Welcome to Incels.is - Involuntary Celibate Forum

Welcome! This is a forum for involuntary celibates: people who lack a significant other. Are you lonely and wish you had someone in your life? You're not alone! Join our forum and talk to people just like you.

Brutal My mom found out I'm active on incel forums. Not sure what to do

This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
Throw a man tantrum then go all Greta thunberg on her ass, jokes aside not much ya can do really.



this dude is 18 or 19 now.


it's over for him.:feelsbadman:
I'm blaming him.
Why are you using your phone to browse shit? I don't care if I'm an oldcel. Stop using your phone to browse shit because anyone can see what you're doing on that when you're not around the fucking phone. Or better yet, if you have to use your phone, why the fuck isn't it locked so she can't get into it? Growing up I watched a ton of porn and no one knew about it because all of my stuff was locked and hidden from my parents. And I got into porn at a very young age.
No one's fault but his own.
Youngcels can ascend with just be first theory tbh
JFL at the comments.

"go to therapy boyo, but don't take the jewpills" :soy:

Going to therapy as an ugly truecel male is completely pointless, there is nothing, no combination of words, no strategy to overcome depression when the reason for your depression is so obvious. Of course incel forums are a "tough place" since we don't shy away from the blackpill and honesty. We're not gaslighting each other.

I ONLY go to therapy to get some jewpills, jfl.
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Nowhere in society it is safe or healthy for incels.
Must really suck having parents that monitor your shit so vigurously
My mother doesn't even know what an incel is kek also I use the fast banana theme and only browse in laptop (I blocked incels.co in my phone because I realized I spent too much time on it)
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
High inhib cuck if you dont write your ER plans to .co while eating toast with your sister
Her mum screamed n cried bcos the truth was too brutal
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy
This is one of the dumbest things that somehow continues to be spammed on spaces for lonely people. If you are a friendless loser who's bottom of the barrel socially, and are a non participant in the sexual marketplace, 16 or 61 you are definitely incel. By 16 you've had over a decade to suceed and make progress socially. You should definitely know where you stand, and unless you magically grow 8 inches like Anthony Davis you will be there, forever. Try to think about where you were at 16. By 16 I had basically given up on life entirely and was an emotionless husk. That was not too long before I joined up actually.

Also I can't with these fucking comments, I'm twitching like a madman reading all of this worthless "advice". Do they honestly think that shit will work? That lonely people are simply too stupid to try and talk to people? Play sports? Holy shit have they ever played a team sport they werent good at? Fuck!

Also x2 this is mos def something my piece of shit single mother would do. Losing the parental lottery starts you 20 spaces behind go.
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
Tbh some people are so ugly, that puberty won't fix their flaws, sometimes it makes them worse. Puberty only helps to an extent if you were already somewhat attractive. It can't make a big nose shorter, move your eyes closer together and give you a chiselled lower third jfl.

When you're terminally ugly, you know that puberty won't do anything
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This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
This is one of the dumbest things that somehow continues to be spammed on spaces for lonely people. If you are a friendless loser who's bottom of the barrel socially, and are a non participant in the sexual marketplace, 16 or 61 you are definitely incel. By 16 you've had over a decade to suceed and make progress socially. You should definitely know where you stand, and unless you magically grow 8 inches like Anthony Davis you will be there, forever. Try to think about where you were at 16. By 16 I had basically given up on life entirely and was an emotionless husk. That was not too long before I joined up actually.

Also I can't with these fucking comments, I'm twitching like a madman reading all of this worthless "advice". Do they honestly think that shit will work? That lonely people are simply too stupid to try and talk to people? Play sports? Holy shit have they ever played a team sport they werent good at? Fuck!

Also x2 this is mos def something my piece of shit single mother would do. Losing the parental lottery starts you 20 spaces behind go.
It's possible that somehow at the last moment you develop more and become CHad-lite or even better. That's why we have to make sure.
Many people are mentalcels, so getting help in your youth would also be much better than being here.

Tbh some people are so ugly, that puberty won't fix their flaws, sometimes it makes them worse. Puberty only helps to an extent if you were already somewhat attractive. It can't make a big nose shorter, move your eyes closer together and give you a chiselled lower third jfl.

When you're terminally ugly, you know that puberty won't do anything
True, I guess all he can do is pray that somehow he develops attractive traits.
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
Ban everyone under 25
This is one of the dumbest things that somehow continues to be spammed on spaces for lonely people. If you are a friendless loser who's bottom of the barrel socially, and are a non participant in the sexual marketplace, 16 or 61 you are definitely incel. By 16 you've had over a decade to suceed and make progress socially. You should definitely know where you stand, and unless you magically grow 8 inches like Anthony Davis you will be there, forever. Try to think about where you were at 16. By 16 I had basically given up on life entirely and was an emotionless husk. That was not too long before I joined up actually.

Also I can't with these fucking comments, I'm twitching like a madman reading all of this worthless "advice". Do they honestly think that shit will work? That lonely people are simply too stupid to try and talk to people? Play sports? Holy shit have they ever played a team sport they werent good at? Fuck!

Also x2 this is mos def something my piece of shit single mother would do. Losing the parental lottery starts you 20 spaces behind go.
High inhib cuck if you dont write your ER plans to .co while eating toast with your sister

This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
I have been saying this all along but the mods are still allowing Pre-20 babycels on here. Once you are past 20 then you can look at yourself and the world around you in an objective manner to determine whether you will ever fit in or not.
Ban everyone under 25
Brootal, it's over for me then.

I have been saying this all along but the mods are still allowing Pre-20 babycels on here. Once you are past 20 then you can look at yourself and the world around you in an objective manner to determine whether you will ever fit in or not.
I guess the mods don't care. The more activity the better for them.
View attachment 358262

Nowhere in society it is safe or healthy for incels.

