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I think I killed tinder and solved the incel crisis



Jan 13, 2022
Gentlemen, as many of you know, since the advent of online dating 20% of males have managed to hoard 80% of the women via soft-harems kept alive by the looks, money and status of those males. In this brave new world a woman can install tinder, order chad cock like one would order a pizza, put that chad in her contact lists , and bounce between chads in her Dms until she hits 30 and wants a man to “man up”.

Women who participate in tinder’s incel-money-siphon scheme are essentially part of a harem controlled by tinder devs. On tinder, women get the red carpet rolled out for them in order to retain female users at the expense of male users. For example, you will get banned on tinder for saying you wont have anything to do with fat women and want just your looksmatch. The thing is: foids know men in this system are hurting, they just don’t care. No doubt many of those sadistic fucks actually GET OFF on this fact that we are hurting. Another thing is that there are many scam artists and manipulative foids who will use you for nothing but food or try to get you to pay gas then run away. Tinder has no avenue to punish foids who do this.

I think its time to accept that: For the vast majority of non-chad males, interaction with women involves money in one way or another. On the virtual front, Massive companies like twitch, Onlyfans, tinder,instagram, among others have made BILLIONS of dollars using women as the carrot on the stick in order to exploit and scam lonely young males(incels), in their sexual prime, out of their money with little to nothing in return. It has gotten so bad that some people have even called modern dating “a loose form of prostitution”.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of incels lack looks, but EVERY incel has some* money. Mind you, not much money usually, but unless we were very fortunate in life we are at least forced to wagie cagie to put a roof over our heads. Most of us still spend money on copes like games and for some of us: escorts. If all of us pooled our money together into a massive pile, we could use it as leverage to get the time of day in the dating market. If we could “crowdfund” a harem, we could drive the price of pussy down and get some of the leverage back that Big tech companies,the porn industry, and the government has taken from us.

After mulling it over I asked myself the question: “why not dating/hookup app that accepts the blackpill reality of human sexual dynamics in an morally ethical and non-exploitative way?”

After thinking it over, I think its actually possible to implement this app. And If implemented correctly, this could :
  • change the way men and women interact for the better
  • drive the cost of pussy down to nothing (currently escorts are charging 2-3 hundred dollars+ PER HOUR. No roastie is worth that much money)
  • give truly ugly people(mostly men,but some women too) a FREE way to get sex and possibly start relationships
The app works roughly like this:

  • All males/unverified users have to pay an upfront amount of money(50-60 per month) to buy time in the app. All the money men spend( 50-60) dollars/month gets put in a “pool”. When your time runs out you will be prompted to pay again and if you fail to pay, your account gets disabled and can be renabled once you pay.
  • Female users who get their gender verified(we don’t want catfishing), can use the app free of charge . If a female refuses to verify her gender she also has to pay to get in but at a much higher rate (100-200 dollars/month)
  • Once logged in, the interface will probably look similar tinder, it will be swipe based, but there will be limited filter options. ALL users will have a balance of “roses” and when swiping will be shown other users in a uniformly random way.
    • If a user A swipes LEFT on user B, The system will award user B, with a single “rose”
    • If a user A swipes RIGHT on user B, The system will remove a single “rose” from B’s balance
    • If user A and user B both swipe RIGHT on each other there is a “match” and then they can workout where to meet and , optionally, a transaction for roses upon meeting.
      • For example lets say you match with a roastie, you put up an offer of “roses” and she accepts, the system remembers this offer.
      • There will be an interface for you to haggle the fee
    • Once you meet up, User A scans a secret QR code generated by User B and the “roses” get transferred. User A and User B fuck or whatever. Everybody is happy(theoretically).

“roses” will be tradable for dollars. Users with excess “roses” can use them to buy more time in the system, meaning ugly truecels will essentially get a free ride while the more attractive normie users will continue to pay into the system. If a user verifies themselves they can even WITHDRAW their “roses” for money at any time.

