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Serious Let Me Explain my Political Views in a Way That Makes Sense

Because it's bluepilled and divides the incel community.
No one cares. Everything divides the incel community. Manlets complaining about tallcels, autists saying NT are fakecels, etc.

That makes no sense. Assad knew the U.S was held back by political forces. Assad did the gas attack.
There is no evidence it was done by Assad, and there is no reason he would use gas when he was winning. It’s infinitely more likely it was done by the ISIS or some other terrorist group that is on the US and Israel’s side in this conflict.
A Normie trait is to have Normie political beliefs. If you were incel you’d have to be radicalized on either one of the sides or just apolitical
There is no evidence it was done by Assad, and there is no reason he would use gas when he was winning. It’s infinitely more likely it was done by the ISIS or some other terrorist group that is on the US and Israel’s side in this conflict.
Low IQ moment. He was not winning in 2013 and attack was done in an opposition area that was opposed to him.
Low IQ moment. He was not winning in 2013 and attack was done in an opposition area that was opposed to him.
Attack was in 2018, not 2013
Attack was in 2018, not 2013
That fact that you know about a minor chemical attack in 2018 that killed 10-20 people and not the major one in 2013 that killed 1000+ shows just how spineless the Obama administration was.
@gymletethnicel @Intellectual
Assad would be long gone without US coalition intervening on ISIS + Russia and Iran supporting Bashar.
Do you know why the Syrian Civil war is going on?
The fuck? Rice and curries have to score 100 points higher on the sat to have the same shot as a mayo. Can't tell if you're trolling I have autism
AFfirmative action literally is designed to give minorities easier scores, I'm 100% having your ass banned. You're a shit troll. Whites don't benefit from AA
AFfirmative action literally is designed to give minorities easier scores, I'm 100% having your ass banned. You're a shit troll. Whites don't benefit from AA
Whites benefit relative to rice and curries.

View: https://youtu.be/qu64L74LC1k

Imagine this happened in Europe. Military killing dozens of protestors. Just lol. Normal day in sandnigger land. This is why.

Isn’t there some religious hatred for who rules Syria? He’s part of some sect that believes Muhammad, Ali, and Salman are a continuations of some trinity, and before it was other prophets that were the same.
Well that too in part, it's like having a Muslim be the prime minister of the Netherlands. It's a bit retarded.
It’s only retarded cause sand niggers hate and kill people who they think doesn’t have the “right interpretation” of the religion.
I consider myself to be more left than the average US male, but not to this extent. Colleges should consider income before race.

The COVID mandates were a catastrophic overreaction that our economy is still suffering from. I say this having lived in the Bronx during this time, the literal epicenter of the US pandemic. There were more bodies stacked up during the crack era.

Affirmative action is not worth it due to its racism against Asians, who (like it or not) are the model minority. Though it would be in their best interest to have more racial pride like the blacks do, they still outperform white kids despite being structurally disadvantaged in every way compared to white kids.

As far as respect for institutions, I don’t have respect for any of them. They are all corrupted. Just try being a poor and illegal deathnik growing up in the projects; the government plots against your success, literally. Why should any of us homeless/project kids have any respect for the government?
Youre even dumber than I once thought. Figures some libshit would choose the name “intellectual”. You suffer severely from the dunning- kruger effect.
You're dumb white trash who knows nothing about the world, you've seen a few conspiracy channels and think you have it figured out.
You have no room to call someone dumb if you voted for biden. Im gonna guess youre not even old enough to vote anyway.
Literally anyone who wasn't some 85IQ hick who's smoking meth in his trailer park voted for Biden.
IMG 3358
Name one thing joe biden has done right sweaty
1. Afghanistan Withdrawal
2. Increase Federal Revenues to move the budget closer to balancing (I call him BBB, or Balanced Budget Biden)
3. Signed off tax cuts for companies that reduce carbon emissions. Companies like J.P Morgan are buying up forests and preserving them, and hosting tree planting projects. Biden is using the tax system to make corporate America save the environment
4. Sent billions in weapons to Ukraine to save them from Russian invasion
5. Lowered drug prices by regulating price-gauging pharma companies
Kys JIDF Shill

Those are the parts I LOL'd harder:
temporary policy

solutions for Covid

Democrats are clearly the party of respecting the expert testimony,

>Democrats love America

Yes, Republicans are garbage. I agree 100% with OP.

