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Blackpill "i know plenty of autistic people with bad social skills who have GFs and sleep around" debunked



Disregard my larping efforts. I can’t change it.
Sep 26, 2019
When you bring up how autistic guys can't find a relationship or lose their virginity to save their life, this is a common argument by faggots like IT and other dumbfuckers. Let's address some shit

1. Anecdotes aren't evidence.

These are just merely unverifiable anecdotes. They can say whatever they want and they can lie and make up fake anecdotes or highly exaggerated ones. Also, they could have memory bias. They probably met MANY MORE autistic guys who are permavirgins. they might not remember them because these guys never told them they never had a GF or sex before. and many virgins don't like to admit they're virgins, and many relationship virgins don't like to admit they're relationship virgins. additionally, it depends on what autists they met. These people be the unusual autists who have more social experiences than most autists and who are more sociable at achieving basic social experiences, and these people who use such anecdotes are thus more likely to meet these kinds of autists. The usual autists are reclusive, struggle to find jobs, didn't go to uni or even community college, and often live with parents and might not go out much or have friends to maintain a social life. As a result, thats why autistic people are rare to encounter in everyday settings. I usually only meet autists when I'm in some autistic program. In everyday settings i very rarely meet them (almost never) unless they're borderline NT or something. These people who use such anecdotes may have only met those autists for the most part. For the sake of this thread, let's call them "popular autists", because these autists, whether they're very high functioning or not, have more social experiences or are able to accomplish more socially than most other autists.

2. Studies show that autistic men are FAR less likely to experience relationships or sex or even a first kiss. Other studies replicate this same result. And ones who experience it often experience it way less often than NTs do.

Keep in mind that these are self report surveys and autists can lie and say they had sex or relationships before when they haven't because they can say what they want. In fact, the percentage of virgins could be higher than what CDC or other national surveys show because it's all self report and many virgins never like to admit they're virgins. Also, some of the guys who say they've had a GF might even count chicks they've had only a first date with because many autistic people, as far as i can tell, often might misperceive acquintances as friends or people they see briefly from time to time as friends and i won't be shocked if they perceive a person they had one or two dates or even a mere kiss with as a girlfriend. That's possibly why the percentage in one of the studies who claim to have had sex is lower than the ones who claim to have had a GF before. Also, many autism studies might have severe selection biases. For example, autism studies on autists tend to lack autistic participants who have learning disabilities even though 50% of autists have learning disability. Autists with an intellectual disability also are severley underrepresented in most autism research too.

Most autistic guys are reclusive, lack sociablitiy, struggle getting jobs, live with parents, don't go to uni or just sit in their room playing videogames or doing other isolated things, most are socially isolated and aren't the talkative types. Most prolly don't even ENCOUNTER autism study recruitments or online surveys. they probably wouldn't bother responding either. So it's hard to contact people with autism for studying them. In fact, unless you join an autistic program for people with autism, it's hard to meet the USUAL type of autists.

The autists who respond to these surveys prolly are popular autists. The type of autists you see on social media who have tons of followers and post about autism advocacy and how they mask a lot and shit are the popular autists who have decent social skills and know how to easily gather many followers online and shit. Hell, i am almost certain that most autistic guys don't even know what wrongplanet.net or r/autism is and probably never used those forums, so even those forums are unrelaible for knowing what most autistic people are like or how to know how many autists enter relationships or some shit.

For example, almost 2 months ago, i met some couple at a house party for metalheads where we saw metal bands play, and they're both non-binary and autistic and have adhd too. they smoke, take psychedleic drugs and one of them told me he has been on drugs since the age of 10. Some studies might show autistic people might take drugs to self-medicate, but most autistic people probably don't at all. They might not even know what fucking shrooms or molly or something are. Shit, they might not know what cocaine is for all i know. i bet most autistic guys barely smoke weed either. they have no social life and could never contact people to get these drugs from. but this dude, he instead has a social life and is in a poly relationship and has multiple additional partners, and crossdresses and engages in BDSM and shit. Hardly any autistic guys know any of this shit if i had to guess.

and i read up to 70% of autistic people mask. Maybe 70% of autistic WOMEN mask but autistic men? trust me, of all the autistic GUYS you'll meet, most can't mask to save their life. their behavior REEKS of autism as they are in public. most display really awkward behavior in public unless they're really high-functioning or have passable social skills. most can't act normatively.

these studies have probably sampling biases, and i read people who respond to sexual surveys are more sexually experienced than peple in general, i bet autists who respond to these surveys are more experienced than most autists, inflating the results, i bet the percentages who exerpeiced relationships and sex is PROBABLY LOWER than what the already low percentages in studies suggest.