In conclusion,

This app is basically a wealth redistribution scheme where INCELS take money from normies and puts it in the pocket of sub-5 males which we can then either withdraw or use as leverage to BUY foids.


The thing is, If enough betas and sub-5 men lock enough cash into the system foids will BE FORCED TO PAY ATTENTION TO IT :ahegao::ahegao:

If even a fraction of simps stopped spending money on feet pics on onlyfans and payed money into this, it would collapse the pussy bubble and foids would be powerless once again!!:feelshaha::feelshaha:





Yeah its illegal, that's why this app cannot be owned by any one person. Ideally, it would be a protocol, and would be put on the blockchain in some way.
"Roses" would just be a token, and could be traded for USDT/USDC in a decentralized exchange. So basically to make an account men would have to pay in USDT/USDC/or DAI so it can be pooled.


To cut to the chase the main idea is to get 80% of low status males to crowdfund a harem disguised as a dating app. This dating app lets betas/incels leverage a pool of money to get guys who get swiped left on a boost in the system making it more likely that sub-5s can at least get their looksmatch and Truecels will basically get neetbux from this app,by cashing in their roses, since nobody will probably match you anyway.:blackpill::blackpill:

With this app Even if you can't get your looksmatch in your area, you can STILL BE PAID to fuck fat ugly subhuman foids .:feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
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even the tldr is too long 4 me to read
Retarded. Back to the gulags.
Went chadfishing yesterday, didn't get much likes because every female bio was;
Oh too lazy to swipe teeehee, hmu on Instagram
Retarded. Back to the gulags.
So cutting out the pimps , tech bros , and other middle-men by directly Crowfunding a harem is retarded?

What's the alternative?
So you pay a majority of the users to "use" the app? Yea that's not financially viable. Tinder only works because retards don't understand that it's over for them and just keep paying for premium in hopes of getting any choochie.
So you pay a majority of the users to "use" the app? Yea that's not financially viable. Tinder only works because retards don't understand that it's over for them and just keep paying for premium in hopes of getting any choochie.
The idea is to charge men a regular fee to use the app. The money every male spends gets put into a massive "pool" and then when you get swiped left on by foids small parts of the pool of the money goes to back YOU.

All foids can see how many "roses" you have so even if your ugly you can still leverage money you got from left-swipes to BUY the foid.

My thinking is that Ugly men will get shitloads of left-swipes so they will be able to use more of the "pool" to either get pussy or they can simply withdraw.

For ugly guys the app will basically pay for itself.
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The idea is to charge men a regular fee to use the app. The money every male spends gets put into a massive "pool" and then when you get swipped left on by foids small parts of the pool of the money goes to back YOU.

All foids can see how many "roses" you have so even if your ugly you can still leverage money you got from left-swipes to BUY the foid.

My thinking is that Ugly men will get shitloads of left-swipes so they will be able to use more of the "pool" to either get pussy or they can simply withdraw.

For ugly guys the app will basically pay for itself.

This is actually a good idea
The idea is to charge men a regular fee to use the app. The money every male spends gets put into a massive "pool" and then when you get swipped left on by foids small parts of the pool of the money goes to back YOU.

All foids can see how many "roses" you have so even if your ugly you can still leverage money you got from left-swipes to BUY the foid.

My thinking is that Ugly men will get shitloads of left-swipes so they will be able to use more of the "pool" to either get pussy or they can simply withdraw.

For ugly guys the app will basically pay for itself.
Seems very exploitable(made a profile with an ugly guy and just use a bot to swipe right to rake in the cash) and I doubt stockholders will like the idea of giving out protentional revenue to users, assuming that it's a public company.

I know this is just a cope post and I probably sound like an autist for pointing out the flaws but I'm just saying this isn't a very viable business model(which is why tinder doesn't use it)
This is actually a good idea
If enough beta/incels use this app and stop paying for onlyfans and twitch subs this could literally change the face of dating forever.

I'm actually a codecel.

