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I dont understand whitecels that cry about being the victim. do we live in the same universe?

  • Thread starter blackpillednigga
  • Start date


Jan 8, 2022
where is this supposed "anti-whiteness" happening? I just see blacks as getting equal rights and browns not getting hated to death for being brown. does this equal "anti-white" to you? youre the most rich race and you along with jews control the world. youre sheltered from the third world where alot of non-whites suffer alot. be thankful (not proud since you didnt choose) you're white. if I were white I wouldnt be "proud", I would just be grateful I dont have it as hard as ethnics. im prepared for all the edgelord replies and insults im gonna get for writing this
It's because they mistake liberals as anti-white but that's far from the truth. You can make an entire thread about this topic but I'm going to keep it short.

Liberals are virtue-signallers who give niggers privilege because they want to seem like the angel free of sin ideal White archetype so in actuality they're trying to purport JBW not go against it. It's all a scheme to increase their ego and keep their power by creating alliances with groups that have zero power, it possesses the subtle duality of showing you have empathy but in reality are just inflating your ego. Why niggers in particular? Because it's safe, Niggers have the least political and economic power in the US, if you virtue signal for niggers, you aren't risking losing your power or losing anything on a large scale to niggers.

Indians are hated by liberals because they're a global threat and competition in the US, they hate East Asians because they challenge the hegemony of power in the US and globally so it would not be safe to support either groups.
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It's because they mistake liberals as anti-white but that's far from the truth. You can make an entire thread about this topic but I'm going to keep it short.

Liberals are virtue-signallers who give niggers privilege because they want to seem like the angel free of sin ideal White archetype so in actuality they're trying to purport JBW not go against it. It's all a scheme to increase their ego and keep their power by creating alliances with groups that have zero power, it possesses the subtle duality of showing you have empathy but in reality are just inflating your ego. Why niggers especially? Because it's safe to do it, Niggers have the least political and economic power in the US so by virtue signalling for niggers they aren't risking losing their power or losing anything on a large scale.

Indians are hated by liberals because they're a global threat and competition in the US, they hate East Asians because they challenge the hegemony of power in the US and globally so it would not be safe to support either groups.
thats what I thought. I knew whitecels would mistaken SJW foids virtue signaling as legitimate lol. only non-white women benefit from the virtue signaling, not the men
It's because they mistake liberals as anti-white but that's far from the truth. You can make an entire thread about this topic but I'm going to keep it short.

Liberals are virtue-signallers who give niggers privilege because they want to seem like the angel free of sin ideal White archetype so in actuality they're trying to purport JBW not go against it. It's all a scheme to increase their ego and keep their power by creating alliances with groups that have zero power, it possesses the subtle duality of showing you have empathy but in reality are just inflating your ego. Why niggers in particular? Because it's safe, Niggers have the least political and economic power in the US, if you virtue signal for niggers, you aren't risking losing your power or losing anything on a large scale to niggers.

Indians are hated by liberals because they're a global threat and competition in the US, they hate East Asians because they challenge the hegemony of power in the US and globally so it would not be safe to support either groups.
where is this supposed "anti-whiteness" happening?

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thats what I thought. I knew whitecels would mistaken SJW foids virtue signaling as legitimate lol. only non-white women benefit from the virtue signaling, not the men
Yep, they see one SJW foid with a nigger, think it's over and society is turning anti-white but they are failing to see the bigger picture.

Don't get me wrong, some niggers do benefit from liberalism as with every alliance out there. However on an overall scale, liberals want to keep niggers in check so they don't do more crime and chimp out because nobody is supporting them AND to purport JBW at the same time (ideal White empathetic archetype).

Liberals are trying to kill two birds with one stone. As I said before they can't do this with East Asians or Indians because they would leverage the alliance towards them and eventually threaten the power structure of the country, but with niggers liberals KNOW that they won't be able to leverage anything so the alliance is kept.
your chances of encountering anyone like this is low and whites cant be "genocided" just through immigration. and you all have a much better quality of life than other races even with all of this factored in. so I cant empathize or relate, sorry
while it maybe sad that there Africans, Mexicans and middle easterners who live a shitty life, do you expect us to see our countries turn into ashes and just to STFU because of other people to live poorer than us? africa has received billions of aid from other countries to develop and improve the quality of their citizens, yet they still fail to develop as a country.
I think everybody is somewhat racist deep down inside. Liberals just hide it better, so I don't like them for lying and pretending to be better than they actually are. Racism can be thought of as a form of lookism since at the end of the day, putting aside the behaviors each race is known for, people will not like each other because they look differently from each other and thus have physical features the others find unappealing. If someone knew nothing about another culture or ethnicity they would still make preconceived notions and judgements about a member of that outgroup just based on looks alone even without negative stereotypes. Humans are shallow and external appearance significantly affects their judgements and perceptions of others without them knowing or being aware of their bias, it's a given.