As a guy with super good memory skills and who met TONS of autists in programs, classes, and other places specificalyy for autistic people where you meet USUAL autists, i promise you that only 5% of them at best had a GF. and the ones who did were often very good with social skills or borderline NT or at least had passable social skills. hell, one was 6'6 and white and the other met a hot NT chick in HS and is still together 4 years later but he met her in HIGH SCHOOL the easiest time to ascend and he was 6'1, white and decent looking and pretty good socially. I bet you the vast majority are still loveless virgins to this day, and if they aren't, they probably aren't that experienced at all. these guys might not admit to being virgins, but ask what foreplay is or something and they prolly won't know, and that will show you they're lying. i asked a few about their experiences and they had none. Hell, a guy i know with autism told me implicitly he never dated in HS or college, but after college tried speed dating but got only a couple dates of 200 women he speed dated but it didn't lead to second dates and he tried dating but it never led much to additional dates. he once lost his V card at around age 25 to a chick he played volleyball with, but he hasn't really had much experience other than that brief fuck buddy of his. He doesn't date anymore and never had a GF and is 35.

@bigantennaemay1 thoughts?
Being autistic is as bad as being short bald or ugly.
What, an autistic male who got lucky in years like 2007 and shit before female standards got high? I bet that is what they mean. Female standards are higher compared to back in the days, maybe they were still high but now it’s worse.
autistic chad = quirky
autistic sub 5 = retard
What, an autistic male who got lucky in years like 2007 and shit before female standards got high? I bet that is what they mean. Female standards are higher compared to back in the days, maybe they were still high but now it’s worse.
Even back then it was difficult
Based. Being autistic is like being ugly [UWSL](facial asymmetry) a[/UWSL][UWSL]nd/or manlet.[/UWSL]
Autistics were victims of bullying due to their social ineptitude, nor did they have a girlfriend because they failed in NT. For a foid to be your girlfriend you must first pass the physical appearance filter and then the NT filter.
[UWSL]It only applies to medically diagnosed autistics and not to fearful, cowardly and timid men[/UWSL]
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when they use the term ''autistic'' they probably mean shy
see thread from racecoping faggot @Edmund_Kemper , ctrl+f "white" oh look what do you know

fuck off you stupid fucking trash nigger bitch
see thread from racecoping faggot @Edmund_Kemper , ctrl+f "white" oh look what do you know

fuck off you stupid fucking trash nigger bitch
JBW theory is real you stormfrontcel faggot
see thread from racecoping faggot @Edmund_Kemper , ctrl+f "white" oh look what do you know

fuck off you stupid fucking trash nigger bitch
Whoa, this gimmickposter has kept it going for two whole months!
Let me side with him against the guy who consistently posts quality threads.
Whoa, this gimmickposter has kept it going for two whole months!
Let me side with him against the guy who consistently posts quality threads.
every single thread he posts is some slander against white people. fuck you too you stupid nigger
every single thread he posts is some slander against white people. fuck you too you stupid nigger
He just recalled his experience of witnessing tall whites get pussy.

This is just a neutral a statement as saying "I went to a mall and there were women with bags going to their parking slot".

You are a schizo if "6'6 white autist got pussy" sends you into a fit of rage.
He just recalled his experience of witnessing tall whites get pussy.

This is just a neutral a statement as saying "I went to a mall and there were women with bags going to their parking slot".