Why don't you read this:

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tl;dr I'm a leftist
So many people have the wrong impression of me. They think because I'm a left-winger on many social issues, because I vote Democrat, and because I support President Joe Biden, I must be a cucked feminist. This couldn't be further from the truth. If one were to say I am a feminist because I like Joe Biden, and Joe Biden is by his own admission a "feminist", then you must apply the same logic to Trump supporters, Hitlerists, etc. They were foid worshippers too. Trump hates immigrants because "they rape our foids :soy: :soy: :soy: ". Hitler also loved foids, part of his motivation for doing what he did was to protect the dignity and sanctity of the Aryan foid. If I'm a cuck for liking Joe Biden, then you're a cuck if you like Hitler and/or Trump.

I support the Democratic party because I see it as the most competent party. The Democrats are not as ideologically driven as the Republicans, they aren't perpetual contrarians. Democrats are willing to get shit done and adopt policies that work in a particular circumstance. I'll give some examples:

>Democrats support Affirmative Action to elevate minorities in isolated and disenfranchised community out of poverty. This is a temporary policy that seeks to diversify America's educated and professional class, break down racial stereotypes, and normalize the idea of intelligent professional minorities. Once these preconceptions of "blacks - manual labor, whites - professional lawyer" are gone, affirmative action can be reduced and finally mitigated. This is a PRACTICAL and RATIONAL way to increase diversity amongst college admissions and the corporate world. Diversity also benefits colleges and corporate institutions because a diverse environment allows for different perspectives and ideas that wouldn't otherwise come up in a homogenous environment.

>Covid-19. The Democrats came out with a multitude of solutions for Covid-19. Lockdowns, mask-mandates, Vaccine mandates. What did Republicans do... they opposed every single measure. Some of them refused to wear masks out of spite. This is not policy, this is petulant contrarianism for its own sake. I would much rather support a party that wants to end a pandemic so we can get shit done rather than the party that likes to show off how disobedient they are

>Economics: Democrats are the party of balanced budgets. Whilst they want to spend a lot, they also want to TAX a lot to generate the revenue needed to finance the spending adventures. Republicans like to spend too, they just want to do it with borrowed funds and money-printing rather than taxes. This shifts the real tax from a nominal income/capital-gains tax to an INFLATION tax that disproportionately hurts the financially illiterate. Democrats are the party of economics, Republicans just have better branding

>Trust of Experts and Academia: Throughout history, those that trusted science, the experts, and the professionals, always did better. Societies that scoffed at their scientists eroded into dust as the more open and tolerant-of-science societies technologically surpassed them. Democrats are clearly the party of respecting the expert testimony, while Republicans reject empiricism in favor of romanticism or idealism. Whilst a Democrat may say "the evidence says the earth is warming because the data suggests X, Y, and Z", a Republican will say "Global warming does not fit into my preconceived worldview, so I dismiss it".

>Respect for Institutions: This goes hand-in-hand with the previous case, but Republicans show very little respect for America's institutions, even if said institutions are what made us great in the first place. Look at what happens when the FBI indicts a Republican politician, they scream about how the FBI is a communist-marxist organization and attempt to discredit our most watched over Federal Agency. They said the courts were corrupt when it refused to grant Trump the election victory in 2020. They accuse the mainstream and trusted media sources as being "fake news". Republicans claim they love America, but Democrats are the ones that actually love the institutions that make America what it is.

>Democrats love America, Republicans hate it: Look at how Democrats and Liberals talk about America, "America is a shining beacon of truth and tolerance and the world deserves to know our way of life! Spread the great American spirit everywhere!". Meanwhile Republicans speak of America like it's a rotting degenerate mess, "Our streets are dirty and filthy, our country is trash now, it's all brown people, ewww, America has fallen into degeneracy, America is disgusting, we are spreading our degenerate ways oversees, BASED Russia BASED Assad!!!!"
tl;dr boring Reddit-tier leftist shill
1. Afghanistan Withdrawal
2. Increase Federal Revenues to move the budget closer to balancing (I call him BBB, or Balanced Budget Biden)
3. Signed off tax cuts for companies that reduce carbon emissions. Companies like J.P Morgan are buying up forests and preserving them, and hosting tree planting projects. Biden is using the tax system to make corporate America save the environment
4. Sent billions in weapons to Ukraine to save them from Russian invasion
5. Lowered drug prices by regulating price-gauging pharma companies
he has to be a fucking troll. Look at the post he made right before yours.
This has gone on long enough.

This is either a massive case of the Dunning-Kruger effect or a troll.
This has gone on long enough.

This is either a massive case of the Dunning-Kruger effect or a troll.
I think he's a great troll, and look forward to the day he goes ER while screaming leftist phrases like 'BLACK LIVES MATTER!'
he has to be a fucking troll. Look at the post he made right before yours.
I'm having you ignored as a troll. I don't believe you're this stupid. The people stupid enough to protest Joe Biden are the people living in trailers. I don't get hick vibes from this site.
This has gone on long enough.

