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NSFW Israel: The Melting Pot



5'3 KHHV Mentalcel
Aug 26, 2021

Isn't It Racist To Believe That Jews Are Special?​

[UWSL]By Tzvi Freeman[/UWSL]

Isn't it racist to believe you're special because you're Jewish? How is that any different from the Nazi belief in the "superiority" of the Aryan race, for example?
I think that everyone would agree that there is nothing wrong with feeling proud of who you are. There is nothing wrong with diversity. G‑d created a magnificent world, a wondrous panorama of colors, forms and personalities. Today we recognize that this diversity is so essential to the nature of things that anyone who tries to struggle against it is fighting against the sustainability of life itself.
Read the Ohr haChayim (R' Chayim Atar, Morocco/Israel, 1696–1743) on Genesis and you will be delighted by his comments on this diversity. Other classic commentaries describe how the world contains every sort of opposite—just as a sphere is made of opposing poles—so that it will reflect the boundlessness of its Creator. Perek Shira, one of the most ancient midrashim, brings out something even more delightful: That each creature, as G‑d created it, believes that it is the most lovely and ultimate of all creatures on the planet. Not only the horse and the lion, but even the slimy, warted toad cannot imagine a creature more beautiful than itself that could sing a song more melodious than the song it croaks out each day. The same with the jackal, the vulture and even the pesty little mosquito—who believes that all creatures were created by a loving G‑d just to provide him with blood to drink.
As it is with the species, so it is with each person—for each person, the Maharal of Prague writes, is a species on his own. We raise each child to know that there is something special about him or her, something unique that no one else who ever was or ever will be will ever have. It doesn't take much persuasion—it is the nature of the human being to believe it intuitively, even before he is told. We encourage it, so that the child will grow and be able to take on the world. To take that away from the child is to destroy the person inside; to encourage it is to give life, courage and strength.
And so too, with every social entity by which we human beings arrange ourselves: Ethnocentricity is not something to be fought and crushed. Humankind does not require homogenization. To do so is to fight and crush the inherent nature of human beings. If a people are not proud of themselves as a people, believing that they have something that no other people can provide, then they have no hope to survive as distinct cell of humanity. We will lose their art, their wisdom, their heritage—all that they have to contribute to the rest of us, by G‑d's design.

Do you really believe that humanity should melt into a homogeneous mush? Such was the ideal of America at the turn of the 20th century. I grew up in Canada, with Lester Pearson's and Pierre Eliot Trudeau's ideal of a colorful patchwork. Mush, in my mind is rather pale and monotonous fare, the antithesis of life.

When is pride dangerous? When it is a sickly pride. When it is pride in the wrong things. When it leaves no room for others. When it blinds its bearer from seeing his faults. And when—and I believe this to be the core of the matter—when one is so proud that he cannot recognize anything greater than himself.
The German nation after the First World War was sickly in this way. And not without reason. An entire generation was missing. The youth were angered at the failure of their fathers, that they had stolen German pride and left them with an inheritance of shame. It was a culture of rejectionism, where the old had to be thrown out simply because it was old and anything shocking and radical was embraced just for the sake of being shocking and radical. Atonal un-music, Dada non-art, rampant pornography and such violence on the streets that had not been seen in German lands for hundreds of years were all symptoms of a society suffering a serious systemic pathology. From this it is not difficult to see a lethal sort of pride arising, a pride that was not only out to destroy the world but semi-consciously to annihilate itself as well, as the phoenix diving into its pyre.

When I look at the pride of the Jewish People, I see none of this. In what do we pride ourselves? Look to the Talmud again: "What are the three traits of this nation? They have compassion, they have a conscience and they enjoy acts of kindness." Jews pride themselves in their intellectual powers, as well. Not an unreasonable pride, given the track record.
Yes, we are not without blemish. The Jews of Europe bore scars from the ugly anti-Semitism of those lands. It's hard to be in love with those that hate you and murder you. There was spite born from that experience—but that only makes it yet more amazing that kindness and compassion nonetheless survived in the Jewish heart.
We have a long history of self-examination and criticism, from the Torah, the prophets, the Talmudic sages and all the way to this day. We have laughed at ourselves, cried about ourselves and chastised ourselves continually throughout our long and painful history. We blame ourselves for being stubborn and for giving in too easily, for being too haughty and for lacking pride. Too often, the self-blaming gets out of hand—so we blame ourselves for that, as well.