A simple version of this app could be written in a few weeks or months. I'm gonna start a repo.
So cutting out the pimps , tech bros , and other middle-men by directly Crowfunding a harem is retarded?

What's the alternative?
Sexual market communism
Seems very exploitable(made a profile with an ugly guy and just use a bot to swipe right to rake in the cash) and I doubt stockholders will like the idea of giving out protentional revenue to users, assuming that it's a public company.
I already thought about this exploit and alluded to a verification system in the OP.

Basically, in order to withdraw funds you get via left-swipes , users will be forced to verify that they are who they say they are. Basically to get "verified" you have to put pictures of yourself + timestamp at various angles. Users with high numbers of left-swipes and "roses" (incels) will then vote if you are a scammer or not.

Foids will also have to get "verified" in the same way in order to guard against scammers.
Sexual market communism
Right now, Women are sharing chads.
Right now, incels are forced to pay for subsidized abortions and birth control.
Right now, incels have to pay for chads child via welfare.

Women already have communism for themselves.

Crowdfunding a harem is the only thing we can do in response to this without picking up guns and jihadmaxxing
Right now, Women are sharing chads.
Right now, incels are forced to pay for subsidized abortions and birth control.
Right now, incels have to pay for chads child via welfare.

Women already have communism for themselves.

Crowdfunding a harem is the only thing we can do in response to this without picking up guns and jihadmaxxing
Right now we should focus on yielding power by networkmaxxing and moneymaxxing
So, from I can gather, this system allows ugly men to gain money and the other better looking men to gain matches in exchange for their money.

Firstly, the economics of the currency: potential for massive inflation of the currency if the roses are spontaneously generated, since theoretically no right swipes could occur and a lot of lefts. This makes it a very unreliable currency with no merits of investing in it for value sake. Why would I trade USD for a currency to lose value in the future, this is just a worse version of NANO which seems more stable with free transactions. The only real demand would be from people swiping right and aren't getting left swiped. Unfortunately, this growth model is fairly limited thus investors would be very spooked. There's not a huge customer base unless the app really kicks off.

Then an extreme inability to spend roses if they hoarded by incels/ ugly women which just screams ponzi scheme, assuming you somehow disable the inflation.

Tthe value of the currency would be nothing if it is generated so fast (look at Lebanon currency), and the entire system would collapse if the ugly men simply stop spending their roses, if there is no inflation/printing. So, the actual exchange rate for the roses would be constantly decreasing assuming your model of spontaneous generation and investor lack of faith in such an extreme boom bust model.

Second:This system assumes that the foids would choose to use the app at all for substandard men, whilst I suppose that ugly women could make money as well. That would pretty much make it such that the most attractive men would be literally losing money for no reason, except that they are gifted with exclusive dominance relative to the platform (no good looking people would be on there). The main problem with this solution is that if no good looking men are on there, you would require that the compensation to foids be monetary such that you would have the ugliest incels being the most wealthy thus actually targeted, or slightly less ugly for decent money. This is actually a good idea for a prostitution app, the main problem is that prostitution is illegal and eventually you would have to have some sort of built-in XMR stealth technology to avoid governments from tracking your addresses. Then you also have to have buyers with cash that can purchase the token. This would have to take place on the deep-web with virus infested websites constantly due to government sanctions. Multiple VPNs.
Then, monetizing the app for further development is near impossible. Although, this isn't very important assuming you have premined coins.

Third of all: why not just arrest the people coming for in-person dates since they are effectively engaging in prostitution. Easy to do by having a setup with a camera in the bedroom. Then nobody would risk using the app for sex.