It just so happens western soyciety one of the few remaining ways for this racism to manifest is through dating preferences and how male/female interactions in general even as they pretend they're a diverse and tolerant place. That's why you see a lot of ethnics here. The combination of the west being catering to feminist policies and the more overtly lookist aspects of racism still being acceptable in specific areas of life really screws sub 8 ugly ethnic males over. The feminist policies are the cause that's more institutional and the lookist part are a cause that's more ingrained into human nature in a more subtle nuanced way. You can change the former a lot more than you can affect the latter.

Plus addressing the lookist-racist aspect tends to be viewed as an attack on women since it dares to portray foids as being imperfect shallow beings that are prejudiced towards people just on account of their appearance primarily and secondarily culture at times. So it ends up receiving more pushback and gets swept under the carpet because foids are a protected class that can do no wrong in general consensus. Mainstream social justice movements absolutely refuse to give women any agency in a way that makes look reprehensible or responsible for anything that could be construed as racist or any other form of socially unacceptable behavior. So the plight of ethnic men effectively tends to get censored and denied by SJWs. This is the part that pisses off ethnic men like me the most. They don't even think our issues exist because it makes women look racist since they treat certain demographics poorly based on an entirely superficial trait out of their control and that's linked to their culture and geographical origin (looks).
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while it maybe sad that there Africans, Mexicans and middle easterners who live a shitty life, do you expect us to see our countries turn into ashes and just to STFU because of other people to live poorer than us? africa has received billions of aid from other countries to develop and improve the quality of their citizens, yet they still fail to develop as a country.
View attachment 1156050
european and american countries are still thriving even with alot of immigrants. it may have increased the crime rates (which can be solved through proper integration) but the economy is still booming and the average iq is still the same. its not turning into ashes. african governments take the money and keep it to themselves rather than spending it. throwing money at countries wont solve the issue. also I know that whites have no obligation to fix other countries issues, but they have no obligation to colonize other countries either
while it maybe sad that there Africans, Mexicans and middle easterners who live a shitty life, do you expect us to see our countries turn into ashes and just to STFU because of other people to live poorer than us? africa has received billions of aid from other countries to develop and improve the quality of their citizens, yet they still fail to develop as a country.
View attachment 1156050
Africa is highly corrupt. All these funds are going to rogue politicians who destroy their own countries.
european and american countries are still thriving even with alot of immigrants. it may have increased the crime rates (which can be solved through proper integration) but the economy is still booming and the average iq is still the same. its not turning into ashes. african governments take the money and keep it to themselves rather than spending it. throwing money at countries wont solve the issue. also I know that whites have no obligation to fix other countries issues, but they have no obligation to colonize other countries either
The problem is some ethnics refuse to integrate.
The problem is some ethnics refuse to integrate.
the ones that refuse to integrate should be deported. but to say that immigrants are destroying the country would be a stretch. if thats the case then most of the west would already be third world
They will be replaced sooner or later, all it takes is to racemix with ethbics/blacks.
white women still mostly go for white men. white men have the highest SMV so there will always be a large white population
the ones that refuse to integrate should be deported. but to say that immigrants are destroying the country would be a stretch. if thats the case then most of the west would already be third world