[UWSL]Apartheid Outside[/UWSL] [UWSL]Africa:[/UWSL] [UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]Case[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel[/UWSL]
[UWSL]John[/UWSL] [UWSL]Quigley*[/UWSL]
[UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]term[/UWSL] [UWSL]"apartheid"[/UWSL] [UWSL]evokes[/UWSL] [UWSL]South[/UWSL] [UWSL]Africa,[/UWSL] [UWSL]but[/UWSL] [UWSL]systematic[/UWSL] [UWSL]racial[/UWSL]
[UWSL]discrimination[/UWSL] [UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]not[/UWSL] [UWSL]unique[/UWSL] [UWSL]to[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]nation.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Charges[/UWSL] [UWSL]have[/UWSL] [UWSL]emerged[/UWSL]
[UWSL]from[/UWSL] [UWSL]many quarters.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Some[/UWSL] [UWSL]aboriginal[/UWSL] [UWSL]peoples[/UWSL] [UWSL]claim[/UWSL] [UWSL]they[/UWSL] [UWSL]are[/UWSL] [UWSL]victims.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Religious-based[/UWSL] [UWSL]states[/UWSL] [UWSL]may[/UWSL] [UWSL]violate[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]rights[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]racial[/UWSL] [UWSL]groups[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]do[/UWSL]
[UWSL]not[/UWSL] [UWSL]adhere[/UWSL] [UWSL]to[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]religion.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Racial[/UWSL] [UWSL]groups[/UWSL] [UWSL]not[/UWSL] [UWSL]reflected[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]power[/UWSL]
[UWSL]base[/UWSL] [UWSL]are found[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]Africa[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Middle[/UWSL] [UWSL]East,[/UWSL] [UWSL]where colonial-drawn[/UWSL]
[UWSL]boundaries[/UWSL] [UWSL]threw[/UWSL] [UWSL]racial[/UWSL] [UWSL]groups[/UWSL] [UWSL]together[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]a[/UWSL] [UWSL]single[/UWSL] [UWSL]state.[/UWSL] [UWSL]As[/UWSL] [UWSL]Eastern[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Europe[/UWSL] [UWSL]changes[/UWSL] [UWSL]its[/UWSL] [UWSL]political[/UWSL] [UWSL]face,[/UWSL] [UWSL]racial[/UWSL] [UWSL]animosities[/UWSL] [UWSL]are[/UWSL] [UWSL]surfacing[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL]
[UWSL]may[/UWSL] [UWSL]yield[/UWSL] [UWSL]systematic[/UWSL] [UWSL]oppression[/UWSL] [UWSL]of minorities.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]apartheid[/UWSL] [UWSL]claim[/UWSL] [UWSL]has[/UWSL] [UWSL]been[/UWSL] [UWSL]leveled[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel,[/UWSL] [UWSL]whose[/UWSL] [UWSL]treatment[/UWSL]
[UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]its[/UWSL] [UWSL]minority[/UWSL] [UWSL]population of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL] [UWSL]has[/UWSL] [UWSL]been the[/UWSL] [UWSL]subject[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]controversy.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]United[/UWSL] [UWSL]Nations[/UWSL] [UWSL]General[/UWSL] [UWSL]Assembly[/UWSL] [UWSL]called[/UWSL] [UWSL]Zionism,[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]national[/UWSL]
[UWSL]ideology[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel,[/UWSL] [UWSL]"a[/UWSL] [UWSL]form[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]racism[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]racial[/UWSL] [UWSL]discrimination,"[/UWSL] [UWSL]a[/UWSL]
[UWSL]charge[/UWSL] [UWSL]prompted[/UWSL] [UWSL]primarily[/UWSL] [UWSL]by[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL] [UWSL]treatment[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL] [UWSL]within[/UWSL]
[UWSL]its[/UWSL] [UWSL]borders.'[/UWSL] [UWSL]British[/UWSL] [UWSL]historian Arnold[/UWSL] [UWSL]Toynbee[/UWSL] [UWSL]called[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel "a[/UWSL] [UWSL]racialist[/UWSL]
[UWSL]state.[/UWSL] [UWSL].[/UWSL] [UWSL]."[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]said[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]"it[/UWSL][UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]wrong[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]people[/UWSL] [UWSL]feel[/UWSL] [UWSL]differently[/UWSL] [UWSL]about[/UWSL]
[UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]rights[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]wrongs[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]existence[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]state[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel versus[/UWSL] [UWSL]white[/UWSL]
[UWSL]South[/UWSL] [UWSL]Africa[/UWSL] [UWSL]....[/UWSL][UWSL]"2[/UWSL]