Fourth of all, we assume that prostitution is legal. Does this app even work. We have wealthy individuals as incels, who I assume buy the roses at their price of 50 tether which would likely drop very quickly due to inflation. Or panic selling due to hoarders from pure ico which is the conventional crypto mechanic. Then, we have ugly men who are gaining more of them, clearly these people enjoy the system assuming the profits are good and the sex. But, what about normal men, they have I assume been hit very hard by the inflation. Assuming, there are no outside investors, these people will have less money from their initial 50 tether investment. (You can't just print USDT, someone has to lose it unless roses are constantly pumped). These normal men will lose money and the only advantage they have is that they are at the top in this dating app. Now, realistically speaking, is this even worth it when you can just install tinder very easily and freely date a better looking man for free effectively, or get paid more by people who don't get fleeced. It probably is not. This app only works if women seeking matches are too lazy to install tinder or find a paying betabuxx without the rose middleman, and for some reason only use this app. Then the normal men are willing to be fleeced for abusing their temporary dominance. Women will get free money from not having to pay any roses, so again, they screw over the normal men even more.
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How would this solve inceldom? The ugly men might get money sure, but women still wouldn't want to fuck them or even talk to them. Why would anyone want to use a dating app full of ugly people? And I'm pretty sure you would run out of money very quickly if you're paying ugly men to use the app.

It doesn't fix the fundamental problem of women wanting nothing to do with unattractive men.
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Why would women bother using this when they can stay on tinder with the Chads?
Edit: Im gonna respond in parts but edited as I go.
Firstly, the economics of the currency: potential for massive inflation of the currency if the roses are spontaneously generated, since theoretically no right swipes could occur and a lot of lefts. This makes it a very unreliable currency with no merits of investing in it for value sake. Why would I trade USD for a currency to lose value in the future, this is just a worse version of NANO which seems more stable with free transactions. The only real demand would be from people swiping right and aren't getting left swiped. Unfortunately, this growth model is fairly limited thus investors would be very spooked. There's not a huge customer base unless the app really kicks off.

Then an extreme inability to spend roses if they hoarded by incels/ ugly women which just screams ponzi scheme, assuming you somehow disable the inflation.

The value of the currency would be nothing if it is generated so fast (look at Lebanon currency), and the entire system would collapse if the ugly men simply stop spending their roses, if there is no inflation/printing. So, the actual exchange rate for the roses would be constantly decreasing assuming your model of spontaneous generation and investor lack of faith in such an extreme boom bust model.
I guess didn't make the part about "roses" very clear.

What I had in mind is that "roses" are just an alias for USD.
1 "rose" = 1USD.

Men put stable coin into the system. They get a "rose" equivalent. Users who get swiped left on get awarded "roses" which they can then use as leverage for hookups or simply withdraw for USDT/USDC which can then be exchaned for FIAT.

My thinking is that Inflation shouldn't exist If i peg "roses" to USD.

Second:This system assumes that the foids would choose to use the app at all for substandard men, whilst I suppose that ugly women could make money as well. That would pretty much make it such that the most attractive men would be literally losing money for no reason, except that they are gifted with exclusive dominance relative to the platform (no good looking people would be on there). The main problem with this solution is that if no good looking men are on there, you would require that the compensation to foids be monetary such that you would have the ugliest incels being the most wealthy thus actually targeted, or slightly less ugly for decent money. This is actually a good idea for a prostitution app, the main problem is that prostitution is illegal and eventually you would have to have some sort of built-in XMR stealth technology to avoid governments from tracking your addresses. Then you also have to have buyers with cash that can purchase the token. This would have to take place on the deep-web with virus infested websites constantly due to government sanctions. Multiple VPNs.
My thinking is that the majority foids would use the app for the money that incels/betas are locking into the system. This system in theory could even help subhuman foids get matches. Yeah prositiution is illegal which is why the "app" will probably have to be a built on a decentralized protocol. Have you heard of lbry ? its basically a protocol that does cotentent distribution like youtube.The whole thing is decentralized. Nobody can "OWN" the app because we'd get obviously get arrested. And yeah there are privacy concerns for the foids who use it. Monero or something is obviously something to consider.

for men,the main point of the APP is to crowdfund a harem that is favoriable to ugly men, not make money.