You are a schizo if "6'6 white autist got pussy" sends you into a fit of rage.
White guys get all the girls so much evidence for it
85% of couples on my campus are white but whites are half my campus population
I refuse to elaborate any further about JBW without my lawyer present.
Good post, the cope needs to stop, it's important to be NT.
More female ASD individuals were homosexual
And i hoped that i could score with some autistic girl.
when they use the term ''autistic'' they probably mean shy
yeah. Every man without a gf is "autistic" nowadays jfl
The fact of the matter is, even if the anecdotes that IT and other people who pipe on about "autistics" they know who've gotten laid or into a relationship are true, and that's a huge if that I refuse to give them the benefit of the doubt on, they do ignore the vast majority of us who are shit out of luck. Guys like me have always slipped under the radar. I've spoken before about the living hell that was my grade school years where I was completely socially isolated and ostracized, save for the negative attention I received from bullies, and even here, on a forum of supposed outcasts, have had that issue handwaved away as not being a big deal. People don't notice us; they don't care to notice us. They wish we didn't exist. But I notice us. I've seen other autistic men, who I could tell were as afflicted as I am, and you know what? People don't pay them any mind. And that's the real harm.

I may be autistic, and I may have extreme difficulty reading body language and social situations, and as such, my disability may render me unable to fully realize how the people around me perceive me to be. But I've seen how people treat the autistic men who are as afflicted as I am. They treat them with disdain. They treat them like they have leprosy. They skirt around them in public and try to put as much distance as possible between them, and foids flinch if the autistic men make any sort of motions or movements that are unexpected (like stimming, for example), out of the normal, or close that distance they're so keen on keeping. And these observations are completely consistent with my own experiences and interactions with other people. The only time people have ever socially engaged with me throughout my life has been to bully me or virtue signal their "acceptance," i.e. tolerance, of my presence. People don't treat us like human beings. Even here, many of the NTs who frequent this forum treat us as subhumans, as being beneath them, i.e. giving us labels such as "fakecel," so as to dehumanize us by robbing us of our experiences and our struggles, and saying that our mental illnesses are illegitimate and a product of an (admittedly true) out-of-control (((psychiatric))) field which is more interested in diagnosing as many cases as they can rather than actually providing treatment to those who need it. Overdiagnosis does not render the very real mental illnesses that some of us do struggle with as fiction.

Men and foids alike treat us like dirt. If you have autism and you're not high functioning enough, normal enough, and meeting the minimum social functioning standards ingrained biologically in human beings, then you're not seen as human, simple enough. And if you're not seen as human, then you're not given any opportunities for living a fulfilling life that all humans are granted. You are not given any opportunity for developing a meaningful career, you are not given any opportunities for developing meaningful social relationships and friendships, and you are especially never given a single opportunity to fall in love and explore the carnal pleasures of the human condition with the opposite sex. Race, face, height, these are all cope, if you are not NT enough to be considered a full human being. You will forever be viewed as the genetic reject you were born to be, and no amount of masking will ever change that. And can personally attest to that, as after having spent, nay, dedicated, over a decade of my life to trying to learn how to be normal, what set me apart from other people and how to fix or hide it, and learning to "mask," I have made zero progress in the areas of life that matter: career, friends, and sexual intimacy. People can tell there's something "wrong" with you, and will forever hold you to your subhuman status.

The autists that these deniers see, assuming they aren't lying through their teeth, are not the socially maladjusted autists who go completely ignored as the untermensch beneath their feet. These are the "autists" who never should have received this diagnosis in the first place, who are NT enough to pass as normal, their awkwardness and "quirky" traits being perceived as a disability, while those of us who are truly disabled are thrown to the curb and forgotten. Don't forget, that it was only a few decades ago they had people like us given lifelong sentences in mental "asylums" (prisons) for the "crime" of being born different, for being born unable to socialize properly with other human beings. Just because we are no longer locked in padded cells doesn't mean the public perception of us has changed; it hasn't. We are still treated by everyone, high or low status, as demonstrated even on this forum day after day, as the lowest of the low, dirt beneath their feet, worthy of no acknowledgement of the humanity that we do, indeed, possess, as much as they may protest otherwise. The proverbial "autistic man who made it" does not represent us, but rather, represents the socially acceptable ideal of what a disability really is, according to the public's naive understanding of the true nature of our disability. And that's all it will ever be: an ideal.