[UWSL]Others[/UWSL] [UWSL]have[/UWSL] [UWSL]challenged[/UWSL] [UWSL]this[/UWSL] [UWSL]charge.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Thomas[/UWSL] [UWSL]Franck[/UWSL] [UWSL]wrote[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL]
[UWSL]"[t]he[/UWSL] [UWSL]South[/UWSL] [UWSL]African[/UWSL] [UWSL]problem[/UWSL] [UWSL]has[/UWSL] [UWSL]almost[/UWSL] [UWSL]nothing[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]common"[/UWSL] [UWSL]with[/UWSL]
[UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel.'[/UWSL] [UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]term[/UWSL] [UWSL]"racism"[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]General[/UWSL] [UWSL]Assembly[/UWSL] [UWSL]resolution,[/UWSL]
[UWSL]*[/UWSL] [UWSL]Professor[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Law,[/UWSL] [UWSL]Ohio[/UWSL] [UWSL]State[/UWSL] [UWSL]University.[/UWSL] [UWSL]LL.B.,[/UWSL] [UWSL]M.A.[/UWSL] [UWSL]1966,[/UWSL] [UWSL]Harvard[/UWSL] [UWSL]Law[/UWSL]
[UWSL]School;[/UWSL] [UWSL]M.A.[/UWSL]
[UWSL]A/10034[/UWSL] [UWSL](1976).[/UWSL]
[UWSL]2.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arnold[/UWSL] [UWSL]Toynbee[/UWSL] [UWSL]on[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arab-Israeli[/UWSL] [UWSL]Conflict:[/UWSL] [UWSL]Interview,[/UWSL] [UWSL]2[/UWSL] [UWSL]J.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Palestine[/UWSL] [UWSL]Stud.[/UWSL] [UWSL]3,[/UWSL] [UWSL]11-[/UWSL]
[UWSL]12,[/UWSL] [UWSL]no.[/UWSL] [UWSL]3[/UWSL] [UWSL](1973).[/UWSL] [UWSL]For[/UWSL] [UWSL]other[/UWSL] [UWSL]authors characterizing[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL] [UWSL]treatment[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Palestinian[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL] [UWSL]as[/UWSL] [UWSL]apartheid-like,[/UWSL] [UWSL]see[/UWSL][UWSL]Brice[/UWSL] [UWSL]Harris,[/UWSL] [UWSL]Jr.,[/UWSL] [UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]South[/UWSL] [UWSL]Africanization[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel,[/UWSL] [UWSL]6[/UWSL] [UWSL]ARAB[/UWSL]
[UWSL]STUD.[/UWSL] [UWSL]Q.[/UWSL] [UWSL]169-189[/UWSL] [UWSL](1984);[/UWSL] [UWSL]Shawky[/UWSL] [UWSL]Zeidan,[/UWSL] [UWSL]A[/UWSL] [UWSL]Human[/UWSL] [UWSL]Rights[/UWSL] [UWSL]Settlement:[/UWSL] [UWSL]The[/UWSL] [UWSL]West[/UWSL] [UWSL]Bank[/UWSL]