Yep, he should just get out there and mingle with normies who'll take the piss out of him 24/7 to make them feel better about themselves, and also to get looks of disgust from foids on the street, that'll do him the world of good
I have been saying this all along but the mods are still allowing Pre-20 babycels on here. Once you are past 20 then you can look at yourself and the world around you in an objective manner to determine whether you will ever fit in or not.
I guess I'm only 10 months away from not being a "babycel" :feelskek: .
I guess. Time for you to be back in 10 months.
What even is going to change? I approached 105 times and got rejected every time. I also get zero matches on tinder after months of using it (march-july)
What even is going to change? I approached 105 times and got rejected every time. I also get zero matches on tinder after months of using it (march-july)
You will definately grow a pErSOnaliTy in those 10 months. :soy:
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
I disagree.

Teenage failed attempts at love will haunt you forever. Being bitter will protect their pride and go thru life relieved from social pressure. Maybe a youngcel, midcel and oldcel (you can only view one of these subforums depending on your age) will be best. Youngcels this way will find good friends and not be lonely and oldcels will not have to read highschool or college threads.
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
17 is adult
Ok. There are programs that can be placed on your phone and computer that will block certain sites. Have your mom download those programs and block all those sites, and have her hold the passwords.
If you go to her with the explanation
"I don't know why I'm addicted to browsing these communities, I know i need help and here are some programs that can help keep me on track from staying away from them. Please put them on our software and block these sites. It will help me keep away from them until my therapy helps my mental health."
Coming to her with a solution is going to show her that you're committed to being better and its going to help both of you.
After that, you need to change your sleep schedule. I would bet a kidney you're staying up way too late browsing these places and sleeping as late as possible before your family rousts you out of bed.
Set an alarm for 5:30 am, move that alarm all the way across the room before you go to bed, and go to bed, turn out the lights at 10pm close your eyes and lie there until the alarm goes off.
Move all your electronics (computers, gaming systems, etc) out of your room. I did that with my laptop and i haven't slept better since. That includes the phone. Nothing with a led screen that can tempt you to fuck around in bed browsing the internet or playing a game.
when your alarm goes off, throw on some sweat pants, sneakers, and a t-shirt or tank top and go run. Start quick, go until you just start to feel a burn in your lungs and your heartbeat is in your ears and gradually slow to a stop. You want to time the slow to a stop right as you feel like you absolutely cant go any more. Catch your breath. Repeat. Do that for 45 minutes to an hour. Find a loop that brings you back home in that time frame.
Go inside, take a shower, brush your teeth, comb your hair, floss, do ALL the hygene things. Make it a ritual. Wash your ass, brush your teeth, floss, comb your hair, shave. Every day, over and over.
Eat breakfast. You don't need sugary cereals, at least one piece of fruit, something with carbs be it something like cream of wheat or oatmeal, a couple of eggs however you like them. Go to school, eat lunch, block at least one hour of homework time immediately after school. Go for a second run, same way. Come home, quick shower just to wash the sweat off. Spend some time talking to friends online or in person depending on how fucked your area is with covid. Look for a non online hobby to get into, maybe start learning to cook. Eat dinner, try to keep it healthy. Give yourself about a half hour before bedtime, do pushups until your arms quiver and crunches until your stomach burns.
Stop drinking soda or energy drinks. I find carbonated water helps with quitting those things. I hate sucralose so Talking rain is my go-to brand. Its got flavor without sugar The carbonation is reminiscent of the soda and you're actually getting hydrated instead of drinking things that will dry you out and give you kidney stones at 30. It will also help you fall asleep at a normal human time.
Make this schedule. Show it to your parents, ask them to help you stick to it.
Repeat this over and over. The first couple weeks will be hardest and when you need the most support from your family, the goal is to turn it into a habit that you just do unconsciously.
I cannot guarantee that this will fix your depression, but it will help, endorphins from exercise will help your brain chemistry, and after a month or two of sticking to this the changes you'll see in your body will help your self confidence. Make improving yourself a project you're working on for the rest of your life.
You're starting a little behind the curve bro, but you're really young still and there's plenty of time to make up the difference.
Also don't take advice about women, what they want or what they think from people who self-admit they cant find girlfriends. Thats the thing ive never understood about those communities.

This advice from that redditor isn't even realistic. You can't do anything like this when you are depressed.
Also the meme advice of waking up at or before 6 am again. jfl at normies thinking you can force yourself to wake up to this time regularly if you don't have to when some people are naturally not morning people.
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Must really suck having parents that monitor your shit so vigurously
Seriously. Was always grateful af that mine always minded their own business with what I did online, just gave the basic obvious warnings (don't meet up with people, don't tell your address, etc).
Just use Fast Banana Theme and tell them you are browsing a viral marketing website.

Ded srs it's over for that youngcel. His parents will fucking boot him out at 18 like the pathetic excuse for a parent they most likely are.
Just use Fast Banana Theme and tell them you are browsing a viral marketing website.

Ded srs it's over for that youngcel. His parents will fucking boot him out at 18 like the pathetic excuse for a parent they most likely are.
Jfl at that 17 year old phag. It's probably @FastBananaCEO kek
This is why we should ban all youngcels. If they come here as youth when they are still developing, it will be a self fullfilling prophecy.
But when you are an adult, that's when you can finally realize if it's over for you cause your development has ended physically.
First looksmaxx, be a Redpiller.

Only after you know 100% it's over, then you are allowed to give up
First looksmaxx, be a Redpiller.
Doesn't work for curries and SEA.
Redpill approach works best for whites, blacks and latinos that aren't framelets and that are NT.

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