white women still mostly go for white men. white men have the highest SMV so there will always be a large white population
The white birthrate is among the lowest in the world alongside chinks.
The white birthrate is among the lowest in the world alongside chinks.
in developed countries birthrates will always plummet. immigrants descendents birthrates will eventually plummet as well as they become more educated and are already undesired by other ethnic women
It's all a scheme to increase their ego and keep their power by creating alliances with groups that have zero power, it possesses the subtle duality of showing you have empathy but in reality are just inflating your ego.
Didn't Malcom X talk say this about liberals too?
Didn't Malcom X talk say this about liberals too?
In this deceitful American game of power politics, the Negroes (i.e., the race problem, the integration and civil rights issues) are nothing but tools, used by one group of whites called Liberals against another group of whites called Conservatives, either to get into power or to remain in power. Among whites here in America, the political teams are no longer divided into Democrats and Republicans. The whites who are now struggling for control of the American political throne are divided into "liberal" and "conservative" camps. The white liberals from both parties cross party lines to work together toward the same goal, and white conservatives from both parties do likewise.
The white liberal differs from the white conservative only in one way: the liberal is more deceitful than the conservative. The liberal is more hypocritical than the conservative. Both want power, but the white liberal is the one who has perfected the art of posing as the Negro's friend and benefactor; and by winning the friendship, allegiance, and support of the Negro, the white liberal is able to use the Negro as a pawn or tool in this political "football game" that is constantly raging between the white liberals and white conservatives.
Politically the American Negro is nothing but a football and the white liberals control this mentally dead ball through tricks of tokenism: false promises of integration and civil rights. In this profitable game of deceiving and exploiting the political politician of the American Negro, those white liberals have the willing cooperation of the Negro civil rights leaders. These "leaders" sell out our people for just a few crumbs of token recognition and token gains. These "leaders" are satisfied with token victories and token progress because they themselves are nothing but token leaders.
Me and my dad had a discussion about this exact topic.

He said that he at least respects racist conservatives more because at least they will be more likely to announce there hatred rather than hiding it and pretending to be your friend
i feel sorry for that worker that got fired tbh, must be during blm era , but all replacement bullsheit sound like cope tbh. id say drop the political stuffs tbh its ruining your mind making u needlessly angry for no reason, are u ok with coping with it til u old ? im saying this as oldcel its not something that would impact u in your life time even if all that is true (which i highly doubt) u prob dead before any of it.
your chances of encountering anyone like this is low and whites cant be "genocided" just through immigration. and you all have a much better quality of life than other races even with all of this factored in. so I cant empathize or relate, sorry
You seriously underestimate the depravity of the average shitskin mind. The shitskin is like a cockroach, wallowing in it's filth and hating on people better than it. All shitskins want to murder white men and rape white women indiscriminately(even you btw you are just not honest). All white hatred towards shitskins is completely justified. Shitskins should be allowed in white spaces.
Buddy America went from 90% white to 58% white in less than 60 years and that's not counting illegals and arabs. And back in the 60s and 70s people were actually somewhat racist and America was still majority white so they could actually vote against it. Nowadays anti-racism is the new religion for 50% of white people and there's a horde of brownoids on top of that who know democracy is a racial headcount and want to import more people for their side. How do you expect that trend not to continue over the next 60 years, if not drastically accelerate.