[UWSL]he[/UWSL] [UWSL]said,[/UWSL] [UWSL]"has[/UWSL] [UWSL]been[/UWSL] [UWSL]misapplied,[/UWSL] [UWSL]egregiously, to[/UWSL] [UWSL]Zionism."[/UWSL] [UWSL]4[/UWSL] [UWSL]John[/UWSL] [UWSL]Norton[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Moore[/UWSL] [UWSL]denied[/UWSL] [UWSL]"that[/UWSL] [UWSL]a[/UWSL] [UWSL]class[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]citizens[/UWSL] [UWSL]within[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel[/UWSL] [UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]denied[/UWSL] [UWSL]self-[/UWSL]
[UWSL]determination[/UWSL] [UWSL]as[/UWSL] [UWSL]with[/UWSL] [UWSL]apartheid[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]South[/UWSL] [UWSL]Africa[/UWSL] [UWSL].... ",5[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Israel[/UWSL] [UWSL]itself[/UWSL] [UWSL]has[/UWSL] [UWSL]strenuously denied[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]its[/UWSL] [UWSL]policy[/UWSL] [UWSL]towards[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL]
[UWSL]in its[/UWSL] [UWSL]borders[/UWSL] [UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]one[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]apartheid. When[/UWSL] [UWSL]Iraq[/UWSL] [UWSL]leveled[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]charge at[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL]
[UWSL]United[/UWSL] [UWSL]Nations[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]1961,[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL] [UWSL]representative[/UWSL] [UWSL]replied,[/UWSL] [UWSL]"[t]o[/UWSL] [UWSL]say[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Jews[/UWSL] [UWSL]deny[/UWSL] [UWSL]ordinary[/UWSL] [UWSL]rights[/UWSL] [UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]one[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]most astonishing[/UWSL] [UWSL]statements[/UWSL]
[UWSL]heard[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]the history[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]United[/UWSL] [UWSL]Nations.'[/UWSL] [UWSL]'6[/UWSL]
[UWSL]In[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]wake[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Persian[/UWSL] [UWSL]Gulf[/UWSL] [UWSL]War[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]1991,[/UWSL] [UWSL]resolution[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Palestinian-Israeli[/UWSL] [UWSL]conflict[/UWSL] [UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]high[/UWSL] [UWSL]on[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]international[/UWSL] [UWSL]agenda.[/UWSL] [UWSL]The[/UWSL]
[UWSL]major[/UWSL] [UWSL]issue[/UWSL] [UWSL]to[/UWSL] [UWSL]be[/UWSL] [UWSL]resolved[/UWSL] [UWSL]is[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]situation[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]those[/UWSL] [UWSL]Palestinian[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL]
[UWSL]residing[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Gaza Strip[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]West[/UWSL] [UWSL]Bank,[/UWSL] [UWSL]who came[/UWSL] [UWSL]under[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL]
[UWSL]control[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]1967.[/UWSL] [UWSL]But the[/UWSL] [UWSL]question[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL] [UWSL]treatment[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL]
[UWSL]its[/UWSL] [UWSL]own[/UWSL] [UWSL]territory[/UWSL] [UWSL]has[/UWSL] [UWSL]also[/UWSL] [UWSL]sharpened[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]late.[/UWSL] [UWSL]When[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]1987[/UWSL] [UWSL]the Arabs[/UWSL]
[UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Gaza[/UWSL] [UWSL]Strip[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]West Bank[/UWSL] [UWSL]initiated an[/UWSL] [UWSL]uprising[/UWSL] [UWSL]against[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel,[/UWSL]
[UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL] [UWSL]in Israel[/UWSL] [UWSL]undertook[/UWSL] [UWSL]sympathy[/UWSL] [UWSL]actions[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]their[/UWSL] [UWSL]support. They[/UWSL]
[UWSL]advocated[/UWSL] [UWSL]not[/UWSL] [UWSL]only[/UWSL] [UWSL]Palestinian[/UWSL] [UWSL]statehood[/UWSL] [UWSL]for[/UWSL] [UWSL]the Gaza[/UWSL] [UWSL]Strip[/UWSL] [UWSL]and[/UWSL] [UWSL]West[/UWSL]
[UWSL]Bank[/UWSL] [UWSL]but[/UWSL] [UWSL]improvements[/UWSL] [UWSL]in[/UWSL] [UWSL]their[/UWSL] [UWSL]own[/UWSL] [UWSL]treatment.[/UWSL]