Subhuman trucels will make money but for 2+/10 men we can use the money we get from left swipes to buy foids. In my system, Men will ultimately lose money and it will transfered to foids, except WE set the rates based on left-swipes which should drive the cost of pussy down.
Then, monetizing the app for further development is near impossible. Although, this isn't very important assuming you have premined coins.

I was thinking developers could just accept donations. The entire app would have be open-source anyway since nobody can really own it and treat it like a normal business because prostitution illegal.
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Good idea but you expect people to put effort into something, let alone money. That's never going to happen. Also unless you have an authority figure, that limits the free market. There is no chance of your app competing against easier and free options.

Let's assume the best. No other competing dating apps will exist and your app is the only one.
What would stop people from dating on unrelated chatting apps and forums?
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Maybe if prostitution was legal and the roses could be traded for sex with a prostitute this could sorta work. Still has the problem of hemorrhaging money.
Gentlemen, as many of you know, since the advent of online dating 20% of males have managed to hoard 80% of the women via soft-harems kept alive by the looks, money and status of those males. In this brave new world a woman can install tinder, order chad cock like one would order a pizza, put that chad in her contact lists , and bounce between chads in her Dms until she hits 30 and wants a man to “man up”.

Women who participate in tinder’s incel-money-siphon scheme are essentially part of a harem controlled by tinder devs. On tinder, women get the red carpet rolled out for them in order to retain female users at the expense of male users. For example, you will get banned on tinder for saying you wont have anything to do with fat women and want just your looksmatch. The thing is: foids know men in this system are hurting, they just don’t care. No doubt many of those sadistic fucks actually GET OFF on this fact that we are hurting. Another thing is that there are many scam artists and manipulative foids who will use you for nothing but food or try to get you to pay gas then run away. Tinder has no avenue to punish foids who do this.

I think its time to accept that: For the vast majority of non-chad males, interaction with women involves money in one way or another. On the virtual front, Massive companies like twitch, Onlyfans, tinder,instagram, among others have made BILLIONS of dollars using women as the carrot on the stick in order to exploit and scam lonely young males(incels), in their sexual prime, out of their money with little to nothing in return. It has gotten so bad that some people have even called modern dating “a loose form of prostitution”.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of incels lack looks, but EVERY incel has some* money. Mind you, not much money usually, but unless we were very fortunate in life we are at least forced to wagie cagie to put a roof over our heads. Most of us still spend money on copes like games and for some of us: escorts. If all of us pooled our money together into a massive pile, we could use it as leverage to get the time of day in the dating market. If we could “crowdfund” a harem, we could drive the price of pussy down and get some of the leverage back that Big tech companies,the porn industry, and the government has taken from us.

After mulling it over I asked myself the question: “why not dating/hookup app that accepts the blackpill reality of human sexual dynamics in an morally ethical and non-exploitative way?”

After thinking it over, I think its actually possible to implement this app. And If implemented correctly, this could :
  • change the way men and women interact for the better
  • drive the cost of pussy down to nothing (currently escorts are charging 2-3 hundred dollars+ PER HOUR. No roastie is worth that much money)
  • give truly ugly people(mostly men,but some women too) a FREE way to get sex and possibly start relationships
The app works roughly like this:

  • All males/unverified users have to pay an upfront amount of money(50-60 per month) to buy time in the app. All the money men spend( 50-60) dollars/month gets put in a “pool”. When your time runs out you will be prompted to pay again and if you fail to pay, your account gets disabled and can be renabled once you pay.
  • Female users who get their gender verified(we don’t want catfishing), can use the app free of charge . If a female refuses to verify her gender she also has to pay to get in but at a much higher rate (100-200 dollars/month)
  • Once logged in, the interface will probably look similar tinder, it will be swipe based, but there will be limited filter options. ALL users will have a balance of “roses” and when swiping will be shown other users in a uniformly random way.
    • If a user A swipes LEFT on user B, The system will award user B, with a single “rose”
    • If a user A swipes RIGHT on user B, The system will remove a single “rose” from B’s balance
    • If user A and user B both swipe RIGHT on each other there is a “match” and then they can workout where to meet and , optionally, a transaction for roses upon meeting.
      • For example lets say you match with a roastie, you put up an offer of “roses” and she accepts, the system remembers this offer.
      • There will be an interface for you to haggle the fee
    • Once you meet up, User A scans a secret QR code generated by User B and the “roses” get transferred. User A and User B fuck or whatever. Everybody is happy(theoretically).