This is either a massive case of the Dunning-Kruger effect or a troll.
I'm actually ignoring you as a troll, I know genuine right-wingers are too stupid to end up on this site. They don't understand technology enough.
I think you might be one of the most hated users on here. Keep posting though - it's nice to see some dissenting opinions.
Its always fun watching @Intellectual make a complete ass of himself. His IQ is so low that people here take his posts as a comedy show.
I know you're a troll but the irony is you are pretending to be a Trump supporter/white-nationalist, the lowest IQ group in society.
Another retarded take. I dont watch ben shapiro or fox. I get my news from real sources like RT, breitbart, 4chan, ect.
I don't get my news from CNN, unlike you I have something called critical thinking.
To even justify voting for a deranged pedophile whos son is literally a crackhead is completely absurd.
That's totally irrelevant. I don't vote for Joe Biden because of his family life or how well he raised Biden, I vote for him based on his economic policies and how he's going to guide America. His effect on the lives of 350 million people is more important than if his son has issues or not.

I think you're a troll. Even the dumbest most white trash Republicans will admit that while they disagree with Biden on the culture war, he has been a very good President and reasonable in his concessions. People dumb enough to be against Biden aren't on incels.is, they're watching Nascar with hicks in their trailer parks.
His economic policies? Are you fucking kidding? Have you seen what that dipshit is doing to the country???
You mean balancing the budget, dropping inflation from 9.1% to 2.4%, popping the oil bubble, creating more jobs than any President in U.S history, even more than Roosevelt?
Yea youre definitely a troll. Nobody is that stupid.

I'm having your account deleted.

I appreciate a good troll, but you're not even subtle. You have swastikas in your bio. No one is genuinely a Nazi. Holocaust deniers and Far-Right people always admit they're doing it to annoy people when truly pressed.
Go on retard, tell everyone what good biden did. Protip- you cant.
I already listed off a bunch of shit he did earlier in the thread retard. Biden had the guts to do wha Trump only spoke of.
I'm actually ignoring you as a troll, I know genuine right-wingers are too stupid to end up on this site. They don't understand technology enough.
I'm not right wing. Technically, I'm apolitical, not that this distinction has any meaning to you.

But carry on, Dunning-Kruger.
Going to make me type it all out again?

1. Withdrew from Afghanistan (Trump ran on this but was too much of a bitch to do it)
2. Raised taxes on the wealthy which narrowed the budget the deficit
3. Defended Ukraine from Russian aggression
4. Lowered drug prices by regulating price-gauging pharma companies
5. Improved American credibility on an international scale (after Trump made us a laughing stock)
I'm not right wing. Technically, I'm apolitical, not that this distinction has any meaning to you.

But carry on, Dunning-Kruger.
You're a right wing shithead like the rest of them.
1. Erased 25 years of progress in 1 week, causing an entire country to collapse
What Progress was made in Afghanistan? Are you suggesting we should have stayed in there forever and been their perpetual bodyguard? The whole point was to train the army there and GTFO, if they can't defend themselves now it's a lost cause anyway.
2. Complete lie
You're incredibly retarded
3. Wasted TRILLIONS of taxpayer money to protect his investments
We haven't even sent trillions, the number is in the billions ATM. I'm done with this stupidity.
4. Another complete lie

5. Holy shit youre retarded. That is the exact opposite of what happened.
Damn, shit is popping off in here.
You're a right wing shithead like the rest of them.
That's incorrect. I'm telling you what I am and you're saying you know my own politics better than I do?


Let me take this opportunity to impart some wisdom to you on a little something called reality.

The reality is that your political positions and opinions are irrelevant and practically useless outside of forming your social circles, and at the voting booth. Also, unless you wield money and influence at the highest level of society, you cannot make any meaningful impact on the politics of your country - any country, regardless of the type of government in place. And so, the process of voting is a happy illusion that's granted to you by your betters with power to make you feel like a participant in the politics of your country by doing your "civic duty."

At the highest level, leaders aren't chosen by the commoners. You will learn the truth of this reality first-hand, if you reach the upper echelons of business and/or politics. Until then, keep voting, good citizen.
That's incorrect. I'm telling you what I am and you're saying you know my own politics better than I do?


Let me take this opportunity to impart some wisdom to you on a little something called reality.