[UWSL]This[/UWSL] [UWSL]article[/UWSL] [UWSL]assesses[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]two[/UWSL] [UWSL]conflicting[/UWSL] [UWSL]views[/UWSL] [UWSL]about[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL] [UWSL]policy[/UWSL]
[UWSL]towards[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]Palestinian[/UWSL] [UWSL]Arabs[/UWSL] [UWSL]in the[/UWSL] [UWSL]territory[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel.[/UWSL] [UWSL]It[/UWSL] [UWSL]examines[/UWSL]
[UWSL]aspects[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]Israel's[/UWSL] [UWSL]policy[/UWSL] [UWSL]that[/UWSL] [UWSL]are[/UWSL] [UWSL]alleged[/UWSL] [UWSL]to[/UWSL] [UWSL]constitute[/UWSL] [UWSL]apartheid.[/UWSL] [UWSL]The[/UWSL]
[UWSL]internationally[/UWSL] [UWSL]agreed[/UWSL] [UWSL]definition[/UWSL] [UWSL]of[/UWSL] [UWSL]apartheid[/UWSL] [UWSL]will[/UWSL] [UWSL]serve[/UWSL] [UWSL]as[/UWSL] [UWSL]the[/UWSL] [UWSL]guidepost.[/UWSL]

Rising Anti-Asian Racism in Israel amidst the Outbreak of Coronavirus​

Mansheetal Singh
Israel is often delineated as a mosaic of cultures and diverse ethnic groups. The society is a rendition of people and communities coming from varied nations with manifestations of cultures and heritage from all around the globe, uniquely different from one another in every sense. Israel’s multicultural traits became popular with an increase in cultural movements and trends which accentuated the diversity of their society and culture. The idea to bring this notion up is to acknowledge, motivate and attest the participation of ethnic groupings of this small West Asian nation in all domains.
Although multiculturalism in Israel revels ethno-cultural diversity, they have also been using ethnic and racist slurs against their own kin. The act of ‘othering’ and ‘alienating’ has persisted in Israel ever since it came into existence. Israel is a highly ramified society, bifurcated by ethno-national lines which distinguish the Jewish and the Arab populace and discern sub-groups within each community. The Israeli society is a nexus of different communities originating from a vast number of countries creating a national cleavage between the Jews and the Arabs. The cleavage doesn’t stop with the Jews and the Arabs but go deeper within the Jewish communities where the people immigrating from the Americas and the Europe are considered as ‘Ashkenazims’ and the people settling in Israel from the Asia and the Africa are called as the ‘Mizrahims.’ Since the inception of Israel, the Mizrahims have been treated unequally for belonging to a third world country. Such behavior is deep rooted in the social construct of the Israeli society.
Scholars have always argued that accommodating multiculturalism may pander the threat of xenophobic feelings or it may encourage racism and intolerance leading to alienation of newcomers as ‘others.’ Israel has never ceased to acknowledge its ethnic communities and minority groups, but the society has been very critical of the people around them. Although the Jewish communities share same rights, they are often challenged and discriminated on the grounds of demographic divide and skin color. The divide between the society has been triggered again due to the recent outbreak of Coronavirus which originated in Wuhan, China. Ever since then, there have been reported cases of intolerance and racism on the basis of descent and appearances.