@Fat Link If I may, I'd like to leave this comment as a response to this post, as it sums up my opinion of the topic I was asked to give. But I'd also like to make it as its own separate post so it doesn't get buried as a comment, if that would be alright.
Being autistic is as bad as being short bald or ugly.
I'd argue it's worse. Aside from the damning statistics showing a rough 80% of autistic males never ascending in the least and comparing that to any other demographic which can't match these numbers, we aren't seen as human at all, and are the lowest portion of society, in terms of status.

It wasn't bald people or short people who, only decades ago, were locked away in padded cages just for the way we were born.

Autistics were victims of bullying due to their social ineptitude, nor did they have a girlfriend because they failed in NT. For a foid to be your girlfriend you must first pass the physical appearance filter and then the NT filter.
Fits right in line with the statistics showing 63% of bully victims are autistic, for sure.

when they use the term ''autistic'' they probably mean shy
More than likely, if they're being truthful at all. People love to lie, foids love to lie even more, and those with an agenda to push will lie the most. IT most certainly have an agenda ( :bluepill: ) to push, as otherwise, their entire narrative crumbles beneath their feet.

JBW theory is real you stormfrontcel faggot
I'm a stormfrontcel. :feelsseriously: And JBW is a cope, certainly in the liberal way it's thrown about across this forum as if being white is the cure-all to all ailments and no white person, NT or no, can be incel. :feelsseriously: I'm white, I'm autistic, and I'm a truer incel than 90% of the registered users here, it sure as fuck hasn't saved me. And I'll tell you what, there are NT white truecels out there, same as any pajeet or rice that wants to bitch and moan about muh whitey on this forum as a means to be a bigger victim than they really are.

Incels exist across all races, and just because your average foid will pick your average white over your average curry doesn't mean whites can't be incels, that is the most blatant abuse of scientific statistics and the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy I have ever seen outside of IT. Don't be one of those people. :feelsseriously:
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Most autistic guys are reclusive, lack sociablitiy, struggle getting jobs, live with parents, don't go to uni or just sit in their room playing videogames or doing other isolated things, most are socially isolated and aren't the talkative types.
And this is all despite spending over a decade of my life trying to be the opposite of this, trying to learn how to socialize with others, make friends, acquaintances, professional connections, and getting a girlfriend, and failing utterly at it all. I didn't wind up stuck in my bedroom at my father's house for lack of effort; I wound up imprisoned here by a society that has resoundly rejected me as a human being like them. I'm not allowed to succeed at any aspect of my life because I'm a genetic reject, a "curse" upon their "perfect" genome.

I'll tell you what the true curse is: it's being born with this disease and having no say in the matter whatsoever.
Society is rotten to the Core where Woman can BE anything have flaws and are valued regardless , and man have to fit their ridiculous Standards to Be accepted . Fucking hypocrits , the Goal of this Lif
The fact of the matter is, even if the anecdotes that IT and other people who pipe on about "autistics" they know who've gotten laid or into a relationship are true, and that's a huge if that I refuse to give them the benefit of the doubt on, they do ignore the vast majority of us who are shit out of luck. Guys like me have always slipped under the radar. I've spoken before about the living hell that was my grade school years where I was completely socially isolated and ostracized, save for the negative attention I received from bullies, and even here, on a forum of supposed outcasts, have had that issue handwaved away as not being a big deal. People don't notice us; they don't care to notice us. They wish we didn't exist. But I notice us. I've seen other autistic men, who I could tell were as afflicted as I am, and you know what? People don't pay them any mind. And that's the real harm.

