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RageFuel Islam is a joke! JFL at copers who believe Islam will restrain women once they become westernized!



Jul 23, 2019
My muslim sister is pregnant out of wedlock with a non-muslim man! She is proudly announcing it on all of her social media and to whoever will listen to her display her whore behavior. But guess what is the worst part? My parents (Saudi and Egyptian background) are not furious as they should be. They are congratulating her and her European chad boyfriend. You won't even believe what my mother said today. She said that maybe their baby will have her boyfriends light blue eyes and lighter hair as my entire family has black hair and brown eyes. 100 years ago she would probably get stoned to death or beheaded for this in any muslim country or community. Its true we live in Canada, however, this whore behavior is spreading throughout Islamic communists in the West and even in so-called islamic countries. It won't be long before this is a normal thing in saudi arabia too since they can now drive, not wear hijab, can go to mixed sex concerts, are now encouraged to get educated and work, mix with men in cafes and public areas. They're even looking into changing divorce laws to favor women especially in custody matters. Its so over everywhere. Sometimes I wonder why didn't I rope yet.
JBW and islampill all packaged in one. Brutal. Sorry tbh but your mom sounds like a whore. What kind of mother outside of west celebrates her daughter getting pregnant out of wedlock. Must be pure suifuel listening to her shaming features of her own race.
You won't even believe what my mother said today. She said that maybe their baby will have her boyfriends light blue eyes and lighter hair as my entire family has black hair and brown eyes.

This was one of the main things that opened my eyes on the reality of the Blackpill. Even in my family, they obsess over if the babies will inherit white features when they talk to someone who's married to a white person.
Muslim mass disembowelment when?
Hey man its 2020

A woman not aborting her child is already a miracle in itself.
Islam stood up for awhile, but ultimately it gotten beaten to a pulp and then begged for forgiveness bringing shame to all Muslims through the centuries before.. when it went against the power of Western liberalism.

Looking back I should have known it was finished earlier.. I saw these Sandcels who were all gymmaxxing, redpill maxxing and all thinking they were going to get tons of pussy. Aka they had bought into the dream. Sandwhores of course were riding every Chad & Tyrone dick within 20 miles as soon as they were allowed, while never again sleeping with their fellow Sandcels.

You see liberalism promises people what they want in this life... it doesn't actually deliver most of the time but it doesn't need too. Once a man buys in, its next to impossible to convince him he is wrong.. first his pride but even more so the truth is so painful and he wants to believe the promise.
the religion is based, its just the adherents living in the west (particularly women) who treat it like a joke.
Islam isn't a joke, what kind of stupid thing are you saying? It's people that make themselves a joke. But I get your frustration, your sister was some kafir's fucktoy. Absolutely cucked. It seems that your family is the problem, because your parents are liberals.
Muslim mass disembowelment when?
Let's start with the white people that made this happen in the first place. ;)
the religion is based, its just the adherents living in the west (particularly women) who treat it like a joke.
High IQ.
Your family are weird cucks. Probably liberals.
She needs to be stoned
Basically our own sister cucked you, Allah, and your whole race.

JFL white Chad is stronger than Allah.
Don't we all wish we could be white or at least have whiter children someday....
Islam could become as watered down as Christianity tbh
All religion fails to control women unless it is enforced by laws.
I swear to fucking allah, I will restore sharia law in europe and the middle east with my own fucking hands.
Islam is for Turkic chad sultans to fill their harems with East European sex slaves, not for currycels and sandcels, its over, you can Jihadmaxx tho
My parents (Saudi and Egyptian background) are not furious as they should be. They are congratulating her and her European chad boyfriend. You won't even believe what my mother said today. She said that maybe their baby will have her boyfriends light blue eyes and lighter hair as my entire family has black hair and brown eyes
They just want to get that sweet EU bucks
Hey man its 2020

A woman not aborting her child is already a miracle in itself.
Why would she wanna abort chad's kid? Its a way for her to lock him down.

If the kid was from fucking a normie, it would be in valhalla already.
You Egyptian too? Seriously over for us. And ya, ethnic whores are shameless.
Islam is a joke
Cope, modern Muslims especially westernized ones are a joke because they take Westerners too seriously and start LARPing as them
Cope, modern Muslims especially westernized ones are a joke because they take Westerners too seriously and start LARPing as them
Islam is cope.
haha it's over everywhere
IPhone > Islam

JFL white Chad is stronger than Allah.

looks like sky daddy isn’t so powerful if his followers doesn’t obey him exactly as they are told to
Why would she wanna abort chad's kid? Its a way for her to lock him down.