“roses” will be tradable for dollars. Users with excess “roses” can use them to buy more time in the system, meaning ugly truecels will essentially get a free ride while the more attractive normie users will continue to pay into the system. If a user verifies themselves they can even WITHDRAW their “roses” for money at any time.

In conclusion,

This app is basically a wealth redistribution scheme where INCELS take money from normies and puts it in the pocket of sub-5 males which we can then either withdraw or use as leverage to BUY foids.


The thing is, If enough betas and sub-5 men lock enough cash into the system foids will BE FORCED TO PAY ATTENTION TO IT :ahegao::ahegao:

If even a fraction of simps stopped spending money on feet pics on onlyfans and payed money into this, it would collapse the pussy bubble and foids would be powerless once again!!:feelshaha::feelshaha:





Yeah its illegal, that's why this app cannot be owned by any one person. Ideally, it would be a protocol, and would be put on the blockchain in some way.
"Roses" would just be a token, and could be traded for USDT/USDC in a decentralized exchange. So basically to make an account men would have to pay in USDT/USDC/or DAI so it can be pooled.


To cut to the chase the main idea is to get 80% of low status males to crowdfund a harem disguised as a dating app. This dating app lets betas/incels leverage a pool of money to get guys who get swiped left on a boost in the system making it more likely that sub-5s can at least get their looksmatch and Truecels will basically get neetbux from this app,by cashing in their roses, since nobody will probably match you anyway.:blackpill::blackpill:

With this app Even if you can't get your looksmatch in your area, you can STILL BE PAID to fuck fat ugly subhuman foids .:feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
I made a chad account and got 100 matches in one day, a lot of them were Stacy's and stacylites where most men are lucky to get 1 landwhale match a day. Check my latest post to see me bring women to some random guys cottage with my chad account.
All males/unverified users have to pay an upfront amount of money(50-60 per month) to buy time in the app.
Chad will not pay because he doesn't have to.
Without Chad, there are no foids.
Without foids there are no beta males to pay your app.
Without money from thirsty beta males, you can't pay your dev team.
Your app is dead.

dating/hookup app that accepts the blackpill reality of human sexual dynamics
They all accept this reality.

It's just the case that these companies are profiting out of beta males' thirst.

Your proposal of an app for "fair distribution of sex" is dead on the water.

Foids will never even look in the direction of a non-Chad male if they can have regular sex with Chad, while also getting resources from betas through the welfare state, subsidies, affirmative action, etc.

The only reason foids approached beta males in millions of years is to seek their resources. With the welfare state redistributing resources generated by beta males, foids don't even need to acknowledge the existence of sub-Chad males anymore.


The only way out of this runaway train of hypergamy is the collapse of the welfare state.

Once this happens, then foids will face the very real prospect of either marrying young to a good provider, or dying of starvation.

Otherwise, foids will continue to be Chad-only sweatie. :foidSoy:
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The beauty of this is that we don't need chad to pay.
Pay, or join without paying. Whatever. Why would Chads flock to your app? To get less sex? No thanks.

80% of men are either betas or incel.
It's about 90% normies / betas. 5% Chads at the top and 5% omega males at the bottom.

Incels are around 31% of young american males -- basically all the omegas + 29% of normies / betas.

Whores will come if betas form a "pool" of cash large enough.
Foids only care for Chad's dick & free money + subsidies from the welfare state.

If the welfare state doesn't collapse, foids will keep being Chad-only.

If (when) the welfare state collapses, dating apps will all about the guy's money and reliability, and the foids age and breedability.