I may be autistic, and I may have extreme difficulty reading body language and social situations, and as such, my disability may render me unable to fully realize how the people around me perceive me to be. But I've seen how people treat the autistic men who are as afflicted as I am. They treat them with disdain. They treat them like they have leprosy. They skirt around them in public and try to put as much distance as possible between them, and foids flinch if the autistic men make any sort of motions or movements that are unexpected (like stimming, for example), out of the normal, or close that distance they're so keen on keeping. And these observations are completely consistent with my own experiences and interactions with other people. The only time people have ever socially engaged with me throughout my life has been to bully me or virtue signal their "acceptance," i.e. tolerance, of my presence. People don't treat us like human beings. Even here, many of the NTs who frequent this forum treat us as subhumans, as being beneath them, i.e. giving us labels such as "fakecel," so as to dehumanize us by robbing us of our experiences and our struggles, and saying that our mental illnesses are illegitimate and a product of an (admittedly true) out-of-control (((psychiatric))) field which is more interested in diagnosing as many cases as they can rather than actually providing treatment to those who need it. Overdiagnosis does not render the very real mental illnesses that some of us do struggle with as fiction.

Men and foids alike treat us like dirt. If you have autism and you're not high functioning enough, normal enough, and meeting the minimum social functioning standards ingrained biologically in human beings, then you're not seen as human, simple enough. And if you're not seen as human, then you're not given any opportunities for living a fulfilling life that all humans are granted. You are not given any opportunity for developing a meaningful career, you are not given any opportunities for developing meaningful social relationships and friendships, and you are especially never given a single opportunity to fall in love and explore the carnal pleasures of the human condition with the opposite sex. Race, face, height, these are all cope, if you are not NT enough to be considered a full human being. You will forever be viewed as the genetic reject you were born to be, and no amount of masking will ever change that. And can personally attest to that, as after having spent, nay, dedicated, over a decade of my life to trying to learn how to be normal, what set me apart from other people and how to fix or hide it, and learning to "mask," I have made zero progress in the areas of life that matter: career, friends, and sexual intimacy. People can tell there's something "wrong" with you, and will forever hold you to your subhuman status.

The autists that these deniers see, assuming they aren't lying through their teeth, are not the socially maladjusted autists who go completely ignored as the untermensch beneath their feet. These are the "autists" who never should have received this diagnosis in the first place, who are NT enough to pass as normal, their awkwardness and "quirky" traits being perceived as a disability, while those of us who are truly disabled are thrown to the curb and forgotten. Don't forget, that it was only a few decades ago they had people like us given lifelong sentences in mental "asylums" (prisons) for the "crime" of being born different, for being born unable to socialize properly with other human beings. Just because we are no longer locked in padded cells doesn't mean the public perception of us has changed; it hasn't. We are still treated by everyone, high or low status, as demonstrated even on this forum day after day, as the lowest of the low, dirt beneath their feet, worthy of no acknowledgement of the humanity that we do, indeed, possess, as much as they may protest otherwise. The proverbial "autistic man who made it" does not represent us, but rather, represents the socially acceptable ideal of what a disability really is, according to the public's naive understanding of the true nature of our disability. And that's all it will ever be: an ideal.

@Fat Link If I may, I'd like to leave this comment as a response to this post, as it sums up my opinion of the topic I was asked to give. But I'd also like to make it as its own separate post so it doesn't get buried as a comment, if that would be alright.

e i think , is to loose your Ego completely so you can stop caring About the judgment of Others.
is to loose your Ego completely so you can stop caring About the judgment of Others.
It's difficult to stop caring about the judgment of others, however, when it negatively impacts your copes. They've ruined video games, they've ruined metal music, and my inability to establish a career makes it difficult to afford my most valued cope: THC.

Not to mention, it's fairly difficult to forget about the boot they're pressing down on your neck. :feelsUgh:
It's difficult to stop caring about the judgment of others, however, when it negatively impacts your copes. They've ruined video games, they've ruined metal music, and my inability to establish a career makes it difficult to afford my most valued cope: THC.

Not to mention, it's fairly difficult to forget about the boot they're pressing down on your neck. :feelsUgh:
You wouldnt have to Mask" yourself anymore , People Like to judge because they Like to have controll over Others that they dont have themselfs. But You only Life once and when your dead Nobody gives a Shit , aquaintances attend your sorry das grave once . Your Family maybe fith . And thats IT , after that you are completely forgotten and Not even an afterthought. Mght aswell embrace your flaws , and Just Be"
You wouldnt have to Mask" yourself anymore , People Like to judge because they Like to have controll over Others that they dont have themselfs. But You only Life once and when your dead Nobody gives a Shit , aquaintances attend your sorry das grave once . Your Family maybe fith . And thats IT , after that you are completely forgotten and Not even an afterthought. Mght aswell embrace your flaws , and Just Be"
While true, it still neglects to acknowledge the rightful rage I feel at the infiltration and destruction of my favorite copes, and the inability to afford the best cope. I'll worry about unmasking when I don't have to worry about my next paycheck.
I'd argue it's worse. Aside from the damning statistics showing a rough 80% of autistic males never ascending in the least and comparing that to any other demographic which can't match these numbers, we aren't seen as human at all, and are the lowest portion of society, in terms of status.