Also anti-white is when any pro-white statement immediately gets labeled hatespeech, white lives mtter, it's ok to be white, the 14 words. None of these are actually offensive and the people uttering them would be considered great civil rights activists if we replaced the word white with black. That's just a tiny fraction of the greater anti-white zeitgeist we live in today but should be enough to prove it's existence.
Being ugly is the worst fate of all.
Only ugly people face real discrimination.
You seriously underestimate the depravity of the average shitskin mind. The shitskin is like a cockroach, wallowing in it's filth and hating on people better than it. All shitskins want to murder white men and rape white women indiscriminately(even you btw you are just not honest). All white hatred towards shitskins is completely justified. Shitskins should be allowed in white spaces.
dnr. youll never be accepted by whites buddy
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dnr. youll never be accepted by whites buddy
And I don't want to be. Being white is very hard with all these subhuman deathnic cockroaches hounding you at every point of your life and being forced to live alongside niggers.
And I don't want to be. Being white is very hard with all these subhuman deathnic cockroaches hounding you at every point of your life and being forced to live alongside niggers.
you dont have to like shitskins and you can self-hate all you want. but worshipping whites is gay af if you arent white yourself
you dont have to like shitskins and you can self-hate all you want. but worshipping whites is gay af if you arent white yourself
I LOVE being curry. There are no shitskins or nigger apes in Curryland. I don't worship whites, I am just sympathetic to their plight of having to host niggers, spics and other shitskin apes in their countries.
There are no shitskins or nigger apes in Curryland.
buddy boyo, shitskins means anyone with brown skin. curries are included you know that right?
I don't worship whites, I am just sympathetic to their plight of having to host niggers, spics and other shitskin apes in their countries.
Ive had bad experiences with all races but in different ways. whites it was more indirect. with the other races I cant tolerate living with. overall Ive become misanthropic meaning I just hate people/normies in general regardless of race
buddy boyo, shitskins means anyone with brown skin. curries are included you know that right?
Off course. Curries are the Deathnic Incarnate.
Ive had bad experiences with all races but in different ways. whites it was more indirect. with the other races I cant tolerate living with. overall Ive become misanthropic meaning I just hate people/normies in general regardless of race
Don't know what you are exactly trying to convey but for me as a curry the only way I can lead a good life is being surrounded by my own. It's the same for whites but access to white people and communities is an inalienable right in the shitskin mind hence whites cannot form homogenous communities. No peace for white guys, no reprieve at all.
They are just racist my friend. They hate having to treat non-whites equally. They never have and they never will.
where is this supposed "anti-whiteness" happening? I just see blacks as getting equal rights and browns not getting hated to death for being brown. does this equal "anti-white" to you? youre the most rich race and you along with jews control the world. youre sheltered from the third world where alot of non-whites suffer alot. be thankful (not proud since you didnt choose) you're white. if I were white I wouldnt be "proud", I would just be grateful I dont have it as hard as ethnics. im prepared for all the edgelord replies and insults im gonna get for writing this
Perspective. Life is all about perspective. I feel like im getting wiser with age tbh. If you're ethnic chances are you probably grew up being bombarded with how the whites are the best at everything and your race is little to meaningless so you probably feel angry and bitter about it. But the thing is a white person has never experienced this, their brains never went through any of that. Just like a woman has never experienced the pain of an incel and just assumes they're evil for no reason . Whitecels arent capable of seeing outside of their perspective and thus see attempts at more representation in media as an "attack" or "replacement". But at the same time ethnics also can't see from outside of their perspective, because they just assume being white would solve all of their lifes problems and give them beckies when in reality only the top tier whites get beckies anyway.
Perspective. Life is all about perspective. I feel like im getting wiser with age tbh. If you're ethnic chances are you probably grew up being bombarded with how the whites are the best at everything and your race is little to meaningless so you probably feel angry and bitter about it. But the thing is a white person has never experienced this, their brains never went through any of that. Just like a woman has never experienced the pain of an incel and just assumes they're evil for no reason . Whitecels arent capable of seeing outside of their perspective and thus see attempts at more representation in media as an "attack" or "replacement". But at the same time ethnics also can't see from outside of their perspective, because they just assume being white would solve all of their lifes problems and give them beckies when in reality only the top tier whites get beckies anyway.
ah. high iq response
Buddy America went from 90% white to 58% white in less than 60 years and that's not counting illegals and arabs. And back in the 60s and 70s people were actually somewhat racist and America was still majority white so they could actually vote against it. Nowadays anti-racism is the new religion for 50% of white people and there's a horde of brownoids on top of that who know democracy is a racial headcount and want to import more people for their side. How do you expect that trend not to continue over the next 60 years, if not drastically accelerate.

Also anti-white is when any pro-white statement immediately gets labeled hatespeech, white lives mtter, it's ok to be white, the 14 words. None of these are actually offensive and the people uttering them would be considered great civil rights activists if we replaced the word white with black. That's just a tiny fraction of the greater anti-white zeitgeist we live in today but should be enough to prove it's existence.
theres hordes upon hordes of spics that are stealing and raping, they don't even have the ability to learn other languages.
Dnr disgusting shitskin
Just mob rob the only store in you're 'hood bro...
where is this supposed "anti-whiteness" happening? I just see blacks as getting equal rights and browns not getting hated to death for being brown. does this equal "anti-white" to you? youre the most rich race and you along with jews control the world. youre sheltered from the third world where alot of non-whites suffer alot. be thankful (not proud since you didnt choose) you're white. if I were white I wouldnt be "proud", I would just be grateful I dont have it as hard as ethnics. im prepared for all the edgelord replies and insults im gonna get for writing this
I notice some news threads from universirt professors writing that the world will be better if white people became extinct, several of them actually.
theres hordes upon hordes of spics that are stealing and raping, they don't even have the ability to learn other languages.
This, sometimes I would ask myself, how can someone come to a new country and not learn the official language there?

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