The reality is that your political positions and opinions are irrelevant and practically useless outside of forming your social circles, and at the voting booth. Also, unless you wield money and influence at the highest level of society, you cannot make any meaningful impact on the politics of your country - any country, regardless of the type of government in place. And so, the process of voting is a happy illusion that's granted to you by your betters with power to make you feel like a participant in the politics of your country by doing your "civic duty."
Every person has one vote.
At the highest level, leaders aren't chosen by the commoners. You will learn the truth of this reality first-hand, if you reach the upper echelons of business and/or politics. Until then, keep voting, good citizen.
As I thought, you're a right-wing conspiracy theorist who thinks elections are fake.

Please learn the definition of words, you're as much as a nut as the rest of them.
Every person has one vote.

As I thought, you're a right-wing conspiracy theorist who thinks elections are fake.

Please learn the definition of words, you're as much as a nut as the rest of them.
I know you are an election denying nutbag. Enough to deduce you're mentally ill.
Your elections are all real, but effectively inconsequential.

You can't get under my skin, btw. I won't stop you from trying, though. :feelshaha:
Yeah, they only decide who will be the most powerful man in the world, totally inconsequential.
You're more than welcome to delude yourself and believe that tens of millions of - what was it you affectionately refered to them - "low IQ white trash" are allowed to decide who rules over them. All I can say to you in that regard is that anyone truly in charge would never let the common idiotic rabble do anything that can have any real impact in affecting the institutional structures of power and governance that they have worked hard to build and maintain.

Entities like BlackRock and other multinational corporate conglomerates are who rules over you in America and has any real say in deciding which options you have at the voting booth. Then you play your partisan politics like a tribal game of "our team" vs "your team" at the peon level and get to feel like "our team" wins four or eight years, or however many terms a US president is legally allowed to hold office. That satiates and pacifies you at the populace level well enough that you don't feel like you need to rebel and pose any real threat.
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You're more than welcome to delude yourself and believe that tens of millions of - what was it you affectionately refer to them - "low IQ white trash" are allowed to decide who rules over them. All I can say to you in that regard is that anyone truly in charge would never let the common idiotic rabble do anything that can have any real impact in affecting the institutional structures of power and governance that they have worked hard to build and maintain.

Entities like BlackRock and other multinational corporate conglomerates are who rules over you in America and has any real say in deciding which options you have at the voting booth. Then you play your partisan politics like a tribal game of "our team" vs "your team" at the peon level and get to feel like "our team" wins four or eight years, or however many terms a US president is legally allowed to hold office. That satiates and pacifies you at the populace level well enough that you don't feel like you need to rebel and pose any real threat.
You know Blackrock is an asset manager right? They don't "own" anything, they manage money on behalf of their clients and channel it into cash generating securities. The real owners of Blackrocks vast fortune is the clients they represent, mostly pensioners.

Ultra-privileged brats like you are the ones Blackrock is working behalf of. Your parents own Blackrock, Blackrock manages their money and reports to them quarterly as they do all working Americans with pensions who invest through them. You are living a better life than kings 40 years ago because of our advanced and efficient economy, and part of the reason why it's so advanced is that we have a very well developed financial service industry.
You know Blackrock is an asset manager right? They don't "own" anything, they manage money on behalf of their clients and channel it into cash generating securities. The real owners of Blackrocks vast fortune is the clients they represent, mostly pensioners.
That's what they are on paper. They have major holdings in virtually every important company shaping America and other parts of the world.

It's not just them who runs the US and has real say, it's the lobbyists as well. Even the normies know that.

Ultra-privileged brats like you are the ones Blackrock is working behalf of.




That was the best laugh I had in long while. Thanks for that.

Your parents own Blackrock, Blackrock manages their money and reports to them quarterly as they do all working Americans with pensions who invest through them. You are living a better life than kings 40 years ago because of our advanced and efficient economy, and part of the reason why it's so advanced is that we have a very well developed financial service industry.
Still shilling for the banks, I see.
That's what they are on paper. They have major holdings in virtually every important company shaping America and other parts of the world.
Yes, but they are not entitled to the proceeds of their investment income. When their stocks appreciate it is recognized as profit for the pensioners they represent.
It's not just them who runs the US and has real say, it's the lobbyists as well. Even the normies know that.
LOOOOOOOOOL, more conspiracy nonsense. Lobbying plays a role but only mentally ill people think it's more important than winning votes.




That was the best laugh I had in long while. Thanks for that.

Still shilling for the banks, I see.
Yes, all modern and functional economies need banks.
Yes, but they are not entitled to the proceeds of their investment income. When their stocks appreciate it is recognized as profit for the pensioners they represent.

LOOOOOOOOOL, more conspiracy nonsense. Lobbying plays a role but only mentally ill people think it's more important than winning votes.

Yes, all modern and functional economies need banks.
Jew Propaganda

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