Soyciety is subsidizing each foid to the tune of ~100'000 per year in the USA. (it varies by country, but it's always in the high marks).

You can't come to a foid that "makes" 100'000 in entitlements + subsidies and say "well, ditch everything and be a housewife to me, a sub-Chad male who makes 50'000" without being ridiculed out of the water. Once foids have money, and they do, they don't feel they need to interact with non-Chad males for ANYTHING WHATSOEVER.

Your app would be equivalent to an app for millionaires to unclog overflowing public toilets for free during their own money-making hours, in order to address the income inequality of soyciety. Why on earth would a millionaire sign up for that (literal) shit?

Get this through your skull: in a welfare soyciety, foids DON'T NEED to interact with sub-Chad males. Why would they?
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Can't say this would turn everything around for the better but it's a big step in the right direction
Good thread
Fuck your wealth redistribution - thats commie talk.
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Females have absolutely zero reason to deal with this shit. They are on Tinder and enjoy all the attention and simping that they get, and receive more messages than they have time to read.

The only type of men who will go on your app and pay $50/mo are the zero-match Tinder outcasts, in other words an undesirable non-Chads. Again, why the hell would any women want these men when she has several Chads already fighting over her on Tinder?!

Face it - online dating is a cancer and there's no way to fix it.
Stopped reading at that "escort" word. That doesn't exist.
No such things as "escorts".
Why put whores on a pedestal?
People are stupid but not stupid bro. Plus, foids wouldn’t use the app anymore and just go back to tinder if they even gave the app a chance after seeing tons of incels rather than chads willing to fuck on sight
I think the money should go towards developing a better, non cucked version of Replika. Foids are hopeless, and there is no reason to try and work with them.
Good thread but the app sounds overcomplicated and I dont think it will work
So cutting out the pimps , tech bros , and other middle-men by directly Crowfunding a harem is retarded?

What's the alternative?
dont listen to these crabs

your idea is high iq

you have come up with a complete system to redistribute and equalise the sexual market place and redistribute wealth (no mean feat).

they are either super low iq and cant see shit.
or are jealous they have not thought it up themselves and as usual are crabbing you back into the bucket

ignore and keep on coming up with good posts
PI think the money should go towards ng. developing a better, non cucked version of Replika. Foids are hopeless, and there is no reason to try and work with them.
This, AI is the only option. Women expectations are ten time higher online. No dating app would ever work in the favor of the ugly men, not a chance. You would need to reprogram every living human being
Gentlemen, as many of you know, since the advent of online dating 20% of males have managed to hoard 80% of the women via soft-harems kept alive by the looks, money and status of those males. In this brave new world a woman can install tinder, order chad cock like one would order a pizza, put that chad in her contact lists , and bounce between chads in her Dms until she hits 30 and wants a man to “man up”.

Women who participate in tinder’s incel-money-siphon scheme are essentially part of a harem controlled by tinder devs. On tinder, women get the red carpet rolled out for them in order to retain female users at the expense of male users. For example, you will get banned on tinder for saying you wont have anything to do with fat women and want just your looksmatch. The thing is: foids know men in this system are hurting, they just don’t care. No doubt many of those sadistic fucks actually GET OFF on this fact that we are hurting. Another thing is that there are many scam artists and manipulative foids who will use you for nothing but food or try to get you to pay gas then run away. Tinder has no avenue to punish foids who do this.

I think its time to accept that: For the vast majority of non-chad males, interaction with women involves money in one way or another. On the virtual front, Massive companies like twitch, Onlyfans, tinder,instagram, among others have made BILLIONS of dollars using women as the carrot on the stick in order to exploit and scam lonely young males(incels), in their sexual prime, out of their money with little to nothing in return. It has gotten so bad that some people have even called modern dating “a loose form of prostitution”.