If the kid was from fucking a normie, it would be in valhalla already.
Ask European women, they all legalized abortion and the birthrates are plummeting, even though they obviously only fuck Chadrones.
Water is wet just like a foids pussy when she sees a chad tier post
Your parents are probably only ok with it because he’s attractive and white
Shouldn't you kill her now to protect your family honor?
this tbh if you wanna make a difference, now is the time. its called honor killing and afaik at least according to sharia law the punishment for it is very mild or even legal.

anyway islam is getting liberalized but on its own islam is great. @BilalBeta your whole family would already be slaughtered according to sharia law im pretty sure.
but that is very usual for western "muslims", they are done within a generation.
maybe try to explain your dad that inter religious mixing is absolutely haram. to honor kill your sister does not make sense in canada since its illegal, but at least your family should abandon that slut.
Strawman because nobody believes that, but we (or i at least) believe that Sharia can help with this issue.
Strawman because nobody believes that, but we (or i at least) believe that Sharia can help with this issue.

no because as soon as you have economic development, internet and cell phones, education for women, international travel and exposure to the west for women, the spread of science and secularism, it is impossible to implement it. islam will die like all religions. then these foids will get what they wanted for millennia and that is to genocide us. its so over. i wish i wasn't such a coward to finally kill myself.
this tbh if you wanna make a difference, now is the time. its called honor killing and afaik at least according to sharia law the punishment for it is very mild or even legal.

anyway islam is getting liberalized but on its own islam is great. @BilalBeta your whole family would already be slaughtered according to sharia law im pretty sure.
but that is very usual for western "muslims", they are done within a generation.
maybe try to explain your dad that inter religious mixing is absolutely haram. to honor kill your sister does not make sense in canada since its illegal, but at least your family should abandon that slut.

if only i was not such a coward.

yes its getting liberalized rapidly even in saudi arabia and iran. i wish it wasn't the case but it is true.

my father is a cuck who said we are now canadians first and that we should adapt islam to the modern world. honestly what is the point of having atheist and all kinds of degenerates if todays muslims act like this?
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Cope, modern Muslims especially westernized ones are a joke because they take Westerners too seriously and start LARPing as them
High IQ.
yes my mother worships him and can't stop talking about his eye color, his height, his blonde hair.
Who knew she was a self-hating deathnik? I thought it only affected younger femorrhoids.
Who knew she was a self-hating deathnik? I thought it only affected younger femorrhoids.

no these cunts are all the same. older muslim mothers worship white men and love posting pictures of very white babies on facebook. its sickening.
no these cunts are all the same. older muslim mothers worship white men and love posting pictures of very white babies on facebook. its sickening.
Sure, in Canada/America. Seriously, JFL at your family.
Sure, in Canada/America. Seriously, JFL at your family.

you never see the social media of muslim women in the middle east? they worship white babies too and steal strangers pictures of them to share. then all the other women on their friends lists comment about how they wish they had a baby like that.
you never see the social media of muslim women in the middle east? they worship white babies too and steal strangers pictures of them to share. then all the other women on their friends lists comment about how they wish they had a baby like that.
I haven't, no. I mean why would I have middle-aged Middle Eastern women on Facebook, lol?
I haven't, no. I mean why would I have middle-aged Middle Eastern women on Facebook, lol?

true. i have them because they are family and sometimes forget not everyone sees their behavior like i do.
true. i have them because they are family and sometimes forget not everyone sees their behavior like i do.
You should share some of their white-worshipping posts (and black out their names, of course).
no because as soon as you have economic development, internet and cell phones, education for women, international travel and exposure to the west for women, the spread of science and secularism, it is impossible to implement it. islam will die like all religions. then these foids will get what they wanted for millennia and that is to genocide us. its so over. i wish i wasn't such a coward to finally kill myself.
Wdym by economic development, international travel and exposure to the west tbh? Im pretty sure the Gulf alone could buy all off the west considering people there are practically shitting money. Science isn't unique to secularism either. Now granted "muslim" countries on a whole are in a downfall but...who isn't nowadays?
I swear to fucking allah, I will restore sharia law in europe and the middle east with my own fucking hands.
JFL Good luck :feelsPop:
That's like saying: dieting to lose weight is a joke, you won't lose any weight once you start eating too much. 0_o
Islam isn't a joke, what kind of stupid thing are you saying? It's people that make themselves a joke. But I get your frustration, your sister was some kafir's fucktoy. Absolutely cucked. It seems that your family is the problem, because your parents are liberals.

Let's start with the white people that made this happen in the first place. ;)

High IQ.
Whats a kafir?

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