Rising Racism in University Campuses

Known for its outstanding educational institutions, Israel has attracted many Chinese students in the past few years. Israel’s top university Hebrew University of Jerusalem is known for its sizable proportion of Chinese students. Since the outbreak of Coronavirus, the university campus has become a popular station for targeting Chinese students.
In a closed WeChat group at Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Chinese students shared their disturbing racist encounters in the campus and outside the campus premises. A member of the group said that “people cover their noses when they see me,” while the other was forced to contend with people shouting “Coronavirus!” at him.
Another university student, shared his concern that Israelis “are really afraid that we (Chinese students) might spread the virus to them” He also complained of people “shouting ugly words and making exaggerated body gestures.” He further added that the public comments such as “China, Ni Hao” have been replaced with “Sini Sini Corona.” Racism is not just limited to the Hebrew University of Jerusalem but extends to other universities as well. A Japanese student at Al-Quds University in Jerusalem expressed her distress of being mistaken for a Chinese person and how her fellow students have been maintaining distance from her and accusing her of having the virus.
The problem of racism towards East Asians is not a new notion in Israel, but has become even more prominent with the outbreak of Coronavirus. The blunt of bigotry extends to anyone who shares any similarity in physical features to that of an East Asian person. Even the Indian Israelis were not spared of this prejudice.

Deadly Attacks on the Indian Israeli, Hailing from North East India

Due to the outbreak of the Novel Coronavirus, several accounts of racism and xenophobia have been reported and documented around the world. In a recent incident involving a member of the Bnei Menashe, who immigrated from North East India to Israel, was attacked due to increasing hostility, hatred and fear towards a certain physical appearance. This unsettling event happened in Tiberias, when Am-Shalem Singson walked past two men in the streets. These men judged him for being Chinese and started yelling “Corona-Corona” and “Chinese” at him. In wake of the incident, Michael Freund, founder of Shavei Israel that looks after the Bnei Menashe Jews amongst others, stated “The coronavirus does not distinguish between different types of Israelis based on their skin or the shape of their eyes and neither should anyone else.”
The small Bnei Menashe Jewish community is horrified from the event. The community leaders have condemned this act of “racism, bullying and harassment because of their skin, color or race.” After witnessing the harrowing event, Jews of Bnei Menashe who once believed in a Jewish state that wasn’t racist, are now contemplating to “think again.” This incident is not first of its kind, and people have been reporting of uncomforting racism against them. The COVID-19 pandemic has set forth a series of increased violence, discrimination, xenophobia and racism towards people based on descent and appearances that requires deliberate action around the world.


View: https://fb.watch/bMDrtjTxLc/
Too much jewish stuff to read
Bro I never read your posts
You are a schizo
JFL soynigger
"Soynigger". You're the one who put people on the ignore list when they disagree with you. I remember how you reacted when I confronted you one time. You acted like a teenage girl on her period.

Also, you're not high testosterone enough to be calling people "soy".

Testosterone affects sexual development, and as your nickname suggests your tiny friend right there didn't develop well. :lul::lul::lul:
"Soynigger". You're the one who put people on the ignore list when they disagree with you. I remember how you reacted when I confronted you one time. You acted like a teenage girl on her period.

Also, you're not high testosterone enough to be calling people "soy".

Testosterone affects sexual development, and as your nickname suggests your tiny friend right there didn't develop well. :lul::lul::lul:
He is a cuck that thinks females are being corrupted by males and wanted to rape his sister because she is his virgin waifu.
Not even reading any posts by low iq browns here, it's so boring
A revival is in order.
Tldr: kikes should be wiped out of the existence and adolf hitler was right
Jews always cry about antisemitism when they are the biggest racists out there. The whole jewish religion is about self-importance and praising oneself
Jews always cry about antisemitism when they are the biggest racists out there. The whole jewish religion is about self-importance and praising oneself
good thing jew toilets are whores and 2nd biggest race traitors after noodle whores

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