Unfortunately, the vast majority of incels lack looks, but EVERY incel has some* money. Mind you, not much money usually, but unless we were very fortunate in life we are at least forced to wagie cagie to put a roof over our heads. Most of us still spend money on copes like games and for some of us: escorts. If all of us pooled our money together into a massive pile, we could use it as leverage to get the time of day in the dating market. If we could “crowdfund” a harem, we could drive the price of pussy down and get some of the leverage back that Big tech companies,the porn industry, and the government has taken from us.

After mulling it over I asked myself the question: “why not dating/hookup app that accepts the blackpill reality of human sexual dynamics in an morally ethical and non-exploitative way?”

After thinking it over, I think its actually possible to implement this app. And If implemented correctly, this could :
  • change the way men and women interact for the better
  • drive the cost of pussy down to nothing (currently escorts are charging 2-3 hundred dollars+ PER HOUR. No roastie is worth that much money)
  • give truly ugly people(mostly men,but some women too) a FREE way to get sex and possibly start relationships
The app works roughly like this:

  • All males/unverified users have to pay an upfront amount of money(50-60 per month) to buy time in the app. All the money men spend( 50-60) dollars/month gets put in a “pool”. When your time runs out you will be prompted to pay again and if you fail to pay, your account gets disabled and can be renabled once you pay.
  • Female users who get their gender verified(we don’t want catfishing), can use the app free of charge . If a female refuses to verify her gender she also has to pay to get in but at a much higher rate (100-200 dollars/month)
  • Once logged in, the interface will probably look similar tinder, it will be swipe based, but there will be limited filter options. ALL users will have a balance of “roses” and when swiping will be shown other users in a uniformly random way.
    • If a user A swipes LEFT on user B, The system will award user B, with a single “rose”
    • If a user A swipes RIGHT on user B, The system will remove a single “rose” from B’s balance
    • If user A and user B both swipe RIGHT on each other there is a “match” and then they can workout where to meet and , optionally, a transaction for roses upon meeting.
      • For example lets say you match with a roastie, you put up an offer of “roses” and she accepts, the system remembers this offer.
      • There will be an interface for you to haggle the fee
    • Once you meet up, User A scans a secret QR code generated by User B and the “roses” get transferred. User A and User B fuck or whatever. Everybody is happy(theoretically).

“roses” will be tradable for dollars. Users with excess “roses” can use them to buy more time in the system, meaning ugly truecels will essentially get a free ride while the more attractive normie users will continue to pay into the system. If a user verifies themselves they can even WITHDRAW their “roses” for money at any time.

In conclusion,

This app is basically a wealth redistribution scheme where INCELS take money from normies and puts it in the pocket of sub-5 males which we can then either withdraw or use as leverage to BUY foids.


The thing is, If enough betas and sub-5 men lock enough cash into the system foids will BE FORCED TO PAY ATTENTION TO IT :ahegao::ahegao:

If even a fraction of simps stopped spending money on feet pics on onlyfans and payed money into this, it would collapse the pussy bubble and foids would be powerless once again!!:feelshaha::feelshaha:





Yeah its illegal, that's why this app cannot be owned by any one person. Ideally, it would be a protocol, and would be put on the blockchain in some way.
"Roses" would just be a token, and could be traded for USDT/USDC in a decentralized exchange. So basically to make an account men would have to pay in USDT/USDC/or DAI so it can be pooled.


To cut to the chase the main idea is to get 80% of low status males to crowdfund a harem disguised as a dating app. This dating app lets betas/incels leverage a pool of money to get guys who get swiped left on a boost in the system making it more likely that sub-5s can at least get their looksmatch and Truecels will basically get neetbux from this app,by cashing in their roses, since nobody will probably match you anyway.:blackpill::blackpill:

With this app Even if you can't get your looksmatch in your area, you can STILL BE PAID to fuck fat ugly subhuman foids .:feelsLSD::feelsLSD:
no app boyo
escortmaxx or brothelmaxx.
So cutting out the pimps , tech bros , and other middle-men by directly Crowfunding a harem is retarded?

What's the alternative?
Go forth and try it. Report back with your findings. We will take it more serious once results come back. See to it that it is done. Deus Vult brother.

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