It wasn't bald people or short people who, only decades ago, were locked away in padded cages just for the way we were born.
I'd argue it's worse. Aside from the damning statistics showing a rough 80% of autistic males never ascending in the least and comparing that to any other demographic which can't match these numbers, we aren't seen as human at all, and are the lowest portion of society, in terms of status.

It wasn't bald people or short people who, only decades ago, were locked away in padded cages just for the way we were born.

Fits right in line with the statistics showing 63% of bully victims are autistic, for sure.

More than likely, if they're being truthful at all. People love to lie, foids love to lie even more, and those with an agenda to push will lie the most. IT most certainly have an agenda ( :bluepill: ) to push, as otherwise, their entire narrative crumbles beneath their feet.

I'm a stormfrontcel. :feelsseriously: And JBW is a cope, certainly in the liberal way it's thrown about across this forum as if being white is the cure-all to all ailments and no white person, NT or no, can be incel. :feelsseriously: I'm white, I'm autistic, and I'm a truer incel than 90% of the registered users here, it sure as fuck hasn't saved me. And I'll tell you what, there are NT white truecels out there, same as any pajeet or rice that wants to bitch and moan about muh whitey on this forum as a means to be a bigger victim than they really are.

Incels exist across all races, and just because your average foid will pick your average white over your average curry doesn't mean whites can't be incels, that is the most blatant abuse of scientific statistics and the Texas Sharpshooter fallacy I have ever seen outside of IT. Don't be one of those people. :feelsseriously:
NT white guys have to be real ugly to be incel. If he’s average he has relatively high SMV already
Autism is a death sentence to anyone below chadlite
No, I didn't. I said "low value males." If I meant "normies," I would have said "normies."
ugly white guys are an exception but they gotta be really ugly. any white guy over a 4.5/10 can easily ascend unless he's autistic.
A 4/10 guy could have a chance if he’s white and at least 6’2
Was Edmund Kemper a 4/10? I am only talking about his face.

Agree. I kinda look like him; I have a bigger nose but better eye area and I am only 5‘11. Am I an Incel?
I need a pic of you in dm
I need a pic of you in dm
Nah, I am a 4/10 at best with an height of 5‘11. My white skin won’t help me. Just today I saw an ca. 40 yo ethnic with a nice beard together with his 30yo white becky gf.
And can personally attest to that, as after having spent, nay, dedicated, over a decade of my life to trying to learn how to be normal, what set me apart from other people and how to fix or hide it, and learning to "mask," I have made zero progress in the areas of life that matter: career, friends, and sexual intimacy. People can tell there's something "wrong" with you, and will forever hold you to your subhuman status.
I don't know if i am autistic or not, as I have never met a psychologist nor do I have any penchant for that.

What you said kinda gloomed the day for me.

Nearing the 30 yo mark, I was never able to make a single friend no matter how much I socialmaxxed, clothesmaxxed, and all the other unsuccessful attempts.

Always picked last in the teams' sport during HS, always the one with no teammates on group assignments during college, always the one eating lunch alone at work.
I loath the moment my coworkers organise some afterwork. The etiquette obliges me to attend, but either I am sitting alone at the far away table or people try to avoid me and are visibly annoyed when I seat myself in the middle. They have no way to escape my gaze :feelshaha:.

There is some event organized tomorrow at my workplace, I'll probably call sick again. I refuse to subject myself to further humiliation.

People seem to be annoyed by my presence alone, it's a soul shattering feeling and thoughout my life, this one conclusion holds true "There is nothing I can do about it".

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