ideological purity. In 5 years he will be more relaxed and much lonelier.
The idea of paying a foid to fuck her is just not appealing to me. Both scenarios are pathetic I know, but imo paying for it is worse cause it would feel way too fake for me to enjoy it, rather just fap. Also I dont really think about sex everyday, mainly because Im busy these days, what im saying is that visiting a prostitute is only gonna accentuate the already existing feeling that its over. If escortcelling works for you thats great, but its not what Im looking for.

it would feel way too fake for me to enjoy it

You saying this is exactly the problem because you see the purpose of sex as validation, when its the opposite, the purpose of getting female validation is to get sex, you want the prerequisite more than you want the goal

Like I keep saying you guys aren't operating on logic, your ego is staked in "wooing" a woman so you are applying these ridiculous rules to sex and denying yourself pleasure, you'd never do the same thing with food

"I only eat the meat of animals I've killed personally myself"

That's because your ego isn't staked in your ability to hunt and provide yourself with food, so the question is why do you do it with sex, but not with everything else, if you applied this rule to everything else - "I can't enjoy it unless I get it "THE RIGHT WAY" it would "FEEL FAKE" to me"

Then there's a lot of shit you wouldn't do that you do take part in

Also I dont really think about sex everyday, mainly because Im busy these days

You have to be in your 40's or something, in that case your opinion doesn't even matter on this, your libido is dead or dying, its like a person losing their sight weighing in on the importance of movies and saying "I can live without it", yeah no shit

If you are actually in my age group, I don't even know what to say, except sorry, you're low T before your time
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OP got the bangarang but I agree
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